RTX 4060 Ti 8GB vs 4060 Ti 16GB vs 4070: The Ultimate Comparison in the Latest Games!!!

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today we're going to look at what Nvidia is offering at the 400 500 and 600 price points you know what what do you get for the extra 100 bucks each time you move up you know and in various games and especially in the newest games a lot of reviews don't look at the newest games where vram can become more of an issue I'm gonna pause it right here so you're sure you know what to look for uh because when when two when the 4060 TI eight gigabyte and 16 gigabyte are not going over eight gigabytes of vram they're gonna perform the same so when you see a difference like we're seeing here where the 16 gigabyte card is doing better than the eight gigabyte version uh this is being caused by vram spillover and the way you can see that in the stats counters appear if you're interested is the memory line will show uh some a number bigger than eight gigabytes on the cards that have it the eight gigabyte card can't show more than eight gigabytes there but you'll know that system RAM usage does increase the first number is the allocation the second is the usage again first one is allocation second is per process usage so you'll notice that the RAM usage is higher on the 8 gigabyte card than it is on the cards with more than eight gigabytes because the car is with more than eight gigabytes uh can keep stuff in the vram and not spill over into the system RAM and system Ram communicates slower with the GPU than the vram does which is what then causes the card to have to wait for the system RAM and the eight gigabyte card goes slower than the 16 gigabyte card and we'll see this in different games and I'm going to test multiple settings as well uh in in the latest games and see how all of this plays out uh again these cards are available at the 400 500 and 600 price points and if you're gonna buy a GPU you should definitely also think about you know what is the other competition I have offered uh videos comparing these cards to AMD Alternatives like the 6800 XT which is widely available for a little bit over five hundred dollars the 69.50 XT which is available a little over six hundred dollars and rumors put a new AMD gpus coming out uh sometime in the next uh well we don't know for sure they're just rumors but another thing to keep an eye out for also another thing you should do is sell your old PC Hardware to fund your upgrade and today's sponsor jawa.gg gives some really interesting options uh so one thing that that you can do here is buy gpus we can also sell them and they give you two options for selling them now one option is list the card for sale and manage the listing yourself so you you create your listing you choose your price a gamer buys your card you ship it out you get paid two days after the buyer receives the GPU and they offer an alternative for people who are looking to avoid the hassle of listing a card for sale themselves and dealing with a third party buyer if you want a hassle-free option with no need to wait for a buyer or deal with a third party buyer at all you just tell Java that your GPU model and condition they give you a price immediately you ship your GPU to Jawa they receive it inspect it and pay you within one business day and it's as simple as clicking get an offer right here and you can find this link in my video description and a pinned comment let's hop into the benchmarks see how these gpus stack up and I'll give you some final thoughts at the end spoiler that this result is not going to be exactly typical we're usually going to see the 4060 TI 16 gigabyte not so close to the 40 70 12 gigabyte but this is not the only game where we go over eight gigabytes and see the 4060 TI with a noticeable lead over the the 16 gigabyte version with a noticeable lead over the 8GB byte version here we're seeing that the the 46 GTI 16 gigabyte is 34 ahead of the eight gigabyte version and the 40 70 is 43 ahead of the 8 gigabyte 4060 TI uh with frame rates at 63 59 and 44. so and this is at 1080p very high settings with Ray tracing turned all the way up if we go to 1440p again very high settings with very high Ray tracing all the ray tracing stuff maxed out uh once again we're just seeing that eight gigabytes cannot handle what's going on here and we're seeing the 4060i 16 gigabyte with a 43 lead over the 8 gigabyte card and the 40 70 12 gigabyte with a 47 lead over the 8 gigabyte card although now I think um even the more powerful gpus here aren't hitting 60fps so it's questionable whether you would use these settings uh without turning on maybe dlss quality or turning the ray tracing down a little bit maybe not enabling all of the settings and as we look at 4K resolution again this is interesting in that we actually do see the 4060 TI's 16 a 16 gigabyte version pull ahead of the 12 gigabyte 4070. if you do look at the vram allocation it is allocating over 13 gigabytes and actually using uh right around 12. so I do think this is caused by the 16 gigabyte