#26 Haftarah Shemini - Examples of Levitical Priests vs the Melchizedek Priesthood

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[Music] you [Music] you morning's Torah parsha is called shimmy knee in Leviticus and it's about Nadav and Avihu and how they did something that the father did not ask them to do and in the presence of God when we add to or subtract from God's Word we in essence are holding on to darkness doing things our own way and we're gonna see what happened to them and the Torah is paralleled in that native Anna V who did something God asked them not to do and they died and in the haftorah in 2nd samuel chapter 6 we're gonna go through the chapter 6 through chapter 7 verse 17 we're gonna see that when David was bringing up the Ark of the Covenant that he had a Levite named who'sa who did something God asked him not to do and that was don't touch the Ark see darkness cannot coexist with light and so when you see that there's a theme here in that two Levites both did something that God asked him not to do and we're going to see a history of different types of priests who have done things that God asked him not to do and we're gonna get a model of what not to do but the beauty is we're not gonna end there we're gonna look at King David and how he rectified the situation and he stepped in the gap as a type of Melchizedek priest he was already reigning as king he put on linen ritual vest like a priest and he made sacrifices and he rectified the situation that caused the death of who'sa and in that way act as intercessor as a high priest and as a king and this is the model that Yeshua will come and reign in as high priests and King this is the order of Melchizedek monkey Tzadik means king of righteousness and he reigned over Jerusalem he was a king of peace king of Salem at that time Shalom which later became known as Jerusalem city of peace and he is the original model coming down from Adam of the priesthood as high priest and King and we're gonna see how this priesthood was intended to be carried out by Israel as a royal priesthood every firstborn of Israel from all the tribes were supposed to be able to be a royal priest but because of the sin of the golden calf and then bowing the knee at the golden calf only the Levites carried that on who did not until such a time that this original covenant with Israel could be renewed through Yeshua he's gonna come and reign as the high priest and he's gonna renew covenant Israel it's not a new covenant it's not something new it's something renewed it's what God already intended for us to live as a royalty in righteousness and in peace and to be an example in that way a light to the nation's so we're gonna first start off with native Avenue V who in the tour portion and then look at the hospital and then create a model of what not to do here's some bad examples that I've written on the board for us and we will look at those and then we will go into the correct model that David exemplified and that Yeshua as a son of David carries through so if you have your Bibles you can look at Leviticus 9 and just roughly I'm going to take you through a very quick synopsis of the tour portion and the haftorah so that we can get into the meat of this beautiful prophecy that God gave through the Prophet Nathan to David about how God would send one of David's sons to build the temple return the Exile and to reign as high priest and king the book of Samuel is written by of course the prophet Samuel and he's another one who is officiating as a type of this Melchizedek Priesthood because if you look at some of these bad examples like khorog he was a son of Kohath now we know only the sons of Aaron could officiate as priests right the Kohut would carry the furniture of the temple when Israel would move but they weren't to actually touch the holy things so what's interesting is Corrick he died coveting Moses position had jealousy then he created slander in the camp and created a rebellion and caused the death of many others who followed him in that rebellion they all died but remember in that passage that there were certain sons who repented and they did not die certain sons of Korah and enough kohat well what's amazing and what's like Paul Harvey says the rest of the story is you don't realize because it doesn't clearly say it in the scriptures but the descendants of those repentant sons of Kohath is the line that Samuel came through so he wasn't even a Kohan of the lineage of Aaron but he was a Levite from the descendants of Kohath and it shows the power of repentance that these that their forefather had sinned in such a grievous way and died their repentance could bring such a righteous one as Samuel who at his time was just after Eli another example of a bad priest who was full of gluttony we know he was he had a self-control problem with eating what you put it that way and his sons were not raised up righteously and so they weren't able to continue the priesthood so Samuel steps in the gap as a priest even though he's not a son of Aaron he is a Levite and he's taught the Oracles of God and God speaks through him as a prophet so we have prophet priest and then he's the last judge of Israel so he's really ruling as a type of rulership that God originated for Israel before the people asked for a king it wasn't God's original intent that they would have a king God was to be their king and he set up judges underneath himself to rule the people and this is what Sanga was so in all essence he's after the order of Melchizedek as a prophet priest and King which we see Yeshua exemplified and then in the haftorah we see use' we're gonna see he had a lack of faith and trusting God when the oxen stumbled he thought he needed to touch that ark and of course the ark didn't wasn't going to tip over but God had told him the coal the sons of Kohath are to carry the furniture after heir and the sons of heir and have wrapped it sufficiently and put it on carts so they're never to touch it it says you can carry it on with your oxen and by hand but you cannot touch it well who'sa is another son of Kohath so it makes more sense when we understand why when he touched it this was a direct commandment that he had broken and then of course other priests in the future that had fallen into idolatry we have a long the example of both sons of Aaron as well as sons of Kohath Levites that gave us a bad example and fell into sin so Samuel is the son of Elkanah and he's from Efrat this is the same place that Yeshua was prophesied to be born in Efrat Bethlehem and the Levites would stay in this area of Benjamin which was just outside of Jerusalem as those of you that have gone to Israel with me know Bethlehem is not very far from Jerusalem and first Chronicles clarifies that he was a Levite even though they lived in Efrat and ksham Yul comes from Shema L it means God hears because Hannah had prayed she was a wife of the very wealthy man who had two wives the other wife had lots of children she had no children and she went to the temple there where Eli was officiating in sheilo and she said God if you give me a son I will dedicate him to you and Samuel became more righteous and a better ruler than any of the previous priests so it's beautiful God truly hears our prayers and our repentance the fact that the sons of Kohath had repented their prayers were heard by God and is confirmed in this righteous prophet priest and ruler Samuel and he's speaking roughly around the time of King David's reign and we're going to see at least in 2nd Samuel 6 today that this is occurring right around 1000 BC and of course all Israel is still together they haven't been divided yet and the haftorah is going to speak of the death of ouzo and it parallels the torah portion with native and a v whose death and so we have to kind of ask ourselves whenever we see a correlation in Torah or in the prophets what is it trying to tell us what's the theme the common denominator and this time of year we read this Torah portion because we're reminded that we need to be without old leaven old leaven is old thinking sometimes it's the way that we've said oh that doesn't matter to me today and we a road at God's Word and we subtract from it in other ways old leaven is adding to building fences around and having certain traditions of men that we add to the Word of God so whether we add to or we subtract from we see this is represented by old leaven and this is exactly what these priests had done native Anna V who they had added smoke to the sensor fire and incense when Moses had told them after seven days of purification God is going to appear in all his glory to you the censors had never been used the temple had just been built and the last phase of building the temple was consecrated these priests for seven days they had to sit outside the temple and they were to be made totally holy and it was native Anna V who took it upon themselves probably due to fear that the glory of God is going to appear let's create smoke as a type of veil just like God led Israel through the wilderness and he clouded himself in a column of smoke by day and at night of course the darkness veiled him and it looked like a column of fire so it was most likely out of fear that they added this fence this talk a note if you will causing them to add to God's Word we have to be careful of this type of leaven adding to or subtracting because Deuteronomy 4:2 