30 Days Of Glory Service: 19-7-2019 | Day 12

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[Music] the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen whatever come every one of you joining us where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube Instagram all the platforms and our campuses but let's have everybody connecting is still 30 days of glory you get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I have a powerful amen are you excited about the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus can we go ahead and celebrate the life of God with a shower get excited get happy tonight glory amen you can be seated with your Suites myself tonight let's get in the world glory to God amen all right so we've been on this subject of salvation and I mean you know like the sotiria seasons are each of the sotiria season focus is on a particular aspect of salvation we're reading tonight from second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 and that from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so majorly the Holy Scriptures are able to make you wise unto salvation unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus the Scriptures make us wise unto salvation salvation through faith in Christ faith in Christ right John 7:37 John chapter 7 verse 37 in the last day that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried saying if any man thirst let him come unto me and drink next verse he that believeth on me as the scripture has said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water 39 but this spake he of the spirits which they died believe on him should receive for the Holy Ghost was not yet given because that Jesus was not yet glorified the Holy Ghost was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified so until Jesus was glorified nobody could be a son of God until Jesus was glorified nobody could be born of the Spirit the glorification of Jesus is what brought to us the birth in the spirit remember yesterday we established in Romans 8:1 and to Romans chapter 8 verse 1 and 2 there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit last you or the law of this breeze of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death hath made us free has made us free has made us free and we said if it all read the whole chapter you will not get what but a poor was communicating here so vast 14 of Romans chapter 8 verse 14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of good then verse 15 now verse 15 for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father so there is a spirit of adoption which he thought as the exact opposite of the spirit of bondage again to fear so is Anna spirit of bondage again to fear on the spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father now what was given by God to us upon the glorification of Jesus is life life life was given to us by God in his spirit the spirit of life what is new in the New Covenant that is not in the Old Covenant what is new the reason why the New Covenant is called new what makes a new covenant no and back it being new makes the Old Covenant old is the spirit of adoption that is what is new in the epistles that spirit you won't find it in the Old Testament the spirit of adoption that is what mal was looking for that means where Abraham was looking for that is what Moses was looking for that is what all the Old Testament Saints were looking for they were looking for the spirit of adoption remember in Galatians chapter 3 verse 13 when a Paul puts up an explanation in Galatians 3:13 read for me Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us for it is written cursed is every one that's hanging on a tree verse 14 now carefully that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles you will complete the reading question what is the blessing of Abraham the forgiveness of sin bless it is a man unto whom god imputeth know seen the blessedness of that man so that the blessing or that justification by faith or that justification devoid of walks might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ next next sentence next sentence that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith now that promise of the Spirit actually is the promised spirit it's not promise of the Spirit it is the promised ad spirit the promise was a spirit the promise was a spirit that is what God promised that was going to be given to us upon the resurrection now look at this in the book of Acts chapter 2 look at what the way brought up burned a pizza communicated this on the day of Pentecost Acts chapter 2 verse 22 some long reading force acts 2:22 read force men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you as in yourselves also no.23 him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God you have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain whom God has raised up having loosed the pains of death because it was not possible that he should be hota not being 25 for David speaketh concerning him I first saw the Lord always before my face for he is on my right hand that I should not be moved 106 therefore did my hearts rejoice and my tongue was glad moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope 27 because that will not leave my soul in Hell neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption that has made known to me the ways of life thou shalt make me full of dramatic countenance men and brethren let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David that he is both dead and buried and his Sepulchre is with us unto this day therefore being a prophet