30 Days Of Glory Sunday 1st Service: 4-8-2019 | Day 25

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[Music] well the privilege to learn to be equipped the privilege to grow in grace grow in knowledge and we thank you that you're what comes with clarity this morning whatever is not planted by God is rooted out yolks and bodies are destroyed your people are built up equipped edified Jesus is glorified and by the end of this service no one lives there the same where they came we give you praise glory and honor for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen what a welcome every one of you joining us where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube Instagram and all the platforms and all our campuses around the world is still 30 days of glory and we're excited to have everybody connecting this morning get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I have a powerful a man anybody excited about the gift of eternal life in this building can we celebrate the gift of life with a shout glory amen whoa you can be sitting with your sheets myself let's get in the world this morning in glory to God many things to say and I will say them because you can be Adam Hebrews chapter 2 verse number one Hebrews chapter two verse number one therefore we are to give them more energy to the things which we have heard less at any time we shall let them sleep or less at any time thus the original does the original original is less at any time we should drift away from them it is not the word that sleeps it is we that drifts away from the world less and any time we should drift away from them now look at the emotions next verse verse two for if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward talking about the Old Testament next verse how shall we escape if we neglect as a keyword here the word neglect it means to overlook or to treat lightly or to take on serious or to look down on if we neglect so great salvation our our escape from the law Allah escape from the punishment of the law our escape from sin and its consequences will be the so great salvation so our escape route is salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard the word salvation in the Greek lap we've said is a watch so tyria sotiria you can use the word Sozo also it implies preservation deliverance safety it also implies wholeness so is a compound word used to teach different concepts in the scripture salvation is for all God wants everybody saved salvation it's God's plan for all of humanity that is God's plan the book of festival chapter 2 verse 1 fest emoji chapter 2 verse 1 Exodia for but first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men next verse for kings and for all the time in authority now we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty now pay attention to verse 3 for this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior why is it good and acceptable who will have all men that would all if your Bible was mine is a good place to underline all God will have all men to be saved so we know the will of God the will of God is man to be saved who will does the will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth so far as 2 timothy an extremity to pray you know further in verse 8 give us it of same chapter verse 8 I will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting the prayer will be for all men to be saved so he's instructing Timothy to pray for all men and to pray for people to be saved until she was already a bishop so salvation is not just a foundation class is actually the crux of the gospel of Christ salvation is a crock does the message Timothy is the one responsible for the spiritual growth of Christians and brother Paul says to Timothy to pray that these people will be saved especially people in authority because God wants everybody in authority to be saved everybody every human being on earth even if you came from a family with native doctors and your mother was in native shrine or a Jeju priests or a charity for witchcraft God wants both her and everybody around you to be saved that's God's plan for everybody not for people to die not for people to be wasted but for people to be saved because God loves man hallelujah so the plan of salvation is not a selective plan matter doesn't preclude anybody and it does not exclude anyone it's not selective it's not inclusive and it's not exclusive it's not selective it's not inclusive and it's not exclusive and you will find out if in a bit Who I am give you this fundamentals this morning that's her brother Paul acts teamollie to pray for them in authority to come to salvation 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 9 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 9 the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing not willing does we love God again not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance any should perish that's a good place to underline not willing that any should perish and we read you know the the connotation of the gospel in mark 16:15 going to all the world and preach the gospel to every creature every creature preach the gospel to every creature to all the world all the world every creature all the world every creature go and preach the gospel to every creature go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature disciple nations all the world every creature disciple nations nobody excluded nobody precluded nobody selected is all the world every creature all nations can I hear powerful amen alright let's proceed so Jesus wants everybody to be saved because he's the ransom oh another word for ransom is old propitiation is a propitiation for the world in first John chapter 2 verse 2 first John chapter 2 verse 2 and is a propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also the sins of the whole world is the propitiation for the sins of the whole world so he lets you know that Jesus did not die for those in charge Jesus died for the whole world john 3:16 so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life Romans chapter 10 verse 13 many scriptures this morning but good for your health Romans chapter 10 verse number 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved shall be saved so Jesus makes salvation available to all of humanity nobody's a screw that nobody's precluded