[3.4] Are we missing a harbinger? - A Genshin Impact Theory

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something has been really bothering me about the harbingers with regards to their numbers for a long time I had assumed that because PIRA was the first of the fatoui he would be ranked the first Harbinger even if they are ranked by strength he'd need to be powerful or persuasive enough to convince the other harpenders to join him and also to report to him so logically that made sense but now I'm not so sure evidence that Piero might not even be counted among the 11 is starting to pile up and if it ends up being true then that means that there are technically 12 harbingers the 11 plus Piero this is including the two dead and deleted ones of course but if this is true that the harpenders are actually 11 plus one and not just 11 then there's still one Harbinger that we haven't met yet a missing mystery harbinger I don't actually know how likely it is that Piero is encounted among the 11 and that there may be a missing Harbinger but I would like to explore the possibility nonetheless so in this video I'll start things off by making a case for Piero being unranked or at least not counted as one of the 11 and then we're going to revisit the harbinger rankings and constellations to find some more evidence and then we'll explore the possible identity of this mystery missing Harbinger if they exist at all and we will finally end this video by listing all of the reasons that I am probably wrong a word of warning though if you don't like extremely speculative theories or big stretches then you should probably just click off this video now just save yourself and me the trouble I'm doing this for fun and not because I think the theory is particularly probable I just really like the thought experiment okay we clear on that great if you guys are ready then let's start things off by having a chat about the Big fatootie Daddy himself Ye Old Piero the idea that Piero is a Harbinger comes from the idea that he started the fatoui as an organization as stated in the pale flame set and it also came from child who literally called him the first ever fatui Harbinger in a voice line so that's it right like done deal he's the first Harbinger and he's probably ranked number one since he's the leader yeah no not right child is a misleading little gopher Man actually I think the issue is more of a localization thing see the Chinese text is a lot more vague about these statements and seems to use the whole first mention as more of a point of origin or a Founder meaning rather than as a rank I won't try to explain the nuances here I will leave that to those who are fluent but I can support this idea with some adjacent evidence whenever a harbinger's rank is referred to in Chinese it is always called a seat for example child says that damslet has the third seat in his voice line Scaramouche then claims that pantalone has the ninth seat and marionette has one seat lower than and himself and child has the last seat this manifested in the English translation a little weirdly child ends up using literal numbers to refer to the seats in a pretty consistent way while Scaramouche always hyphenates an Associated position with the word ranked Chinese text is so much simpler it literally just says seat but this use of seat or one of these ranked treatments has never been used in regards to Piero which is part of why I said earlier that the whole first of the fatoui thing is more about the origin of the fatoui rather than his ranking but this only proves that Piero doesn't have a confirmed rank right well if you go to the winter nights Lazo trailer in the gentian impact official YouTube channel and check the description box you might notice something a little bit weird every Harbinger is listed in the exact same format first their comedian name then their position within the fatoui followed by their code name notice how every single one of them except for Piero has fatui Harbinger listed in their position the fact that pieros is different has to be a deliberate choice so if official gention social media wants to label him as the Director of the fatoui and not as a Harbinger I think they'll do the same or at least I'll call him a number zero of the fatoui harpenters that'll make me feel better but that does leave us with a bit of a quandary if he's not a Harbinger then his constellation is not on the official fatoui constellation wheel that means there is one extra constellation that belongs to a character that we haven't met yet so let's take a fresh look at these rankings to narrow down some possibilities here unlike my previous attempts at this whole ranking and constellation thing I'm going to be taking the most boring and logical approach possible because it seems to be what hoverse wants to do so we'll start by assuming that Piero isn't a ranked Harbinger or is number zero and therefore his constellation is not on the wheel but given the similarities between the mocking mask of the pale flame set which is the one that talks about him and the mask at the top of the wheel let's just say that the mask at the top of the wheel is him a director overseeing his theater troupe as for the confirmed rankings our current setup looks something like this with unconfirmed placements for arloquino and Capitano and one supposedly unknown Harbinger which we will talk about later as for the two named harpenders well with the release of playable Scaramouche we finally had a new set of voice lines about the fatoui to work with and no small amount of people were very quick to point out when comparing child and skarmouche's voice lines about the harbingers against each other the order in which the harbingers are listed is identical well nearly you can see that for yourself but notice that it's only the harbors that are deceased or deleted