says you shall not add to or subtract from my word so this is how it relates to even the time in which were reading this and we recognize the one without 11 Yeshua who is a prophet priest and ruler coming back to be king and who was the lamb slain from the foundation of the world who will officiate righteously after the order of melchizedek without any leaven without adding to or subtract me he's gonna rightly divide the word and in so doing righted upon our hearts for a thousand years so that we are prepared to be a kingdom of priests when God in the eighth day the eighth Millennial day appears in all his glory just like what was paralleled in the tour portion in Leviticus 9 you noticed he says today in verse 4 is the eighth day now tonight's going to appear to you they consecrated themselves for seven days just like we are supposed to be sanctified over the last seven thousand years and the seven thousand year will begin when Yeshua returns and for a thousand years that's that seventh day that ultimately sin will be done away with by having Torah written upon our hearts so we're being made holy through the seven days and then the eighth day God is going to appear in all of his glory that's when the new jerusalem descends and and then we see a new heaven and a new earth so there's this parallel between the 8th day and this week's haftorah mentions about how Oso was struck dead when he disregarded the warning of God in numbers 415 and touched the Ark of the Covenant reminiscent of made a band a V whose death described in this week's Torah reading the holy ark had been in storage in the house of abinadab a kohai for many years ever since the destruction of the Tabernacle in Shiloh and recently crowned King David decided to move the ark to the new capital Jerusalem and he had the ark placed on a cart and it was transported amid singing and dancing but we're gonna see how Moses prepared for them to be in the presence of God by making sacrifices and prayer that wasn't done by the priests and David's time before they came in the presence of God with the Ark of the Covenant so this is gonna be an interesting correlation also when the procession reached Goren mahone the oxen misstepped and who'sa ivenna dad's son took hold of the ark to study it whereupon he was instantly killed David became afraid at this point but it was the right kind of fear there's a mixture of you know the wrong kind of fear where you fear God like nyhavn avi who God says I'm gonna appear in your you know all my glory and they said well we better cover that glory up with smoke where there's a righteous fear a fear of the Lord that we need to have which is to rightly observe God's commandments because we have holy awe for him and we realized therefore our own best good so David actually takes three months out he parks the Ark and he makes sure that he gets everything right before he continues to carry the ark from over dumb the Edomite where it had remained for three months so we're gonna look at some interesting parallels here and as I mentioned this tour portion took place on the eighth day symbolizing the eighth Millennial day in which God will appear to us in all his glory Adonai was to appear after all the sin was done away with and this is exemplified in the tour portion in that all the priests did every single kind of sacrifice all six of the sacrifices the peace offering the sin offering the guilt offering the trespass offering before out and I was to appear this is representative of us doing away with all sins so that God can appear and we can be recreated in His image this was one of the things that the priest in David's day forgot to do before they carried the ark up because remember how the glory of the Lord was present between the cherubim on top of the Ark of the Covenant so in essence they're bringing God's glory to the city Jerusalem and yet they're still carrying darkness then in verse 22 we see Aaron raises his hands and he pronounces a beautiful ironic blessing the same ironic blessing that we did this morning he placed over the people preparing them to have God's name on them before they're in the presence of God then yo Dave Ave appears and we see Nadav and Avihu thinking in their own wisdom that it would be a good idea to create some smoke with the fire and the incense from their sensor to kind of veil this glory and God's intent is that he will not in the future have to veil his glory he wants to have a royal righteous priesthood that he can dwell with in building a physical tabernacle was to be temporary only because it represented our temporary bodies the vessel the flesh when david says i want to build a house made a cedar for you God says to the Prophet Nathan I never asked him to build me a permanent dwelling all these years I've dwelled in a temporary dwelling and see it's kind of like we've taken things upon ourselves to add to God's Word and then we missed the beautiful symbolism in that that it's just temporary that he's in another tabernacle he dwelt he desires to dwell within our tabernacle and that was the real intent of it so native Anna V who their Levite sons of Aaron and they had this wrong kind of fear because they were still harboring darkness an apprehension of God's character perfect love cast out fear when you get a right understanding of who God is you will not fear him any longer you will have gone through a process of repentance and you'll have made yourself pure and without sin and seeing God's grace if he tells you that I'm going to appear to you you will trust him that it's for your own good he wants to dwell within you but they had the wrong kind of fear obviously they were thinking they couldn't handle the glory of God and that it needed to be veiled we need to have the right kind of fear which is wholly off for His commandments and so as an example they died in their sins then in the haftorah we see a similar event with OSA he's also a Levite but instead of from Aaron he's from kohat and he didn't have the right kind of fear which is wholly off for the commandments in numbers 4:15 God said to the KOA heights you are to carry the furnishings but you're not to touch them this is a strict commandment Aaron and his sons can touch them as they rap you know when let's say this was the altar of incense and then there would be a veil and then the Ark of the Covenant would be behind the veil in the most holy place Aaron and his sons would take down that veil and walk backwards and place that vail beautiful veil on the Ark of the Covenant and they would wrap it with the ARCIC with the veil then they would cover that veil with a leather from probably the roof of the tabernacle so that way no water could permeate down through there and it also protected because wool when it rubs up against pure gold it creates an immense electric charge like static electricity and so the wool of that veil alone would have created like this electrical field around and that make very melt very may well have been who I killed who'sa that God was trying to prevent him from touching so that leather would have buffered that and then on top of the leather there was beautiful blue cloth representing the commandments of God that would be the final covering so the Ark of the Covenant had three coverings that the sons of Aaron would cover it with before the co hides could even go and lift up even the pole they're not supposed to touch the actual gold they had wooden poles and this way they didn't receive that charge and then they were only to carry it and put it on a same cart and then the oxen carried it so this is what David is doing but in the story which we will read here shortly we will find that they didn't prepare themselves by offering any sacrifices so it's in essence they're not toning for their sins before they come in the presence of God and there was no blessing placed over them by the priests the priests failed to do their job but we're gonna see that David steps in the gap and after three months of meditation on wait a second this is serious business we better get this right he comes back and he acts as a type of priest and blesses the people and offers sacrifices in a ritual linen garment so over here I've done some correlations with the tour portion in the first column and the haftorah in the second column we're gonna see in verse 2 & 3 that the ark is brought up and this is representative of the seventh Millennial day when the ark will be returned to the temple that Yeshua bills that Messiah builds we see that out of my desires to appear in his glory now a denies glory resides between the carribine and the priests forget to sacrifice in to atone for all the sins before coming into the presence of the ark and we're in native Anna V whose day the people were blessed by the high priest by Aaron so they did sacrifices first then they placed the father's name upon them the people are not blessed and who'sa dies for not trusting God David then becomes afraid and I'm sure there was a moment of that kind of fear like I could die also because I know I'm unclean I know my own sins I know my own heart so he takes three months he parks the Ark and goes and he must have been meditating on God's Word because what he does when he comes back is amazing he corrects the oversight of the priest in the word you're gonna see he acts as a priest wearing the linen ritual garments it's actually called an ephod for the vest