[3.0] Khaenri'ah Did Nothing Wrong - A Genshin Impact Theory

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this video contains spoilers for tignari's first story Quest as well as the aranyaka questline proceed at your own Peril if you have not completed these every time a new ruin robot comes out someone inevitably feels compelled to say Celestia did nothing wrong does he know Celestia nuked kanria and that's where all these robots come from I've heard this phrase a lot since arriving in sumero mostly because of these giant ruined Titans and like okay I get it it's a little understandable those things are pretty scary but I can't help but find myself on the opposite side of this debate I'm actually convinced that conria was the one that did nothing wrong conria did nothing wrong but what about those crazy robots listen they're not as bad you think and I'm pretty sure they're not the reason why Kanya got nuked I don't think the robots were even built for the purpose of fighting Celestia at all as far as I'm concerned there was no war against Heaven at least not where conria was involved the destruction of conria was an accident this might sound like a hot take but grab a snack and stick around I'll walk you through the evidence the idea that kondria may have not been Celestia's enemy came about when I was mulling over the factions that formed after the cataclysm I couldn't quite figure out why the survivors of conoria didn't form at least some semblance of an alliance with each other why were they so focused on these individual goals with no space to interact with each other now up until this point we've been led to believe that conria was actively at war with Celestia so having Celestia retaliate or destroy their Homeland should have convinced at least most of the survivors to band together in some way right but that's not exactly what happened instead of having some sort of intermingling Alliance of former conrians we ended up with these three distinct factions of surviving conrians that aren't hilaterals and metatars and all that other kind of stuff right we ended up with the fatoui the abyss order and daneslift and of course we do have Ryan daughter who seems to be off doing her own thing and then there's whatever the flip-floppy Kaya's family is doing but we're going to ignore those two for now and just focus on the first three because the other other two are kind of mysterious and I don't know what's going on with them so the fatou you are not made up of conrian's entirely is led by Piero who appears to have been a person of some importance to the royal family of conria Whose advice was completely ignored prior to the cataclysm the abyss order on the other hand is more or less what I would expect from a conry and revenge Army minus the Monstrous mutations anyway but then there's Danes left the alleged traitor according to the abyss twin and decidedly the most neutral of the three factions although he is actively working against the abyss order lest they mess up a delicate neutral balance within tevat or at least that's his that's my take now I know this seems kind of like a small sample size about the population and it kind of is but you gotta remember there weren't that many survivors so I'm Gonna Roll with this because everyone else appears to be a hillatrol so yeah anyway motives wise it seems like the fatoui wants to create a brand new world and leave to that behind while the abyss order seems to want to just destroy everything including to that but possibly revive conria I guess and then there's Danes left who doesn't seem to want anything to change from its current position but there seems to be a pretty big disconnect here with Celestia's involvement like yes the abyss order does want to fight Celestia with a giant artificial robot God thing but Piero and danesliff were also present and neither have their anger focused on Celestia exactly Piero doesn't seem to care about what happened to the gods or Celestia so long as he gets the gnosis that he ordered and daneslift tells us not to challenge them nor trust them if war between konria and Celestia was really a thing wouldn't these guys be a little bit more hostile wouldn't dainesville's warnings be different and wouldn't Pierro be more like hey murder the archons you don't have to negotiate with ball for like months on end you can just you know kill her and take the gnosis like I I I'm confused about that part but this is what got me thinking that conria might not have ever actually been at war with Celestia in fact I think they might share an enemy I think conria was at war with the abyss okay okay okay so so in the aranyaka quest we learned a lot of stuff but the most notable thing we learned was about the concept of Morata so Marana is basically what the aranara called the memory of death that exists within the ear Menzel which is basically the giant tree of memories whose Roots make up the Ley lines that cover the entire world right Morana is said to be one with the monsters like the rift towns which we know are Abyssal monsters making it very likely that Marana is deeply connected to or is the abyss now in sumeru murana most commonly manifests as withering zones area where all life is leeched away from the earth plants become infected with corrupted miasmic tumors and monsters get more aggressive in their attempts to kill you nothing grows in the withering zones which is why they need to be cleansed lest they destroy the entire Forest the r r say that at one point Marana could turn everything into veluca which means sand and that sumero was once a massive desert with no Forest