30 Days Of Glory Sunday 1st service | Finale

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[Music] television sick bodies healed in the name of Jesus and we give you praise for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believe us is a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believe us is a powerful amen what a welcome every one of you joining us by way of Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube all the various platforms and our campuses around the world we're so glad to have everybody connecting today's the last day of thirty days of glory 2019 and we're so excited to have everybody connected glory and we declare by the end of this service you will never be the same again can I have a powerful Amen anybody excited this morning about the goodness of God can we give the Lord a mini celebration shout this morning glory oh my goodness is not the way you are celebrating what we have experienced the last thirty days in this place glory glory glory glory glory glory glory oh my goodness somebody shout glory now don't get me too happy you can be sitting let's teach first when we finish teaching we will do all the crazy showers this morning but it's been wonderful having every one of you turn to your neighbor by the left and the right seems beautiful to be seated with you this morning amen Hebrews chapter 2 verse number 1 Hebrews chapter 2 verse number 1 sotiria and we're looking at you know towards the ending part of sotiria season season 6 if for any reason I'm not able to finish it today I will finish it next Sunday there is actually never a finishing we only pause the next time we meet we'll continue amen alright Hebrews chapter 2 verse 1 therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip past you for if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed on to us by them that's heard him how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation so great salvation the word sotiria right the word means to rescue it means safety it means preservation how shall we escape how shall we escape the law of Moses and his attendant punishments how shall we escape you know the the consequences of legalism if we is if we neglect the word neglect means to treat lightly or to overlook if we neglect so great salvation salvation is so great that is so critical that we pay attention the book of 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 second Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 and that's from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so this great salvation the Holy Scriptures have the assignment of Mykonos wise onto this great salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so if you do not pay attention to the Word of God you cannot be wise unto salvation if you do not pay attention to the Word of God you are neglecting your great salvation because what brings you to a place of wisdom in this salvation is if you do not neglect how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation and that form a child brought a Paul was talking to Tim Oh Tim that was none the Holy Scriptures the one known is a Greek word it means you have become acquainted with the Holy Scriptures which are able to make the wise the word Sufis Oh skillful unto sotiria through faith which is in Christ Jesus so the scriptures are the mission of bringing us to a place of skillfulness in salvation verse 16 now says verse 16 all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness all Scripture is given by the breath of God the breath of God and it's awfully most advantageous useful for doctrine that the Scalia teaching or explanation that brings us to a place of conviction our convictions are formed by the Holy Scriptures the advantage of the Holy Scriptures is to build a conviction in us where salvation is concerned not experiences but our conviction is derived from the Holy Scriptures because the Holy Scriptures have one mission to make us wise to make us skillful concerning this salvation that we are not neglecting how shall we escape if we neglect so we've got to pay attention to the salvation that Christ has made available to us the book of first John chapter 5 verse 20 first John chapter 5 verse number 20 and we know that the Son of God has come and had given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son Jesus Christ this is the true God and eternal life so the reason the standing in Christ their reason the Son of God is come and has given us he has given us an understanding so there is an understanding in Christ we understand all things using the binoculars of Christ we look through Christ to understand everything because the scriptures from our conviction so there is an understanding we must arrive in Christ because Jesus is the explanation of all things Jesus is the explanation of all things so we've been dealing with the sovereignty of God the serenity of God and I have said it over and over again that the sovereignty of God can only be seen within the framework of salvation within the framework of salvation that is where you see a full expression of the sovereignty of God that is sovereignty of God is not an academic terminology so you cannot reason it out with your mind just you know independent of anything else because for you to begin to explain that you know whatever whatever God wants to do he does whatever God doesn't want to do he does not do there's a meaning of sovereignty then you are blaming God for everything that has happened on earth including seen and including its consequences so that is why you cannot explain the serenity of God as an academic subject you must explain God serenity via the scriptures and when you look critically into the Scriptures holistically the sovereignty of God can only be understood within the framework of salvation within the framework of salvation he does whatever he likes to do in Christ Jesus God does whatever he likes to do but not outside of Christ Jesus he does it in Christ and what we have in Christ is salvation so the sovereignty of God can only be seen in salvation he doesn't know what it just wants to do just for doing signal he does everything is going to do in Christ Jesus that's a broader policy I am what I am by the grace of God so when everybody comes before Christ your good works and your good deeds don't stand a chance remember what we're teaching today is a continuation of what we start teaching on foreknowledge predestination election as it relates to the sovereignty of God that in God there is no preclusion there is no exclusion and there is no preferential treatment God's salvation and God's plan for man is freely offered to everybody in Christ are watching you to come to a place where you receive God's offer to enjoy only as