and he offers sacrifices now he's not a Levite he's from Judah and people say that oh you have to be from Levi to officiate as a priest but Melchizedek wasn't a Levite and Abraham when he came back from conquering the Kings paid a tide to Melchizedek and Levi the scripture says was in the loins of Abraham therefore the mckissick priesthood is superior in that even leave I paid a tenth or a tithe to the McKissack priesthood this is the order that Melchizedek grandaughter passes down through Judah when she has twins with Judah so Melchizedek blood literally gets transferred through Tamar his granddaughter who Judah had taken for his sons but his sons could not be with because of their wickedness and because they were actually from a Canaanite mother and Judah ends up having children with her and carrying on this Melchizedek Priesthood blood to David of the Lion of Judah and through Judah the prophesied son of David Messiah so this is how we're going to see how this is actually scripturally of a higher order so if you have your Bibles turn with me to second Samuel chapter 6 verse 1 and we're gonna read through chapter 7 verse 17 again David summoned all the pig troops of Israel thirty thousand men then David taking along the entire force he had with him set out for ba'al a Yehuda to bring up from there the Ark of God which bears the name of God the name yo-dee-hey evades a vote means the Lord of Hosts enthroned above the care Ravine they said the Ark of God on a new cart and they brought it out of the house of abinadab on the hill with ouzo and Akko akio the sons of ivenna daav driving the new cards they let it from the house of ivenna daav on the hill with the Ark of God now ivenna dev means my father is Noble it's a very interesting name and David in the whole house of Israel celebrated in the presence of out and I with all kinds of musical instruments made of cypress wood including Lear's lutes tambourines rattles and cymbals so they're praising God they're coming up with much joy to bring the ark to Jerusalem but they haven't looked at the original model where do we find the original model of how to do things in the Torah and the way that Moses and Aaron had prepared the people for the presence of God with sacrifice and with blessings this had not been done and so when they arrived at hones threshing floor the oxen stumbled and lose aput out his hand and touched the ark but this was in direct disobedience to the Torah commandment in numbers chapter 4 verse 15 and this energy of out and I that's surrounding the ark struck Musa on the spot and he died there and it upset David that out and I had broken out of this it's kind of like the presence of out and I had broken out from the arc you know there's this electrical charge around the arc he's interpreting it as if God had killed him but I think there's a natural cause and effect when you understand what's happening behind the scenes and we have to trust God sometimes blindly not understanding why these things have happened and so God remember David comes through this one son of melchizedek granddaughter remember she had twins Perez and Sarah the interesting thing is that Perez means breaking out because era was the first one to stick his hand out and they tied a scarlet thread around his arm and then it was drawn back in and Perez came and broke out first so they called him breaking out and that's what Perez means well David actually calls this spot where this happened with OSA that God broke out so he calls it Perez Musa yeah he actually named it after use a poet's Musa means the breaking out of Lou's ever since it's been called that David was frightened of had an eye on that day so once again we correlated the wrong kind of fear with the right kind of fear he's going to though rectify that fear by perfecting it in the love of God's Word and he goes back to God's Word and he gets a holy awe that's the right kind of fear when the Bible talks about having a fear of the Lord and he understands where they went wrong but at first he's frightened and he asks how can the Ark of how did I come to me so David did not bring the Ark of Adonai into the city of David rather David took it over to the house of obed-edom the kitty the ark about and I stayed there in his house for three months and look at how God is trying to take away David's fear he blessed the house of this Edomite for three months this man prospered and had tremendous blessings because they are created there in his house Dave had the wrong kind of fear all of a sudden you can fear God and that go God killed OSA but that's an erroneous thinking God said not to touch the Ark he was trying to protect who'sa he knows the natural cause and effect and in the physics of the the universe and so here we imagine hot darrid arid desert and you've got this Ark slipping back and forth on this ox and cart rubbing with this wool covering over it and this electrical charge is building up and building up and building up and a huge static electricity that anyone would have a heart attack if they touched it and yet you could look at it from an outside perspective and think God did that God arbitrarily killed that person so God's showing that the Ark is not something to be afraid of and his presence is not something to be afraid of by blessing the house of Avadh 'adam and so then the Bible doesn't tell us that David was searching the Scriptures but look at what he does what he does is exactly what Moses and Aaron did as they were preparing the priests for the presence of Adonai King David was told Adonai has blessed the house of Avadh 'adam and everyone who belongs to him thanks to the Ark of God so David went and joyously brought the Ark of God up from the house of Avadh Adam into the City of David when those burying the Ark of out and I had gone only six paces he sacrificed in ox so now he's sacrificing atoning for the sins of the people and a fatted she then David danced and he spun around with abandoned before I deny this shows a complete lack of fear in the wrong sense that he's completely connected to Adonai and there's no self involved if their self you become self-conscious right and you say well I'll do this but I'm not gonna act foolishly I'm not gonna dance around remember even Saul's daughter Michal later rebukes him for dancing around and looking foolish and he's like I'll gladly be humiliated for the Lord so you see something changing in David where now he's sacrificing where the priest did not sacrifice and he's wearing this ritual linen vest it says in verse 14 and he's dancing around with no thought of how he looks totally engrossed his whole focus and this is a good example for us as a royal priesthood our whole focus to be on God devoid of self and worried about what other people are thinking of us because we're keeping God's commandments so David and all the house of Israel brought up the Ark of out and I with shouting and the sound of the shofar as the ark entered the City of David Michal this daughter of Showell watching from a window saw King David leaping and spinning before out an eye and she was filled with contempt for him they brought the ark of out and I in and they put it in its place inside the tent that David had set up for him then David offered more burnt offerings and peace offerings before a tonight and when David had finished offering the burnt offerings and peace offerings what did Aaron do back in the Torah the very Torah portion about native Anna V who after they offered sacrifices he stepped out and he blessed the people placing the holy name upon them so David offers all of these sacrifices that Aaron had offered and then he steps out and he blesses the people in the name of yo hey Bob hey Lord of Hosts this is something only a high priest would do this is the Aaronic blessing reserved for the high priest he's now officiating by faith in the order of Melchizedek which supersedes the order of the Levites then he distributed to all the people of Israel to everyone they're both men and women a loaf of bread and a portion of meat and a raisin cake and wine after which all the people left for their homes so the ultimate fulfillment of Torah even like when we're fasting to observe the commandment of Torah what does God say is his kind of fast to bless the poor the widows and the orphans to do good so David's even he's obviously been studying Torah because he does the sacrifices he he's wearing the linen vest he blesses the people and he's doing good for the people he's a righteous King after the order of Melchisedec the people will always be blessed under this kind of rulership where the wrong kind of rulership is take the taxes and make yourself great and make your own name great but in David's case because of this we're gonna see in the next chapter God tells David I'm going to make your name great and I will make your descendants name great referring to Yeshua the one who will truly officiate after the order of Melchizedek and this is where it really gets good because we're gonna dissect every single word in prophecy that he gives to David's descendant and we're gonna see it identified and fulfilled in Yeshua so David returned to bless his household and meek how the daughter of Cowell came out to meet him and she said such honor the king of Israel earned for himself today she's mocking him exposing himself before his servants slave girls like some vulgar exhibitionist David