and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruits of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne jiwon he think this before speak of the resurrection of Christ that his soul was not left in Hell neither his flesh did see corruption yea this Jesus hath God raised up world we all are witnessing hallelujah next verse therefore being by the right hand of God exalted on having real attention between that verse again therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received her father the promise of the Holy Ghost he has said for this which ye now see and he had shared fought this that was the promised spirit and that is what we received in the New Testament that is what you have in the epistles that is not in the Old Testament so resurrection and in that resurrection we find the spirit of life in Christ Jesus in the resurrection of Jesus we find the spirit of life brought upon your spirit of life more than forgiveness of sea in the EP stores spirit of life spirit of life so his focus cannot be the forgiveness of sins now realize that eternal salvation has been for years Abraham knew about eternal salvation Moses knew about eternal salvation that is where Moses chose not to die in Canaan because he knew about eternal salvation you know and he held those people and because they didn't accept what he did he gave them the law 613 laws to keep struggling under that says called Moses the lawgiver Moses the lawgiver why did we give them the law because they refused the gospel he sees that challenged him if he flushed leprosy on her and after giving her leprosy said I have interceded for you Moses it was called Moses on a leprosy was Moses in oppression because there's no debt in God he even told them God speaks to be face to face you people have not even seen his shadow it was Moses he spoke on behalf of God because Moses was was a servant over his house like Jesus is his son over his house you don't understand Moses was his servant over his house like Jesus he says son over his house whose house you are so the same way Jesus is in charge does a Moses was in charge meaning Moses could declare whatever and see it happen he gave a leprous for talking to him like that he told him they can enter the Holy of Holies except the high priest he entered and walked out freely and he told the high priest they can only enter once a year he was entering free of charge he told them that the priests who sprinkle blood and oil on them nobody sprinkle blood he is guy in charge and when the Challenger we said how dare you speak to my southern for I Spit to him face to face me while God has never spoken to Moses face to face but Moses claimed that after all he's a southern to run our house teaching good that's why Jesus who say mosey said Jesus never said God say Jesus said most you have a had it has been said Moses said but I say he didn't say God said to Moses he said Moses is the one that said all those things this is what I say and it always contradicted Moses himself said a prophet like unto me shall the Lord God raise unto you him shall you hear in all things whatsoever ye shall see and anybody that will not tell him shall be destroyed so what was this is simply saying is I am putting a disclaimer on the things I am cleaning subject to what he will say I will in this building here so that's why when he kept up the gospel and they rejected the gospel he took loss and put on their necks Jesus never said for one God said to Moses Jesus never said that for once he kept saying Moses said you have had of old it has been said but I see if he was the one if it was God speaking through Moses Jesus will not contradict Moses because Jesus is God in Matthew chapter 5 you have heard he took time to put Moses squarely in his place and Moses took time to tell you ahead of time when he comes him shall you hear in whatever he will tell you and anybody that will not hear that prophet like unto me shall be destroyed Moses is servant of a house jesus is son of a house whose house you are so if you add Jesus's house you have no business with the law of Moses in the epistles if you observed they were very smart in their pistols none of them none of them in the piece to COC of the Lord does say of the Lord is a language of the Old Testament none of them said o save the Lord they just spoke and they learn from Moses Moses you know the writer of Hebrews exposed Moses and said Moses was just operating on the Ischia a shadow that the entire law was a shadow everything that function on that the Old Testament was a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of those things themselves in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 put it up let's see Hebrews 10 1 look at the way he puts it for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things hold on if it's it again for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of this anybody that would look at the shadow and think that the shadow is the very image has a problem anybody that would look at the shadow and think is looking at the very image is suffering from spiritual lack of honesty because the scriptures already said the law was a shadow of good things to come and not the very image so when you see the act don't look at the ugly fraud when you see blood don't look at blood literal they were shadows of good things to come that's why they could never with those sacrifices you know make the commas Iran to perfect they couldn't they couldn't make the commas Iran to perfect so in the vision Jesus showed to the disciples Moses and Elijah appeared and the conclusion was here Jesus only he our