Sons of Zadok - Part 1, "Introduction to Sons of Zadok"

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[Music] just want to take this time to welcome those of you then all over the world all my dear friends as I'm watching the names come up just know that I see you and that I'm very very glad that you're here with us what a topic what a subject bless the Lord I want us to be ready now because I believe in my heart this is the word of Lord in this final hour glory to Jesus the word of the Lord is although we open our hearts now to receive the most precious seed in the universe the word of the Living God thank you for your anointing thank you for your revelation flowing right now oh yes the spirit of Revelation is flowing out to you right now you're gonna need it you're gonna need it let that spirit of Revelation flow out now anoint this broken clay vessel and bring forth to your word and your glory in Jesus name Amen hallelujah alright well this is such a big subject but when the Lord spoke to me to do this I thought perhaps as I've always thought after each book I finished that that was the last one but we're living in such a tremendous hour in the earth I know that in the natural things look bad but I want to declare to you tonight and say that this is the Passover this is the Holy Week this is when we worship God can the resurrection and I want you to agree with me that all over the world during this time God says to the enemy the demons of this virus the demons controlling this virus stop stay now thine hand we release healing deliverance wholeness on particularly your people but on the peoples of this earth the Lord the rain falls on the just and the unjust that your healing virtue now go out as we teach during this holy week amen well this is entitled the sons of Zadok and there's so many things I'm going to have to cover in relation to it because I mean you're all over the world and I don't know how much Revelation or foundation you have so if you hear something you've heard before just know that it's necessary for me to go over some of these things because the Lord spoke to me today and he said if you will do what I ask you to do every single person that sits under these teachings will have the opportunity to become a son of Zadok and if they're ever asked about it they can show in the word and prove to them what they believe I want you to be able to prove it in the scriptures glory to God so let's turn to Ezekiel 44 this evening and as we begin this journey and tonight I'm going to look at that why should we study this it's a picture of the last days and God's holy remnant shining in his glory coming for it and then the difference being the false church Babylon when I say that I include charismatic tongue talking people how we're going to pass through this and what are the major differences in God's holy bride and just regular church of the church system as it were so here we are in Ezekiel 44 and I will I think tomorrow going to talking about Zadok in particular and it's going to be glorious and what this means in this last hour but Ezekiel is a picture now see that if you don't know that the Old Testament has in it the New Testament contained glory to God and it's you know their types and shadows that speak to us of where we're at and I believe that as we look at these passages of Scripture and I have so many it would take me days to go through them but I'm gonna go just through a several tonight to let you know that in the last days God is looking for people God is no leash Aruna his hand is on you right now to do different things in your life be ready to hear radical voices from the Lord be ready to hear something that may even ask you to move but you'll feel wooing in your heart we don't want anybody to do anything stupid we want to follow the Spirit of God but in these last days we need to be in our place and under the proper leadership that can carry us into that place so in here reading and in Ezekiel 44 just want to lead up to the fact that the house of Eli which was now in charge of the high priesthood see initially God anointed Aaron and then he made it clear that his sons Elli a czar for his son Eleazar was to be the man to take his place so the line of Eleazar somehow nobody knows how it happened in history but somehow it got changed to Aaron's other son if I'm on you know they already lost to nab and Abby who because they offered strange fire before the Lord and I'm gonna go into that and talk about why the line of Le a czar in the ironic order had to be reset because when Eli was in existent he was a in the line of earth mark I'll go into all the names and what that means but God sovereignly move brought it back it puts Zadok in charge of the temple he made him along the high priest he was a member of the Ezekiel line and it stayed that way throughout but the line of the Eli the line event Lamar was back slidden we might just want to read that real quick in 1st Samuel chapter 3 let's go there first samuel 3 verse one and the child Samuel please notice this many times it says this he ministered unto the Lord but he did it the only way he knew how before Eli and the word of the Lord was precious in those days there was no open vision there is no there was no redeeming word there was no word from the Lord and it came to pass at that time when Eli who I don't believe was supposed to be sitting in that High Priest position it was out of order it wasn't according to God's order he laid down in his place and his eyes began to wax dim that he could not see glory to Jesus and air the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord where the Ark of God was the Ark of God is the manifest type of the manifest presence the glory of God and so the candle