I know that there are certain things in the scriptures that seems to make it look like some people are special but in the course of study this morning we will demystify those places because the plan of God is salvation and this salvation plan is for everybody the whole world God does not take pleasure in the death of the weekend no it doesn't even pleasure he is never happy when the recap dies because when a wicked man dies that guy is lost forever and God wants everybody he loves man praise God all right now we know that time began when creation took place we've established that the only thing that predator time is dating himself he alone predated time we've already ruled on the there's nothing like the pre-adamic creature because that is unscriptural that is not doctrinal you come you can find it anywhere in the Bible and the scriptures forms of a conviction they are profitable for teaching and profitable for reproof which is evidence of conviction so if Genesis has the beginning then Genesis is the beginning and there is no pre Genesis experience anywhere time began in Genesis and God is the only infinite one so God is the only one that existed before Genesis chapter 1 Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 Colossians chapter 1 verse 16 give us an audio on that Michael by him we're all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him so none of this existed before him for by by him not before him not with him by him we're all things created that are in heaven bought heaven and the things in heaven and when I when I go like this I'm not pointing to the sky I'm pointing to the RAM that is out of material reach because award a heaven does not mean geographical location the original connotation of the word heaven is immaterial that which cannot be held with matter so it's not a location in the sky it's a ram here that your hand cannot hold heaven it's not sky it's not our flyaway or glory there's no flying anywhere is it ran in material that's the meaning of the word heaven right now so created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible invisible all created when are they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him oh not some things now so Satan was not created Lucifer was created Satan was not created you will never find the creation of Satan in Genesis God never created Satan God created Lucifer all right and we saw in Isaiah we saw in Ezekiel that Lucifer you know was created in Eden and the book of second Corinthians he tells us that the god of this world has blinded so he became the god of this world by the fall of Adam so the fall of Adam was of fall of Lucifer which was the rise of Satan the fall of Adam was a fall of Lucifer which was the rise of Adam are we still in the building I'm just trying to make sure you have all of the fundamentals in place all right now so salvation is for all Adam is the man foreseen as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin now listen carefully and if you want to write this is a good one to write so the concept of salvation should be seen through Jesus should be seen through Jesus the moment you look at salvation outside of Jesus you begin to look at experiences and some people believe that salvation is personal but salvation is not personal salvation is for everybody and one of the decision to receive salvation is personal the grace to save is not personal the decision to receive salvation is personal but the grace to save is not personal that will be explained shortly because salvation is for everybody and salvation is for all can somebody show the powerful Amen all right now please stay with me Ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 Ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 read for me for this cause I bow my knees unto the father of our Lord Jesus Christ next verse 15 of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named 16 that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner man 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith that ye being rooted and grounded in love now hold that ye being rooted and grounded in love he but ye be rooted and grounded in love God wants you to be rooted and grounded in law now is it not the same Radha Paul who prayed for the church at Colossae that they should also be rooted and grounded rooted and growl now now put your finger in Ephesians 3:17 flip with me to Colossians Colossians chapter 2 verse number 6 read for me Colossians 2:6 as we have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk in him the same way you receive Christ Jesus the Lord for same way you walk in him you now receive Christ Jesus the Lord in a different way and walk in him in a different way you don't receive Christ by grace and walk in him by walks as you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord so walk he in him next verse now pay attention rooted and built up in him in him rooted and built up in him and stablished in the faith as you have been taught you cannot be rooted you cannot be grounded you cannot be established if you are not taught as you have been taught so to be rooted and grounded will be a by-product of teaching as you have been taught abounding therein with Thanksgiving read for me the next class next verse quickly beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world are not so a man can actually be in charge and all he will receive all his life is philosophy their deceit tradition of men and the rudiments of this world and there are churches whose syllabus is just all of this I mention they have philosophy in that church they have vain deceit in that church they have a lot of traditions in that church traditions of men and they are they are particular about the rudiments of this war thus all they have in their chosen syllabus and they call it a charge Sunday morning philosophy a little philosophy think positive if you can think it you can have it if you can fake it you can make it don't give up it's not over until it's over and it will philosophy now that it doesn't message for that Sunday then after that did not have vain deceit a little falling on the ground a little vomiting on the ground a little crawling like a snake on the ground additional to philosophy then after that the tradition of man Mother's Day Father's Day grandma must a rice beans all over