Jesus only what they saw in that vision on the Mount of Transfiguration didn't happen when that vision happen that is what had happened this was just a vision of what had already happened that is before time it was already announced that the only place into here is Jesus only they saw it in a vision it has been the mind of God from time God does not react applause all through the pillar of the law and the prophets God said this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased that's why Moses who said to them a prophet like unto me shall go trees he I him don't hear me because God already told them long time that my beloved son that pleases me will be Christ so there was the prophecy of the Incarnation ahead of time there was a prophecy of the Incarnation are you still in the building yeah so while the people were hearing you know they were hearing Moses and Elijah Moses and Elijah we're here in the Sun they were here in the Sun I mean imagine Moses under the law of sin and death look at what Moses is telling people in numbers 14 28 imagine Moses numbers 14 28 say unto them as truly as I live saith the Lord as you are spoken by yes so will I do to you imagine that that's not God that's not God if God is doing for you whatever you see you me here that's not good Alleluia I said hallelujah so the forgiveness of seeing was available from the beginning of time that's what we started talking about yesterday it was available to Adam but what they didn't have was a spirit of adoption what we have today beyond the forgiveness of sin is a spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father relationship and that's what Jesus meant when he said whom the Sun sets free is free indeed because sonship means to set you free and that spirit is in our hearts crying Abba Father that is total freedom now there was something Jeremiah prophesied as extra I will write my laws in their hearts I will write my it's not literal writing of the laws I will write my laws in their heart means I will put my spirit in their hearts the coming of the Spirit in our hearts is the writing of the law in our hearts it's called the indwelling of the Spirit of course you know you can be taken off your eyes from the reality if you are not careful and be focusing on the shadows just like we discuss blood few days ago we are not washed by the blood we are not washed by the blood but anytime we say the blood we have an understanding of what we're saying hello we have an understanding number one that the blood is a representative of Jesus he sacrifice the blood of Jesus is the judgment of scene on Jesus and depending on the context the blood of Jesus represents the spirit of the song we're not talking about literal decreed Ezekiel 36 25 Ezekiel 36 25 Ezekiel 36 25 read for me then will I sprinkle clean water upon you and ye shall be clean from all your filthiness and from all your idols will I cleanse you yep next verse a new heart also will I give you an a new spirits will I put within you and I will take away the stony hearts out of your flesh so they clear sin is a new spirit the cleansing is the indwelling of the Spirit the cleansing is the arrival of the spirit of adoption so now be looking at water don't be looking at laws there are all modes of communicating as at that time as he relays to the spirit are you still in the building yeah as he relates to this verse 27 for me and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and he shall keep my judgments and do them so he is talking about your spirit because the life of a man is in his blood the life of a man is in his blood so the life of Jesus is the spirit of the son the life of Jesus is the spirit of the soul so we are actually cleansed literally that is the newness we have what is the newness a new spirit will I put within you a new spirit will I put within you so Eddie says I will write my laws in your inward parts it's the impelling of the spirit that said a born-again man just go look at a blackboard of laws he is led by the spirit the indwelling of the Spirit of God are you still in the building here in fact Paul Paul was a bit Clara in a more clearer than everybody else in 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 3 put it off for me 2nd Corinthians 3 3 for as much as the are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ ministered by US written not with ink but with the spirit of the Living God written not with ink but with the spirit of the Living God we don't read or read on not in tables of stone but in fleshy tables of fleshly tables of the heart it is called the ministry of life it is called the ministry of righteousness it is called the ministry of the spirit the ministry of the spirit the new covenant the new laws of God they are a ministry of the spirit so we're not looking at literal laws when we are lost we know what they are trying to say is a spirit when we communicate in plainness of speech no ambiguity involved hallelujah so let's go over all over this one more time all these things we've said number one we said that the Lord did not bring death but the law only minister death that all may become guilty by the law God didn't make them guilty it is the law that made them guilty so again who gave the law Moses so who made them guilty Moses why did Moses give them the law because of the hardness of the earth so the law was a reflection of the state of their hearts a reflection of the state of their hearts to us the gospel you know in Hebrews four - is that the gospel was when first preached to them as well as unto us but the one preached to them did not profit them because