[3.5] Is Childe Descended From Mondstadt Nobility? - Genshin Impact Character Inspiration Analysis

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why does child use Talent books from monstat like he has no connections to monstat that I'm aware of and we first met him in liwa his entire Arc thus far has been in leeway with a couple of event locked Inazuma cameos but like seriously this schneznayan native has never been to monstad so why does he use monstat books believe it or not the answer to this question is actually found in some pretty unlikely places specifically in child's real world fictional and mythological Inspirations as well as genius invocation TCG believe me I know how bizarre this sounds but one simple TCG card sent me on a journey to a rather unexpected destination one that not only answered some lingering questions I had about the youngest of the fatoui harbors but also one that gave me a lot more appreciation for him and by the end of this inspiration analysis maybe you'll appreciate him a little more too so let's get to it then my name is ashikai and allow me to welcome you to the very first episode of inspired by let's start off by answering my initial question why does child use monstat Talent books when he has nothing to do with monstat and what does that have to do with genius invocation TCG it's a bit of a stretch but hear me out several of the artifact cards in TCG have semi-rendered portraits of historical characters that are featured within the artifact's lore and we know these aren't random design choices because some cards like archaic Petra which talk about morax in the card also look like morax obviously there are more examples like how the emblem of severed fate tells the story of an Oni that Ito is thought to be descended of and it looks a bit like Ito and we've also got the Crimson Witcher Flames which is quite literally an undisputably Senora I I just I don't feel like I really need to go over all of these do I like you get the idea but with that in mind if we take a look at the heart of depth artifact who exactly does this look like if you ask me this card looks a lot like child which is very interesting because the character that this card should be depicting is a historical figure known as parsiful and parsiful is from monstat now parsiful is a pain in the butt for most lore bugs because he's literally everywhere in monstatler you cannot Escape him he's an alley flash wine and song Heart Of depth the favonius series Skyward spine Dragon spine tales of the ways like you cannot escape this guy he's everywhere here's all you really need to know about parsifal he was a figure from monstat's aristocracy period who gave up his position of heir to his family in order to become a phantom Thief a literal Robin Hood robbing the rich to give to the poor with his trusty Ali Hunter Beau and Ali flash sword he fell in love with a woman we know only as the blue-eyed spear witch who loved him back but later resented him because his actions scarred her body for Life remember her for later because she's actually really important later on Percival would be betrayed by his brother Eberhard who wanted to become the heir to the family in his stead and were not entirely clear on the details but this betrayal caused parsifal to become an alcoholic exchanging his dream of being a phantom Thief for the job of a chief mate on a ship which eventually led to his assumed death in a battle against a kraken at sea heart of depth is actually the telling of his post betrayal life at Sea so you know that's why he's wearing that uniform now I am completely aware that connecting two characters based only on the fact that they have similar hair is absolutely ridiculous at best and I was totally gonna write it off as a fun little coincidence and then I realized that child's specialty dish has a description that reads it looks like a trapped Beast floundering in an ocean of blood its death throws an inaudible scream and the creature in question looks a lot like the Kraken that killed parsifal this scene is eerily similar to a story that's told of parsifal's final battle with the Kraken that sank his ship and killed him I don't know about you but two coincidences is enough to make me wonder what if child's family is actually descended from parsifal that would make him a native monster which would explain why he would use Freedom books right Monster books to prove this we're gonna need a little bit more evidence so with that in mind let's talk about parsifal not the character from monstat mind you but the inspiration for the character from monstat and see the name parsiful is actually a variant of the name Percival who was a knight of the Arthurian round table which is incredibly relevant to monster because monset is full of Arthurian Legend references however the name parsiful more closely connects the character to the Opera of the same name parsiful now this Opera was written by a man named Wagner and Wagner also wrote The Ring cycle Opera which is incredibly important to gentian as it's the inspiration for Ryan daughter and a ton of conrion related stuff and you know Percival is not really any different the story of the parsifal Opera actually introduces a character named am Fortis