versus 12 gigabyte when you look at the overall frame rates of 24 23 and 13. none of these gpus would actually use these settings so I wouldn't really uh you know say there's anything much to write home about here other than that you can crank settings beyond what they're capable of and use more than 12 gigabytes now if we go to very high settings with no Ray tracing we now still see that we're over eight gigabytes of usage which gives the 16 gigabyte 4060 TI a 34 lead over the eight gigabyte version but we're not using more than 12 gigabytes so the 40 70 12 gigabyte is a 113 FPS giving it a 69 lead over the 46 GTI 8 gigabyte the overall frame rates are 113 90 and 67 and similar leads going on in the one percent lows so again even with Ray tracing turned off we do see more than eight gigabytes uh hanging out here now if we go down to uh sorry go up to 1440p resolution we see similar scaling although overall FPS numbers are now at 53 72 and 93 respectively but this is certainly showing that um you know if the 40 60 gigabyte wasn't held back by spilling over eight gigabytes of vram it is capable of 1440p very high at over 60 frames per second which is 16 gigabyte version is doing with a 36 lead over the eight gigabyte version but the 40 70 12 gigabyte uh is hitting 93 FPS on average and it's also leading in the one percent lows uh so overall here when you're not going past 12 gigabytes it is better to have the extra power than the extra vram on the 40 70 12 gigabyte version if we go up to 4K resolution this is still the case we're using more than eight gigabytes but less than 12 and so we're seeing the 40 70 uh 12 gigabyte um the best here actually averaging 58 FPS through this sequence so not quite a 60fps 4K very high experience here but pretty dang close and if you kicked on dls's quality it would uh very actually give you a very good 4K experience in this game uh the 4060i 16 gigabyte taking a 42 lead over the 8 gigabyte version so again we are definitely needing more than eight gigabytes in this game at these settings now let's move on to another game I'm going in chronological release order so Ratchet and Clank is the newest game I've tested Unreal Engine fives uh well Remnant 2 which is done in Unreal Engine 5 using nanite but not Lumen uh came out right before it at 1080p Ultra this game is incredibly demanding and only the 4070 is able to average 60 FPS and in this game it's none of the gpus are reporting over eight gigabytes of usage and so the um 46 versus 44 FPS we're seeing from the 16 gigabyte versus the 8 gigabyte version is not uh likely caused by the extra vram it's much more likely clock speed differences between the two models of 4060 TI or just run to run variants moving up to 1440p ultra um both of the 40 60 tis drop below 30 frames per second and the 40 70 barely stays above 30 frames per second again this game is incredibly demanding without using upscaling but testing native as solution here we are seeing the 4070 36 ahead of the 4060 TI eight gigabyte and the 4060i 16 gigabyte only gains one frame per second for the extra hundred dollars in this game uh the one percent lows the 40 60 TI's are tied at 24 FPS with the 4070 at 32 FPS which is a 33 Advantage um so here you're seeing you know this contrasts quite a bit with Ratchet and Clank now at 4K Ultra none of the gpus are particularly playable and the uh we are actually showing more than eight gigabytes of allocation on the gpus that have it uh but it's not you know it's getting it one more FPS on average on the 40 60 TI's and none of the gpus are doing well here these aren't realistic settings to actually use on these gpus and the 4070 does have a 55 lead in the one percent lows but that's 17 versus 11 right so it's not great um but again this is showing that different games even if they're brand new Ratchet and Clank uses way more than eight gigabytes of vram even at 1080P and even with some settings turned down whereas Remnant 2 just doesn't so it's certainly going to be on a case-by-case basis and speaking of which let's jump to another game looking at Star Wars Jedi Survivor which came out a couple of months ago at 1080p epic settings with Ray tracing enabled the gpus with more than eight gigabytes of vram do report allocating more than eight gigabytes of vram but it doesn't seem to be having a major impact it's just a small impact on the overall frame rates now some games you get missing textures here and there I'm not noticing any of that in the footage but that's not to say that it isn't happening um that is some another thing to keep an eye on when you're when you don't have enough vram but overall we're seeing the 40 70 37 faster than the 4060 TI eight gigabyte with the 460i 16 gigabyte uh only for a few percent better than what we saw on the eight gigabyte version um if we go up to 1440p again maxed out epic settings with rt on the 40 70 12 gigabyte is still able to average over 60 frames per second in this case 69 nice FPS by the end of my Benchmark run with both 40 60s uh falling below the 60 FPS Mark