Sunday 2nd service | 16-6-2019

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[Music] you hallelujah father we rejoice that we have the privilege of fellowship this morning and we thank you for grace and mercy and every blessing that we're enjoying Christ Jesus thank you for the forgiveness of sins and thank you for Union with you inseparable Union that we have with you and today we have access into all the treasures that you've deposited on our inside and out of the treasures of your deposit we bring out today revelation knowledge and I decree that the eyes of each one's understanding here flooded with light veils full of our eyes build and equip your people by a water lit clarity come to the understanding nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor we thank you for the blessings that we have even in this service in Jesus precious name and every believer since a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together as you say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same in Jesus name and every believers is the powerful Amen well what a welcome everyone of you joining us by way of Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube grace TV and all the TV channels we're glad to have all of you connecting and our campuses we are so glad this morning to fellowship with all of you around the world you get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same at the end of this service we love you once again our glad you're here can we celebrate our viewers again around the world for being a part of this great service this morning hallelujah anybody excited about the Word of God excited about the opportunity to land can we celebrate the one with a shower Alleluia glory thank you Lord amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get in the world this morning the Book of Luke 24 verse 25 this was Jesus speaking to those gentlemen on the way to Emmaus and he said unto them O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken fools that what fools is an adjective describing something fool's an adjective describes a noun right we know that so intellectually door that's what it means that these guys were intellectually dull foolishness can be a spiritual state a spiritual state look at Galatians of the three verse one brother Paul uses the same word in Galatians 3 100 foolish Galatians who had bewitched you that ye should not obey the truth before whose eyes Jesus Christ had been evidently set forth crucified among you he calls an entire chart foolish a figure of speech he calls that charge foolish and it was referring to believers in that charge so an entire charge can be foolish thousands of people gathered but all of them are fools fools intellectually door all right you can have a foolish charge in Galatians 3 one foolish Galatians you got a wall charge he called the choice from their pastor to the smallest child in that gorge fools Oh foolish Galatians bewitched bewitched there was a big Whitman that took place in that congregation a whole charge look at verse 3 of Galatians 3 he even went further to reinforce it are you so foolish having begun in the spirit are you now made perfect by the flesh you started walking in the spirit but you left the things of the spirit and went back to be perfected in legalism walks efforts and he called them fools and he called em foolish and he called them so foolish he's still here so now he is not dealing with the fact that these guys were not smart in natural things he was dealing with their spiritual state slow / hard to believe as a spiritual thing slow / heart khadiyah kadia slow of heart look at wonder what foolish is used he begins to ask rhetorical questions all foolish I also have him be gone he begins to axe rhetorical questions after is in the world foolish because he is describing their spiritual state who has bewitched you and somebody says well why do you hide words to talk to people why don't you talk to them in love this is love now are you so foolish it's love that is love he's speaking to them in love look at her brother Paul will use that word foolish in Romans 1:14 I am better but to the Greeks and to the barbarians but to the wise and to the unwise is the word on why there is the word foolish in this instance those who are intellectually unwise intellectually unwise festival t69 but they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish foolish into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition talking about preachers that they will they will draw to themselves hot fool hurtful lost foolish and hurtful laws all right when a preacher has given to greed a preacher has given two - two - the commercialization of the gospel all right when a preacher has given too much and dies all right when all a preacher is thinking of his money on how to get money he will deprive his charge an opportunity to hear the true gospel because nobody who is greedy for money and who is chasing after money will one day prove gospel to be preached in his charge because the true gospel will be emphasized and it will flush out the common ization and the merchandising of the gospel because the true gospel cannot be manipulated the true gospel cannot be manipulated the true gospel is a message of Christ the grace of Christ what Christ has done for us which is freely given freely given and merchandisers who won that merchandise I don't like the word freely they don't like the word freely once you start talking freely you are busting their balloons and you're you're spoiling their business so he calls these guys is they will draw to themselves foolish and hurtful loss all right desires heartful loss there the word loss there is desires Titus chapter 3 verse 3 still looking at what appalls use of the word foolish for we ourselves also were sometimes foolish disobedient deceived serving divers lost and pleasures living in malice and envy