15 Scary Night Shift Horror Stories

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[Music] here we are once again on the night shift I thought maybe last time would be our last time visiting our friends over on the overnights but I guess that's not true today we have five more creepy stories from the night shift that'll freak you out if you have a story you would like to share in a future video whether it be a nice shift story or something a pletely different be sure to submit that that's want wheeler dotnet or the email you can find in the description down below I would love to share your story with everyone here in the swamp mysteries like yours the health dish to go now without any more further hesitation let's get into these creepy nightshift stories I've been working the night shift for as long as I can remember I do security for older abandoned places usually it's nothing too crazy sometimes I have to run off a homeless person or two but that's generally about it that was until the summer of 2014 and I live in Texas we don't generally put up with anyone's antics there's a reason they tell you don't mess with Texas anyway I say this to tell you I take that sort of thing to heart in many ways it is a part of my own personality I don't scare easily and I sure as hell don't back down things in my story start off rather suddenly the odd sound here in a weird movement there it was nothing crazy at first and considering I have been on my job for a good five years at this point I thought maybe someone was messing with me or witches rodents or something like that it was probably about mid-july when things began to really escalate I was walking around this old office building the places I watch over were fairly large and so I didn't often get bored as while I would take things at my own pace the places were large enough that truly searching that meant the whole night was over before I knew it so as I said I was waltzing my way through the building scanning around with my flashlight in half zoning out when I heard a noise in a room across the hall the noise was a grinding noise like when you dragged those chairs across the floor in a classroom you probably know the ones you have those weird feet and they make a grating and aggravating noise well I entered the room the sound came from and as I did I noticed the sound is extremely easy to hear at this point I announced myself thinking someone was being stupid or maybe just wanting to be caught or something still the noise continues in at this point it's constant back and forth like someone is running the feet of the chair anyway I was annoyed and wanting the noise to stop so I rushed around the corner of some cubicles in yellow whoever is back there needs to leave as I round the corner however the noise stops and the chair is just sitting there abandoned thinking someone went around the other side as that was the only way out I went over there I try to cut them off and get to the door as I'm rounding the corner I hear a loud slam I turn around and realized that chair had been thrown at me and just missed my head pissed off at this point in a bit confused I searched the room high and low I found no one nowhere I checked every nook and every cranny and no one left to back out the door I don't know what that was I know this because the door is rather heavy and old so it creaks it makes a fair amount of noise well this was strange I simply wrote up a report and went on about my night I didn't have much of an explanation certainly was odd but I've always been a super rational individual and I'm not one to overthink these things I wasn't sure how to get out of the room but in my head the only thought was someone had to have obviously found a way out I hadn't considered anything paranormal the rest of the night went by fairly uneventful II and I went home soon after a couple of weeks later near the beginning of August I was working some overtime a rare occurrence when I heard distinct and heavy footsteps down the hallway I followed these footsteps to the end of the hallway when suddenly they were behind me and on the other end of the hallway a tad thrown by this I decided to follow the footsteps back when it happened again at this point I believed maybe a couple of homeless people or even some kids were messing around with me and thought it would be funny to make loud noises down on each end of the hall again I'm a rational individual so if it could be explained in some rational way my head it was as good as solved I walked toward the end of the hallway and laugh and call out I tell the people messing with me that I'll let them off if they just get out of here as they were doing was actually amusing me and liven up my night a bit their silence for a moment and I'm about to walk off when I hear this ungodly yelling it sounds inhuman and is so loud I feel myself jump out of my skin for a moment before I bring myself down to reality this is when I hear a sudden barrage of steps coming my way loudly and quickly I turned and rushed down the hallway and once again the ungodly call yells at me again this time though this time I swear I hear my name in the sound deciding I might be freaking out over nothing I pause for a brief rest and try to rationally decipher in my mind what had just happened the noise had faded and it appears I'm safe at the moment so after a good 10 to 15 minutes of talking myself down I laugh at myself and decide it is time to go back and check things out I head back down the hallway slowly and scan thanks the air has a heaviness to it and I feel myself getting a headache as I push further down the hall there's an almost humming sound going through my head now and I believe I'm beginning to see something I see the light shifting in the halls and that's confusing and there hasn't been any power to these buildings for a while then it's dark again and I swear I can hear my name again it's being whisper and while definitely shaken by everything I shout angrily that whoever is messing with me needs to leave now see I might be afraid but there is a limit at which point I go from being scared to pissed off if someone was somehow pulling a prank something I was beginning to believe less and less as things happened I was fed up with it and they needed to leave then all at once the air grew lighter again and the humming and whispers simply just stopped I filed a report I'll admit I was pretty nonspecific as to what I witnessed as I didn't know for sure myself what was happening I didn't work at my job in jeopardy by sounded like a loon the remainder of the night was quiet and I didn't have any problems again until a couple of months later in early October it was around the first or second of the month when I came into work in a fairly great mood I'd met someone over the past couple of months and she was a wonderful woman we're married now excited to go see her after my shift I was pretty light on my feet and chipper in my mood as I walked the halls of the buildings that is when I heard that all-too-familiar noise it was an inhuman screaming almost a growling sound confused and annoyed at this point I headed through the building I was in as swiftly as possible nothing was going to ruin my mood tonight I thought to myself as I'm searching I hear the sound again but this time it resonates through the hallway toward me whatever was doing this was loud enough I could hear it through the entire building deciding I should seriously look into this I had a bit more quickly peeking around corners and searching places I don't normally check I'm not finding anything when I hear a very distinct reaming it sounds like a woman I head toward the sound of that screaming and that's when I find a trail of blood I called the cops immediately as I head inside I'm trying to explain everything I hear to them but that's when I find a woman or what's left of her ripped into and bleeding all over the place I'm in shock as I'm explaining to the nine one one dispatcher where I'm at and what I am seeing that's when I hear the growl again and I can feel my body being overtaken by goosebumps I've never my entire life felt chills like this there's a scratching sound coming from down the hall and I'm asking this poor woman who clearly can't say anything what the hell is going on she is just coughing up blood and bleeding all over the place as I continue to hear this thing coming down the hall and freaking out and that's when I see the flashing lights from outside I scream with all my lungs help-help were in here soon after that the air grew less heavy again in the paramedics and cops arrived I'm crying holding this poor woman who looks like she'd been mauled by a bear or something I confused and don't really know how to explain that I don't know how to explain what I had heard or how this woman was even here bleeding his death in my arms I'm taking out the woman has taken two and I try my best to explain what I knew the woman died from the wounds she had and loss of blood I don't know how to explain this thing that is down there but I was moved after some time off to a single building to watch in a much more populated area I'm fairly certain the police seem to think the woman was mauled by a rabid dog or something that was the word anyway I however do not believe for a second that this poor woman died at the hands of an animal at least not some rabid dog that was something in that place and I was never more sure of this faction till that night I still work nights now and thankfully things are more peaceful I've never gone back to those buildings and I don't ever plan to this is the one time my life I can say I don't wish to know what was hiding in those buildings and I don't wish to know the explanation behind what happened whatever it was don't believe it was natural or human thanks for reading my story you can call me Maddie as I won't share my real name I was a 9-1-1 dispatch worker on a night shift for my area i won't share my area as i don't feel comfortable doing so that said anyone working Naaman went dispatch on any shift can tell you it's a tough job it's very mentally and emotionally taxing as it's your responsibility to make sure someone get the help they need as soon as possible but some of the things you hear on the other end of the line well they're just horrific we go through a fair amount of training to deal with these things and there is always an open door if we need more help dealing with things mentally or emotionally with the trials of the job at hand anyway my story revolves around several strange calls I got over the course of several nights and the strange occurrences that happen soon after the first night I got one of these calls was in December it was during most kids holiday one of the first things we asked people to give us when we receive a call as the address that they are at it's a vitally important bit of information as unless you were calling from a landline we don't usually know the specific address you are calling from this is changing as tech changes but at the time I was doing this if you were calling from a cell phone we could trace within the general area in most cases but we often could get an exact address also depending on how many cell towers were in the area if you're in a rural area and you just have poor signal it can make our job that much harder anyway I get a call and it's a man who simply says help in a groggy sounding voice and the line just dies after that as I said before if it's a landline we'd have an address immediately but this is what makes the call stranger I have no information appearing at all as to the location of this call there's generally some form of information but I can't get anything off of this thrown off by this I inform my supervisor of what just happened we talked for quite a bit and she tells me she will look into it if I get another call like this and just to let her know if it happens again I'm sure she was worried maybe there was something wrong with the system where my equipment I continued through the night and everything is working smoothly it seems at this point that one strange call has been pushed to the back of my mind and was almost forgotten at about 6:00 in the morning I'm ready to head home that's when I get the last call of my night it's that same drop avoid and it simply says help for hanging up once again there's no caller information or anything to work with I talked to my supervisor who tells me to get home and get some rest and she'll look into the issue more thoroughly I go home and crash immediately the next night I'm back at it again I asked my supervisor if she ever figured out what was going on with those calls she explained that she hadn't but once again if I got another one just signal her and she'd come and check it out I believe she figured it