(1509) Emergency Lock Pick Kit for Preppers

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/UniqueCollar 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
alright guys about two weeks ago I got a really interesting email or actually a comment from Andrew zimba he says I have a thought experiment for your bill what would you put in a prepper everyday carry lockpick slash bypass kit low skill high percentage stuff that can be easily carried easily and get you through the zombie apocalypse my favorite or more realistically I fire on the low floor need to get out the deadbolt and padlock roof access door scenario I'm thinking stuff like like a sparrow shank I set a bump keys and under the door tools some padlock shims and a minimal pick set ray cook and a few wrenches what else would go in to get you through 90% of the stuff with minimal training time invested alright guys well that's what I'm really gonna be focusing on I've been thinking about this ever since I got Andrews email and the key here would I think would be this is for Preppers and not lock Pickers and they don't want to put a lot of time into training lockpick and they just want the high percentage low skill attack that's the tool kit that you see right there in front of you so I'm going to go through each of these tools I'm going to very quickly demonstrate how to use it because Preppers don't want to be bounced all over the Internet and at the end I'm going to show you some tools that I specifically do not recommend because they're low percentage or expense over just not worth carrying and I'll explain why stick around and let's talk about it [Music] all right after two weeks this is what I've come up with now I know I'm gonna catch a lot of heat for this because the lochs bored community is gonna look at this kid and say hey there's nothing there but bypasses and rakes where's all the the technical hooks man and that's because those tools take a lot of practice in order to master them many many hours of hands-on practice in order to get the feel of these tools require no practice you can basically pick them up with no training and start defeating locks right away and I think that's really what Preppers are after they're not locks Porter's all right so let's start at the beginning here the bypass knife this is one of my favorite tools particularly when I'm facing Chinese locks this happens to be a Chinese lock it does contain security pins but it doesn't matter when we're using a bypass knife again you slide the bypass knife in and I will link to some tutorials on this to show you what's happening inside of the lock you slide it inside lock you push the pins over out of your way you can feel the tip of that knife bottom mount on the actuator and then you just lever him to one side of the other and push that actuator manually opening up a lock very very simple to do and it really does happen that fast almost all Chinese locks are not shielded so they're susceptible to this tool so if I see a Chinese lock this is the first tool that I reach for if you're interested in defeating combination locks this looks the same as a knife except this one is very very thin it's only seven thousands of an inch in thickness and that's because we're using it too as a shim to feel what's going on inside of the lock in the case of combination locks we're feeling for what are called gates that the locking bolt falls into so we slide it down between the wheel and the body of the lock just like that and then we roll the wheel until we feel that knife fall down inside of the gate we do it for each of these wheels when all the gates are lined up they lock open that's really that easy about 80% of combination locks have exposed gates and you can use this tool to bypass almost all of them in terms of not true picks but rakes these are very very quick to get in without hardly any practice at all let me show you what we're talking about here's a number five master lock this is has exactly the same core as the most common lock in the United States the number three master lock so it in effect they're all the same now let's talk a little bit about tensioners in order to rake we're going to be raking on the top where the pins are so we want to put the tensioner down at the bottom out of our way and that would be this guy and we place them in there just like this now many times you can't get a bottom of the key way tension or down there it just won't fit because of the warding and or the way the key way is designed it's designed not to allow one of these in it so you have another choice and that would be these guys the top of the key way it's just to give you another option and you slide it in the top of the key way like so and then you would angle your pick from the bottom just to give you another option not all locks can use bottom of the key way fortunately this one does so we're gonna slide him in there like so and I'm gonna grab a rake and I'm gonna show you how easy it is to get in to locks he is locked I'm gonna without any tension I'm gonna slide my pick in apply little tension and then just basically start moving it in and out and that's how quick it is to be most master locks while I have him open I want to show you something very quickly it'll become important in a minute you notice how the cut out on this shackle is Halfmoon shape its rounded and that's because this lock has all bearings inside of