a charge okay a little bit of that tradition of man then everything there is about the rudiments of this world what kind of resources you wear what kind of car did you drive the choice what kind of house do you have what kind of money your and that's all they call charge and brother per se you can have all of that without Christ and not after Christ it is called spoil you are stripped you are stripped caricature is be made of your entire existence beware beware and the reason why you should beware is because all of these kind of things are going to be all over the place now look at the previous verse he says he says in verse 7 for 7 verse 7 rooted and built up where in him and established in the faith as you have been taught as you've been taught as you're being taught I shall being taught you'll be rooted as you're being taught you're being grounded as you're being taught you're being established a movable unshakable nobody can carry about as you have been taught now Flippa to Ephesians chapter four I'm in chapter three verse 17 now don't forget rooted grounded as you have been taught rooted grounded in him as you have been taught that Christ may dwell in your heart by faith that you being rooted and grounded in him in love is in him rooted and grounded in love in him as you have been taught simply now read for me verse 18 that's what I'm heading to may be able to comprehend with All Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height now so you can comprehend we can comprehend with All Saints the breadth the land the height the dance mix verse 19 and to know the love of praise and to know the love of Christ we can know the love of Christ and we can know the love of Christ to the degree that we can even measure the love of Christ we can know the love of Christ so well that we can measure the length of that love we can measure the breadth of that love we can measure the height of that law it is not love we do not know it is love we know and we know that not enough to measure it - no - no to come to a place of precise knowledge of the love of Christ the love of Christ so we're going to do some work here in the next few minutes so we're looking at the breath the breath of that love or another word for breath is the width of God's love the width what is the width of goose love or how wide is the love of God because you cannot talk about salvation outside of God's law how wide is the love of God because some folks make you believe that the love of God is restricted the love of God is conditional some people preach that the God is a God of love but at the same time is a destructive God don't try him so they give you a dwell revelation or a dual picture of a God who is suffering from bipolar a God who is mentally agitated a God that cannot be trusted or relied upon a God that you cannot trust because you don't know which moment he will come up with fury and disaster but that's not my god that's not the father of our Lord Jesus Christ that's not the father of glory the father of glory is consistently constantly constant God is light and in him there is no darkness at all God has only a single identity God has only a single identity and that is what the gospel is about to defend and to unveil the single identity of the father so that his children will know him enough trust him rely on him and be able to predict their father because they know him well hallelujah so we will know by the Spirit of God what is the width of God's love and we will know the land of God's love the depth of God's love and the height of the sloth so let's begin with the breadth of God's law the breadth or the width of God's law salvation is called grace grace salvation grace is the width of salvation the width of salvation is called grace Hebrews chapter 3 verse 2 every Jews read says how shall we escape if we neglect to verse three Hebrews 2 verse 3 says how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation the breath or the width is Grace and I would love to borrow somebody's definition of grace a Bible scholar his is Grace and he rightly defined it he defines grace as God's riches at Christ's expense God's riches at Christ's expense God's riches at Christ's expense the minute you can define grace I'll said Jesus you have fallen into deep error the moment you can define grace outside Jesus you have fallen into deep error because grace can only be seen from Jesus to Jesus from Jesus to Jesus so I will take a cue from that definition and look at grace simply as what Christ has done what Christ has done that's grace what Christ has done so if you see grace from that point you will understand what is available to everybody grace is what Christ has done like the teacher sees God's riches at Christ's expense means grace is not free like that it's not free like that because grace is paid for at Christ's expense grace is paid for so God's riches at Christ's expense defines what Christ has done what Christ has done so if you don't see grace from what Christ has done you begin to see grace from an individualistic point of view you begin to measure grace by individuals like I said that will amount to deep error so all were found in Adam has seen us row master of the five verse 12 to 14 read for me 12 to 14 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned next verse 4 until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law next verse nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that's had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of him that's what's to call next verse 15 now pay attention to verse 15 but not as the offence so also is the free gift for if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ abounded unto many 16 and not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift but the judgment was by one to condemnation but the frigate is of many offenses on suggesting the free gift is of many of fancies oh my goodness unto justification many offenses give me verse 17 for it by one month offence death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ they shall reign alive by one Jesus Christ so let's begin from Romans chapter 3 first before we get to 5 the first week of God's salvation plan is nobody deserves what God did nobody deserves what God did you have to see that it is an unqualified measure of law unqualified romance of the three