[3.1] Lore Highlights - The Lore of Sumeru's Desert and Weinlesefest

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now I don't know who thought it would be a great idea to drop a massive region like this immediately after one of the biggest patch updates in the game's history but here we are now unlike version 3.0 where it was just like a lot of information that needed to get distilled uh 3.1 didn't have nearly as much information but they scattered it everywhere so it took a long time to collect but if you weren't here for the last highlights video here's how this works I have gone through all of the archon quest story Quest World quest and event quests and all of the ETC little notes scattered around the world and all other kind of stuff and I have distilled all of the important lore bits and compiled them into one handy video just for you but please keep in mind that this video is only meant to compile the things that we have learned and condense new information and it is not meant to be a quest recap I'm making this video assuming that you've either done all of the quests or watched somebody else do them now specifically though I am expecting you to have witnessed all of the quests that I have listed tested on screen right now pause the video double check the list if you're sensitive about spoilers because we're about to enter the spoiler Zone oh that was a long disclaimer okay uh time for the juicy stuff starting off with the sandstorms and the wall of Samuel it's a weird place to start I know but I want to amend something I said in my 3.1 analysis about how it was weird that there was a wall to keep out sandstorms when the desert sand is actually beneficial to Rainforest because it's very rich in nutrients as it turns out the sandstorms in sumero may also contain fertile sand but the storms that they're carried in are a manifestation of the withering so technically the wall of Samuel is built to keep out the withering storms and not the sand in fact it's possible that the Abyssal monsters like the rift wolves actually cause the sandstorm since the rift wolves were previously linked to the withering during the aranyaka quest and Candace just fights them during the sandstorm because when sandstorms come apparently monsters come that makes sense right now while the wall was built to Stave off these storms of death it's worth pointing out that the earthquakes that plague the desert are also considered to have the same source as the sandstorms namely the Marana or whatever the source of the Marana is right the sickness and the ear midsole now dipping a little bit into the theory territory for a second it's starting to seem like any and all natural and unnatural disasters can be caused by the Marana it's called the weathering in sumeru but I wonder if the holy soil bleaching in watatsumi island and the Eternal snowstorm in Dragon spine might also fall under the same category Marana straight up means death so it's possible that it can take any numbers of forms so long as it's destroying something fun fact the big red swirly thing above the Scarlet King's pyramid is actually a sandstorm of all things and there's another sandstorm-like tornado in the north of the desert that glows with a suspicious blue light that's awfully reminiscent of the glow of a Celestial nail now I repeat this Theory a lot and you can click this video here if you want to see the whole Theory but generally speaking I think Celestial nails are used to repel Abyssal leakage so having one in the middle of a freaking massive sand NATO that's probably caused by the abyss adjacent Marana monsters it might make a lot of sense now on a similar but kind of unrelated topic let's talk about this whole mad scholar thing so in the archon quest a bunch of mad Scholars got kidnapped in order to have their brain sucked out metaphorically by an Akasha headset the logic of this was kind of weird so let me see if I can't simplify it if you recall from the Lazo trailer datori said that Divine knowledge cannot be rationally comprehended Now by that logic knowledge that can be rationally comprehended is not Divine and therefore cannot be used to create an artificial god of wisdom which is what Scaramouche is supposed to be because a god of wisdom obviously needs Divine knowledge I guess more on that in a second but Scholars like capacia have been trying to connect their minds to the Earman sultry for a long time but most of those who succeed go mad the Assumption here is that those who went mad because of this must have made contact with Divine knowledge that they could not comprehend so it drove them mad so the Academia sucks it out of their brain stuffs it into a Divine knowledge capsule which we'll talk about in a bit again and feeds it to Scaramouche so that he can become their passive wisdom God Mecca machine thing yeah I don't follow it either but when they're not being kidnapped and having their brain sucked out the Mad Scholars are known to the people of aru Village as Village Keepers basically the Academia allows these mad Scholars to keep their Akasha terminal so they can track their whereabouts which is sketchy but that lets kusanali access their minds directly now while she can't restore their minds she can stabilize them and lend them her power remotely which can then be used to prevent damage from earthquakes and stuff to our village hence the whole village keeper thing right they're protecting it she uh can't stop the brain sucking though and that's how we get Divine knowledge capsules and obviously normal knowledge capsules except those come from you know normal people and ear minsel and not just mad Scholars but anyway according to Dory canned knowledge AKA knowledge capsules comes with some caveats which we were not aware about before first off just like your typical USB drive knowledge capsules can contain data