mere available so the salvation plan of God it's what reveals to us the sovereignty of God is what reveals to us God's plan for mankind can somebody shot a powerful amen so Christ is God's choice that is why God's sovereignty finds expression in Christ because Christ is God's choice we see the sovereignty of God in Christ and it's by predestination we see the sovereignty of God in Christ and it's by God's own grace meaning all of us are the same in Christ nobody is superior and nobody is inferior we are all the same in Christ Jesus I like what the book of Galatians of the six verse 15 says Galatians chapter 6 verse 15 Galatians chapter 6 verse 15 when Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision but a new creature I love that word a new creature in Christ Jesus not in avails your degrees don't avail your connections don't avail your strengths don't reveal your morality don't avail your immorality don't avail what avails in Christ is a new creation we know no man after the flesh in Christ the only thing that avails is a new creation your past don't reveal your mystics don't reveal your perfections don't appeal the only thing that avails is a new creation circumcision nor uncircumcision a village anything whether Jew or Gentile doesn't make any difference nobody is superior nobody is inferior the only thing that avails is a new creation a new kind of humanity that never existed before can somebody shout hallelujah so the new creation is you know it's it's God is is God's best that is the way to look at how God views humanity he views humanity in Christ and humanity in Christ is a new creation gimme verse 16 of Galatians chapter 6 verse 16 and as many as walk according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon as many as walk according to this rule so the new creation is also a principle that shall dawn on you as a principle a rule a principle as many as well according to this principle of the new creation according to this principle of the new creation I mean look at you look at what God has done out of you some of us in Christ where we were we were we'd take us we smoked weed until we were useless in the physical some of us were prostitutes I mean see prostitutes coming to Christ who had lost total value for their lives they were good for nothing just use like Jews some were given to alcohol the drunken got drunk until their bodies where we do with all manner of diseases some of us were so useless that nothing good could come out of us in the physical yet the moment you come to Christ you a brand new Mirage Akiyama that is the only thing that avails in Christ Jew Gentile drunken non drunkard moralist non-moral is useless not useless the moment you meet Christ a brand-new life concerned you're not an updated version you're not an improvement you're not a renovation you are a brand new that is you a humanity that never existed before you don't have the past you only have the future and that future is glorious for those he foreknew he predestinated those he predestinated he called those he called he justified those he justified he glorified you only have the glorious future in Christ Jesus hallelujah not sin avails only the new creation with all the way we're physically all the way you were messed up finished use lest by the enemy and useless by your own choices the moment you come to Christ he cleans you up and makes you his home this is this is my house you polish useless that's what I want to live the most important person of the universe since that is my accommodation that is my residence from now that is my residential address if you're looking for me you'll find me in there oh my goodness Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me only the new creation avails not circumcision nor uncircumcision who clean the house Christ Jesus he cleaned us all washed us with his own blood and medals is aboard that's why there is no change to be made in the new creation you don't change him there is no further change at the point of salvation all the changing needs moves on his inside all the changes to his lifestyle about Christ Jesus there are no steps to changes there are no rules all these changes are in Christ Jesus and they're by Christ Jesus you just need to receive it you just need to receive what Christ has done you just need to receive what Christ has done let it just donor you I have eternal life I eternal life I possess the life of God so brother policy is as many as walk by this rule by this principle which rule that you are a new creature there's a principle you are a new creature let you dominate your thinking let it rule over your body it's a new paradigm in Christ Jesus I am a new creation you think about it you think about what he has made out of you you think about what he has done in you the changes produce so like we said a man cannot live the Christian life a man can only receive it by faith you cannot live the Christian life we don't live it will receive it Galatians 6:16 read for me 6 16 according to this rule peace be on them and mercy and upon the Israel of God now every born-again believer becomes the Israel of God the new creation is the Israel is a real Israel of God so God Almighty nests can only be explained in details in a passing called Christ Jesus we see the almighty nests of God in Christ Jesus John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life that's God's sovereign choice he loved the world in spite of irrespective of all day of dawn he does love the world that's God's sovereign choice and it will find expression in oppressing called Christ Jesus whatever is in Christ is for everybody whatever is in Christ is for everybody that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life so whatever you find in Christ Jesus is the sovereignty of God whatever you find in Christ Jesus that's the only way you can explain the serenity of God Jesus says in John chapter 9 verse 4 and 5 John chapter 9 verse 4 and 5 I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work fries as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world that's the sovereignty of God he says I am the light of the world absolute it is say I may be the light of you I could be the high on the sovereignity so the sovereignty of God is found in Christ that God is sovereign lights I am the light I am the life and the life is the light the sovereignty of God I am the truth serenity I am the way I am the life absolute so God sovereign it can only be found in Christ who this light life where truth I am nobody controls me I am independent of control I am independent of submitting to anybody I am that I am I take orders from nobody and I do not get externally influenced I am that I am all by myself in myself with myself for myself I an