# 54 V'zot HaBrachah - The blessing for the Aleph Tav Children of Israel!

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[Music] you you blessing of Moses a beautiful poetic name for Israel called Yeshua it's symbolic of God's beloved he's looking at all of Israel as his bride and everybody grafted into Israel and last week is the first time that we see that introduced in last week's Torah portion in Deuteronomy 32 remember the song of Moses and one of the interesting things that we found was that it says Yeshua Ron grew speaking of him multiplying and he remember Israel after the time of Solomon was divided there was Judah and Benjamin and Levi that were near the Jerusalem area that stayed but the northern ten tribes were carried away by Assyria in 722 BC and Assyria let them continue to disperse they didn't hold them captive so they went up into the north into the areas of Japheth their brother up into Europe and settled there and they became known as party Jews and Ashkenazi Jews and Israel multiplied in the areas of Europe until the time of the new world and then after Columbus discovered this land they looked at it as a place for religious freedom when they were being persecuted at the exact same time in Spain under the Homburg decree of Queen Elizabeth Ann and King Ferdinand and they settled throughout the Americas north and south and central so there is Jewish blood or when I say Jewish I mean Israeli blood scattered throughout the Americas God has literally hidden the woman in the wilderness this has been the wilderness so that he/she could endure to the time of tribulation and so when it says yes your run grew it's very prophetic Israel has multiplied throughout all of the land from two thousand seven hundred and thirty plus years ago and what's amazing with this name is that we see it has a gamma tria in Hebrew every Hebrew letter has a numerical value and when you add up these numerical values each word has a certain value that lends credence to other words of the same value seemingly unrelated so what's amazing is yes run has a gamut ria of 566 and that just happens to be the exact same gamut ria as mashiac ben yosef this is the name of yeshua when he came in his first coming and yet what does let's turn there this is last week's Torah portion but it'll lead into this week's Torah portion with deeper understanding Deuteronomy 32 verse 15 look at what it says although he grew he abandoned God his maker and this is what Israel has done throughout all the lands of artist version we have forgot the one true God we have adopted false idols and false systems of worship and in essence we have put in the place of the true yeshua the hebrew word made flesh a God who has done away with Torah we promote Jesus figure who's done away with the Torah and in essence it says he they scored the rock after saying yes Shirin grew they abandoned God their maker and they scorned the rock of their salvation and we roused God to jealousy with alien gods and what's amazing is not only Judah has not recognized yahushua because of the way he's been promoted as jesus doing away with the law but in essence if the christians are observing and worshipping a false figure they're even rejecting or scorning the true rock of our salvation neither one has got it right one's got a false image and the other one is not accepting that false image at all and they throw the baby out with the bathwater they throw the true who upheld Torah and so here this just hit me I mean I get these amazing little downloads and praise God for it this just hit me yesterday about the significance of Yeshua Ron now this leads into deeper understanding when we go into from the song of Moses to the blessing of Moses his final blessing and he patterns his blessing much after our Father Yaakov in Genesis 49 remember Yaakov Jacob brings all of his twelve sons to him and he pronounces upon them a prophetic blessing that talks about their future and each one of these tribes has lived up to these prophetic functions and blessings of Jacob so Moshe is doing something very similar and you're gonna see him almost carryover from his song and this theme of yes Iran being prophetic and poetic speaking of Israel he's gonna carry this over and give more information about Yeshua and Messiah hidden within our final Torah portion for the year vaso Table Rock ha so if you have your Bibles turn with me to devaron chapter 33 that's Deuteronomy verse 1 says this is the blessing that Moe chez the man of God spoke out over the people of Israel before his death he's a hundred and twenty years old and he's not gonna enter the promised land so these are his final words to Israel out and I came from Sinai from seer he dawned on his people he shone forth from mount Paran and with him were my rads of Holy Ones at his right hand was a fiery law for them a fiery Torah if you're reading this in the Hebrew he's literally reminding them of this beautiful fiery Torah and the word here is each table and you see the word got hidden in that that's knowledge so we get knowledge from the Torah firing knowledge in essence it's like the download of information that God has given his people he truly loves the people all his holy ones are in your hands who's Moshe speaking to the children of Israel right so if he's saying all of his holy ones are in your hands he's referring to even the Angels being in subjection to Israel it's amazing they're sitting at your feet they receive your instruction so the God of the universe has given knowledge to his chosen bride Israel and the angels are watching and they're