10 Strange & Scary Park Ranger Stories

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- yes - welcome back to the swamp my friends today we are going to be recounting some of the scariest park ranger tales that we have heard over the past few months these stories are not only strange but are largely unexplainable these stories freak me out so I figured a second round would be good I hope you guys enjoy them if you have a story you would like to share in a future video whether it be a park ranger story or something completely different be sure to submit it as swamp dweller nets or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everyone in the swamp it's stories like yours to help this channel keep going now without further ado let's get it into these creepy Park Ranger stories that'll make you think twice about joining the force I've been a park ranger for about five years I've worked in Delaware during that time one of the scariest and most unnerving years of that work came in my third year as a park ranger it was during that time we started finding animals in less than well less than Hall States to put it kindly I remember these events just like they happened yesterday it was a normal morning when I was reporting in the morning cleanup was going well enough but by that afternoon we were called to an area in the woods by a worried hiker they claimed to had had found something or if equai liking their claims were well beyond true I told my supervisor I'd handle it and if I had known what I was going to encounter I probably never would have taken over I'll be honest I'm a brave guy but this sort of thing that I'm about to tell you about is not the sort of thing any human should have to come across when I arrived on the scene I saw twenty-something year old woman crying and just absolutely mortified I scanned the area and quickly realized why she was acting like this all over the off beaten trail she'd been hiking there were bits and pieces of some sort of animal at first we couldn't tell what it was as the remains were spread everywhere I remember my shock at the smell in just the repulsive nature of the scene I comforted the woman and reassured her we'd handle it from here I thanked her and radioed my supervisor I told her she needed to come down and check out the scene I also noted that I suspected some kind of animal had mauled another when my supervisor arrived the shock was clear in her face she explained what she wanted us to do and we began to clean up I remember her walking off and making a phone call while I had some others cleaned the area I could overhear the distress in her voice but I thought nothing of it as I was pretty shaken by the sheer violence of the scene myself the rest of the day was pretty normal and before I knew it it was time to head home I slept unusually easily that night considering what I dealt with that day and what seemed like no time at all I awoke and it was morning already I love my job but I remember feeling like I hadn't slept and cursing out the Sun as I got up let's face it even if you love your job you will have morning's for your chest naik man already it's time to go back anyway I made some breakfast got up and headed to work I was in high spirits and hadn't thought much about yesterday's events until I arrived at work that morning it was then I found an opened deer hanging from the entrance sign to our park I could see its entrails laying around the blood smear all over the sign my boss was already on the scene and just finishing a phone call she gave me a somewhat sick and smile before telling me to clock in and come back out this way to help work and clean on the scene I did just that and upon arriving again at the scene I couldn't help but ask my supervisor what she thought was going on she explained she imagined some sort of animal which responsible just by the bodies but she also mentioned she had never seen an animal do something that's vicious before let alone in Delaware I remember cleaning and thinking to myself is this going to be a remainder of my career should I start a business in animal cleanup as though she could read my mind my boss approached and put a hand on my shoulder before in somewhat morbid way laughing and telling me relax we might just have a new career if we keep finding these scenes I think she saw my shock when she just smiled and said stop worrying it was just a joke I let out a half-hearted laugh and went back to work the rest of that day and week nothing weird or violent seemed to be happening a member clocked me out on Friday and mostly having forgotten the earlier events of the week my boss mentioned that they were thinking of having a night Patrol of sorts as things kept up she wanted to know if I would volunteer if they did she even offered to pay me for nights and would allow me to switch shifts I told her if that's what she needed from me I'd need a couple of nights to switch up my sleeping schedule but I'd be more than happy to help out in any way I could she told me that she'd be able to do that if the need came and told me to enjoy my weekend I was off and the next weekend went well Monday morning though that all change I was due to come in that morning and looking back now I wish I wasn't we have a weekend shift for new arrangers and upon arriving Monday morning it was quickly evident something was wrong I found our main station wrecked most of the windows were busted that was blood all over the building and a disgusting trail wound of red seemed to lead from the broken-down station door inside I found one of our Rangers she well she was no longer with us I called the cops and explained the fact that I just entered the station where I found the scene at hand unfortunately the main station area is a little bit out of the way it's far enough tourists and hikers aren't likely to run upon it unless they seek it out but close enough we can respond to any emergencies or park needs sadly it seems to Rosalina one of the weekend Rangers was due to close at some point while closing she was ambushed the scene was something straight out of a horror movie sadly it was all too real her stomach was completely torn open in one of her legs as well as some internal organs were found in the back of the station it seemed whenever attacked her had eaten through her stomach and then just violently ripped her remains to pieces it looked calculated Rosalina was alive as this thing tore into her she was screaming but we don't get a lot of visitors on Sundays and I'm guessing by closing there wasn't anyone around that would hear or be able to help her I remember my shock and anguish over the scene and everything that has happened we were all at a loss and it was quickly determined from this point forward regardless of our shifts we'd be working in pairs from this point forward next couple of weeks were tense there was a dark air about the park and the police did all they could to work the case it was determined ultimately that Rosalina had been mauled by some sort of animal but what animal might be was mostly up to speculation I began working night shift soon after this and was paired with my boss the nights were long at first they were also unusually quiet my boss and I kept together and when we weren't together we kept in radio contact if one of us patrolled while the other man the station it was around the 1st of November when I came upon a very odd sight it appeared to be a shrine of sorts there were dead animals at strange symbols but what disturbs me the most wasn't the ritualistic staging of the area but the picture I found painted in some of the animal blood it showed a beast that looked like it could have been a wolf the thing was huge though and as I gazed at the picture I remember the unnerved filings I felt it was as though the eyes were upon me as I stared at the picture there was nothing else about it just this disturbing feeling of being watched I remember I was about to radio my boss when I heard her voice behind me I nearly jumped out of my skin because I was so focused on the scene in that picture and I didn't hear her approaching me she asked what had happened after apologising for scaring me I explained to her I found this weird shrine and that's about all I knew I remember her watching the area closely before saying we should look for who may have set this up she volunteered to look if I would volunteer to start the cleanup I asked her if it was such a good ideas I believed we shouldn't search alone she nodded and told me to keep close to my radio and we'd split up I agreed to this but asked that we didn't stray too far away in case that one of us needed backup she agreed and we went our separate ways about an hour later I hear the most disturbing and pained screaming I've ever heard my lifetime I remember radio in my boss only to hear more screen than some sort of growling I rushed over to where the screens were which took me roughly ten minutes once I arrived I remember being overwhelmed by the horrid smell my boss sat there catatonic as before her was the body of what looked to be a homeless man the man's body parts were everywhere this was the worst scene we'd happened upon yet it came over to my boss and tried to bring her back I remember she was shaking and her eyes were wide open with terror she had tears streaming down her face and she was shaking I tried talking to her but she didn't seem capable of speaking and she was in complete shock I called the police and they