the IR finds expression within the Passion of Christ what Christ does not do it's not go sovereignity children or die carelessly God is not involved disasters God is not involved calamities God is not involved evil God is not involved sickness no way God is involved why Jesus you see why Jesus rebuked the storm he rebuked the tsunami why here is the dead why he restored people that were broken why he gave life to the prostitute who came ripping at his feet they gave her the gift of acceptance he didn't he didn't he didn't treat her you know funny he received her even before she told him what she came for he didn't wait for her to tell him what she came for he gave her the gift of acceptance there's a serenity of God for God so loved the world I've said that you can't find God so God does not do what he wants to do I'll said Christ never he only does what he wants to do in Christ God was in Christ God was in Christ and what was the action reconciling the sovereignty of God you know it is when this subjects like this are not were handled by by the charge that unbelievers don't get attracted to Allah God he himself can you tell me God is a good god when he allows little children to die because they do not understand that the sovereignty of God is not just sovereignity it is sovereignty that is controlled within a pressing contrast so Jesus is the explanation of all things that's what we read he is come to give us and understand cuz somebody shout hallelujah somebody get em bloodshot hallelujah so kebaya now when we look at the lives of Abraham Isaac Jacob Noah and all the kings in Israel all of them were a passion a relation of God Tashia progressive revelation Jesus now comes in case you think it was any qualification that made Abraham Isaac Jacob unique Jesus comes as a new man and he drew the Jew and the Gentile amalgam s them together and out of them brought out a new kind of humanity that is not a Jew nor agenda only the new man the new creation does the sovereignty of God the sovereignty of God says I am NOT selecting a Jew and I am NOT selecting a Gentile I'm not going to treat anybody special and I'm not going to treat anybody common you Jew come you Gentile pump boom he matches them together and pulls out of them a brand-new kind of humanity that is not a Jew not a gentle just a new man without a history or linear future so nobody is inferior and nobody is superior glory to God after somebody we shall glory that's the servants of God nothing can change what God has said there's a serenity of God nothing can change what God has said he woke at all things after the counsel of his will so now you see the mistake people make they call God's sovereign and what they mean is that they assume that everything happening to individuals is according to God's plan if God want me to marry you I will marry you if God does want me to marry you I wanna marry you anyhow you do it if it is the will of God it must support our loss intimidation that's your individual choice my brother because sovereignty is not in individuals God's sovereignty is not in individuals neither is it in individual actions it is only in Christ you wanna work in oil company is your choice you wanna work as a gift man is your choice you wanna work as a driver is your choice so not those choice you make the choice and whatever comes out it out of it you live with it the pleasure or the consequences of their choice don't blame God for marine a woman who beat you the time before she started beating you where you are telling I love you even though she said you shall have known that our hand is going to reach out and if you don't know well sorry allow you know you are not allowed before you married there was a detriment carry the sound when he was approaching your face just say you should have known that that hand will finish his assignment you cannot find the sovereignty of God in individuals God sovereignly can only be seen and explained within a conduit of Christ Jesus it can go out you got a job on you died on the job it wasn't God it was your choice before you got that job before you went for that job they were signals telling you that job if in your heart told you but maybe then the money that was gonna come out of it went beyond your sense of judgment you agreed responded to that money and you followed your greed to your termination can blame God Father God sovereignity is in Christ what Christ doesn't do got us into the Christ choose anybody's wife for him on Edie no he attended a wedding where choice was already made so God does not choose wives for anybody if he did Christ will have gone around distributing wives whatever crisis in you God does in do it wasn't what God is revealed in Christ whatever Christ doesn't do God doesn't do when you see Christ doing it that is God at work because Jesus is God who became a man hallelujah hallelujah or better still choices are made according to people's desires and God respects your desire God is not against your desire otherwise you wouldn't have given you desire he allow you to have a desire and so now you can enjoy your desires in God's sovereignty if you like you can write this up now the way I wrote it in my note in God's sovereignty which cannot be changed in God's sovereignty which cannot be changed he gave money choice in God's sovereignty which cannot be changed he gave money choice that choice cannot be changed the fact that God gave money choice cannot be changed by any situation choice is man's responsibility and God does not influence man's choice you know if I gave you a choice and then I come to influence how you make their choice then I didn't give you a choice oh up should I marry that girl that's all you've never had anything Oh father should I get that job is your choice you will never tell you know you will never tell you yes however you will show you the scriptures that guides you in making the choice for your safety but ultimately you make the choice ultimately the script is if if we will stay with scriptures we will need to be hearing external things scriptures already told you clearly do not be unequally yoked an unbeliever so you're trying to get married you know there are unbelievers out of it the scriptural ready to declare it make no friendship with an angry man so if the man is already fuming or the woman is already fuming you know that this one is a new gue the scriptures already told you clearly clearly make no friendship with a drunkard if not he would drink and lie down in the gutter and you become a Macario husband from Goethe it's so clear I mean the Scriptures have already given you the word Islam the word is a light that's already bright in the pathway if only you will pay attention to the scriptures you will just you be so