listening and they're even sitting at their feet and every time we speak the Torah in weather in the wilderness or in the synagogue's today they're learning they're right there they love the law of the Lord it says they receive your instruction the Torah Moshe commanded us as an inheritance for the community of Jacob then a king arose in Yeshua amazing this is the second time the word yesh Ron is used now what's amazing is we learned from the last chapter that although yes Iran grew and we know that they grew in all the lands of their dispersion over the last twenty seven hundred years they didn't recognize the rock of their salvation that's what the text says both parties all of Israel whether you're looking at Judah or the lost ten tribes didn't really recognize the true living Torah who's upholding and living out you know it says yushua came you should says I come not to abolish the law but to fulfill it in the Greek that's playroom which means to fully live out to show you and you and you and you how to live it out also which was a greatest example of selfless love we ever seen so what's amazing is God's keeping his covenant with Israel he blesses them they grow he sent them to different lands so that they can multiply even more than they could if they had remained if they had remained in one place not only would they be limited by resources but they would be wiped out by their enemies that's right so God's actually protected us we think our exile has been a bad but God has turned to Satan's curse back into a blessing then in verse 5 it says a king arose in yes run remember what we read in Revelation 12 the woman would give birth to the male child this male child is the one who is going to be the future king of Israel and rain as mashiac and high priest so very prophetic now yes Ron you can break down the word into yeah sure which means upright and oon one so yes sure Ron is referred to Israel when they're living righteously they're an upright nation they're an upright people yes Archie yes it's the inheritance yes exactly we pass it down from father to son because even our children are part of that betrothal and they're gonna be part of the bride if they receive it and live it out very good so this word here yes your means up right one then a king arose in God's chosen people it's what it's saying let's go on when the leaders of the people were gathered all the tribes of Israel together now he begins his discourse to each tribe individually let Reuben live and not die out even though his numbers grow few why was his numbers growing few because he had brought a curse upon his own tribe by his own sins and we see the people of Reuben during the forty years instead of their numbers increasing decreasing we took a census at the beginning of the forty years leaving in Exodus we took another census at the end and we compared the two we found out which tribes were actually blessed by an increase in number or a decrease the loss of blessing of Yehuda this is Judah he said here Adonai the cry of Yehuda bring him into his people let his own hands defend him but you help him against his enemies and this is exactly what the coming of mashiac is all about he's coming back at a time when Daniel 12:1 says the power of the holy people is shaken they cannot even defend themselves zechariah 14 says mashach is coming back arrayed in battle he's coming back to defend yahudah this is where Jerusalem is and the inheritance of Judah so this is very prophetic of Levi he said let your two men and woman this is the white and black stones be with your pious one he's speaking of the Levitical priesthood whom you tested at Massa when with whom you struggle that the mayor of a spring this is the bitter waters of his father and mother he said I do not know them he didn't acknowledge his brothers or children what is this speaking about do you know in the whole house of Israel bowed me to the golden calf Levi was the only one that did not bow down this is why the priesthood moved from the firstborn of each of the tribes just to Levi and Yeshua says unless you are willing to give up father and mother brother and sister for my sake you're not worthy of the kingdom and look at what Levi was willing to do he was willing to say I don't know them compared to knowing Hashem compared to my focus 24 hours a day on serving and knowing Hashem it's like I don't even have any other family this is how much his focus was on keeping the Oracles of God it's not a bad thing it's not saying that you're denying your father not taking care of your mother it's just talking about his whole focus 110% because y'all was his total focus and so he didn't acknowledge any of the other tribes even when they bow down the knee he was the only one that stood firm I'm not going into idol worship it says for he observed your word and he kept your covenant they will teach Yaakov your rulings Israel your Torah so Israel we're all the descendants in America and throughout Europe of the lost house of Israel right where are you supposed to go to learn God's Torah back to Judah that's what it says don't deny Judah don't think of Judah with a negative mind so many people are anti you know rabbinical Judaism but what's amazing is they have been the ones to preserve Torah they've been the ones to preserve the Oracles of God and Moses prophesied that it's them that would teach all of Israel their rulings they will set incense before you and hold burnt offerings on your altar Adonai bless his possessions accept the work he does but crushes enemies hip and thigh may those who hate him rise no more and