Cheapest Jackknife Pick Set on Amazon - Review

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hello again it's Locke noob and I thought it'd be interesting to see what the cheapest folding lockpick set would be also known as a jackknife lockpick set on Amazon and I surprised to find that you could get this God pick folding lockpick multi-tool for only four pounds 99 delivered Prime membership so yeah so I bought it so here we are freshly delivered you can see that this is the brand of high quality it's a fold lock pick tool it including the locksmith commonly used a single hook with six Drive a block I don't know about you buy thing that's possibly a mistranslation anyway let's have a look inside not so weird about the outside always let's see what you actually get for your money albeit not very much money which is very good thing so what do you get well you get this relatively shiny tool by God pick a brand I've not heard of it says make all unique again I'm not quite sure that's really getting at the edges the edges are a bit sharp but not terrible be nice if we get it some people on there if you kept this in your pocket it may eventually sort of increase the wear on the inside of your pocket there's no keyring so you'd have to worry get a spare key ring if you want to put it on a keychain a thing like that it's a shame it didn't come with the option although it's nice to have the hole in there so you can do that if you wish um it's quite a nice size I'll give it that and it's extremely extremely reminiscent of the H and H folding jackknife which is one of the really common cheap Chinese made Jack knives at which you can buy so yes God pick a muscling in on that territory the tension tool as in most of these actually held in pretty tightly a slide yeah that's not gonna fall out in a hurry so that's a good thing it's rounded at the tip then again that's pretty and it's quite a nice thickness nothing really to complain about there if you're gonna have one bottom the keyway tensioner that's not a bad one to have profiles so normally this will be locked down so that they wouldn't come out okay well they obviously come out a little bit but maybe foot tighten up a bit they're not too bad and with this tool in its place they're not gonna fall out in your pockets that's not so bad the important thing is they lock up well when you do get them out and you choose a profile so let's just choose this el rake or city ring tighten that up there you go and actually that's helped us I actually held quite nicely and I'll complain about that that's not so bad at all all right well let's see what the profiles you get so you get the city rate K pretty nice profile quite like that the finish is actually pretty good they've clearly been tumbled an offset snake I love the snake profile offset bit weird but I can go with that offset half ball a strange one but again I don't hate it a half ball four wave locks that's good half diamond nothing wrong with one of those and a medium hook I suppose that if I was going to mod it I'd just taking a millimeter off the top make it a short hook but yeah that's just me overall though I don't think you complain with those profiles see there's six pretty commonly used profiles there I am interested to know how sort of thick these are though they feel a little bit thin if I had to guess it's probably going to be around 20,000 or thereabout so let's have a look Oh nineteen thousand seven inch okay well that's quite slim is it a problem well I imagine these aren't made of the best metal I've got some magnets here let's have a look okay so they're weakly no quite strongly magnetic actually yeah so I doubt this thing is and if they're not made of a great metal then being that thin could mean that they don't quite last as long but then this is a backup set this isn't going to be your main set so probably won't matter to most 90,000 sis all right because I suppose that what they make cup for in thinness of shank they the width of the protis shank profile it's actually quite wide so it's a bit of a trade-off I think so how am I going to test this well I've chosen three locks a very easily ray Keable master lock 3 a really nice master lock m1 excel with a sprung core great for single pin picking and last but not least a really nice tight pair eccentric keyway padlock with some lovely spools which is a little bit more of a challenge ok so first things first let's have a go at raking so we're going to just fold these all back and I'm going to try using this offset snake little mouse lock 3 there oh that's that's taking up a lot of room in the old lock reckon we can get it though yes goes offset it's really making it hard to get on top of those pins in the way that I'd like to that's I really want to get this so this is a really easily breakable lock as well one last go no nor get any with that if it's only not offset it would definitely work on some locks but just not this one let me try instead the city rate profile maybe that will work instead let's have a go there's a problem with only one source of tension tool as well you don't get much of a choice in ah we got an open okay so it's saved by this pretty nice city Reiki cool let's have a go now at single pin picking which I guess am I going to start with this medium hook here again quite deep there's no shallow hook but let's start with this medium hook and see where we get we'll get to so it's mask has a very open key way but we're limited to the fact we can only do bottom key way tensioning this is a massive hook compared to this but I'm confident that because of the bidding on this I should be able to pick it come on it's getting there one two three and we are open had to just whip out the hook so it wasn't carrying around by the lock but yeah that's yeah if you got a wide enough key way this this will sort of do it and that's not so bad so it does work all right so I guess now we have to try to pick a tighter para centric key way with spools yeah I think for this we just can't use that deep hook maybe maybe we could try with the half diamond I suppose that's really our only option will it work will it work with what we've got okay oh no that's yes just not gonna work with this small key way maybe this larger but yeah this this is where it sort of all falls down because I don't think I've got backup option for this really the only thing that might get in there is a City rate but I know the bidding of this lock and it seems unlikely that'll work I guess I'll try the half ball as an alternative again I'm just not convinced by this I just don't think it's going to get in top of the keyway tensioner possibly that'll be brilliant but as it stands as it is oh I mean okay is it it is horrible to pick with have to say no no that's it's okay if you get it right in the back but by time I get to the front you have to lift it at such an angle that it's interfering with all the pins I cry one last time don't give it a don't give it a fair shot okay um yeah I don't think that's the right angle but it's the only angle can get under the pins width so oh don't break don't break no no it's gonna break if I try that so I think we've hit the limitation really of this set it's got a bottom of the key way tension tool which means that you're going to take up quite a lot of space in the lock which isn't a problem if you have a lower profile pic which you just don't have here it wasn't too bad in terms of feedback and feel though so if you were to buy this set and I don't not recommend it as long as you don't mind spending a fiver on you know little gizmo they're not definitely definitely a lot of bits off this hook just so you get a smaller profile because there isn't really anything on here which is a shallow hook which is what you're going to need if you have a bottom the keyway tension tool like this or opposing the pins yeah okay so well there you go that's the got pick a folding jackknife lock pick set the cheapest folding lock pick that I could find on Amazon in the UK and just yeah make all unique and I'll see you next time you
Channel: Lock Noob
Views: 17,360
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: Lock, locksport, lock pick, lock picking, locks, Padlock, open, pick, picked, picking, lockpicking, locksmith, fun, cool, spp, single pin picking, gutting, gutted, how to, guide, tutorial, Review
Id: C77tV3APXJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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