came out after questioning me and my boss the paramedics checked my boss out and took her away the scene itself was beyond disturbing I never knew a person had so much blood inside them until I saw the homeless man's blood everywhere my boss called me a little later and explained she'd been out for a couple of weeks and she needs to relax and get some rest about a week later while I was watching the park with Harold one of our newer recruits we heard a loud howling and animal screams I didn't want to take a chance and split up this time so I asked Harold to stick with me and would investigate the scene together we did just that and eventually we happened upon a stray cat that was laying on his side bleeding out I remember immediately being worried about this cat but then being overtaken by this overwhelming sense of dread it was kind of like when you do something and realize you've made a horrible horrible mistake but it's too late to correct it no sooner had the thought crossed my mind did I hear a loud roar and in the blink of an eye Harold was tackled to the ground and screaming it all happened so fast Harold was being mauled and it took me a second to process at all when I did I remember running up and trying to punch this behemoth of a monster in the side it paid me no mind is a buried his teeth into Harold's stomach and began tearing him open I fell back in shock and I didn't believe what I was seeing and I felt I was beginning to spiral into a state of denial I remember the mace I had on me and ran up and sprayed this thing in the eyes it quickly backhanded me and I hit a tree I remember my head smacking with our thud and things were a bit blurry after that the next thing I remember I'm awakened in the hospital I shut up freaked out only to realize where I was a nurse rushed in and called for the doctors telling them I was awake I was asked a series of questions and told I had a light concussion and I had some bad bruising but otherwise that would be fine it was then I remembered Harold and I began frantically saying his name as it was the only thing I could get out they told me not to worry about him and to explain what I remembered about the situation some officers came in and we talked for a bit about what I remembered and soon after that they left they weren't sure what to make of my description of this black for a giant wolf but they didn't mock me either I spent a few more days in the hospital why they monitored me it was during that time I eventually found out the Harold I had passed away that didn't go into many details about that but I could imagine it wasn't a pretty scene I sat for much of my time in the hospital feeling depressed and blame myself Reynolds death it wasn't until my last day where my boss visited that I finally got my head in a halfway normal pace again my boss told me she was sorry about what happened and that we were going to end the nice [ __ ] for the other range of safety we still were compared those were all out there in a day though I was given a couple weeks off in addition to time off during the holidays when I finally returned in January everything was quiet the holidays had gone mostly news free the park had returned to some semblance of normalcy the month of January proved to be rather tame and I had finally gotten back into the groove of the daily routine of the job it wasn't until the first week of February that things came to a head I volunteered to close up while my boss left early and handled some errands she had all assigned Rangers that day had gone home I had gone ahead and said mark the Ranger that was supposed to close with me home he wanted to stay but I foolishly told him things had been quieted it'd be fine I told him to go home to his wife and enjoy his weekend anyway I was doing my final realms and it was getting close to dark when I heard a scream scream assent panic thoughts racing through my mind my adrenaline spiked again and my time off had gotten very familiar with firearms and I now carry one quietly on my person I clocked out and decided to head toward the direction of the screaming I thought about calling the police but I wanted to see what was going on before involving them this was a mistake I know as it got closer to the screams I saw a broken cell phone I immediately drew my weapon and cautiously walked forward I arrived in a clearing to find a young woman her legs separated from her body why is a ghost and trying to speak I looked around as I approached her and that's when I was hit by something that felt like a truck and was suddenly on my back my gun is lit away and looking me in the eyes was that damned wolf that had mauled Harald to death I remember my knife and I ripped it from the holster before stabbing this beast in the left eye I did it almost like an instantaneous reaction to my situation I didn't think about it instinctively attacked I don't know if I was pissed about Harald or the other Rangers or I was more concerned with my own survival but whatever the case this creature yelped and leaped back for a moment I took my opportunity and scrambled to my gun before standing up and staring this creature in his cold black lifeless eyes I remember taking its paws and using them to remove the knife from its own eye before growling the hatred I had never encountered before the thing happened had ran from me at which point I emptied the bullets in my Magnum into this thing the creature stopped in his tracks and fell back a bit staggered I reloaded Mike weapon the creature began coming toward me slowly this time bleeding from the bullet wounds and it's eye it fell over coughing up blood and glared before Hallie one last time in rushing into the woods I remember seeing this girl's fail paste look as she clung to life I did all I could to help slow the bleeding well a doubt number one it took no time at all to arrive at which point the young woman was carried off and I was questioned ultimately I took over duties as the head of the Rangers at our park the woman who I had found with her legs ripped off survived the most unnerving and unexplainable part of this entire series of encounters was that of my boss the day she went running errands also the same day I fought the Beast she went missing she never returned it was never found what was found though was her husband she and her husband had issues from time to time and there were rumors that they were going to be divorcing in the future she'd even talked to me about it briefly one night while we worked the night shift that's what is so strange and unexplainable about her disappearance though her husband well he was found ripped to pieces in their bed a week or so after the events of that day he had died the same day I'd been attacked I don't know how to explain it but I believe whatever that beast was well I think it was my boss my name is Daniel and I was with the park rangers in Texas for roughly 13 years I've seen all manners of crazy things in my time I've seen murders weird unexplained phenomena possible UFO sightings and even had a run in her too with the odd crazed homeless person something that isn't often talked about in regards to park ranger work is that almost days things are perfectly normal a few if any Rangers get through a career without witnessing or experiencing some sort of strange happening in their time it feels like the longer I've been a ranger the more strange stuff I've seen well probably four years ago I want to say we started having some really odd and currencies around many of our parks the first time I encounter something like this it was April of 2015 I was supervising and filling reports out that the main station of the park suddenly as I was doing this I heard my radio go off I responded and asked what was wrong when one of the guys informed me that they kept hearing crying in the woods I was a bit busy so I gruffly told them so go investigated then and report back when you find out what is going on that's when they explained to me they had been investigating but they hadn't found anyone and every time they were sure they had found the saw through the crying it sounded like it would get farther away all of a sudden I told them to search the area again as we weren't in a huge park and then if they found nothing call me and I go look myself while they clocked out and headed home about a half hour later they radio back in they had found no one but the crying had stopped I told them thank you come back to the station and clock out and I check again to be safe they arrived and we talked briefly before the Ranger left I finished my paperwork a little late clocked out and took my flashlight and headed over towards the woods it was while I was out there and scanning the place twice over I heard nothing and found nothing weird or suspicious because of this I went ahead and just went back to the station it should be noted I was the only one left at the park of staff at this time I reached the station and got in my truck I was beginning to pull away when my radio was taken by static and then was crying over it I stopped the truck and listened closely it sounded like it could have been a child crying and it wasn't long before the station returned to normal and I decided to shake off the odd happening and head home Saturday morning I was awoken to a phone call from the local sheriff they said there was a body hanging in the woods it was a little girl and it appeared she had hung herself I think the sheriff or the info and