who in genshin is actually a Connery and soldier that you can read about inside of the giant ruin Golems but in the Opera and Fortis is the fisher king also known as someone who protects the Holy Grail the Arthurian Legends in the Holy Grail are important to genshin for a lot of reasons which I go into a lot more detail on in these two videos however the details surrounding why it's important isn't all that relevant to child all you really need to know is that monstat is very Arthurian Legend inspired and this coupled with the Connery and ties that are rooted in the work of Wagner and Ryan daughter's then connection to konria Wagner and the hexen circle which is also a monstat Affiliated you can start to see why the story and character of parsiful which was an opera written by Wagner might be a bit more important than it would appear to be at first blush but how does parsiful then relate to child well fun fact impossible in the Opera is called the fool which should immediately raise some eyebrows among fatui fans since fatui literally means fools but in addition to this the Comedia character tartalia belongs to the archetype known as the zani a name which means clownish wacky or foolish and sure I submit that the zany also included the likes of arloquino puccinella Piero and Scaramouche but none of them look like parsifal and if that's not enough for you note that in the Opera parcel is closely tied to a magic holy Spear and one variant of his name parador quite literally means spear genjen's parsiful however used a bow and a sword but child uses a bow turns it into two swords then smashes those swords together to make a spear now funnily enough the spear is the most important thing about him here okay so in my hexen circle video I pitched the idea that child's Abyss teacher the swords woman skirk was actually one of their number now I base this idea on two things the first is that many of the hex and circle members seem to be inspired by characters in Greek mythology especially if they were witches I then suggested that skirk may therefore be Cersei because Kirky is how you would kind of pronounce Cersei in Greek because C's and K's are somewhat interchangeable this coupled by the idea that she was also a witch known to transform people into beasts solidified the idea for me since skirk was the one who taught child how to do the foul Legacy transformation what I did not mention is that her most notable appearance is in Homer's The Odyssey a story about Odysseus who was a sailor and a warrior just like genjen's parcel ended up being Cersei was also considered a cautionary tale against drunkenness and merciful was a raging alcoholic while cerseus did transform all of Odysseus's men into swine he did manage to convince her to undo the magic and then they all party together for a year after which she actually helped him so she wasn't entirely an antagonist the child's primary connection to Greek mythology comes from his real name which is Ajax and based on the fact that his little brother is named tuser we can therefore deduce that he's based specifically on Ajax the great the second strongest hero to fight in the Trojan War alongside the likes of Achilles and Odysseus and fun fact Ajax the great got stabbed during this war by poison Spear and that made him stronger so the operatic parsiful had a magic spear his other name peridu also meant Spear and then Ajax the great was stabbed by Poison's magic ocean Spear and child is a hydro unit that has a spear this means nothing until we look at skirk's second most likely inspiration which is based on her relationship with child and that inspiration comes in the form of the warrior woman known as katyak scotiak was the martial teacher of kukullen one of the strongest Warriors ever to exist in Irish folklore it was prophesized early on that kukullen would accomplish really great things but live an incredibly short life and boy did that sure end up being true Cullen was a beast on the battlefield quite literally he actually had a transformation ability that just kind of made him into a monster some say one of his eyes would pop out of his head and that he'd triple in size that his skin would turn red and that blood would shoot from his forehead or that his organs would be on the outside of his skin it was basically just a Berserker mode that was unique to him and I can't find any source that says he was taught how to use it he just had it naturally either way this transformation ability is basically a perfect parallel for child's foul Legacy transformation especially the whole one-eye thing now when he was still very young KU Cullen was taken in by the legendary Warrior woman that we've already established is scotiak she trained him in the martial arts and eventually gifted him a spear known as the gay bull this spear is incredibly important because KU Cullen was the only one she ever taught how to use it it was unique to him now the gay bulge is described as a hooked Spear and hey look at look at that you see you see child's spear here it's hooked like a harpoon it's an ocean spear and if you look closer at its unique design you might notice that it's eerily similar in style to the stone weapons littered around encanomea which was a civilization