you know what's interesting when the northern 10 tribes were taken away Levi remained because where was Levi his inheritance they had no inheritance in the land right so they were given a portion of land within Judah so Judah Levi and part of Benjamin were preserved in the land they were only in exile 70 years in Babylon and then they're the ones to return to Israel and return the Torah I mean preserve the Torah and return the people to Torah so you're looking at the Jews are comprised of and a lot of times when you're in Israel the Jews will talk about the Jewish nation they're speaking of the whole house of Israel but the ones to preserve Torah down through the ages is Judah and Levi and part of in German so it's wonderful if it wasn't for Levi who knows if the true Oracles of God would even be preserved of Benjamin he said a denies beloved lies securely he protects him day after day he lives between his shoulders of Yosef he said me out and I bless his land with the best from the sky now what's amazing is Yosef is synonymous with Ephraim his who got the firstborn blessing for all the tribes of Israel and Eve from and Manasseh are largely residing in America today both Western Europe and in America so when it's talking about a special blessing over Yosef look at how we've been blessed we have had a very fruitful nation a very profitable nation we've been safe we haven't had any real invasions in the homeland you know it compared to the Middle Eastern countries that are always being bombed and attacked and harassed so this blessing I want you to think of yourself in Yosef through ephraim and manasseh and i look at you from an Manasseh in kind of a unique way where Eve from in these days it's a synonymous word for anybody from any of the lost house of Israel because they were kind of the leader being getting the firstborn blessing and there are some of the first ones to wake up you feel your DNA resonating you know you might have been born in a certain family and a certain religion but your heart is waking up to Torah that's Ephraim Manasseh still has a bit of a veil over their eyes you ever wonder why maybe there's a difference between you and your brother and sister or whether there's a difference between your neighbor why somebody coming out of the same church they're not ready to come out at this time they're not feeling that DNA wake up to return to Torah and this is kind of the difference how we can recognize ephraim from Manasseh there's a purpose and there's different timings where people are returning to Torah but to see what God is doing right now fulfilling prophecy with people coming out of the Christian world letting go of all the paganism returning to Torah this is very indicative of Ephraim the firstborn and they're gonna return to Judah and they're gonna learn and for Levi and learn Torah and Manasseh won't be lost they'll just be a little bit later yeah it might take Messiah coming for Manasseh to recognize that he truly is the living Torah much like the Jews won't be lost but they will recognize right mushiya coming it says of yo Civ and Ephraim bless him Lord with the best from the sky for the do for what comes from the depths beneath with the best of what the Sun makes grow with the best of what comes up each month with the best from the mountains of old from the with the best of the eternal heals and with the best of the earth and all that fills it and the favour of him who lived in the bush may blessings come over the head of Yosef on the brow of the prints among his brothers his firstborn bull glory is his now this word bull here is actually sure so I've written it up here this is another maybe I didn't write it sure is the sheen and the vog and the race and while the dingus translation call it bull it has more of a connotation see sorry my page turned to the wrong chapter your Bibles might say bull but it has more of a connotation of a traveler as if it's referring to those in exile we've been traveling we're long overdue to come home we're gonna go home when Messiah comes so it's referring to his firstborn traveler this is Ephraim the little hidden glimpse the glory is his his horns are those of a wild ox with them he will push the people so if you looked at from an aerial view of the migration of Israel being led by Ephraim you would see him pushing out other nations as he went up into the caucuses into northern Europe into Spain Western Europe into of the Americas he's always pushing like a bull those who are already residing there and God is blessing him and he's multiplying this is something that is beautiful when you see in the Hebrew but it it loses its connotation in the English it says with them he will push the peoples all of them to the ends of the earth and that's the way Israel's been migrating to all the ends of the earth these are the my Reds of Ephraim so there it is clarifies for you these are the thousands of Menasha then he goes into Zebulon rejoice Zebulon as you go forth and you use a car in your tents now Zebulon was prophesied to reside by the sea so they were they had sailing ships they will summon peoples to the mountain and their offer righteous sacrifices for they will draw from the abundance of the sea and from the hidden treasures of the sand of gad moshe says blessed is he who makes god so large he lies there like a lion tearing arm and scalp he chose the best for himself remember when israel was coming over the land Rubin and Menasha reuben gad and the half tribe of manasseh said we want to stay because the land is so fertile for our for our flocks so they stayed east of