of any kind even false data that's new information and this makes using them risky because inserting this false data directly into your brain makes it incredibly hard to forget in addition excessive use of knowledge capsules diminishes Your Capacity to think leading to a type of Madness and you can kind of think of this as a sort of drug that enhances your mental acuity beneficial at the correct dosage but dangerous outside of that now since we know the stages are extracting knowledge out of mad Scholars believing them to have Divine wisdom locked away in their muddled little Brains it's actually quite likely that there are many Divine knowledge capsules in circulation and at least some of them seem to Bear a message from Ruka devada or a warning but I have to wonder why is divine knowledge necessary to construct a God and why would something like a gnosis not be sufficient when gnosis literally means knowledge and it's like the heart of a God does that not make sense to anybody else like consider the case of Ruka devara and kusanali it's not entirely clear that Divine knowledge is needed so that means they either have it inherently or they just don't need it because it's not a real thing when the sage is found kusanali 500 years ago they expected her to be brimming with wisdom like naturally from the get-go just like their beloved Ruger Nevada except what they discovered was a very young God whose mind was only at the level of a normal human child this is a big deal because there are a few things we can learn from this first off the stages were disappointed in kusanali and therefore found her lacking because she wasn't up to Rook at about a standard like what kind of young baby God would be at that point whatever they believed her to be incapable of fulfilling the role of their god of wisdom and therefore decided to construct a brand new God that could fulfill the role rather than to attempt The Impossible and resurrect rootka Nevada or I guess have kusanali become smarter through other means does it not strike anyone else kind of weird that like knowledge capsules especially Divine ones could you know just be given to kusan Ali to make her smarter if she's already lacking like isn't that odd it just seems like you know a young God would be better to use as a basis than you know a puppet but anyway the second thing we can glean from this is that kusanali's current knowledge is a result of her own hard work and studies over the course of her 500 year long life meaning she required a manual process to gain wisdom and something like a gnosis which literally means wisdom like I mentioned before cannot actually make her wise otherwise it would have been used regardless of whether or not it was being used currently to power the Akasha because you know priorities deal what a new god of wisdom or do you want to shut down the Akasha for a little bit seems like a pretty even trade-off you know what I mean but the third thing we can infer from this little did bit is that Ruka devada and kusanali share some similarities to the aranara that was a leap I know I'm sorry if you don't remember the RNR I have powers that are directly tied to their memories an RNR that accrues a lot of memories can become an ashvata tree but using large amounts of power Burns through those memories causing them to forget things so it's like you know magic fuel sort of as it turns out rookette Avada shares this trait now towards the end of the archon quest we're shown an incident from several thousand years ago when the Scarlet King acquired Forbidden Knowledge and it brought disaster to the land Ruka devada couldn't save him but she was able to protect a lot of their people at the cost of an enormous amount of her power which caused her body to shrink now here's the thing this is not the first time we've seen this happen to a god during the moon chase Festival we learned that this also happened to goba as marcosius he used up all his power and regressed losing much of his intelligence and shrinking in size that sets a precedence for this to not just be a Ruka thing but a God in general thing which is something else we'll talk about probably in its own video but it is worth pointing out that this event with the Scarlet king would have had to take place about 2 000 years ago if not more which would be about the end of the Ark on war or even during the archon war meaning Ruka devada would not have been an archon yet this means this Ruka devada who looks to be about 25-ish physically reverted back into this body that looks to be about 14 ish physically and that was before she became the archon which might be why the statue of seven is too big to be kusanali it's not her it's like it's not the right proportions right it's a shrunken ruca Nevada which means it's very likely that the statues of seven are only made for the original archon and not the current one so anyway sorry that was a side note sorry Ruger Nevada shrunk once at least 2 000 years ago and then she shrunk again when she went to ear minsel so the question becomes why isn't kusanali considered Ruka Nevada what is it that kusanali lacks if anything because it might not be something because Divine knowledge again might not be necessary it might not be the difference between kusan Ali and ruga Nevada see the first time Ruka Nevada shrunk she still retained enough of her memory and power to also retain her identity just like Boba but the second time she shrunk she basically became a blank slate no memory means she has to make a completely new identity from scratch so she effectively becomes an entirely different person it's not a reincarnation it's not like a clone it's just a complete regression so you could argue that it's not that kusanali doesn't have Divine knowledge it's that she doesn't have the same level or amount of accrued knowledge that Ruger Nevada had