who have inconsistent positions this just makes sense they're not really alive anymore so they can be taken out of the whole system right the rest of these though appear to be in the correct order of the currently known ranks and if we offset these known ranks to get a point of reference we can basically fill in the blanks on our missing numbers that makes Capitano rank 1 and arloquino rank four leaving us with our missing Harbinger at rank 10. full disclosure though Rank 10 could actually be Piero if he is still a Harbinger I mean there's no reason why he has to be the strongest to also be their leader it kind of just seems silly but I'm throwing the idea out there because it's not completely impossible so just keep that in mind as we go forward with the rankings out of the way though we can now take another look at the constellation wheel to see if we can't narrow down which constellation might belong to the unknown harbinger starting at the top left moving counterclockwise we have a plague doctor's mask a Globus crucifer a crying theater mask a Healing Hand a marionette a narwhal a moth a kokeshi doll a hand of Glory a crying Dove and three cross snails some of these are incredibly obvious if not already confirmed obviously the plague doctor's mask belongs to datori now that he's an unethical doctor that uses his constellation as a pauldron for some reason a columbina is definitely the crying Dove because kalumba literally means Dove and it is heart-shaped and galambina's Comedia Trope was All About Love A Plus her hair is full of feathers zandrone is definitely the marionette because her code name is literally marionette if it's any more obvious than that I I I I don't know what to do Scaramouche and tartalia have official constellations since they are playable so that's the kokeshi doll and the Narwhal respectively accounted for which leaves Senora with the moth which is something based entirely on her Crimson witch boss form drops and her Hellfire butterflies in a Lazo trailer so that's six down and five to go now we talk keywords tropes and some speculated assignments so this one here is the crying theater mask pictured without its counterpart The Laughing mask it's supposed to reference Duality or as I will dub it being two-faced you know who's described as being two-faced or lakino plus Comedia arloquino is closely tied to colombina and notice how both these constellations have tears on them weak ties maybe but these theater masks were supposed to represent Greek Muses and in Greek Theater only men were allowed to be actors so masks let them play women's parts our lakino is pretty gender neutral in design and iconography so far so I still think this suits her pretty well now this hand symbol is known as The Healing Hand I've only ever Associated it with the Native American Hopi tribe but most people believe this could be a stylized hamsa hand as well in both cases it can mean protection but the name hamsa does mean five puccinella is ranked five and has Godfather Vibes in the way he's protecting tartalia's families so I guess we can give him this consolation now the Globus crucifer is a symbol of Christian Authority especially in regards to royalty and because of that it was frequently found on coins its shape was also used for the alchemical symbol antimony which was known for being able to be converted into gold now who's obsessed with golden Mora no not Dory it's pantalone he's a banker he's literally called the rich man in Chinese so maybe we'll just assign him this constellation especially since he is wearing a ring with the symbol on it listen I told you Hoya was being so boring about this moving right along the three crossed nails are usually used to represent Jesus's crucifixion while the Coventry of cross Nails does also mean hope and Reconciliation combined the meaning could mean self-sacrifice or martyr I'm assigning this constellation to Capitano who appears to have this kind of History especially if he does end up being someone like the blood-stained Knight we are not however going to talk about what his actual identity is I am just basing this on speculation basically all of his options right now that we know of in the game kind of line up with this constellation anyway so it's fitting no matter who you pick so that leaves us with the clawed hand and this in my opinion is most likely a hand of Glory a severed hand that's been turned into a candle it was a punishment handed out to traitors and thieves so let's mark this one down as traitor and we're also going to mark it down as our missing harbinger before we start on this full disclosure the idea for this harbinger's potential identity came from a Discord buddy of mine lorcinek they declared this their crack Theory and I laughed at it along with them until I realized that they kinda had a really good point If there really is an unknown 10th Harbinger there were only so many Comedia characters that they could possibly be based on and there would have to have been an excellent reason for their lack of presence everywhere in the game so far and why no character was commenting on this absence and the lack of a tenth Harbinger in the same way that they did with Sonora and scaramouche's empty seats but if their constellation really is the hand of Glory which is a symbol of a traitor or a criminal maybe no one talks about them because they were always meant to be a double agent a spy and at some point they may have betrayed the fatoui and then they were disposed of being a Trader would explain their absence but it doesn't really give us much to work with in terms of their identity luckily Laura sinek already had a committee a character selected and after doing my own research into the potential committee archetypes I definitely think they're right the archetype in question is regella now bergella is a particularly well