Christocentric Meal (April, 21st) | What Is Redemption?

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[Music] [Music] hello everybody good morning and welcome to the Crystal centric meal a daily reflection of your true identity in Christ Jesus a bell the Mina is my name and I'm excited today about another opportunity to learn the word not just to learn the world but to look into the mirror that gives you a true reflection of who you are and if there's anything that doesn't look like you you make the adjustments you require to maximize your reality in Christ Jesus and today just like yesterday somebody was standing in you know Jemima is standing in for her mother I have just kneel standing in for her mother today and we're glad Jesse on set just me good morning good morning daddy good morning viewers and welcome to the Christocentric meal amen let's pray guys father we rejoice and we thank you for these are the opportunity to teach and to bring clarity from your world so your people are equipped informed educated armed and made adequate in the place of understanding so they can rise big and live out their realities in Christ Jesus thank you for your word your word will not come back void but your word will fulfill its purpose in their lives of our here us today and we give you praise in Jesus name Amen and amen alright today we're looking at what is redemption what is redemption there are several ways that this word has been interpreted by certain believers an illustration that carries the thought of the word is this a man walks into an expensive shoe shop and saw several types of shoes with varying prices he sees all kinds of expensive and nice-looking shoes moving forward one pair of shoes caught his attention in particular it seemed out of place as it was a tongue tattered and one out out of curiosity he called the attention of the shop attendant who affirmed when the shoes were really for sale what's more it carried a price tag a higher than all the other shoes put together he looked at the attendant in amazement surely there was a mistake here the man responded that was the value placed on the shoe by someone who came hence that was how much it will be sold irrespective of how the shoe looks like the price tag is what determines the value from the shoe this is redemption irrespective of who you are it is a price paid that determines your value this is yet another theme the believer must come to the appreciation of because two days ago with your mom we were talking about the communication of your faith becomes effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you in Christ if you are not acknowledging you can function in that reality you must acknowledge every knot song right so we now look at yesterday with Jemima you must acknowledge that you are born again today we are looking at acknowledging your redemption in Christ Jesus Redemption means to buy back and what was used to buy back is the price peeled oh there are so you know it's like somebody's kidnapped the actual ransom amount in you pay the ransom they don't release the pressing all right so the salvation that we have was made possible only by the price that was paid the price is the blood of Jesus this is the value that was placed on man's life our sins we are not paid for by our good conduct good living since we're paid for only in Christ's blood which follows magic 26-28 before we begin to hand a few things here for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins the blood of the New Testament so it is the shed blood of Jesus that paid for the remittance deleting of scenes now this is what we just said in the last couple of minutes all right that man sinned against God and man was taken captive by sea and sin demanded a ransom remember the wages of sin is death so sin demanded a ransom of death man didn't have the resources to pay for those demands man could eat his broke is a destitute he does have what it takes you know they have the wherewithal to pay for what he owes God looked at the universe to see if there's anything on earth that can be used to rescue man from the hands of sin God looked at the gold mines in Ghana as good gold in Ghana all the mines in Ghana couldn't pay he looked at the diamond mines in the Congo all the diamonds couldn't pay he looked at the oil wells of the Niger Delta here where we are a lot of oil all the crude oil couldn't pay he looked at the natural in human resources on the planet nothing will pay for man but God loves man but man has seen and man must die but God loves man that death is not just you know you close your eye and me that that that is total separation God and man will never had anything in common but God knows man so you know what God did God walked out of himself and God took on flesh and God decided to die for man when God died God separated himself from himself as the payment for man see three days and three nights he paid that price by the end of the third night he had finished over pain he rose triumphantly and declared whosoever believes in him will be free from the captivity of sea all right so that's what happens so that would mean that man is so expensive not in natural not in materia called a for man man is so expensive not in on the earth core Performa the only thing that was as expensive as man is God himself the price of a theme is a reflection of the value of data so the only thing that could be of value enough to pay for man is God that's how expensive man is before God in the book of first Peter he'll read for us first Peter chapter 1 verse 18 you will see the way brother Peter puts it when people are talking about redeeming the first book bring an offering to redeem the first one redeeming the