verse 19 Romans 3:19 now we know that's what things soever the law saith it saith to them who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before that the amount may be stopped nobody deserves it whatever the law says it's safe for them were under the law that every mouth may be stopped and that all the world may be guilty before God so the whole world is guilty before God meaning nobody qualifies for any goodness from God and nobody deserves any good things from God so if God gives us goodness and gives us any good thing it will be out of his benevolence it's not because we qualify or deserve it that is why it is called grace it's not because any mortal man is capable of doing anything that is that that can stand a chance where Daisy is concerned it will have to be the grace of God now the law the law can be seen in two ways it can be seen as the Old Testament before Jesus came the law can be seen as the entire Old Testament before Jesus came and it can also be seen as the instructions and the commandments but a good Bible student will pick the first one the Old Testament before Jesus came will be seen as the law because whenever you see it a lot of people think about Ten Commandments you know and Ten Commandments is what they define as a law but I would prefer that as seen as the whole Old Testament before Jesus came all the world is guilty before God and the law came further to prove to humanity that were all seen us that's the mission of the law the law came to expose our state the Lord didn't make us eNOS the law only unveiled our state the law only came to amplify to us who we are the mission of the law sin was in the world before the law so it's not the Lord that made us eNOS the law only expose your status so now you know who you are that's the mission of the law and in exposing our status it finished us killed us murderers destroyed us in verse 20 now pay attention therefore by the deeds of the Lord there shall no flesh be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin so the law tells us for instance for instance and that's where many Christians are Matthew 22:37 for instance March it twenty to thirty seven jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy mind and with all thy soul thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all your mind nobody can do that I don't care who you I feel like slipping Church from the day you're born till you die you can never fit into that somebody says I love God so much there's nowhere God cannot bless me wonderful well done nobody this this demand nobody committed not even the Pharisee who keeps all of the laws of Moses they can't be peace how can you love God with all your heart with all your soul mortal man does not have that capacity you can't that's why it's the law and it was quoted from Deuteronomy is part of what Moses gave them to destroy them deter knowledge of the six verse five that's where it came from and thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might that's where he came from because nobody can really love God so it is the inadequacy of man that the law reveals I mean watch this this guy was rich young ruler we know the story the rich young ruler I mean what of unity life you're rich you are young you know money sometimes enhance of an old man is not good enough you need some youth to spend money you need some youth because most of the things that money will get for you will need it they are in mind to enjoy you didn't get what I said you need a daring mind to enjoy some level of affluence that money will bring like get it into their house in Dubai that is under the water you're in a room under the water and as you're sleeping you're seeing fishes you need some dirt in mind you know what I mean the first time I got in a rollercoaster mama was hid me under roller coaster right the children were screaming me I was who deceived me how did I get on this iron father I must get down from here I still have the gospel to bridge I am interceding me I am dying 10 times and to make matters worse for me the first roller coaster I belong to was in Europe and it was the fastest and the longest the fastest and the longest is not just even a short one now go feel theme theme and drop you this one I died many times man when I finally came down I said never never never if you shall be roller coaster I will be showing you my way out this you to require to spend some degree of wealth and this guy was young my goodness he was rich my goodness and he was a ruler that means young power your influence what else is a man looking for but this guy came to Jesus and murder and said good master I have all that any man can look for but this avoiding me that money and power and you cannot satisfy what must I do that I may received eternal life Jesus said to the guy you know the ten commandments and the guy said oh Jesus don't insult me I'm a Pharisee I have observed all the 10 commandments from a little boy I grew up with morality I am a moralist and the Bible says Jesus loved him because he told the truth and he said to him you have everything but one thing you lack where you come by the law no matter how perfect you are you will always lack one thing and once you lack one thing in the law if you break one you break all so that is what by the law shall no man be justified with all of your morality you are still a misfit for the kingdom of God with all of your niceness and goodness you are still not qualified that's the best that the law can produce you lock one thing and the guy was looking and Jesus said go sell everything that you have take your cross and let us go do you know what that means not the Lord with all your heart that's the meaning of go and sell all that you have that means if you really love me with all your heart you can lose everything for me and the man said watch this guy is which is young as a ruler and the Bible says he was sad sigh after keeping all the Ten Commandments he doesn't love God so that a man is keeping the Ten Commandments doesn't mean he loves God he could just be doing it for personal pride any nice guy I don't tell lies I don't smoke because he loves God he's just trying to prove a point no mortal man can no more talamanca and human love is selfish so you can really love God with all human love is selfish or little love of God is selfless that