came up to the station one of the weekend staffers had found the body while doing their morning rounds and was justifiably shocked by the entire situation I'll admit I was taken a bit of back and considering what side here the night previously but I was absolutely certain there was no sound when I left the park that night a few months went by and I was working at a much larger Park at this point when I got a call from one of the Rangers that took me by surprise it was another call about crying in the woods I asked them where they were hearing it and the response made me a little uneasy they said they were hearing it from everywhere I asked the Ranger to elaborate and they explained something eerily similar to the previous report at the park a few months back they said they'd followed the sound of crying and every time they thought they'd found the source the crying would sound as though it was from way farther away I told them to wait for me as I headed up that way I arrived to something truly strange the crying was indeed so happening and try as we might we could not find the source anywhere I told the Ranger to head home and I called the sheriff's office and asked if they could spare someone to keep watch over the area overnight after a lot of discussions they said they'd see if they could get someone off duty to watch the place overnight I informed them of my concerns and they agreed it was worth watching over the place just case I will home that night crashed rather quickly comfortable in the idea that someone was watching the park it was about midnight when I awoke to a phone call from the sheriff's office they explained how one of their off-duty deputies began to hear the crying I mentioned they said they followed the source until eventually they found a body hanging from a tree I headed up to the park and talked to the off-duty deputy they seemed shocked it wasn't just the body of a teenage girl that left them in shock it was the fact that upon finding the body of wood there had been no trace of during their previous patrols they were still hearing the crying they said the crying only stopped when the sheriff arrived I thought this was odd and I was beginning to feel unnerved about it all two separate parks two separate incidents two different suicides it was more than a little odd it was about to get order though a month later I was assigned to work in my hometown again I was more than a little relieved by this and I was pretty excited to finally be back home I'd been home for about a month when I began hearing the all-too-familiar sound it was the crying the thing was it wasn't at the part this time no it was in the woods on my property need to understand right off the bat I live alone and in the middle of nowhere I shouldn't be hearing crying of any kind I took my flashlight and shotgun and headed out of my home I checked my watch and it was about 10:30 at night i canvassed my property the entire night as the Sun was coming up The Crying had stopped I took that opportunity to go back to bed as it was Sunday and I didn't have to work I awoke at about 5:00 in the evening to the sound of distant crying once again I called up the sheriff's office and told them I'd wait up for them before searching the property the sheriff arrived at six that we began canvassing my property together by 9:00 p.m. we were about to call it search off when we heard the unnerving laughter the sheriff and I walked in the direction of the sound and upon cresting the hill we found the single most disturbing sight I have ever seen in my entire lifetime it was a circle with a pentagram inside of it the thing was though the circle and pentagram were made of the naked bodies of woman the most disturbing part is that they all had smiles on their faces I didn't sleep very well the rest of that night and after the investigation was complete it appeared the woman had committed suicide it seemed they had poisoned themselves before holding hands and forming this symbol in the spot of their death I can tell you right now I've never felt so unnerved in my life it wasn't just a strange nature of the deaths but the fact these suicides kept following me I wasn't sure where this would end or how but I was beginning to feel very unsafe this was further reinforced by the fact that this one had happened on my own property the next couple of weeks I didn't get much sleep I kept having horrific nightmares the dead bodies on my property I couldn't get it out of my head sometimes I had awakened a panic thinking I heard crying again but ultimately it turned out it was all of my dreams I remember pondering what the hell was happening and why I had happened it wasn't much longer before I was assigned to go out of town again I took this opportunity happily I'd barely gotten any rest and I wasn't feeling the safest at home anymore this was strengthened my final night at home when I woke up to the sound of three loud knocks at my door at 2:00 a.m. I checked the door with my gun of course but all I found was a picture in red ink of the pentagram with the bodies I burned the thing and went to bed now that I was out of town I hoped things would settle for a bit sadly they didn't my first day of work we began hearing cries in the wood we have local law enforcement monitoring the park that night with who they could spare and myself as well the cries began around sunset it was almost as though they had been planned we searched the place high and low and found nothing I remained there the whole night eventually sleeping in the station I was awoken that morning to screaming I scrambled to my feet opened the door to find one of the Ranger staring in shock I nearly slipped and after regaining my balance I looked down to see blood pinned to fedora was a woman's decapitated head she still wore a smile law enforcement was called immediately and I was grown about it if I was connected to all of this either humanely denied any involvement and found myself disturbed by what had happened on the door it read a message I give myself to you the victim had been identified but whoever had to capitated her hadn't the handwriting of the note was that of the victims none of this made any sense and I was more than freaked out at this point I took some time off of work and while I wasn't allowed to leave the state as I was technically considered a person of interest I was allowed to go home every night I was awoken to three knocks and ran a point each night I was usually left a gift of some kind by who I didn't know sometimes it was dead animals other time it was weird poetry and more times than not to art symbols I had local law enforcement around my place 24/7 and no one ever saw who left these gifts eventually these strange noises stopped I was having trouble sleeping and I was spooked enough that I went ahead and resigned from my position I'm not sure what was up with the suicides or the strange sacrifices I still do not know to this day that said some nights even now I'm awoken to knocks the only difference being no one is there and now nothing is left behind I could still hear the crying though every time I'm a thirty year old female park ranger or Woodside of New Jersey my story takes place in 2012 and involves the strange occurrence around my park before we get started no it wasn't the Jersey Devil I won't list where I work as I still work there and I don't wish to have my colleagues think ill of me anyway it was around the holidays and we were having a nighttime event to celebrate a few Rangers myself included volunteered to watch over the event for some extra pay despite the fact we were normally on vacation while we were to do during this event was watch over it patrol the woods to make sure there was nothing weird going on and help clean up at the end to make sure the park was in order being I didn't really want to be around the party itself I volunteered to patrol the woods I've always been a bit of a recluse and I've always found the woods relaxing day or night on this nights however that would change it was about 9 p.m. and there were fireworks being set off we've gotten approval to do this Brier and from the cheering and the distance it seemed everyone was having a great time shortly after the fireworks rang out I heard an inhuman scream it was almost like a screech more than a scream and the initial sound of it made me jump I quickly looked toward the sky yes that's where I heard the noise it was then I noticed something in the trees it looked like a shadow it had clear red eyes there were no wings that I could see and his figure seemed a curl on a branch and leer at me I slowly moved from my radio but this figure seemed to emit a high-pitched signal that made me drop my radio and gripped my ears when the noise stopped I realized my radio was no longer functioning and I looked up to see the odd shadow and vanished I'm not one to give up easily and I also have a really morbid curiosity this is probably to my detriment and I'm quite sure it'll get me killed someday that said being the morbidly curious soul I am I went searching for this odd shadow creature I searched for roughly two hours when I heard fireworks in the same screeching again whatever this thing was didn't like the sound of fireworks and that I closed it on the sound and it was the shadowy figure once again looking in the trees a walk slowly toward it at which point it seemed to turn its head backward like an owl or stared at me that was pretty off-putting