was a prank of some kind but she wasn't allowed to voice said out loud as we were supposed to take every call seriously and she seemed to be regardless of what she might have been thinking it's about 11:00 at night and when I get another call and judging from the lack of data on my computer I know immediately it's the guy I signal for my supervisor who quickly rushes over and answers the call herself this time there is nothing on the other end no voice just breathing the line then hangs up still there is no information at all weirded out my supervisor has me work on a different computer and system just to see if that changes anything or if somehow our own equipment is glitching it's 2:00 in the morning and when we got another call from this man once again there's no information my supervisor tries to inform whoever is on the other end that if this is a prank call they will be charged there our silence in the line hangs up again my supervisor is equal parts confused and also angry and I'm just at a loss that said the remainder of the year goes by without any more calls shortly after New Year's when we get the mysterious call again I answer a signal for my supervisor the voice on the other end sounds like some groggy man the same one from before and he simply says why didn't you help me this time the caller ID turns up and the call it was coming from inside her own building I remember the shock on my supervisors face and I remember being completely confused my supervisor informs me she is going to search the building and asked that I keep doing my job I agreed to do so but inside I just have this bad feeling nothing is right about these calls I reluctantly get back to work and try not to overthink the calls I got it's about 4:00 in the morning when I receive another call it once again is coming from the building it's the man but he sounds happier the words he says next with chills down my spine she's mine now the line hangs up it is around this time I noticed my supervisor hasn't responded to my signaling and haven't seen her since she was going to search the building trying to be rational and assuming she's probably talking with police who are trying to get things handled elsewhere in the building I try to continue my job to my shift ends the second I'm off shift I see the daytime supervisor and I ask him if he's seen or heard for the night shift supervisor he said no and I began to get this sinking feeling I asked him to search the building for her as a last I had heard from her she was looking into a strange calls we were getting from the building itself he said sure thing and I made him swear he'd search the building I then went home and tried to get some sleep it was shortly after I gotten home that I got a call from the daytime supervisor he informed that he'd found the nightshift supervisor hanging in the basement level of the building it appeared to be a suicide I I remember being freaked out and trying to explain that there was no way it was a suicide there was no way I remember being questioned about everything that had happened and I remember the only answer I was ever given after it was all said and done was that my supervisors death was a suicide it was ruled a suicide and everything pointed to a suicide I still don't believe it was a suicide and for a few months after this took place I take calls at varying times of the night and my personal cell went off duty with that man's voice he just laugh every time and that laugh is etched into my memory eternally I quit my job and moved a few months later I no longer work in any sort of high-stress job in fact I went from home now I haven't received another call since moving I'm a nighttime security guy who watches over a business I won't identify the business or my employers as to do so would result in the loss of my job anyway I'll keep this as brief as possible my job really isn't that hard I basically stare at cameras and if anything seems off I checked the area it's really that simple but the nature of where I work makes it very important so I've been at this place for 15 years now and around my fifth year is when things got really odd I'm not sure what changed to be honest there's no dark history behind the land or the buildings I work in or anything that should make it obvious things would happen still I was working on Saturday night roughly ten years ago when the first of the activity started it wasn't much I was working in office examining different areas when I saw a door open it kind of just cracked open like someone had turned the latch and lightly pushed the door ajar I watched closely as the door shut again and I saw no one fearing a security breach of some sort I made note of the room in number and floor and headed to check it out when I arrived I found the door hover open I say hovering open as the door will close if you don't hold it open it's made to do so and also to lock behind you as it shuts I caught out asking me if anyone was there and stated my name and job to them I received no response and so I took my flashlight and headed inside the door turning the lights on I didn't see anything out of the ordinary the door shut normally behind me and it didn't seem like anything was propping the door open or that anything in the room had even been touched after thoroughly searching the room and then testing the door several times I went back to my security room at a loss for what had happened I wrote a report and noted it I didn't find anyone or anything that would have caused the strange happenings a week goes by and it's another Saturday night it's probably about 1:00 in the morning when I noticed someone running through the hallways I follow them in the cameras until I noticed they are headed my way right about the time they hid the camera outside my room there is a power surge quickly followed by a pounding on the door the surge ended and no one is on any of my cameras I look outside immediately and search up and down the hallways I found no one around though at about 3:00 in the morning I head back into my security room I began riding up another report and somewhat worried my supervisor is going to think I'm some sort of nuts with the reports I'm writing the remainder of the night is fairly relaxed I filed my report and go home for much-needed sleep about three months later possibly I'm chilling and doing my job when I hear giggling from outside my door okay I think strange but nothing life-threatening so I checked my cameras once again there doesn't appear to be anyone around but I can very clearly hear distinct giggling and I could still hear it as if I'm as a sister deciding I had be better just to check it open the door and look around I can still hear the giggling but now it's further down the hall I walk forward and check the corners before proceeding onward every time I seem to turn a corner the giggling is magically on the other end of the hallway this is weird but again I don't feel threatened and I need some entertainment so I decide to keep following the giggling I spent the next hour following the sound in circles and all over different floors eventually it stops I find myself once again standing in front of the security room head inside and check the footage but it just shows me walking around and looking as though I'm doing my rounds as such I decide not to waste my time with the report is nothing weird with caught on camera these are just a few experiences I've had while on the job there are plenty of other strange happenings and they still happen today I'm not sure what is wandering our facility but I'm not sure it can be naturally explained and I do not believe that it is anyway threatening I've actually grown to somewhat fond of our games of cat and mouse it makes my shift a lot more exciting and I think it's kind of fun to investigate the odd sound too weird happenings around the place at night who knows maybe one night I'll finally see something that explains everything happening but if I never do I'll be happy knowing I've made an unseen friend and we've had many fun night hanging out in a way my name is Ricky and I'm a carny it's a life of travel in a life I've always loved still nights have another aura about them depending on the location things can get weird but while my life is generally weird there are some places I always dread going my story takes place in the Midwest a truly scary place indeed it was fair time and we would often spend a week here and go and spend another week there these sorts of things are huge events and I'm grateful to be able to bring joy to the kids and families who enjoy the ride we build and break down so often all that aside this place was something else it wasn't subtle about it either the very first night of the fair and now I'm working the ferris wheel when I hear this loud screaming I see some of our crew rush over and check on the screaming it isn't long before we all understand why the screaming happened there's a dead kid in the house of mirrors heart ripped from their body in big old bloody footprints that seemed to lead to the mirrors then simply vanish needless to say the fair will shut down quickly the remainder of the night and the police were very intensely questioning all of us who worked the fair not a great opening night to the fair to say the least well we answer their questions and explain how we are just perplexed as they are the smug nature the local police doesn't help the situation either they are convinced one of our own murdered the kid and we have every moment now to fess up after much arguing and no way to prove any of us had anything to do with the murder of this poor child we are basically blamed for everything by the police in the town needless to say we weren't extremely busy that week in fact all the business we got seemed to be from edgy teens who thought going to the murder fair would be exciting I was messed up but business is business and we took what we could get and all things considered it was pretty much okay it was the final night of the quote-unquote murder fair as we were now dubbed when some of the teens went into the Hall of Mirrors that was laughter and shouting which drew our attention at first I had someone take over my ferris wheel work not that anyone was on the thing at the time anyway and I went into the Hall of Mirrors just to be sure that everything was fine I you know I just I just knew they weren't gonna be fine a few seconds after entering I hear this screaming and that's when I see the teens come stampeding out I asked him if they're all right and they're shaking and saying no I asked them what happened they told me they saw this female clown inside one of the mirrors she just stared at them smiling the kids were very descriptive about this and mentioned how her teeth were sharp and covered in blood I smiled and asked them who came up with a joke the looks on their faces said it wasn't a joke I told them I go in and check it out and to stay out of the Hall of Mirrors of the future I looked high and low and didn't find anything at first it was about the time I decided to head back that I was confronted with the most grotesque in freaky looking clown I've ever seen in my entire life I know how crazy it sounds and all I could say is I literally peed myself and thought I was going to die there was the six or seven foot female clown with a big grin in her face and a large what looked like knife or something in her hand she just kept laughing at me before turning and walked enough I was thoroughly confused and as I attempted to follow her she turned the corner the problem being the corner led to a mirror I looked in the mirror and saw no one freaked out I marked the mirror before leaving the halls completely I remember marking a big X on the thing and heading out to talk to the other carnies everyone asked if I was okay and I just told them no and that in the morning we needed to take the mirror I marked out and destroy the thing and replace the mirror in the next town I wasn't asked much about it after that and the first thing we did that morning was destroy the mirror the next town we hit went smoothly though word had gotten around about the murder fair and we did have fewer children present our final stop in the Midwest was where things came to a head so to speak the business was booming and things were going well we were having record sales and attendance as people have moved past the whole murder fair being scary and moved into a fascination with the idea rumors about the kid who never made it out and while it was no doubt really messed up it was the citizens who did this not us we didn't market our fare as such to be honest we had hope people would just forget about it that wasn't going to happen now though and it was less likely to happen after this night I'm about to speak of