at all and things don't really grow that well in the desert now do they they could be often described as barren you know what else is described that way conria conria is described as an underground nation that is quite Barren where nothing much of note grows and remember that konria is also an underground nation and we know that the further we go underground the closer we get to the abyss and since we know that the abyss and Marana are linked is it not reasonable to suggest that conrio could have just actually been a massive withering Zone like hear me out for a second conry's lands were so Barren that not much would grow they relied on a special form of alchemy just to survive this baroness would make a lot more sense if it was caused by Marana because conorio was definitely Advanced enough to at least make an artificial sun like en kanamiya to grow things light was definitely not a problem for a nation that was underground so what was and then we've got these robots that Conrad made right a lot of robots and what were they made for dansliff said that the land had to be tilled with steel and blood which makes sense for a country that's perpetually at War so these robots were most certainly made for just that but why robots no other nation has seen the need to develop a robot army when a human or demigod Army will do the job we've also not seen any other type of robot besides the conrian type so it's not like it was a Mecca versus Mecca you know so what we're left with is a nation with a culture built around Warfare that decides to build a completely autonomous robot army not because they want to play metabots but because robots were better suited to fight the enemy that they were facing right so why might that be I propose that it was because the enemy was death itself Marana the abyss and we know that exposure to Marana and the abyss can really screw a person up less so if they have a vision but even then it can still kill quite quickly making it difficult for humans to face it head-on against an opponent this toxic a robot army is perfectly sensible robots aren't alive so they can't exactly die when touched by the memory of death right so suddenly the idea that the land is tilled with steel and blood makes a whole lot more sense this was never a statement of aggression or the lingering resentment of a war against the Gods this was a statement of survival this might feel like it came out of left field a little bit but there's new evidence in sumeru that supports this hypothesis the giant ruined Titan and sumero has a bunch of little notes that you can read that paint a very striking picture of its role in the cataclysm basically with the exception of one note that follows the story of zandique these mysterious Chronicles talk about the soldiers that operated the Titan but one of them explicitly states that these same soldiers were fighting the onslaught of dark beasts this is a huge Revelation because it means that conoria did not bring the Abyssal monsters to the surface to attack Celestia conrio was already locked in combat against the abyss when something went horribly wrong and the Monsters broke through their front lines Conrad would have either have been forced to retreat to the surface or may have even been in Pursuit it's hard to say now before we swap gears to talk about Celestia's decision to Nuke I want to look at one other incident with this newfound perspective that we have specifically I want to look at the robots littered around Dragon spine I know that seems like a bit of a leap but anyway at least 2 600 years ago the civilization of solving digner on dragonspine had their Airman sultry destroyed when Celestia dropped a nail on it this also destroyed the civilization that lived there but Celestia's reasons for the nuke are never stated it's not ever stated if it was intentional either or if it was just an accident it could have been either what's interesting is that even though we know konry and robots existed 3000 years ago from their presence within guaijong's domain which we won't go into right now the mountain is littered with robots that were never mentioned in any of the texts from the time period of 2600 years ago which means they arrived much later in fact they arrived post nuke not that that's particularly specific now if you've ever gotten curious and investigated any of these robots you'll notice that a bunch of them just displayed this weird cryptic gibberish binary type code right now it turns out this gibberish is actually a cipher and when decoded the complete Cipher reads for the nation we can't forego the skyborn power but we failed this message outrights states that these robots had a mission to obtain the sky Frost nail for the sake of conria they cannot do without it but unfortunately they failed to obtain it for reasons that are never stated but that's really odd whatever could conria have wanted the celestial nail for well might I turn your attention to this video I made on the nail in the chasm if you haven't seen it or it's been a while here's the conclusion I came to within that video I concluded that the dark mud is corrupted toxic waste from the Ley lines and that the celestial nail has the natural propensity to repel or cleanse it if you want the full explanation about why and how I reached this conclusion you can watch the video but in the meantime I would like to point out that during the cataclysm sumero not only experienced a black sky in rain but it also experienced a surge of black mud same as in the chasm and the aronara refer to this mud and rain as the result of the Marana some of you probably