and that also might mean that in uh you know distilling all of this questionable information that they don't understand from these mad Scholars that touched an infected tree that these uh uh sages might actually be further corrupting scarmouche even more than he already is which will probably make him less stable which is probably not a great thing so that's something to look forward to but regardless when it comes to Ruka Nevada and kusanali you're kind of left with a ship of Theseus situation basically this thought experiment posed that if you took a ship and you started to replace parts of the ship with new parts at what point is that ship no longer the same ship how much of a ship can you replace before it's not the same ship can you just replace a board or two um whole Hull a mast can you replace the whole thing and if you did replace the whole thing what if you took all of the discarded pieces and reconstructed it into a second ship which ship is technically the real ship the original one neither both you apply that logic to a person with their memories their personality their genetics their soul if you believe in that kind of thing and well the question becomes more like when do you stop being you or do you ever stop being you it's a big philosophical question like globa as Tiny as he is does still retain some memories of his time as marcosius as evidenced by him recognizing not only Xiao but also morax and morax recognized him among other things but that just means that globa never stopped being marcosius he just got a new nickname kusanali on the other hand doesn't remember anything so her new name is also representing her brand new identity so that's fun but you know it's not fun Eleazar before I sat down to make this video I was convinced that Eleazar and the hellatrol curse were the same thing do I still think that well yes and no so in the abandoned hospital and the ruin Gollum in the valley of Dari you can find notes describing diseases that sound fairly similar to each other but with some notable differences we know the cases in the hospital are elazar but the ones in the Dari Golem are a little bit more unclear although a lot of the symptoms and the descriptions in the notes seem to be describing a hill of trolls so I'm in favor of assuming that this is describing the process of turning into a hillateral especially based on where you find these notes now if you compare the symptoms of elazar to the symptoms that are described in these notes that I think belong to hilatrobe cursing you'll find that some of them overlap to illustrate my point symptoms for elazar include ulceration on the body scabs that turn into dark gray scales loss of mobility and eventual paralysis fatigue loss of appetite fever vomiting and abnormal levels of Elemental energy in the body now symptoms for the hilateral curse include facial ulceration peeling skin language impairment mental deterioration proliferation of hair growth necrosis in the limbs and hallucinations do you can see that there's some overlap here but it's not quite enough of an overlap to call them the same ailment however this idea of increased Elemental energy in the body from elazar lines up with the theory I had about Elemental energy being similar to radiation in terms of how it behaves I'll leave a link in the description to that video if you're interested but Lazar lines up really well with the symptoms of radiation poisoning which include blisters and ulcers on the skin vomiting fever hair loss loss of appetite disorientation atrophy of the body skin peeling and fibrosis mostly geloids as you can see the three elements have quite a bit more overlap which suggests they're at least related or they at least have the same root cause which is excessive Elemental energy in the body now they may have the same root cause but the differences in symptoms are most likely due to variations in the type of exposure the duration of the exposure and the amount of energy the patient was exposed to in my opinion a hilly curse seems to be a more severe variation than Eleazar since it can't be treated now I want to reiterate that Eleazar is known to be a manifestation of the withering and it was also the result of King deshret's pursuit of forbidden knowledge that infected the land because it only appeared after he did that now most assume that this weathering means it sucks the life out of a place but it is equally possible that the withering is the exact opposite and is simply overloading areas with elemental energy it's little similar to how you can dump an entire container of fertilizer onto a plant the fertilizer might actually be good for the plant but in that high of a dose it'll actually overload the plant it'll burn the roots and the plant will then wither seeing as Eleazar and high levels of Elemental energy in the body have a causal link we might be more inclined to view the withering zones as areas where Ley lines are bleeding and therefore leaking out too much energy which is you know causing the plants to overload it's like poisoning almost anyway this topic deserves an entire video on its own but this will just have to do for now okay let's shift gears and talk about the golden Slumber Quest and King deshret AKA The Scarlet King which is the name I'm going to be using for consistency's sake now if you read any of the books that were released in 3.0 none of the information in the golden Slumber Quest will be new none of it basically none of it the desert mostly cleared up a lot of confusion confirmed some theories and added some Nuance to some of the actions but like on the whole not a whole lot that's new here well there's like a lot to infer from like a deep lore side of things but that's not the purpose of this video so we're not doing that today the quest itself is basically just a running commentary on how academics can grossly