the kid went into the Hall of Mirrors alone it wasn't long before his mom flipped out too understandably so and began screaming at us that her son went in but he hadn't come out in 15 minutes it got to the point to where she was harassing other customers in an attempt to calm the woman I offered to go with her to look for her son I explained the only ways out were watched closely and I'd walk with her and we'd finally probably find her lost son this wound up being a mistake her son wasn't lost the kid was clearly missing and how that was so was so much a mystery as the fact that several people have been in and out of the place and didn't notice a thing kids don't just vanish the cops recall that again we were questioned we were all but running a town after that a few years after this all happened and once things settled down a bit we went ahead and attempted to run a carnival around the area again we avoided certain towns but we were welcomed in the ones we went to we completely abandoned having a house of mirrors and we never had a problem after that I don't know what happened to make that house of mirrors how it was perhaps we were cursed I'm honestly not sure about we sold that section of our fare to a private purchaser who thought its history was odd and curious I sometimes wonder what they use it for if that clown still roams its halls I'm a private eye and as such I work a lot of late night shifts people sin the most at night I always say it's easier to catch most off-guard than to in my opinion now my work typically takes me all over but much of my work involves catching cheaters in the app the kind of thing is generally easily to do and kind of boring so to put it frankly I was more than a little excited when I was asked to look for someone's missing daughter I was told to be discreet and I was paid upfront I didn't even have to ask and that's something I generally have to fight with people usually I asked for half immediately to pay the bills in half when the jobs are done so I guess my alarm bell should have gone off when the client paid all of it upfront no questions asked still I admit I was so relieved by how prompt and upfront they were about the cost that I wasn't about to argue and I made their case my priority I was told that the client believed their daughter may have run away still the city is dangerous place to be running free for anyone let alone a kid the girl was supposedly 15 and I figured I'd start my search asking around the city through my contacts if they'd seen the girl I got a big fat no for most of my context but then I got a message about a girl that had been seen matching this girl's description 30 miles outside of the city this had me concerned and after doing some digging I was eventually led to a farm now I went here after receiving a tip about the girl looking back now though I wish I hadn't gone there at all when I first inspected the place it was by daylight there were all the usual and expected private-property signs and after thinking on it I decided I was going to approach the owners of the farm part of me didn't want to but I was a smooth enough talker I mainly wanted to get a vibe of the place anyway I could have done this on my own under cover of darkness but I wanted to make the owners feel comfortable and no matter the story they gave me I was going to check the place anyway later on I figured if nothing else I get an idea of the lay of the land so cautiously I announce myself and that's when a tall man approached me he looked to be six four and of stout build the man spoke to me in a deep voice and basically asked what the hell I was doing near the farm I explained I was looking for someone and I was wondering if they'd seen her around after showing a photo of the girl I got a very firm no I asked if anyone else lived on the farm perhaps I could show them the photo after a very tense silence the man opened the gate and insisted I come in I cautiously walked ahead of this guy being certain I was going to be murdered and never heard from again as I walked through I examined the area it was pretty open but there was something that caught my attention it looked like a barn off in the distance I divert to my attention straight ahead once more to see an old house we'd walk some distance when two women come out one was a heavier set one and the other was quite the opposite I have nothing against anyone who's overweight as I have a bit of a belly myself but the stark contrast was just something I noticed a shorter man came out and greeted me and asked what it was I needed I explained to the man I'd been looking for a young girl that had recently been near the area and I was wondering if they had seen her the man took a close look at the photo and said he hadn't that he was often busy working the farm at which point he'd handed the photo to his wife she shook her head before turning to their daughter and asked if she had seen the girl she looked closely shook her head saying she hadn't but she keep an eye out in case anything was happening around the farm I then took the photo and told the family thank you and said I'd be on my way I even gave them a card to call in the event they saw her I soon left the farm escorted by my giant friend on the way out I quickly drove away after that but not too far as I basically took a nap in my car and waited for the night to fall it wasn't long before my alarm went off and I realized it was 9:00 at night I slowly drove my car toward the farm and drove by as I looked for a decent area to ditch my car when I found when I parked my car shut it and ran back to the farm the vibe of the place was so much different at night I was sure that this was part of my imagination and the creepy look of the place at night was just me feeling nervous still I pressed forward hopping the fence as I did we're slowly working my way toward the house there were no lights on and all appeared silent when I approached I peeked inside the windows and realized there was no activity and so I looked around the area finding nothing in the yard I examined a nearby shed at first all seemed well but as I dug further I noticed some photos the photos were in a bag titled family looking through them they seemed innocent enough that said something didn't sit entirely right with me the photos were all of woman who looked to be in their teens smiles on their faces and wearing a strange gown made out of burlap sack on top of that the smiles they wore didn't seem entirely genuine it looked more than a little forced examining these photos just showing the girls hanging out and doing farm work and eating watermelon I attempted to make a call out to the contact after taking a photo of the photos I was hoping to see if any of these girls were missing naturally I had no signal out there though and so I left the shake quietly and headed down the lane toward the fence and back to my car once there I sent a text to one of my friends and asked about these girls a person said they do some digging and get back to me so I waited for a bit and eventually was told none of them had been missing confused I told them thank you and decided I'd get something to eat and get some sleep as daylight was fast approaching and I wouldn't be able to get anything done then the day came and went and I was awoken by my alarm at about 7:00 there was still light out but I wanted to get some food in me and get ready for a second night out searching the premises at 10:00 I headed back onto the farm once I finished eating and it was about 9:00 I had headed back to my hiding spot and waited at 10:00 I headed back out to the farm I was quiet and I once again checked the house and made sure there was no activity after I realized everything was quiet I decided I wanted to check the barn in the distance the area was open and I couldn't help but feel afraid that someone would see me as I approached the barn itself that was the least of my worries though as I would soon realize upon approaching the barn the pond was lit up there were chains all over the doors as I peeked through the slit and the doors I could see another door partially covered by hay with a padlock in something else on it listening more closely now I could hear screams screams for help I immediately inspected the outside of the barn it kept a close eye on things to her movement inside the barn listening more closely from the back of the barn and I could hear chanting I didn't understand the language but I knew someone was in there knowing I wouldn't have signal and decided it's best to report things to police from here I made my way back across the field but midway across a few I heard a gunshot and felt a great deal of pain in my right arm I couldn't help but cry out in pain as it was so sudden in immense I looked closely at my arm and kept my head quite low this time as I did so I heard another shot fire off and I felt a bullet whizzed through my hair and narrowly missed my skull I then heard an all-too-familiar loud voice shouting expertise and telling me I'm trespassing on private property out of options and unsure what to do I caught out stating who I was and informing them that if I wasn't out here in the next few minutes the police would be raiding the place this was a desperate lie and the reality sank in all too quickly that I might not make it out of this place alive when the voice came back laughing and telling me they enjoyed the taste of bacon it was at this moment I knew I was out of options and was screwed if I didn't start moving and fast I got up and ran keeping no straight lines or particular patterns I kept thinking I'd likely be dead any second but as I made it to the fence and threw myself over that wasn't another shot fired at all perhaps he bought my bluff perhaps not but I didn't wait around to find out as I was desperately hobbled to the hiding spot my car was in before driving as best as I could to the nearest gas station and calling 9-1-1 I explained the situation and who I was and they mentioned that they would have authorities out there immediately I told them I'd come out once I saw the lights and in the meantime I'd be in a spot near the farm I told the authorities that they should be careful I told them that they're very dangerous I told them to bring guns as these people didn't seem like they cared at all whether the cops showed or not it wasn't long before I was back at my spots and the police were already on the scene I was checked out by paramedics in question I told him I was fine but I wanted to be sure the girl I was looking for wasn't there the police spent the remainder of the night searching the farm only to find it abandoned the family wasn't there and upon Britain the padlock on the barn door what they found inside were crazy they found a bunch of photos but no bodies the entire area was searched thoroughly and the clothes of the girl I was searching for were found in the house but there was no sign of the girl outside of this or the family it looked like the family I've been keeping many girls underneath the farm but no one ever found them some skeletons were found on the property later on but never found the girl I returned the payment I received from the family to them but they told me to keep it anyway as it thanks for at least finding where she was to my knowledge this family hasn't seen or heard from her since so I used to be a security guard at a homeless shelter earlier this year I worked there for five months before leaving so back in March I was at work doing what I needed to do on the ground floor was a daytime only homeless shelter and on the top was a government homeless outreach office this is who my contractor threw but I had to keep the entire building secure even though the shelter was a different organization the government office was the mental health branch so it wasn't uncommon for crazy people to well act crazy this particular day an individual came up to pick up his medication the man took the medication walked over to the couch and sits in the office the place is laid out like a doctor's office and is posted in the lobby after sitting down the guy starts digging through his backpack and pulls out a bag of white pills this instantly catches my attention he grabs his pocketknife doesn't open the blade and smash three or four pills uses his hands to make it into dust into three lines and snorts all the dust up what remained he swept and flung off the table this is how I guess he took his medicine this is now considered to be acting hostile and potentially illegal so I walked over and start trying to ask the man to leave he keeps telling me I gotta take my meds and inform him that he needs to leave some more when he says out loud without looking at me you know I got a suppressed nine-millimeter in my bag that'll make you and that receptionist