the jordan valley they chose the best for themselves when the princely portion was assigned when the leaders of the people came he carried out at a nice justice and his rulings concerning Israel of Dan he said Dan is a lion cub leaping forth from Bashan but Shawn was up in the north and it was very rich land very green and luscious and as Dan migrated to the north just like the Bulls of Bashan were in the north you can actually see in jacob's blessing in Genesis 49 he says Dan will be like a serpent well his migration was like a serpent because he followed a particular river up into northern Europe and everywhere he went he named towns and settlements after himself and you will see Denmark the Danube is the river that's like the snake that he migrated up through all of these prophecies are pertaining to the lost house of Israel spreading out through Europe by the time that people come to America they don't even realize they're in Israel anymore they think oh well my parents were German or that my parents were Danish or my parents were Spanish or you know and they refer to that but we should start to wake up and recognize our true identity in Israel and the true identity that we have within us which is the Spirit of God well whether whether or not there's a special covenant that Israel has and many people think they have access to God without being a part of Israel but it's very important either you recognize that you're a descendant of Israel or it's time to be grafted into Israel those are the only two options no longer to think that you're a separate woman that has access because what's a separate woman who tries to access the husband call a heart of it so we really have a blessing and recognizing our true identity of Nepali he said you knocked Ali satisfied with favor and full of blessing from out and I take possession of the sea and the salad and of an Asscher now we're gonna see a hidden prophecy in usher usher in Hebrew means blessed or happy and we're naturally happy when we're blessed and what's the source of our happiness and blessing this is what we're gonna find out hidden here may a sure be the most blessed of all sons may he be the favorite among his brothers and bathe his feet in oil may your bolts be of iron and bronze and your strength lasts as long as you live yes run there is no one like God riding through the heavens to help you now he's referring to the whole Israel is with this poetic term yes you're on this is a Messianic prophecy for us yes run there's no one like God who's gonna ride through the heavens to help you riding on the clouds in his majesty so what's amazing is right here this word for happy hasn't enlarged olive in it we see certain anomalies in the Hebrew and he's telling us that the source of our blessings and the source of our happiness is to be connected to the olive now all if is the first letter of Elohim it's the letter that's missing in Genesis 1:1 when it says Bereshit bara Elohim why does the Bible start with the bait instead of the olive because all of his invisible spirit it's there you just don't see it the focus is on the house that the olive is building for himself that Elohim is building for himself so what's amazing when you shoe it came and you know there's over 9,000 different places in the scriptures where it refers to the olefin all within the table which are the first in the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet it means the whole Torah basically when you see the olive Tov it's saying that all effete every letter in the olivet that comprises Torah is between the Olaf and the toff Yeshua is the word that was made flesh so he refers to himself as the olive and the top in the Greek this guy translated as the Alpha and the Omega right the first and the last but he says I am the all from the top and look at this first verse up here visit ha Brokaw so this is the blessing olive Tov Bonet yester IL now this isn't translated in your Bibles in this first part of Deuteronomy 33 verse 1 you're gonna see the name of the Torah portion visit hey Brooke ha which means this is the blessing for the children of Israel that Moses gave them and it leaves out the olive Tov but when you read it in Hebrew that all of Tov is there it changes everything because this blessing is for the Olive tava children of Israel we recognize in Yeshua on this rock of our salvation the rock that they didn't recognize were there all of Tov children because we recognize the olive Tov the king that will arise from yesh Ron we recognize he is the olive Tov and then in verse 26 here it says there is no one like God riding through the heavens to help you riding on the clouds and majesty who could this be returning but the one who was born that wasn't recognized it's for spiritual things are spiritually discerned and I have that's right I did say that oh yeah turn with me just really quick as we're looking at this theme of yes your unseen God saving him riding through the clouds it reminds me of Mark chapter 13 whoever gets it first feel free to read it and verse 26 it says then they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds with tremendous power so this allof Tov this rock of our salvation who says I am the olive and the Tov who is now prophesied to come for God on the clouds we see you Shu referring to this passage he says with tremendous power and glory and the way that Moses said it was he will come through the heavens to help you writing on the clouds in his majesty the eternal of old is a dwelling place what's more eternal than the word John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God