at 51 and 52 FPS respectively again that could just be a clock speed difference but the 16 gigabyte model is reporting more than eight gigabytes of allocation and it does look like more system Ram is being used on the eight gigabyte model so um another option is that just having to swap textures more frequently things like that on the eight gigabyte card to keep the frame rates in check at 4K epic with Ray tracing enabled now we are unquestionably spilling over eight gigabytes to a more meaningful performance impact uh with a 13 Advantage for the 16 gigabyte 4060 TI over the eight gigabyte version but it's still only hitting 27 FPS average here the 4070 is able to average 36 frames per second so these are still probably not the graphic settings people would use uh on any of these gpus but it does give a 50 Advantage for the 40 70 over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte and the one percent lows are even more dramatic the frame rates are 30 22 and 14 respectively um and then uh now let's let's see what if we turn off Ray tracing and turn down the Epic settings to high settings uh in this case we're now seeing the 4060 TI's tied at 99 FPS with the 4070 uh giving a 31 advantage over that at 130 frames per second so you can see that going down to the high settings has really rained in the VR Ram with only about eight gigabytes of allocation um and maybe going a little over eight gigabytes on allocation but we're again not really seeing the actual uh reported usage hitting uh Beyond eight and it doesn't seem to be impacting the performance once we're down at these high settings with no Ray tracing if we go up to 1440p at the high preset with Ray tracing disabled uh once again the 4060 tis are within one frames per second of each other but the 4070 is reporting a 31 lead at 1440p high both of the 4060 TI's are able to average over 60 frames per second at 61 and 62 FPS respectively and the 4070 is offering more of a high refresh rate experience with an 80 FPS average and in the one percent lows we're seeing a 37 advantage to the 40 70 over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte with 67 FPS in the one percent lows if we move up to 4K resolution even by turning off Ray tracing and dropping down to the high preset it still seems like it's a bit too much for these gpus uh the 4060 TI's are averaging under 30 frames per second they're both tied at 29 FPS average and they're one percent lows are at 25 FPS again exactly tied whereas the 4070 is offering a 35 Advantage but that only pushes it up to a 39 FPS average and 33 FPS in the one percent lows with one percent lows over 30 you could do a 30 FPS locked experience um but again I have a feeling that most PC Gamers would prefer to um drop settings or upscale now uh let's move on to the Last of Us Part One at 1080p Ultra and even at 1080p at the ultra preset this game does absolutely use more than eight gigabytes of vram and it noticeably impacts performance we see the 16 gigabyte card offering a 19 advantage over the 8 gigabyte version of the 4060 TI and 12 gigabytes is plenty here so the 4070 is showing uh the biggest Advantage with 47 lead over the 8 gigabyte 4060 TI at 115 FPS um so definitely a high refresh rate experience there moving up to 1440po Ultra just increases vram usage so um the 4060 TI 8 gigabyte is the only card not able to hit 60fps average here well the 16 gigabyte card takes a 15 lead and does average 61 FPS but the 40 70 at 1440p Ultra is able to hit 81 frames per second a very good experience in this game at those settings and again we're not going past 12 gigabytes here it looks like more of about 10 gigabytes being used at these settings at 4K Ultra the 8 gigabyte card just breaks it's a slideshow trying to complete the Benchmark run um so that's why the footage looks out of sync there overall I get a 5 FPS average on the 8 gigabyte card whereas the 16 gigabyte 46 DTI is actually able to average adjust over 30 FPS and the 4070 is able to hit 43 frames per second which again a lot of people might still tweak things to get a better frame rate than that there but it is definitely playable especially on a controller if you were using a controller there but if we go down to high settings instead of ultra this game is designed to stay within an 8 gigabyte buffer at least at 1080p on the high settings and so both of the 4060 TI's match each other's performance at 111 frames per second whereas the 40 70 12 gigabyte takes a 25 lead at 139 frames per second and at these high frame rates it's even possible that the 4070s getting held back a little bit by the CPU which could also be why it's one percent lows didn't have a big lead now at 1440p high settings I think we're seeing less CPU limitation and allowing the 4070 to take a 38 lead over the 40 60 TI eight gigabyte at 98 FPS versus 71 FPS the 16 gigabyte card is 74 FPS versus 71 so it does take a four percent lead on the averages and the seven percent lead in the one percent lows so we're just starting to see a little bit of uh of a spill over the eight