BEST Starter Lock Pick Sets

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hello again it's lock noob and in this video I want to address what I think are the best lock pick starter sets out there now just want you to know that this isn't sponsored by anybody these are my opinions and this is what I personally consider to be the best starter kits out there based on the criteria I set myself and I mostly stick to so why don't watch me this video well I think a lot of pickers out there you're into picking you bought yourself a cheap set saying like this one there's nothing wrong with that it cost a few pounds and it's gonna be a point there's gonna be a point where you want to upgrade to a better kit and you know when you begin lock-picking you don't be spending too much money on a set you can get all the gear and still have no idea and quite often you're looking for kits under about 50 pounds which is where I've set my sort of budget limits for these sets so the criteria that I have set is that these all the kids have to be under fifty pounds they have to be from a different manufacturer because I want to try to highlight the cheaper kits for under fifty pounds from multiple manufacturers here another thing I wanted to make sure it's a any pick set that I got they were going to be easily available individual picks so you know if you bought a kit like this and you got into picking you wanted to upgrade to a you know a good starter set if you broke one of these picks while you need that buy a whole new set or just do without that pick so when you're becoming an intermediate or experienced picker you're going to want to have kits where the manufacturers offer single picks I wanted to only highlight companies which I personally know about and I've had good dealings with that they are reputable that people in the community speak highly of only because you know if I've never dealt with somebody or know somebody who has then it's very hard to recommend a kit from them right order to make sure that all of these picks have at least were anti career version pick so stainless steel or some kind of tempered alloy which is going to offer strength and it's not going to corrode that being said the minimum requirement for the stainless steel is about 301 which offers a you know at least some good strength and anti corrosion properties also just to make sure this is a starter set and there are cheap kits out there but I always thought that actually about seven picks is really the minimum order to go down to here that really I wanted to just make sure that if it's a starter kit was he can expand that our space that there are actually enough in there that you can use a range of techniques and explore different pick profiles I think that's important and I've didn't include things like broken key extractors in there because you know I just don't think for a locks porter that broken Kean's extractors are particularly important the only other thing I would say is where there I tried to go for the cheapest set from an individual manufacturer which had at least seven picks not including broken key extractors but where there was a better kit within about five pounds or I just preferred it then it went for that one so I think that's loosely the criteria I went for so where to start so we have five pick sets which I have chosen that I consider to be the best start a lot pick sets out there based on my criteria where to start well I decided to start with the sparrows set this is the sparrows tuxedo now actually I had a bit of a choice to make because sparrows offer a few sets around the same price all under fifty pounds all which have at least seven picking tools in there but I chose a tuxedo because I think it offers a really nice balance anything it's a better one please leave a comment below and let everybody know about that too so you get seven picks six tension tools of a bottom in the key way with nine tensioning ends and in US dollars this comes to 32 US dollars or around 25 UK pounds which is actually pretty good value in fact out of the five sets of this I'm third in terms of cos Pirtle - a case in terms of cos Pirtle without that case that comes down to one pound and ninety one pence or think two dollars and forty six cents per tool not including the case which is really really good value what are the pros to this set well apart from that good value sparrows use an exceedingly high quality higher max yield stainless steel you can see how slim the profiles are they're finished very nicely they have a returns policy and this sets in particular does have a great balance between hooks half diamonds and rake tools which I think gives a really nice of balance to this kit I really do and what's nice you'll see two of these short hooks which is probably the most used profile and that's because one is twenty five thousand so an inch thick as are all the rest of tools and this one is fifteen thousand - it actually offers a nice super thin profile for picking those very tight key ways I think that's a really nice touch for this set what are the cons to this well there are no top the keyway specific tension tools in this one and some people consider the handles to be a little bit thin they're not sandwich I don't have any covering on them people get around this by putting some shrink tubing on there and the case will actually accommodate some shrink tubing around the pics as well if you find the thinner pick handles a little bit uncomfortable the case itself is really really nice I think they offer a black or a car key and you see that it's a double stitch where it needs to be nice white fastener and some rugged nylon at the back nice it's got a stiff back to this as well which is really quite nice so yeah that's the sparrows tuxedo set a pretty good all-rounder I think you can greet so next up is the multi pick elite 11 pick kit from multi pick of course and this offers seven picking as well as the broken key extractor it has three tension tools of four tension ends and this set it's actually the most expensive out of the five at 43 pounds which comes in at around fifty five point five US dollars however what you get with multi pick is a thirty year guarantee on their tools and they are made to a very high standard you can see that's there's part numbers on the tools themselves each one has its own serial number multi pick take their tools very seriously and have an excellent reputation the other thing is that they actually don't use stainless steel they use a tempered spring steel which is really really nice to use very thin profiles and the cases are known already here for the cases but the cases are superb mean this is a full leather case it's really fine grained leather as well it is really just nice if you'll have a little higher budget in the same which is top end a bit fancy but very practical very durable has a very long guarantee I think multiple definitely a contender if you don't through