MCU Phase Four RANKED!

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so there we have it 2022 is now over and a new year is upon us a chance for all of us to add other things we maybe didn't get right last year or hell maybe try some things new go for a career change go make a new friend or maybe go start a relationship with somebody new but whatever you decide to do now is just the time for change and to maybe improve the things we didn't get right last time and let's hope the same applies to the VM to you because what the [ __ ] was that it was it was bad yeah I mean I think this is a very interesting phase to look at when you look at all 18 titles 18 titles in two years for context actually the other series we're doing the pre MCU Marvel movie series that we are currently doing that also has 18 titles as well the difference is is that took place over 10 years oh God bro this took place in just two when you look at it it really does just sort of look like Marvel was trying to just throw everything at the wall and see what's stuck if that makes any sense it seems to have covered every single genre without really yeah caring too much about making a coherent Arc or a coherent through line you know which I find bizarre I find it bizarre that they're choosing to do that now when they're arguably at the height of their game in terms of success if we're going off of the off the heels of Avengers end game which was their most successful movie of all time and one of the most successful movies time period I think it is also pretty clear that different things will probably appeal to different people as well just thinking about some of the genres that they've gone through I can definitely think of it appealing to some people yeah there's some things I really like which I know other people don't like there's some things I hate which I know other people like so and obviously with that in mind if anyone is wandering through YouTube and just just randomly comes across this video do obviously keep in mind hello hello for a start thanks for clicking but also I think it is good to keep in mind that this is just our opinion but also keep in mind that there are two lists on here mine and Matt yeah so if you think which are going to be vastly different probably exactly so if you think R's a [ __ ] this is probably more than likely the me and Matt are going to think each other's a [ __ ] as well so yeah I think I've waffled on long enough I'm just gonna get into the ranking I'm gonna do my 18 to 10 and Matt's gonna do his 18 to 10. I'm gonna do my nine to three Matt's gonna do his nine to three and then I'll do my two Matt will do his two and then we'll just talk about our favorite one because believe it or not there are some there are some good things on this so yeah there's like two things in this phase that I like maybe three so my number 18 She-Hulk attorney at law oh dear and I know what plenty of people are thinking oh okay here we go another bloke on the internet complaining about She-Hulk because there's that in the other no okay I gave the show a chance I watched the first trailer I thought it looked awful I watched the second trailer and I thought it looked a bit more promising again I feel like Marvel sort of saw the reception the first trailer got and thought right okay all the aces up Our Sleeve all the cameos we're gonna show him in the trade to get people hype so obviously that got people's expectations really on course to seeing Matt Murdoch slash Daredevil seeing how Wong would be incorporated into this somehow when really all it kind of turned into was a massive [ __ ] tease for Daredevil and being very open about the fact that they know that's what we're looking for but just choosing to almost antagonize us for it in in a weird sort of way it's chock full of themes and messages which on their own are fine but I think are portrayed in a very self-damaging way there are certain scenes where she-hole when she says to Bruce Banner that he knows nothing about what controlling anger is because she has to deal with it better than him I mean I I know that they're trying to make a statement or women being harassed and women feeling unsafe being in certain public places which I'm totally behind but to do that at the expense of characters who clearly have gone through a lot and characters that we actually love I just think is completely self-damaging and it's just completely backwards to be honest so I think that kind of takes the show even more because it actually hurts quite a important and good message and then obviously the final thing I'll say is that twerking scene just [ __ ] my life anyway number 17. oh love and Thunder oh gods of thunder no sorry Lord of Thunder no sorry Mighty fool no no Mighty [ __ ] don't call me lady Thor even though I've copied everything from Thor and you would have nothing you'd have nothing else to go off when you call me something yeah exactly and don't call me Keira Knightley either I get really annoyed about that but yeah thought love and thunder um what the [ __ ] I prime example of Marvel taking the comedic aspects of their movies and shows all the things don't work about it in all the other projects and just lumped it into one colorful vomit I went to a packed showing of this when it first came out and I kid you not there were people laughing every single time those [ __ ] goats came up and I was just thinking really is this really looking good is this really funny I mean I'll admit the only time I did find it funny was when I saw the Guardians of the Galaxy try and work out how they would deal with this like I thought that was kind of comedic everything else from the really bad jokes like I think the two that stick out to me is the infinity cones ride at you Asgard I just thought was awful because yeah it was it's basically poking fun at genocide it's basically like opening a theme park and maybe in your nacho stand um 911 nachos yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah something like that yeah I'll go with that yeah so obviously that was bad and obviously they they're the self-referential phase four joke in there referring to the stages of cancer which I thought was very distasteful I mean and then we just talk about the villain for a second goal the god butcher I would argue he wasn't actually the god butcher this [ __ ] Tiger waititi but that's the other thing isn't it you know hiring Christian Bale to play this really well-designed character was an amazing idea and if they actually utilized him properly it would have made the movie that much more memorable but now it's just memorable for the wrong reasons it the more I think about it is this how people who went to see The Phantom Menace when they came out is this how they felt oh yeah I mean there was that CGI thing that wouldn't shut up and then there was that really cool Rhythm that showed up for two minutes um but the rest yeah but yeah no I think I'm done with that so I'm gonna move on to number 16. eternals you're waiting you're awake no I've just I've realized how much higher I put that so eternals for me was the burst big like just complete Miss for me in this I I found the characters dull and boring found all the time jumping disorientating and I found it really hard to keep up with like a lot of these titles as well the cast was just completely wasted you know Angelina Jolie Salma Hayek I mean these These are great names who would have been really good additions I think and I feel like they still could be if they appear again with some better writing and they're in a better movie but for me just completely completely missed I mean some of the things that happened for me were just completely laughable as well like that part where Sprite is running down the road and then she just gets kind of