that's why it says here there is no one like God riding through the heavens to help you writing on the clouds in His Majesty the eternal is a dwelling place with everlasting arms beneath in prophecy whenever God talks about saving Israel through his outstretched arm this is a messianic prophecy you can also go to the next chapter in mark mark 14 verse 62 and you see him say when they were asked him are you the mashiac for 62 he says I am now he wasn't anointed yet as king but he's the one who's going to come back and be king so right now we recognize him as the prophet like Kandam O'Shea and the suffering servant but he telling us that he's the same one it's not gonna be another who comes back as meshach and reigns as king and high priest he's confirming I am them mashiac moreover you will see the son of man he's not saying that he's God he's not even thinking you know like Hebrews says equality to it to be thought to be equality with God but he calls himself the son of man you will see him sitting at the right hand of God and coming on the clouds of heaven at this the high priest tore their clothes and they said why do we need any more witnesses you've heard him blasphemy they knew what he was saying he's referring to himself as the Olive Toth who's going to come on the clouds of heaven first in Revelation 1:7 it says behold he comes with clouds and every eye shall see him so there's no secret rapture don't let anybody fool you into a pre-trib secret rapture he says I come back in Mathew 24 after the tribulation of those days and revelation says every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all Kindred's of the earth shall wail because of him verse 28 in Deuteronomy 33 says so Israel lives in security because once he comes back on the clouds Israel will be living in security the foundation of Yaakov is a land of wheat and new wine so it's referring to the feast and to the agriculture where the skies drip with Dew happy are you Israel this word happy here is a shriek ah yes al an - Rafa has this enlarged olive so if you have your pencils with you feel free to underline that verse 29 where it says happy he's referring to our happiness I'll enlarge it here here's a picture of a Torah scroll look at how much bigger they made the olive this is Elohim written in Hebrew the title for God see they all if they're this shows that you Israel will only be truly happy when they are connected to God the olive and the Tov connection so we see all that God is doing in through the Oliphant in the Tov who is like you Israel a people saved by Adonai your defender helping you and your sword of triumph your enemies will cringe before you but you will trample down their high places this is a dual prophecy here and then in closing MOU che ascended from the plains of Moab to Mount Nebo the place where God told him that he would die across from Jericho and there out and I showed him all the land Gilead as far as Dan in the north Neftali which is the west area he settled near the Galilee and the land of Ephraim which is Samaria and Menasha the land of Judah which is where Jerusalem resides all the way to the sea beyond what's the sea beyond on the other side of Israel if you're looking from the east you're looking West you see the Mediterranean off in the distance so he's showing him the whole country in the whole land grant including the Negev in the south the desert and the valley of Jericho the city of the date-palms as far away as Zoar and he said to him this is the land concerning which I swore to your forefathers over ham Yitzhak and Yakov I will give it to your descendants I have let you see it with your eyes but you will not cross over there so Moshe the servant of at and I died there in the land of Moab as I deny had said he was buried in the valley across from Beit P or in the land of Moab but to this day no one knows where his grave is you know why one yeah I wouldn't become a part of worship but remember Jude verse nine where it says Michael the Archangel contended over the body of Moses against positon hasta ton with the accuser saying that mo shade didn't deserve to enter the land because he struck the rock twice he's basically trying to claim his soul now God says yes he did sin and yes you know i will lay him to rest but the good news is there's a lamb slain from the foundation of the world and Moses had repented of striking the rock twice and so what he's doing is he's claiming Moses even though Satan wanted to claim him in eternal death God resurrects him we see Moshe and Elijah appearing from heaven at the Mount of Transfiguration Moses is a type of those who will die in the Lord and be raised up new creatures at the day of trumpeting Elijah represents those who are alive and remain it says the Lord shall descend with a shout of the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in messiah shall rise first that's representative of Moses those who have died but been resurrected will be resurrected and we who are alive and remain that's what Elijah represents he never died he was translated we'll be caught up with them so we see a beautiful depiction of the second coming in the Mount of Transfiguration and this is why no one can ever find his body the people of Israel mourned Moshe on the plains of Moab for thirty days after this the days of crying and mourning for Moshe ended now yahushua yahushua son of noon and noon and hebrew means life this is a type of the coming messiah who's the son of the source of life he came full of the spirit of wisdom from O'Shay had laid hands upon him and the people