guided in life you will never stumble the lights is there the light is on your way most times we just make wrong choices and wrong decisions because we are drawn by our own lost our greed got in the way teaching good so god serenity is that he gave you a choice and he does not change that choice God has given his word concerning man's will to choose he has already given his word I said before your life that the choice is yours nothing changes that that is the sovereignty of God observe when things happen where people say God is in control God is in control that's not true that's not true that's a denial of responsibility God is in control God is not the one making things happen men make things happen in order for me to explain that a bit for you because some of just is struggling because of your mindset now she's struggling with some of these things I'm sharing with you from Scripture your mind is fighting every second is not in control movie new report is in control hey when God created man he said let them let them not let us let them have we out of it they haven't even the heavens belong to God the earth he has given to the sons of men let them he handed over the control to man and he has stayed behind not to interfere with the control he himself if he wants to get anything done he submits himself to man's choice God Almighty so let me our chief question was the will of God to have to be all men saved why choice there are people who till they died didn't care about God choice and God didn't tell women not just about to die are you sure he watches them till they die he does nothing God if God were to be in control the whole of Akwa Ibom said to be cereal this morning hearing me teach because God wants all of them to hear what I am teaching but God is not in control there are some people even by this neighborhood that are sitting in homes they know service is going on right now they are not even bothered and God can force them God is not in control am i teaching see if you understand what I'm saying you will function maximally in life God one of the things that God can you can listen that is why even in your prayer you cannot overrule man's will you can press a father in the name of Jesus I suspend how will you even though she doesn't want to do it I command her to do it that's witchcraft you cannot we have authority over circumstances we have authority over demons we have authority over evil spirits we have no authority over men we have no authority over men even God himself does not use up man he walks within man to persuade man he persuades how does he pass with with his goodness he brings goodness and uses goodness to give you a reason to see why you should choose this way but he does not make the choice for you am i teaching here he doesn't make the choice for you he doesn't make the choice for you because in dealing with the serenity of God I'm taking time to carefully put these facts before you because once you understand this you will enjoy God oh yes you will enjoy God now let's look at the concept of sin so we can explain a few things here the concept of seeing because the concept of sin explains to you God serenity because you see most of the proponents theological proponents of the fact that God is in control there are proponents of that theological okay and they are part of the book who have caused confusion to people's minds they are proponents who go around saying God is in control if God doesn't want it he cannot happen so after they finish proposing that position when they push it and push it and push it even theologians when they come to the concept of sin they get lost because then they they are there their position cannot suffice in the concept of sin and once your position of God serenity excludes the concept of sin it is no more serenity if it is sovereignty should be everywhere but once it is closed you miss normal serenity they get confused because the concept of scene completely demystifies the serenity of God all right watch let's look at it are you here if you're healthy I'm here James chapter 1 verse 13 James 1:13 James Jimmy's 1:13 God cannot somebody say cannot God cannot so that already render serenity important God cannot God can't do everything no God cannot God cannot so that already punches holes in that theory of serenity for God cannot be reseda underline that your Bible or circulate or color it God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man God cannot alright next verse we didn't exhaust for me so the temptation is within man's loss it's not even set under tense it's not evil Satan it is man's lost man's desire does the right word every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own desire desire and it is in that desire that you have choice which is God sovereignity give him an the freedom to desire and to choose I love brother James James did some ahh when I get to heaven I'll give him a good handshake and if just coffee dear me I will share a cup of coffee he did some justice in defending the James James was fronting with the defense of God's character the safale sees his if any man lack wisdom let him ask of God come on up in the originalist let him ask the giving God let him ask the giving God what James is saying is God never holds back let him ask the giving God that is God is always itching to give so God is constantly giving let him ask the giving God which give that to all men not to Christians you wonder why your mother and the village is not born again Prince and the prayers are answered he is the giving God you wonder why your colleague in the office that it does not even believe in God well it just says oh god please let me think support is the giving God he giveth to all men liberally and operate that not the word of bread means he does not find fault when God gives he gives it out conditions Marcia Coyle he does not say are you qualified are you not qualified review fast did you not fast are you holy are you not holy he just gives he gives he gives and gives give that to all men liberally he giveth all men generously and does not find fault that's my father that's my god he does not find for then after you finish settling that side of God's character he now said let no man say in the same chapter the whole chapter of James Wan is James defense for God single identity he does not find fault let no man say when I'm tempted I'm tempted of God for God cannot God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man so it was not Jesus was not God that tempted Jesus that already correct message of the for for you the Spirit of God in only Jesus to be tempted because God does not set people up for temptation see the man that sets up and demand attempts are deceived so to say God set you up for temptation