gigabytes but just a touch um uh at the 1440p high settings at 4K High settings the 8 gigabyte card is no longer broken and is able to average 34 frames per second uh but it uh the 16 gigabyte card can take advantage of going Beyond eight gigabytes and is able to take a 12 lead uh on the averages at the 38 and then the 40 70 12 gigabyte 12 gigabytes is plenty for these settings and it's able to take a 56 lead over the 4060 TI 8 gigabyte and hit 53 FPS on average so it's not quite 60 but it is actually extremely playable here and the one percent lows are even a bit bigger of an advantage now a game that came out right before The Last of Us was Resident Evil 4 uh remake and at its maximum preset at 1080p this does include Ray tracing and it does go over eight gigabytes again the 4060i 16 gigabyte therefore takes an 11 lead over the 46 DTI 8 gigabyte and the big a much bigger advantage in the one percent lows and the 4070 takes the biggest lead overall by 47 percent over the 40 60 TI eight gigabyte and again the one percent lows we see big stutters on the um 4060 TI eight gigabyte if you look at the frame time graphs you'll see large spikes hit on the eight gigabyte card you're seeing it again right now um so well the 4060i 16 gigabyte only takes a nine percent lead at 1440p Max the one percent lows are actually twice as good 66 versus 31 and the 12 gigabyte card takes the biggest lead with a 45 advantage in the averages but almost tripling the performance in the one percent lows over the 46 GTI 8 gigabyte so it's definitely a game where the lack of vram manifests as stutters in the frame time graph um which are very noticeable while you're playing at 4K maximum settings the 4070 is actually almost able to average 60 FPS it hits 56 which gives it a 75 lead over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte which is only able to hit 32. and the 4060 TI 16 gigabyte is kind of splitting the difference there at 41 FPS average and again the 47-12 gigabyte here is actually fairly playable at these settings even if you would maybe tweak them one option is just go down to the prioritized Graphics preset which is the next preset down and this preset does not include Ray tracing and you'll notice that every everybody's frame rates are way up and we're not going over eight gigabytes of vram usage so the 4060 tis are basically tied and the 4070 is taking a 33 lead over both of those cards but all the cards here are doing great it's 185 FPS versus 139 FPS and the one percent lows are high as well uh moving up to 1440p prioritized Graphics we are still not going over eight gigabytes of vram so once again the 4060 TI's are one FPS apart from each other so it's just run to run variants um and the 4070 is taking a 36 lead over the 4060 TI 8 gigabyte but the one percent lows still look good on all the cards the overall average is still look good on all the cards so all of them delivering a very playable experience although again higher refresh rate experience on the 40 70. and even moving up to 4K resolution on prioritized Graphics uh we're seeing it bounce right up to eight gigabytes of allocation on the cards that have more than eight gigabytes um but that seems to be all it needs and and we're not seeing um stutters in the frame time graph or anything like that the averages are tied on the 40 60 tis at 49 and the 470 is able to hit 69 nice FPS uh average which is a 41 lead over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte at these settings now Hogwarts Legacy I'm going to say right now that I don't like my testing spot I used here I didn't realize until I was splicing together the footage that despite loading exactly the same game save every time it looks like the weather and lighting are different so I think that is actually slightly affecting the performance between the Cards here um but anyway the 4060 TI's are tied at 1080p RT Ultra at 46 FPS and the 4070 has a 20 lead I also think like other areas of the game might get more vram limited um at 1440p RT Ultra um we're actually seeing the eight gigabyte card slightly ahead which again I think could be due to differences in the weather and lighting conditions um the 40 70 is taking a 32 lead over the 4060 TI eight gigabytes another possibility though could be uh this game is known to swap out textures for lower resolution textures if you're spilling over vram capacity um so it is possible that the um 4060 TI eight gigabyte could be doing that but I'm not seeing evidence of that in the footage at 4K RT Ultra though uh the eight gigabyte card just crashes to desktop I I tried several times to complete a run and it just would not um whereas the uh cards with more than eight gigabytes of vram are able to complete the run but with terrible frame rates 19 versus 25 which is a 32 lead for the 4070 um but it's not good results for um for either card these are not the settings that you're looking for um regardless of uh you know um the advantage now if we turn off Ray tracing frame rates go way up and at 1080p ultra um now I'm seeing a noticeable