misinterpret the history of a location or people while they dismiss the inherited knowledge of the local population for example tearzod suggests that the sun and the eye here symbolize the Scarlet King and that he's being propped up by Seven Pillars however elsewhere we learned that the Scarlet King actually had seven Apostles so this mural is depicting people and not pillars I think this will be an ongoing theme in game which is the only reason why I'm bringing it up as for the nuancy bits of critical information that got confirmed those mostly had to do with the relationship between Ruka Nevada the goddess of flowers and the fate of the Scarlet King basically the Scarlet King and Ruger Nevada were friends well over 2 000 years ago I'm gonna estimate at least 2500 years ago but it could be a lot longer ago and anyway these three co-ruled the entire region of sumeru along with another God the goddess of flowers nilu's outfit is based off of her now at some point the goddess of flowers willingly went to her death we don't know why and the Scarlet King went mad with grief and had decided to pursue the dream of an eternal Utopia free of suffering this sounds familiar this endeavor led him to discover Forbidden Knowledge which looks an awful like Abyssal Black Chasm mud which he then used to separate his mind from his body only to then merge his mind with the millions of other minds of his people creating what we know of as the golden slumber don't ask me how it works I don't know he could have been sucked into the abyss or a Subspace or who knows what it's the one thing I wanted to learn more about and then we just don't so yeah anyway Again The Forbidden Knowledge he sought which looks a hell of a lot like the chasm Stark mud leaked out into the world causing Untold disaster which also sounds familiar because it sounds just like the cataclysm now Ruka devada used up a great deal of her power trying to contain it in order to save the people which caused her to revert to a much younger form of herself I promise I will go into much greater depth on the Scarlet King in the actual story and everything else in another video but like there's a lot to the story not necessarily new that was revealed here it is just not worth going over in you know like a highlights video so we're not gonna do that today anyway oh one thing I do want to say though is that I think we can safely assume that in genshin ancient astronaut theory is alive and well again more on that in another video alrighty my little dudes it's time for the rapid fire round this is a round where we just go off and rattle off a lot of tiny little lore bits that have no real long explanational sections we're gonna start off with the Akasha system as it turns out this system can take previously acquired data sets and use them to predict new data sets just like a supercomputer that's fun I'm kind of fascinated by this because they used it to predict cyano's movements during the archon quest but that's not why it's interesting see the Akasha and the earmansil parallel each other in a lot of ways like they have a lot of little similarities so I'm sitting here wondering if the Akasha can predict the future based on past data is it possible that the earmansil is doing the same thing just which a you know like a much larger data set and a much greater processor in capacity right like what if the Earman cell isn't actually responsible for a true and absolute fate like our constellations might suggest but is instead predicting fate based on past memories and actions I think that's very fun food for thought I want to revisit this idea at some point we'll see how that goes oh I bet most of you though were surprised at the lack of Scaramouche in this video there are two reasons for that first none of the information presented here was technically new in fact I've covered most of it in previous videos so if you want details on his backstory or anything else I will leave some links in the descriptions that you can check out but secondly y'all are gonna be sick of hearing me talk about him once 3.2 comes so I'm just gonna spare you guys that pain for right now all right however however there is one thing I'd like to touch on in regards to his Daydream cutscene which is a bit of a nice ironic new name when you remember that his mom's teaser was named nightmare but anyway that that thing is the place Scaramouche was discarded in this cutscene the cutscene suggested he was discarded in the slumbering court on Sarai Island but I'm like 70 sure that this is an animation error the rest of his lore places him at the sake Pavilion which he identifies as his home in his artifact set as well as you know kanazuka it would be really odd although not impossible for him to be left at Sarai Island and then like you know hit a ride with pirates or something fleeing the Thunderbird I guess but there's just no evidence of him being there apart from this one scene and there's also no evidence that artifact domains share any lore relevance location wise with the stories in the sets that they have this would be a first so I'm skeptical again not impossible but also not likely we'll talk more about this in 3.2 when we do a complete scar Mish analysis I just want to touch on it it is an understatement to say a lot of people have pointed out how similar Sino is to Razer from their hair and eye colors to their head geared to their Vision placements and the belts hanging off their waist and even similar tattoos and play Styles due to them both being possessed by a wolf or dog Spirit razer's even wearing a sumeru fabric for his shirt alright that said I don't think they're actually related but I do think it's possible that the spirits that possess them are related see Sino is obviously possessed by a spirit akin to the Jackal god of death Anubis but did you know that Anubis had