is more wicked than to say God can tell you that means God is a crook since he didn't want to be the one in front tempted he now sat in the background and set you up no God does not set up God does not set you up and God does not tempt you he is not associated with temptation why there is no evil in God he has no hidden agenda basically he is light and in him there is no darkness at all and there is no shadow he does not have shadow so God is not hiding something when you look at Christ you see the totality of God he is called the Express image of God God doesn't set up he does not instead he makes a way of escape during a god he makes a way of escape he makes a way of asking glory that's my father so that is why the serenity of God cannot exist outside Christ no you cannot you cannot we are not Muslims who are not Muslims it is Muslims who believe that everything that happens is the making of God you die is a making of God you break your leg is a meeting of God your sick is a meeting of God your poor is the way God wanted that's Islam and we can understand why they talk like that they are in darkness no man comes to the light and attributes evil to God God cannot be tempted neither tempteth he any man it was many years ago I was watching and following the ministry of dr. Casey price he blessed me with a statement he said and some of you think God is responsible for sickness maybe you think God is teaching a lesson by bringing sickness into your life so this good God loves you so much he gave their wives your wife two pair of breasts and just took one by cancer what a wonderful God he gave two and took one and it didn't even take it he took it through an instrument called Casa what a god what a god he's really a god me if he is God if you didn't want to give you shouldn't have given Y given change your mind no shadow of Tony no sure loved forever Oh God whatever God does is a settled reality shattered and I have news I know what God has done everything God has done is in Christ where are you that is why it is not heaven at last it is heaven infest because whatever God does is settled forever that's why people that are struggling with eternal salvation have not understood the character of God how can a permanent God produce a temporal salvation is not in his character everything produces after its own kind so if God is eternal whatever God provides must be etana so that's a salvation is eternal redemption is eternal the forgiveness of sins is eternal you know your inheritance is eternal because he came out of an eternal God for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son the who say my beliefs are my Perry's will have everlasting life so James is defending those character not written next verse for me but but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed 15 then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death you will observe how little Satan is that Satan is not even recognizing the process that is how insignificant Lee myopic Muhammad microscopic he is he is not even recognized in the process is man desire man uncontrollable desire desire sin sin dead no Sita Satan just hides and takes advantage of the motion and follows it is terminal destination since it is working in his interest is man lost uncontrollable lost see sin death evil Romans 5:12 establishes that where for us by one man sin entered into the world and death by seeing the motion that reveals to you that God is not in control who can stand against the law no one can know are we [Music] but Samaria stood against the Lord and the Lord could not defeat Samaria he couldn't defeat Samaria God could not defeat Samaria in Luke chapter 9 verse 51 some of you are looking at me it looks up the 9 verse 51 read for me and it came to pass when the time was come that he should be received up he steadfastly sets his face to go to Jerusalem next verse and sends messengers before his face and they went and entered into the village of the Samaritans to make ready for him don't forget he has decided you go through Samaria his messengers have come to Samaria to prepare the way for him to pass through next verse and they did not receive him because his face was as though he would go through they did not want him to use their town sssss as a corridor to go to Samaria I'm into Jerusalem next verse and when his disciples James and John saw this they said Lord without that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as a lion it must have been so offensive that the disciples wanted to bring fire down and delete the village that's how offended they were and that's how offensive the situation was it was very insulting to the human they said Jesus we treated such as Samaria Jesus Oh summer even we cannot take it how much more you if when Elijah couldn't take it Jesus Jesus come on Cimmeria Tim dope Anson you cannot pass through data Jesus listen les advice you you don't have to help us we know you're a good guy you're a gent receive you just on your back and tell us take care we we know how to do it we know the formula Elijah did we'll just bring fire down then we would tell you master Passover just let us we know how to do these things who can stand against the Lord Thomas Amelia not even a better country Sammy Sammy Sammy look at the next one Rick but he turned and rebuked them and said he knew not what manner of breathe here of next verse but the son of man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them and they went to another village that reveals to you the character of God that anywhere there is destruction God is not involved for the Son of Man is not come to destroy the Son of Man is come and has given us an understanding so when we look at the Son of Man we have an understanding of who God is for the Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them and what did they do they rerouted their trip who stood against the Lord Samaria did they succeed yes so God cannot do everything change this direction once it comes to use up amongst will God withdraws once you say Lord no no I don't want God says ok that's it he doesn't force I mean this these illustrations will help you better Adam the day you eat traditional surely die and and God was done in Adam took it at God it is a didn't I save you eat it you die it is God sovereignity to respect your choice you know I've told you God loves you so much that in his love he will allow you go to him his love respects your choice he respects you so much in his love that he allows you go to hell if you choose no I showed you before time see God does not react he Pro up God is always in the prune not in the read so before time he says this this this choice yours however I will be around so you make the choice okay let's go you go and