answered Michal in the presence of out and I who chose me over your father and over everyone in his family to make me chief over at a nice people over Israel I will celebrate in the presence of yo Dave Ave I will make myself even still more contemptible than that like if you thought that was bad I'm totally gonna be devoid of self I'll do all kinds of crazy things for the Lord he's that's what he's saying in essence he says and I will be humiliated in my own eyes but those slave girls you mentioned will honor me Michal the daughter of Showell then remained childless from that day forward she brought a curse on herself remember the teaching that I did on Lashon Hara and how we bring a curse on ourselves when we align ourselves with hasatan against one of our brothers well she was childish barren which is a sign of a curse from that day forward so now in chapter 7 verse 1 after the king had been living in his palace awhile and out and I had given him rest from all his surrounding enemies the king said to 'not on the prophet here I'm living in a cedar wood palace David's recognizing I've built this amazing palace for myself but the Ark it has no home I want to build something better than even my own palace for the Lord so his intentions are good but is he adding to God's gonna correct him through the Prophet Nathan he says here I'm living in a cedar wood palace but the Ark of God is kept in a tent Natanz said to the king go do everything that's in your heart for Adonai is with you it sounds good on the surface sometimes we're very quick to say well that will glorify God go ahead and do it but is it in harmony with the word we always have to make sure that we're in harmony with the word verse 4 says and it came to pass that night that the word of the Lord came to Nathon saying go and tell my servant David thus says yo Dave Ave shalt thou build me a house to dwell in a permanent dwelling in essence that's what a house is it's not something like the tabernacle that could be taken down and that it was temporary that after the people were made holy enough that God could dwell in them and there would be no need for another tabernacle but a permanent house that's kind of like saying you always want God to be close but not totally in you you want to just keep them at arm's length he says I have not dwelt in any house since the time that I brought the children of Israel out of Egypt even to this day but I have walked in a tent and in a tabernacle in all the places wherein I have walked with all the children of Israel spoke I a word with any of the tribes of Israel whom I commanded to feed my people Israel saying why bilgey not me a house of cedar basically and all the times I've communicated with you have I ever asked why you didn't build me a permanent house God didn't desire that because the model was it was only temporary until we be made right as a holy temple the whole house of Israel is in a process of sanctification which means it means being made holy being set apart from the world for his indwelling now therefore so shalt thou say to my servant David thus says the Lord of Hosts I took thee from the sheep yard from following the Sheep to be ruler over my people here's the first beautiful example of the son of David in David's loins David was a shepherd he was actually taken from the Sheep he was living out in the Sheep yard with the Sheep he took him from being a sheep to being a shepherd now Judah is liken to being a sheep right and Yeshua says I have sheep and mini fold meaning not only Judah the whole house of Israel all the tribes so the model is go from being a humble sheep and following in the example of the shepherd then you too can be a shepherd and then the Shepherd ends up becoming ruler so see there's a little hidden model in this and he says I was with thee wherever so you went and I have cut off all your enemies out of your sight so here's another principle that he will do through the son of David that he's done for David and I have made thee a great name third principle we will dissect all of these and a little bit like unto the name of the great men that are in the earth moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel and I will plant them that place is to bring the lost house of Israel back to the land but they might dwell in a place of their own and move no more neither show the children of wickedness afflict them anymore as before time so this is referencing the return of the Exile is in the last days through David and as since this is why Ezekiel and the prophecies of the Millennial temple refer to and David my prince offer sacrifices and it's always referring to the fulfillment of these prophecies in David but it's mushy up in dahveed its Messiah he says I'm going to appoint a place for my people and I'm gonna plant them there that they might dwell in a place of their own and move no more neither show the children of wickedness afflict them anymore as before time and as since the time that I commanded judges like Samuel was the last of the judges to be over my people Israel and have caused the to rest from all thine enemies also the Lord tells me that he will make thee a house so he's going to not only make Israel the tabernacle in which he's going to dwell but before that can be fully completed at the end of the millennium yeshua is going to come and build the tabernacle when thy days be fulfilled and thou shalt sleep with thy father's i will set up thy seed this is the key word the seed of david after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels out of my loins and i will establish his kingdom now people that don't want to recognize Yahshua they'll say oh well this is referring to Solomon right he built that permanent house but you'll see that these prophecies could not be fulfilled in Solomon because you should because the father said and I will make his kingdom forever and ever Solomon's kingdom was not forever he died and his kingdom was divided yeshua is going to restore that kingdom rebuild the temple and his kingdom will be forever and ever so this can't we can't just allow people to pass this off as already being fulfilled in Solomon he says that this seed will build a house for my name he's gonna be the one to build the temple and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever and ever and I will be his father and what is this seed of David gonna be called the son of God he's gonna be recognized as the Son of God this is the first mention of this term which throughout Yeshua's life everyone recognized him as the son of David and the son of God and you'll see this interchangeably and I've put some quotes later that we can prove this because if I don't actually put the quotes and if I just mention or tell you what the quotes are I'm gonna have people writing to me and saying what was that quote again and can you prove this and so we're gonna actually read through each one of these quotes and in so doing it's gonna write it and confirm it upon our own hearts so this seed of David is gonna build the temple in the future and his kingdom will be established forever and he'll be known as the son of God and it says if he commits iniquity God will chasten him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the children of men now we know that you should committed no iniquity but he was born in the likeness of sinful flesh through the lineage of Adam and we know that he chose he willingly took our stripes for our iniquity Isaiah 53 says which is called the suffering servant he didn't take stripes because of his own iniquity he took stripes because of our iniquity and it says by His stripes we are healed in essence what it's telling us is he took the cause and effect of our sin which lead to death and eternal separation from the Father he was willing to take that upon himself so that we could have a chance to be reconciled back to the Father and live eternally with the father this is what first John are not first John but John 3:16 is referring to when it says for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life he was willing to perish God says but my mercy shall not depart from him as I took it away from Saul the first king of Israel whom I put away before thee basically you saw how he was deposed because he didn't continue in my ways is what God's telling David and thine house and my kingdom David shall be established forever before thee through this future seed thy throne shall be established forever according to all these words and according to all this vision so did Natanz speak to King David so now let's dissect these and see how they're fulfilled in yeshua once again we remember that samuel was the first one during this long lineage of corrupt kings and priests who exemplified the Melchizedek Priesthood he appreciated as prophet priest and ruler even though he wasn't a son of Aaron he was a Levite from kohat and he had the Melchizedek anointing and God revealed to him that David was to be the true king of Israel and so he when he anointed him he passed on this Melchizedek blessing the smoke is it an anointing to David and through David and literally in David's physical DNA is the lineage of Melchizedek through Tamar his great great great great great great great great great grandmother so through his loins Yeshua has that same DNA from literal mud kiss addict so there's a spiritual anointing but there is a literal DNA also and