is about to go out when Samuel laid down to sleep now what was the situation that time in Israel we can look in over here in chapter 2 and see that Samuels sons were not doing it they weren't doing their job alright so Eli sons the line of Eli is in the high priests and I believe all over the earth this foul priesthood is in charge now and it says here let me find it in verse 12 now the sons of the Eli were sons of Belial for worthless men they knew the Lord now how can this be how can God have somebody in authority that doesn't even know him well it happens all the time they knew not the Lord and the priests custom was with the people was that when the any man offered sacrifice the priests servant came while the flesh was in seething with a flesh hook of three teeth in his hand and he struck it into the Penn kettle or caldron upon all that the flesh cook brought up that was for the priest so they did in Shiloh unto every user like the King there but also before they burped the fed the priests servants came and said to the man that sacrifice give flesh not after it had been washed or burned in the pot give raw meat to the priest for he will not have sodden flesh of the broug I'm sure they were taking the best cuts and if any man said unto them not let not them fail to burn the fat presently then take as much as thy soul desire if somebody said hey wait a minute this is not the right way to do it after we've done all this and according to the sacrificial law then take whatever you want but they answered them no but thou shall give it to me now and if not I will take it by force now see this is the the priests this is that false church glory to God it reminds me of the passage and you might want to read it in your Bibles right next to that verse where it says they take it by force has anybody ever taken anything from you by force over to God he says in Jeremiah 530 and 31 a wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests Bear rule by their means or the priests forced themselves on the people and my people love to have it so in other words they don't have any responsibility it's all upon the priests they've given up my people love to have it so but what will you do in the end there are priests bearing rule by their means forcing people to give them the offering that they didn't deserve where for the sin of the young man back in first samuel was very great before the Lord for men abhorred the offering of the Lord I dare say there's many people in the earth that abhor offerings now when they're taken the Sacre everything about the sacrifice was tainted with these sons of Eli who thought they were better than everybody else and because they were a priest they deserved something we only deserve as God's servants what the Lord allows to us we'll be talking about that as well because if you don't have if you have that kind of heart I'm gonna get whatever God gives to me or you know I can I'll take it from the people as it were we need people in positions of authority that love the Lord and honor him it would never take from God's people that which he didn't want them to have look at this at verse 18 but Samuel ministered before the Lord being a child girded with a linen ephod he didn't even know this was a fight against Samuel and hophni and Phinehas whose hearts were right it's obvious that hophni and Phinehas were not and so we pick it up then God sends a man of God to Eli and this is one of those no-name men glory to God we'll find out who it is when we get to heaven but this is somebody that God used and used mightily to bring a prophetic word for that hour - Levi or - Eli rather in his house and I believe God is saying this to the house of priests all over the earth today and there came a man of God unto Eli and said thus saith the Lord did I plainly appear into the house of thy father Levi when they were in Egypt in Pharaoh's house and did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priests to offer upon mine altar to burn incense to wear an ephod before me and did I give unto the house of my father all the offerings made by fire of all the children of Israel why kick you at my sacrifice in my offering which I have commanded in my habitation and onerous thy sons above me how many parents honor their children a boy go be to Jesus this is a true test for every man and woman of God that is a parent today notice the difference Samuel would minister to the Lord as he knew how he did not yet know the Lord but he was only ministry as he knew how but he was faithful but these young men knew everything about the offerings and the sacrifices but they were stealing and taking from God's people and I believe in another place that says they were laying with women that came to the Assembly committing adultery in the house of God did I choose them out of all the tribes of Israel well I read that why kick you at my sacrifice that I've commanded to be in my habitation the reason they did this you honor your son's above me to make yourself at rich rather with the choicest of all of the cheapest of all the offerings of my people they weren't even obeying the laws about how to take up an offering or being the laws about sacrifice all they cared about was who they were or were and the esteem that God gave them putting them in his high priest but you know that everybody in the Levitical priesthood had to be birthed in that family they were chosen simply because they were the sons not whether they had any anointing or revelation wherefore the Lord God said that thy house and the house of thy father should walk before me forever but now the Lord sayeth be it far from me how long do you think this is going to continue how long will God allow these priests not in a position that God placed