(890) Review: Multipick ELITE-27 Lock Pick Set

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like time for another fan appreciation free giveaway and I promise you this will be a good one this is a elite 27 from multi pick services in Germany and in full disclosure they gave me this for free they told me that they'd like to have an evaluation I told him I didn't accept gifts that I would be giving it away after the evaluation and they were fine with that so in that spirit let's take a close look at the elite 27 this sells for and it's a little difficult on the price it's a hundred and thirty dollars in Europe and that includes a 19 percent VAT tax if this were sold in the United States it would be about a hundred and nine dollars plus local delivery so another five bucks around 113 maybe 115 dollars if these were sold in the United States by multi pick services so keep that in mind when you look at this if you have it shipped from Germany is 130 bucks plus like twenty five or thirty dollars shipping all right when you look at this thing the first thing that come to mind is you think well that looks very much like one of the Petersons trifold cases and that's exactly what I thought and if I didn't have one handy to compare I just would have gone with that assumption but the beauty of doing these evaluations is that we can look at some of the details so here is a Peterson trifold case and as you can see right away this is more like a fine wallet the leather is much finer grained you can see it's much rougher on the Petersons this one has a larger velcro attachment which that in itself is not so important but the way that it folds over is when you take a look at this on the Petersons it leaves a gap here so when you look inside of there you can see that's where your picks are so conceivably your picks could fall out on this one is just not a possibility that it folds completely over and your picks are completely protected pretty cool case I got to say there are some other differences and we'll talk about them as we go through the pick set itself when you slide it open a nice wide leather very thick leather and again when you compare to the Peterson you have a shorter leather very thin so this folds out a little further again it might do a little bit better job of keeping your pics secure then then that $50.00 Peterson case when you slide it open and again this is only in Germany check this out everything's laid out more like more like surgical instruments than than lockpicks and when you really look at the detail before we take a look at the pics themselves I want you to say every one of these some attention was to detail was given when they put this kit together everything is perfectly aligned the crest is arranged on the front they were turned or oriented to show that on every single one of these and even better if you look closely I hope this comes out in the camera they started with the part number so part number one 2 etc so it's one through five and then on the back again I don't if you can make it out but it starts with 5 through 10 and then it flips over here we go from part number 11 through 15 and then over here we got part number 16 so not only did they orient them correctly but they took the time to sequence them that's probably an inventory control thing make sure that even miss anything but I just think it's it's kind of unique you don't often see that level of detail let's take a look I don't need to pull all of these out because it makes this case makes it very easy to see what's inside of here these are all made from stainless steel and is some kind of proprietary they don't reveal it I did soak this pick in copper sulfate for 24 hours and you can see there's nothing no so it's definitely stainless steel they are very durable very tough so I'm going to guess and say 301 hard but again I suggest a guess you got to make your own estimate this is a 23 thousandths of an inch thick that 0.6 millimeters thick pretty nicely shaped when you look closely at the shafts of these at this price point you really don't even have to do any finishing on these there's no sharp edges on any of these picks I've played with almost all of them picking with them these are all laser etched with their name and get them focus going here so we have the logo we have a little crest on the top and then on the bottom just like the other multi picks these are serial number tells you the year that they were made and then each pick has a unique serial number now I thought this was you know it is the German way to serial number pretty much everything but multi pick actually has a raffle I think it was once a month I read on their website so it's by serial number you can actually win something if you buy one of their kits and that goes on I guess for the lifetime of the picks so what do you get well you get a large diamond you get two of these they call these dental picks you have a dental pick one and I call it a DeForest half ball and then that would be a dental pick two I call that a defense DeForest diamond but again proprietary names you have a city rake and then you have a series of four different rakes and they're kind of out of order you have a postal hook a deep hook you have a standard or short hook and then the one right here would be a medium hook you have the small half diamond and then you have a ball and then we'll move over here we have double ball or a snowman or of eight and then we have three different s rakes or snake rakes we have one with a little bit slower