lead for the 16 gigabyte card versus the 8 gigabyte card although again I'm seeing snow happening on the eight gigabyte card but not on the 16 gigabyte card so like you know maybe you can't see things as far in the distance like I said I'm not super happy with my uh testing location I used here but I didn't catch that like I said until I was already done benchmarking all the cards and I was editing the footage I'm at 1440p ultra settings we are seeing um pretty similar results on the 240 60 tis and I think the weather conditions here are a little better match without the as much snow happening uh and a 24 lead for the 40 70. um the 470 is able to average 68 here whereas the 40 60 tis are at 55 and 53 respectively um so definitely a better experience on the 4070 with the over 60 FPS average although the other two cards are doing all right and at 4K Ultra with no Ray tracing we are seeing the 40 60 TI's completely matched in performance it also looks like they hit about the same time of day and weather conditions uh which is helping here um things maybe look a little different on the 4070 and it is showing a 44 Advantage um uh we are seeing vram allocation show above eight although maybe not actual usage so it's unclear if any texture swapping I didn't actually notice that uh in the footage or anything like that is is occurring no uh before that near the beginning of the year we did have returnal hit PC and at 1080p epic settings the 40 60 tis are basically tied at 98.99 FPS respectively with the 40 70 12 gigabyte taking a 23 lead over the 46 DTI 8 gigabyte at 120 FPS so they're all offering a good experience here and we are not seeing any evidence of vram usage going over eight gigabytes at 1440p Epic settings we're once again seeing a one FPS difference between the 4060 TI models so most likely just variants between uh Benchmark runs there and we're seeing the 40 70 take a 24 lead over the 40 60 tis uh with 89 FPS average versus 72 and 71 on the 4060 TI models and one percent lows the 4070 is able to stay at 60 FPS on the one percent lows whereas the 4060is dropped to 47 and 48 respectively going up to 4K resolution at the Epic settings we are seeing a 30 Advantage for the 12 gigabyte model uh and we're seeing a 2fps uh Advantage for the 16 gigabyte 4060 TI over the 8 gigabyte version could be run to run variants but I actually think this could be vram related now because if you look at afterburner we're seeing allocation above eight gigabytes although actual reported usage still a little bit under but it's possible it's helping out at least a little bit here to have more than eight uh now let's move on to for spoken which uh at its maximum preset which is called ultra high does include some Ray tracing and this game is using a ton of vram giving the 16 gigabyte 46 ETI a 33 advantage over the 8 gigabyte model with 72 FPS versus 54 whereas the 470 hits 96 frames per second which is a 78 lead over the 8 gigabyte 4060 TI now we can increase resolution to 1440p and that pushes vram usage even further and we're now seeing the 16 gigabyte 46 DTI take a 44 lead over the 8 gigabyte card with 52 versus 36 FPS and the 470 12 gigabyte is taking a big lead at 70 FPS giving it a 94 Advantage where though it's almost doubling the performance of the 4060 TI 8 gigabyte and if we look at the reported vram usage we're hitting about 10 gigabytes used and 11 allocated on the cards that have it if we move up to 4K Ultra High uh we're now seeing again vram pushed even higher although um not dramatically allocating more than 12 on the 16 gigabyte card so it looks like the 4070 is still okay here and we're seeing a 56 Advantage for the 4060 TI 16 gigabyte over the eight gigabyte version and the 4070 is more than doubling but it's still only 38 28 and 18 FPS so uh not probably the settings you'd actually use to play the game at uh if we turn down to the high preset though which does not include any Ray tracing vram usage does get reduced and at 1080p um it's only going a bit over 8 gigabytes but that still gives the 16 gigabyte card an 8 advantage over the 4060 TI uh eight gigabyte card and the 470 is taking a 74 lead over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte although all cards here are have very high frame rates so I don't think we're seeing any particularly large issues here at 1440p high settings we are seeing um in 18 percent lead for the 16 gigabyte card over the eight gigabyte card so um again we're going further past the eight gigabyte buffer uh giving a bigger Advantage than we saw at 1080P and the 40 70 takes a 59 lead over the eight gigabyte card at 100 FPS versus 63. this is another game that's known to have textures not load properly if you don't have enough vram again not seeing a lot of that in the footage here exactly but it isn't to say that there's none of it happening I've never been good at The Spot the Difference games you know so anyway um if we look at 4K at the high settings the 40 70 is actually able to average 54 frames per second um which is a 69 nice lead over the 4698 