31 Words That Sound Like Slurs But Aren't

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

college humor, a classic

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/edispU6197 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] ugh i can't believe sam will give me a company credit card that dude is so niggerly hey not cool you can't say that actually it's a perfectly innocent word that means stingy it just sounds like a slur a lot like a slur ah but it's just almost a slur what are you guys talking about oh well you see pat there's many words that sound like slurs but aren't in fact you see so don't dismay at what you say they're perfectly pc why you can mention chinks if they're in your arm or speak of [ __ ] if you say and spam spook a crow if you're a farmer have a nip of kraut from the hot dog man i still don't think you should be saying these words ah but within the context they're perfectly innocent but that's not what people think when they hear them oh that's okay zack you just have to explain yourself every single time you use them did you write this song just so you could say these words plug a dyke if you mean a damn bummer fact [Music] don't look now but something slimy these chips here of citrus fame i eat them at the redskins game that name's not cool guys what the hell it's sanctioned by the nfl oh i haven't heard that song in the coons age you definitely can't say that word no it actually comes from an ancient folk legend that says that raccoons are very long-lived a history of racial intolerance is the only thing that stands between you and staying [ __ ] as much as you want as long as you mean the animals i'm just not gonna say it at all say they're caldwell why do you snicker oh i snicker from all the niggling chiggers the sneaker was triggered by niggling chiggers indeed it was no my snickers grow bigger sounds like you need a drink take a swig from this [ __ ] don't mind if i do we've received complaints from all of your co-workers now i know the words you're saying aren't technically slurs but they're making everyone uncomfortable ah but that's the trick of it you see any word can make you uncomfortable if you say with the right tone it doesn't even have to be a real word like jefferson crunch and goop oh fight and snarls and [ __ ] chew bows blue head red back tingam and tango garglers gringlers bluffers that was a real one [Music] hi it's mike trapp from collegehumor if you want to subscribe click here if you want to watch more videos click here and if you want to investigate the spooky old mccreery house even though your mom warned you not to turn to page 87.
Channel: CollegeHumor
Views: 11,081,842
Rating: 4.881979 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, slurs, curse, racism, racist, song, musial, singalong, sketch, comedy, sketch comedy, funny, internet, humor, ragtime, show tunes, Word (Literature Subject), etymology
Id: aQTJl2bwoZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2015
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