but what was more unnerving was the meat now inside the mouth of this thing it was now that I could easily see the large extremely sharp teeth that seemed a gleam in the moonlight the blood from its prey freshly dripping from things shadowy lips it was at that moment I decided it was far better to back away slowly leave the woods as soon as I turned around I heard movement and the high-pitched screeching erupted in the air again I remember a ringing piercing my ears as I fell to my knees cupping my ears my hands once again when the screeching stopped I was having trouble hearing and could see blood coming from my ears I remember being frozen in fear and thinking to myself that I was an idiot I thought I was about to die here a victim to something that no one knew existed I waited a bit dizzy and unable to really move as I felt a cold breathing right across my neck I closed my eyes and shook in terror as I felt the things slowly studying me I soon broke down crying assuring this thing I meant no harm and begging it not to kill me and a thought crossed my mind about how silly I was as I was appealing to something that was clearly a carnivorous predator of some sort I heard a strange cooing that's the best way I can describe it and soon after I felt a strong wind that all was silent that wasn't the sound of animals or anything granted things were sort of muted as my ears were still ringing at the time it was another half an hour before my ears began to dull and I was no longer afraid to move I slowly got to my feet and scan the area there was nothing there deciding to no longer seek this creature out will test my look again I went ahead and began heading back as I walked I remember feeling something watching me in fact and quite sure this thing was stalking me now as I slowly walked out I was too afraid to look behind me instead opted to continue walking and promising myself as I was not going to stop for any reason eventually I did reach the tree line and head out of the woods my colleagues asked where I was and I explained to my radio died it may have malfunctioned not saying why it was before joining them for the cleanup the rest of the night went fine and I eventually went to the hospital to get checked out they said I had permanent hearing loss but there didn't seem to be any other negative effects they did several scans and nothing of note was found I never explained what had happened or why I lost part of my hearing but to this day I'll never forget what happened out there in the woods now even when working I'm a bit skittish even even when I'm not in the woods this is usually more in the winter when it gets darker earlier I've never seen this mysterious and shadowy creature since and I found no research that would allude to what it could have been I'm positive it isn't the Jersey Devil though that said whatever it is it's still out there so if you're ever out in the woods of New Jersey at night know there is more to be wary of than just the Jersey Devil my story takes place in my first year as a park ranger the staff around the park had shared with me stories of we're going zhan around the park when I was first hired it was enough of a topic of talk that it was actually brought up right after I had been told I was going to be hired I work in North Dakota and I'd say my five years as a Ranger have actually been relatively tame the exception being while hanging around the station nothing violent has ever come of these happenings but I have been more than a little unnerved in my time while working here what is it that is so unnerving to me you ask well things have a tendency to move on their own I'm not just talking someone messing with us I'm talking full-on camera footage of things moving the first time I experienced this was in my first year it was caught on camera but I was also there I was making some coffee and went to grab some sugar packets when I was reaching out for the packets the container carrying them slid further to my left I looked around to make sure no one was around when I remember checking the cameras after it definitely happened still this wasn't a strange as something that happened while patrolling the park one evening before closing I was out of my own and picking up trash and checking on the status of things before I left for the weekend my supervisor was at the station waiting for me to wrap things up gwah patrolling and getting ready to head back to the station my radio went off it was my supervisor telling me to come back to the station now I quickly ran back without even responding when I got back my supervisor asked why I was back so quickly I explained he had just yell for me to rush back over the radio at which point he looked at me like I was stupid i sat in silence for a moment before explaining my situation again he shook his head and swore to me that he didn't call for me at all I shrugged it off and just told him I didn't see anything off and everything seemed fine otherwise and then I headed home someone embarrassed but also suspicious of my boss Monday rolled around and we all arrived to a nuts a fun surprise the main station had been vandalized the thing is though when we checked the footage things were flying around but there was seemingly no one throwing them on as it was we all just decided to start the morning cleaning up and then hit our morning patrol right after at this point I begun to grow accustomed to the strange happenings around the parking station so when an odd thing would move or strange sound would occur I'd basically groan to ignore it the main point of my story however the thing is how explain now was not something I could simply ignore away I was driving in a cart along the hiking trail when I suddenly saw a disheveled woman coming out of the tree line she was bleeding profusely I immediately stopped the cards and came to her aid the woman began vomiting blood inside my arms and I was about to radio the main station went just as quickly as I blame there was no woman and there was no blood I stood there in shock for a moment before regaining my senses searching the area thoroughly I found no trail of blood no woman nothing even as I speak about this now I'm in shock I was late from my morning patrol my supervisor wanted to know what was up I didn't know what to say but because he could clearly see shock on my face he persisted with questioning me I eventually broke down and explained everything I had seen that was when he got some water and told me to come to his office my supervisor explained how he realized I was newer to the area and that while I saw seems very Rio and understood my shock he sure me was ok I looked at my boss dumbfounded how he could think it was okay he could clearly see my thoughts all over my face and he immediately explained some of the history behind the parking area he said it was likely the ghost of a woman murder in the park several years prior I asked how he was so nonchalant about the situation but he explained everywhere that the park has seen the woman's ghost at one point or another and had the same reaction he described the woman to me and I confirmed that was who I saw to the tiniest detail I didn't find this situation funny but my boss had a smile and told me congrats you are now a fish one of the team looking back and haven't gotten to know the man better I realized my boss wasn't making light of the murder but more of the reaction of me seeing this ghost he and all the staff had experienced this woman in the same area different periods do their time at the park I'm now a lot more relaxed about the whole thing and I guess I shouldn't be shocked I guess considering the other weird things that had happened here previously still if you would have been there if you had seen how real it was I imagined you'd have a similar reaction I still work at the park now and strange things still happened but I've never encountered anything as strange as that since anyway thank you for sharing my story and I apologize if it was a bit brief I'm not even sure how to begin this story I have been and still am working for the Park Rangers in Washington I love my job and despite the events of the story I still love my job to this day I've been doing this for about 25 years in him getting to retire at the end of this year actually what I'm about to explain will make a little sense but I'll do my best to explain it anyway the first thing you need to understand is that the origins of these incidents are still up for debate as these have not been solved nor were any of them covered by the news or given to public knowledge I've always been a believer in odd things I've been this way since I was a kid I used to see Gus I stopped talking about such things when I realized people thought I was strange I know it's going to seem silly after hearing this but I assure you I am a sound mind and very logical in my thoughts overall I'm not crazy and this story has nothing to do with ghosts this story has to do with disappearances of missing people this story has to do with disappearances and missing persons 10 years into my job was when the first disappearance happened we have a lot of woods up here in Washington it also rains a fair amount around here while working a seemingly normal day one evening it began to rain the rain was heavy and there was a thick fog because of the conditions that said I thought nothing of it a few days later we had someone coming to the main station to report a missing family member