is why human log is defined by emotions and things but their love of God is defined by sacrifice for God so loved the world that he sacrifice is the definition of God's love He gave His only so there are the rich and rule approved that nobody can really love God with all his heart and soul and mind and that is what it is part of the law of Moses to defeat man so a sinner cannot love God it's totally impossible that inadequacy is what the law reveals you will see that what the Epistle shows us is the love that God bestowed on us the epistles never ask you to love God the epistles Radha shows you God's love that has been shed abroad where in your heart he doesn't ask you to love God Radha it shows you that God's love has been bestowed on you so that God's not enables you to love God so you actually don't love God God is just loving himself through you because it is love that as we shed abroad in your heart but the law tells you to love God but Allah knows you cannot love God are you still in the building in fast 21 of that same romance of the three rich 2223 for me carefully Romans 3:21 23 please pay attention but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested being witnessed by the law and the prophets right 22 I mean 23 even the righteousness for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God now go back to 22 even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe for there is no dude there is no difference now go to 24 24 being justified freely by His grace hold it again hold it again read it again beam being justified freely by His grace op read it again being justified freely by his stop read it again being justified freely by His grace stop freely by his grace means no conditions attached freely by his grace no conditions attached unconditional love so before the love of God before the grace of God nobody is qualified all have sinned no conditions attached and nothing is asked of you being justified freely by His grace through through the redemption that is well in Christ Jesus through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus now look at Greece freely by his grace question which place freely by His grace question which grace the grace is the redemption that is in Christ Jesus that is the grace the grace is the redemption that is in Christ Jesus that is a grace that is a salvation is from Jesus to Jesus grace is the redemption that is in Christ and His grace can be seen as redemption what is redemption the ransom or to pay a price to pay a price so the grace of God should be seen from the price that has been paid the grace of God should be seen from the price that has been paid not all this not all these uneducated grace that people are preaching every grace to travel grace for visa tomorrow that is nonsense grace should be seen from the redemptive work of Christ outside the redemptive work of Christ there is no place anywhere through the redemption through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus why all didn't deserve it so it has to be a third party Oliphant qualification Christ Jesus Christ Jesus so since all did not deserve it since all we are not worthy of it since all have seen the Christ then will be for all that did not deserve it the grace is for all that did not deserve it all I've seen all are not worthy all did not qualify hence the need for the redemption the redemption is the grace of God that will mean that the grace of God is for all that did not qualify did not deserve and have seen so grace is actually for the sinner grace is actually for the scene mom and I were watching a preacher one of the one of the fathers in this country preaching and was talking about the conditions to qualify for Greece on television mama says I'm so embarrassed for him that is our ignorance on dresses you in public once there are conditions for grace it is no more grace it is grace because there are no conditions seeing grace how sweet you know what is sweet is amazing you know why it's amazing no conditions no conditions freely giving once there is a condition it is no more grace look it's like a computer now say hey I just built a house for you there are four swimming pools in the house there are 20 bedrooms in the house there is a Bentley in the house and in Lamborghini in the house and there is a you know all of that for you in the house it has power it has everything well furnished you can occupy the house but you pay a million dollars every year has no more grace but if I wanna say here are the papers and the keys to the house is yours that is grace grace is what you do not deserve or qualify for that is why freely given to us through the redemption through the redemption that is in Christ I'll said that redemption no grace there will be no grace I'll set the redemption so the grace of God is seen from the price that Jesus paid now look at verse 25 of Romans three cannon blasts this morning 3:25 Houdon God had set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God through the forbearance of God now please take note it is free grace it is done freely and let us also remember that the recipients are not qualified and they are not selected they are not qualified and they are not selected God did not select because if there is a selection it is a qualification on his own once there is a selection I will together in the urine once I select mr. a from mr. B for grace that selection is a qualification on its own so that is why grace does not select anybody and everybody can access the grace of God meaning everybody can be saved that's what we're talking about no qualification not because you're good not because you're a nice guy not because you smell well not because you're a good guy but just because Jesus is a good guy so Jesus is the qualifier Jesus is the qualifier which means nobody's above the order where grace is concerned nobody's above the order everybody before God is guilty so everybody by grace is qualified everybody before God is guilty so everybody by grace is qualified for salvation now as I round up let me give it a second fact about the width of God's grace it is unbiased laws unbiased and bias love romance of the father's one two three glory to God read for me what shall we say then that Abraham our Father as pertaining to the flesh hath found for if Abraham were justified by works he hath