they did not mix faith with it so the law was given to them for the hardness of their hearts so that dead Karen over them much more why would the law be strengthened by C question what seems Trenton's the law unbelief unbelief so the law is a child of seeing the law is a child of she is called a law of sin and death so faith is not an afterthought faith is the thought faith has always been the thought has always been a plan of God for man to believe for man to rely on gosh walks for man to depend on what God has done and that's why figuratively mozi shows us that God finished the whole earth then he put mine inside figuratively after God finished all of creation then he puts mine inside because God wanted man to rest in his walk in Hebrews chapter 4 is actually dealing with the finished walk before the foundation of the world so faith becomes the issue faith is the issue why will you think Paul will tell demote him from a child on the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation that the Scriptures is about salvation through faith which is in christ because faith has always been the issue faith has always been the issue those folks that were given the law actually is because they didn't believe the gospel so since they didn't believe the gospel Moses gave them the law the gospel was preached to them the same gospel preached to us was preached to them the gospel of his resurrection now what is faith what is faith faith is to enter the finished work that is faint to enter his finish walk which was done before the foundation of the world all faith is to enter God's rest we that believe have entered into his race but when they didn't believe faith was replaced with the law of Moses the great Moses longer angry with Moses Moses tried those people are very complicated how many years was the gospel preached to them it was preached to them far back at the same time the law was given so before the law was given the gospel was preached when they refused the gospel then the law was given to replace the God so the same gospel was preached to them in Deuteronomy 30 to 20 to show you that he preached it to them Deuteronomy 30 to 20 read for me and he said I will hide my face from them I will see what their end shall be for they are a very froward generation children in whom is no things they're a very fluid generation they are children in whom is no fate a generation that did not believe so let's go back again to a few things are you still in the building god grant him forgiveness of sin is it a condition or a character that is coscarart is not just a condition correct so that's what Jesus came to add he said I have power to forgive that is in my character forgiveness is not an afterthought it is not after Jesus that Jesus the father became a good god no it has been in his character to forgive is God's character forgiveness he forgives he does not impute sin he does not record scene it was no old man accountable does he overlook sin neither does yoga Luke scene what does he do to see he punishes sin how does he punish him on himself he punishes it only himself is in his character to forgive even it has to be the one to be at the liabilities is in God's character to forgive even if he has to be the one to be at now you need to listen because I'm going to get into some very serious things in a few minutes even if a single character you know to be reliabilities so it's in the character of God to forgive that's why the place of God is not a message the grace of God is God's character the grace of God is not a dispensation the grace of God is not this present truth the grace of God has always been God's character from eternity past to Eternity future it is God's character grace the character of God the Zagora legitimate it is God's character the grace of God the grace of God the grace of God so it's not when Christ died no the love of God is why Christ died it's not that Christ died then God loved us no God loved us that's why Christ died Christ did not die for God to love us can I die because God loves us so it is in the character of God to love it is in the character of God to love information is in the character of God to forgive so the love of God is God's character now remember the powers enumerated in faith love is a love suffereth long the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation it's a love is patient or God is very patient not willing that any social perish love those knowledge insist on his own God does not insist on his own because if God is going to insist on his own he will destroy all of us radda God commended his love to us us even if our in our fallen state Christ died that is cause character God is kind God is patient God is long-suffering you know God does not rejoice in iniquity he does not rejoice in evil he does not rejoice him misfortune and I was sharing this to the Bible school students never I use anybody's misfortune as a testimony never say praise the Lord who we are traveling and traveling this study I work at the Villa fault as soon as he the villa fault another cow overtook us and a hundred landed in the hands of robbers 18 of them paint I will have been the one dead but God saved me and give 18 people for my life what you are saying is that God is an evil God don't use somebody's misfortune as a testimony that does not God in the New Testament it has been proven that God delivered people without killing so if Jesus was there when David killed Goliath you will have rebuked is it because he could have delivered Israel from the Philistines attack killing anybody Peter is simply seeing an angel and TAS