they mentioned they had been missing for a few days at this point and the last place they were known was to be hiking in our park I took down their information and the information of the missing family member and assured them we do all we could do to aid law enforcement in their search for the missing family member we spent the next few days searching high and low for the missing family member eventually we found something what we found was more than a little odd though it was shoes the shoes were taken in for DNA testing and were found to match that at the missing family member law enforcement informed the family members of the missing person about our findings and we also assured them we'd keep searching sadly we never found further evidence of this missing soul there are a few feelings as horrible as a family member who keeps coming in or a calling for information on their missing loved one only for you to have to tell them sorry you have no further information on their whereabouts and cut you as deep as something possibly can emotionally and I don't look forward to doing this a year went by and we never found the missing person things would get stranger in October when another seemingly normal day would be plagued by sudden rain we get rain and often and is easy to forecast but this rain seemed sudden and I'm positive there was no forecast of rain still a forecast just that a forecast it's not 100 percent accurate and mother nature will do whatever she wishes to do ultimately looking back I get a sense of deja vu about this day I didn't pick up on it at the time but the conditions were the same as the day of the first missing person a sudden rain a heavy fog and then a few days later a man came in reporting his daughter missing the only real difference is this time it was a man reporting a daughter missing whereas the previous was a woman's brother still a missing person is sad all the same when the second missing person was reported we follow procedure and started to search immediately before the day was over we had found something that did strike us all odds at a time we found a pair of shoes once again there was no gear no clothing just the shoes there were no signs of any further movement and no sword of forensic evidence that might lead to where this woman had gone much like the missing man she had seemingly come to a random spot in the woods and simply vanished leaving only her shoes behind we searched high and low and never found any sort of evidence as to where the latest missing person or the previous one had gone a few months went by and this time I was fully of where how strange the circumstances it's were it was a Friday morning and there were zero percent chance of rain I'm absolutely certain of this still about 3:00 in the afternoon a heavy rain set in out of nowhere and a heavy fog accompanying the sense of deja vu hit me immediately this time as opposed to in hindsight it hit me so strongly in fact that I decided to go out and canvass the area on my own immediately I spent the better part of the afternoon and evening in search when the rain finally led up I found a couple of pairs of shoes called the police that second they came and took the evidence I was asked about why I've begun a search without a missing-person investigation open and I explained that after the previous two times that I had an off feeling and wanted to search the grounds this naturally made me a person of interest but I was quickly cleared and able to return to work within a few days the people that went missing were a young couple in their 20s who were actually vacationing in on their honeymoon we searched high and low for them as well and the others but we only found the same things their shoes there were always shoes left behind nothing else it was though they would vanish into thin air I feel an endless amount of guilt for the missing and the circumstances are just odd five years later it happened once more we had been in a week of sunshine and it was a Sunday that seemed as though it would be no different there was no rain forecasted off the next 10 days at the least I was actually off when this one happened heavy rain set in out of the blue and even heavier fog sent him with it I remember shake me out of worried about the circumstances in the sense of deja vu I got was jarring I called the police and they explained that they had already had a few units at the park searching the area it was about 6:00 that evening when I got a call saying a family of six and gone missing their shoes were all that remained I wasn't sure what to say or how to react anymore I couldn't begin to explain what was happening to the missing I still worked as a park ranger and we've never had another missing case like these ones around the park since no similar weather pattern that wasn't forecasted none of that I'm retiring at the end of the year however my disdain for being unable to solve these disappearances or get these families of the missing closure will haunt me for the remainder of my days being a park ranger is a passion of mine I love the idea of being with nature as much as I enjoy the idea of helping others connect with such things I've been doing this job for about 14 years and I am from Texas I work around the state and I work in many parks I've been blessed to be able to do what I love since finishing college in all my years of doing this job I've seen a lot of things some strange some scary and many quite the opposite many I'd say were quite beautiful I've always been a believer in the strange and paranormal I've never been much of a skeptic and it's hard to be if you've grown up the way I have when when I was little my mother would often say that she'd find me talking to my grandmother my grandmother died three years before I was born that is more for background and not something I'll get into instead I'd like to talk about October of 2007 I was working in Central Texas and around this time we started having some odd happenings around the park the first really odd encounter was one of our dogs we had basically a mascot of sorts started rushing off and would always wind up in the same area in an open patch of forest once there it would begin barking for about five minutes before it stopped and act normal again this continued on for a week it was a Wednesday morning when Sally our dog ran to the same spot in the woods I remember it vividly as upon arrival there were several other unfamiliar dogs in the area and they all barked in unison toward the sky this was strange but five minutes later they stopped about mid-october this behavior stops abruptly there are no strange gatherings of the animal kingdom or anything that seemed out of the ordinary that was until about the end of my shift when I thought I saw someone another corner of my eye I look closely around the area but quite simply could not find anyone so I headed to the station to clock out I was the last one out on this day as my boss at the time was on the vacation looking back I wish I would have been on that as well what happened next was unnerving to put it lightly one of my co-workers came to me the next morning upon my arrival into work and complained of a woman who didn't stop staring at her my first thought was maybe it was a homeless lady but when I asked for a description of the woman she sounded straight out of another timeline she wore a black bonnet and all-black dress she looked dressed for church and seemed to carry a Bible that was strange but I thought maybe it was a bible-thumper they exist everywhere and some of them can be quite judgmental my coworker seemed genuinely scared which was strange as she wasn't easily startled I told her I go with her and we would check on the area where this woman stood well we head up and to my shock we find ourselves on the same spot the dogs used to be and the center of this tree line there stood a woman clear as day matching the description given to me by the co-worker I approached the woman and asked her why she was staring down my coworkers the woman didn't say a word and that's when I noticed her eyes the eyes of this woman were pure black it was the darkest black I've ever seen as I looked into them I felt the need to cry I am not sure why or how to explain it but before I knew it I was crying and overcome with emotion I wasn't just crying like a normal cry I was crying my legs were like jelly I was hysterical I soon fell to my knees and began crying more I'm not sure how to help you realize how strange this whole situation was the more I cried the more the woman stared at first her face was stone-cold but after a time and as I cried more I saw a smirk growing her face all sorts of confused I tried to stop but I couldn't it wasn't long before I noticed some of the dogs we previously seen suddenly form up around us the dogs were growling I was crying my co-worker was screaming bloody murder it was a strange feeling and I'm not sure how to justifiably elicit to you the things going through my mind I couldn't control my actions I couldn't think straight that was just an unending sadness and then before I knew it the dogs were barking and growling at us at least I think they were it was at this point I felt so out of it and things were so dizzy I began to notice I no longer perceived anything if I was awake or dreaming any longer at the height of my sorrows everything went blurry and the next thing I knew a jogger was waking me up I awoke with a startled and asked