gigabyte and the 40 60i 16 gigabyte has a 25 advantage over its eight gigabyte counterpart at 40 versus 32 uh frames per second um again maybe not the settings you just used to play the game although the 4070 wasn't doing too bad there now moving on to games that released last year uh we have a plague tail Requiem a 1080p Ultra uh this game is not using more than eight gigabytes of vram in fact it's only using about four or five uh so the 4060 TI's are tied at around 82 and 83 FPS and the 40 70 is hitting 110 frames per second giving it a 34 advantage over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte and a 32 advantage in the one percent lows if we move up to 1440p ultra we see still not using more than eight gigabytes of vram so I think the two percent ish you know it's like one or two frames per second differences between the 40 60 TI cards are more likely explained by run to run variants and or the clock's slight clock speed differences between the models and the 4070 is taking a 37 advantage over the 8 gigabyte card in the averages and a 40 advantage in the one percent lows uh this game looks great and doesn't have a super high vram footprint so it's just interesting how different engines and game developers work on that regard at 4K Ultra we're still not going over eight gigabytes of vram on any of the cards and again I think the small diff one frame per second difference we're seeing on the 46 ctis is most likely explained as run to run variants uh and the 4070 is taking a 39 lead over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte it's still only hitting about 39 FPS though so most likely you would use dlss this game also features uh frame generation so if you were playing um that 4K you'd probably take advantage of those features which we'll Explore More here in cyber Punk but first let's look at some heavy duty Ray tracing I was focusing more on newer games but cyberpunk's Ray tracing workload is still one of the heaviest so we'll include it here and at 1080p with rt Ultra we actually do go slightly over eight gigabytes of allocation on the cards that have it and that is especially affecting the one percent lows on the 4060 TI's um and the 4070 is taking a 40 lead over the 8 gigabyte 46 DTI and again we're seeing an advantage for the 16 gigabyte TI over the eight gigabyte uh especially in those one percent lows however uh I'm gonna use this game as more of a dlss test ground as well so with if we enable dls's quality which in my opinion does not look great at 1080p although many people would probably find it usable we are now hitting 79 FPS average on the 46 dtis and they are now tied this has reduced the vram usage so we're not going over eight gigabytes and the 4070 hits 99 FPS and takes a 25 lead over the 8 gigabyte 4060 TI model so dlss does come to the rescue here although you do take a bit of an image quality hit by enabling it if you also turn on frame generation we are seeing a slight advantage to the 16 gigabyte card here possibly run to run variants possibly clock speed differences but also frame generation does increase vram usage we are seeing slightly over eight gigabytes allocated on the 16 gigabyte card and that could be playing into it the 4070 taking a 29 lead over the 4060 TI eight gigabyte version although all of them are offering High frame rates remember these frames are uh you know they don't quite correspond to real frames when they're generated frames in terms of responsiveness and image quality now if we go to 1440p enable a ray tracing Ultra preset without any dlss to help out we are definitely over eight gigabytes the the 16 gigabyte card taking a 12 lead in the averages over the eight gigabyte card and the 4070 taking a 48 lead over the 8 gigabyte 4060 TI but even it is only hitting 37 FPS and both of the 46 dtis even the 16 gigabyte model is averaging below 30 frames per second so these cards are not capable of native 1440p heavy Ray tracing workloads at good frame rates however if you enable dlss quality um we do see the 4070 average 65 frames per second which is um uh very playable some people would still shoot for another way uh to hit um you know a higher frame rate experience but the cards are much more usable here although we're still going a little over eight gigabytes of vram which especially shows in the one percent lows where the 16 gigabyte card is a 14 lead in the one percent lows over the eight gigabyte card now if we enable frame generation interestingly look at the one percent lows look at the frame time graph right now on the far left it's much more spiky than the other two this is absolutely caused by frame generation increasing the vram load we were already right at the borderline of eight gigabytes and frame generation pushed it even further causing spikes and and stutters which are manifesting in the one percent lows so while the 16 gigabyte card only has an eight percent lead over the eight gigabyte card and the averages has a 62 percent lead in the one percent lows and the 40 70 12 gigabyte takes a 42 lead over