already know where I'm going with all of this in fact let me paint you a picture of what I think really happened I think conria was more or less a gigantic withering Zone perhaps not when it was first established but I think it definitely got worse over time because nothing would grow they relied on their unique art of kemia for everything they needed the thing is alchemy and therefore kemia uses the power of the Ley lines in order to complete transmutations Ley lines are the roots of the ear mental tree and we know that Marana is considered an infection within this life-giving tree imagine that the survival of your entire civilization depends on this tree and this tree alone and you learn that it's infected and it could die of course you'd try to cure the tree you'd fight every monster in your path and you try to find ways to stop the bleeding as best you could you'd probably manage to hold the line for a long time but eventually Something's Gotta Give now imagine that king earmin of conria the king of the last Dynasty the eclipse Dynasty heard about this power of the heavens this Celestial nail with its unique ability to repel and purify the Abyssal corruption like it did in the chasm that sounds like it would be exactly the thing they needed to tip the scales of war in their favor they just needed to retrieve it so a brigade of autonomous robots was sent to Dragon spine to try and retrieve the nail but the mission failed for some unexplained reason but without the power of the nail conrio was likely overwhelmed and lost control of the flow of monsters which Spilled Out into devat this left Celestia with no choice but to hurl a nail at the source of the monsters the nation of gonria just like it had done in the chasm and solvend ignir and that's why the dendro archon disappeared during the cataclysm to try and heal the tree that's why Makoto said they couldn't ignore what was happening in konria but wait wait wait I know I hear you thinking about it why did all the conrians turn into Hiller trolls then who cursed them who cursed Dane with immortality what happened there if Celestia wasn't aiming for conria if they didn't have a gripe against them if they weren't trying to punish konria then who cursed them all and why the curses that happen above the level of gods or Celestia even just baffle me and danesleth even says that his curse takes place at a higher level of reality which is confusing because it would be a higher level of reality than even the highest level of gods I I don't know how that works and remember it's not just Dane's lift and the hilly trolls that are cursed the sealies are cursed too which is odd because celias were supposed to be like a Divine race that answered to the Moon sisters which as far as we know outranked Celestia or at least were at the same rank of Celestia and the archons and were therefore the highest levels of divinity known at the time with the exception of the primordial one and its Shades although it's very possible that the moon sisters were Shades but that's another video entirely the series did a thing that was blessed by the highest known Authority into that who would go on to curse them for this exact same act who has that kind of power and the answer like everything else is Marana oh of course that means that Marana has some level of sentience and yeah I think that's probably the case because do you remember how at the very beginning of the game The Abyss order was trying to steal this fictional book of The Pale Princess and the six pygmies and how they claimed it contained this big secret and they were surprised that we just wanted a stolen library book and we didn't want the secret at all well the first character in this book in the volume that we receive is called the night mother she's described as cruel with no heart and no mouth she's dwelling in the darkness where abhorrent creatures lived and where no tree could ever grow now only volume 1 of 7 is available to us but based on this volume alone and the fact that her body may or may not have been made up of mud and she may or may not have had the tendency for cursing people wink wink we can deduce that the night mother is closely connected to the abyss or the Marana whatever you want to call it now that is not to say that I think Morana is a person but remember that the RNR say that the Marana has many avatars including the one that we font at the end of the aranyaka quest they even suggest that the abysslings are all in some ways avatars of Marana they are those who accepted Marana into their hearts and carry out its will there's a lot of parallels to the night mother and the pale princess okay because notice how the Avatar of Marana that we fought looks to be made of dark sludge and that reminds me even more of something like Duran what if he started out as a normal Dragon but got corrupted by Marana that would totally explain why his internal thoughts as written in the Skyward weapons and the festering desire Reed so happy and positive it's because Duran was originally a normal friendly dragon that became infected with Marana and then lost control of himself and if I'm right and the Marana and the night mother are the same entity then Marana should have similar characteristics to the night mother right and if the Knight mother has a tendency to curse things then it makes sense that Murano would also curse things and since Marana is the memory of death it would also make sense that her curses revolved around the concept of death so what if she I don't know cursed a whole race of humans to walk the world in an undead State lingering at the point between