hateful and hating one another sometimes we were foolish the way of the word illiterates or someone whose reasoning faculty is not opened illiterates or someone whose reasoning faculty is not opened and you know religion does that to a lot of people religion tells you not to think just follow everything they say don't think about it and don't question it touch not my anointed don't question it don't think just be a dummy and they'll be moving like a zombie that's what religion does it makes people zombies they can think so you see intellectually educated people in the kolja being zombies when it comes to spiritual things because that is what religion does and religion does that to you to enslave you so you can be taken advantage of by slave masters all right so a man who's faculty is not open it is not as if you know they have the capacity to be literate it's not as if he knows you have the capacity to be literal it's just that his reasoning faculty has not been challenged and unlocked and open for him to reason are you still here you know it's like somebody says I know God but I don't need the Bible doesn't fool how do you know God if you don't read the Bible and say I know God not all this Bible by Buddha all of your reading you is not all this Babu Babu Greek and Hebrew and all these all these epic gnosis I know God how you are a fool you cannot know God I'll say the written word you cannot know God I'll say the written word the written word is the revelation of God you cannot know God I said everything world so your attitude towards the written word tells me how how much you value God and how much you value your relationship with God your attitude to the written word because you can never know God I'll set the written word all of the revelation of God is communicated via the written word if you are still yes here here you look 24 25 again then he said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets of spoken the word fools is a Greek word a notice and notice a no.8 EOS a notice you are not reasoning through the matter fools you are not reasoning through the matter that's what Jesus meant when he called him fools what he meant is this guy's we're not reasoning through the matter what was Jesus referring to that these guys were not the only heart but they'd be risen they were not thinking they were here in the teaching they were here in the message they were reading the scriptures but they were not thinking they were not acting intelligent questions because one of the ways to understand and to read and to grow and to be intellectually sound spiritually is to ask intelligent questions not foolish questions because there are foolish questions and there are unlearned questions and the Bible says foolish and unlearned questions avoid we are talking about intelligent questions as you're hearing a teaching of God's Word you should be asking questions and reasoning and thinking along that's a way to grow don't just don't just brush don't just peruse casually don't just pay pay some kind of of distracted attention you know you're listening by you're not paying attention you're not paying attention that's why it's an issue for you to sit down under an intense teaching of this sort and you're not writing notes you make me doubt your seriousness in fact I question why you are in charge I questioned it because you can be listening to serious concentrated teachings like this and you're not writing anything I don't care how electric your brain is the electric brain Akali the world magnetic brain I don't care magnetic your brain is where so much your man can take within an hour there's so much and I'm saying so much and they are all for your consumption I am NOT just saying many for you to take what you like no all of it is for your concern you must you must you must pay any heed to the things that you are here you must Ennis Lee you can't afford to listen to the things you are teaching with a short attention span a short attention span is a disease is a disease medically because if your attention span is sure you can't comprehend and a lot of things we teach can only be understood holistically holistically meaning you have to hear every theme to be able to see what we said and I don't know if I'm communicating at all you can take just a statement because every statement is within a context you must hear the whole context to have a holistic picture of what is being communicated and if you casually just like a statement out of what he said you are going into error you're going into error it was Canon Copeland was talking and he said in aerodynamics because he flies okay he said if you're flying an aircraft and you have been given the map and you've been giving your route of travel when you're beginning to follow the route your map and you're on your trip he said if you mistakenly for any reason move out of your track even for a few seconds if you're not careful you will end up arriving at a destination you are not supposed to arrive at just by carelessly moving out of your your map your travel map for few seconds so you must be attentive to follow the map in toto to arrive at your destination does aerodynamics does just circular physical we're talking about your spiritual life your spiritual life what not only helps you to live a good life here but in the world to come you've got to pay attention it's so important he said unto them all fools they were not reasoning they were not reasoning and Reuters that's a Greek word it means you're not reasoning through the matter and let me call them slow of heart the Greek word brothers slow of heart brothers we are ad us brothers use in James who are 19 wherefore my beloved friend let every man be swift to hear slow to speak slow to wrath swift to hear slow to speak slow of how to believe brothers it means you are taking your time you are taking your time you are casually thinking that you still have