brings Peter out you type protein anybody when the man wants to harm himself they said to him do yourself no harm we're here if you want to take us back to cosmic but if it is from you you don't have to hang yourself and if you take us back December we came out to come out again then God can deliver without harming anybody am I talking to somebody that is God's character God does have to kill somebody for you to succeed God does have to pull somebody done for you to climb up no all of us can climb up at the same time the world is big enough to occupy us I feel like I'm preaching here that is a good God he giveth us all things richly all of us nobody has to be done for you to be all hey man I said amen it's like you know the mentality of a nobody else after Jesus died then jesus said to God for a cool down I have already done it no God was in fuming God wasn't angry God was he angry that somebody say that I went to heaven and saw God on a throne and saw Jesus on a throne he didn't go anywhere he didn't go anywhere there are no two Thrones anywhere if you really went to heaven you wouldn't have seen God he will have seen Jesus if many people are taught many visions and dreams would disappear look at what I wrote doctrine shapes your subconscious experiences doctrine shapes your subconscious all those useless dreams a product of wrong teaching all of them we didn't say you didn't have the dreams but we are telling where the dreams originated from they came from wrong teaching so doctrine shapes your subconscious experiences we know from teaching that God is not the slave owner God did not require the death of Jesus to love us it was the death of Jesus that demonstrates the extent of God's love for us amen we also established that God does not need the death of Jesus to forgive sins that the forgiveness of sins has always been available even before Jesus died so now let's look at the judgment of God what is the judgment of God somebody's somebody did business the business didn't work the pastor said God is judging you because God knows that if you admit that money you know pay your tithe what is the judgment of God because so much has been attributed to God innocently God is totally innocent of it so Genesis chapter 2 please listen carefully Genesis chapter 2 verse 16 and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely did you hear that what did God say of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat next verse but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die did he say in the day that it has just prayer of I will kill you there is I will kill you What did he say you shall surely die so there is death in the tree there is death in the tree I am warning you not to eat it but you can make the choice to eat it but when you eat it get ready to die that is a loving father instructing his son of a danger ahead because we're examining God's character now he said that in love imagine Adam he are you from God I'm not doing it that's unbelief now some believe he had life he had seen he had the world he chose not to do he a function contrary to what God said and God he related with him he acted contrary to what God said and gods he related with him Adam where Adam even in the consequences of that choice now listen carefully so that you don't see what I didn't say God seems helpless when it comes to the will of man God seems helpless when it comes to the will of man you know why because God did not create a robot God did not create a robot God made man to be able to sing linearly I didn't say God made man to see I said God made man to be able to sing because God did not create a robot I didn't say God made man to see what did I say can I get like a mask why I want to go exactly because he did not create a report he didn't make man to see what a what I mean is a God gave man the capacity to see if man didn't have the capacity to see it will mean that God was controlling man if man didn't have the capacity to see it will mean that God was controlling man and if God was controlling man then man is a robot and if man is a report then God is responsible for all of man's action so God made man to be able to see how many of you remember I said we shall look at that in the course of the teaching some days ago when I said you did God create man ever to see no God created man with the capacity to see that capacity to see is called free will free will and that free will is what Satan held onto that free will is what Satan hair-don't that is what is called they had the power of death that power of death is within the confines of man's free will we are for as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so that death and shame will be product of man's free will don't forget lost uncontrollable lost seen death all originating from lost which is a function of man's wheel listen carefully this is serious here if people go to hell today is because God loves them if people go to hell today is because God loves them why love does not insist on his own so because he loves them and they made their choice he let them have their choice you are not hearing me even people go into hell it is the love of God because there is no death in God there is no darkness in God only life only love and in loving you it doesn't insist you must what do you want I advise you left right choice is yours you say I choose hell no problem he can't override your will if he does that he has denied you you are right to choose I'm teaching good here are you still in this building it is not in God's character to coerce no you know in his love he told Adam the consequence is