we're gonna see that this is even prophesied about in Psalms by King David where does King David say that King mashiac his future seed will come from by his own words what we're gonna do is have a little fun with some of David's Psalms and before we parallel those prophecies that God gave David through Anat on we're gonna see what David himself says about the future Messiah Psalms 89 19 says our king is from the Holy One of Israel this means that he's not only the son of God but he will come from God and we know that John 1:1 says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt among us so truly he did come from the Holy One of Israel where does he currently sit we know in his first coming Yeshua was the prophet like unto Mosher that Deuteronomy 18 prophesied he told Moshe who was the most humble and meek of all men I will sin a prophet like unto Moshe he's gonna be humble he's gonna be meek this is how you'll identify him if you're looking for a king in his first coming you're gonna miss him and he's gonna speak my words and anyone who doesn't listen to my words will have to answer to me this is what God said to Moses in Deuteronomy 18 and so we see him fulfilling this prophet role Yeshua was a prophet he foretold the future and he was also the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 he willingly took her stripes for our iniquities so that we would not have to so we see him prophet and suffering servant but when do we start to see his priesthood this Melchizedek Priesthood coming into place it's actually from the time that he ascended from the grave and ascended to the Father he's been officiating as a priest in the heavenly sphere even before we see him officiating in the earthly sphere he's officiating in the heavenly sphere so this is why David prophetically says where he currently sits and reigns from David's in Psalms 110 verse 1 and the whole chapter of 110 is very prophetic I encourage you to read the whole thing but I'll take a little excerpts from it he says that he's at the right hand of God where will he reign from in the future Psalms 110 verse 2 the next verse says out and I will send out your powerful scepter from Xeon and Psalms 45 verse six and seven says the scepter referring to this scepter that comes out from Xeon of that kingdom is a righteous scepter this is further proof of the Melchizedek Priesthood because a scepter denotes rulership and Xabi means righteousness so maquis means king that's the scepter aspect king of righteousness sadiq and he was a priest and a king at the same time in both offices David goes on to say after he says the scepter of the kingdom is a righteous scepter that thou loved righteousness and you hated wickedness therefore God your God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above all my fellows so this is a hidden reference to he's gonna get the milk is it an anointing like Solomon did and like David did above it says all your fellows who's always fellows that the house of Israel through whom the Levites were given temporary charge of the priesthood but the Melchizedek Priesthood is above that in Yeshua is going to be given an anointing above all of his fellows what will his reign look like Psalms 110 verse 4 you are a priest forever he prophesized of the coming Messiah after the order of Melchizedek so here it is it's not just speculation he's actually calling out Melchizedek and David is of the lineage of Melchizedek through Tamar and thus Yeshua is as well and the Prophet Zechariah confirms this in chapter 6 verse 11 through 13 when he says then takes over in gold and make crowns and set them upon the head of yahushua this is the true name of what the world calls jesus and what we say sometimes very we shortened it to yeshua but he and his day would have heard you ho schewe it's what we call today Joshua it means your salvation he was literally y'all salvation and human flesh he's talking about and even calling out the very name of Yeshua because there was an old high priest named yahushua in their day and so he's using this as an analogy to point forward to the coming messiah and and this year yahushua is called the son of yah Sadiq yahooza D is yall's righteousness another reference to Makka Sadiq so y'all salvation is gonna come from y'all's righteousness the high priest and he says speak to him saying thus says the Lord of hosts saying behold a man whose name is branch or sometimes shoot its Zima in Hebrew and it means the root is called the root of Jesse in other passages he's referring to this prophecy about David and there's gonna be a new shoot just like that comes up from an olive tree it shoots up from the root well you sure will shoot up from the root of Jesse and from the root of Melchizedek this is why he's called a shoot behold a man and he's gonna be a man a shoot from the root of Jesse according to Isaiah 11:10 and who shall shoot up out of humility and build the temple of the Lord even he shall build the temple of the Lord so here's a double confirmation that he's the one that's gonna build the temple of the Lord and he shall bear the glory and shall sit and rule upon his throne so you see the kingship along with the priesthood and he will be a priest upon his throne so King and priests at the same time and the council of peace shall be between bowl just like Melchizedek ruled over Salem which means the city of peace and Jerusalem Yeshua the Son of God from the root of Jesse shall shoot forth and be a high priest and king and build the temple of the Lord we have a double witness of this now let's go back and look at the prophecies that God gave through Natan to David and see how they're fulfilled in Yeshua the first thing is that we saw then he would go from being from go from the Sheep to being a shepherd ruler and we know David was a shepherd the son of David yushu of the Davidic line in Psalms 23 remember says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want this is pointing forward to what Yeshua recognized in himself he zekiel 37 verse 24 says my servant David will be a king over them this is referring to the Millennial age and they will all have one Shepherd the whole house of Israel will be back together again they will follow my laws and be careful to keep my decrees they will live in a land I gave to their servant Jacob so anyone that says that the tour has been done away with God's laws are not applicable for us today that Yeshua's done away with them why would he be teaching them and be careful to observe them in the Millennial Kingdom and returning the people to them if that was true they will live in the land so we're not in some heavenly place like some people teach for a thousand years we're in the literal Land of Israel that he gave to Jacob the land where your fathers lived they and their children and their children's children will live there forever and David this is a reference prophetic reference to Messiah my servant will be their Prince forever John 10:11 says I am The Good Shepherd the Good Shepherd gives his life for the Sheep this is the ultimate example of God's character in his word being made flesh I'm The Good Shepherd and I know my sheep and I am known of mine as the father knows me even so I know the father you know John 1:18 says that he has come and fully explained the father through his life he's totally revealed what the father's character looks like in selfless love to the point of he's willing to lay down his life for his brothers and that's what he says I lay down my life for the Sheep other sheep I have which are not of this fold them also I must bring and that's why he's allowed 2000 years from the good news of the prophecies are being fulfilled in this person Yeshua and we see the first two prophecies being fulfilled in profit and and suffering servant and he is now allowed two thousand years for this message to go forth to wake up the lost house of Israel that have intermingled with all the nations of the world and in so doing God has been able to reach more of the world than he would been able to if he had just kept Israel in one nation so it's actually an act of mercy like the previous prophecy said through Yeshua in that God has allowed Israel to be scattered to all the nations to reach everyone who would be crafted into Israel and be a part of that bride to be a part of the Sheep how do we know what tissues look like they hear his voice they recognize him in the scriptures and they will be of one fold Ezekiel 36 and 37 talk about the two sticks coming back together and being one fold one stick and he will be one shepherd therefore does my father love me because I lay down my life that I might take it again beautiful example of a selfless sheep you know Isaiah 53 says he was led like a lamb to the slaughter did another reference of a sheep yet he openeth not his mouth sheep they go right to the slaughter and they don't even kick and buck and bleat and they're just very peaceful and he had that principle of peace all the way through once again another aspect of going from sheep to shepherd he was the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world he became the shepherd now David is told in verse 9 of second Samuel of our haftorah 2nd Samuel 7 that God will cut off his enemies before him so God's gonna do this work let's see how God prophesized that he's gonna cut off the enemies of Israel through Messiah Luke 20 verse 41 says he said to