developed archetype and in hindsight it's an odd character to ignore in part because of his notoriety he's a masterful liar with a clever tongue usually dressed in a white coat and he usually has facial hair but what stood out to me the most about him was the fact that he was most frequently cast as the owner of a Tavern a Tavern much like the one I'm sitting in right now you know Angel share the one run by D Luke but don't get it twisted D Luke is not a Harbinger he hates the fatoui goes out of his way to destroy their strongholds and mess up their plans he spent three years on it going undercover doing that he got banned from the country he literally was chased out and nearly died and plus the constellations don't match D Luke has an owl and there is no owl on the fatoui constellation wheel but what about if it was someone close to D Luke someone who we haven't seen a consolation for someone who also owned a Tavern maybe this tavern in other words D Luke's father crepus owner of a Tavern check facial hair check white coat well it's a vest but check and the best part about this is that crepus actually did have a delusion a really weird delusion too as it has a unique casing compared to the other delusions like tartalias and it doesn't appear to leverage Elemental energy at all instead it uses sigils to summon black fire and chains so fun fact about the hand of Glory it's actually a magic Candlestick the hand was supposed to hold a candle made from the fat of a criminal and the combination of this candle and the mummified hand would magically paralyze anyone who came near it so a candle for fire associations and chains for paralyzing enemies oh and did I mention that the hand of Glory was generally the left hand of the criminal it was severed from well guess which hand the delusion is worn on the left one I don't think crepus's death was an accident at all given their active operations in monstad it would only have been a matter of time before crepus had to face the music and that day just happened to fall on D Luke's 18th birthday while they were traveling by wagon of all things they could run into a thousand-year-old drake that fought the founder of the Knights of evonius a thousand years ago seems like a pretty unlikely one except that that's exactly what happened but this only happened because of the meddling of detori and his pesky little mechanical Birds those birds did something to put Ursa into a berserk mode and could very well have been responsible for the delusion backfiring on crepus and that might also be why his body turned to dust after the battle and didn't just you know stay intact like everyone else's this setup reeks of assassination to me in other words I think that the fatoui knew that crepus had turned traitor and decided to eliminate him before he could become a problem with crepus gone the Luke would have been left with a million questions and full access to everything his father owned it would have been pretty easy to learn more about the origins of the delusion or his father's Identity or role at that point in my head this makes a lot of sense D Luke tries to come to terms with his father's death and then uncovers the fact that the fatouli were responsible for it and then he swears revenge on the fatoui only to later find out that his father was also one of them and to squeeze some lemon juice into that open flesh wound this would have happened around the same time that Kaya decided to come clean about his potential role as a conry and spy finding out that both your adopted brother and your father are not who they say they are on the same day or at least in very close succession has to be pretty traumatizing so at that point it makes a lot of sense why D Luke would sell his father's Mansion move into the winery and make a three-year trip to schneznaya in search of answers wrecking so much havoc on fatoui strongholds that the harpenders had to mobilize against him to force him out of their country ironically at the end end of all that he wound up involved with an unknown third party from the north who brought him into their intelligence Network which he appears to still be running through angel's share effectively turning him into the successor of bergella but without the fatoui ties I'm gonna muddle the waters a little bit and point out that the patui are researching or at least have extended data on the unique delusion used by crepus and D Luke that much we know for sure but what is unclear is where the delusion actually came from and how the fatoui got the information in the first place the most likely answer is that the fatoui got the Intel through conflict with d Luke who may have taken it with him to schneznaya during his three years there it does make sense to study the Weaponry of your enemies after all but there are a couple of things that make this idea a little bit more unlikely de Luke's family the Rogen vendors have a long history extending back over 2 600 years and they played a pivotal role in the downfall of deck Arabian and this is the Ragan vendor responsible notice the red gem on his chest I know it's a stretch but it does look a lot like the delusion glove that crepus and D Luke use so could they be the same thing could this be the original delusion that the other fatoui delusions are based off of this would suggest that the delusion would be passed down from generation to generation of Ragan vendors eventually making its way into the hands of D Luke a dangerous family heirloom if you will I mean it could be a coincidence but like the thing is during the we will be reunited Quest we saw the upside down statue of seven hanging by purple chains and that has a lot of similarities to the Ragan vendor delusions chains that delusion ended up in the hands of one of the Tori's segments at the end of the manga so while it might seem like an unlikely connection