they dare you eat it you shall surely die God was standing there and watching Adam eat and said nothing God is Adam the reticent future before it started da da you know that now now you see that's life choose life if you eat it you will die Adams dead it didn't stop it didn't erupt Adam has died God showed up where now he didn't show up to bury him he should have to offer him life every time God shows up it is to bring life but this time the life would not be given to Adam until the son dies because he has already died so the only way to bring him back to life is that the sacrifice of God will have to assume his date defeat that arise to offer life am i talking to somebody except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it abides alone but when it dies it bringeth forth fruit if I'm teaching shout I hear you didn't come back to find out what happened he was watching it as it was happening so in the will of man God is a bystander he can only be invited God is a bystander he can only be invited amen God is not founding manipulation at all he doesn't make people do what they don't want to do I remember back in in the church where I grew up sometimes when his sister wants to prophesy you were bleating like a goodness about to die that is a new prophecy should be anywhere there is no bleating I don't believe it is prophecy so one day I kept one of those channels one of those words I said sister this prophecy will be very difficult it's like what you want to prophesize you have to almost die you say in fact even when I don't want God watch me watch me because I don't want but God is pushing a function of wrong teaching all the spiritual experiences as a function of doctrine even how you operate gifts of the Spirit is a function of doctrine there are people that don't believe that they can prophesy to you close your eye and we are well taught you can open your eyes without any generation a prophesy is a spirit not leaving you oh god I'll never open again when they seem like that they know he wants to professor warm-up starting the generator of prophecy blu-ray after all God did for us in class he now says work out your salvation you work it out how do I walk it up I will be in you scaring you up but even I'm inside you you too must walk with me what out not fall you walk out is inside that is yield and let the resurrected life find expression let it find expression I'm already at work I have already been to women mr I've already enable you just yield and let it find expression did you go tonight that's why upon salvation Redemption regeneration freedom from see you will see believers still behaving like Devils you know with all that you be redeemed you this sanctified is being justified you've been purified you have Holy Ghost you are the seal of God you're helping bound you are sealed by Christ sometimes when you see believers behave you wonder if Satan has confusable you know why the will of man it's an institution the will of an is an institution on his own a man can tell God don't come here don't and go to CSF Emma he can tell God don't come here let me ask you a question who held Sumeria spellbound was it an a spirit or a man a man one man held a whole city one man and God could do not in a body man until another man yielded himself so man and man both God and Satan Richmond why the will of man is an institution I will teach in here i prophesy today with my two eyes wide open you will because instrument in this generation you will shut them out of the enemy you will sell as the darkness of this world I didn't hear that any Lokhande man cause method but God and man but God and Satan need man that's what the kingdom of God is in the heart of man the kingdom of Satan is in the heart of man and you know why why God needs man the love of God in his love he gives you the freedom to be he will not tamper with the will of man see that is why all the proponents of God's ability all of them they need flogging all the proponents of God serenity whatever God wants that's what will happen nothing happens if God does not allow it what are you talking about what are you talking about so your wife has breast cancer because God allowed it what are you talking about opponents of the theology they call it the civility of God that is not in how and God's permission what is that so what you're saying is that God is behind seeing the sovereignty of God is only seen within the framework of salvation finish his sovereignty is to save the power of God unto even God's power is regulated to only walk within the conduit of salvation God's power is to say the entirety of God's power you will find it expressing itself where salvation is concerned are you still in the building thank God for James James 1:13 let no man say read for me let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of good for God cannot be tempted with God cannot be tempted with evil about was man that is a place to underline God cannot be tempted with evil underline not attempting any man next verse but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed every man is tempted so if anything is a major activity of man on the edge if anything do you know that the institutions of government on the 8th was because of scene so when talk brought up or talk about the will of God or the will of man as ordained of God what he means is that God gave man the wheel to organize himself God gave man the wheel to organize himself governments didn't come to play until in the days of Pele Pele if you remember I taught it here in the days of Pele so really the will of man is involved and that is how powerful