them how say they that Messiah is David's son and David himself said to him in the Book of Psalms yote evolve a said unto my lord sit thou on my right hand this is what he's told you sure since his ascension sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool this is in the process of being fulfilled David therefore called him Lord how is he then his son so Yeshua is even bringing in this prophecy that David quoted from Psalms referring to himself to bring it home to himself written help the people recognize that he's the son of David and that God will make his enemies because they couldn't understand why are you not getting rid of your enemies the Romans right now and setting free the Jewish people and so he's helping them realize God has a perfect timing for everything but first he has to sit at the right hand of God and wait until God makes his enemies his footstool then he will return zechariah 12 8 through 10 says in that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem and he that is feeble among them in that day shall be as David and the house of David shall be as God so who comes through the house of David Yeshua and as the angel of the Lord before them he's coming back it says a raid in for battle to protect his people and it shall come to pass in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem and I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication and they'll look at me whom they have purest now this is in Zechariah this is 500 years before Yeshua ever came and he's prophesying about his second coming when he comes back to do away with Israel's enemies and how then the Jewish people will say it was you all along oh and what a blessing we've lost over these last 2,000 years and not recognizing you and they'll mourn as one mourns for a firstborn son it says and he is the firstborn only Son of God as God prophesied I will be a father to him and he shall be my son and they will be in grief for him this is a beautiful glimpse 2,500 years ago of the second coming and how the Jewish people will recognize him when he comes and how he's coming back to do away with the enemies of his people Zechariah 14 verse 13 says then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations this is talking about at the sixth plague the Battle of Armageddon when all the nations of the earth very soon to come will gather against Jerusalem the Lord will come back and fight against those nations as when he fought in the day of battle and his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives the very place that he ascended from the men were looking up and Kelleen was received in the clouds out of sight and the angels came and said you men of Galilee why do you stand looking up know ye not that this same you sure back in like manner in essence he's gonna come back to the exact same place that he ascended from and it's gonna fulfill the prophecy in the second coming so we see multiple places that refer to God disposing of his enemies this future son of David the next thing God said is he's gonna make David's see this future descendant his name great and we know that Yeshua is given a name above all names in the end in Isaiah 42 we see prophecies that pertain to this as well as Isaiah 11 verse 10 says in that day there shall be a root of Jesse once again it's taking it back to David and these earlier prophecies which shall stand for an ensign to the people in scientism an ER it has the name of the tribe on it so in essence this name is on the banner and to it shall the Gentiles seek so God is using Yeshua through Israel to bring in all the Gentiles and it says his rest shall be glorious it's gonna be a thousand years of rest it's starting the seven thousand year which is a symbol that we see every week in the weekly Shabbat and the seventh day is a day of rest the seventh millennium because a day is like a thousand years to the Lord is gonna be a thousand years of rest and his rest will be glorious it'll be a wonderful time where tour is being written upon our heart and we were being restored to the image of God Matthew 1216 quotes Isaiah 42 and another beautiful place where we see this name issue and he charged them when they started to recognize Yeshua you're the prophesied Messiah and they expected him to fulfill all of these prophecies in one coming he said it's not time yet to make me known as the king or his high priest so he charged them that they should not make him knowing that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah and then Matthew quotes the prophet Isaiah behold thy servant whom I uphold my elect in whom my souls delights I have put my spirit upon him in this beautiful the Father speaking of the son I delight in him this is why at his mikvah anointing they heard the father's voice behold this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased I have put my spirit upon him and he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles he shall not cry or lift up his voice to be heard in the streets basically he's not gonna announce that he's Messiah and his first coming that's what it's saying he's not gonna be full of self and make a big Proclamation about himself he was so meek and humble and quiet in the way he went amongst the people and healed them and ministered to them he's gonna be like a bruised Reed but he will not break it's not gonna be the end of him in essence and smoking flax shall he not quench he shall bring forth judgment to truth he shall not fail so even though you saw him crucified and he rose again and people over the last 2000 years said he's a failed Messiah this is what the Jews call him there's false messiahs and then there's failed messiahs there's they believe that there can be a messiah in any generation but because he didn't fulfill all of the word he can't happily be called Messiah yet right he has a mash up means anointed and the anointing comes when you take your proper place as king and so they're looking forward to the Messiah and so are we but he did not fail just because there's two thousand years between the first fulfillment of prophecies and then two thousand years to gather the whole house of Israel among the nations and he will return as Messiah and High Priest so this is why it says he shall not fail nor be discouraged till he set judgment in the earth this is in the Millennial Kingdom and the Isles this is where Israel's been dispersed to all the Isles all the islands out in the seas shall wait for his law for his Torah we're all looking forward to it we're still in the Isle so to speak this prophecy is expressly referred to the Messiah even by the targa --mess this is what's beautiful they looked at this prophecy of Isaiah 42 and they recognized it was speaking of Messiah so the early rabbis did acknowledge this text referring to Messiah and they even said the targa myths added this behold they put Messiah in this word Messiah so they when they would read this they would actually say behold my servant mashiac they saw that there would be no question as to its reference in the early days now since then there's a lot of people that don't want to recognize yushua so they have taken out a lot of the earlier understanding of our earlier rabbis 2,000 years ago and you see them kind of doing away with scriptures that pertain to fulfillment in Yeshua and then Matthew goes on and says and in his name shall the Gentiles trust so God is truly making his name great in that not only Israel it's gonna recognize their Messiah but all of the world is gonna recognize his name and they're gonna trust in his name and that's what's happened through largely in part this Christian movement that has morphed from Judaism and dispersed amongst all of the nations even though it hasn't been perfect and they've eroded at the Torah it has taken the name of Yeshua to all of the nations and the Gentiles trust in that name so it's beautiful and he will correct them when he comes back but it's had its purpose in Philippians rabbi Showell for pians 2:9 says wherefore God has also highly exalted him and given him a name above every name now a name is indicative of a character and he's exemplifying god's character the best of selfless love right so he who is the very word of God in human flesh does not think it equality to be equal with God and he lowers himself to the lowest position and in that act of humility his character should be glorified and this is why God gives him a name above all names because he's the ultimate revelation of selfless love and the human flesh this is the living Torah in human form where the word couldn't show us the beauty of God's character to its total depth Yeshua could mean laying down his life the next thing he told David in 2nd Samuel 7:10 is that God will use him to plant his people back in Israel so let's see what the prophets say about that what's so interesting is even Maimonides understood this principle and he wrote in one of his books called the law of Kings he said this is I'm quoting from Maimonides now the Messianic King will arise in the future and restore the Davidic Kingdom to its former state and original sovereignty this is what we call the Davidic Kingdom totally United Israel and Judah all the laws will be reinstituted in his days as they had been four times sacrifices will be offered we see that in Zechariah 14 and the sabbatical years and jubilee years will be observed fully as ordained