where to glory but not before if Abraham qualified to be called a righteous man he has something to brag about that means he qualified but not before God but because because before God nobody can qualify he has something to brag about but not before God give me the next verse verse 3 what saith the scripture abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness he believed God and it was counted now give me a verse for verse 4 not to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace what's up dead five but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness 6 even as david also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without work 7 saying blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered 8 blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin blessed is the man is that man in this building blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not halt accountable for seeing thus a blessed man God does not hold you accountable before God there is no record of seeing your name when God looks at you he sees a perfect man he sees a righteous man and he sees a man that has never done any wrong blessed is Allah Oh glory to God blessed is that man so this blessedness of grace is for the man whom God will not impute see he is a recipient of this blessedness and he is the person that Christ died for if you see anybody anywhere whom God records no sin for he is the one whom God has made grace available to do you origin if you find anybody anywhere whom God does not record Falls for that is the man whom Christ died fall and is that man in this building no record of C starless spotless perfected justified glorified righteous accepted purified hung about Shakya when English finishes you speak in tongues glory where is the blessedness of that man unto whom god imputeth no see are you in this building this man lift your right and I shall righteous my faith no record of sin against me before Almighty God I totally hear powerful amen give me a few more minutes I'm almost done with this whoa so if you look at Abraham as a measuring stick you be making them a fatalistic because salvation is Christ Jesus not Abraham not Paul not Joseph not Isaac salvation is Christ in Christ the Lord my hope is outside of Christ there is no salvation salvation is in Christ listen friends once you understand Christ Jesus as salvation watch giving guilt gives way condemnation gives way inadequacies different because it's no longer high that lives for Christ and Christ is salvation so in Christ I am eternally saved kobata hamana kalili hebrews hebrews you're pushing me out of my nose now can I can I can I can i push this hebrews chapter 7 verse 7 Hebrews 7 verse 10 10 come on again where he was yet in the loins of his father well not to the deck met him 11 if therefore perfection were by the Levitical priest if therefore perfection whereby the Levitical priesthood where under if the people receive the law are not that priesthood the people received the law what further need was there that's another preciate rise after the order of Melchisedec then there will be no need for another priest if Levi are Moses and the law of Moses was ok and this is for those of you always fighters how can you talk against the law how can you be talking against the law hey my brother if the law was ok there will be no need for another priest are you still in this building there'll be no need for another priests not be called I've got the Aaronic priesthood now give me the next last let me produce them was the priest to change the law changed the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death I thought somebody was shot I hear you and free from the law of sin and free from the law of death why the law of sin and death is under Aaron and that is where the law of Moses heart preeminence but in Christ Jesus Christ is the end of the law Mitaka bar is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believes is there a believer in this building somebody shot I'm free totally free she caliber ah give me biscotti in verse 13 verse 13 for he of whom these things are spoken for Tina to another child Jesus but tenant to another tribe it is not from the tribe of Levi so automatically the law of Moses disqualifies Jesus from being a priest there is no way no way Jesus can be a priest as long as the law of Moses is in oppression because only Meninga the only thing that will qualified Jesus to be a priest under under the law of Moses is to go back and be born from the family of Aaron as long as he never came from the family of Aaron he cannot be a priest it can be recognized so in other for his priesthood to be recognized he collapsed he kappa da da he took a white piece of cloth and he honestly wiped the Lord non-existent after he abolished rusticated rusticated the law and all rendered useless ineffective inoperative he now said I am NOT a priest after the order of Melchizedek no more Levi no more no more Levi no more law the law of Moses is gone he's retired without benefits so for ye of whom these things are spoken but tenets planet a tribe of which no man give attendance at the altar next month necklace for it is evident that our Lord sprang out of Judah of which tribe Moses speak nothing concerning priesthood Moses Peck nothing concerning priesthood of anybody from Judah so by the law Jesus is disqualified so now question is it the law that has disqualified Jesus or Jesus that has disqualified the law so if Jesus has disqualified the Lord we are you so if you are in Jesus the law has no hold over you I talking to somebody you are free from the law for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin destroys Eve in the flesh that the righteousness of God may be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit for your know receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but the spirit of adoption whereby we cry gather your feet on Shakira or turn to somebody shot I'm free from the law of sin and death I am free in Christ Jesus now 7-meter a lot I have received the adoption and in a powerful Amen and whom the Sun sets free [Music] against such against such against such there is no law Ohio governor are you still in this building this morning I feel like running around the whole place that is a redemption that is in Christ Jesus that is what we have