like whipped and then just kind of goes ah and falls over and then we have Icarus as well flying into the sun because you know Icarus you get it flew too close to the Sun uh because you know this movie's deep now you know yeah with all that in mind yeah a Turtles just didn't work for me at all if there's anything else I would feel important to say about it is that they did open it pretty cheaply for me by playing one of my all-time favorite songs over the Marvel logo is being timed by Pink Floyd so at least that got me excited in the moment but then like Icarus I guess it Rose too quick quickly anyway moving on to number 15. the Falcon and the Winter Soldier [Music] all right I'm just I'm here just doing them yeah this one here in particular in my mind committed the biggest crime uh a piece of entertainment can do to me personally and that is it literally it made me feel literally nothing throughout the entirety of its run time some of the others on here that I've put below or even slightly higher like I at least felt a bit of anger you know what I mean at least there's passion in that but in this it's just empty it's beige yeah I'm not really the biggest fan of Sam becoming Captain America because he's already he's already a super he's already the Falcon I don't really think there needs to be another Captain America and that was the main question this show was asking so if the show is asking a question I don't really think he needs to be answered then I'm just not going to be invested also yeah the villains oh my gosh who were the villains I don't remember who the villains were it was those [ __ ] kids you know the activists who had the super soldier serum I thought the villain was new Captain America the imagery of the new Captain America with the blood on his shield is cool yeah it's a good photo yeah no I agree okay that's it yeah that being a Saving Grace I think another one I I kind of enjoyed Aaron zemo's presence in it his dancing actually he was cool he did that dance but anyway number 14 Black Widow I think for me now we're sort of getting to the ones where like some things worked for me but more than work than did so it still isn't a past Black Widow I think did have some things to work for me I think Scarlett Johansson was great as usual as Black Widow I really liked the introduction of Elena into the MCU I still think she's really cool David Harbor as Red Guardian was very entertaining as well so there we go I mean we're off to a good start we've at least got characters who are enjoyable to watch and you're kind of enjoying going on this journey with and that's always a good start because if you don't have that then you're [ __ ] basically but then obviously when we got into the bad stuff yeah this movie had no right to be released when it was Natasha in the timeline at this point is already dead so we're having to go back to the sort of Civil War era in the MCU task master was completely wasted I do like the plot device to where like the main villain uses their own children for their own personal game like I think that is a very compelling bot I need to use that on a character like task master and in this case was just completely unfitting the dialogue I thought was really quite bad again it's it's another example of them taking serious situations just making them a joke but obviously not to the extent of Thor love and thunder which is why as you know it's higher than full love and thunder but yeah I wouldn't say it's as bad as some people say it is but it certainly isn't good either so yeah number 13 what if oh that's lower than I thought it'd be yeah honestly I thought I was gonna really love this show because uh again this is one of the ones that I had to play catch up on a little bit I didn't watch it when it first came out and again I love what if type scenarios obviously if we go back to the Stars Infinity Comics like where they tell different deviations of what may have happened if things changed in the original Star Wars movies those I really enjoyed reading as a kid and also like certain Doctor Who episodes like turn left as well really enjoyed that as well so I think maybe with all that being said I think maybe I had my standards a bit too high of what Marvel could do with a what if scenario but so many of these just don't make any [ __ ] sense honestly like the first one um you know if Agent Carter got the super soldier siren rather than [ __ ] Steve obviously this was this is apparently what would have happened but I don't believe for a second that if she got that then they would have randomly gone oh okay would we actually have this World War II Iron Man suit for Steve to still be in the action yeah no if Steve never got the serum he would have been cast aside like nothing so again I think when you're doing things like this it's really important it's important to have a still be able to spend our disbelief basically yeah you know and what the [ __ ] was that full um what if Thor was an only child or whatever yeah I don't remember that one oh well it was awful it was terrible I I did kind of like the doctor strange one that was pretty cool I like that apart from that yeah none of them really stand out to me at all number 12. oh Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special God that is way lower than I put it yeah now look I just want to say I'm sorry okay I am sorry thank you I'm glad somebody does this to me kind of fell victim of my expectations a little bit so for that reason I did place it a bit higher than I think I originally did but again I I think it is basically just the Kevin Bacon Trope that they've had in regards of the Galaxy which has been funny I was expecting more there in terms of the Guardians of the Galaxy Adventure I mean that might also be selfish of me because I have really missed the Guardians of the Galaxy so you know that that might play into it somewhat but I found it one of those experiences where I just I found it just a bit too cringe but then again there are some stuff I do really like about it I really like the ending with the reveal that mantis is Will's sister that was really nice I think it was handed really well and I can't wait to see how they explore that in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 I think it's going to be great and I also really like the animation as well with yondu and I really like the reveal at the end that that's how Phil got his guns he got it for Christmas I know those two things are really nice I think the the rest of it I just I I didn't enjoy the experience watching the rest of it so that's why I had to place it a bit lower number 11 Hawkeye that's quite funny spoiler my number 11 is also Hawkeye so we agree on one thing there man there's so many things here that makes me want to like it I mean I think this show actually dealt with the the Christmas aspect better than the holiday special Guides of the Galaxy it reminded me the things that I liked about Christmas and the atmosphere that comes with it whereas the holiday special kind of reminded of all the cringe aspects of Christmas if that makes these known obviously Elena and Kate Bishop I think great characters although I think they [ __ ] wasted Kingdom yeah he should have been the the main villain from the get-go I think Marvel shows keep doing this they keep having four or five episodes of nothing and then having like one or two actually be like oh hey well we tricked you we have a plot you know you thought we didn't but we did you know and and I think this is a prime example of that to the point where I feel like in a lot of the episodes they kept trying to remind us oh wait hold on there's actually mystery going on here you know just in case you forgot there are there are some really good action sequences like car chase was [ __ ] great you know all that stuff was really fun I found it really funny when uh Hawkeye had to go into that live-action role-playing game to try and get his suit back I did laugh I won't lie probably probably because I'm a big nerd so I found it kind of relatable so overall I wouldn't say it was awful but I couldn't go as far to say it was one of the one of the greats number 10. Marvel yeah I think a fair bit does work about the show actually I will not lie again I I can sort of tell that this isn't really angled towards me at all it's for a younger audience I think with that being said like it did actually manage to pack a lot of charm and a lot of that kind of childlike imagination into the series which I thought you know did work really well for the most part I did really like Kamala as well as the lead again I knew nothing about this character beforehand I didn't know if it was gonna be an associate of uh Captain Marvel or something I think in this case there was some really good representation on display as well like I think that a lot of people are going to be really happy that they have this in the MCU so I I'll help recommend it for that also I think the things that didn't really work was mainly like the last couple of episodes for me it just sort of felt like the only thing they were fighting was damage control which is just a bit lame okay that is me done right I'll I guess I'll take over now number 18. the Falcon and the Winter Soldier no way it's still the most awful thing I've seen Marvel ever do got a terrible story terrible action terrible character writing it's just terrible the whole premise of the show completely takes away from Steve as a character and turns him in into nothing but a name we need a new Captain America like okay well I miss Steve you know I mean I I don't even remember the villains the messaging is really blatant and Ill thought through and everything you said just terrible yeah fair enough yeah see this one seems pretty plain like yeah anyway I'll move on to number 17. She-Hulk again awful characterization absolutely nothing in it makes any sense whatsoever there's so many random things like she gets attacked by these men because men are awful yeah of course one of those men turn out to actually be like a recovering addict that she's now kind of friends with Intelligentsia are trying to like still all her blood so they can become a Hulk but then she just goes nah let's change that and it's just like the only bit of it I enjoyed was the balls of them to do the whole Disney plus breaking the screen thing it went from like this is just terrible to this is terrible but what the [ __ ] is going on it felt almost like there was a group of writers that just wrote a horrible show and then a slightly better writer came in and went I don't know what to do [ __ ] it we're not gonna get a second season let's just make it let's just make it insane yeah apparently I saw a thing about the production of it where this was meant to come out before Miss Marvel but it was deemed so bad by the studio they demanded a bunch of reshoots for it to then come out of the state we saw it so how bad was it before those reshoots oh God I don't even want to imagine they had the chance to do some cool stuff with the courtroom stuff but they never did any the only courtroom bit that happened was when Daredevil shown up and did good courtroom stuff but we've been told since day one she's a great lawyer but we never see her doing anything decent lawyer base the whole explaining to Bruce why she's been through more doesn't work because he's the only good guy character in the MCU that has a canonical suicide attempt you know exactly and then Daredevil comes in and they don't [ __ ] all over Daredevil so it really feels like there's someone up above that went yeah you can make fun of Bruce he's been in Lowe's doesn't matter but you can't destroy Daredevil you can't [ __ ] on him because he's the only character aside from gen that gets any respect in the writing awful anyway let's move on from that on to number 16 black widow um I hate this film and I don't know what I don't even know why it exists really it exists more it feels like an apology to Scarlett Johansson that they never gave her a film this should have been a filler film in phase two or three I like Elena she's fun to have in there but you could have just had her coming in Hawkeye and explained it in a 20-minute flashback during that show as as to why she's there and had been just as effective there's not too much to say about it terrible CGI there's a bit where like they're trying to break her dad out of a prison so they cause an avalanche and like fly off all heroically with him and no one seems to think or mention that they just enclosed a bunch of guards who were just doing their job in with a ton of murderous prisoners yeah there's a lot of that's a common theme in phase four not thinking through the consequences of what they do and then playing it off like it's some big heroic moment but yeah before I go on to 15 I'm going to quickly explain something I forgot to explain up until number 10 I think all of these are almost equally as bad I struggled to put them in an order because they're all terrible so yeah we're not we're nowhere near good jet but anyway number 15 Loki no that's gonna be a really hot take but yeah no explain it fundamentally breaks the MCU in the sense of continuity the ending of it is a man saying everything that has just happened was always going to happen and Free Will doesn't exist but after this there is Free Will it retroactively ruins the attack priority of phase one two and three in a couple of episodes Loki wants to bang himself oh come on dude would you not want to bang yourself no so the Loki we get is from 2012 Avengers who is like this conniving murderous little [ __ ] and literally within no longer than five or ten minutes he goes from that to just a good guy what they should have done is done a time Jump of a thousand years and then maybe I could buy that he's become more of a good guy they take bad Loki and then pretend that that one had all the character development that we saw and go from there but he didn't they took they took one that was evil and murderous yeah exactly I mean maybe this would have been a good opportunity to have that bad Logan just have it be a bit of an offshoot you know you've had a lot of yeah Loki becoming good and bad and everything but no that's let's have like the Savage Tyrant that we had yeah Avengers 2012 yeah yeah but so much of it also doesn't make sense when you watch like doctor strange and the whole dreams are Gateway some multiverses but then you know in locally multiverses didn't exist because yeah they were does that mean no one dreamed until that Loki show happened and then some people say that that show happened outside of time so I thought the [ __ ] does that mean like it's too complicated it doesn't yes it's so convoluted that it just doesn't make sense the minute you start thinking about it and it fundamentally breaks all of the continuity in the MCU up to this point so for that reason it's number 15. right number 14 Thor love and thunder wow that is way harder than I thought you put it yeah yeah okay like I said a lot of this is It's competition for the worst and there are no winners here though no yeah so this one takes one of the greatest characters in the MCU and just laughs at him and turns him into a buffoon for it's no [ __ ] a reason the bit where he's stripped naked is almost like sexual harassment levels are bad like imagine if they did that to Valkyrie or Mighty Thor just went we're gonna parade you around naked in front of Zeus because you know funny and then the whole thing with his tattoos yeah like but the thing he's been mourned a lot of his brother