or wider frequency what I call the normal snake rake or s rake and then we have an angled one so if you like to get aggressive and pull the pick out a little faster this one might be a good choice as well on this one this is a kinetic tool the W tool or the W rake this is the one you put in and then you yank it out real fast now when you do that most of these rakes have a cut out underneath that third hump just like you have under hump one and hump two and that's usually where it breaks you'll notice that multi pick didn't cut that last one so that's going to make this just a little bit stronger if you like to get very very aggressive this might be a pick to do it with I don't know if I pointed out these are sandwiched handles again I didn't find any roughness on any of these they were tumbled quite a bit all the rough edges are taken off let's take a look at some tension tools you have the three standard tension tools a narrow a medium and a wide and these are standard L configuration and then we jump over here I'm going to move to the far right because we've got something a little bit unusual we have a Z wrench not unusual we have a standard L shape with a twist and this is only the wide one that's the only one of these that you get you have a wafer lock and oh my god this is probably escape quality control there's no serial number this is unregistered I can't believe it anyway you have a wafer tension tool you have a shudder so if you if you're picking wafer locks with shutters like door locks or some padlocks have a spring-loaded shutter you put this in and then it will push it open for you and then you can put your other tension or you can use this as a tension tool by itself so pretty cool don't lose a little wing to keep it on there and then we have some more tension tools so these are oddities they call these again typical German has a model number these are PN 41 through 45 I don't know why but you'll notice there are different depths and I played with these and I'm trying to figure out exactly what they're for they say in the advertisement these are must-haves if for the professional locksmith so I pulled up a lock this is want to pick recently and I'm trying to figure out exactly what to do because it's so thin and I'm thinking top of the key way but if you use it for top of the key way we saw I slide that in there it works beautifully fits beautifully but you notice you got that shaft kind of sticking out there in your way so if you're trying to pick you're going to be constantly bumping into it I thought about maybe if they intended us to use it like this trying to do this through the camera but if you slide that in there now it's blocking all the pin so it's not really useful that way and there's really no other way to put it in there so unless somebody can tell me a better way if I were to keep these I would probably cut these off right there just use a mess and ER Dell but that would be the perfect width for some of those really small key ways to go with top of the key way so I cut it off maybe you're right right about there probably and that would be the perfect tool for that I don't know I wish there was a demonstration on exactly how these are intended to be used but there isn't unfortunately all right the other the last pic if you can call it that you get an extractor again stainless steel is very very sharp this is a excellent excellent extractor so there you go one more thing about this this kit you notice that on the edge of this multi pick kit let me pull this up here to get a really close look this has an edging on it all the way around to include the bottom so you get no fraying the stitches will not be exposed and again I compared that to the Peterson kit and that's raw leather there is no edging and these could easily come apart as you see it's already starting to do that this is a brand new kit by the way so no edging so that's the difference have no nothing to compare this to in terms of price I can tell you the Peterson kit just the leather case sells for $50 on their website this clearly is a step up in quality so I say that just the kit alone is probably at least $50 so price should accordingly take that into account when you look at the value of the rest of this do I think it's worth a hundred and nine dollars or call it 120 bucks if I were to buy it here in the States when you take into account the leather the quality leather case and everything you get I would say yes it's a high quality kit and I'd have no reservations about spending that level of money these are these picks are going to be very very durable you're not going to bend them I've been using a smaller multi pick kit and I'm very very happy with it anyway fellas there you go the multi pick elite 27 I think I'm gonna have to say it gets a thumbs up thanks for your time I appreciate it stay safe stay legal you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 54,028
Rating: 4.9500523 out of 5
Keywords: multipick review, multipick elite 27, elite 27, elite 3 lock pick set, multipick elite 27 pickset, elite 27 pick set, multipick lock picks, multipick elite super, multi pick, multipick elite 17, multipick elite, multipick set, multipick lock picks review, multipick elite 13, bosnianbill multipick, multipick elite 11, multipick bogota, multipick elite bogota, multipick service, lock pick set review, how to pick a lock for beginners, multipick kronos
Id: aygRRSGCi0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2016
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