them in somehow or another eli fixed it to where he was the high priest they changed the whole law only the line of Eleazar was supposed to be doing it but here we find Eli who was a decimal and I'll be bringing this up tomorrow night in relation to my god blew it out of there then that honor me I will honor this and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed what does this mean hophni and Phinehas were not honoring the Lord and they lightly esteemed him it wasn't about the Lord it was about them your ministry is about you and not the Lord Jesus you fall into this category of being of the old order the Rita girl right oh my behold the day's come that I will cut off by an arm of thy father's house that there shall not be an old man in thine house and thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation in all the wealth which God shall give Israel and there shall not be an old man in the house forever listen the enemy spoken of here is simply Samuel or the the priest they want to do the right things their cabinet is an enemy to those who want to usurp God and put themselves before him in church the man of thine whom I shall now cut off from my no alter shall be to consume thine eyes and to grieve thine heart and all the increase of my house shalt die in the flower of their age this is a prophecy of judgment upon Eli what you just to see his reaction and this shall be a sign unto thee that shall come upon my two sons listen to this upon hophni and Phinehas in one day they shall die both of them and I'm going to raise me up a faithful priest that shall do according to that which is in my heart the opposite of all verse 35 is what these brothers were doing they weren't being faithful they didn't do what was in God's heart they did what was in their heart and in his mind and I will build him a shore house and he shall walk before mine anointed forever glory to God then later when God spoke to Samuel and Eli knew that God gave him the word of the Lord Samuel you see didn't understand but he could hear God's voice Eli and his sons could no longer hear the voice of God but they knew what to do too many of us know what to do how to lead worship how to preach how to teach how to run a church and God has left out of it especially in the last days that's why this word is so vital this is going to be a reality again men living after the lust of their flesh doing what they want to do no faithfulness to God they don't even know the Lord and there's no open vision but you see you get used to something if you're sitting in it all the time right and so in God spoke to Samuel after he did in Godin Eli knew that God had spoken to him Eli said Samuel you better tell me what's happening and I won't go into all that but when he lied look over in verse oh gosh verse 17 he says don't hide it from me what the Lord showed you and Samuel told him every wit and left nothing behind and this was he large response not repentance he didn't stop honoring his sons over the Lord he kept doing what he was doing glory to Jesus and he said if it seems good to the Lord then let him do it but I tell you this whole revelation about the sons of Zadok is a judgment upon the house of Eli and his children yeah judgment upon that if Lamar line that was out of order God brought it back in with a special son named Samuel and then later Zadok glory to God I'm gonna tell you about zaytox life what he did what you and I can do to be these sons of Zeta and the pressure in the fight that will have to go through nonetheless mr. vector Ezekiel 44 this is a type of the last day Church all right so I'm just going to read a couple of verses in here first of all in the first Oh what may be six verses or so God's just bringing Ezekiel in and he doesn't begin talking about the Redeemer as house or anything but he explains to them God brought Ezekiel into the house but he makes certain to use two words house and sanctuary sanctuary speaks of the altar the golden altar and the presence of the Lord the house is just the house of people the body of people that come together some of them are full of demons and arguing with one another don't have a good relationship with their wife and children or whatever but he has to bring Ezekiel around the backside standing before the people because and then visit him in a mighty display of glory let's look at that first for then brought him either way of the north gate before the house and I looked and behold the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord and I fell upon my face you see Ezekiel need this needed to see the glory of God before he saw the people yeah it's much easier to deal with situations when you're looking through the glory there's no emphasis on the presence of God being in meetings people don't know the presence from good talent you know or whatever they call something anointed and it's really just a fleshy thing but God's going to be teaching you and me the Sprint's over these few days between the holy and the profane yeah God calls something profane that churches don't think is perfect you cannot bring the glory first of all if you've never seen the glory you don't know how to act in it and you come as there in two errands two sons there's a theory that they came into this the most holy place drunk and they were doing their service to the Lord in a drunken manner and he killed them immediately smoked them with fire I believe we're coming to that day right now where God is going to begin to judge the priesthood in Israel's asses and if you're found wanting in any way the fire of God is going to hit you and that fire is going to be it could be the very thing that purifies you purges you gets you back on the right track again that's right burn up all that