first man bring a money to read enough do you know what do you what I mean salt if Monica redeemed man Jesus wouldn't need to die what an insult that's custom a splash on on the finished work of Christ no money if you like pay billions it can't be do how what I just said the Diamonds the gold all the natural and human resource cooling performance it only took the life of God Himself to pay for my rib falls first Peter 1:18 for you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors but with the precious blood of Christ a lamb without blemish or defects did you see that so nothing material it took only the precious blood of Christ so the ransom for man is God is God Himself was the ransom for man okay he follow it so theologically people acts so who was the ransom paid to theological who was the ransom since a ransom was demanded Andy payment was made who received the payment see see Jesus satisfied the demands of sin hands broke the power of sin and anyone who believes on his sacrificial walk scene is completely shattered and destroyed in that person's life and that person is free from sin permanently free and eternally free him and that person now can walk in the Liberty that's what Romans 6:14 as is sin shall not have dominion over you that is born of God because the price has been paid to see you're free you're not under the law your own degrees watch this the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life so God gives you a gift free sin will demand wages you know there's a way the Living Bible puts it you know Jess robot 6:23 let me see if I can find it here Romans chapter 6 verse 23 okay I found it is not is not living Bible is message Bible okay just look at the ready the message Bible puts it you'll love this walk hard force in your whole life and your pension is dead your whole life the pension is dead but God gives his real life eternal life delivered by Jesus our master so you walk for sin and simp is you death but God gives you a free gift freely give it because jesus paid the price for you to have that alright so now look at Luke 22 verse 20 and read for us likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you so remission means to take away punishment and judgment and so the blood of Jesus is what was put down for our Redemption so how do I know the value of my life today I look at the price that was paid I look at the price that was paid Jessie worried for us acts 20:28 let's see what price was paid so we know the value of our lives in Christ take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he had purchased with his own blood which he hath purchased with his own blood for chest with his own blood that's how valuable you are before God that's what the believer can continually see God and I am an inseparable Union God treated you like himself you notice what he did he died he gave himself up for you because he sees you of equal value with him no one that John would say for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son nothing was asked of man Jesus paid the price with his blood that was the value placed on daddy from what you shared a few scriptures ago it just brought to my mind the people who usually remarked that grace is the license to sin because it shows that either they don't understand or they don't have the willingness to understand the true nature of what Christ did for us because if you know or if you learn or hear that the value placed on your life was their life of God himself and what comes out of that sacrifice is that you are free from any relation or any you don't know seen anything right you have no communication you have no relation you have no anything connection to sin they are completely freed from sin and its consequences then if you understand that there's no way you'll be able to say grace is a license to sin because if you've truly understood grace and what Christ has done for us which is giving us his life then the last thing on your mind would be how should I see know how what we've seen do for me now you have no you have no business with sin your mind will be fully and completely occupied with living in the victory that's has secured so if you find yourself thinking or that means if we are under grace and no more sin is be recorded against us that means we can sin as much as we like then you've not understood what Christ did and how it applies to you and how it affects you or how it empowers you as a believer because once you receive Christ your desire for sin is completely quenched and that quenching of that desire comes through knowledge comes through understanding comes through study of this word so when you find your thoughts going in the wrong direction you feed yourself more word or how does Paul put it he says renew your mind once your mind is renewed the last thing on your mind is I believe us connection to say because the believer has no connection whatsoever he is completely justified and he's completely freed has no business has no price to be debts in exactly completely dead to sin so the way we've just explained it here talking about the value of our lives sin is too mediocre to be stopping yourself with day by day in fact if your mind is filled at sin then with om have I seen now will I seen tomorrow in this essay you've not understood that's all right because through growth and through this word your mind is completely stats right completely renewed and then you'll be able to focus on what Christ has done and the victory that you are in now not yet to attain but you are in now imagine that this price like my dad was saying not even gold or silver anything you think is the most valuable thing not even the whole earth itself not even the galaxy itself