Do you Really NEED a GPU Faster than RX 580 to Compete?

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yes you should upgrade to the rx6600 on most cases right now we know the rx6600 is a much more Superior guide and probably the best value card at this stage if you're jumping from the RX 580 it's worth the upgrade but in here let's see if how much you gain by upgrading to the rx6600 from a lowly old God RX 580 and for this case boys we are using the RX 580 the sapphire Nitro limited edition for this disc we are pairing this with our ryzen 5800 x3d all specs in the description we are using uncapture cut on an external PC to record all these gameplays and we have run these days multiple times until we get consistent results now let's start off with Call of Duty and Warzone we are using competitive settings right here for both guys and we are going to test them out or right here we go Call of Duty Modern Warfare synthetic benchmarks and right off the bat boys we can see that our GPU has maxed out the RX 588 cubic card is truly maxed out in here like we only get less than 100 FPS 83 85 average rfps what percent loss is really bad at around 68 in this one so let's try and see how this one performs with FSR 2.1 turn on hopefully that will bump the FBS for this guy all right here we go uh side by side comparison of the 1080p native and fsark 2.1 so we can see right here our FPS is finally reaching 100 and we've got one percent lows at 92 compared to 71 at the native resolution I do note boys that we FSR 2.1 we will have some visibility penalties and Warzone not so much with multiplayer but in war zone you will see that our you know visibility is not that good but that's five we will just um we'll look at that one uh seven three one percent lows still much better compared to the native one so yes let's try and compare RX 580 with episode 2.1 and RX 6600 with um just native 1080P and you can see right there boys look at that one 40 plus FPS in terms of aperture base 40 plus lead for the RX 6600 and it turns with one percent lows that's about I don't know 30. at weighty difference uh yep if it's not 30 FPS so definitely a big lead here for the RX 6600 so let's see how this one performs in our masra because this is just a synthetic Benchmark let's see how this performs in real world war zone almazra okay now this is a side-by-side comparison of 1080p native and FSR now you can see right there boys our frame plans are really bad so you can see those there are a lot of spikes in there so there's a lot of status in here so we only got 96 averages with episode 2.1 58 for the one percent low compared to much lower on the native one and you can see right there heaps of micro status and frame time spikes in there let's try episode 2.1 on the RX 580 and compared to the RX 6600 native all right now here we go now both guys are maxed out although the RX 580 is at 100 well rx6600 is at 99 look at that one boys a huge lead in terms of average FP is for the rx6600 once again about 20 30 FPS 38 plus FPS with a one percent lows and you can see our rx6600 is much more smoother although you do have those micro status but this is like season five of Warzone just dropped so you will experience those stutters that way every time Warzone drops a patch it's always like that all right let's move on to the next game Apex Legends now here we go epic Legends a 1080p competitive settings once again let's see how this one thirds out okay setting up with a firing range in here and you can see it right there boys a huge difference in terms of FPS 4. RX 6600 let's see how this one responds on heavy action scenes boom boom wow look at that huge difference there's almost double average FPS on this one and once again really huge difference about a hundred percent more in favor of the rx6600 so if you're an apex Legends player you definitely need to upgrade to the rx6600 if you're still stuck with your Rx 580 that's a big difference right there boys and once again our RX 580 is 100 maxed out all right let's move on to our next game fortnite and here we go we are going to trial out all three APS once again the x12dx live in and performance mode let's start off with dx12 and we'll compare this with our rx6600 and right off the bat we can see that our RX 580 is maxed out as compared to the rx6600 huge difference in terms of average FPS and one percent lows and even the 0.1 percent lows boys there's a huge difference friends in favor of the rx66 boom got that guy rx66 100 so yeah that's that's that's really huge difference average FPS and even one percent lows that's 100 FPS difference right so yeah it's if you are playing fortnite at dx12 definitely worth considering on upgraded to the RX 6600 but let's try and see how this one turns out in dx11 okay here we go the DX living see how this one place right next living and once again a strong start for the RX 6600 really I mean you can add one for the RX 580 153 17 compared to 250 on the one percent lows average 50 is once again over 100 FPS difference in and 1.1 percent but yeah basically huge difference boys so yeah definitely this one if you're a dx11 player yep the rx6600 will be a huge Improvement now if you are interested in more of these this boys something like this and do subscribe to our Channel we