flesh and you remember the other days word come with me to the sacrifice the slaughter I have spent over 50 years being slaughtered by God and every bit of anointing or drip or drop of the presence of God that I have has come through Great Tribulation it's the Great Tribulation we enter the kingdom if you don't know that as a man of God you need to earn a woman of God you need to fix that now thank God he's trying us now judgment must first begin at the house of God before it ever reaches the world glory to God so if God is judging you right now he's not mad at you maybe upset with your sin but he wants to help you get over them be delivered from it be washed and burnt from it but we have to see the glory before we can see what God wants us to do are you beholding the glory on a regular basis are you in a place where the glory of God is supreme where they allow the where everything is about what God that God's needs are met if not you need to get out of that place and go where the glory is falling so he's on his face and the Lord says mark well and behold with thine eyes and hear with my ears all that I say unto thee concerning the ordinances of the house of the Lord and all the laws thereof and mark well the entering in of the house with every going forth of the sanctuary the house is the people the sanctuary is the presence the order of the Living God he says Ezekiel you watch and see who's just a member of the house and who enters into the sanctuary and thou shalt say to the rebellious even to the house of israel thus saith the Lord God in the last days God is saying this to every Church that's a Babylonia structure it's a church made up of men's decisions and talent and what God wants humanistic platforms no longer is the Holy Ghost waited upon but we have things to do that we have to get done and get through the name of Jesus let that be the last day you ever bow I used to be a part of a church and they always would tell me because I led the worship there there were thousands of people there perhaps you probably around 1200 and they would always tell me keep it to 20 minutes and this place was known for worship and so being an obedient son the Lord said you just give them 20 minutes but you make it the best 20 minutes they've ever had and I'm gonna make it so that they're gonna the people will overwhelm the elders overwhelm them what they want done because the glory will be so strong they won't dare stop it and I'm telling you every Sunday every Wednesday every Bible School hallelujah it lasted longer than 20 minutes glory to Jesus for you have brought into my sanctuary strangers uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh these people had not had their heart circumcised to Jesus they were continuing to do what they'd been doing they pollute my sanctuary even my house and when you offer my bread the fat in the blood they have broken my covenant because of their abominations and you have not kept the charge of my holy things but you have said keepers of my charge in my sanctuary for yourself the elders the leaders were not a part of the sanctuary they were just ministering to the house but they said people this is what happened to me in my early days people knew I had the anointing and they'll use you after you have the anointing and God's blessing you you haven't anointed the Holy Ghost industry they'll use you for everything you've got and then they'll throw a javelin at you to try to kill you when you're effecting too many people but they have people that know and they put them in there thus saith the lord god it is time for a word of god to come forth to the priest at this country to the priests all over the world that are standing in positions of authority here the word of the Lord no stranger uncircumcised in heart nor uncircumcised in flesh shall enter into my sanctuary of any strangers that's among the children of Israel who by the way are in the house what did Aaron sons get slaughtered for because they offered strange fire to the Lord we've all heard of people leading the worship and local churches that aren't even filled with the Holy Ghost that they pay people who are talented and perhaps maybe some have not even been saved how can you bring the glory when you have no glory and all of you pastors and all of you leaders out there that are standing in faith and hanging on just because they're prospering now you watch and see as these days roll on God is going to make sure by the glory of this presence who is carrying the proper anointing blessed be the name of the Lord who's been faithful who's honored God and he goes on to say these are the two types of churches well there will be in the last days and the Levites that are gone far away from me man when Israel went astray which went astray from me after their idols they shall even bare their iniquity yet they shall be ministers in my sanctuary having charged at the gates of the house ministering to the house they shall slay the bird offering the sacrifice for the people and they shall stand before the people to minister to them listen do you want a ministry to people or a ministry to Jesus what's the track record of the man or woman of God that's over you do they cut the worship short isn't it it used to be every time the glory would fall somebody would get up and say okay let's find our seats and then they start making the announcements right when the glory the essence the presence of the Living God flows into that room take heart you men and women of God the Holy Ghost encourage you right now you have honored the Lord nobody should be in our praise or praise teams that first of all does not know the Lord or is not filled with the Holy Ghost how can you lead people into something you've never been yourself