for my coworker who was still asleep and freaking out I did my best to wake her up and after a while I took her back to the station after thinking the jogger who seemed to want an explanation but I was so confused and also worried that I didn't give one but left after saying thanks I remember my coworker was quite hot I felt her forehead and she was burning up I called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital at which point she was kept there for the next few nights my coworker was eventually released but she quit immediately I tried to get her to stay and even tried to get her to come back but she just wouldn't she didn't answer any of my calls after that and last I heard she moved out of state I don't know how to explain this woman or the things that happened to my coworker and I I will say there have been quite a few times people have been up in the area and have been found out cold or babbling to themselves I feel that area is cursed in some way as that's the only explanation I can truly come up with I know that barely makes much sense but then again what really does anymore was this woman a ghost some sort of demon is there some sort of plausible and sensible explanation for it I'm not sure of anything anymore I'm I'm not sure of how to explain the odd behavior of the dogs either I still work with Park Service's today but I refuse to work at that Park any longer from what I understand no one has turned up dead in that area but in my honest opinion something is wrong with that place hello you can call me e I've worked with the Park Rangers for about 10 years before moving out of state and into a different profession I don't know that my story is necessarily scary but it is strange I won't specify where I was working at the time other than to say that I worked in the Midwest when this all happened I will say I really enjoyed my years as a park ranger they were wonderful and in this case a bit strange the oddity began when I was doing my morning patrol and found what looked to be a painted angel on a tree now it was oddly well detailed if this had been painted on a canvas not on one of our beautiful trees I wouldn't have minded but because it was one of our trees though I had to take some photos and write up a report to give to my supervisor I scoured the area and found no sign of paint or anything figuring it was either an artist or some sort of vandalism I filed my report and went about my day five hours go by when were approached at the station by someone freaking out they explained that they found a jogger lying dead next to a tree with an angel I wasn't freaked out by this but I did find it strange I followed the woman to find it was the very same tree we have the paramedics arrived soon after and it was later on that I discovered the elderly man had died of a heart attack all right that's weird but I believe in coincidence and so I just figured it was one of those odd but unfortunate things that sometimes happens in life a couple of months go by and I've forgotten all about the older man and the painted angel once again while wandering our parks I noticed yet another painted angel this one was not on a tree though it was on a bench it wasn't large or anything unlike the first one this was a smaller angel I was a little thrown but my mind being the way it is decided it was probably some person who was inspired in some weird way by the art and saw the story in the paper the next day a young woman was found lying at the bench we thought she might have been sleeping but upon attempting to wake her up she was found to be dead the reason for this was quite explainable though she was shooting up heroin and had to come here overnight to do so the final cause of this woman's passing was an overdose but they didn't think it was a suicide I mention this because she was sitting on the angel painted on the bench at the time of her death the thought was initially the woman painted it then committed some weird ritualistic suicide of some kind this was ruled out when the cause of death was reported later on police send well to be honest we Rangers were completely perplexed as to how this was happening or why who was painting these angels and why at every place one was painted would someone die it created a bit of conversation but as a year past without any other deaths or incidents people kind of just let it go myself included it was around Christmas of the following year that the strangest one happened this one didn't actually happen in the park I worked at at the time but at a church in the town that I worked in another angel had appeared it was painted in red as always on the back of the church itself knowing how the previous incidents occurred people grew naturally curious the angel that was painted was much larger than the others and above the head and wings were the words may they know peace this was the first time a message had appeared with an angel and every attempt to and every attempt to remove the angel was futile no matter what was used it remained there having given up with nothing happening over a couple of weeks people pretty much thought this one was a prank and the others were a coincidence that was until one Sunday when the church was having a service and a big lunch that afternoon during the prayer and worship service some of the members were prepping the food and the stoves the stoves were gas and upon ignition a leak would cause an explosion that killed everyone inside instantly and burned the church to the ground after this we never saw another painted angel or any other kind of strange symbols around town this was the final one and all three had predicted death or deaths of some kind I'm not sure how to explain that rationally but it was such a strange sequence of events that I felt the need to share it who was painting the angels did they know these Souls would die was it a warning or was it simply a strange pre memorial well I'm sure we'll never know in New Jersey most people will talk of the Jersey Devil especially when working in the parks department as a park ranger though there are other things I've seen in my brief five years that I think are far stranger everything from your typical ghost sightings in the area to tales of strange people who watch from the tree line or the edges of the woods all that aside what I want to talk about is my encounter with what I believe to be a hellhound or some sort of spiritual animal my story takes place in October of 2016 we were prepping for a Halloween event and some tours we like to do from time to time in the area these tours include walks through the trails that we decorate to be spooky for kids and young teenager talks of local hauntings and all-around general spooky fun things these tours aren't supposed to include would-be sightings of actual ghosts or me running for my life now gets that though the early parts of this incident mostly include seeing a dog in the distance I always saw it at night and during the tours that seemed to follow and watch I'm not sure the breed but it was all black and huge I've never seen one so big it was my first time seeing this dog I tried to get its attention and it just stared at me if I tried to approach it the thing would simply turn and run away it didn't seem to be threatening so I eventually just let it be I'd occasionally check to see if it would follow and I'd see it and I think nothing of it about mid-october I remember noticing on the tour that night I didn't see the dog that usually follows we were about midway through the tour when a woman began screaming those on the tour were naturally startled as the scream was allowed and it sounded like someone was an unbelievable peril I took one of my co-workers who will call Randy and we rushed to go after the source of the screaming it wasn't long before we found a person laying in the ground in pain we pulled up to a woman bleeding and screaming hysterically about her husband being drugged off by a mass black dog and that it had mauled her but grabbed him once we got her to slow down we were able to make her make sense it seemed this dog came from nowhere and vanished just as quickly the woman describes something completely unbelievable she said she saw this thing dragging her husband into the woods and both it and her husband vanished into thin air I was quite skeptical about this and figured her mind was playing tricks on her and maybe the amount of stress was causing her to hallucinate I fully believe the dog existed as I was pretty sure it was the one I had been seen but I thought maybe her panic had maybe caused some hysteria and began to remember things were seeing things that might have not happened I'm not a psyche but that was my initial theory for what happened at least this is what I believed until Halloween night when we had our biggest celebration I saw that dog again during the tour it was the first time I had seen it since the woman reported being mauled by it the thing looked larger than last time and I felt much more afraid than I had previously the entire aura around the thing had changed the best way I can say this is to say that the first time I saw it seemed harmless but on this night it felt off it felt like this thing was staring into my soul I continued the tour constantly checking behind me as I did and eventually I noticed the dog didn't appear to be around anymore the rest of the celebration went well and once all the festivities were over and most of the cleanup was done