then somewhere on the road he said Lord I'm so sorry I've changed my mind I don't want the choice again I want you he grabs her he grabs who quickly cleans you up and in tough interferes with all the processes by supernatural intervention and all of a sudden what was impossible becomes possible because now you have allowed him to take charge you've submitted to his will you've allowed him to be in control you allow him to be in control that's or whatever you bind on it he cannot bind kill you bind whatever you loose you call the shots teaching good you caused this you call the shots so when people are said where's gonna be is gonna be telling shut up we're in charge we must take responsibility if you don't take responsibility you add a liability so God has given his wheel and its word concerning man's will to choice are you still in the building don't forget God is not the author of confusion so anywhere you see confusion it can never be God rather he's the author and the finisher of faith it's not the author of confusion is the author of faith so if the God is in control what I also said is that God is in control of sin because if is in control is in control of everything including man's sin and the punishment for months if he made everything happen then that makes him a wicked God so and if it's not in control of scene then it's not in the control of the outcome of scene and it's not in control of the disasters in the world so that is why the only way you can explain the supremacy of God will be in Christ oh yes you can say he gave their rights to the passing causing confusion but it's not responsible for the confusion he gave us the rights to make the choice oh yes he did so we cannot call seen God's permission we can call him God's permission he didn't Commission it but he permitted man since does the women who wanted to go he does not cause anyone to sin but he permits men to sing the same way he does not permit men not to see in the unit he permits men to see the same way he does not permit men to see hearing inner he permits meant to see the same way he does not permit men to see and both actions whether to see nor not a dependent on man but actions so James want a team already sucks God out in fact read formulas around of the Sun are you bless this morning come on Agha I feel like we should have some dancing here but those before that we do it read for me verse 15 and 16 James 1:15 then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth 16 stop saying God is in control of everything that's at all because already I've seen that God is not in control of everything why he's not in control of sin it's not in control of the choice of sin is not in control of the outcome I've seen that's already a huge part of human existence that's a huge part God is fair in control of everything once God is not in control of scene choice and come on scene then God is really not in control how in the house God is really not in control he's really not in control you went your office you change figures in the file your boss picked you up they locked you up in prison God is not in control your pen was in control how can God allow this prayer warrior to be in prison maybe God wants him to go and evangelize him there are better ways to evangelize you can start a prison ministry officially registered with full access to the prisons you don't have to go there through the window come through the window at thieves and robbers you have to go through the window you can go through the door and preach and even they X coated by the police to go and preach and they bring you out honorably and you drive away you don't have to be chained and taken in there to be one of them after they finished beating you this a pastor prefers no better ways but who took you there you took yourself God is not in control God is only in control within Christ our said Christ God is not in control man is in control the driver that drove that car recklessly and had that accident God is in control God is in control God control the speedometer who did the driver I mean we were driving with my car just recently acting towards the LED CEO last year well I came into the town and just came into town my driver came to the airport to pick me and then we got in the car we were driving and I was this convoy racing and racing and my travel just felt nice that the road is cleared for us by the police escorts and all that and he started racing towards them then suddenly they stopped their cars you know this government convoys their drivers is like they have a calling to drive such disgust cos such as I see them driving and this guy was following them I relaxed because a dog problem if you like speed and like speed if you like so my class I went and the one day stop my driver lost control all I knew was that my car was spinning 50 50 50 right on the road I was on my seatbelts because I was taught never to stay without a seatbelt broken cause basically to me a bell don't ever be in a car without a seatbelt you need to live long it'll be that many years ago he said my friend was paralyzed by being in a car a preacher and you could not preach because if you stay with the signals and when the accident happened he was destroyed so he doesn't play with seatbelts maybe that will help some people here now let me get to the maintainer get over so this guy was peeling peeling I just held onto the seat and I was looking at every part of this pee cause it's new fear in me so I seen everything see we got off the road then the car just turned and I came out and I said drive off I say well ok alright let's go the tire pulled out doesn't never of impact ok who control the car God who so God is not in control the driver should have known that that convoy is only liable and he should have driven at his pace but he got excited like a little boy who is excited we're going to preach somewhere my driver sleeping in the car my driver just ran away new bush I said we're supposed to be on the road what are we doing in a bush they pay us to consider bush I think it's time to close in here was the driver said they tie us to cost you the bush I said how is I was like this details my dear later [Music] did you sleep because the only one can explore does happen to us as you slept and the cow into the bush with us did you sleep is sadness ok we must prove this thing mechanic come you have to prove to us that these tires have the capacity to take us to the bush so the novice driver calm down the mechanic to cover his theory I said I was lit inside me with my - I suppose I want to see the tire take us to the bush and I told the driver sit with me let's watch it together drove and drove it spilled went came back went came back pressed the brakes top pushed again