was enough to purchase our lives from sin or didn't feel the demand of seeing which was death but God himself had to be separated from himself so that he could fulfill that demand of sin he went through that much Rob went through that much pain for us then it's a mockery of his sacrifice to be concerning ourselves with sin with sin and all what the devil is doing or planning is a waste of time energy resources life is too short this mortal life is too short to be preoccupied with those thoughts those future thoughts which occupy our minds here with Christ so that we can make an even bigger impact on this gender on our generation of what with what Christ has done letting people who what Christ has done what victory that they are in themselves you know the problem is many people have more faith in seen than what Christ has done yes they have more faith which is sacrilegious is actually devaluing the sacrifice of Christ is customers passions on what Christ has done and it only boys to two things a master two things number one is Ida you do not understand the value of Christ's sacrifice oh you know Bonnie is one of the two because if you understand what Christ went through on your behalf just let the illustrated God walked out of God took on humanity he didn't need it became C he didn't it just way yeah that's why is that we say he was wounded for Alice not for you yes you don't have a problem Bruce for our the chastisement of our peace was upon him by His stripes if you went to all of that to fill you from skin and you're still talking about seeing you know I said this is the new hunter Cain mama some people read the Bible in English but in their mind so they did in English but in their mind understand in here in the elderly because if you understand what the scripture sees sin shall not have dominion over you you will not be seen is a license you see is Jesus the minister of see why would Jesus come into your heart just to empower you to see when he died from broke the power in see Oh as I said sin shall no longer have dominion over you and the algebra the poor shall we continue in sin that grace may about what was his answer god forbid god forbid any added how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer they re and he says know ye not that as many of you as were baptized into Christ you are into his death don't you know now when you receive Christ you died to see a dead man is dead so sin doesn't win over the believer it is righteousness and the value of the deliver in Christ is as valuable as God himself what is in God he has put in the believer not written God that's how precious no money of course you royal priesthood chosen generation it was a confession for today just the price has been paid for me the prize has been paid for me nothing was required of me nothing was required of me Jesus has placed a value on me Jesus has placed a value on me that value is the blood of Jesus that value is the blood of Jesus or the life of Jesus hallelujah father we pray for us today with a Cod thority over the fear of seeing the hold of seen the mental captivity to sin we break it by the revelation of the defeat of seeing the triumph of Christ over death and the price paid and the demands of seem satisfied in the name of Jesus now you sit and you get your hands off our viewers today those that are yet to be saved we break the influence of scene and we command the reality of Christ those who are same one have been struggling with that mindset we cast down imagination we bring every thought under subjection to obey Christ will free your mind from the intimidation of the enemy we command this revelation to rise being in your heart until nothing else matters thank you for the phone set prior Jesus precious name Amen wow what a blessing man what a blessing listen carefully you must order for a copy of this devotion for yourself LeBron's family members and those around you it's critical that you get this for yourself you can't afford to go through this year without a copy of these to keep for a lifetime and for generations unborn make sure your order for Italy and all the resources that this ministry offers so that you are free from the embarrassment of ignorance total embarrassment some questions some people ask you can just see ignorance in this place because nobody is teaching you so instead of arguing with us using your religious mindset come down get materials prayerfully study them and equip yourself so that you become a workman that needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth and let me tell you the truth avenge one truth prevails if you don't stay on the side of truth eventually your voice grow quiet because true to the contrary loud and it's already becoming very loud in our time we love you guys just just one more word for viewers before we wrap up this broadcast sure from what we've heard today about the value that is that is ours our value based on what Christ did for us you must ask yourself who are you yielding yourself as a servant to is it to sin or is it to righteousness this room and once you make your choice righteousness then run with it don't burden your mind with anything else stay in the word join us every morning 6 a.m. in this word on your mind will continue to be renewed every morning 6 a.m. before you know it your mind will be thinking the right thoughts would be always in the right direction so we look forward to seeing you tomorrow morning you and I because you're so preoccupied with the reality of your righteousness that sin loses relevance you the Bible says awake to righteousness and sin not when your mind is in in that place of righteousness you see others who are around you who don't know what you know