based on ancient Greece and I think that's why scottyak and Cersei are both Inspirations for skark it's kind of like how Alice can both be inspired by Alice in Wonderland and also Eris the goddess of Discord now I realize most of this video probably just felt like me spewing a bunch of random fun facts about child's potential inspiration and none of it really seems to tie back to my original point which was that child might be descended from parsiful and that's why he uses monstat Talent books so let's tie this all together shall we the code name child comes from an archaic term which means youth of noble birth and sometimes it means that the person has not yet achieved Knighthood the first meeting carries over in Chinese the second I'm not entirely sure about it probably doesn't now it's an odd code name when you think about it if only because Ajax the character was not of noble birth as far as we know but parsiful was and his operatic inspiration was the night Percival and child's specialty dish well it's a bloody cooked octopus that gets compared to a terrifying sea monster you know like the Kraken that parsiful presumably died fighting and do you remember that blue-eyed woman that parsifal fell in love with and who loved him back but later resented him yeah she's called a witch several times in fact she's called the blue-eyed spear witch now skirk as Cersei is a witch skirk as scatiaka gives her student the gay bold spear the blue eyed spear Witch is known for crafting the Crescent Pike and it like the gay bulg functioned like a javelin like a harpoon and this witch who loved parsifal took on his brother as her disciple and trained him only for him to kill her and you know she may have been said to be dead but her eyes are explicitly said to be blue like Childs and child looks a lot like the portrait of parciful who also has that short fluffy red hair so what if the blue-eyed spear witch who knew magic didn't actually die what if she knew enough magic to revive herself or to be revived by a friend it's not as if we don't have a story that's kind of like that that was suspected to have been written by ander's Daughter a member of the hexen circle of which the blue-eyed spear witch may have been a member this book is called hex and Hound and it tells the story of a witch with blue eyes and blonde hair who lived in monstat during the era of aristocracy just like parsifal this witch knew light magic powerful enough to resurrect the dead and she shared a body with her sister who also knew this spell in fact it's revealed in volume 9 that this blue-eyed witch named Magdalene is already dead she had been revived by her sister not frigga and she reveals this to a man of noble birth whom she had earlier turned into a hound and who would later travel alongside her now it's worth pointing out that KU Cullen's name was not originally kukullen it was Satanta he only got the name kukullen because he killed the guard Hound of the blacksmith named Cullen to repay this dead of his Satanta said he would become Cullen's Hound until he could raise a new one and therefore took the name kukulen which literally means The Hound of Cullen and seeing as most of the fictional books in Kenshin especially the ones written by Andrew's daughter and the rest of the hexen circle are meant to be more allegorical in nature in order to resist erminzel tampering it's therefore possible that hex and Hound might be a story Loosely related to the story of Scotia the spear wielding Warrior woman who raised a boy named after a Hound that would make scotiak skirk and child Coupe Cullen but it also implies that skirk might have been descended from or actually been parsifal's lover the blue eyed spear witch which means it's entirely possible that child is in some ways a son of a witch and the descendant of parsiful and might have been taught how to fight in the abyss by his ancestor I just think that's neat and that concludes today's episode so what did you guys think of the new format do you like these mini deep dives into The Inspirations of child and other characters if you did be sure to let me know you guys have expressed a great interest in some of my past character analyzes videos so I thought it was high time I started to make some more this is probably as deep as any of them will go though because comprehensive character analyzes are a true labor of love and take an incredible amount of time and energy to produce which just isn't feasible with the amount of characters in this game I'll be doing more of these as the mood strikes me no set release dates no method of character selection but it's uh you know nice to have surprises don't you think anywho that's all from me for today a very special thank you to all my channel members for supporting me and everything I do and a wholehearted thanks to you lovely viewer for making it all the way to the end of this video you're all the best thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you all in the next episode of inspired by take care guys foreign
Channel: Ashikai
Views: 71,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, hoyoverse, game theory
Id: cPUcllAoxFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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