Why Khaenri'ah is More Dangerous Than We Think | Genshin Impact Lore Theory

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

I had TOTALLY forgotten about the other snake god? Did I just completely not read that part of the Byakuyakoku collection?? I remember even before Enka was released, you could talk to Kaushik (a Sumeru researcher near the Watatsumi Shrine) who posits that there were two snake gods. I remember people not taking him seriously because he got other things wrong and kept asserting that he was right.... but like.... yeah that's totally in the book.

Also super interesting that the text states that Ouroboros preceded Orobashi, seems to have existed since the earliest times... maybe even existing since before the second throne? So Dain wouldn't have just any regular god juice, he has "imaginary serpent from the times of the unified civilization" juice. And at the risk of going off the rails here... I feel like I have heard speculation about an actual snake eating at the world-tree in game. But since they call it the imaginary serpent, could be a personification of the ley lines? In that sense, it could be using khemia to directly tap in to the power of the leylines and Irminsul (thus boughkeeper) 🧐

I hope that made sense/isn't too off the rails 🫠

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/roozevelt 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

I always lose my trains of thought but here stuff is all laid out! Superb

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/-the_one- 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2022 🗫︎ replies
so far in genshin's story especially in the recent 2.6 arc conquest we've been given the impression that celestia destroyed the prosperous nation of conriya without any provocation hot people become hilla trills and all khanrians according to danesliff are forced to bear an incredibly torturous curse for centuries on end but what if celestia actually had a reason i'm your leafy loroshima minslef and today we're going to dive into the theory that conriya may be more dangerous than we previously thought in order to cover this theory we're going to go over conriya's possible history it's political agenda and of course we can't have a video centered around conriya without speculating reasons for its fall as a disclaimer i'm a big fan of conran characters if my name isn't already abundantly clear and the canon details of this nation are one of my favorites to study so no hate to the conriens i'd just love to bring a new perspective to the multi-faceted conflicts we encounter in genji impact in your time of playing you may have noticed the striking similarities between the ruins we encounter no i don't necessarily think koyovers is trying to cut costs by reusing assets but the recycled architecture is to signal that the ruins are probably all from the same civilization and what is the civilization you may ask before sun and moon a chronicle we obtained from encanomia details the earliest history of tevat in this chronicle we learned that fawnis aka the primordial one was the progenitor god that defeated the seven dragon lords and prepared the land for the arrival of humans the first civilizations that came from this event are referred to as the primordial civilizations examples are ankonomia salvindignir the civilization on top of dragon spine the ruins in the chasm and the ruins in tsurumi island if the primo gems embedded in the eyes of the conreyans you've seen so far isn't enough to convince you well conrie and these primordial civilizations have destruction by celestia in common at least we know that conriya was destroyed during the recent cataclysm a worldwide event that transpired 500 years ago but we can actually trace conway's existence back to around the same time that these primordial civilizations were still around the scribes box from dragon spine says that during the destruction of salvin dignir via the sky frost nail from celestia conriya was still a fairly new civilization savanting near may have predated the arkhan war meaning both it and conriya may have existed for a guesstimate of 2000 to 2700 years ago in enchantemia we also learned that khanrian royal envoys attempted to steal the before sun and moon chronicle the day that enpinemia was about to rise to the surface of the inner zoom seas to become watatsumi island an event that also occurred after the arkhan war circling back to the copy-paste ruins that we visit in the 2.6 requiem of echoing depths pieman asked stainslift if the upside down civilization we see in the chasm is conray and ruins zanesville suggests that the civilization might actually be older than conriya but he also suggests that the architecture here does somewhat resemble that of conriya at least it would if it were the other way up we also get another hint in the symbols we often see in these ruins for this segment i recruited the help of my friend the symbol expert the language of the primordial civilization is usually identifiable by these following symbols for lack of a better term i'll be referring to the script as primordial script in the 1.4 we will be reunited our conquest traveler paiman and danesliff investigate a talisman connected to an abyss herald pyman again asks if the script is written in the language of conriya at first glance the alleged konrian script doesn't look familiar but symbol expert had come to the realization that this konrian script is actually primordial script in half and upside down if this evidence is indeed conray and script it seems to be derivative of primordial script something eerie to note is that this seems to be a nod towards a popular theory of tavat being flipped upside down conren's script is primordial script upside down conroy and architecture is primordial architecture but upside down but that's a whole other theory video for another day back to the topic at hand what does conrie's ties from module civilizations have to do with them possibly being evil for this segment we're going to take a look at conriya as an individual political identity its government structure and its