we only need Zion people leading the worship in every congregation just because somebody thinks they have talent does not mean they have the anointing and believe i'ts that are going away far for me when Israel went astray they shall be ministers in my sanctuary and so forth but listen to this all the while these guys are baring their iniquity the Bible says the heart knows its own bitterness glory to Jesus every one of us knows in our demmed by the things which we know don't measure up we've been weighed in the balances and found wanting all we need to do is repent and make an effort to try to stop doing that and the Holy Ghost will help you God's grace is sufficient verse 13 what an amazing verse they shall not come near to me to do the office of a priest unto me nor to come near any of my holy things in the most holy place but they shall bear their shame and their abominations which they have committed in one place Ezekiel says God showed him what was in the chambers of the the elders and the priests high priests chambers of their imagery God knows everything we think about everywhere every ever every bad heart desire he already knows it so why don't we bow to him and ask for his help instead of continuing in it and bearing the shame that's right and causing the glory not to fall in meetings Oh Rita geez right you will never do the office of a priest to me now let me just say something get briefly and I'm gonna I'll come back to this in just a second it looks like I'm only gonna be able to get through this one tonight do you know when God was laying down the rules in the book of Exodus for priests that when he told his son Aaron his son and his sons what they would do as after he passed away and they took up what he had them do was be consecrated but and I'll go through all of that and you're gonna be excited when I do that but at the end of all the consecration and sanctification he says I want you to stay seven days in the sanctuary the most holy place they couldn't leave the sanctuary for seven days which means perfection or completion God doesn't want you and I ever being released to the world this is my beloved son who's proven to me that he has my anointing and will do what I asked him to do God has not been saying that men have been promoting men but it's only when God's glory comes on as somebody wish that you know where did he say to the people in Joshua when you see the Ark of the Covenant on the shoulders of the priests go ye after it not the priests but the Ark symbolic of the presence of the Lord God doesn't want us following any man a woman that doesn't have the ark the manifest presence of God there is the omnipresence where two or more gathered in my name I'm in the midst of but that's what the ark symbolized the mad God is here when the glory came down and rested above that Ark God was there how many men do you know that you can honestly say God is with him or with her of the truth in the last days God is going to manifest his glory through those he's chosen he's going to manifest it by his manifest presence flowing through them glory to Jesus most of us that are leaning towards that and we really want to do that that's our heart how much warfare have we been in trying to fit in a dead system trying to fit in a meeting where there is no Gloria ticker bomb it's inglorious we've tried to fit in but we just can't do it we want to just lift up our hands and our voices and begin to shout glory embrace their God Lally everybody else is quiet I know that's in your heart and I'm telling you you aras son of Zadok and before this is over God told me every one of you that will take you to this give yourself to this word go over it consider it meditate on it make it a reality in your life manifested in your life he says every one of them will be a true son of Zadok you'll be able to show people in the scriptures that's what my calling is to teach the people the difference explain the things the foundational things that nobody else you know you can believe something if you know how to prove it and show it we need to be ready to give an answer to every man that asketh of the law the hope that lies within us you will know what and who and be able to show who the sons of Zadok are not only because you are one and you manifested in your life you can show them in the scriptures glory to Jesus what verse did I end up in yes he will make them keepers of the charge of the house for all the service thereof and for all that shall be done there in God is saying you can never minister to me Jesus you can you can minister all you want to people but you'll never minister to me in the most holy place because you're not allowed in there only sons of Zadok are allowed you know and we've got to kind of bring forth the tabernacle because that's just something you're going to need to see and know the outer court the holy place in the most holy place even in the priesthood there's the ironic order the Levites but out of that comes the sons of Zadok but that's not the highest group in the most holy place comes the order of melchizedek globey to Jesus he now that's the false church but he now begins to talk to the sons of Zeta but the priests the Levites the sons of Zeta that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children went astray see just because everybody's doing it don't make it right just because somebody gets away with something and God doesn't judge it immediately doesn't make it right God is looking for a holy people a consecrated sanctified people that's what this is all about sanctification justification sanctification glorification if you want to receive God's glory you have to be sanctified and when everybody else is doing things the wrong way or unscriptural don't