by the Torah I look forward to that day don't you this is exciting anyone who does not believe in him or whoever does not look forward to his coming denies not only the other prophets but also the Torah of Moses because they're all speaking to Yeshua all pointing to him for the Torah attested to him as it is said then yo t-bob hey your God will bring back here exile of all the quotes that Maimonides could have quoted he quotes the return of the Exile as being the proof of the mashiac so this is why the Jews have a veil over their eyes right now they don't recognize him because he has not returned all the exiles he has not restored the eternal kingdom of God to Jerusalem and he's not reigning as high priest and King and he hasn't rebuilt the temple and so it's no wonder with so much erosion to God's Word we want to protect God's Word and we don't want to just lightly call somebody Messiah who is not Messiah even though it looks like he failed he will come back and it will be the same one and they will then recognize him and this is going to be one of the key indicators that takes that veil away when the Exile of Israel are returned back to the land and he has mercy here he's quoting Deuteronomy 30 he's quoting the Torah you devolve who your God will bring back your ex Isles and he will have mercy upon you and he will once again gather you from all the nations this happens at the second coming remember when it says the Lord shall descend with a shout and the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead in messiah who will rise first and we who are alive and remain will be caught up with them so this is how he's going to gather everyone up his bride his people and then he will take them to Israel even if your exile ZAR to the ends of the heavens the Lord your God will gather you from there and he will take you from there so don't worry if you're the most farthest person out in a little Pacific island he's going to take you from there and bring you back if you are grafted into Israel if you're a part of his people if you recognize him if you believe in him and the Lord your God will bring you these words explicitly stated in the Torah include all the statements made by all the prophets and Maimonides and Mishnah Torah law of the kings 11 verses 1 & 2 Jeremiah chapter 31 the very place where we get the definition of the New Covenant being God writing his tour upon her heart says hear the word so who are we supposed to listen to the Word made flesh Yeshua hear the word of Jehovah all nations and declare in the coastlands afar off and say to everyone he who scattered Israel will gather him and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flocks on I see two prophesies brought together it's the Good Shepherd who's going to gather the flock together and this is gonna be the key indicator that he's the true Messiah so then the prophet Matan told David that God will establish one of your seeds as this person that will be the shepherd ruler and do away with the enemies and his name will be great and return the Exile and so we'll see how this is fulfilled Matthew 2030 says and behold two blind men they couldn't even see physically but they could spiritually see they had spiritual eyes to recognize this was the fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the son of David they were sitting by the way and when they had heard that Yeshua passed by they cried out saying have mercy on us O Lord thou son of David they knew the prophecies it had them read to them from their young days and even without physical eyesight and sometimes that's what it takes for us to have more spiritual high sight than physical eyesight to believe by faith that the same one who came 2,000 years ago will come again and fulfill the rest of the prophecies and that he is the son of David and of the order of Melchizedek it brings it all in together Matthew 21 9 said in the multitudes even so when people say oh the Jews rejected Jesus no they didn't the multitudes loved him there was a few key leaders who were seeking to hold on to power who rejected him for certain purposes but the people recognized the fulfillment of prophecy in him and they went before him and they cried out welcoming him on the tenth day of Aviv which is when the lamb comes into the household to be inspected for four days before Passover four days before he was sacrificed as the Lamb of God he came into Jerusalem and the people recognized him as the Lamb of God and as the son of David and they shouted laying down their coats and the palm branches and they said Hosanna to the son of David blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord see he has yaws name in his name yah salvation is yahushua so literally his name even he comes in the name of the Lord hosanna in the highest so the blind men recognized him the population recognized him the only people who is an inconvenient truth - for the leaders who weren't ready to let go of their power and their self and their ego now some people will say we have a problem with the genealogy in Matthew 1 because it refers to this genealogy of Joseph and he wasn't the literal son of Joseph why is the genealogy taken from Adam down through Joseph in Matthew 1 anybody know huh well but but what they're saying their argument is that you should is not the physical seed of Joseph therefore we cannot say he's the physical son of David therefore we cannot say that he can fulfill the Messianic prophecies the only reason for the genealogy in Matthew 1 is to prove that Mary was a righteous woman in keeping the commandments totally in that she would marry somebody from her own tribe so it's establishing that she's currently betrothed to Joseph she's not married yet but she gets pregnant by the Word of God as seed in her womb and if she was not a fit and virgin then there would be a problem but it's showing even her righteousness and that she's betrothed to someone from Judah because she's from Judah then in Luke 3 we see a lineage of Mary and what's interesting is the lineage of Joseph goes through Solomon King David through Solomon and goes through Jehovah Kim and some of these unrighteous Kings who God says because of your unrighteousness no King will ever arise in Israel from your lineage so no King could eat rise from Joseph's literal lineage but Mary's lineage comes from King David still and from Melchizedek still but he goes through not on his son Nathan instead of Solomon and thereby bypasses those wicked kings and comes down as a pure lineage of the order of Melchizedek and son of David and so the true lineage of Yeshua is in Luke three many people get confused as to why is that lineage there in Matthew one if he is not from Joseph and it's just to show that Mary was righteous and marrying somebody from her tribe it confirms that Joseph was from Judah like she was from Judah from the house of David in essence so I just want to bring that out because that's a common question I see coming up with people then God promised David that his seed would build the temple in 2nd Samuel 713 so we're gonna see that God uses his seed to build the temple in Psalms 110 verse 4 and Zechariah 6 he says you are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek a priest who reigns as a righteous King and as we read before in Zechariah 6 11 and 12 it says he will shoot out from his human humble place so his first coming was in humility his second coming even though he shoots out from this place this is where he's born and grows he will be the one to build the temple and so we have a confirmation here that he will build the temple he's not only going to reign in the temple but he's going to be the one to restore the true temple and restore the Torah teachings through that then we see he will be called son of God and in Luke 1:35 we see the angel answered and said to Mary the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee this in Hebrew is the ruach ha'qodesh and the power of the highest shall overshadow you so what happens when a man has relations with a woman he overshadows her this is intimate language and the Word of God is gonna be planted in her as seed this is why the parable of the sower and the seed gets interpreted as and the seed that he sowed was the Word of God and the soil is the fertile soil of men's hearts some more rocky than others sometimes it doesn't receive the the Word of God and so the Word of God is it literally likened to DNA seed that impregnates this virgin that was prophesied about in Isaiah and he says that this holy thing that she'll be born of thee shall be called the Son of God so we have a confirmation from the angel and when the tempter even hasa Tom came to tempt him after 40 days of fasting he's at his weak point he says you know you she was recognizing that he's the son of God and he's the fulfillment of these prophecies and Satan is saying if you really want to prove that you're the Son of God command these stones to be made bread and notice every temptation there was three of them he always starts off with saying if you're truly the Son of God because hasatan new and he's trying to for God's plan through his son by getting him to to sin and then even the other unclean spirits I like to show not only the Angels recognize him but hasatan and then the other demonic spirits of that day mark 3:11 says and unclean spirits when they saw him fell down before him and they cried