allusions to real life conria is evidently a kingdom the last ruling dynasty of conriya was the eclipse dynasty in the 2.8 hidden strife event we learned that the name of the last king was king irmin german soul we'll table that idea for now the king had sages who advised him according to the mocking mass circlet from the pale flame artifact set which tells the story of pierrot one of the conrhen stages now the number one fatoui harbinger in the we will be reunited archon quest field tillers according to daneslef were made with the purpose of tilling the land with steel and blood the line steel and blood could be a literary allusion to the famous iron and blood speech by otto von bismarck the man who believed in the unification of the german states and urged the parliament to use their army and blood they'll spill in war if necessary to achieve unification the field tailors and all the robotic monstrosities we face in conria are war machines conriya had and still has war as part of their agenda 500 years later kaya and to an extent albedo still have concerns about conriya starting a war with munchthat note that the name conriya is arabic for wind betrayers this leads me to believe that conriya originally had plans to reclaim the land that belonged to the primordial civilizations unification if you will if conrio was a remnant of the primordial civilization and if those civilizations were destroyed by celestia it seems natural for conrie to want to reclaim what they believe was wrongfully taken from them now that we've identified conray's possible motives was conria's imperialism and possible conquering of other lands by force enough for celestia to want to shut them down the reasons for their fall might be more sinister than that here we get into even more speculative territory please equip the circlet from the tin foil artifact set keep your hands and feet in the car at all times because this is going to be a ride before sun and moon mentions that fawnees aka the primordial one also had a war with the second throne of the heavens i personally subscribe to the theory that the second throne of the heavens is current celestia and phanies did not actually win the war against the second one the people of encanamia only assumed that phanies won and this record is what was recorded in their chronicles wei whom i like to call the archon of lore does a great video on this and i highly suggest you check out lai's channel this theory makes sense for now because according to current evidence fanny seemed to be a rather benevolent deity certainly not one capable of destroying the civilizations they'd worked hard to bring up the destruction of conriyah seemed to have been so much more severe than the destruction of the previous civilizations abyssal monsters threatened every land as far as inuzuma and a horrible curse of immortal pain was placed on the conrhins conrans are usually referred to as the sinners but what sin did they actually commit the answer might be hidden within dangerous monologue about kanria during the trivial trailer for this section i recruited the help of our kaya expert who pointed me towards the over human theory introduced by german philosopher friedrich nietzsche simply put the overhuman is the master of his own fate in this political ideology outright rejects the idea of divine rule or divinity in general nietzsche introduced this concept of the last human beings that is the people who fail to self-cultivate enough and become an overhuman as being like stock animals in a way they live believing they control themselves or that they rule the world but the truth is that they are complacent to some fictional higher powers rule and are regressions of evolutionary theory yikes this could be used to arguably interpret the overhuman human dynamic as that of konran's intervarians things of seems contemptuous of the tavarians who are obliviously happy to live in an eternal dream under celestial rule while the conrhens are the opposite living outside celestia's jurisdiction and are aware of the truth of the world a recent example of this overhuman theory in action could be with reindeer an alchemist from conriya who initiated the primordial human project and created albedo as an example of a perfect primordial human an overhuman this brings me to the next wild theory daneslav might be harboring the soul of a god in the byakkyakuku collection we can obtain an enconumia the serpent's heart subtext recounts that enconumia worshiped another god alongside oribashi in this god's name auroboros dainslef was confirmed playable in a billy billy livestream on september 27 2020 where his constellation is listed as none other than snake ring aka oroboros is daneslift the result of conrien alchemist transmuting the soul of a god into a human body could it be why the stars in danger's character art line up perfectly with the moons and the alchemy symbol will danes really commit to the shonen trope that you will become what you hate the most the concept of transmuting gods is not actually foreign to kanri it seems as the abyss order sought to mechanize the body of osyal during the we will be reunited archon quest this act of weaponizing a god a sin if you will might have been a contributing factor to the arrogation of mankind i'm your leafy larchier mindslif and i do lord discussions on twitch three to four times a week please leave a like and a follow and i'll see you on the next video [Music] [Music] my [Music]
Channel: Minsleif
Views: 83,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact trailer, genshin nahida guide, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory, genshin impact analysis, genshin theory, minsleif, minsleif genshin, dainsleif, genshin dainsleif, genshin tiktoks, genshin tiktok, genshin archon quest, archon quest, khaenri'ah, genshin khaenriah, kaeya lore, genshin kaeya, albedo, genshin albedo, genshin lore theory, secret genshin lore, secret genshin theory, genshin caribert, khvarena of good and evil
Id: pP-vh0F7cMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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