shut up along and bells start ringing I now have a potentially active shooter scenario on my hands and I'm an unarmed officer I calmly walked back to the receptionist and whispered to her to get the other Cline up call nan mum 1 and go lock herself in an exam room and do not open the door she does us all as well as informs the other co-workers of the situation they all lock and barricade the doors there are cameras in the lobby so this all was recorded and turned over to the police after many attempts to get the man to leave and informing him that the police were called and enroute he gets up gets in my face and tells me quietly I'm coming back for you one day and storms out the police arrive five minutes later they examine the footage and put an APB on the man and take samples of the powder left on the table a few days later I'm informed that the man was found with no guns no drugs and the powder turned out to be anti-psychotic medication he had allegedly lost the bottle they came in nothing had happened but still as a 19 year old unarmed security guard it scared the hell out of me for those curious I still work for the same company but I now work third shift in a completely different location [Music] a little over a year ago I had a job working overnight at the gas station close to my house I'm a woman and was 31 at the time I know it to some it seems unsafe for a woman to work graveyard shift by herself however it was a slow store in the sheriff's office was about 20 feet across from its I really didn't think I would have that many problems there would be about 30 customers in an eight-hour shift and that was all--no busier nights it was about 3:30 in the morning I went outside to sweep the parking lots and last minute checked the trash it was time for a cigarettes and I had one headphone in kind of jamming outs across the road in the park and a lot of the Sheriff's Office I saw a figure with his back to me he was swaying back and forth while looking down honestly it looked like he was enjoying a much-needed piss against the sheriff's office though yeah the building closes at 4:00 p.m. and doesn't open again till 6:00 in the morning but why by the back of his ripped white t-shirts I remember that he had come in about four hours earlier he was a total creep and I could already tell he had a good buzz going I didn't say anything I just took my eyes off of him and tried not to draw attention to myself it was working until a car pulled in I was still outside as they pulled up I saw him look at the car and then at me and back and forth again as the customer is leaving I walked her outside I still had half a smoke burning and had left my dustpan outside with the squeegee we both heard him start to swear angrily and seemingly engage in an argument with himself she looked across the road and told me to be careful I made an awkward joke about him being the one who should be afraid of me or something like that the man was still there but closer to the road now facing the parking lot of my store whatever he's yelling was completely unintelligible he was obviously very drunk and can barely stand up rights still swaying away I didn't engage him but I didn't take my eyes off of him this time I just slowly walked back into the store something about his face really bothered me it had a darkness to it but his eyes looked wild my experience during graveyard jobs has been that the crazy eyed ones are the worst ones I didn't like it at all and wanted no part of it I still had almost three hours to go and two before any other employee got there instantly I went to the computer and typed up a temporarily closed sign just in case he wanted trouble I was coming around the corner on my way to the doors when I saw that he'd walked across the road to my side now I literally just barely got the second door locked and when he stumbled into our very small parking lots my hand makes the mimed hand signal four cuts across my neck basically saying nope sorry you can't come in here we're closed I shook my head back and forth in hopes to farther discourage him he started walking the way but screamed something at me while he's walking I don't mean he was grumpy and shouted at me or yelled that I was an [ __ ] or anything I mean like he was at an enraged volume and was violently throwing his hands everywhere definitely knowing I'm in the wrong shift of the wrong job I got really skeeved outs I decided to call the cops it's a good thing too because the minute I hung up with them there he comes again up to the door he starts pulling and banging on it he backs up and runs into it trying to ram it's not that it would have done any good I made the mistake of telling him that I had called the cops and his ass was about to be grass I say I made the mistake of telling him because once I said that he took off the police never found him they drove her on the road and surrounding neighborhoods for over an hour but found no one he was on foot so I don't get where he could have gone to you didn't harm me and with them not finding him I didn't fill out a police report or anything I was safe behind thick glass doors that were locked for the rest of my shift it just sucked maybe if I didn't warn him ahead of time I wouldn't have had to spend the last three months of my job constantly looking over my shoulder I'll never know what the right choice was I'm just glad I don't work there anymore so this happened a little over two years ago now and I wanted to post it somewhere just to look back at it one day and never forget the lesson I learned so I figured sharing it on your show was the best way to do this it was 2016 and I just started a new job at a motel it was a low pay but I needed an office job one of my friends Michael got me this job for a few days I did training with the owner in the mornings for two nights Michael trained me our job was the 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. shift nothing exciting checking guests in and doing paperwork my boss the owner went away with his wife on vacation for about a week which is attributed to the Swift training I had to endure so it was my first night alone on the night shift there was a monitor with security cameras around the motels property in a large glass window all around the office building with a glass door there was no night window like most motels have it was fairly early in the night to add about 1 a.m. and I was just doing my normal check-in paperwork when the man walks in and asked if we have any rooms available usually if someone is sketchy my boss has me lie and say no but he seemed normal at the moment without hesitation I said yes of course just for one and he replied yes so I began creating the reservation on the computer when I noticed he searched swatting the air and making spitting noises as if he was surrounded by flies and tried to ignore it as far as I was concerned it wasn't my business so I try to check him into the room as quickly as possible I give him his key and he's on his way at this point I could be described as very timid I had a lot going on in my personal life so I hope you can understand my reaction to what happens next the man comes back from his room and slams his hand on the glass door and causes me to jump absolutely frightened I look up to see him just staring at me he cracks the door and puts his head through and says I can't get into my room why won't you let me in him into my room and my only defense is trying to be helpful so I replied maybe there's something wrong with her key let me give you another one the look he had in his eyes was inexplicable I felt like I was an absolute danger I handed him his new key and he went back to his room I tried texting Michael because he is the one who trained me though it was the middle of the night and he was probably asleep I need some guidance we've known apply from Michael I noticed a man trudging down the stairs to come back and I go into an absolute panic I run into the back office and lock the door and I pull out my pocketknife it's important to keep protection when I'm working at night I hear the man in the office yelling hello hello why won't you let me into the room do not like me me being an absolute idiot and not standing my ground and calling the police when I'm feeling scared I decided to take the situation on a loan I reply I'm just on the phone I'll be right out and I start calling Michael over and over for help no answer I decided to take a few deep breaths and then step out of the office the man was not there he was in the bathroom I started hearing him talking to himself angrily saying kill her kill her my heart sank I still being an idiot not calling the police he comes out and say your key was broken I'm sorry let me escort you to your room he agrees thankfully I was wearing a long-sleeved sweater so with my arms down I was able to hide my knife in my hand while holding it I began to walk outside and he seemed insisted to walk behind me we begin making our way to the staircase and I'm towards his room I was sweating from how nervous I was continuously looking behind me to make sure he wasn't going to make a move he stops at a room and I stopped at his room a few doors down I smile and say oh that's the wrong room this is your room as I clearly sit on the door the whole time he was going to someone else's room and trying to open the door I felt bad for them I quickly ran back to the office and locked the door the next guest I checked in was a police officer from a few towns away I felt bad for confiding in them about the guy but they seemed willing to keep an eye on your out the next night the man came back but I had the doors locked and told him we were all booked up I explained to my boss what happened when he got back from vacation however he didn't take me seriously I continued to work there on the night shift for the next year where many other strange encounters happened [Music] my story is definitely not poop your pants carry or anything like that but it has left me shaken and very uneasy about working late night shifts anyways I had just finished my first year of university and I had taken up a position as a taxi dispatcher with my boyfriend's cousin's taxi company for the first week and a half I worked mainly day shifts until the owner decided to extend the hours to 24/7 and I was the lucky employee who would be covering three or four of these shifts a week the next week I was working my first night shift alone the driver will be out all night looking for fares which meant a lot of the night would just be me I wasn't uneasy working such a shift by myself since I had worked a 24-hour coffee shop and was used to midnight shifts it was also a Wednesday or Thursday night so it wasn't very busy the best part about this job was that my boss let me use the internet to play video games in my laptop in the office from the computer desk in the office I could see the front door a portion of the front desk and most of the front windows so I could keep a close eye on what was happening around outside plus the bell above the door always alerted me to a new customer so I wouldn't be caught off guard if I was too into my game on this particular night I was working with a taxi driver named Dave Dave is about 63 and 300 pounds plus he suffers from several health problems one of which made all of his movements slow and painful he definitely wasn't mr. Fitness or the type of person who would be able to defend themselves or others very easily sometime during the early hours of the morning around 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. Dave gets a call to go pick up someone and in town 15 minutes away he gathered up his stuff and drove into the night while I headed into the office and continued playing my video game about 15 minutes later I caught something over the top of my laptop my mind froze I could hear panting in the reflection of the window I could see someone sitting on one of the waiting chairs I walked the doorway that connects to the front room with the office I glanced into the sitting area and nearly [ __ ] bricks some guy with a massive rat toe had managed to ninja his way into the office and was now sitting in one of the chairs with his face buried in his hands panting heavily he was dirty sweaty and it sounded like he had just run a marathon now the rat tail should have tipped me off but I found him more hilarious than fighting a few moments past and I finally got the courage to ask him if he needed a cab he didn't respond at first I asked him again and he looks up at me I took a step back into the office his face was scratched and covered in blood from the wound on the top of his head I was shocked and immediately offered assistance to him he replies I'm fine I don't need any help I just want to go home I asked if he needed a cab