(813) Review: Sparrows VORAX Advanced Lock Pick Set

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today's a day a lot of you guys been waiting for I mean I'd probably gotten more than 100 emails in last week saying hey you mentioned have we're actually winning a heck are you going to do it and today is the day guys this is it this is the new sparrows voir ax I don't usually gush about the case this is a multicam case very nice double stitching they got their nice logo sewn right on the front it is a nylon zipper so it's very smooth to come open and then when you flip this bad boy open you can see it's kind of hook centric it's got a lot of stuff in here we're going to go over one at a time first I'm going to tell you a little bit of details it costs 115 Canadian dollars and you know the Canadians are taken into shorts right now in terms of their exchange rate so that equals out to 88 US dollars for everything you're getting ready to see also everything you're going to see in here is made out of 25,000 301 stainless steel and they all come with dipped handles now I mentioned earlier some concern about the finish now on the bottom pick that is how they come they when they're dipped apparently there's some kind of preservative that gets coated on to the stainless steel giving it that slightly yellowish look so again I went ahead and it took me almost exactly two minutes to go ahead and take some thousand grit sandpaper and knock all that stuff off not a lot to it now when we finished picks a lot of questions about that I don't care about aesthetics I don't really care how shiny my pick is what I do care about is when I use the sandpaper I round off those sharp edges so the bottom one is kind of squared off you want to take those sharp edges off and that way when you slide it into the keyway it's very smooth it's very slick like it's greased when it goes in there that way any feedback you get is going to be true feedback coming from the pins not not the the rough texture from the bottom of the pic because it wasn't finished anyway on the left side these are the SS dev kits we have the long high and the deep so that would be the long this one would be the high the bottom on there and then the very top one that I took a little bit of time to polish that is the deep pick so if you pick in Europe pick euro cylinders or things that have very high cut pins a lot of times these are very very good choices get it keeping on with the hook you'll notice that on the right side we also have a pretty good selection of hooks and these some of these are also unique to sparrows for example this first one is called the high reach now if I get the camera to focus on the very tip of that you'll see in a little notch a little dent and that's not a artifact of manufacturing that's on purpose and that's because when you put this into the keyway and you're reaching way up there you don't want the tip of the pick to slide off of the pin so again I hope the camera can pick this up but there's just a tiny little groove and a little tip there that is designed to catch on the tip of the pin to keep it from sliding off and so this is called the high reach pick the next one we're going to be looking at is called the steep hook now this one is all very much the same however it doesn't have the grip a little gripper nib sticking out this was a lot sharper this one requires a little bit more precise pin placement but if you're picking a high-security lock where it's very precise on your placement or you need to rotate a pin to a right angle for example you're picking a side bar you're picking a Medeco and you're trying to rotate that that pin this is the perfect pick to do that with and the last one is called an offset hybrid this is becoming fast becoming my favorite pick it's the same depth or the the hook enos i guess the the the cut of the depth is the same as a standard hook except you notice we got a little knob on the end of it a lot of speed Pickers are started using this pick because it doesn't require that precise placement you kind of get it close and that wide tip on there allows you to pick very very quickly so I think that's the reason this is becoming more and more popular that's I think that's a Sparrow's unique pick as well and then when you open everything up I get my thumb under there you can't even see everything but it doesn't matter that pocket is empty the important stuff is right here all right let's first before this flap comes back let's go ahead and look at the tension wrenches the first thing you get these are you guys have seen these before you get the Z wrenches one long and one short in and they are the standard three different widths the others are here they are l-shaped again you got the same three widths they're not finished bad you could probably use a little bit of tweaking on those corners but these are twisted to give you a little bit of flex very nice I use those all the time now I think we can get access to the good stuff this is where they keep all the reich's you get a el rake or City rake you get and again I like to look at these this is the ones that are hard to make and these are very well done there's a slight coating on all of these and the other thing I noticed some of these when they dip them they had quite a bit they dip them kind of deep into the tank here's another one on the long reach from the SS dev if this happens and this does happen to my picks I just take a razor blade and cut it and just pull it right off it's very easy to make a correction I just consider that part of the pick prep but anyway back to the El rake very nicely done and I think I would take just a little bit of that plastic off right there you get a double peak which is a little brother of the triple Peak or the Bogota put that up a little closer and then we get another one of my favorite picks this looks a lot like the Bogota but you notice we hold them both up here to compare the bottom one is the Bogota and the top one is what Sparrow's calls the worm and again I think this is a Sparrow's unique pick the tip of this rounded off to make it shorter so it'll fit and tighter keyways more pair centric and I find myself using that worm probably more often than I use my Bogota when you work with a high security locks it's really nice to be able to fit it into those tight high security best key ways works very very well in those and then we get a Stan snake rake this is the sparrows version of the snake Creek has got a slight forward angle to it and then we got what sparrows calls a half diamond and if there's any pick I'm not a big half diamond fan to begin with I don't usually carry one even in my everyday kit but when I do use a halftime and it's usually to pick a simple dimple lock and when I take a look at the tip of this one it's a little bit small for my tastes I'm not sure how successful I be with Pennock picking dimple locks now if you're just doing you know raking or if you're trying to reach in the back of reach behind a low-cut pin to get to a high cut pin yeah that'll work it'll substitute for a standard hook or short hook but not so much for dimples now let's get to these these are well these are really interesting these are new these are called flat wrenches come out of there you little devils these are the same as pry bars they are all 30 mm of an inch thick and I'm trying to line them up here you get two long ones and you get two of the short ones so you might say why do I need to the same thing why do I need two short ones and then two long ones and that's