remember that this statue went missing hundreds of years ago on the slim chance at the delusion and the statue are connected we have two possibilities here one possibility is that the Ragan vendors had relations with the abyss order which isn't too far-fetched since Kaya was left in their care we don't actually know if crepus knew anything about Kaya's Origins but it has always bothered me why Kaya's father chose the winery of all places to leave his son if the Ragan vendors had a connection to the abyss order say while working as double agents for the fatoui this might make more sense the second possibility is that the power in the Ragan Fender delusion is Abyssal in origin and that the abyss order has access to lots of little blockchain crystals like this one which then raises the question of where the heck The Ragin vendors got it from in the first place if they had it like 2600 years ago in all honesty I think a lot of these ideas are a little too interesting for however and they like to go the boring route so this theory is most likely the crackiest of all crack theories but I think it'd be kind of a wild twist if it ends up being true and it would totally explain why no one talks about the 10th Harbinger providing the original theory is true and Piero isn't a harpenter after all or is a harpinger and isn't the 10th and that's a lot of IFS okay time to prove myself Wrong by looking at some alternate theories one particularly popular one claims that the harbinger constellation wheel illustrates the order in which we fight each Harbinger counterclockwise starting from tertalia and this seems to check out since we have indeed already fought tartalia senora and Scaramouche in that order if that's the case then the next boss fight should be with the owner of the hand of Glory who according to my theory should be crepus and also dead so this video could end up pretty short-lived like on the one hand you can't really fight a dead man so if the order of boss battle Theory holds up then we either skip the claw and go straight to fighting colombina which I feel is really unlikely since she's number three and it feels way too soon or we find out the constellation belongs to like I don't know our lakino and we do get out with her instead but that brings me to a second counter Theory to this original Theory and I've dubbed it the foil Theory basically it works like this harbinger's on the constellation wheel are set opposite the harbinger they uh have beef with I guess is one way to put it let's take a look at an easy example scaramouche's constellation runs opposite of detores constellation and Scaramouche has sworn Revenge upon datori you see they got beef now you see that eight-pointed star in the center if you follow its points you can start to draw a bunch of other opposing lines with some interesting results according to the previous rankings chart that we made we'd have puccinella running counter to Capitano maybe a power struggle could be there then we have child running counter to what I will assume is the representation of the Sarita it could be an interesting potential plot development since he has worn absolute loyalty to her at this point in the story but then we have crepus against arloquina which makes absolutely no sense because they have nothing in common but it would make for a good case for the hand of Glory to not belong to crepus at all but instead to belong to arloquino with the crying mask then belonging to Piero in the Comedia Piero is known as the crying clown and his Rivals with arloquino so there could be something there you know and that does leave us with four Harbors left over columbina pantalonia sandrone and Senora they could run counter to each other or they may not have any counters at all this is kind of supported by the idea that Senora is dead now alternatively the fatoui consolation wheel might mean nothing at all and the assignments are random and I've just wasted a lot of time and that's also all my thoughts for now but while I thank you all and all my lovely YouTube members for watching this video and supporting this channel I'll let you in on a little side theory about the harpenders that I've been thinking about lately that really isn't enough to make its own video on I have been thinking that in addition to strength harbingers may also be ranked by how human they are the three lowest ranked would be child encrepest if true and pantalone who all appear to be pretty normal humans the Senora was also a normal human but she Twisted her form although she does appear to have been able to maintain some of her Humanity to a degree sandrone would be next and is also a big question mark but I'm wondering if she might be like semi-synthetic like Scaramouche and scarmouche always wanted a heart just like the humans all around him kind of making him human-ish but also not really and then we have puccinella above him and he appears to be human-like in species but a bit more likely so maybe like an elf of sorts so not human but human-ish then we have our lakino who has very much non-human Vibes followed by colombina who has very much Sealy Vibes and then to Tori who has totally cast aside his humanity and happily identifies as a monster and finally that leaves us with Capitano who is also a big question mark but he has no face and I feel like he's just a disembodied spirit in a suit of armor at this point so yeah just food for thought I guess anyway I thought that was a fun thing to share uh so thanks again for watching this video guys I'll catch you on the next one so um yeah take care see ya [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 182,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, theory video, hoyoverse, fatui harbingers
Id: yTARw6XjaiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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