time to learn it you are your mind you have deceive yourself to say even if I don't understand it in the Saudis I will buy the CD and listen on my own where all of us are seated you cannot listen is it on your own you will sit down and listen you are deceiving yourself you are deceiving yourself and you gotta pay attention you know there are some people the only scriptures they know is what they were taught a memory verse as children how can you actually do memory verse you shouldn't be doing memory verse at this age you should have gone beyond memory verse to conquer understanding context not just memory verses and there are preachers if you listen to them all they do is they scatter scriptures around John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son oh my believes in Shawano paragon of everlasting life the Book of Luke 24 25 all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets of Genesis 1:1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth Genesis 1:3 and God said let there be light and there was light jeremiah chapter the already scott scriptures cut pad and the club for them and they said you know Bible they don't know Bible they are just I'll leave you to fill in the gaps just making noise you think they know they don't know memorization of Bible is not a knowledge of Bible you're not reasoning no growth in Hebrews 5:12 elsewhere the writer of Hebrews referred to for when for the time you ought to be teachers you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the Oracles of God and I become such as have need of milk and not of strong meat when you should be teachers you're still looking for milk you're not growing that's what brother the writer of Hebrews was in here is that these guys are not growing and Jesus told him slow of heart the word heart is a Greek word kadia slew of had a spiritual faculty their heart is not the heart that pumps blood their heart is the call a spiritual faculty they are slow of heart to believe so the foolishness here is spiritual you can be intellectually sound but spiritually stupid you can be intellectually sound but spiritually stupid you can be experienced naturally but spiritually a fool you can be naturally experienced you can be wise in worldly matters and you can be a secular wise man but spiritually stupid he call them fools look at the word belief believe that what believe is what annoyed us it refers to the mind slow of heart to believe and notice believe believe refers to the mind so he says you are not thinking through you are not thinking through which means you need your your mind to believe you need your mind to believe you need to regime to believe slow over heart slow of heart to believe your mind is not reasoning true so you need your thinking to believe now I'm not saying that believing is about thinking but you need your thinking to believe please us important I'm not saying that believing is about thinking no what you need your thinking to believe all you need your mind to believe you need your mind to believe to believe all that the prophets of spoken he's talking about faith and he mentions the word mind slow of heart to believe believe him is of the mind you need your mind to believe let me go do a little bit of exigencies on that second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 3 but if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost how vital is my thinking how vital is my thinking pay attention if our gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost next verse in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds had blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God should shine on today the mind the mind that's a vital your thinking is your reasoning is so vital the mind is the word pneuma in the greek Norma and oma used six times and out of the six times it is used in New Testament Greek out of the six times it is used in New Testament Greek five times is in 2nd Corinthians it is used six times and out of the six times five times is in second Corinthians brother Paul used it majorly all right so let's travel a little through that second Corinthians 2nd corinthians 2:11 because we're dealing with how vital is your thinking lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of devices we are not ignorant of his devices that what devices is the word thinking we are not ignorant of Satan's thinking we are not ignorant of his thought pattern we are not ignorant of how certain regimes we are not ignorant of the ways he turns thought patterns functions we are not ignorant we know his thinking pattern devices devices the devices of the devilish is thinking the way Satan thinks through matters the way Satan thinks through matters and in 2nd corinthians of the three was 14 you see the second usage of that word but their minds were blinded their minds were blinded for until this day remain of the same veil on taking away in the reading of the Old Testament which veil is done away in Christ whose minds were blinded those thinking those who read the law when a man is reading the law the law blinds his mind their minds were blinded anywhere the law is preached the people has a veil on their minds the reading of the law you know veils the mind it blocks the mind from reasoning it hinders the mind from thinking right second Corinthians chapter 10 verse 5 naima cast him down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought every thought to the obedience of Christ every thought every thought thinking all right 2nd Corinthians 11:3 how vital is my thinking but I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ your minds your minds you see are important the mind is remember the MA and of the devil is in man the mind of the devil is in man man carries the mind of the devil and what a simile mean is that Devils manifestations is in man there is no other place to see the manifestation of the devil order