it there is another locking mechanism that if you can see the shackle and you can see the de-spawn bearings you can't use a bypass the only way to get into these locks is to actually rotate that core just as we've done if you can't see that shackle or if you see that it's angled as I'll show you in a moment is another very quick defeat mechanism we can use all right let's go ahead and lock this guy back up I'm going to show you another pic those were the rakes we have another pic here this is called an El rake it's not going to be moved like we did with that previous pic instead we're gonna do what's called rocking because you'll notice this pic is kind of simulating a key and that's what we're gonna try to do we're gonna fool the lock into thinking that his key has been placed in the key way so again no tension I'm gonna slide that pic in there then I apply very light tension and then I'm gonna rock this up and down until I fool the lock into thinking his key opened them up this is called the El rake or the city rake very very fast tool to get into most master locks another one again let's relock him and I will use the same tensioner is this guy this is a W rake now you'll notice this is a little bit thicker a little bit tougher he has a reinforcement right here and the angles on those Peaks is much higher so it'll be difficult to rake him in the traditional sense he's also not going to be good for rocking since all those are the same size so this is a different type attack again no tension I'm gonna slide him in I'm gonna play a very light tension and now I'm gonna use kinetic energy to beat those pins up past the shear line and and allow the core to turn now the way you do it apply light tension and then yank that pick out very quickly and what will happen is that those pins are going to bounce off of those very steep geeks on that on that pick and they bounce up above the shear line that doesn't work the first time but it'll work sooner or later I promise you because this is a purely random attack there we go it would work sooner or later the point being is you try these and none of those are working for you you really have alternatives so you have the rocking attack you have the raking attack and then you have the kinetic energy attack one of them gets you through most of the most simple padlocks that you find in the United States there's neck tools or bypass this is actually a miniature slim-jim it's a copy of the full-size slim jim I think most have you seen before they're exact in terms of dimensions this one's just been cut down a little bit to fit into your case a little easier we have three to three tools built into this we have two pulling tools that one right there and this one here the idea being you sly this into the lock above the bolt you lower it down on to the bolt or you slide it down over the bolt like that and then you pull it out as you pull it out most bolts are rounded so the force will force that bolt back into the door and then you for as soon as you press it into the door the door will come open if you have the smaller bolt you can use the smaller cutout alternatively if you're attacking a bolt that can be retracted from the outside you can push that against the bolt and then rather than pull it out you can push it in and force the bolt into the door and get and these are very very handy to have and they'll get you through most simple doors and through most fire doors the next tool I think you'll find very useful will be these guys these are padlock shims they come as a set of about 20 there's three different sizes of them they're very thin shim material and they're designed to defeat about 70% of all padlocks that you run across let me show you how it would work this is a German abus a very high quality lock but fortunately most padlocks have the same weakness when we open it up this does contain security pins so it would be very unlikely that any of those rakes would be able to work for us likewise when you take a look at this key we have a lot of very high cuts and low cuts a lot of variation in bidding so again these tools are not going to have a heck of a lot of chance so the padlock shims are going to offer you one more option to open up these locks when you take a look at the cutouts I mentioned earlier that a half moon in other words the locks that use ball bearings can not be shimmed open but if you catch a glance at the shackle and you can see the cutout looks like this angle with a flat spot on the bottom that tells you that it's a spring-loaded locking Paul and we will be able to defeat that if we could find some way to get that locking Paul to come out of that groove while it was inside the lock we could get into it and that's exactly what these shims do we're gonna start when it's locked at the very top we're gonna slide him in and the tip of that shim will force that angled locking Paul out of the groove we do it to both sides and we should be able to get an open let's give it a try okay so we slide him closed it is locked what I like to do is slide it into the side of the lock or in the side of the the shackle way let's try that side and I just work him in and back and forth until it becomes fully seated just like that then I give it a tug sometimes just one is enough but in this case good quality lock we're gonna have to do it to both sides so let me grab a second shim and the same thing I'm gonna put