another doggy relative his name was wepowet I hope I said that right and he was often Associated and confused with Anubis by academics since they have similar roles in Egyptian mythology I just thought that was a neat tidbit and light of learning about how razer's parents were adventurers it's possible that Razer was actually born in sumeru because of that and that's how he got that spirit okay we already knew that the wind was related to time because the god of time istoroth is also known as the Thousand wins but venti being venti loves to make himself even more suspicious every time he shows up during the vine Laser Fest uh aventis summoned The Winds of the far-flung past which more or less meant that he carried messages or words from the past into the present that's a special skill we did not know he had I love the Little Orbits here and it's nice to see dulu's Dad was actually really proud of him and that kaia's father didn't really want to leave him behind that it's always been kind of weird to you know look at like the bartending event and say oh you know D Luke's dad was really hard on him he must not have been like a really caring father and then you know kaiya's father left him behind so you know he must have actually abandoned him and not felt too bad about it or you know he wanted to be a child spy or Soldier or whatever and it's just nice to see that that's not the case okay I I like that but it's also worth noting that Kaya's father didn't sound anything like Piero so I don't think the whole Piro is Kaya's dad theories gonna hold much water anymore so Piero for Kaya's grandfather Theory let's go Oh and before I forget about venti you know how we usually get an Albedo event in December along with his rerun well that's not happening this year Albedo is getting a rerun now in October which means that we will most likely not be getting an event with him this winter now I know venti also just had a rerun but he was kinda sketchy in the event saying that he's The North Wind and The North Wind usually hibernates in the winter so I'm wondering if something will happen to Venti in December this year where he kind of just poofs maybe we'll get some ventilore but not from Venti suspicious so I had a couple of fun thoughts about the Tory I wanted to share the Clone in the archon quest was labeled Omega build which is kinda sketchy for two reasons first the Greek lettering has only appeared in N kanamiya prior to this so apparently dittore knows a language used by a unified civilization that's kinda sketchy and second there are 24 letters in the Greek alphabet meaning datori may have up to 24 clones since Omega is literally the last letter in that alphabet so 24 to tories is yikes okay in the same breath as en kanamiya it's very likely that the Scarlet King civilization was also part of the unified civilization spoken about in konamiya the two share a lot in common when it comes to architecture and they do slot nicely together in terms of timeline and geography Greece which is what encarimia was based on was quite involved historically with Egypt after all there is a lot to be said for the shared gameplay mechanics around the time dilations and invisible time traveling wall thingies too it just seemed seems like the desert had a lot more technology that was able to be preserved than encanomea did that could potentially mean that the ruins in the desert are older than 4 000 years there is another very popular theory about El Haytham being a Reincarnation of the Scarlet king or something similar because his eyes match the eye of the Scarlet King so well now I'm hesitant to buy Into The Reincarnation Theory but I do think it's possible he inherited something from the Scarlet king or like Candace is a descendant I wanted to point it out because Dia also has similar coloring as does Candace Al Haytham has the Scarlet King's pupil DIA has the iris and Candace has the purple Outer Rim will they mean anything who knows still worth thinking about but outside of the eye part of the Scarlet King we have this black star typically with eight primary points now the thing is this symbol has mostly been associated with conria prior to this and more recently the abyss order the dark serpent Knights and the abysslings have the Black Star on their chests and War banners and half Dan also has it on his military uniform now you pair this idea with the multiple references to the people of Dari who are conrians and you realize it's quite possible that sumero is more closely connected to conria than we've thought or that any other nation is which is weird because we thought that was monstat before especially since daneslift states that in the chasm the architecture we associate with encanomea resembles the architecture in conria and since we already established that the enkonomiya architecture and the desert architecture are quite similar with some minor Regional differences conria could be an offshoot of this civilization and therefore have a a similar architectural style you can also kind of see it in their robots which while they use different languages to do so both contain the same kinds of writing along their rims anyway fun food for thought my brain is going to be so full so stuffed full anyway alrighty guys that's all for me for now I'll be back with some proper theories very very very soon so stay tuned pace yourself and try not to get lost in the infinite underground hunting for bugs there are so many tunnels why are there so many tunnels [Music] [Music]
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 199,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game theory, genshin impact theory, genshin impact, mihoyo, theory video, game lore, genshin lore, sumeru, scarlet king
Id: 4jI764-4z6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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