the 8 gigabyte 4060 TI and doubles its performance in the one percent lows so this is showing that frame Generation Well it's a cool feature it uses vram and that could be a actually a serious concern on the eight gigabyte cards for how often frame generation will actually be usable um if you're pushing graphic settings heavily enabling frame generation at the same time first let's do some division on a calculator which involves prices so we can think about price and performance and what these cards are offering uh if you do 500 divided by 400 which is the cost of the 16 gigabyte 4060 TI versus the 8 gigabyte card you get 1.25 which means that it's 1.25 the price times the price or in other words 25 percent more expensive to get the 16 gigabyte model than the 8 gigabyte model now if we do 600 divided by 400 we're comparing the cost of the 40 70 12 gigabyte against the 4060 TI eight gigabyte it's 50 percent more expensive to get the 4070. now if I do 600 divided by 500 I'm getting 1.2 so it is 1.2 times the price or in other words 20 more money to get the 40 70 over the 40 60 TI 16 gigabyte so that's certainly uh some interesting numbers to think about when we scroll back through some of the data especially focusing right here so so um first of all Ratchet and Clank was a bit interesting in that this is the closest the 4060 TI 16 the 16 gigabyte card came to beating the 12 gigabyte 4070. in fact I think it gave us the only time where we actually did see it come out ahead which was only by one frame per second and it was 24 versus 33. uh and this was at 4K maximum settings including Ray tracing maxed out without using any dlss and so I think we would agree that these settings are unrealistic settings for these gpus to use um regardless of the performance so in general I think we can just say is the 4060 TI 16 gigabyte better than the 4070 with 12 gigabytes because it has more vram and I think we can answer that question with the resounding no at least in gaming uh can you manufacture sure a situation where it basically ties but does technically come out ahead yes but is that a typical result absolutely not and we did see lots of games going over eight gigabytes of vram but going over 12 gigabytes of vram was much more rare and when it did happen usually the 4070 was again just still able to um at least still kind of tie the 16 gigabyte card just because it's a faster GPU right so that's what we saw there so um in a lot of gameplay including what we saw for example in our Unreal Engine 5 game uh we were not really pushing the boundaries much Beyond eight gigabytes if at all and we see that the 4070 often offers somewhere between 30 and 35 percent lead over the 4060 TI cards um when vram is not really coming into play when it's just the raw power of the cards the 4070 isn't always 35 percent faster but again if we if we just take a look down here and scroll through um seeing you know low 30 percent ish gains is very very common and the places where it's larger are places where we're spilling over the vram capacity right so in other words um uh if we hop back into our our numbers over here uh 600 versus 500 the 40 60 TI 16 gigabyte or the 4070 which only has 12 gigabytes well often times the 4070 is 30 or more faster than the 4060 TI 16 gigabyte uh because um there's only because it is just over 30 faster in many games and then when you're not going past 12 gigabytes the extra four gigabytes on the um on the 16 gigabyte card just aren't really coming into play right so I do think that the 4070 is a better deal price to Performance wise than the 46 DTI 16 gigabyte now if we look at the uh 16 gigabyte 4060 TI versus the 8 gigabyte 46 DTI uh we're again seeing a 25 price difference and the thing here is is that the um it's rarely offering a 25 advantage over the eight gigabyte card even when you're spilling over uh eight gigabytes of vram like we're seeing here in 1440p Ultra on the Last of Us Part One oftentimes that still doesn't net you an actual 25 performance gain although it can we did see it happen in some other games uh where it was more than 25 lead however a very frequent result is basically a tie or exactly a tie that was that was actually a pretty frequent result especially on settings that you might actually use because the thing is a lot of people I would even go as far as most people don't play games at completely maxed out settings they either turn some settings down or they enable upscaling like dlss or possibly even do both and turning down settings and using dlss if we're not talking frame generation but just upscaling both lower vram usage so when the cards are not vram limited the 16 gigabyte card literally does not offer any additional performance over the eight gigabyte card so I think it's extremely difficult to justify the hundred dollar pre or twenty five percent premium for the 16 gigabyte card over the eight gigabyte card for gaming workloads can it offer more than 25 performance uh over the other card it can but it usually doesn't especially when you're looking at