do these days all the time and including driver updates as well so yeah click that subscribe button let's go back to the video and let's go with performance mode all right here we go performance mode right basically everything lower by permissions third High okay all right out I didn't do so hard x6600 with performance mode they just suck all right and you can see that because their GPU clocks thin to cloth lower look at that one our RX 580 is maxed out GB clock on the rx6600 is pretty low and this is why we've got more results so we can alleviate this as with our previous these things the true uh changing the minimum frequency so we'll set it up here to 2500 as the minimum frequency and you can see that one huge bump for the rx6600 look at that one from 100 plus now we got oh nearly 300 FB is on our one pixel Earth compare that to our RX 580 so yes um Yep this is a definitely a good upgrade if you you know if you want that one performance mode obviously Nvidia would still be much more Superior for performance mode and you can see that on our previous videos but for this one this is okay all right this is so you can still this is you would still feel that big boost in performance with uh performance mode with the rx6600 let's move on to our next game valorent so here we go 1080p competitive settings and we're also going to try out low settings later on but let's start off with competitive settings in here with the RX 580 and rx6600 and look at that one boys so average your base goes to the RX 6600 but one percent at a point one percent low go to the RX 580. obviously we are GPU found in here with our RX 580 and that's why we're at 100 let's see how this one turns out on heavy action scenes now heavy action scenes and here we go we are averaging the 400 FPS versus 700 plus but look at the one percent lows and the 0.1 percent low Blazer in this game those metrics matter a lot because that will disturb in your status and you know stuttering and all that stuff so let's try low settings for the RX 580 and see if it actually can change that I'll look at that one look out every chip is is actually much higher now compared to competitive settings of the RX 6600 we even got much better one percent lows and point one percent low so yeah that's quite surprising let's see Heavy action scenes on this one boys here we go heavy action scenes and once again our RX 580 is dominating the RX 6600 on this one all right so it's like maxing out almost actually have GPU so let's try and see if we turn down our x6600 to low settings if there's any difference and once again it still goes for the RX 580 and I think this is something to do with the rdna2 architecture is just not good for valorent in terms of you know uh putting out that more FPS and we can see that with our added this as well especially when we compare it to Nvidia so the rx6600 although it's a much more Superior God in this scenario the RX 580 wins let's see Heavy action scenes if there's any difference and once again it's still the same 300 plus or what percent lows average big BS is you know High obviously but you know in this case boys you just have to look at one percent lows because anything over 400 on the FPS that's actually pretty good right let's move to our next game pubg and in here as always we have competitive settings at 1080p Dixie living enhanced all right let's start off with running shots and in this case we've got RS 5580 maxed out GPU and then we've got 114 FPS compared to 180 what is a huge difference in there one percent lows 60 FPS difference as well so obviously the rx6600 is a huge upgrade let's try out effects or rather here we have we're introducing a lot of effects in here because like pubg is really sensitive to fix and in here we've got about 60 FPS difference for the average FB is and then about like more or less the same for one percent and point one percent low so huge difference huge is a huge upgrade if you're paying pubg and you can see that it's like the RX 580 tends to max out loud and and in the game in game if you get like 100 GB utilization sometimes it will just handle status uh at least with rx600 it's not like fully maxed out so yes and if you're interested on maybe upgrading to an Nvidia card let us know in the comment section down below and we can probably read this this with a Nvidia guide and if you're interested in more of these this do click that subscribe button boys we do these this even driver updates and all these Hardware these things on all our competitive games right that's it for this video I'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Overseer PC Hardware
Views: 902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rx 580 8gb warzone 2023, rx 580 8gb apex legends 2023, rx 580 fortnite performance mode, rx 580 pubg 2023, rx 580 8gb vs rx 6600 warzone, rx 580 8gb vs rx 6600 apex legends, rx 580 vs rx 6600 benchmark, rx 580 8gb vs rx 6600 fortnite, rx 580 vs rx 6600 fortnite, rx 580 8gb in 2023, rx 580 8gb valorant 2023, rx 580 valorant, rx 580 vs rx 6600 valorant, best settings for rx 580 in 2023, rx 580 warzone 2, rx 580 vs rx 6600 warzone, rx 580 fortnite chapter 4, rx 580 fortnite 2023
Id: bf7luO3Pltc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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