for so long and then they make a joke out of it by low look at that funny Loki tattoo he has it's like this is the man that's lost everything in your poking fun at that all the bad cancer Jokes which I'm never offended by I don't find I don't think I've ever found a joke offensive but they're just bad jokes they're just bad I will admit there is one bit that does make me laugh and it only makes me laugh because it made my girlfriend Tamsin laugh when we first watched it um at the very beginning when the men come like trundling in like the blue men like it was so unexpected that she burst out laughing and now I can't help but laugh every time I see it it's just like hello they're just jungling in and there's there's some very small Minor Details that are quite funny like he like when he reveals he takes off his um cloak or whatever at the beginning if you look in the background it like lands on the leader's head I'm just like oh that's so funny yeah yeah but then like this this guy is trying to protect the universe just destroys this civilization's Most Holy Temple but LOL it's funny in it it's like no he just destroyed these people's own lab goats obviously were annoying Christian Bale as Gore is actually really good I like I've watched the film three times now somehow and here's the song sounds amazing so his performance is genuinely amazing and it should have been in a better film I I don't know why we've seemed to put together director and writer as two jobs like these directors obviously can't write Thor Ragnarok was wasn't written by Tiger ytt it was only directed by him so I feel like if they got an actual writer to write this and they give it to him to direct we could have got a good funny film but the problem is he was also writing it and the whole the whole film comes down to Let's laugh at Thor for a bit and then it ends and that's it really anyway I'm gonna move on to my number 13. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness okay all right yeah okay this one continues to fundamentally wreck any and all continuity in the MCU while simultaneously destroying Doctor Strange's character he's oblithering idiot in this show in this film now he goes and finds wonder who he should know is a terrible person that enslaved hundreds of people in a city or a town sorry he goes to her and just without even questioning it he literally goes hey I don't care about your show uh can you come help us and then she's just like surprise I was a Scarlet Witch it's like how did you how did you not know that how did you not why and then they then set up their defenses and all this [ __ ] and that none of that works wonder is so overpowered it doesn't make any sense yeah just it isn't Spider-Man as well his character they've just they've wrecked Doctor Strange as a character by make he's an idiot to facilitate the plot they want to tell then they travel through the Multiverse and none of it makes any sense they decide to kill off Patrick Stewart again yeah like I can't catch a break okay and then we have another aspect here the smartest man in the world Reeve Richards goes up to wonder and tells her exactly how to kill them within five seconds it's just awful I've watched it three times and every single time I found more things I dislike about it it's got some okay stuff the Sam raimi-isms are cool but just the right it's written by the same person who wrote Loki so and it hurts even more that doctor strange one was amazing and probably my favorite origin film that was perfectly set up for him to have a showdown with his now the opposite mordo yeah to have a yeah have a showdown with mordo who's hunting Sorcerers and they just decide to make a generic nonsensical MCU film and wreck all the characters involved while doing so on to number 12 black panther wakanda forever it was unbelievably boring it's quite literally the plot of the first film but dragged out to be longer and involves more of an army the way they treated Chadwick's death this also includes the promotion of the film it just felt so exploitative they they've hacked this poor dead guys Twitter to incessantly promote this film that he's not in oh really oh God yeah the Chadwick boseman's Twitter is like go watch wakanda forever it's like Jesus Christ like imagine if I died and then you hacked into my Twitter to like promote a song that I happened to give you the idea for okay this is gonna be very touchy because as a white person I don't feel educated enough to talk on this but I'm just gonna propose the questions so that it can potentially it's just out there I know that this film is made by African Americans and it's representing African culture when I watch it it feels as though I'm watching some mesh and concoction of every African culture ever because remember Africa is [ __ ] massive and all of those countries obviously are going to have their own different cultures whereas this film feels like it's just sort of taking the surface level of all of those cultures and americanizing and meshing it together to make something that is what an American person would think African culture is that then bugs me because it's then promoted as the true African culture experience you gotta go watch this and you'll be immersed in our true culture when these people potentially aren't actually involved in that culture much at all because they're American first and foremost I want to propose that as a very open idea in question because I'm not well educated but that's something I feel like is happening you know so yeah that's what I had to say about Black Panther didn't like it it's very boring um the main villain is lava I found hilarious because they tried to make his little his Little Wing boots look intimidating I couldn't stop laughing at just him flying around yeah it looked like something like he picked up from Mario Kart or something but yeah that's what I had to say about Black Panther on the number 11 which you already know which is Hawkeye this is my definition of just nothing I don't remember anything much that happened but it wasn't that offensive you know it's the sort of thing where I feel like if I had a family and they loved archery I could put it on every week and just sort of go this is fine I can't say it's good because nothing good really happens but I can't say it's terrible because I think really terrible really happens you know and that's what I don't have much else to say about Hawkeye yeah fair enough nine number ten is what if it's got one or two cool ideas in the episodes I wouldn't say any of it is truly bad and that might be because of its premise like something bad happening in that show isn't as bad as it happening in say Loki because it doesn't actually have any further butterfly effect on the MC to you something negative in that show is just sort of like oh well it really doesn't matter this can't affect my enjoyment of Doctor Strange because it has no bearing on Doctor Strange whereas Loki and Doctor Strange affects my enjoyment of one or the other because they have bearing upon each other some of the ideas in it are cool suppressor is completely throw away I'm not the biggest fan of the animation style it felt very you know like early Clone Wars sort of this feels like a video game animation like a Telltale saw a bad Telltale animation like not that style but that sort of vibe and that's all I really have to say about what if and I'll throw back over to you for your knife through three coming in at number nine uh Loki this could have been a really phenomenal show like there are so many things in here which are a recipe for greatness but there's just so much noise there's so much noise around them trying to explain the Multiverse to us and it's almost like they got afraid I thought they got afraid at some point where they