of israel heeded him and did what out and i had ordered Moshe to do since that time there is not arisen a prophet in Israel like Moshe so obviously Moshe he's not writing this right this is after his death most likely Joshua's putting this trailer on this book and in enlarges day I mean not Elijah in Joshua's day he's looking for the Prophet that was promised to be like Moses but he hasn't seen him yet this was to come after Joshua's day we have the prophet like unto Moshe in yahushua whom out and i knew face to face what signs and wonders out and i sent him to perform in the land of egypt upon Pharaoh all his servants and all his land what might is in his hand what great terror he evoked before the eyes of Israel and this last word it's interesting the lammott in Israel is the last word of Torah the LA med is stretched out to go to the middle of the column it's really elongated so whenever we complete a book of Torah we say to each other and shake each other's hand huzzah huzzah vain it has Ock because you've not only completed a book of Torah but you have completed the whole Torah and it's traditional for us to say a few words of Genesis 1 but in our haftorah which goes right into the book of joshua i just want to encourage you with these words just a couple verses from joshua this is where we get the term huzzah huzzah vain it has Ock we say it three times right hizaki means be strong huzzah could be strong then it huzzah can be strengthened in other words so it's it's the word strength in Hebrew three times we get this from Joshua one six through nine where Joshua is telling us be strong and of a good courage for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance in the land God speaking to Joshua about Israel which I swore to their fathers to give them only be huzzah and be courageous is the second time it says it that thou might what observe to do now that we've completed the whole Torah our job is to do according to all the Torah which Moses my servant commanded you turn not from it to the right or to the left that thou mayest prosper wherever you go so you're prospering is a direct correlation to your observance to Torah whenever something doesn't go right we have to ask ourselves do a little introspection where am i out of harmony this book of the Torah shall not depart from your mouth but it but on it you shall meditate day and night that you might observe to do all according to what is written therein for then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall have good success this is good news the secret to success right here have not I commanded thee huzzah and be of good courage be not afraid neither be doubt just made for the LORD thy God is with you wherever you go this is exciting this is such a blessing to be able to study Torah all year long without being persecuted to have the opportunity to live it out to the best of our ability without a temple and without being in the land we're only able to fulfill about half of the Torah Commandments without the temple and without the land but we look forward to that day when Messiah comes and he returns us to the land and he rebuilt the temple and we can see what the Torah looks like fully lived out this is our focus and this is our prayer and now we are in new beginnings in the beginning and we are back to the beginning next week so be sure to come because we have a special prophecy hidden in the first chapter of Genesis that will out lay the last seven thousand years so with that let's stand and those in prayer Abba Father we thank you Lord for writing your tour upon our hearts we thank you for revealing the olive table to us and helping us see with spiritual eyes the author and finisher of our faith the rock of our salvation the land that was slain from the foundation of the world father now that we have written the stor upon our heart we pray that you would empower us through your Ruach to live it out we love you Father and we seek to live it out in acts of loving-kindness to one another wherever we go may every thought and every word and every deed glorify you father we thank you and we ask your blessing upon the food that we're about to receive and the remainder of our time together on your holy Shabbat we thank you for this time of Sukkot that looks forward to the millennial reign father we have so much to be thankful for for you have truly revealed to us what things are to come you have said in your word that you do nothing unless you reveal your plans through your servants the prophets and so it is truly our privilege to search these things out and to see you in a deeper way and to come into a closer relationship with you we love you Father and we thank you for this and your Holy Name we pray amen [Music] I left the Sun the skies I bless your lips i bless you [Music] [Music] for you everyday for you in everything [Music] when you weary high just start if the world leave you uninspired when nothing [Music] don't be long when you no longer here goes for you [Music] everyday for you [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 4,833
Rating: 4.9006209 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Parashah V'zot Berachah, V'zot B'rachah, The Blessing, The Blessing of Moses, Israel, Moses' Death, Aleph-Tav, Called Out Believers, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Torah Study, Pastor Isaac, Rabbi Yitzchak, Learn Truth, Torah Truth
Id: 236S2cu1_yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 42sec (2562 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2017
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