and if so where he was going he told me he lives about 20 minutes away and he wants Dave to take him home after that started he started to get really weird I called over to Dave using the radio to tell him that there was a fare in the office and that he wanted to ride he told me he'd be another 10 minutes my hand was on the phone the entire time in case the guy made any sudden movements instead of going back into the office I decided it was best to stay out front where there were two great big bay windows that would make it easy to see what is happening inside the taxi office I didn't feel as though he was a threat at all but he seemed really angry at something so I wanted to make sure that if something happened to me people would be able to see it so I walked out into the front room as they got closer to the gentlemen that's when I see it he's not just bleeding from the head but from the shoulder and knee I asked him again if he's okay and then I offer to call an ambulance for him bad idea you don't need to be doing that he told me it ain't like I killed nobody okay I'm sorry I just noticed that you were bleeding pretty badly and thought that maybe you would like someone to make sure you're okay I replied I didn't kill nobody that [ __ ] should have kept his mouth shut he should have known what was coming to him he shouldn't have set those things and ain't like I killed nobody you don't need to call anybody I just want to go home okay I tell him but you're bleeding and ain't like I killed nobody he replied I swear I didn't kill nobody please don't call the cops I don't need the cops I just want to go home silence for a few minutes he notices the phone clutched in my hand I've fell down he blurted out pardon I fell he repeated it that's why I'm bleeding it ain't like I killed nobody he got up and started pacing he was growing impatient for his cab and I was scared shitless blood was now on the chair and floor I had the phone in my hand and every once in a while he broke the silence with another string of incoherent babbling about how he had done nothing wrong because he hasn't killed anybody and I didn't need to call the cops because he was good guy eventually Dave radios over that he is about two minutes away and had breathed a sigh of relief he pulled up out front a man gets into the car and they drive off now I'm worried for Dave so I called the cops I reported what happened and they followed the taxi cab to this guy's house where they arrested him turns out this guy had run away from a nearby bar after he had physically assaulted a fellow patron to what extent I never found out apparently he entered him with a sharp object I assume a pocketknife or a needle took off running fell and managed to find his way to the taxi office during this time in the cab the police had been searching for him so technically no he didn't kill anyone but he did assault an attempt to kill someone I also found out that one of the other drivers Stephen knew the guy from high school years ago his name is Duke explains the rat tail and has a history of violence he also has a history of coming home drunk and cracking his wife's skull open intent whether he planned to that night I couldn't say but I'm just glad that the guy ended up in the drunk tank for the night his wife was unharmed and the guy who got stabbed it and died at least I assume he didn't since I still see Duke every now and then walking the streets with his glorious rat tail which means he didn't get arrested in all seriousness I wish you guys could have seen his rat tail that thing was impressive [Music] it may not be dramatic or particularly scary to some people but I wanted to share this experience anyway so thank you for allowing me to do that I recently got a job at a hotel downtown from where I live I have never worked in the hotel industry before so I had no idea what to expect the time between applying for the job and being hired was less than 24 hours which made me kind of nervous honestly but I had been looking for several months and couldn't find anything so I thought I'd take a chance this hotel is about a hundred and fifty years old and has plenty of character behind the front desk there are places where the wallpaper was torn away revealing the psychedelic wallpaper from what I can only guess was the 70s we're talking a bright pink in the young green hookah induced vision type of wallpaper the walls and the upper floors are painted bright orange and yellow and the hallways are narrow enough to give off a shining kind of feel to it but I'll elaborate on that later my manager is a young Chinese man in his mid-20s only five years older than me the man who owned the building is also Chinese and literally a walking stereotype the owner is friendly and kind to the employees but he's also rich enough that he doesn't really care if the hotel isn't up to par I learned recently that he also owns one of the more rundown shopping centers downtown so this time I explained the less than five-star quality of the hotel probably about a three and a half star in my opinion some people describe the place as quaint unique and full of characters while others describe it as outdated or disappointing as a history enthusiast I would agree that the place is full of character but I also think the owner should be a little more concerned about keeping the place clean there are lots of problems in this hotel including mice broken toilets falling ceiling tiles leaks and other maintenance nightmares the fancy rooms on the upper levels have real fireplaces in them so that as risk of fires at the hand of careless guests mice are a common problem and I'm thankful the guests don't have to see all the dusty traps filled with dead rodents in the basement by far the most interesting aspect of the hotel is that it's supposed to be haunted there are two ghosts have been reported in the building as well as the adjoining pub next door back when the hotel was first built had the reputation of being complete dive a lady named lady Churchill died in the hotel and her spirits supposedly lingers in the haunted room 49 guests will occasionally smell her perfume or see her face in the mirror one of the most frightening stories included someone opening the door only to have lady Churchill fly at them in fury on my first day when my boss told me around the hotel he pointed out the haunted room to me lady Churchill is also been spotted at the fireplace in the pub arguing with her boyfriend and the other resident ghosts Brady Brady was apparently stabbed to death in the basement stairwell the stairwell is not induced anymore as a leech on the street directly into the basement instead it's used to store extra chairs and miscellaneous items the light has never turned on which adds more of a creep factor my shift is the day shift from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. every morning when I come in I have to check the entire hotel by myself in search of homeless people sleeping in the back stairwell or trying to get into the basement I'm not an intimidating person I'm a short female not physically fit and too friendly for my own good if I did find someone hiding in the hotel what was I supposed to do about it I'm not sure which creeps me out more the fact that I'm going around looking for people who shouldn't be there or the idea that I have to walk through the dark and silent areas known to be haunted all by myself my sweep of the hotel includes all four floors of guest rooms the kitchen the back stairwell the basement stairwell and the basement to give you some context the back stairwell serves as a fire escape connecting all the floors together it goes straight down to the street level it's always cold and echo in there and as I said before full of dead mice when I was first told about the haunted stairway I mistakenly thought they meant the fire escape stairs they'd go down to the basement level the four floors for guest rooms in all their Overlook Hotel glory are shaped like a square horseshoe which means more than enough blind corners were creepy twins might suddenly appear are definitely there lady Churchill's haunted room is at the end of a hall around one of these blind corners and yes I do think about that every time I search the hotel there is an elevator and interior stairway that one guests are supposed to use behind the elevator is the old connecting hallway that basically serves no purpose anymore in the past it may have been useful but now it just serves as a secret passageway that goes behind the elevator and comes out at the other end of the horseshoe this hallway especially needs to be searched for homeless people drunks or people having sex the basement is by far the creepiest part of the hotel to get there you can either take the elevator or go through the pub and down the stairs I prefer to go through the pub because there are some fascinating black-and-white photos from when the hotel was first built and I love to look at them it's also the best place to see the edge of the brick Foundation anyway the basement is used for storing beer kegs firewood plant reports housekeeping items and maintenance tools among other things it's usually deserted now that I know the dark unused basement stairway is where breaky spirit is supposed to be I think I'll try to spend even less time down there this week is my second week of work and my boss has put me on the afternoon and evening shift just so I can get a sense of what it's like in case I have to cover anybody in the future yesterday was my first lake shift and in the time I learned a whole bunch of things I didn't know from the lady I worked with this woman less caught her Peggy has been at the hotel for 14 years she's seen all there is to see and well is known for her stories I've listened to some of these stories and honestly part of me thinks she's full crap but the other part is going to cautiously believe her on the off chance that it's true here are some things I learned about the hotel in the span of one shift the man I'm replacing was not actually fired for chronic lateness as the boss told me but instead for sexual harassment the head of housekeeping a man I get along very well with is a friend of his the day before Peggy caught a drug addict rooting around in the private back office after hours we looked over the security footage and he was definitely searching for something we now keep the office doors locked there were two guests several years ago who stay at the hotel and the next day they robbed a jewelry store downtown and fled back to the hotel with everything they'd stolen there was a massive police standoff on the roof swap teams and all there was a massive police standoff on the roof SWAT teams in all there is a news article about it online otherwise I'd never would have believed it the bedrock of the hotel can be found in the boiler room there's a slight gap filled in on the top right corner that connects directly to the street one time Peggy came down to the boiler room to find a man halfway through the gap at first trying to get in because he wanted to know what was down there that image terrifies me the span of that one night shift an alarm went off in the basement the police showed up at the pub and it gets verbally abused the day staff over non-existant shuttle to the hospital no not an ambulance a shadow taking the bus was beneath him I suppose and that my bus stopped after my shift a man was shooting up in public my city has a drug epidemic going on right now my bus took half an hour to arrive and when I got off of my stop it was as funky as Silent Hill I felt as though I would be looking around for Michael Mars a Jason Voorhees it is October after all that's one night shift down I have another tonight and one more the day after if anything else interesting happens I'll keep you updated I'm mostly just wanted to get this off my chest it's amazing how different the hotel is after 3 p.m. much louder that's for sure much louder that's for sure thanks to the pub on one side in the bar the other everyone I've gotten to know during my first week of work has already gone home leaving me with drunks strangers and Peggy's crazy stories one thing's for sure after three nights of this I'll never complain about getting up early again I was a nighttime security guard at a mall for privacy reasons I won't say which one the job is usually extremely boring quite often I just Patrol Ryder reports of what I've been doing in patrol some more if things get really exciting I might get lucky and find a few kids loitering and get to make up some fake story about the bad things that are going to happen to them if they continue to loiter it's fun and usually scares them away as they're ignorant to the fact that I'm not going to arrest them nor am I even able to sometimes I don't