The RTX 4080 is too little too late...

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all right here we go phase two of the 40 series launch today we're talking about the actual RTX 4080 16 gigabyte not to be confused with the fake 40 80 12 gigabyte which is now apparently going to become the 4070 TI we also that coming a mile away anyway this is it right here let's see how it compares to its little brother technically now the 3090 and 3090 TI versus the 3080 and the 4090. so there's lots of numbers yeah numbers I'm so second numbers all right speaking of numbers let's get paid we are up this video to bring you a special message from iFixit no we interrupt this Interruption with this Interruption about new stuff from my fitted push in grab this card but inventory sucks fix the inventory problems with iFixit Whoa Don't drop it can't fix that with die fiction just kidding yes you can wish you could take I fix it with you anywhere but your pockets aren't big enough introducing a new Murray and a new minnow take them with you anywhere so good I fix it for your loved one or just get them for yourself all right so the RTX 4080 um it's it's a it's a weird card in the sense that it's quite cut down from the RTX 4090 now remember this was the first launch where we had the 90s series kind of come out first with full benchmarks full charts the whole deal and then the 80s series whereas in the past they've launched the 80 series card like the 3080 with the 3090 launching a month later and then the 70 well 38370 first then 90 and then down so this time we kind of got to see like what a nearly uncut die looks like for the four nanometer um Ada Lovelace but if we look at this one here the 39 or the 40 90 has 16 384 Cuda cores versus the 40 80s 9728. it's a significant cut down versus the 40 90 which leads you to believe that there's room there for a 4080 TI but when you start to look at the performance though it starts to become more difficult to squeeze a card in there but if you did the price point at least would sort of make sense in its performance range because remember this is a 1199 card for the Fe custom cards like the strayx and the Neptune and all the other like the tough and all that are more than likely going to cost more because the aibs always charge more for that custom board that they that they design it cost them more to make it to but the 4080 was uses the exact same cooler as the RTX 4090 it has basically the exact same PCB layout which means just like the 3090 and 3080 you're more than likely going to see Universal blocks that work for both the difference is like there's just less RAM available to it there's also less power are available to it because this is a 320 watt TDP card so we're not going to talk about the difference between tgp and TDP but TDP we're talking about here at least is total board power tbp at 320 Watts so before we start to talk about the buying power or the value of an RTX 4080 you have to see how it Compares comparing this card is is is difficult in my opinion to find exactly which cards to compare it to so I compared it to the best AMD offering prior to the 7900 XTX coming out which is the 6950 XT Red Devil which is the highest tiered AMD card that we currently have we compared it to the 3080 the 3090 TI which when it launched was a two thousand dollar card obviously you're able to get it for as low as 1050 if you if you're lucky because they're pretty much gone now at this point and the 4090. kind of seeing where the 4080 slots in there because if you if you look at all those price points and all those performance points and you can kind of determine the future of what might be slotting and where and when so anyway way let's go and take a look at the charts [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] no surprise I don't even know why I include 1080p in any of these anymore 1080p is just bottlenecked across the board with the exception of shadow of the Tomb Raider RT so shadow of the Tomb Raider actually scales really really well with the uh well it it shows like the most linear curve you can possibly see in any title that's just because of the fact that the engine cap is a bit higher now the 4080 and the 4090 and heck even the 3090 TI and the 3080 in some pretty much reaches a 1080p engine bottleneck in pretty much every single title but I still show it because it's it's interesting to see when sometimes a lower tiered card will score higher in a lower resolution than a higher tiered card is because I think it's smacking the limiter a little less hard than say the higher tiered card so you get a better average FPS but if you know if you look at min max and it tells a different story 1440p 4080 is still hitting the bottleneck or the engine in cap or even bottom liking the CPU depending on the title depending on your settings as well now all my settings are pretty much Max because I like to put as much it's like a Dyno run for a car you put as much load on it as you can and that tells you a big story about its performance but obviously in 1440p in certain titles we're still hitting that engine cap which means that for 4080 is still an amazing 4K card now they have obviously touted the 4090 as being an 8K gaming card not as hard as AMD did in their marketing material but anyway in 8k gaming capable card which means the 4080 should obviously be able to have no problems playing uh 4K the only title that brings these graphics cards to their knees is cyberpunk with rt on and no sort of upscaling so in cyberpunk 2077 with rt on no dlss or anything 4K 30fps 62 FPS though in 1440. like this it's where we finally start to see that 60 FPS like kind of a minimum gamer spec 60 FPS or higher or go home but 96 FPS and 1080p but you know dlss obviously would bring those those scores much higher and then once you turn off RT and we're talking 191 FPS 1080p 128 and 1440 now cyberpunk is still a very big difficult game to render but let's talk about power draw for a second here because that is probably what's on everyone's mind given the Fiasco that is still taking place with the RTX 4090 uh side note Nvidia did say that there are two different manufacturers for their four to one plug and it's looking like one of the manufacturers specifically is the one that is kind of continuously having the problem so sounds like they're diving deeper in there but the RTX 4080 comes with a three to one what that means is this three eight pin PCI Express to the single 12 volt high power adapter so obviously that means it's power draw its power is limited much lower than an RTX 4090 now this is a 39 49 is actually my system at home I've been running it trying to see if I can't get the problem to recreate so far so good but we're not seeing that kind of power draw so the 4080 it had they launched the 4080 first it would have been a much more positive story because I would be surprised if a 4080 was actually able to melt the plug now it could still if there's a defect in the plug causing the problem not necessarily the power draw however the uh 100 power limit on the RTX 4080 is 320 Watts that's the same as what