kind of asked the question oh well if they don't explain it in a certain way then people are just gonna call [ __ ] and say oh why didn't this come up before so we'll just say it couldn't have come up before because you know this unaltered timeline all this bike no you could have just had an untapped Theory which is finally being explored I hated that scene where Loki's going through the cabinet and there's just always inactive Infinity Stones because they don't work on this plane it's like oh yeah sometimes you we use them as paper weights it's like dude are you serious I didn't mind the whole female Loki romance I thought that was kind of funny because it sort of speaks to the vanity of Loki all that was fun it didn't bother me at all and at least they at least they did have some chemistry I think my favorite part of this show we had all the all the low-keys obviously we had Richard E Grant as like older Loki brilliant casting and I love Richard E Grant so that was really cool I really like that I also think the introduction to Kang however was quite clumsy I think the placement to ring him in here didn't really leave a very good impression or the next big bad of the MCU I think aesthetically this show is marvelous yes I would agree I love the style of it like it has that very vintage retro feel to it whilst also fitting and looking very new and contemporary yes which I thought was really cool and obviously Tom hiddleston's acting was really good I think he still has it as Loki but again the writing was nowhere near as good as the sort of switch that he made near the beginning wasn't the fan in the way that they did that those are my thoughts on Loki uh is number nine look at this everyone we can disagree on something and not fight about it exactly exactly number eight Moon Knight wow what a good concept what a good concept multiple personalities in in shows there's always something that's really appealed to me there's so much potential for the writing and different directions it can go which I think it utilized pretty well for the most part for me though that this didn't really work that well as a show I think it would be a way better movie imagine if this was a movie and they just took all the good elements it'd be a [ __ ] great movie I think the week to week and how stretched they made some of the plot lines made for a bit of an uneven pacing for me and I would be lying if I said I was always invested and also you kind of got to ask the question as well I was like okay how are we gonna Implement Egyptian gods into this now and have that made sense and the power level of that in relation to everything else is a bit but yeah I mean overall I look back fondly on moon night and I'm looking forward to seeing if they're going to do anything else with the character I think there is definitely good potential there still but nonetheless it is in eighth place so number seven on the forever oh that's I thought that might have been higher for you I really liked some elements of how they treated Chadwick's death I think the main thing that I like with how they treated it was they never for one minute tried to state that anyone could replace him fully as black panther obviously there is another Black Panther in this so obviously there is that yeah that's established in the law though that black panther has passed down so there was always going to be even after even if he was still alive and left there would be another one you know yeah no of course but yeah obviously with all that being said it was always done in a way that's said okay there is a new black panther but she's not to Charlie she will never be to Charlie the villains were definitely a force to be reckoned with in this I would agree that the flying boots were very very silly um and sometimes I did think they were a bit overpowered which I think made some of the resolve a little bit easy when it actually got down to it but pacing was brutal I have no problem with a long movie I think my favorite movie that came out last year was the Batman and that was a three hour long movie I love that movie but that's because it had a level of intrigue and it had a level of progression in the plot I didn't have an issue with it here there was so much Meandering so many characters thrown in there which I just didn't care for like Iron Heart yeah the Power Ranger exactly nothing against the actors I'm sure she'll go on to do great things and I'm sure she's a lovely person but just for this character you know I'm not really ready for another iron man-esque character because I just don't think we need one then again that's just the session that Marvel seems to have replacing the old not with new but with new versions of the old which just doesn't really do anything for me so yeah I mean there were definitely things I enjoyed but it definitely fell short of bad pacing somewhat lazy resolve at the end so yeah condo forever is my number seven number six oh I can't believe this is this High number six for me is I am Groot again this was when I had to play catch up for I didn't watch this too long ago a tool myself in preparation for this list these five little shorts has more heart and more Soul than most of the rest of phase four I'm not even kidding when I was watching this I was reminded quite heavily of uh do you remember those Pixar short films they used to play like before the movies like here am I then we have just a series of those which I obviously have fond memories of growing up with Pixar so to be brought back to that like a Marvel thing was was actually kind of nice and kind of welcome and in terms of other things I think I honestly think the young kids kids who are preschool this would be amazing for them because you know at that point they're not really able to take a lot and dialogue at that point they're just sort of learning to read emotions and engage in the story in that way and I think this has that in Spades so I think you know for young kids this is gonna be this would be really good like if I had kids I I'd shown this because I think they they would probably really enjoy it so yeah I mean for that also this fully gets my blessing number five One Division One Division I still really enjoy it this is by far my favorite Disney plus miniseries by a long shot the idea to have all these episodes take place in different time periods of television with different areas of sitcom was so creative just as a concept alone but how they actually managed to execute it was just so this I'd never seen anything like it I just thought it was absolutely brilliant the mystery aspect behind it was built up really well like I was constantly on the edge of my seat just wanting to find out more layers and what was going on behind the scenes you know no pun intended I thought it was solid almost through and through I re-watched this a few months ago and I didn't even watch the last episode on my re-watch because I just thought yeah it really let it down it really let it down so again I think that's why it dropped down a little bit for me this would be a bit higher but I think it did let the side down at the end it basically just turned into another Marvel fight and underwhelming resolve it's a pretty awful line at the end whereas says you'll never understand what you sacrificed for them it's like you put them in the predicament in the first place so I just felt nothing I felt nothing with that and obviously there was that massive tease with having Quicksilver from the X-Men Universe coming your Evan Peters which like some of your eye can fully understand why so many fans were angry that you just turned out to be some random guy I didn't love it when I first watched it at all but I think at this point I've had enough you know characters coming from other universes that sort of