in Christ that is what is ours in Christ when you think of the Baraka what did you know that condemnation is by the law condemnation if there was no law there will be no condemnation I hadn't known sin until the law said so condemnation and condemnation is the model of self righteousness is the model condemnation self righteousness efforts transmittance trying to qualify is condemnation when you find somebody outdoing himself to qualify is a victim of condemnation and condemnation is the uncle of inferiority complex is the uncle the resume of feeling inferior to others is because your faults are before your face your defects and before your face so it is not people that are making you inferior it is you that is in visualizing yourself is anglish like that nobody can make you inferior without your consent I'm not inferior to you you are not superior to me the same grace to you is the same grace to me I a cloud cannot make me intimidated no no I wear what I wear because I choose to eat it didn't wear itself for me I am the land up so so Cabo de Havana so things don't define me Christ defines me so I can't be inferior I can't be intimidated I am what I am by the grace of God did you go this morning free from condemnation fear from inferiority complex free from self-consciousness self-consciousness is a product of the law of Moses self-consciousness feeling self-conscious trying to impress people even with your walking steps you are suffering from the law of Moses is punishing you my friend walk freely why are you trying to are you dancing or walking be yourself touch somebody say be yourself you are accepted in the beloved just the way you are [Music] if God be for us who can be against us he does be a naughty son but gave him a false how shall he not also with him freely give us all things who can be against us who see the lake charge against consummate it is Christ that died yay Radha he's risen again I stand justified I stand accepted I stand righteous I stand purified I stand perfect perfect before God amen oh I ignore Shaka I stand perfect spotless spinless before the Lord Jesus and because I'm spotless and stillness I am us bold as a lion I'm not scared I'm not intimidated no no I'm not afraid what man can be for me Amy bless this morning lift your right hands to heaven father will be clear right now that everything that is ours in Christ Jesus we enjoy it right now in the name of Jesus barriers are broken my sets that are messed up are fixed right now inferiority complex out to the window self-consciousness out to the window intimidation out through the window in the name of Jesus the boldness of righteousness made manifest over your people upon your people your people through your people the consciousness of Christ saturates our mind the consciousness of Christ and His finished work saturates our minds in the name of Jesus I decree and declare this morning barriers terminated sick bodies be healed be healed look at me friends for a minute do you know I just had this in the Holy Ghost now one of the reason was people cannot receive healing is sin consciousness same consciousness can hinder you from being healed because suddenly start wondering maybe it's the things I have done maybe is the law of karma you know there are Christians who still believe in karma karma is demonic maybe you know the evil that men do if that is the way life functions that be no need for the mercy and the grace of God a miracle is a display of God's mercy and you are a candidate for miracles I don't care what the condition is and I'm speaking to somebody right now because your healing is here right now get rid of condemnation and guilt and get ready to receive right now now lift your right hand I declare right now every Sikh body in this building be killed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus I rebuke every form of condition I don't care how it came and where it came from jesus healed them all by His stripes you were healed so we command your body be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus and wherever your here in the son of my voice that miracle you've been waiting for receive it now receive receive receive receive in the name of Jesus thank you for it is strong don't don't dog in Jesus name and every believer says that Amen on a note of finality can we celebrate what we have in Christ if you can shout shout if you can clap clap if you can scream scream [Music] what are you doing there are you still in this brother Michael come on a trip for you yeah mozote Alana NAMBLA nombre Nanga la Morocco scutella abre Rademacher coordinates our campus in polo quani South Africa I wanna use them as a point of contact to pray for the whole of South Africa all this grass eating people and all these we're drinking people chemical eating people we put an end to that nonsense in the nation of South Africa and we expose all the cartels we expose and put an end to that nonsense I didn't hear me man and we decree that so lightly we'll blow the world in that nation and prevail over falsehood and deception in the name of Jesus Malala speak in tongues over rangamma charcoal membrane Angra desi kalamaja egg about a gallon in Morocco Jana kill another membrane gangrenosum gondola Norman and Elaine Yamaha Brenda Goro tosu colada Barbra La Bella Bella katana Kali the membrane the katana bar all the Menengah only the lip of truth shall abide forever a lion tongue is but for a moment so we put an end to every falsehood and we decree that the word of His grace grows grows the influence of God's Word the lordship of Jesus the Word of God writes being in South Africa as a nation and we specifically declare that Impala quani Valley mana Kieran Angelina mana Gallagher le bateau garasu Colin AMA Mangrum angry angry angry yawn Dolorosa yada Brett ahsoka Hagerman nogada telega Segura together together Hellmuth no danger in the name of Jesus and I lay hands on you right now I impart into you right now grace and imparts into you right now is sharing of every deposit of God as cherub cherub c'mon ocala nama cardigan cardigan cardigan cardigan kara Deva you rise from this place says God and walk in this light you walk in this light you stay in this light you emphasize is this light you publicly make this light no and as you board Li declare this light there will be men and women raised