the 3080 was remember the 30 30 90 was 350 and then 3090 TI was 450 and that's why we saw the 12 volt high power plug on a 3090 TI not with the four pin sideband not the standard one without the four pin so under normal gaming conditions though like for instance putting up Heaven which is just a dx11 rasterization benchmark it was like low 200 Watts like it wasn't even hitting 250 Watts now this is putting it back into like 20 series Power Range remember 20 series 28 DTI maxed at 250 watt that was the TDP Norm for for years was 250 Watts so we weren't even seeing it hit 250 Watts so then we put it into Port Royal which is uh you know where we know it's gonna turns on all the ray tracing features it Reflections Global illumination the whole deal and it really puts a load on those RT cores and we saw it hit a little bit over 300 watts in fact it would Peg the power limit kind of periodically at around 311 Watts at least that's what was visible to us it might have actually been hitting 320 so quickly we didn't actually notice it but again 300 low 300s and then I went into like Forza uh 4K and all these the the gaming test was that 4K because 4K obviously is going to load up all the the ram it's going to put a harder load on the GPU and again starts out in the low 200s and it goes up to like the 230s and then it hits around the 250 towards the end of the run but even then didn't exceed 260 Watts at the most in fact this would have been an amazing story for a launch for NVIDIA instead they chose to go with the RTX 4090 which ended up being a bit of a show now the RTX 490s performance is absolutely Bonker but if we take a look at where the 4080 is landing with like over 7 000 less Cuda cores let me put this in perspective for you the Cuda core count difference between a 4090 and a 4080 is the same number of Cuda cores that you find in the 4070 TI 4080 12 gig that amount of Cuda cores is how much more is in the 4090 versus the 4080 yet you look at the performance it's not that big of a spread versus that Gap so if you take the prefer the percentage of Cuda cores found in the 4090 and the 4080 it's not a linear Gap it's not scaling linearly it also goes to show how much power it takes to push over 16 that's also why when Devourer did his overclocking stuff with it and used the custom voltage controller that he soldered on and all that he found that the moment he touches voltage and pushes it up even just a little bit how it starts to exceed 7 800 watts at the end of the day the 4080 although the price is still pretty pricey at twelve hundred dollars if you were to compare it to the 2080 TI which I kind of wish I had time to do the benchmarks on and I'll still probably do that and include it in some of the aib testing here the performance per watt and performance per dollar is going to be astronomical which is a good thing we like to see more performance for the same price the only thing is we kind of had that little weirdness of the 30 series in between these two families of graphics cards which just jacked up all of the pricing and stuff because had those cards ever truly existed in their lifetime for their msrps like you know the 700 and some odd 799 MSRP that you would find a 3080 for or was it 6.99 I think it was 6.99 whatever that would have been absolutely insane like it'd still be a heck of a deal if you can get a 30 80 for that price in fact you can get 30 80 down 700 brand new still available on the market I looked before this video there's still Zoe tax and stuff available for that price it's just kind of unfortunate that they chose not to launch this one first because I think it might have made a different impact on the way things are looking for uh for NVIDIA but at the end of the day performance fantastic price subjective but it's not the first time they've launched an 80 series card at uh twelve hundred dollars although to be fair it was a 2080 TI that was 1200 bucks and if they had launched a 4080 TI given the gap between the 4090 and the 4080 if they do a 48 ETI it's going to have to be around 1450 or so dollars which would be weird because Nvidia doesn't typically launch with the 50 they launch like 99s everywhere the temperatures are insane it's the exact same cooler that you would find on a 4090 but with that TDP we talked about the 320 watt limit the fact that it's not even hitting 320 watts in most instances means that it runs extremely cool in fact the fan curve uh you can never hear the damn thing even with the side panel open and we were hitting like 55c 56c uh in our in any of my average testing and then in Port Royal if I just let it go it'll hit 6162c it'll lock itself at 27.75 megahertz and it doesn't fluctuate it doesn't change whether it hits power limit it is voltage limited the entire time just like the 4090 and you don't see the first megahertz bin drop or boost bin drop until it hits 61c which then drops at 15 megahertz remember each bin is 15 megahertz it's the first time I've been able to put in a card touch nothing in MSI afterburner have it be cool have it be quiet and have the frame rates or the megahertz the engine speed just be locked in fact it goes to show Phil and I talked about this and when we talked about the temps and stuff and I said man that's nuts and Phil goes you know what that means to me it means it could have been smaller but I think in terms of manufacturing to have essentially the same cooler with the only difference being the back plate that has 4080 etched into it versus 40 90. it was probably a cost move to just manufacture a crap ton of the same cooler and plop them on the same because remember this is a 3080 versus a 30 90 right here so as you can see very different form factors this could have been the size of a 4080 right here but again in terms of manufacturing it more than likely would have cost more to have two sizes like this anyway there you go I'm curious at this price point those that were holding off from 40 90 given the fact that I would be surprised if we see connectors melting with this card given its current power draw because the high power draw of a 40 90 through any sort of a defect in the wires and stuff would only show itself obviously as power scales up the issue will become more Apparent at this power at this price point at this performance are you ready to buy this card now or are you afraid of it now because the 4090 has put you off on the whole concept of their power connectors anyway sound off Down Below guys we'll see you probably tomorrow with an aib version of this because spoiler they're just as big as the 4090s I got a strix card that's like this big so unnecessary but anyway they all share the same parts so I guess that means blocks and coolers and stuff will be fun to shop for because it'll be like one size fits all
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 521,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 4080, 4080 launch, 4080 vs 4090, 4080 vs 3080, 4080 vs 3090ti, 4080 nvidia, nvidia, nvidia vs amd, amd vs nvidia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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