quenched my Fanboy thirst a little bit so I don't feel as Hollow as I did when I first watched it I won't even lie even the first two episodes where it's basically just all sitcom stuff I could have watched that for the entire season I'm not even kidding like I don't even mind if I have to wait another two or three episodes to actually know what's going on because I'm just enjoying this and again Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen's chemistry I thought was magnetic do you know what I mean I thought it was great yeah I can't fault this show at all apart from that last episode which I just I really really did like yeah number five one division number four oh doctor strange and the Multiverse I know you really like this one don't you yeah so this one I actually think is one of the most divisive films that the PS4 has put out I would agree with that exactly I think I've met just as many people who've said that they loved it than people that said that they hated it there is no General consensus with this film The only sort of consensus I have seen is that it holds up less and less the more you watch it even people I know that love it have loved it a bit less every time they've watched it what I think this film is I had such a [ __ ] blast with this film and I I still do I think I've watched it like you Matt I think I watched it two or three times and you know I mean obviously you know the the initial excitement does wear off I'll agree with you a little bit there but I just love everything for the imagery to the score to all the Sam Raimi horror imagery that he managed to put in there it just sort of felt like when Sam raymie made this he just didn't really care about sticking to the Marvel formula all that much you just wanted to go right this is this is a doctor strange movie this is what I'm gonna do I found the Illuminati sequence really fun because I'll explain why because there's no way you could get away with Wonder in this case just killing all the mainline heroes in like one scene if it was set in our universe but the fact they actually got away with doing that in just one sequence in like a parallel universe so it doesn't matter was just Carnage it was just utter Carnage near the end where doctor strange dream walks into his own corpse and then uses like The Souls of the Damned as [ __ ] Wings To Go man that was badass [ __ ] I don't I don't even care I thought it was great I thought it was great I can't kiss this movie's butt too much I I will say that a lot of the Wonder stuff was pretty under thought I think uh reaching the goal she was trying to reach I think could have been done in loads of other ways so I do kind of raise my eyebrow a little bit of that suppose the plot is a little bit eh when you think about it with like the kids but I think I feel like it worked for Wonder coming off the one division that was probably the most fun I had in the theater with a Marvel movie last year and I'd be lying if I if I said something different so yeah any doctor strange and Multiverse Madness fans yeah there are some of us still out there I got you back number three oh werewolf by night oh I watched this today this was awesome I think you could probably tell that a lot of the horror attributes worked really well for me in baseball I mean yeah it doesn't take a genius but everything about this I like I can't really think of one thing where I thought it was a bit crap everything about this I [ __ ] love it all being in black and white making it seem like a old Universal monster movie like the old Frankenstein or the old wolf man aesthetically just so satisfying I loved the gore like how far they went with that I also just love the fact that it just felt like a DND one shot you know it's felt like a bunch of dudes fighting for this one McGuffin and then everything just goes [ __ ] out of control at the end the design of the werewolf as well gave me really old school Wolfman Vibes and also from other things like an American Werewolf in London one of my favorite horror movies of all time so that made me love it even more and yeah I mean obviously I can't lie this doesn't really seem like it has much bearing in the grand esteem of the MCU but yeah considering all the other things we've had in this phase I don't really mind that to be honest so I'll sweep in and take over with my number nine which is Wonder Vision oh okay yeah number nine one Division I enjoy it aesthetically like the first half I enjoyed the mystery element like oh what's going on I like the fact of the the aesthetic plays into the story the ending I can't watch it again because of how bad the ending is it's a Game of Thrones to fight itself it's so bad I mean I mean again like as I said earlier when I re-watched it I just skipped the last episode so I think if you ever did just do that I mean yeah it's just the fact that they tried to justify Wonder taking control and enslaving an entire town Village or whatever of people and then try to justify it because she lost her robot dad or no robot husband and then like her fake children that she made up then goes on into doctors just uh the whole Scarlet Witch thing doesn't make any sense in relation to how she originally got her powers yeah there's just a lot of bad at the end so a nice aesthetic and some clever story stuff doesn't save it enough to rank it any higher I find a lot of shows are really defined by their ending and this ending is trash so therefore it just ruins a lot of the rest of the show I mean look at Game of Thrones anyway that was number nine on to number eight we have okay number eight and number seven are completely interchangeable you can completely interchange them between each other um and that is Miss Marvel okay nice I have a number eight because it's fine nothing is nothing especially gets ruined but there aren't really many highs in it except for some fun stuff with some fun characters entertaining enough but it's not too memorable it's like imagine if Hawkeye was better and that's Miss Marvel I always like it when they do new characters because I don't have to worry so much about previous interactions as characters I've had you know I like the ending of it where she switches with Captain Marvel that's kind of that's just a bit of fun and it sets up their movie quite well on to number seven which could have been number eight because they're exactly the same in my eyes is Moon Knight okay yeah exactly the same again with that it was fine it lost itself a bit when he saw died and then he was in the afterlife but it wasn't the afterlife because that other guy was there so it was kind of purgatory but it wasn't quite Purgatory it was so wacky that wasn't it [ __ ] talking hippo it was kind of in his mind but it was kind of real like I don't think they even knew what they were trying to do there the only bit that really truly I thought wasn't great but it didn't annoy me that much was when the woman Moon Knight came in she came in to save Moon Knight and I just I wish they had done like Moon Knight and he had his whole Arc and then they'd done another series for her like maybe season two was her Arc rather than her Sweeping in at the end to say look at me I'm a better version of him that felt a bit like Marvel saying right we need to fill our quota we need a token woman in this and I just didn't like that I'd rather she was more fleshed out in her own show which I guess is why this is interchangeable with Miss Marvel as well because she was fleshed out in her old show and that doesn't have the same issues you know but now we're on to number six which you're gonna fundamentally disagree with eternals oh great okay number six is eternals because I think it's a complete missing execution but aesthetic and ideas are all very cool I like the fact that it's a