the man so the devil uses man to express his thoughts the devil uses man to express his thoughts that's critical so in 2nd Corinthians 11:3 he said their minds be corrupted their minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ and every time the word Norma is used there is an effort on your part thinking it's not passive it's active thinking you actively think you reason along you view you with with effort you think that's effort on your part thinking doesn't just happen you have to initiate thinking and you have to you have to think through you have to think through it doesn't just happen is not Posse are you still here the other time the word thinking is used is in Philippians 4:7 Philippians 4:7 all right think on these things you're just lovely honest of good report if there be any virtue or praise think on these things which is positive so you are thinking through the Scriptures because you are expected to think through the Scriptures so that you can apply yourself to eat and believe it slow of heart to believe why are they slow of heart to believe they are not thinking through so because they are not thinking through they are foolish they are foolish because they are not thinking through so where he says fools slow of heart to believe he says you are not applying yourself with things that you have been taught this guy's had the scriptures they read the scriptures but they were not applying themselves to the scriptures now they said to them all fools and slow over to believe all that the prophets have spoken you have the scriptures by your not applying yourself to the Scriptures you are a fool and you're slow you're sluggish or taking your time so the word belief the won't believe on the word faith is the Greek word peace whew peace to you now please listen carefully the key ingredient to Revelation is faith the key ingredient to Revelation is faith they couldn't comprehend what the process was saying because they were slow of heart to believe the key ingredient to Revelation is faith faith so important and the key ingredient to the Word of God is faith to believe all that the prophets have spoken so the emphasis here is on the prophets all that the prophets have spoken the emphasis is on the prophets why look at Luke 24:44 he makes a distinction here and he said unto them these are the words which I expect unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled pay attention which were written in the law of Moses distinction and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me hmm so Moses in the law the prophets the Psalms listen carefully please give me your attention now nobody is meant to believe the law that's why the distinction in the law the prophets the Psalms because first of all nobody is meant to believe the law nobody is meant to believe the law doesn't a distinction and if you pay attention you will understand very quickly where I'm going to because the book of Galatians says the law is not of faith the law is not of faith and you know there are many who cannot distinguish between the law Genesis and the prophets they cannot distinguish it they think the law is the same with the prophecies the same with Genesis so some people who are still slow of how to believe who are not thinking through when they hear me teach they conclude that dr. demeanor says we don't need the Old Testament they just conclude and when they conclude you know a fool has just spoken it's not an insult I hope you know that by now it's an adjective what is it an adjective it describes a now they just conclude without thinking dr. demeanor says Old Testament is rusticated no no you're a fool you are not thinking through that's not what I say and the reason why people come up with such conclusions is because they're not listening to me holistically they just pick something around you can listen to what I'm teaching and just takes lipids you need a holistic message so you can arrive at an understanding in spite of certain statements made that sound as if we are contradicting ourselves no we're not it's just steps that brings you to an ultimate understanding so you need everything that he said everything that is saying you can't just speak his sentence and you can't just run with a part you need the whole are we together here yes so that's what Jesus called us guys fools you know I call them fools watch look at the way they were reasoning in Luke 24 give me verse 15 and it came to pass please pay attention that was that commune together unreasoned Jesus himself drew nigh and went with them next verse but their eyes were holding that they should not know him next verse and he said unto them what manner of communications are these are you have one to another as you walk and Assad and one of them whose name was clear pass answering said unto Him and thou only a stranger in Jerusalem and has not known these things which are come to pass they are these days next to us and he said unto them were things and they set on him concerning Jesus of Nazareth listen carefully now Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people next verse watch watch and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered him to be condemned to death and have crucified Him next verse pay attention but we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel and beside all these today is the third day since these things were done next verse yeah as such a woman also for accompany mirrors astonished which were early at the sepulchre Nexis and when they found not his body they came saying that they are also seen a vision of angels which said that he was alive and certain of them which were with us went to the sepulchre and found it evil so as the women had said but him they saw not net verse then he said unto them Oh foo did you follow the discourse so with all that you've read in the Old Testament with all the scriptures you read your conclusion is