because somebody was using their head when they design these things because they're actually multi tools you'll notice on the other end we have comb picks built right into our tension wrenches how handy is that so we have a five pin and now you notice we have two different sizes we have a five pin small so if you have a five pin master or American lock that would be your choice and if you have a five pin say quick sad or slag or something else you can fit the into the key way with the larger pin size this would be your choice and then we have the same thing on the four pinners oops large for pin or on the left and then a small for pin or on the right so let's real quick see how these things work I've demonstrated comb picks before but this is an American one I'm sorry master 140 it's a four pin lock it's great as a training lock for spool pins because it has one standard pin the three spool pins so if we sometimes get frustrated we can't pick it but we want to get the darn thing open you can grab your little comb pick slide it up in there just like a key and I'm trying to do this through the camera lens and then once it lines up with the Pens you just push up on my MA not quite lined up there believe me this is not easy through the camera lens maybe I should just look over the camera there we go look over the camera that's the trick and then you just turn it and you get an open pretty neat little toy to have built into your tangent wrenches okay we got those and then if that's not enough in one of these I grab it here we have another tension wrench built in and this is a tension wrench for tubular lock you don't often see those and that was built right into this these flat wrench kit pretty cool stuff speaking of cool stuff let's get down to the last the last set of picks beneath this flap these are really interesting because again these are sparrows unique on the bottom we have sparrows standard hook or short hook now you notice it comes to a very sharp point again they're the target market is probably going after master or American pins very very small difficult to get access to sometimes particularly if there's a deep set one or a short pin hiding behind a long one so that's that's why they have the fine tip on them if you don't like that another option is this one this is called the euro hook it's identical to the standard hook except the end of it doesn't come to that fine point a little bit flatter doesn't require the exact pin placement that the other one does it's a great great pick both of them are they all have they both have their uses so anyway there you go this is the new sparrows kit and you probably thought I was going to forget that this is another one of sparrows new picks this is called The Sandman it comes with some pretty cool laser engraved dragon and if you look really closely it looks like a guy with a rifle or a fishing pole really can't make that out but we don't care about that what we care about is the new tip and I've been using this for about two weeks off and on just trying to figure out how it works and I got to tell you when you compare it to some of the other hooks for example let's just kind of put the worm hook up here a lot of similarities in curvature so you can imagine it does rake really really well the advantage of the Sandman is that you can use it also as a single pin pick so you can rake it and then you can use the same pick to go ahead and finish it off by SPE peeing now that's the part I'm having a little trouble with I'm not sure because for me it works equally both ways you can either SPP with the same part you rake or you can pull it out flip it over and you can SPP with the end of it so if you only have one pick this will get you through the through the day what I don't understand is that little knob right there I haven't figured out exactly what that's all about but it doesn't matter it's you can go full depth into the key way and that little knob doesn't enter into it so I don't know if it's aesthetics or if it actually supposed to have some kind of function like a depth limit or perhaps but anyway that's the new Sandman it does work very very well it's great for raking probably equal to the Bogota the Bogota after Raimundo invented it and he started passing it around it took forever for people to realize what a great tool it was and for it to spread I think the same thing is going to happen for any new pick and I think that's going to happen for the Sandman too it's a great pick it works as SPP and as a rake so I think it'll finally it'll catch on as soon as they start spreading maybe selling them separately instead of as part of the kit I think that it'll accelerate how fast that pick spreads so anyway there you go what's good about it everything at $88 you're just not going to beat the price I I'm I'm stocking up on stuff because the exchange rate can't be this low forever so I'm kind of taken advantage I I'll admit it it's all stainless steel and I do like the handles we have really haven't talked a lot about that but these are all dip candles it takes that sharp edge off and they're pretty comfortable it's got some texture to it not bad at all I'm very happy with with the dipped handles what am I not happy with well I'm not happy with that I mean I'm not a half diamond guy but if I were I really wouldn't be too happy with that half time and I'd want a little bit more protrusion sticking out but I'm really digging here it's got a lot of great stuff I really like these multi-purpose tension tools and whoever wins this those might not be in the kit I may just have to keep those so there you go the the brand-new sparrows voor axe what a great kit for a great price I can't recommend it highly enough I may have to buy one of these myself these reviews are not helping my cut my budget all right let's talk a little bit about the storm you guys have been asking about the storm I place my order on the 13th of February I have not received it I've sent them six emails trying to locate trying to find out something and storm has not responded a lot of subscribers have written with the same type of problems like you know I guess figure now I had some kind of special contact with storm I do not I'm sorry I'm in the same position as you I don't know if they are going out of business I don't know if they've gone on a two month vacation I really don't know what's going on but until we figure it out I would recommend you do not send money to storm until they start fulfilling people's orders or at least responding to their emails anyway if you'd like to win this barrows voor ax and I hope none of you send in any random any comments because if none of you do that means I get to keep it but anyway so then they comment and I'll keep the window open for 24 hours the computer will randomly pick the winner at that time good luck fellas it's a great kit thanks for time stay safe stay legal you
Channel: Bosnianbill
Views: 120,093
Rating: 4.9556103 out of 5
Keywords: sparrow vorax, sparrows vorax advanced lock pick set, bosnianbill vorax, vorax review, sparrow lock picks review, sparrow vorax kit, sparrows vorax, sparrows lock picks review, the vorax, sparrows vorax review, sparrow vorax review, bosnian bill vorax, bosnianbill sparrow, sparrows picks, sparrows lock picks, sparrows lockpicks, sparrow lock picks, bosnianbill sparrows, sparrow lock pick set, advanced lock pick set, lock pick set review, Bosnianbill
Id: H_Omyu1f_Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2016
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