even go that route and I straight tell them about some horrible things that I've seen teenagers are more gullible than they like to admit in my experience it used to be we joke around about something creeping around the mall now though it seems like an all too real thing there's a story behind it all and if you'd be kind enough to listen I'll happily tell it I've been doing my job for about five years now though I no longer work night shift it hasn't been the most exciting thing in the world which I'm grateful for but that's what I love about it it always felt safe and chill this was until about my second year working as a nighttime security guard as I said it's usually very safe in a chil job it was the weekend before fourth of July and I was roaming the mall parking lots and grounds looking for anything suspicious but mostly I was just zoning out in killing time till morning when my shift ended it was while driving around the back of the mall that I heard some rattling I looked in the general direction of the sound and didn't see anything my first thought was maybe it was an animal but then it happened again I quickly drove over to the back entrance to the mall and washed it closely I was intrigued but I wasn't expecting much still I thought it'd be a nice change to the normal law of interesting that is night shift security at Moss I should mention despite how much I clouded my job I do love it I'm just being honest in the fact that it's generally a slower job anyway I'm scanning the area flashlight out and I can see no sign of animal life I'm just about to pull away when I hear the noise again I immediately parked my truck and get out this time the noise hasn't stopped in fact it's going and it appears to be at the mall doors it looks like the mall doors are shaking like someone is trying to get in or out it was weird at first because it was just a couple of rows of doors but as it went on I noticed all the doors were now rattling I felt weird but I knew I had to do my job and I was beyond curious at this point so I unlocked all the mall doors and headed inside making sure to lock the door behind me of course the straight thing was the noise stopped as I was doing this and while entering I saw no one around that would be pounding on the doors and shaking them in any way still being I was the night security guard I decided to start patrolling inside the mall itself I searched all the bathrooms every nook and cranny everything still I found no one around perplexed but too ready to write it off as just like asleep I began heading toward the entrance once again as I'm getting to the door and about to unlock it I hear the most disturbing scream coming from deeper within the mall it wasn't just one scream though it was three distinct screams and then silence I debated calling the police at this point but also figured I need to check the area again before doing so I basically didn't want to call the police out to find out that I was somehow hallucinating something in my mind or maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me I slowly walked deeper into the mall once again flashlights in hand I know I should probably run but if you heard this scream and realized you were only armed with a baton and some mace you'd be a lot more hesitant as well once again I searched them all but I found no one I laughed at myself and told myself to chill before taking a seat in the food court it was while looking around and trying to relax I heard a rattling sound I stood up and panned my flashlight to find a trash can shaking before tipping on its side I went over to the trashcan it picked it up I wasn't about to waste my time cleaning the trash itself I'm sorry they don't pay me to be a facilities guy I'm just security and I don't have the tools needed to clean the mess up anyway I once again debated calling the police but then I thought what am I going to say some invisible force is screaming and knocking trash cans over please send the ghost hunters or something I laughed at that thought but I was bothered by what I had just seen was the thing I witnessed caused by a ghost if there was a ghost in the facility how exactly was I supposed to deal with that and how would I fit that into a report if this quote-unquote ghost kept making a mess how would I keep my job seeing as I would be blamed for it rather very least questioned about what was going on at night answering with I don't know or I think it might be a ghost wouldn't go well with bosses I thought looking around some more I quickly noticed faint laughter in the distance I called out with authority my name and job title I then explained the harsh penalties that would come if whoever was responsible didn't show themselves now and also stop causing damages to the mall it was met with silence clearly if an actual human being was around they were either not threatened by my warnings or were calling my bluff I took another go around them all I wasn't sure what was going on or how to explain it but I was certain I needed to keep a close eye out in the case that this was all someone's extremely elaborate Frank I was walking past some of the bathrooms when I heard the screaming again I jumped back for a moment before quickly forcing myself inside the woman's bathroom there was a stall door that looks shut and locked I announced myself and slowly got on the ground and looked around no one appeared to be there but before I could get up I heard the lock click in the door open I got it quickly before hearing giggling once again something was wrong with all of this and I was beginning to become very uneasy I was about to head out of the bathroom when something caught the corner of my eye in the mirrors as I looked at the stalls one by one something seemed to be floating in the center stall it looked to be behind a closed and locked stall but when looking at the stall outside the mirror it wasn't locked or closed at all I looked back and everything seemed to match up and look normal again I should note right now though I I know this story sounds insane I don't do drugs a drink or any of that so I wasn't on anything especially on the job I slowly walked out of the bathroom and noticed a carousel begin to start up on its own I was beginning to really freak out at this point and pulled my phone out but as I line up the phone to record what I was seeing it all just stopped we did it out I headed to the Security office to check the cameras strangely there was no footage of the carousel moving at all just to me standing there with my phone out like an idiot deciding I was spooked but confident there wasn't any living soul in the mall I decided to leave the office and head out of the mall locking the place behind me I went to my truck and waited for the final two hours of my shift to end I just patrolled the parking lot and tried to explain away in my mind what I witnessed in the morning I explained some of the weird stuff I'd been experiencing in wrote a report on it my boss laughed but they also wanted to be sure I was okay and if I needed a night off told them no it was probably just my mind messing with me that's when one of my bosses pulled me to the side and said it's alright if I needed a night off he said the reason they paid me so well is weird things have happened at the mall before at night and it has caused many of the nightshift workers to abruptly quit he reassured me and explained to me they didn't think I was crazy despite their joking about everything my boss even began to share some strange happenings and his early days on the job they were mostly concerned as they had a hard time keeping nighttime security guys and didn't want me to quit I explained to them weird occurrences aside I love my job and I wouldn't trade it for the world I came back to my jaw the next night excited for a hopefully chill shift this night however was anything but chill it started off normally enough but it ended quite differently I was patrolling the exterior of the mall once again while making my rounds I saw a face in the door it was once again at the back entrance and was coming from the inside as I looked more closely the face disappear I double checked the doors and realized there were no broken locks or even what seemed to be any entry of any kind I went inside and found the carousel lively and going I quickly rushed over somewhat annoyed and screamed to cut it out the carousel went silent and was off once again I found her a report in the hopes that someone would check the electrical on the thing to be sure that it wasn't some easily explained issue at the right itself I then went to the office and filed the report before checking the cameras the cameras were acting weird they would glitch out one after another before fixing themselves again I quickly made my way to the section of the mall that the glitches would be occurring at there was nothing there no one was there but there was a deep chill in the air itself it was also the smell of sulphur that's strange I thought to myself I began looking around some more my flashlights began acting up and as i hitted it to fix it there were no loud screaming this sounded like bloody murder it was quickly followed by an inhuman groaning of some kind and then another trashcan was completely flipped across the room into the shedder walls blocking one of the stores I freaked out as the lighting in the mall began to flicker terrified I rushed out of the mom called the cops the police came out and checked the place which was now conveniently silent they found nothing other than a discarded trash can they said they saw no sign of anyone and they even checked our footage it was there that thankfully they they did witnessed a trash can being thrown they seemed perplexed but informed me that there was nothing they could really do after talking to me for a bit they eventually left my shift was almost up and I was just about ready to quit entirely the owner saw the footage in my bosses did as well they decided they would try to hire another night shifts to here to guard and offered to let me work days after I took a few days off just to readjust my sleep schedule I took them up on the offer and I haven't worked nights since that night I'm grateful to my bosses for allowing this with shifts and to this day I'm much happier dealing with the living then I was dealing with the strange potted ease of the dead and I've done some research since and I believe that there might be a demon lurking in the mall I know that sounds crazy but the smell of sulfur has really got me thinking about it regardless that's not my problem anymore and I'm beyond thankful for it my name is Gary and I do private security for different companies usually that means working late nights I'll be the first to admit I'm very confident in my ability to protect myself I used to be in the Marines and afterward I got into security detail as a regular line of work one of the places that contract us has is contracted to watch the rail yard during the late summer hours this is generally to dissuade stowaways and potential suicides as well as they can be high in the area during my time watching the rail yard I'd caught all manners I'm homeless or even kids up to no good the homeless I usually ran off and the kids were simple to deal with I'm a pretty muscular dude in a mind it basically only takes me showing up and explaining to them that they are trespassing to get them to leave of all the places I've worked and security I've done I've never had anything shake me to my core like the incident at a rail yard in Australia a few years back I'm the first person to tell you I'm highly skeptical of unnatural happenings that said what happened at this job would definitely fit into the category of unnatural I spent the first few nights on my job rustling up kids and at one point helping the homeless guy get a job it was nothing major and as I said I don't scare easily the fourth night on the job though I came across something I still can't explain logically to get straight to the point it was around 120 in the morning when I heard a disturbance in the rail yard I began slowly moving through train cars weapon at the ready and looking for any sign of life it's eerie walking around a rail yard at night it feels isolating in a lot of ways but also you feel like you're being watched at all times it didn't take me long to reach the source of the noise I opened the rail car slowly raised my weapon inside it it looked like to be a dog of some kind that was eating another dog the thing is its guts were splayed all over the car my first thought was how the hell did these two get into the car to begin with then the thought occurred maybe they somehow stowed away unnoticed in their hunt for food one had to cannibalize the other that's when I noticed this thing was