resolutions and settings um that you would likely actually be what you would be using in a game right um the last thing uh to talk about is what about the 4070 versus the 4060 TI 8 gigabyte that is a 200 or 50 price increase for the 40 70 over the 4060 TI eight gigabytes and if we look at that um uh you know there are extreme examples like 4K Ultra in The Last of Us Part One where we're seeing it like nine times faster and more than that in the one percent lows but again are these the settings that you would actually be using these gpus at when you're purchasing them and uh if if we look back at a lot of our other results like I said it's more typical for it to be a 30 to 35 percent Advantage for the 40 70 over the 40 60 TI eight gigabytes um however that being said when you do spill over eight gigabytes of vram then we can often see results where the 4070 is significantly more than 50 faster or at least uh you know or at least 50 percent faster um but again that's certainly not every game and even some of the places where it's happening are not necessarily the settings at which you would be using the gpus that being said the 4060 TI eight gigabyte itself is pretty expensive at 400 for an eight gigabyte card uh for what you're offering here so I think unfortunately what we end up with here is none of these cards look that good the 4060 TI 8 gigabyte you're going to have to be battling settings in order in the most recent games or at least many of the most recent games in order to stay within your 8 gigabyte vram buffer but if you do uh then you might be getting good good performance but still you're buying a 400 graphics card to have to manage settings uh to get your full performance out of it um and not have issues and then again paying an extra hundred dollars for the 16 gigabyte model feels really bad because when you don't need the extra VM it does literally nothing for you and it's a 500 card look at my review against the 6800 XT which is also around 500 and has 16 gigabytes and it gets embarrassed in many many many games um and then you have the 4070 which oh man the 40 70. if the 40 70 was 500 I think it would feel way better to recommend at six hundred dollars again it it's it's price to Performance wise actually not scaling super well against the 4060 TI eight gigabyte but the 12 gigabytes of vram does pay off in a lot of situations and it does have enough horsepower to get you a much better 1440p experience so that is another thing that I'll say here which is if you're planning on playing game at 1440p resolution the uh the 4070 uh does uh does feel a lot more at home whereas you know a lot of times something like you know Star Wars Jedi Survivor 1440p epic Ray tracing on the 4070 is going to get you over a 60 FPS experience maxed out at 1440p whereas the 4060 TI models just can't do it so the 4070 does feel a lot more at home at 1440p resolution and 12 gigabytes at least in today's games isn't feeling too limiting or limiting at all at this resolution you know a few years from now hard to say uh where where we'll be at um but again so at a certain point you have to decide how much do you care about value right I think the 4070 is by far the best 1440p GPU out of these three but it's not a great value GPU and honestly none of these really are and this is why a lot of people have been very disappointed by the um uh by the 40 series from Nvidia and we're still waiting on AMD to offer um competition other than just discounted last gen models uh so it gets a little frustrating uh the other thing again that I wanted to bring up in case you didn't watch this section of my video is the fact that one of the main selling points of the 40 series which is frame generation frame generation increases vram usage which we're seeing in something like 1440p RT Ultra in cyberpunk dlss quality with frame generation enabled we're getting this really spiky frame time graph on the 8 gigabyte card but not on the 16 gigabyte or 12 gigabyte card um so this is another place where that where the uh the eight gigabytes on the 4060 TI 8 gigabyte just feels really limiting um uh because again one of the main selling points of this uh generation of cards is frame generation which again if you're bumping right up against eight gigabytes of vram already uh then kicking on frame generation just actually makes that worse and gives you a stuttery experience so anyway hopefully this comparison was very useful for you I can't enthusiastically recommend any of these gpus although you can get an idea of what their performance is and I do think if you're buying an Nvidia GPU um and you want a 1440p GPU the 4070 is the best of the bunch but um uh again I'm just not too excited about its price point I hope all of you still have an excellent day though
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 139,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NhFSlvC2xbg
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Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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