I told my boss I'd stay behind and lock up and clean up but was left they asked if I was sure to which I reassured them that I was and I wasn't tired anyway so I'd be passing up the time everyone went home at this point when I was the only person left in the park I spent about an hour cleaning up and was just finishing throwing out the trash and locking up the station when I went toward my vehicle it was there in front of my truck I saw this thing it was no longer in the distance it was straight in front of me and I'm positive it wasn't there a moment before it was strange how quickly this dog appeared and even stranger how scarily huge it was up close I remember feeling a choking feeling as the dog stared at me I felt like the life was draining from my body I remember turning and trying to head back to the station but as I did I heard a large bark the bark didn't sound normal at first it was quite deep and not entirely like a dog bark I fell to the ground out of fear and loss of feeling in my legs at first I remember thinking I need to get up or I'm going to die scrambling to my feet I bolted for the station unlocked it and slammed it shut locking it behind me I remember the door shaking as this dog slammed against it I looked around the office and eventually found a flare gun I grabbed it and aimed it at the door waiting any second for this thing to just blow through not even a moment later the door began caving in office hinges and this huge black dog stared at me growling when walking closer I panic and fire a flare off that hits this dog and sets it ablaze I then run for a back entrance and bust out the door running with all my might from my truck I'm screaming as I reached my truck and jump in I lock it turn the key and fire up my truck in the time see this dog on fire rushing from my truck I hit the gas and run into the dog which damages the front of my truck thankfully I believe I'm safe once my truck bounces from over the body of this huge thing lying on the ground it is only a few seconds later before it begins to spaz and soon stand up on all fours I can hear its bones snapping as a heads back in my direction I am freaked out and run deeper into the woods I began screaming my lungs out for help as I run I can feel that draining feeling drawn within me my thoughts are clouded in my vision begins the blurs I run and forced myself to call out and isn't long before I'm unsure if sound is coming out as I scream and hear nothing I'm exhausted but hightailing it deeper anyway the only thing crossing my mind at this point is that this thing is chasing me and if it catches me I'm dead there will be no ifs ands or chances I just pray scream even though I cannot hear a sound and I keep running I figure I'll keep going till I collapse or drag - god only knows where by that thing and quite sure I'm going to die when I see lights ahead I think faintly I hear someone asking if everything is alright I'm waving my arms when I hear a gun go off and feel a bullet go by me I hear a Yelp as I fall to the ground there's a sheriff and I'm too exhausted to speak out I remember feeling sick and throwing up there was a low growling and then a loud bark before everything went silent again when things went silent I felt my vision and hearing return to me the sheriff took me to a hospital and I checked out shortly after perfectly fine other than some scrapes from my falls I don't know what that things really was I suggested a hellhound but I'm not sure to be honest I have refused to work the Halloween event since and to my knowledge there haven't been any more sightings or deaths from that dog at any rates that's my story and I was wondering if anyone had a clue of what this thing could have been I'm grateful to have not seen it since but it also opened my mind to a realization and possibility that things out there exist and we can't simply explain it I ain't grateful to be alive today and I pray to never see that thing again I've only been with the Park Rangers in Northern California for just about three years now during that time though I have had the most amazing thing happened to me when I joined the Rangers I was somewhat ill but I wasn't quite aware of this fact yet I was also in desperate need of a job and beyond grateful to the park rangers in my town for taking a chance on me I showed my gratefulness by being as upbeat and enthusiastic as I can about my work I was a heavy smoker for many years prior to this and it gave me a bad cough which I didn't really think much of as I had had this for years now before the events that follow I was always a very skeptical soul I'd argue I still am to a degree all that said I have no earthly explanation for what happened to me to start out about six months into my time with the Park Rangers I began to notice that my COFF was taking a mean turn and on top of that there was blood in my phlegm this startled me the first time I noticed a happening but being I needed the job and I didn't want to let my co-workers down I also loved the job I tried to brush it off as not being a big deal maybe being an allergy thing so I continued working until a Friday evening about three days later when I was cleaning up before heading home and while taking the trash out to the dumpster I had a brutal coughing fit all I remember from it was coughing struggling to breathe being dizzy and then waking up in a hospital with my boss and one or two others I was working with hanging around the hospital room I'm a guy in my late 40s so when this happened I was closer to my mid-40s I say this to give you an idea of the fact that my body wasn't exactly in prime shape especially with the smoking since I was like 12 I spent the next day or two in the hospital and as time went on I was eventually given the harsh truth of life we all die someday somehow and somewhere I was told I had lung cancer and it had progressed far enough that my odds of life or lengthly life were pretty much non-existent I'll admit at that moment I was upset was very angry and pissed off at myself for my stupid life choices I was angry at whatever higher power there may be because I felt like they were screwing with me here I finally found something I absolutely loved doing and it also paid the bills here I'd finally found balance in my life after searching for so many years yet after all that here's some sick joke being played on me and now that I'd found balanced I was being told that I was not gonna be around much longer to enjoy that peace of mind I became dejected and quite honestly I just didn't care anymore I told my work what was going on and I refused to just sit around and die I couldn't exactly work in the heat of the day very well but with supervision I was allowed to work on a later shift as long as I took it easy there was another night guy and night work wasn't really all that hard we basically patrolled the area making sure it stayed cleared the homeless from about 5:00 p.m. to about midnight and then went home while on these late night patrols one of the places we check was by the lake in our park this was a pretty awesome area and even had a path that led with stones to a small island with a tree while doing my patrol one night I was quite sure I saw a woman loitering by the tree she felt different she wasn't threatening but I couldn't just let her chill by the tree unfortunately the park was closed and it was time to go so being the cranky sick guy was I hollered over to this woman what in the nine hells are you doing out here ma'am the woman looked up at me and smiled remember her vividly as she had a shorter haircut not shaved or anything but like neck lift hair it didn't quite reach her shoulders I remember a warmth coming over my body as she smiled she looked like she was wearing a white gown and she was very much here or so I thought she was a translucent or anything she looked as real as your hand would to your face my point being she seemed like another human like you or I I noticed she wasn't really leaving the island and I reiterated the young lady that it was time to go about that time hurt Hank the guy who supervised me come around the corner and laugh at me asking me who I was talking to I felt insulted in a way and turned back and told him that the woman what are you blind Hank just laughed harder now and asked about what woman I turned back and was about to point her out when I noticed she was gone I asked Hank to check behind the tree for me as I didn't have the strength to get across the stone walkway he didn't assured me there was no one around I looked perplexed and then shook it off before telling him I must need sleep he told me not to worry about it and we'd better head out Hank was my right at the time as I was told not to drive myself to and from work due to my condition after dropping me off he left and I promptly went inside and crashed as I slept I found myself back at the lake the woman I swore I saw earlier it was there I knew I was dreaming in yet at the same time none of it felt like a dream she held her hand out silently and I remember a hesitation and fear despite being sure I was dreaming I felt so weak and was afraid to try to cross to the island I'd fall somewhere along the way and drown I was sure of it that's when I heard her voice come she said join me before I could refuse a warmth came over my body again I stepped forward slowly and shakily I remember every step I took I grew shorter of breath thanks felt dizzy and hazy and yet through my