the current stopped is that this cars no problem I'm a mechanic I mean everything is ok in this car I said no drag it until it takes off the bush man must learn to accept responsibility for choices made heaven is by choice hell is my choice whosoever believes shall not perish but have everlasting life I bless you this morning I declare over you this morning your choices will produce good results under your inner amen I'm not telling that a man somebody said I made my choice to receive God's salvation plan I am saved and save forever I didn't hear powerful amen well stand on your feet us all I've got for you this morning and I were concluding the second survey and you bless this morning what two to three people on Telamon bless and bless them blessed glory hallelujah so Megan I am blessed God loves me I have his unconditional love shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost the life of God is at work in me I am ghost residents I am the house of God he lives in me the totality of deity lives in my humanity I have all of his authority all of his power I changed things I changed things and in the name of Jesus I am in control of circumstances and situations in this world and in the name of Jesus I decree that the enemy does not have the right to function within my authority I refuse to yield my rights to the devil I refuse the devil room in my life Satan I resist you in the name of Jesus your tricks your schemes your wires your strategies your fiery darts I resist you you have no access to me or mine you have no access to me or my property I mine are all blessed you didn't shout amen to that and I declare the remaining days of your life you will enjoy full victory victory of our circumstances victory of our situation victory over the tricks of the enemy in the name of Jesus where you need a miracle as well Amen is coming like thunder we create a miracle right now receive a miracle right now receive a miracle right now the intervention of God in situations that have defied natural solutions received at intervention in the name of Jesus and I decree that you continue to grow in grace grow in knowledge the favor of God is at work for you where you need new relationships that will add value to your life I command those relationships drawn to your direction we are in circumstances that creates for you an enabling environment to express all that is within your desire within the will of God in the name of Jesus and I decree and declare today everything that you desire the Bible says when you pray believe you receive you and you have them all your desires in this building things you've been praying about and things you've been speaking to the Lord about and things you've been believing God for in the course of this study days of being together in fellowship in the world a commando colony mcaren anga la banda raza gilani maha a monocle anemic erode Oscar le Bedoya thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord after Peter give Jesus the boots to teach when Jesus finished teaching it on to Peterson launch into the deep for a drought Niccolo began those things that you've had somewhere waiting for for a divine intervention i decree now that we are sucked to receive the world we have given relevance to God's Word every situation around you that was making noise I commanded to sis in the name of Jesus received miracles received miracles receive miracles receive miracles sick bodies are healed barriers are broken and those should be waiting for to open up just open for you things should be ready for to be sign of just being facile documents a sign Church assigned appointments assign employments aside promotions aside I declare as well a man is coming Lokhande receive the hardness of Testaments receive a hard-ass of Testament receive the harvest of testimonies God does not operate God does not find fault he is the giving God is a generous God every area of your life where you be ready for certain things to happen we shift things and we command things to happen for you in the name of Jesus thank you for affording a manifestation of your goodness in the hearts and lives of your people and thank you for confirming your water day with testimonies and we rejoice we rejoice we rejoice that your people are live in this place the name ready to celebrate a lifetime of victory and lifetime of triumph and a lifetime of enjoying the goodness of God and a lifetime of making impact by accepting responsibility for our choices and we make right choices we make godly choices and we make life-changing choices that were better the cause of humanity in the name of Jesus thank you Father for great grace that is upon this house today in Jesus precious name and every believer says that amen only note of finality I want to yell it patty the Amen in one second can we celebrate testimonials in the buildin let's celebrate miracles let's celebrate let's celebrate let's celebrate let's celebrate Lauren Lauren Lauren a my a man in a few minutes we'll be dancing all over this place I'm making crazy noise as we celebrate what God has done has he done it or you will do it now remember today because we're gonna sign of the online people in a few minutes I'm taking my offering today I'm taking my offering today those of you online because you may hear when we are taking their offerings you can send your offerings to my accounts now if you don't have their accounts online all you need to do is shoot an email to dr. able demeanor at yahoo.com and we will send you the account where you send the offerings to and please is important to indicate where you're sending it from so we know what kind of account to send to you for my personal offering and somebody says why they're offering let him that is thought communicate with this teacher in all good things it's a good thing to give to your man of God you are not given to me because I'm in need you're given to me because you are a responsible understanding believer and you obey the Word of God do we obey the Word of God we obey the Word of God and it is my responsibility to ensure that you do the Word of God and this time it is in my direction God punished the devil so I'm gonna be taking that often and jail is already waiting for me to pay her for helping me preach so when you're giving me my often mature jars of Rhenish inside my offered husband she done a good job for us can we celebrate child a celebrate job Thank You Man Thank You Man praise God etc and she said to me you're always calling me man in church I would call it you girl praise God oh my goodness been a wonderful time just being with all of you I'm gonna take the offerings right now follow Saudis and then after that in the pulse of the Saudis we'll do our own ear make sure you do yours online