you feel the poor to relieve them of their suffering because their life they believe in you look like suffering to you based on how you have been liberated that's in consciousness that's in mindset so stay in the word and renew your my3 can become an effective weapon for the kingdom of God amen and it's a blessing to be with you again today tomorrow is gonna be another blast you don't want to miss all gonna be sherry but hey guys we love his shout with somebody this message today in fact some people to this platform we're looking forward to a wonderful wonderful time of teaching every day for the rest of your lifetime we love you guys table come again tomorrow this is Jesse mail and I build Amina say that the kingdom of God is power [Music] the sovereignity of God is actually the grace of God the sovereignty of God so let's build up a case study here for you to be sovereign it means you will be independent of time for you to be sovereign it means you are independent of time so that's why Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 didn't say then God came out of the earth Genesis 1:1 didn't say then God came out of the edge but Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God created that means God was not part of the creation he was independent of the creation meaning he existed before the creation meaning it is because he was there before the creation that he could create are we here so he is independent of time because there was no time until creation took place before time he was a self existing one the I am so for him to be sovereign he will be independent of time so God is before time in the beginning God created heaven and earth and man was created after God has created everything including time so when did God create time when he created the moon and the Sun and the seasons because even in your village where they don't have wristwatch the way they can mesh and they are accurate the villagers are very accurate they stand up and look at the Sun and they use the Sun to determine the shadow and by the shadow they can tell you the time because the the moon and the star is useful measuring time so when the moon understand that was when time came into action so man was created in time meaning God or pretend out of time and out of time he click at that time and regulates time because he is independent of time that's why when God heals your body it is not subject to medical timetable against all human formulas time is messed up when a miracle takes place are we together here i prophesy to the first 1000 of you who's ma will come Lokhande time is suspended on your behalf what will take you ten years is releasing one week what will take you five weeks is releasing two days if your mm is not a receiver by grace he is independent of time he operates out of time that's why he created it what you create you a bigger than you can create something and the team is controlling you so it was time then man to be sovereign that said the Bible says in John chapter 1 verse 1 and to put it off for me in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all right so the same was in the beginning with God the Word was God the Word was God the Word was God next verse read verse to him all things were made by him and without him was not anything made or britta'd out of time and from out of time made all things meaning that he is independent of whatever now happens he will not take action within time you didn't hear that he will not take action within time he will take action before time and that action will reflect in time he does not take action in time he will take action before time and that action reflects in time follow me carefully number two its knowledge we've dealt with time number two is knowledge where you say I am that I am I will be what I will be he doesn't get to know anyone who says I am what I am I will be what I will be he doesn't get to know he for knows anybody that will say I am what I am I will be what I will be he doesn't get to know he for knows he follows which we call Oh many science so we have see me away in salvation don't forget we have seen you in salvation so when you look at time free time pre-knowledge time free time pre-knowledge they are all attributes of that power to save us for salvation so when you look at time three time pre knowledge they are attribute of that power of Yahweh to save and they will all walk together both time pre-time pre knowledge in salvation are you in the house that means his pre existence is for salvation that means his pre existence is for salvation [Music] hello I hope you have been blessed by the wonderful message the Bible says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God for you to grow spiritually you need to hear study and meditate on the word we need to not only here but also read and see and that is why you need the Christocentric meal this is a book that reveals to you who you are in Christ what you have in Christ and what Christ can do through you this book interprets and breaks down the word into daily meal's making it easier for you to understand and study build up and strengthen your inner man all the while growing your relationship with God and your confidence as a believer so all of this life-changing book and other titles DVDs and CDs by dr. abode Amina call the number or email the address on the screen starting the new year with this book is your first step to guaranteeing an enriched life a new year [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 8,183
Rating: 4.8493724 out of 5
Id: OQl4ksFlciQ
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Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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