you give in don't you give in you keep doing the will of God and keeping listen he says they they you shall come near to me and you'll be able to minister unto me and they shall stand before me to offer unto me the fat the blood saith the Lord God they shall enter into my sanctuary and they shall come near to my table that's the table of shewbread to minister unto me and they shall keep my glory to god this is the wrestling match between the false Church and the church and really is going on with God now all of us would like to think that we're in the church that truly going on with God I don't really think I can minister to much beyond this because there's just too much but those of you that are in positions of authority all over the world please hear me we have an opportunity to come forth into the sons of Zadok move out of the ironic order and come into the sons of Zadok and ultimately have a hope of becoming the order of Melchizedek order means rank of Melchizedek the most holy place ministry but there will always forever be a drain on men and women of God that are forced to do natural things their board or their leaders are always on them about the service being too long the word being too long the worship being extravagant or a little wild that's why I David you know when David built the tabernacle of David he was basically saying God's not moving in the old tabernacle which stood and most of God's people continued to go to the tabernacle they had a choice between the tabernacle of David and the old tabernacle but in God in David's tabernacle there was great rejoicing shouting dancing they were there 24 hours a day constantly before the Lord and I know that we've tried to set up 24-hour worships and on what that really means is you're ever worshiping the Lord that you always have our heart you can jump right in there a son of Zadok way the pressure from the house of Eli the pressure from the Laodicean Church is overwhelming the control men of God so they don't preach what the Lord is really how many of you pastors are afraid to preach what God tells you to preach even if you know that it may offend people listen we don't do things on purpose to offend people we just have to say what is the word of the Lord how much influence do other people have in your time with Jesus in your time in ministry we need to be cognizant of the manifest presence of God if it's not in that room if it's not in that church building if it's not in that home meeting if it's not there on a regular place and paid basis you need to be asking yourself what's going on where if I missed it something's wrong that's why I tell my disciples all over the world everyday you should have a time where that manifests glory falls on you because when it does your renew you've seen his face again you've beheld him and every time Moses looked into that face his face shined and changed how many times have we dropped our eyes from the Lord and we find there's a people in the book of Revelation to do anything that those eyes don't look at them they can't take intimacy with God intimacy is what it's all about not doing churchy things you were born to be conformed to the image of Jesus not say that conforming takes a lifetime there's justification then sanctification but sanctification and unless the lifetime prepares you for glorification for the glow listen the glory of God will shine in you will be revealed in you realize the grid says appear in you I pretty much been attacked my whole life because I believe things and taught things but I've never been accused never once of not saying what God was saying to me there are many things that I've talked and because I'm submitted I believe that every one of us should be submitted there must be some man some father in the Lord in your life or a group of men that you didn't know everything about you that can speak into your life who do you have doing that really that's anointed of God it was placed in your life to be that man of God how do you find yourself separated from and I tell you every time God says something new to me I submit it to the men that I'm just many times they'll say that it's they think it's wrong and so I I stopped teaching it knowing that in my heart that if they searched the scripture themselves they'll come around to believing it and guess what they do they have been several times when I changed my doctrine I change what I was teaching because I was told that it was not of God whatever I repented and kept on but on many major doctrines most of the men of God all of them actually that I'm submitted to agree with what I'm saying and they're holy righteous men of God that aren't afraid to tell me and nobody where I'm wrong or right but in this hour God is calling us to not be involved in the Eli way of doing things come out from among them and be separate separated sanctified and do what the Lord is telling you to do this is just the beginning folks I believe this word if you will catch home to this and begin to give yourself like look why do you think this thing is happening I believe this whole thing about kovat is giving the body of Christ time where they don't have to work where they have not time to sit the Lord read their Bibles be in his holy presence go help their neighbor or whatever as long as you keep social distancing I have nope listen I'm experiencing a move of God in my life glory to Jesus you can do let God turn your heart yes as he tried to turn Eli's but what did Eli say if that's what the Lord seems then good god it rebuked him told that all his children were gonna die that nobody in the eli line was ever going to be a priest again and it wasn't very much longer before god got the order back again under Eliezer here in son and you who it