life and death forever until they simply fade away well you'd have just described the hill of Charles we know from Dane's lip that this is what happened with them and it could have also been what happened with the sealies but with elemental beings instead of humans they were cursed to wither away until they were nothing more but empty husks who better than the abyss itself to curse the most Divine of all beings in heaven in light of all this I think the mode is behind the three factions I talked about the beginning of this video begin to make a little bit more sense Pierre will likely believed that the Marana could not be defeated and that the world was doomed anyway but since the Marana infected the earmansil the source of all Life The Only Way Forward was to create a new world with a new ear missile and leave the old one to rot it's possible that he believes this can be achieved by collecting the gnosis and seizing some power of creation that Celestia supposedly has that would explain why Piero doesn't really care about the fate of the Gods themselves pitiful misguided things that they are I think the abyss order on the other hand ended up accepting the inevitability of death and recognizing the power of Mirana as more powerful than any other and therefore embracing the fact that they could never win against it they accepted the memory of death and became the avatars of Marana not allowed to die until its will was carried out and Marana desires the death of all things including the gods so that would explain why the abyss order has a Target on Celestia's back so to speak when they didn't actually have so much of a grudge against them while they were actually alive as conrians and as for Dane's lift well imagine a scenario where the influx of monsters became so bad that he was tasked with taking something like a like a like a bum to the heart of the Marana to try and force it out of earmonson only to hesitate at the last second after having come in contact with the tree realizing at that moment that life actually needs death just as death needs life they are the light and the shadow the yin and the Yang conria would fall one way or another just a matter of time but the world would live on I think his neutrality towards the gods is because he doesn't actually agree with their methods of government but he understands the necessity of it do not disturb the delicate balance so to speak and that's why he goes so hard against the abyss order he's just trying to maintain the balance the Curious Thing here is that the Traveler's sibling is siding with the abyss order here and that the sibling is convinced that the traveler will join their side once they learn the truth whatever that truth happens to be I always wondered why they thought this when all evidence points to the abyss order having questionable motives or at least motives that I don't think the current iteration of the traveler would ever fall in line with but now I'm wondering if the truth that the twin came to discover was that Marana an Airman soul the tree and the abyss they're the same thing I don't know that they can actually be separated the more I think about it the more I realize that all aspects of Marana when thought of as a deity as you know like a personification as in like a night mother right It lines up with the concept of a void goddess archetype the Hindu goddess Kali is a great example of this archetype she's a deity that is responsible for both the creation of everything as well as the destruction of everything everything that comes from the sea returns to the Sea it's like being at different ends of the auroboros and when you start to realize the Chinese characters for the abyss overlap with the ones used for the term void it's hard to ignore these similarities if the ear missile gives life it makes sense for it to destroy life too a tree can't grow forever and if the twins are in fact related to the primordial one as I suspect they are then the truth of this world just might be that the twins cannot disobey the call of their kid because remember the primordial one not only created the world from the three Realms but they stitched it all together with the flow of the elemental energy with the flow of the Ley lines so the world the twins once thought was completely destroyed never to be found again for thousands of years still lives and the goal now may be to try and save it one twin might be seeking salvation through destruction and perhaps rebirth and the other may be seeking salvation with a power from Beyond courtesy of the snake ring constellation danesliff who will prevail in the end well we'll just have to wait and see if you made it this far thank you so much for watching I am having a blast watching all of the Pieces come together and I hope you are too I can't wait to hear your thoughts down in the comments and members a special thanks to you you guys make my life so much easier really you really really do you also made this video possible by helping to support our editor the lovely txr so I will thank you on behalf of them as well in any case like all good robots we gotta keep those engines running guys so don't forget to visit your regular maintenance personnel and always remember to oil your gears on a regular basis make sure to take care of yourselves and I'll catch you all in the next video laters [Music] foreign
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 334,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, khaenri'ah, sumeru
Id: dBKt6YJXSf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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