the key extractor this comes in at around three pounds ninety one per tool or five dollars or thereabouts per tool so when you break it down like that it's actually not that bad and the cons to this side from the higher cost it does have a broken key extractor I mean if you don't have one suppose it's not a combi if you don't really use them then it is just that they're not really doing a lot and it doesn't have any top of the keyway tensioning tools in there so halfway through and this is the mad Bob ghost Pro I actually picked this up for 18 pounds which is about twenty three dollars or there abouts and this comes with eight lock picks in three or one stainless I think they look really really nice as well and also has three tension tools to Boston keyway and one top of the key wherewith to tension ends which is a really nice touch this actually at the price I bought it comes in second in terms of its cost per tool ranking against the five sets that I have with a cost per tool coming in at one pound 64 or about two dollars eleven cents something like that which i think is really really epic as you can see well let's just pick one of these up the finish of these was just really really really nice they had a really nice edging they're well finished you can see just how they've just got that lovely lovely polish on here on the edges and yeah just a really nice set this is a hand stitch case there we go and double stitch where it needs to be all in this kind of like web nylon stuff it's simple but really really effective very much part of the aesthetic of the mob range so the good things about this set is that it has a really nice range of profiles between sort of DeForest balls reaches a really really nice boat our profile prince and princess rakes other kind of reach rakes and half diamonds and those kind of things and they have it can be hand finish and it has customize options on request and I think that a big pro for this set of course is of course that that top of the keyway tensioner it's just always nice to have one especially in a starter set like this a downside to this set and I guess it always has been is that it doesn't have a very large range of hooks in fact the only true hook that comes in is this medium to steep hook which some people did file down to a short hook if it didn't suit them all in point six mill stainless as I had mentioned so it does have a lack of hooks and it just being a standard 301 saying this means that it is a tying it's softer than some of the other sets steel that we are looking at today I think however the biggest and actually to be fair saddest thing which has to be a colin against this kid is mad Bob no longer are in production so they've had to stop making their there their picks it wasn't really working out for them so the only alternative that I can find is actually the Dangerfield serenity kits which I think you buy for around 25 pounds and 99 pence and as you can see it offers a remarkably similar set of profiles for that money in fact that sir that's the south or pick that god that's snuck in there but you can see here that these are let's do a like-for-like comparison you can see that the Dangerfield Sorrenti set does offer a similar product albeit not having the hand finishing options that map Bob's used to do so I am sad that mad Bob's are no longer in production but I did want to feature this kit because it it did offer a really really good value and there is a like-for-like ish alternative out there the penultimate kits that I want to explore now is the really awesome South Ward C 1500 kit there are a few variants I chose this one and what's really epic about this kit is that it offers really excellent value I actually found this kit for 20 pounds which is about 26 US dollars considering there are 11 picks here with four tensioning tools that that just comes in at one pound thirty three or one dollar 72 per tool not including the case which is just fabulous it really is it is using just a standard 301 stainless but you do get a huge range of profiles for that money so yeah I mean where to begin where to be aware to being clearly this is the the highest rank in terms of cost per tool value here well the big Pro of course is the fact that it has such great range here you know it's got a really great range Southold do do have a returns policy I believe and what's nice is the fact you get a range of hooks a range of half diamonds a range of rakes including boar a snake great city rakes treble peaks and some of the DeForest picks as well I think it's interesting that some of these picks come with sandwich handles some don't and let me show you the difference so there we go all this slim profile I believe they are they are 23 thousands of an inch but one is sandwich and one isn't I'm not entirely sure why other than maybe to reduce the cost of this kit which I have no issue with at all again you could add shrink tubing to the pigs should you wish to make them a little bit more comfortable in terms of cons um Wow there aren't reading many where they set it it's only a standard sub 301 stainless I believe so they are not some of the strongest steel in compared to the other sets that we've seen and there are no top the keyway tensioners but frankly the value that this kit offers is just superb and the case is actually quite nice too you can see some it's a it's a leather case it's a it's very nice as well as it's got double stitching at the edges so it's a nice set and you know I think I've seen these for a little bit more money elsewhere but you know I might I did actually pay exactly 20 pounds for this there's no reason why you can't find one for in and around that price as well it's really hard not to recommend this kit I think to a somebody who's getting into lock-picking in fact you could say that the C 2010 kit offers some really good value as well if you couldn't afford a little more and last but no means least is the law lock tools the valerian set now low lock tools came out this kit relatively recently so it has just majesty kit self in to this video because including v80 this set cost of 48 pounds which comes just in my budget which is great or around sixty two US dollars a bit more expensive than some of the other tools but not actually the most expensive in terms of cost per tool because you're guessing 13 picks here plus 6 tension tools with nine tension ends which offers some really really great value when you consider what you get in this kit so cost per tool not including the case as always is about two pounds fifty per tool or around $3.26 again which is I think pretty good value what are the pros this kit well just look at the range you're getting you're getting a huge amount of pics and just look here how many of these are either hooks or some form of half diamond profile if you like single pin picking I can't think of a sort of better start kit to get you internet with all of these hook profiles it really is