was Zadok Zadok was the man glory to God that was faithful to honor King David it was a type of Jesus it's time now and I'll be bringing you again tomorrow night about what the what it's going to look like in the last things but I'm telling you you need to hear my voice now because I have no desire to be seen of men or blessed by men whatever that I'm sixty four and a half years old that stuff has been taken from me it's no longer there it's been routed out of me I frankly don't care but I'm going to preach the Living Word of God has got quickens it and I tell you right now in the spirit the Lord is moving across this world trying to grab us and get off here the word of the Lord yes you don't want to be just a part of the house you want to be in the sanctuary not everybody that's in Zion is a part of Zion for Zions living in them out of your church members or group how many people actually have a walk with God do you as Jesus so close that his breath is resting upon worship I just feel the glory right now God wants to be so close what did it say about him and Moses God spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaketh to his friend let your relationship with Jesus go beyond the realm of religion and duty and law let it go into a place of intimate fellowship glory delight in spending time with the Lord and in his word his word as I was preparing it I'll finish with this as I was preparing to teach this and write this book you know I just finished the book on names every name in the Bible and define that name we have that book if you would like it it's an excellent one there's only been five ever written and I have got the most definitions for those names that any other book has but when I finished that book I thought man you know that'll be it for me because I've written 60 or 70 other I've got a deeper truth dictionary that gives you the type takes the type and tells you what the revelation is for every object color number and name but when the Lord said to me I want you to let me write through you what I'm saying to the church you know a few years ago I wrote a book called swelling of the Jordan which I heard from my mother and the Lord Jim Lewis years ago what a mighty woman of God she was I believe in women ministry so should you because it was the time of the swelling of the Jordan and didn't it prove to be true those of you that were around me back then heard that word you need to get that book because we're living in those times I want you to let me write through you Lords and this revelation of the sons of Zadok I'm calling my people upward and higher can you just sense this glorious just close your eyes with me right now begin to softly pray in the spirit how many years we begin to close down tonight I promise you that we won't go more than 75 minutes every night [Music] let the wave [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the of your [Music] [Applause] day the kingdoms are [Applause] let the win [Music] Oh [Music] every piece too [Music] Oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] you know people their way ministries is trying to tell you to come to the nation [Music] and it would do my heart food if some of you were just right and tell me that you're watching you're listening maybe send an offering to help us as we really want to be broken vessels going to the nation [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] father in the mighty name of the audience's I pray that your anointing reaches out and touches everyone that's watching or will watch this video thank you for dealing with them and speaking to their hearts Lord to become the sons of Zadok that they would never think too highly of themselves or anything like that but it's all in humility we receive this word I love you my friends I just saw her sister's name came up I haven't seen in years glory to God I love you I care for you we're trying to do the best we can and during this time when we're all shut in use it for the glory of God please Jesus loves us if once you will whole and healed we're not talking doubt and unbelief we're gonna bring Jesus speak Jesus to this situation glory to God let the body of Christ arise and begin to declare declare that Jesus is our healer Jesus is our Lord and let him have his way during this Easter season few quick things before we close today first of all thank you so much for joining us means everything to us that God's glory and His Word is ministered to you please like and subscribe as well as we'd love to hear from you as well an office at NW mint or you can email us lastly check out our website NW mentor we have two so many resources Bible studies courses things like that we just want to make disciples of the nations Jesus himself said in John 8 if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free making God's people free hallelujah is the goal as we share this word to that end has this video been produced lastly if this video's ministered to you spiritually pray about sowing a seed to this humble ministry you can do that online at NW min or --g / donate thanks again Jesus truly is precious bye for now
Channel: Narrow Way Ministries International
Views: 1,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Narrow Way Ministries, Brother Sam Greene, Baptism Of The Holy Ghost, Remnant, Bride of Christ, Manifestation of the Sons of God, Charismatic Church, FL, Devotional, Mark Hanby, Worship, Gifts Of The Holy Spirit, Miracles, Babylon, Ministry Of Brother Sam, Glory of God, Jacksonville, Asheville, Deeper Truth, Last Days, Coming of the Lord
Id: DOtQLxnnjfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 6sec (4026 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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