getting angrier as a near net there was a low growling and then it grew much more malicious in its sound as I got within a few feet of it the smell itself was nauseating but nothing horrible comparison to the things I've seen or dealt with while in the service I stopped held my weapon toward the dog and tried to get it to leave I tried raising my voice and stomping but it merely grabbed before going back to eating the entrails out of its poor victim I pointed my weapon outside the train car and fired a few rounds off this dog seemed completely unfazed which was the first time that clued me that this situation might not be entirely normal after a while it stopped licked its face and looked at me before rushing off into the night I recorded the incident in a reports and explained to the railyard owners what I had found the owners seemed genuinely concerned they asked me several times what I did to make the dog run off my story never changed and once they were satisfied with it they had someone clean the remains of the other dog and told me I did a great job before asking if they could do anything for me I simply told them I'd be fine we'll be back in a couple of nights when I was on shift again they thanked me for my work and I went to my home away from home for the next few nights I remember not being able to shake the thought of what I had encountered during my days off I wasn't scared but it was a little eerie I was still perplexed how these two dogs got into a locked railcar I'm positive it was locked and I'm certain the doors were shut firmly I tried to let it go before I knew it my next night at work was upon me I came in as the Sun was setting did some paperwork and soon began my patrol it was about 11:00 at night when a kid comes running up to me covered in blood and screaming incoherently I got the kid to calm him down enough that I eventually was able to half discern what he was trying to say I followed him to the area his friend was at and to my shock and horror there was a kid his stomach a ripped open being eaten by this dog I put the other kid behind me ready my weapon and began firing into the dog I shot at it a few times in the head and several times where its heart should have been the thing fell limp for a moment and I looked at I looked at the Deaf kid he must have been around thirteen or fourteen at least definitely no order than sixteen he was dead I was about to call the police when I see it twitching out of the corner of my eye that the dog it gets up and I began firing out of shock I must have emptied my entire clip into the thing when it stands up and I realize quite quickly it is growing in form and it simply isn't a dog this thing is a hulking nine to 12-foot figure with red eyes black fur and the sharpest teeth I have ever seen on an animal I freaked out picked up the still-living kid with one arm while I fired indiscriminately at this beast that now lunged towards us I took a quick right and heard this thing's cloth screeching against the metal of the train cars I kept running when I heard the thing land on top of the train car in the distance I quickly pushed the kid up against a train car a motion for him to be dead silent while waiting it wasn't long before we heard the sound of a large thud on the top of the train car we were pressed up against I soon felt the drool dripping upon my bulletproof vest and I prayed silently to God to keep us safe the thing began sniffing the air before slowly looking down and growling I shoved the kid forward and told him to run at which point the thing looked in his direction I quickly fired a few rounds off before reloading and it seemed to divert the things attention toward me I was terrified at that moment but I was grateful I had the focus of this monster and it wasn't thinking about that kid I ran in the opposite direction the canid headed while firing off at the Beast which quickly pursued me I've never ran so quickly in my life the thing stalked me all the way back to the dead child I was running out of breath and when I could no longer run I just fired every round I could before the thing reach me it seemed unfazed the hulking figure now stood over me before roaring out the sheer terror I pulled a knife out and stabbed it in the side of the mouth this pissed it off and I felt a massive backhand that sent me flying into a tree a few feet away I felt like I might have cracked a rib as I quickly fell low into some grass and waited I was terrified but my previous military training had me in such a way I was in a me or it survival situation as such my training took over the beach was in the area in all of a second and sniffing around again I could see the bullets inside the skin of this thing and it still seemed fine the things recloser and I prepared Horning my breath for a moment until finally it was close enough I quickly jumped up ripped my knife out of the thing's mouth and ducked under another backhand I then jumped on the monster and stabbed as quickly as I could several times before feeling claws ripping into the back of my vest I dropped out of the vest and threw my knife the Beast Winston let out a loud howl when the knife hit it in the left eye I took my opportunity to come at it with all the muscle I had in me punching this thing a few times in the stomach before attempting to climb it and get my knife the famed raised my faith with his claw and I fell to the ground before rolling back and springing to my feet again it stared at me in rage and there was suddenly a series of howls in the distance my knife still in his eye the thing roared in my face and turned running off into the night I had survived and I reported everything I saw to the police who dismissed it as a wild animal and then I asked for a transfer that morning to this day I'm not sure what that thing was or why it was out there but I can't say judging by the house there are more than one of those things out there so yeah that's my story if you have any idea what this thing could be by all means please let me know I'm a cop who has been with the New York PD for 14 years I'm retired now and a lot of that was because of my final call a few years ago I was asked to respond to a call about strange noises bothering a woman in her 80s the woman owns a mansion and now is nearby so I said I'd respond to the disturbance it didn't take long for things to be off I initially pulled up and noticed all the lights were off and things were rather quiet I announced my presence but no one seemed to respond I tried announcing myself a few more times before trying the front door it was unlocked this was strange as this older woman lives alone and there's no way she felt comfortable leaving her door unlocked my initial worry was that maybe she forgot to lock it as they continued to investigate and continued to call for the woman I began to realize something wasn't right the first telling thing was that as I searched up and down the place I could find no older woman and no presence of anything going on there was no sign of anything being awry no worst-case-scenario body finding situation nothing when I tried to radio to dispatch that I'd found nothing it was going to head back after one more sweep things got very strange for starters I was getting no response and I was getting a lot of static through the radio itself stranger still I noticed when I came back to the front of the mansion the door was closed and locked I didn't close it or lock the door behind me when I came in this was enough to arouse suspicion but what was even stranger was when I started to hear piano music from upstairs I quickly made my move upstairs announcing myself once again as I did I went to the music room and realized the door was now locked I began pounding on the door telling whoever was inside to open up that I was police the music stopped there was an immediate click in the door opened walking inside a notice of lights were still out in them was around I had checked the basement earlier and the breakers appeared to be fine when I tried the lights though nothing happened examining the room further I noticed a woman fitting the description of the caller in the mirrors reflection turning around though much to my stock no one was there I looked back she was there I looked behind me she wasn't it made no sense I strange as that was things got even stranger as I opened the door to the hall and noticed I was in a bathroom keep in mind this is the door I just came through and there was no bathroom whatsoever I thought I heard someone behind me and spun around only to find the hallway from before behind me and the piano playing in the room across the hallway how was this possible I walked slowly up to the music room and attempted to open it but it was locked I decided to try to call for backup once again my radio wasn't working thinking I'd go back to my car and try to radioed it in I headed downstairs that's when the strangest thing happened as I headed downstairs I noticed an all-too-familiar hallway there was no reason for this hallway to stretch on as long as it did and these stairs well to put it simply the stairs weren't this long before after some more walking I realize I seem to be looping back to the same hallway the piano in the music room somehow resonated through the entire mansion as I tried to get back downstairs it was when I went back up I noticed the door to the music room was cracked open it looked like blood and at the piano was a woman in a white dress this was creepy enough but as I approached the woman she turned toward me it was when I realized she had no eyes the most disturbing smile had ever seen the door behind me slammed and locked and I drew my sidearm telling the woman to stop playing music at which point there was a loud note and all the music stopped I was more than a little unnerved at this point I began to ask the woman my weapon still drawn who she was and if she'd seen an older woman in her 80s in the mansion the woman simply smiled before tilting her head back there was a snapping sound and she opened her mouth widely letting out a strange crying sound which quickly filled the room and made me put my weapon away gripping my ears as I did my vision seemed to twist and shake and blur as I struggled to keep my senses I felt myself fading in and out for a moment before the crying stopped and I looked around to find the lights on and no one around I was visibly shaken and bolted out of the room I checked my radio which now only emitted a low static sound I tried to radio out anyways as I ran downstairs they got nothing in return I reached the bottom of the stairs to find a very wide hallway there in the entrance where the door used to be what in the world was happening was I sick was I seeing things what was happening I began to question my sanity when my radio came to life officer yes I responded I'm here can you hear me any backup I'm not sure what's happening here buddy need backup I was met with the low sound of low static there was a strange almost chanting or humming coming from deep within the hall now I walked forward slowly flashlight in hand and weapon in hand a million thoughts are racing through my mind at the moment I couldn't begin to grasp or understand what's happening but I was fairly certain I was indeed seeing it as I got further down the hall I realized there was a deformed crying it was like a maddening and warped cry for help that is what I saw an old looking arm and then heard screams as it dragged around a corner I rushed for without a second thought only to turn the corner to find the staircase from the entrance it sounded like it was raining outside and I turned to find the entrance to the house but it was chained shut what the hell it certainly made no sense at all and after a while I studied the door self there was a pentagram and more strange symbols I didn't have the first clue how to understand the door shook for a moment like someone was banging from the other side I turned and walked back toward the stairs when I heard the sound of chains falling to the ground I spun around and watched the chains fell to the ground and the door burst open there it was what looked like a vast unnatural drunkness outside and from it I saw a mutilated version of myself I flipped out and began discharging my weapon seconds later I noticed there was nothing there but the sound of quiet in the entrance door looking normal there were no symbols and nothing off about it at all I checked my weapon to only realize I hadn't fired it at all I freaked out and ran for the door I unlocked it ripped it open running to my patrol car I got inside and locked my doors before sending order to dispatch that I'd investigated the house and found no one inside the dispatch came confused and I explained how I got a call from them earlier in the night to