the wheel of man is that it will say to me Tito function when we say Satan don't be looking in the sky when we say theta ms aytul in the sky is useless he is of no relevance and impact any Satan in the sky there is it is a young man with a suit and tie with good English what because the will of man is an institution I'm teaching good here so does God need blood does God use blood does God need sacrifice to forgive the death of Jesus and power God to forgive all right so Ephesus what is offices as a begin to endure we saw the emphasis or the frequency in the Gospels and Ephesus we've established that God is not bipolar he is not schizophrenic in his judgment he is loved and the kind of God that was preached before now his character was defamed what about judgment God will judge I'm gonna feel felt like that before somebody did you something you look for what to do didn't find God except I must have been a living God except I'm not a great living God God will catch up with you what is the judgment of God what is the judgment of God well John 5:22 let me begin to prepare you for what will happen on Sunday John 5:22 are you blessed tonight John 5:22 read for me girl for the father just no man but had committed all judgment unto the son the father does not judge anybody the father judge at no man but he has committed all judgment to the son so when you see Jesus you see God's judgment structure when you see Jesus you see God's judgment structure why look at what Jesus said John 3:19 and this is the condemnation this is that judgment that judgment is not in the future the judgment is already here this is Jesus talking this is judgment that light is come into the world yes and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil the moment men choose evil they have chosen their judgment the moment a man chooses evil he has made his choice for judgment the light has called men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil so the judgment of God is not God sitting on a throne somewhere the judgment of God is in the choice of men nothing called the judgment of God is in the will of human and I said it from the beginning of this teaching in John 3:16 2:18 read for me John 3:16 218 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son yes that's whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life 17 for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world yes the world through him might be saved 18 he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son he that does not believe is charged already questioned what is God's judgment God's judgment will be seen in unbelief of faith God's judgment will be seen in unbelief of faith that is why from Genesis God's plan has always been faith we that believe have entered into the rest as God rested from his own walks he that does not believe is condemned already it's not God sitting down and monitoring people's activities or there is one big TV screen in heaven where they call your name Isaiah my man you have maintained your seat good guy keep sitting there is a good thing to have people like that in your church next life is people who obey pastoral instruction for their own good isn't it a good thing it's not like God will play television and then call names and as people are passing the EVOO the judgment is here the judgment is within the confine of a mouse wheel it's not God I remember back in the days I used to get angry and tell people God punish you coz of anger so if you Steve did while driving is not monitoring anybody did you know what I said God is not monitoring anybody just like Adam the judgment is in faith or unbelief you told me if you do it again you die you told me if I do it one more time I said okay I'm going to give you three more chances God is it a jobless the judgment is in faith or unbelief he that believeth is not condemned and shall not come to judgment glory to God the moment you believe there is no more judgement waiting for you number judgement waiting for you you are the light of Life where are they believers in this building isn't it a wonderful thing to know that there is no judgment with you for you anywhere shall come to condemnation but shall have the light of Life glory to God and God has not changed at all God has not changed at all and there is no darkness in God at all so the revelation of the New Testament is the Fatherhood of God somebody lift your right hand I shall God is my father say it like you know what you're talking about I want to get their allowed Romans 1 7 and closing to all that be in Rome beloved of God called to be Saints grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ from God Allah from God our Father does the revelation of the New Testament Galatians 1:4 who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father according to the will of God and our Father 2nd Thessalonians 2 16 now our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God even our Father which hath loved us and God even our Father does the New Testament our Father I bow my knees unto the Father our Father who art in heaven the spirit of adoption cries Abba Father now the New Testament glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God so do you now understand why this the New Covenant I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities I will remember no more the New Testament is the accurate revelation of God's character accurate he does not record false it was no record seen and it was not keep record of evil no he is merciful sins and iniquities are not held accountable and in order for people not to accuse god of being unjust