him in the side and I look and I see a slightly larger groove I was right there so I slide him in there rotate him back and forth until he is fully seated just like that now I know I've overcome both of those spring-loaded locking poles all you have to do now is pull up on the shackle and you have just beat that padlock really really handy tool to have as I said about 70% of padlocks have this locking design and you can defeat it with shims the next tool I'd like to talk about would be this guy there are awarded locks and warded locks they look like those old skeleton keys a lot of cutouts on both sides of the key kind of weird-looking like that the only important part of those old lock because they are for the most part antique but they are very cheap and very common in North America these are the master keys these five different profiles will defeat almost all of those warded locks they are designed to touch the actuators and the actuators alone so you basically use it just like a key you slide it into the key way you turn it and you have defeated that inexpensive warded lock so this is well worth your time to keep inside of your kit well guys there it is the minimalist prepper kit - of course the abus lock this is what I would recommend that a prepper keep inside of his kit what would I not recommend well let's take a look these are some of the tools that on their surface might look really really useful but to a prepper I really don't think they're worth the space that they take up inside of your prepper kit first would be the electric pick gun or its brother the manual snapper gun a couple reasons for that these do despite some of the advertising and what you see on movies they take quite a bit of practice to become proficient at secondly the electric pick gun obviously takes batteries you can have to keep a supply of those on hand so there's some maintenance involved in this thing it's also very very bulky and heavy so take a lot of space inside of your backpack I just don't think Preppers will find much use for the electric pick gun or for the snapper gun so I'm gonna remove those from consideration the next subject would be these guys these are called jiggler keys now when you look at these you can see that they're all variations on some of the rakes that I've already shown you these are great if you got plenty of plant room in your bag you got a very large budget and you're gonna be facing cars or filing cabinets but everything that these will do the rakes that I've shown you will also do just as well so I'm gonna rule those guys out this next one might seem like it's a good idea this is a jack knife that contains a bunch of picks as well as a tensioning tool so you have a single tensioning tool of one thickness but the real downside of these guys is that you have very limited selection of pigs now you'll notice on this one we've only got two rakes and the rest of these are a variation of some type of hook which take a lot of practice to become proficient at so for Preppers not willing to invest a lot of training time they'd be pretty much useless there's also a key extractor again it's useless for a prepper so probably not the best choice the last thing is when you get these put in place even when you tighten it down it doesn't have the feel of a standard pick it's kind of this is a secondary this is a backup tool it shouldn't be your primary tool so if you're depending on a tool to get through a fire door because the buildings on fire I would rather have a full sized pick designed for the job rather than a backup device like this one so I would say this probably should not be your primary tool the last thing I need to think you we should talk about would be bump key everybody love bump keys and they work great the problem with bump keys is is that there are so many different key ways out there not one key will fit all of them so if you want to be successful you're gonna have to carry all the possible profiles with you in your go-bag it's simply not worth it guys there are so many profiles literally hundreds of them even with this pile I still find myself frequently without the right profile so I'd have to say I would rule out bump keys as well all right guys there's everything that I would say would not apply to a prepper if you liked this video you like to see more like it please be sure and leave a comment hit that subscribe button as always I appreciate it and you know if you're interested in prepper as a subject I've got a greatly expanded prepper section on lock lab the tribal website I'll put the link in the description please take a look I not only talk about lock picks but I talk about everything from weapons to solar panels to water purification appreciate your time guys stay safe stay legal [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 326,346
Rating: 4.9664731 out of 5
Keywords: (1509) Emergency Lock Pick Kit for Preppers, Emergency Lock Pick Kit for Preppers, Emergency Lock Pick Kit, Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, bill's lock lab, lock picking, lock pick, lock picks, pick lock, prepper, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, urban survival, lock picking tools, survival skills, prepper information, go bag, how to, lock pick set, lock picking 101, how to lock pick
Id: 8HgxaToleds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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