investigate strange noises going on in this 80 year old woman's mansion they were confused in my words and said they never sent my unit that way I told them maybe I made a mistake and finished the night off at the precinct office doing paperwork before resigning the moment my shift was over I'm not sure there's a logical explanation for the call I know I got or the events that transpired but it was enough for me to say goodbye to my job I now live comfortably in a different City far from New York doing an entirely different job needless to say I was more than a little weirded out by my experiences and I hope I never go through something like that again I'm a trucker and you can call me dan being a trucker by nature means a lot of very late nights so I figured this would qualify for the topic I meet a lot of people in the highways of the good ol US of A I'm a proud patriot and former soldier I'm also single and the nights can get lonely on the road my experience has started after a haul from Washington State to New York I have been moving food mostly at this time nothing perishable minds you anyway the trip to New York was peaceful enough they trip back home though was anything but I'd like to state in advance that I picked up hitchhikers fairly often when I'm not actively hauling something I know they say it isn't safe but I can handle myself pretty well and I'm armed if anyone should try to cross anything all that said I was driving through a lonely road in Montana when I saw a young woman on the side of the road she looked to be in her 20s had long curly blond hair blue eyes and appeared to wear a purse or pouch of some kind on her back now a strange for someone to be walking alone at night down a dark road like this and I became concerned for her safety I stopped my truck and asked if she would be alright she said she was headed west and was wondering if she could hitch a ride with me I told her hop in and soon we were off the girl wore black jeans and a grey shirt I asked her what she was doing on the road so late at night she explained that she had just gotten out of a horrible relationship with her previous boyfriend that was abusive she said she didn't really have a way to get back home and wanted to start anew she didn't really want to wait either as it was too far for her parents to drive so she started hitching rides I asked if she was sure I didn't want to take her to the police but she explained her boyfriend with several states back and it wouldn't help at this point she said she was simply happy to move on with her life I understood and dropped the subject we sat silently for about an hour and a half before she asked if I was a serial killer I remember being so taken back by how out of the blue the question was and I couldn't help but let out a deep laugh the girl seemed amused by this and smiled at me she then jokingly told me she had to ask even though I probably wouldn't tell her if I was I nodded in told her no I was too old and my life was rather sedentary and so I didn't have the time or energy to pick up killing as a hobby this young lady then began laughing even harder and mentioned how being on the road would make it really easy to do I nodded and told her I'm sure it would before reassuring her I wasn't in the killing trade I asked how old she was and she told me 20 she explained that she was going to college back where her boyfriend lived but she had to drop out when she left looking at her shirt I realized this added up the young woman then laughed and asked what I was hauling previously I told her it was just some non-perishable foods mostly canned goods I then asked her what her name was the woman told me her name was Denise I told her it was nice to meet her and she can call me dan I then asked me once day specifically she needed me to take her to Denise said Washington I thought this was an interesting coincidence but it was nice to have company so I wasn't about to complain I told her she was in luck as I was headed that way she could tag along for the rest of the way but we need to figure out sleeping arrangements as I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable I even offered to get a motel with separate rooms but she insisted I sleep in my cab and she could lay up front I told her she could have the cab and I would lay up front if needed after a bit of debating about it she agreed we stopped in a truck stop not too long after and she headed back I laid up front lock the doors before stretching across the seats I knew it wasn't going to be the most comfortable period to sleep but I was ready to get home so I figured I wouldn't sleep much anyway also I really didn't want Denise to be uncomfortable I was taught growing up that you treat your guests with the same respect as you wish them to treat you being a trucker the truck is home in many cases so I did just that I was about to doze off when I felt some poking me in the side I awoke to Denise staring at me she claims she was cold and she didn't really have the money to pay me for my help and was wondering if she could thank me in a different way I felt her hair and traveling and I won't lie I was definitely tempted to take her up on her offer but I couldn't do it I'm a man of morals and I prefer to really get to know somebody before having sex also I don't want to take advantage of woman I told Denise don't worry about payment it was just nice to have company and she didn't need to pay me in any way she smiled and she said I was sweet Nassif I had a wife I told her I was a single man but I wouldn't take advantage of the situation she kissed me on the cheek and said thank you before going back to bed I know she wasn't complaining about being cold anymore just in case I informed her I had another blanket in the compartment in the back I then zoned out and crashed it was late in the afternoon when I woke to an own of thanks and a woozy feeling in my head the note said I was busy because Denise had extracted some of my blood while I slept she never said what she was using it for she apologized if it hadn't set me in anyway the note also said I should get some food to me now I know you can't really sell blood for anything so I'm not sure why she wanted my blood I hope that wherever she is whatever she was actually up to that she is okay [Music] I've worked as a corner for my entire career there are all sorts of unexplained deaths that happen everyday that most people would never realize I've seen it all from slips and bathtubs to death from seemingly nothing still nothing has ever been so disturbing to me as a late night about 12 years ago when I was examining a body I'm fairly used to long hours and strange happenings in many ways it's part of the job that said this type of thing is it I got a Jane Doe who came in who was murdered the case of death was decapitation after examining the body for quite some time I stopped to take a short break it was late probably around midnight I didn't check the time to be certain when I was chilling out and taking a moment to think as I was doing this I heard a woman's voice behind me it was more of a whispering but it was distinct enough that I'm sure I heard it turning around I looked at the body on the table there wasn't another living soul in the room besides me as I approached the woman's body the lights above her body flickered for a moment I was confused but I'm fairly rational minded individual and assumed that the Bulls were getting old or it was an odd electrical anomaly I remember looking down at the body and trying not to think about the fact that this Jane Doe was someone's family and unless we could identify her whoever her family was if she had any left would never know what happened to her that sort of thing happens more than people realize as well it's a sad reality of mine but I have to live with it in this line of work I finished up my break and as I looked up I thought I saw someone in the double doors I walked up to check who it might be and in the door I saw a headless woman I tripped out as the Jane Doe was headless as well she was just standing there for a few moments before pressing against the door the door opened and no one was there the image I'd seen had vanished shortly after this I felt a cold chill passed through me I wasn't sure what to think but I decided not to focus too much on the oddities and go back to examining the body in a weird sort of way I thought if somehow it was a ghost maybe she wanted to find out who she was another thing to note about the body was she was missing her fingers this was disturbing but she had been murdered so it wasn't very strange per se I guess I tried every way imaginable to get some kind of identification on the body I couldn't however as any in all ways of identifying them outside of DNA were not present to do also it wouldn't help if someone didn't come and identify the body themselves to this point we had no family come by and there wasn't anyone claiming to know who this person might be frustrated for much of the rest of the night I went home soon after putting the body in proper storage it was while sleeping I had a strange dream in the dream I saw a woman I watched her being decapitated and watched as post mortem her killer cut off the fingers and collected them this was an unnerving dream to have and I was put off when I first awoke it was also very frustrating as my dreams weren't going to magically bring this poor woman's killer to justice and also it almost seemed like my dreams were taunting me with the fact that we didn't know who this girl was I should also note that the dreams felt very real I felt like I was in the body of the killer and it felt all too real I woke up sick that morning from the sight and smells I experienced in the dream when I finally returned to work I finished up everything I could do with my examination and sadly was no closer to identifying the woman in my dream I couldn't see her actual face it was just whatever the face imprinted itself in my dream I'm a man of science so I don't put any stock into dream interpretation or dream solving murders I admit things were strange around this case but it wasn't for me to solve and if I didn't have the means to do so I shouldn't be hurting myself trying I'm aware that this is going to come across as cold but if you work in my profession you have to understand it isn't easy and you can't get super attached by the time someone comes into your lab you do all you can do to find an ID and if you have that but no cause of death a cause of death you try to verify causes of death and you do it respectfully sadly though there are times we are left with mysteries of which we will never truly solve the death has already happened and beyond our doing you can't develop a personal connection over a body that isn't to say that you don't do your damnedest to get a result but I hope you understand what I'm saying I've been haunted by the dreams of being the killer yearly since I started working that case and to be honest I've never had this issue with other cases or victims I'm not sure why this one bothers me the most but it clearly has a grip on me and it still haunts me to this day to those listening to this I'm sorry that there isn't more closure sadly in life in my profession this happens perhaps it was the brutality of it all that has this case on my mind well maybe it's not having answers but wherever you are now Jane Doe I hope you learn a piece and I'm sorry I never found out who you were or who killed you thanks for listening to these creepy and downright unexplainable night shift stories I worked the night shift for quite a long time before I started doing this whole YouTube thing and honestly I saw fewer weird and strange things on the shift but nothing like these people if you enjoyed these stories please hit that like button as it helps me out of time if you're new to the swamp why not join us hit the subscribe button turn on notifications to never miss a new video I upload them almost every single day on all things natural and supernatural if you have a story you would like to share in a future video be sure to do so by going to swamp dwellers net or the email you can find in the description down below now if you made it to the very end of this video be sure to comment the codeword jumping astronaut to let me know you made it to the end and to confuse everybody in the chat below I'll see you guys soon with another creepy video
Channel: Swamp Dweller
Views: 137,221
Rating: 4.8085613 out of 5
Keywords: Night Shift Stories, Unexplained Stories, Swamp Dweller, Scary Stories, Narration, Podcast, Security Guard Stories
Id: YC5lnkv37Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 48sec (6708 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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