all over the place who will through this light shine the light in that city in that nation saith God don't be afraid of it be bold be bold declare it in the public declared everywhere make this light no make this light no and everything you need to do this will be available you will not lack anything grace is upon you so you go in this your mind go in this your mind and make known the manifold grace of God thank you Father and I said church any people we will leave over you the blessing we speak the peace of God upon you and your family and the entire campus in polo pony you guys go from strength to strength from grace to grace grace abounds the next of polo quani will hear will be testimonies of source coming to the Kingdom India known Thank You Father in Jesus precious name and every believer says that Amen on a neutral finality feed me bless you you have the camera great dress praise God are we excited this morning get a good offering this morning everybody those online those online those in our campuses everywhere get a good offer unless given honor the word that we are the freedom that we have in Christ Jesus amen whoa this house is full this morning because we have a lot of our coordinators in this service okay let me finish the offering fast amen get a good offering father will rejoice this morning and we thank you for the privilege of giving we give in faith we give with joy unspeakable and full of glory our offerings France before you a sweet smell and offering acceptable and we are so grateful this morning now we have the privilege to honor the finished work of Christ thank you for the blessing thank you for the blessing in Jesus precious name and every believer says he powerful amen hey listen to me ladies and gentleman were about to sign off but before we sign off we are still here tomorrow at 5:30 so I'll be teaching tomorrow the whole service at 6:00 p.m. I was to stop teaching today but I'm not done so I'm gonna continue tomorrow and Tuesday and we just continue with homecoming on Wednesday and we go that way til Sunday when we finish so we're still here tomorrow are we excited about it we're here tomorrow 6 p.m. the world will come live on your screen and on on Tuesday then Wednesday the homecoming services begin Wednesday evening Tuesday evening Wednesday Thursday is toss the Aleutians when they told them Friday and Sunday will be the final final and this who could be the graduation of a mentoring Academy and the graduation of our Bible school students always happen in this week right in the building we have pasta gospel who coordinates all our branches in Lagos k-wave your heart let them see you pass the gospel is yeah yeah but so much is also here which is Abuja crew AK we had I can feel you guys I was feeling you guys very hard they are all here their Buddha brethren are also audio puja people came with your hands up put your audio put your people bless you bless you bless you bless you we also have pastor Angela from Swaziland good to have you pastor Angela get to help you how do you remember her is it Caminos can Ana that's a city yes that's what we went with mama to preach your bad night yeah pastor Tom pastor Tom let's let's appreciate pastor Tom you know it's been a great walk in that part of South Africa and I'm coming back to you again right and a few weeks from now I will shake the whole place and there are so many people here if I have not called your name don't be angry with me I'm still waiting for my list of all the names one of my sons came from from Germany also yesterday is he here from Germany the Netherlands right is here yes from the Netherlands and so many people are here back she is also here right sister Sophia is here from baqia but sure campus bless you can we celebrate her so good to see you yeah and so many is anybody else I have never you can introduce yourself o ro yes yes yes hello campus in the UK just a burial good to see you and even though you were here let's celebrate huh bless you bless you good to have you here who else who else sister Irene from Italy yes bless you wave your hand let them see you she's so tall man you have to look well to see they're Miami yes mpumalanga Oh from the Netherlands Edison from you know most of you I just know your names are mentoring Academy I'm just seeing your faces today lovely man good to have you here can we can we also celebrate him who else is here that I am NOT yes the brother from Zimbabwe in Zimbabwe yeah is that the way you celebrate somebody I mean the house is full yes yes sister moss from Botswana Botswana Campos celebrate sister Mars from Botswana who else who else have I left it will be my fault now because I've allowed you to introduce yourselves you know pass the gospel you know necessary to save myself from trouble pastor a bell from by Elsa my namesake yeah I know I I will see you here you are almost breaking that yeah Pastor Bob Stanley from by Elsa bless you good to have all of you from by Elsa and one mycotic campus is also here where represent Makati brethren are you okay with your house ah luckily campus people can we celebrate Makati brethren I mean they are all over the place so you know what we're going to do at the end of the service everybody will meet everybody and everybody will introduce himself to everybody and everybody will greet everybody that's all it sense about this whole team I hope you know what I'm talking about those of you on Facebook Instagram YouTube introduce yourselves to yourselves on Instagram but here we have our selves in flesh of law can i perfil a man and also if you still call me we're waiting for you to arrive it's happening right here it's happening you don't want to miss the homecoming the whole of this week but we love you guys don't miss the next studies at 11 a.m. and bring in another word in continuation of what we're teaching this thing just continues to open up and open up an open up but we love you and you're the rest of your time until connect at 11:00 o'clock let's celebrate viewers around the world [Music] you you [Music] you [Music] this [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,799
Rating: 4.7176471 out of 5
Id: 7z8TXerw9VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 23sec (4943 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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