out saying thou son of God you are the son of God they said and later when there was a demoniac remember the demoniac spoke and the demon spoke through him in Mathew 829 and behold they this Legion of demons cried out saying what have we to do with you Yeshua you son of God the Son of God art thou come to hinder to torment us before the time they understood from the Prophet Enoch that there would be a time for their judgment at the end of days but the seven thousand year cycle had not been completed they're saying hey you came early is are you gonna come here to torment us before it's time for a hard judgment they couldn't stand it they recognized the timing of even their own judgment and this is what many people do not recognize because unfortunately the Book of Enoch has been thrown out from the Scriptures but it unfolds the origin of sin and the contamination of the mixture of these fallen angels with man and how they were placed in judgment in some places it calls a prison basically awaiting the coming judgment after the thousand years even Satan remember is bound for a thousand years so that he deceives the nation's no longer and then they will be released for a time and they will be judged in the great white throne judgment at the end of the thousand years so they're recognizing that it's not their time and they're recognizing him as the Son of God John 20 verse 30 and 31 says and many other signs truly did Yeshua in the presence of his disciples do which are not even written in this book but these are written that you might believe that Yeshua is the Anointed One the Son of God and that by believing you might have life through his name now all of a sudden all these texts have so much more meaning when we understand they were all relating to the original prophecies that he had to come in as the son of god the son of David the Anointed One his name and that we must believe in that all these things were written about and the very last thing that God revealed to David that his seed would establish is the kingdom God's kingdom would be established on earth and it would be an eternal Kingdom and he would reign forever and ever unlike all other kings before him and we see this fulfilled even in Daniel 2:44 we see Nebuchadnezzar's vision of the history of the earth and remember there was the head of gold Babylon and the breasts of silver which was Persia and the loins of bronze which were represented Greece as a world power the two legs of Rome representing eastern and western and eastern Rome the iron legs and then the feet of iron and clay says in the days of those kings you will see us don't cut without human hands coming from the heavens and you will smite the image and he will do away with all previous kings and kingdoms and this stone will become a mighty mountain in the earth and his them will not end it will last forever in the days of these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it will stand forever and then later in another vision Daniel 727 says in the kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High whose kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all dominions shall serve and obey Him so who are the saints the Greek word in Revelation when it talks about the Saints it uses the word Hagios hogg comes from a Hebrew which means feasts so their feast keepers they're people who have returned to God's Word Yeshua says if you love me keep my Commandments so Saints are literally defined what john saw in vision as those who keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of yeshua both this is a good definition of the saints in revelation 12:17 in revelation 14:12 two places another double witness second Peter 1:10 says wherefore brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure as you've been called to represent him as a kingdom of priests what he's doing through his reign has Melchizedek as the order of Melchizedek he is renewing the covenant with Israel that was lost to the Levitical priesthood so when people talk about a new covenant it's nothing new he's just renewing what God had originally intended this high election for you is to be a kingdom of priests to be a royal priesthood a peculiar people a bride that God can dwell in and this is what's being renewed through the son of David you know Joshua through the order of Melchizedek to return us back to God's original intent when said to Israel before all the sacrifices were given to Israel to atone for their sins he was telling them verbally his Torah and it was being written upon their heart but they said we don't want to hear it it's too much for us speak to Moses and have him tell us what you're to say God's original intent was to have a royal priesthood that he could speak to and his words would permeate their heart and that in so doing they would become living Torre's themself this is what Jeremiah 31 is to returning us to he says this is not the Covenant I made with your forefathers basically speaking to having to have a sacrificial system through the Levites he says I'm going to renew my covenant and write my Torah upon your heart this is what people call the new covenant and yet they use they say I'm not under the law I'm under the new covenant the new covenant is having the law of God's love his Torah written upon our hearts so that we live it out naturally and we don't even need to refer to a book and so it's beautiful how you show us this high priest and King will come back and as a living Torah write this upon our hearts and this is the election that Peter is speaking of when he says let's be diligent we have such a high calling for if you do these things you shall never fall for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Yeshua The Anointed One so we see in his first coming him fulfilling all the prophecies pertaining to a prophet like unto Moshe in Deuteronomy 18 the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 he's a shepherd over Israel and he's reigning currently at the right hand of God as a high priest interceding with us it says we have not be a high priest that's not touched with the feeling of our infirmities he came the likeness of human flesh so he even knows how to intercede for us and how to pray this is why the spirit can pray with groanings deeper than words for us and when he returns we will recognize him as Messiah because he will rebuild the temple and return the Exile of Israel and all of Israel it says remember Paul and Romans says and all Israel will be saved Judah will recognize him they will receive him so when people feel like oh we've got to go and convert the Jews this is really erroneous thinking because God's gonna be the one to convert their heart their living out Torah in not saying that somebody's Messiah who unless we by faith can recognize that we see it with spiritual eyes but they're like to have a veil still over their eyes and they're in so doing preserving the Word of God so they have a purpose to first Peter 2:9 says but you are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for his own possession that you might proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his beautiful light this is such an awesome promise and now you can see what all the word was pointing to in Yeshua being the Promised One of God through David so with that let stand and say the blessing over the haftorah praise to you out and I our God King of the universe rock of all creation righteous one of all generations the faithful God whose word is deed and whose every command is just and true for the Torah for the privilege of worship for the prophets and for this Shabbat that you out and I our God have given us for holiness and rest for honor and glory we thank you and bless you may your name be blessed forever by every living being praise to you out and I for the Sabbath and for its holiness how the Father we thank you for revealing to us with spiritual insight the depth of your word being made flesh and being fulfilled in our hearing we see that every prophecy points to yahushua as the son of david after the order of melchizedek and how he is reigning as high priest and he will return to reign as high priest and king and so we look forward to this and by faith father having this belief and this high calling this election may we live out your torah may we begin to have it written upon our hearts and may we walk in the paths of your righteousness for your name's sake O God so that we will be a bride without spot or blemish when Messiah comes to receive his bride we thank you Father for revealing these things to us that we might partake of the blessings of the knowledge of him who you sent for us thank you we love you and we ask your blessing on the remainder of our shopbot today and your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 8,193
Rating: 4.8592963 out of 5
Keywords: Haftarah, Haftarah Shemini, Sh'mini, Uzzah, King David, Samuel, Melchizedek, Melchizedek Priesthood, Yeshua, Yahoshua, Son of David, Son of God, Israel, Levites, Royal Priesthood, 8th Day, Return to Torah, Called Out Believers, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Torah study, Pastor Isaac, Rabbi Yitzchak, Learn Truth, Torah Truth, The Living Torah, Yahushua
Id: aCixioizE_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 55sec (5035 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 08 2018
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