blurred vision she simply stood there gown blowing in the wind smiling at me she seems so assured and confident in the fact that I would make it and so I continued onward and to before I knew it I meant to the island and it fell to my knees begging for air I felt like I was dying some part of me knew I had to be dying in waking life I felt a hand place itself on my shoulder and another underneath me I felt this honest-to-god strange feeling and then this woman looked at me with a whiter smile it was a comforting smile I felt in that moment that perhaps he was a personification of death and this was my time I felt okay with it I just wanted to let go she shook her head no as though she read my mind and lowered herself to my level before leaning in as though she was going to kiss me she stopped short and blew a visible air into my open mouth I felt this air go through my lungs and for a moment I fell to my knees and vomited this black bile looking fluid I continued to vomit and as I did I felt a hand touched the top of my sweaty head it's going to be okay she said at that moment I vomited up a huge glob of black fluid and felt a seed fall out of it and I could breathe again it felt better than I had my entire life I looked up and confusion to see her smiling and when I woke up I shot at a bad confused and sweaty I was shaky and checked my temperature at a fever of 102 but took something and went to sleep I woke a 13 hours later shocked to find my temperature was normal I felt hungry I could breathe clearly and I just felt all-around better i rehydrated and called into work and took the night off the next day I went in for a checkup and that moment the doctor looked at me and shocked and told me I was cured I didn't believe it and asked him to check again and he laughed assuring me I was going to be fine he explained the cancer that had stricken my lungs was non-existent now it seemingly has just disappeared somehow he and I both just took there and stunned shocked and he asked me to come back in a couple of weeks to do some double checks I did this every two weeks for the next three months to be safe and I was fine I was cancer-free and I'm still working today happy and healthy as can be I still offer to work nights from time to time and I quite often frequent the tree in the island I haven't seen the woman from there or in my dream since I'm aware of how crazy it all sounds but this experience has led me to believe in a higher power of some kind and angels I honestly have no other explanation for my miraculous recovery I am thankful for every moment I have on this earth I no longer take a single moment of any day for granted the scariest thing I've ever experienced in my entire life was while I was working as a park ranger I only did it for a year the reason for this was because of the weird stuff going on where I worked in Canada we have a lot of forests in a lot of mountains where I was working you'd often hear loud noises in the distant mountains I was always told it was a sasquatch I thought this was said and jest because I've never really believed that sort of thing and the guys and gals I worked for were known to be jokesters and spin tall tales one of my supervisors mentioned to me a story about one time when they were working and the truck stalled out in the mountains they said it was snowing so hard you could barely see in front of you they then said that they were forced to abandon the truck and head back the way they came on foot according to my supervisor at the time he followed the sound of a sasquatch until he made his way back as he couldn't quite tell where he was otherwise due to the blinding snow eventually he made it back to the station and was able to get to another truck to pull his truck out later when the snow died down I was skeptical of this story and I let him know it he would always chuckle and say that I didn't have to believe in anything for it to be real anyway I wanted to share that to explain to you some of the things that were believed in the area I worked in at least believed by my co-workers to get back to the point of hand I will explain to you about how that the day I thought that I'd be a smartass and show up my co-workers this was also the last day I worked there it wasn't that I was fired it was because I quit after my experiences I was asked to work in the mountains and help clear the trails of some snow in the area I agreed and made an offer mark about how maybe I'd see a sasquatch while I was up there my supervisors got the weirdest grin and simply mumbled to himself saying perhaps I would five hours into clearing some of the snow with the plow I heard that sound I typically heard in the distance very funny I thought to myself that thought didn't last long as I quickly felt something slam hard into my snow plow and flipped me off the embankment and down a few feet below I won't lie I straight pissed myself at that moment because it was so sudden and the fall freaked me out as well I wasn't expecting this and I struggled to get my faculties about me mentally I heard this disturbing sound that I couldn't possibly begin to explain I'm not sure how to fathom it but I can't say it scared me out of my wits I began screaming but the snow had picked up at this point a very sudden snow which was not entirely unusual for the mountains but was a not in it wasn't in the forecast it just I wasn't expected it was so random but I guess that's how blizzards are they're pretty random it isn't long before I can hear nothing but heavy footsteps plotting through the snow I try my radio but it is to no use in the snow I'm getting no signal and I'm terrified I quickly hidden near my overturned plow only to hear heavy breathing whatever was out there was huge much bigger than anything always aware existing in the area as I stood motionless I felt something drip on my coat and face it was saliva and as I looked up I saw a massive set of teeth I was at a loss and shaking not just from the cold but from the terror I felt I kept thinking this is it this is where I died closing my eyes and praying I don't even believe in God but I prayed anyway I hoped beyond hope for a miracle then I heard a loud smashing sound in that inhuman and unexplainable noise roaring from behind with such force as shook the overturned snowplow toward me my best guess is that it was a yellow pain judging by whatever I'd hit seeing pieces of ice I pondered if something hadn't hit this thing with a large block of ice or something whatever was in the snow turned his attention away from my direction and that's when I heard the Sasquatch calls I didn't believe it was really sasquatch at first but as I heard one there were suddenly others I wasn't sure what was happening and I couldn't see very well I was quickly grabbed by a large set of hands and placed back up on the embankment when my truck was initially launched I then followed the cause and as I did I could hear fighting in the distance I didn't wait around and I didn't ask questions I just continued following the calls until I saw my supervisor close by and shouting for me I scrambled to him and I was so cold and terrified out of my mind I was brought back to the station when I explained everything he had that same cheeky grin and asked do you believe us now I wasn't sure what to believe but I knew something was out there I struggled to collect my thoughts and I asked him if he had heard anything else being out there something massive he said he hadn't run into anything other than a sasquatch he said he'd keep an eye out and asked if I'd be okay as he handed me some cocoa I shook and told him I was quitting he seemed taken aback a bit at first but as he read my face I think he could see whatever attacked me had bothered me greatly he didn't fight me and told me to list him as a reference he said he'd get me somewhere more my style and he appreciated the work that I'd put in up into that point I was always a hard worker but that experience well it was the last day I ever wish to be out there I've never been so terrified in my whole life if I can tell you for sure two things I now believe in sasquatch and whatever attacked me wasn't a sasquatch Lyndsay you guessed it thanks for listening to these creepy and downright strange park ranger stories if you enjoyed them please hit that like button as it helps me out a ton if you're new to the swamp why not join us hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications to never miss a new video I upload them almost every single day on all things natural and supernatural if you have a story you would like to share in a future video whether it be a park ranger story or something else be sure to submit it at swamp dweller dotnet or the email you can find in the description down below if you're not aware you can download your favorite swamp Willer scary stories on itunes spotify stitcher radio and more you can find the links to do that in the description down below thank you guys as always for supporting the swamp I'll see you guys soon with a fresh batch of new stories
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 160,410
Rating: 4.8003345 out of 5
Keywords: Park Ranger Stories, Missing 411, Search & Rescue, State Park Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration, Podcast
Id: Uq1bfcVUNIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 54sec (5034 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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