but it's just been wonderful being here grab a good offering let's give a response to the Word of God this morning response to the Word of God this morning glory hallelujah go to see Kiana father will rejoice this morning as we give were given faith we give a joy we give with the love of God in our hearts we're generous we're responsible people we honor the word and we do the word in this house so as we give would give a joy in honor of your word and we thank you for the privilege to make a difference to our giving in Jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful Amen hey guys listen we're about to sign you off and let you go but hey it's been wonderful being with you this thirty full days of glory however from this week you know the Lord the Lord spoke to me within the week within last please listen carefully pay attention the Lord spoke to me in the course of last week to get the whole of this charge and every compass of all our ministry around the world to get our suspending next 30 days just praying praying for the ministry praying for this war to break through frontiers praying for this world to reach the on which praying for enlargement and expansion of capacity because as so much the Lord will do with us in the next one year even as we advance and push the message out and of course you pray for me too I need strength I need God I need everything that is God so I need him you pray for me too you pray for me also that I am kept from wicked and unreasonable men kept from you know all the people who don't like my face even where doesn't matter where they like my face or not as long as they're hearing what I'm saying that's what matters but you pray for me too I need the prayers my family needs the prayer but not just we also the world Oh wonder what to heat out we wonder what to go everywhere so we're going to spend from tomorrow till the next one months the aggressive parade everybody you know everyday you take out an hour or two just to pray pray for this ministry and we have prayer points that you can use for prayer if you don't if you want us to email them to you we can email them for free to you all the prayer points for prayer if you email me asking for the prayer points over same but just set up prayer comes everywhere prayer groups let's just pray for this ministry we have an assignment to this world and it cannot be done in flesh it can only be done by the Spirit so we pray and align and cause things to happen in the realm of the Spirit so I was thinking about him I mean the Lord lady and I was thinking about it so last night Pastor Chris online called me and missed his call because we're having a fellowship with you know some brethren here so when I got up I saw his miss called him and I said ah what's up he said a lot just spoke to me to share with you that as the conference finishes tomorrow we should spend more time in prayer and I said oh just spoke to me in fact I already had it in my plan had already planned that we should spend is I just feel that we need to pray some more so that this word will flow and you know get to where it needs to get you to the ends of the earth because you know there's something God is doing in this season so you know and I said to him you just confirm what God spoke to me already so friends let's go let's go let's go with it at the amount of two or three witnesses say what is established the Lord spoke to me and he used him to speak to me to own it amen don't take it like let's take it very serious everybody let's let's create concerts of Prayer you can have teams of two or three people you can create online platforms and just meet to pray one hour two hours 30 minutes whatever works for us but we must make sure we pray everyday in this church and our prayer program every day they spray are going on so everybody being your prayer group every day let's pray through the whole of this next 30 days intentionally aggressively and you know let's pray you know purposely let's not just pray let's pray with an intention to make things happen can I get a powerful amen alright so that's the next now see and then the last thing I want to say to you guys before I let you go is that beginning from tomorrow we're going to have a lot of teases going out everything we have pretty distant it is we're gonna cut our tease us and we're going to push them out on social media like like there is no tomorrow we're going to flood the entire social media aggressively so we want everybody when you see them share them when you see them share them take them drop them in what subgroups let's throw it everywhere we have finished cooking here now let's distribute the food globally let's push it out everywhere it needs to get to share the videos on your page take the teasers drop them on YouTube pages drop them in what subgroups draw them in different platforms let's invade platforms after all there too when they push their nonsense to your page they don't take permission from you so it's time for us also to give them a return match and add value to their life somebody shouts I hear you so all of us bought the whole of this charge everybody online all our campuses everybody that believes in what we're doing we're going to go and receive the next 30 days just flooding the nations where the truth of God's life can I hear powerful amen lastly guys will love you you don't want to miss the next one I'm gonna share to conclude this teaching in the second service you don't want to miss him at 11:00 a.m. I will be live we look forward to hearing from you when is the district I have been on midweek Saudis were praying the whole of this week were only back in church on Sunday so even for Palace citizens you just pray and enjoy your time at home go through your notes and just spend time meditating through our way of thought we don't have Church this week only pray us going on every day we'll meet next Sunday first and second service then after that routine is back but this week well let me just rest and enjoy yourself so that little I can catch my breath and enjoy myself to is a good thing to enjoy yourself he giveth us audience richly to enjoy not until there's endurance but there's also enjoyment God punished the devil all our campuses we live in the echo hands over campus coordinators the rest of you will love you enjoy yourselves we connect at 11:00 a.m. GMT plus one let's celebrate viewers around the wall for being a part of this great service this morning [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,930
Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Id: k8wbA3Wi-NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 46sec (4786 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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