quite something but they also throw in the classic city rake and bow guitar and snake rake in there as well plus you get a hybrid pick this Nessie pick as well so what are the pros to this kit well clearly here a huge range you get three top of the keyway tensioners blended which is really really nice to see they are a high quality high yield springless they spring stainless which is a really nice material very slim profiles for picking those european-style or tighter key ways so it's got a lot of things going for it and then cons well I can't think of many cons to this one apart from fact it's a slightly higher price the only thing I can think of is that it's also a pro and a con the handles are a little longer I really appreciate that because I pick like that a rest my finger there I appreciate having a small amount of handle resting on the crook of my hand there but they are also like well a bit longer some people don't appreciate the fact that they are a little longer than some of the other pics I like them some people might not get on with that and well that's it I mean the case is even very nicest or hardback to it it's um there we go it's really nice on the inside its durable sort of waterproof lining really nice thick fastener strip it's a real contender this kit as I think I've said in a recent review of it before I wrap up I just wanted to show you this kit as a bit of an honorable mention I couldn't in good conscience add this to my list of best start of lockpick sets because I truly believe it isn't actually one but it does sort of have a bit of charm in its own right as well and I'll tell you for why I don't think it really suits for beginner Pickers um it sort of meets my criteria it has at least seven picking tools excluding the broken key extractor and it is under 50 pounds in fact it's an extremely nice 15 pounds I found this for or around nineteen US dollars so it's really really cheapest you know if you're looking for a starter kit that's cheap made out this with stainless steel tips nor handles then I think this is a you know really fun kit but I it seems to be a little bit hard to find individual picks these days used to be able to so it's sort of half meets that criteria be able to find replacements and expansions for this set I couldn't see anywhere reliably where you could get those the other thing is is that whilst it offers some relatively okay rakes the the hooks that you get here all without exception just way too big for a beginner or intermediate picker to really get a lot of use out of albeit they're not bad profiles in some circumstances but I just wanted to show you this purely because it was just such a weird and interesting kit which sort of yeah I couldn't in good conscience a bit to my list of best pick kits out there but you know it's it's it's a pretty honest and good KITT there are some pros there it's got really great value it's good to sort of have as a second kit because of some of the really strange profiles you get here which are kind of nice to use and in some circumstances they have nice long handles as well which I quite like but they might not suit everybody the cons of course are obvious despite the the key price and the cost but all being local things one pound fifty or about two dollars yeah the the biggest con is just those weird profiles and the fact that it's hard to get individual pics to kind of bulk this out or improve it and the case is also well it's a little cheaper than the rest or feels it feels like a composite or faux leather its own maybe not the best but luck said it is only 15 pounds for the whole set so there you are those are my top 5 best lot pick starter sets or at least the ones that I've experienced anyway there are hundreds of pick manufacturers out there I clearly can't have experienced all of them but if you think there is a kits in particular that's you know meets those criteria of having at least seven picks is under fifty pounds you can get spares etc etc that I've missed then please do let me know in the comments below maybe it'll feature in a future video I'm always interested in different manufacturers different kits interesting stuff that's out there so you know do please let me know I'm well aware that there are more lock pick manufacturers out there offering some great services and tools and in time I may get to experience some of those and add them to new videos I do want to mention the elephant in the room which is where is Peterson here well this is a beaten euros slim pick and this is a pizza gem I want to tell you that I love this pick I mean I really love this pick I think Peterson makes and fantastic tools great handles fantastic steel the Euro slim profiles are actually they're a little wide but they're actually pretty usable when they're 18 of an inch in tighter and european-style keyways so I'm a really big fan I love that unfortunately the only set which had at least seven of these euro slim sets the things a Talon two which comes in at 80 US dollars or about sixty-five pounds and and that's just a bit too expensive I think for a beginner not to say however that if you were more experienced lock-picker and you wanted to explore Pete's and tools that I I wouldn't recommend it I think they do offer some great tools very very strong I've had this for this individual pick for years and use all the time and you can see that it's still looking pretty sharp today but that's the reason why I thinked include pizza anyway I hope you found that video useful you know if you I think that if I had received one of these kits or had bought one of these kits myself and I first wanted to upgrade from my starter cheap a lot pick sets I would be over the moon and fact that you can expand all of these sets and and modify them and customize on how you want I think it's a really strong point so if you're gonna you know get a kit for a picker who wants to move on with their picking and move on from a cheaper set like I said I think these are really good place to start and I've said it once before but I will say it once more please please please let me know in the comments if there are any other lockpick sets out there that you think I should have featured or should feature in the future or that I might not know about meet my criteria that may feature in a future video and yes I will be giving some of these kits away so keep watching over the next weeks and months and you may be in a chance to win some of these kits alright I'll see you all next time you
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 266,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lock, locksport, lock pick, lock picking, locks, Padlock, open, pick, picked, picking, lockpicking, locksmith, fun, cool, spp, single pin picking, gutting, gutted, how to, guide, tutorial, Best, top, beginner, starter, review
Id: klwzLePxbZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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