we have seen his concern instead of punishing it on man and holding man accountable he took all of mankind sins and punished it on himself glory to God greater love hath no man than this that a man should lay down his life for his friends bless tonight get on your feet less clothes in service glory to God Alleluia don't you'll never see the will of man is an institution whatever man decides man does man is the most powerful personality on earth very powerful very powerful man decides that he will go to the moon after many attempts he arrived there after arriving that he put the map of the United States of America in the moon he put Mafia I've been flood he put the flag there and came down man understands to push on so you're leaving me below capacity even as ordinary human being you are living below capacity there now plus born of God the eyes of your understand be enlightened that you may know who you are you will shake your world you will shake your generation you will demonstrate the glory of God in these last days you will manifest your son ship in Christ Jesus I didn't gentleman at all and I decree that veils full of your eyes barriers are removed from your mind every limitation that has been placed on your thinking faculty by religion I pull it down right now in the name of Jesus you have the mind of Christ you have the mind of God the understanding of Christ have the capacity of Christ in the name of Jesus and I decree that everyone here in the sound of my voice you manifest all of your potentials as a believer in the name of Jesus and I decree sick bodies be healed Boreas be taken away the work of your hands are blessed the work of your mind is blessed in the name of Jesus and I declare that the remaining days of your life you enjoy the Fatherhood of God you enjoy the Fatherhood of God Mondo's Aquila Menaka rock una Aquila natashka Nagala Madera Catina healing mo satchel and ybarra I bow my knees under the father of our Lord Jesus Christ whom the whole family in heaven and his name that he will grant you by the spirit the best rental with might in the enema in the name of Jesus and a green ot shall be impossible to you nothing shall be impossible to all of your resources all of your abilities and all of your capacity in Christ manifest full blast in the name of Jesus thank you my father thank you my father Loretta has served me very much I am a believer all things are possible to me right now I live in the zone of possibilities in the name of Jesus by the grace of God and my insult I cast out Devils I heal the sick I raise the dead and I manifests my identity in Christ Jesus I am a terrible to the kingdom of darkness the devil is afraid of facing me I have all of God's fullness on my inside I live above circumstances and situations they are under my feet amen amen amen do you believe just what you said Joseph well go ahead and celebrate who you are in Christ Jesus are you celebrating [Music] I said hey man no limits to the man who knows who easing cries the most dangerous man on the planet is a man that is a born again and knows what it means to be born again does the most dangerous man he can stop storms he can condition the atmosphere he speaks to elements not in stops that man he controls circumstances and situations yeah it's not at the mercy of circumstances is in charge of circumstances the hidayah demons obey Him cheaply does the most dangerous man on the planet concert man is new you know with God that cannot be separated some reshot am an authority here several are amin authority over circumstances and situations I didn't hear powerful Amon are you excited tonight give it a lot another shot for 30 seconds I know that you're not tired and I gotta get a good offering tonight let's wash upon our Lord Jesus let's give in to the work of the ministry let's give in to the advancement of goskino those of you watching on Facebook YouTube Instagram and all the platforms all our campuses grab your own offerings let's give him a lot of the finished work of Christ hallelujah glory to God father we pray for everybody given tonight thank you for the opportunity to be generous in the advancement of your word and in the proclamation of the same we give in faith we gave with joy and we give generously tonight and we thank you that we abound in this grace also so our offerings rise before you a sweet smell tonight in Jesus precious name and every believer says that a man or a nutri finality hey guys listen we're about to sign you up but we love you guys it's been another one week of enjoying the world you don't wanna miss Sunday morning cuz we're gonna get into this whole thing again into deeper things along this same line of teaching first service 8:00 a.m. GMT +1 second service 11:00 a.m. GMT +1 make plans to be part of the full services spend the whole of tomorrow going through everything we talked this week and everything we have taught since we began and get ready for our gonna be teaching from Sunday through next Friday but it's been wonderful having everyone have you been a part of this great summer conference get people involved get friends get family get loved ones to hook up to the service and on to become again Sunday morning enjoy the weekend and join the grace of Christ and keep celebrating at home let's celebrate our viewers around hallelujah [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,134
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 2jFs9Ik-W44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 48sec (4608 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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