whole new cast of characters I appreciate that they tried to do something that doesn't cool at all from any existing ideas or law so I like that I like that it's all new I'm a big fan of new like my list is very geared towards new for the most part like I re-watched it and I liked it more than when I first watched it I think because I came into it knowing this ain't great I watched again I went oh that was quite fun actually I like most of the characters in it the acting is a bit here but the actors we know are great it's bloated and it needed to be two films I think it's one of those that just it it's the sort of aesthetic that I like it's got like the ancient stuff that I like it's a bit mythology based that I like and I think it's purely a taste thing as to why it's so high the post-credits scene what was it it was Harry Styles wasn't it yeah and some [ __ ] drunk yeah that was weird I don't know why that was there but then the other post-credits scene with Jon Snow that was good I like that yeah because it teased blade even if it's not Wesley Snipes but you know any anyway we'll move on to number five which is Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special okay this might be just my love of Christmas coming through as well yes thinking about it it's one of the very rare times in phase four where I watched it and just went that was fun my tolerance for cringe and silliness is actually really quite High maybe it's because I'm quite cringy and silly myself I really love the message at the end and the reveal I really enjoyed the song had the big hitting because of like semi-rock song surf Punk like Christmas song that they wrote yeah no no I would guess that you're a pop punk fan would they yeah I just like the setup of friends trying to do something for their friend at Christmas that's just a nice story and that's my thoughts on Number Five Guys the Galaxy which brings us on to number four I am Groot I am Groot is just fun and silly and doesn't ruin anything and is just a joy to have on I've got nothing else to say about it it's just good and fun and nice number three shangji and the legend of the ten Rings that's my number three again is another film that doesn't [ __ ] a thing up I like that the hero has parameters for his power almost with like wander wander now what are her powers we don't know she can sort of do everything she needs to to progress the plot but Shang Chi he's a martial artist he's buffed up by these rings and that's it and it's like cool we can have Stakes with that we know he's fallible whereas with black panther it felt like the cultural stuff in it felt a bit messy in this one because they're they're telling an Asian American story written by Asian Americans it feels incredibly focused and it feels very much like they are telling a story from their perspective and I really like that about it I think that's a really good way of doing representation and diversity that doesn't feel tokeny I really enjoyed it it was the best origin film we've had since the last origin since in this phase and yeah I think this would have been at home in phase three and two I really really hope that it gets a Trilogy and it doesn't get doctor strangeified where his second one is just an MCU film I hope it remains is its own franchise and can have a good Trilogy like Captain America Iron Man Spider-Man we've all had but yeah that's my number three so we're now on to your number two well yeah speaking of your number three my number two is Shan Chi and the legend of ten Rings oh yeah I mean what more can I say really I thought it was incredibly good it's one of the best surprises I've had in phase four to where I came out of the theater actually feeling kind of excited you know I thought the action sequences were brilliant I think there were some of the best the MCU has ever had but I know even in phase four but just throughout its entirety I love the introduction of these rings and all these like new mystical Powers I think all that was done really well the villain uh so Shang Chi's father one of the best MCU villains ever in my opinion I found his plight kind of tragic and I found his relationship with his kids kind of complex in a very compelling way the resolve as well was also very satisfying having him having to face his mistakes and essentially die I actually thought a lot of the humor of Trevor Slattery worked pretty well with his joke of the Planet of the Apes being actors it's just really fun stuff out of all the new characters we've had I think Shang Chi is the most excited I am to see again although I am a bit worried about how he's gonna match up against the Godlike people we have to how that's a bit of a concern of mine that's nothing to do with him and his film yeah oh anyways one of my favorites my second favorite in fact my second favorite number two is werewolf By Night [ __ ] yeah it's new it's interesting doesn't [ __ ] with anything else in the MCU it all made sense it was self-contained and I really enjoyed it it was just a good story didn't even have to be an MCU thing it was just good just a good thing I agree with every point you said about it I think my d d nerdness is in it a bit because I did I immediately saw the sort of like this is a [ __ ] one shot with d d characters because everyone's come in and they've clearly got like their character sheet in front of them and they're playing it up they're all playing different classes as well you know to give you more yeah yeah well by night actually very very good I was thoroughly shocked I thought it was going to be another Hawkeye like right in the middle but no actually very good now after talking about 17 titles we are now placed with our number one I think we need to ask ourselves this question though is there really a best I mean objectively there are so many different genres explored in this and so many creative minds put into this phase could be really Crown one there's no way home yeah that's the best one it's by far the best film it's one of the best films in the entirety of the MCU High process of elimination it's both of our number ones so how about we just gush for a bit after talking about a lot of yeah mediocre stuff I absolutely love this film not even as of entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or phase four or any of that categorized crap you know this is just a great movie as a big fan of the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies this did Grand service to those it did even Grand the service to the amazing Andrew Garfield yeah yeah The Amazing Spider-Man no two movies with Andrew Garfield you're actually tying up some of those loose ends for those iterations was just such a rewarding experience it's probably the most memorable theater experience I think I've probably ever had you know I mean those crowds went [ __ ] insane yeah I purposely avoided a going insane crowd because I find them annoying so my crowd was subdued but enjoyed it William Defoe as Norman Osborne I just bought him coming back you know because that's the risk you have with taking these old characters and bringing them back like oh they still gonna have what they once had you know they still gonna be able to bring the ray game no he [ __ ] showed up to this movie he was a villain that I love to hate throughout because he carried out despicable actions in this movie like killing on May which we've never actually seen in a Spider-Man movie so again keeping it fresh Tom Holland and Zendaya best performances I think they've given in Marvel by far make us really care about this relationship before it tragically goes at the end was it was just amazing the ending as well I had chills like him swinging through New York I mean for one I thought he was gonna like land on Hawkeye for a sec it was around Christmas