[347] Banggood 12-Piece High Quality Lock Pick Set Review

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this is the lock-picking lawyer and today I have another banggood product review for you what you see in front of you is listed on the bank good website simply as a 12-piece high-quality lockpick set I was intrigued by it so I asked them to send it my way and I received a three or four days ago since then I've been put I've been putting a couple of the pics these two with the handles on them through their paces and I'll share my experiences with you in just a minute however first I think it's important to talk about the price any piece of equipment has to be evaluated in the context of how much it costs now if you follow the link in the description below you'll find this kit on the bank good website listed for $26.66 however I've also included a discount code that will give you an extra 35% off if you order it before January 24th that brings the price of this kit down to 17 dollars and 33 cents so if indeed this is a high quality lockpick set it is a very very well priced set so let's talk about what you get for that money and the first thing is this acrylic lock now I've talked about acrylic locks on my channel before and I've said that I don't view them as practice locks that's a mistake some people have in thinking about them they're more training aids they're really really good when you're teaching someone how to pick locks or for when you're first starting if you want to see visually how the movement of your pick affects the pins this is what you want to use so this this particular lock is also listed separately on the banggood website and I'll include a link in the description below where you'll find it listed for 6 dollars and 55 cents the good folks at banggood of course also included a discount code for another 20% off so you can get it for five dollars and twenty four cents if you order it before January 24th now I think price is really really important here because the comparable product or at least the most popular comparable product in the u.s. is a lock sold by South Ward and I happen to have one of their locks right here I apologize that this one's pretty beat-up that made its way to me that way not from South Ward I'm assuming they they ship them without cracks but I'm showing this particular lock because I just went on South doors website and found this listed for $39.99 that means if you use the discount code you can pick up seven and have some change left over for the same price as this lock so is the lock worth it well there's a couple of drawbacks that you need to take into consideration and the first is there's a couple holes in the back of the lock you can see them here and here and they replicate the holes that you would normally find on the back of a rim cylinder however in this particular case it directly blocks your view of the pins unless you view them at an angle so it's a bit of an annoyance but certainly not one that can't be overcome I did a little experiment to see if we could get around it by filling one of the sides in with Krazy Glue and looks like I got a couple of air bubbles in there but it does help a little bit so if you do get this lock it might be a solution that's worth trying out I had one other issue with this lock and that was that this lock made it made its way to me pretty scratched up and as you can see this particular lock is not scratched up and the way I did that was with a little bit of knowledge about the acrylic manufacturing process if you do know about that you know that these locks in the very last step of manufacturing is they hit it with a flame and that flame melts away and he scratches any imperfections and leaves it crystal clear so that's what I did with this I got out a lighter at at about five or ten seconds all of these scratches were gone so certainly not something that would keep me from ordering this lock again you can either get it as part of this kit or it's also sold separately on the bank good website in either case the links are in the description below now let's talk about the pics themselves the profiles well you can see ten of the twelve pics are hooks which means this is a set after my own heart if you've watched my channel for long you know I love to single pin pic and you know that I have a lot of different hook profiles that I use depending on what the key Y is so I love to see sets that are really heavy and lots of different shaped hooks and and most of these are actually really practical profiles I think there's a couple of oddballs over here this is one that is long enough you might may even be able to use it as a warded pick so this probably wouldn't be my favorite but certainly all the ones on this side I'd find very very useful we also get a triple peak rake in here it's the only rake in the set and I have to say if I was putting a set together with only one rake that would be it it's also known as a Bogota profile and it's a very very effective rake profile finally we have one half diamond it's a little on the large side for my liking but you certainly could sand it down or use it as is but there won't be a lot of key ways that will fit into finally we have three tension wrenches over here you'll probably want to supplement the tension wrench selection if you're buying this set but overall nothing wrong with these tension wrenches I just don't think there's enough selection that you can have I'll say the perfect tension wrench for a variety of locks materials on the website it says that these have stainless steel bits and aluminum handles and I think that might be incorrect the handles certainly feel a lot heavier than aluminum and they're very difficult to scratch which makes me think probably the entire pick is made out of stainless steel and a very durable stainless steel I did let me take out one of the pics that I actually used and experimented with and after I'll say about a hundred lockpicks per pick so 200 overall neither of these picks show any deformation and I should say they're also very very solidly placed into the handles we're not going to have any issues with these bits coming out or at least I didn't thus far fit in finish I'll say that these are actually pretty well put together right out of the box if I had to describe the the smoothness of these bits I would put it somewhere in the range of a southward product it's better than what you would usually find on a peterson pick and probably not quite as good as Sparrow's which i view is probably the gold standard in their fit and finish of the picks themselves so certainly very very usable out of the box could probably use a little bit of sanding and on the two picks that I use I did spend I don't know one minute or so hitting them with some 500 grit but overall very very nicely done the handles as far as the comfort goes are are pretty good you can either use them as is without the plastic cover and you'll have no problems with them at all they're a little bit longer than what you would find for a Peterson or a Sparrow's hook pretty close in length to the south toward Mac collection so certainly very very usable and depending on your preference you can use them with or without the plastic handles I will say that if you put the plastic handles on you'll have a little bit of difficulty getting them to fit under the elastic straps but they certainly will fit in there just still take you a little bit more time so is there a downside to this I'll say not a whole lot these are really really well put together picks if I have one gripe about it it's the fact that I can't buy these as singles because I tend to find a couple of profiles that I really like and I'll buy several of them so I'll always have a backup so if I'm thinking about behind more than one of these you can tell that I'm pretty enamored with it I think they did a very nice job putting these together I can't speak toward the long-term durability but I can say putting about a hundred pics on each of these on each of these tools that they've thus far held up pretty well and I tend to be a little bit abusive of my pics because I tension locks so heavily so if it can stand up to that I'd assume it can stand up to to pretty much anything that you guys can dish out we do have a whole bunch of handle so if you want to put them on or I'm sorry plastic covers for the handle so if you want to put them on all the pics you have enough to do that and as a final word about this plastic case it's marked honest on the outside I won't say it's it's great but it's certainly not bad either this is I guess it's even double stitch in a couple places now that I'm looking at it overall not bad usable but probably I would replace it if if I was using these picks so overall considering that this is something that you can get right now for $17.33 with the discount code I would put this in the category of highly recommend which is something I don't say lightly I think they did a really really nice job with these pics so if you're in the market for some pics or you just want a nice selection of hooks to add to your existing set this might be something that you should consider that's all I have for now if you do have any questions or comments about this set please put them in the description below if you like this video and would like to see others like it please subscribe and as always have a nice day thank you
Channel: LockPickingLawyer
Views: 455,730
Rating: 4.9373484 out of 5
Keywords: Lock Picking, How to Pick Locks, Review, Banggood, Banggood.com, High Quality Pick Set, Lock Picking Lawyer, Lockpicking Lawyer, LockPickingLawyer
Id: FyUcXeO16XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 30 2016
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