time in New York but like yo that aside I could tell that he'd actually taken elements of the other two Peter's costumes and actually implemented those into his new one which made it look really comic book by this is the Spider-Man we know which is which is also so funny because Kevin feige kind of fooled us into thinking that we weren't getting an origin story for Spider-Man now this Trilogy was his order we got three yeah exactly if you were to tell me that this film would successfully wrap up not one not two but three separate Spider-Man film trilogies managed to pay off character arcs from three separate franchises make it all make sense and get you emotionally attached to everything in it and then also finish it in the most Bittersweet perfect way possible I say you're [ __ ] lunatic but somehow they did it somehow they made the greatest Spider-Man film there's ever been this film it takes Andrew Garfield Spider-Man and wraps up his character he gets that moment with MJ where he can save her having known that he previously failed on that you get Toby Maguire coming back to like almost be the mentor for this young one and then you get the ending where he truly becomes Spider-Man and he makes the Ultimate Spider-Man decision the only criticism I can have of it is there's some weird pauses where they're clearly allowing for audience Applause which are weird when you're watching it by yourself yeah they're kind of uncomfortable aren't they yeah yeah I could just and I have just watched extended scenes of those three chatting on the scaffolding because it's just amazing all three of them absolutely nail it the director fully understands all three of the characters and it's up there for best MCU film along with infinity war and it's absolutely insane that it's amongst all this [ __ ] it's actually kind of a miracle you know I worry that this is the last this is the last high point of the MCU because it could be I was happy to see all the villains come back but some were clearly better than others like I think the Doc Ock Alfred Molina killed it it was great that scene with Peter Parker where they're talking about him being all grown up asking how he is and then Peter's saying they're trying to do better which was obviously referencing yeah the conversation happened Spider-Man 2 just really heartwarming because it's almost like he's talking to the kids who grew up with those films in a way you know then obviously I feel like lizard and Sandman especially we're just kind of goons yeah another thing I didn't like too much is that they have to take away from Doctor Strange's character to progress the plot Doctor Strange doing what he did with Peter is kind of like you [ __ ] idiot why would you you wouldn't do that but what we got from it makes it a nitpick whereas if it had been a bad film that had been a big point I'm happy for his character to be harmed in the making of This film because the rest of it's just so good yeah exactly we can assure you some doctor strangers were harmed in the making of This production yeah let's wrap it up on the high point yeah no way home uh such an incredible achievement I doubt I will ever Tire of it struggling to think how they're actually going to top it in terms of Spider-Man we know the characters carrying on well the fact that we can now watch Spider-Man one two three Amazing Spider-Man one two and Spider-Man homecoming and far from home and no way home you can watch all of those and you get a fully satisfying if some sometimes a little bit uh but a fully satisfying story arc for three separate characters like you we have something we can watch as a whole and it's good for the most part the whole way through there's some dips but even in those dips you can enjoy Andrew Garfield and there we have it phase four completely ranked two lists and oh my God it's over what was the point of phase four what was it trying to do to me I think the only thing I can think of in which it was trying to do try to a fault most of the time to get us as the audience comfortable with the theory of the Multiverse but without going into it too much also try and wrap up a lot of the old so we can get on with the new yeah I mean that's what I would say in a nutshell yeah I I don't know if it knows what it's meant to be it's so strange because in a way it's the most meta phase because there is a ton of look how amazing The Avengers are like there's a [ __ ] musical Miss Marvel's entire character is built around the fact that she's Avengers super fan so she's almost us like in a way like I don't think phase four knows what phase four is because it starts off with a prequel then there's a really good wrapping up of another Trilogy that came before there's one really good random spin-off thing that doesn't feel like it's even connected to it there's several origin stories that can't seem to figure out if they're origin stories or of their continuations of the universe there's set up for stuff that might or might not ever pay off and there's complete redesigns and changing of characters like with Thor turning him into a buffoon Doctor Strange making him more of an idiot I think it's trying to be everything and in doing so it's becoming absolutely nothing there's no real solid end to phase four and beginning of phase five stopped there's no team up at the end there's no sense of progression from start to end you could watch this in absolutely any order except for one Division and Doctor Strange and it wouldn't change your experience or anything it's almost like the B side yes yeah none of this would function too well in any other phase so let's just get it over with and then hopefully they move on to some actual better world like cohesive World building with phase five and phase six but I can't say I'm too optimistic I would describe myself as being cautiously optimistic because it seems like a lot of what they're exploring in Phase five which is coming very very soon we'll deal with the Multiverse and really start getting into that let's be hopeful what are our hopes for phase five and Beyond what would you like to see more of the Multiverse actually being explored properly I would I would like to see some of our older characters get the respect they deserve I mean we've got guardians three coming out so I'm hoping that'll be a really nice kind of wrap up for those characters and I'm hoping to see Kang actually become a proper threat you know actually start to plant the seeds for dreads that we started to get with Thanos in the infinity Saga those are probably my main hopes and I feel like they could do it if they actually do it properly but yeah I guess we'll just have safe concise Direction yeah in some ways I want to see less crossover and in other ways I want to see more I'd like some more werewolf By Night stuff where it's completely self-contained it's a weird special it doesn't mess with anything continuity wise but it slots in nicely I would like to see characters get their own trilogies that can have overall arcs in them so where they mess it up with Doctor Strange I hope that Shang Chi gets his own character-based Trilogy and then he crosses over in films that are designed to be crossovers I'd like TV shows that don't feel like movies extended I'd like that's the one positive from She-Hulk as it felt episodic so I would love to see more episodic TV shows so the next Marvel movie that's coming out is Ant-Man and the Pennsylvania I believe let's look forward to that that's it for now we're about the fodder this was phase four ranked bye
Channel: Bantha Fodder
Views: 27,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qHMqVVMjk54
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Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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