that number one Jesus is a prophet number two your conclusion is that his mission was to take over political power and restore Israel to being a nation and then finally your conclusion with all you read in the scriptures is that they killed him they killed him for being a good guy you are fools if after reading the entire Old Testament that is what your conclusion are you are fools that is you are not reasoning you are hearing but you are not thinking through are we still here all right you are not thinking through so listen carefully the law the prophets and the Psalms distinction the law is not of faith because there is a difference between the law Genesis and the prophets they are not the same listen carefully there is a difference between the law Genesis and the prophets all right now let me further establish that the law nobody is meant to believe the law Deuteronomy 30 to 20 and he said I will hide my face from them I will see what their end shall be for there a very fluid generation children in whom is no faith I gave them the law but the law did not give them faith they are children in whom there is no faith does the generation that received the law why don't they have faith because the law is not of faith look at John 1:10 he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not eleven he came unto his own and his own received him not children in whom there is no faith vast wealth but as many as Lamba know him received him to them gave the exuse a power that not what is exuse it means rights and privileges he gives them rights and privileges to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name so believe him is receiving believe him is receiving their that receive him are they that believe on his name they that receive him are they that believe on his name why because believing is receiving if you see a show to hear you so faith is very critical in the words of the prophets faith is very critical in the worlds of the prophets Jesus teaches that faith should be applied to the world of the prophets we have already agreed here that the law is not of faith and nobody is meant to have faith from the law but Jesus teaches that faith must be applied to the words of the prophets he said listen carefully all fools are slow of heart to believe all that their prophets to believe all that the prophets have spoken so we are supposed to believe what the prophets spoke but please listen with caution listen to what I said with caution we are supposed to believe what the Prophet said fools and slow of heart to believe all the no hospital good so Jesus is not expecting us to have faith in the law but Jesus wants also have faith in the prophets but even in the prophets they are is caution and you will find out in a few minutes to believe all that the prophets have spoken Hebrews 11:1 please pay attention Hebrews 11:1 is a summary of the Old Testament a summary now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen this is not a definition of faith back in the days but in the days we were taught you know under you a preacher says now faith is faith is now now now faith is now if it is not now it is no faith now faith is faith is now filled is now now faith is whichever way it is now if it is not now it is not faith the truth of the matter is that what now is not in the original so if your preaching is on that now you are not even preaching you're just wasting people's time because in the original the word now does not exist it was just added by translators in the original it is faith is a substance and it's not a definition it's a summary of the Old Testament actually Hebrews 11 is a summary of the entire Old Testament using the eyes of faith using the eyes of faith it's not a definition the Bible is not a dictionary don't look for definitions in the Bible so it's talking about the Old Testament fools who anticipated Christ when he says faith is the substance is the word hypothesis the Greek word hypothesis means that which you build upon a foundation faith is a foundation our faith is that which you build upon meaning the Old Testament people build upon this what did they build upon they built upon the anticipation of Christ they built upon the anticipation of Christ the substance of the operation was that the anticipated cries they were looking at Christ in a shadow am i teaching here yeah that's what he's talking about is that a definition so they build an expectation on faith notice the word hoped for things hope for things not see things hoped for things not seen so there were things hoped for and things not seen so how do you know what to hope for how do you know what to hope for you must have heard something for you to know what to a for you must have heard something something something so question what did you hear that informed you what to hope for Hebrews 1:1 at sundry times if you remember we did a reconstruction of that vers la Sunday at sundry times and in divers manners the Prophet spoke unto the fathers the Prophet spoke they prophesied what will happen and the people believe their prophets the people believe the prophecy of the prophets in the Old Testament those who believe the prophecy of the prophets are enumerated in Hebrews 11:1 slow of heart to believe all that the prophets it's sundry times diverse - their profits spoke to the fathers and the fathers who believed the profits are listed in Hebrews 11:1 teaching good alright let's see let's see what they heard what they believe for example Isaiah 53 verse 1 why am i starting with Isaiah he was the most quoted profit the most quoted prophet of the Old Testament was Isiah everybody quoted isaiah jesus and all of them they're all quoted including paul they quoted isaiah made reference he was the most quoted in the New Testament followed by David as I was a musketeer so let's start with the most good prophet Isaiah 53 verse 1 who had believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed now please listen carefully we are not to believe all that the prophets said we're not to believe all that the prophets said if you remember those few minutes ago at all you must listen to the prophets with one with caution we are not to believe all that the prophets have said so listen carefully look at me everybody if you've been around in church at least for six months you should have heard me say what I'm about to ask you a question for or the this question you know a reference to when you read the scripture you see the word all how is it supposed to be read all these things all these things I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I can do all things all things all things boat Ababa rocks are slab the Commandant through Christ I will be in charge for three months they will minister to you there and train you to behave well so Eddie says I can do all things it should be I can do all these things these things what are these things to a base and to about to suffer lack and to enjoy surplus in whatever state I find myself I am content through Christ who strengthens me did you understand that that's the context in which brother Paul said I can do all things so it is supposed to be all these things all these things so now when the Prophet said something we are supposed to listen to the professor kosher so when the Prophet says we should believed him there are these things we ought to believe in what the prophet said were not to believe everything we're to believe all these things qualifier all right so if your pen was mine and your notebook was mine I will put them every time I see all I must add these things every time I see all I must add these things so Isaiah 53 verse 1 who had believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed the word belief in the Hebrew is a word a man a man a man in the Hebrew he was 108 times a man means to support something to support something a man or to agree with something to support something or to agree with something it is used for faith and in the old testament the word faith is parsley mentioned the first place a man was ever used in the old testament is genesis 15:6 the first place believed a man and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness he believed in the law first mention so first mention of the word a man believed is in Genesis 15:6 so Jesus says slow of heart to believe all these things that the prophets have spoken is that what he said slow of heart to believe all these things so what are these things that we must believe from the writings of the prophets what are the distance that we are to believe in the writings of the prophets slow of heart to believe all these things that the prophets have spoken well first of all abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness as a 53 verse one who has believed our report not to us believed us Ilyana who has believed our report is different from who has believed us who has believed our report is different from who has believed us that's very important distinction right now who has believed our report which report the report of the prophets okay the word report in the hip is the word shamone shamone who has believed our Shinhwa report that what Shamwari means message who has believed our message who has believed our message Shinhwa message so there is a message of all the prophets there is a message of all the prophets that must be believed there is a message of all the prophets that must be believed the word our report is what is similar in the mud of all the prophets our report our Shinhwa who has believed our not my our that means all of us have wanted in our report in common and that one team is what is to be believed am i teaching here all of us prophets there is one thing we all say that synchronizes their artists Isaiah said that Jeremiah did not see there are things Jeremiah said that Ezekiel did not see their article said that Jonah did not see there are things that Jonah said that hemos did not say there are things that mo said that Obadiah did not say there are till Zakaria said does a pariah did no see relatives as a pariah said that now whom is a warlock now whom but there is what Isaiah David Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Zachariah zap Ania now whom Joelle Amos there is there is what all of them say that our this in their sayings that is what to be believed because does the Shinhwa that's the message don't believe us it is it was believed us who has believed our Shinhwa not my report our that is the report that we brought that when put together is in the same thing that is what you believe in the Prophet I don't if I'm teaching here you believe the prophets what they said the reportage that agrees who has believed our report our Shinhwa used 27 times use 27 times and when the world is used you need to look at how the writer used it so let's look at how Isiah use the world report in Isaiah 28 verse 9 whom shall he teach knowledge and whom shall he make to understand doctrine so the report has to do with doctrine doctrine them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts doctrine on the land award doctrine as their 28:19 Shinhwa from the time that it goeth forth it shall take you for morning by morning shall we pass over by day and by night and it shall be a succession only to understand the report the report Isaiah 37 7 behold I will send a blast upon him and I shall hear a rumor and returned to his own land and I will cause him to fall by the sword in Isola the world rumour Rumour a message shamora so the world is a message the report is a message who has believed our message so the message is the message of who the message of the prophets and is funny that this guy is talking about believing because this Isaiah this Isaiah huh that is talking about believing before it got to acts in them to believe him he has fooled them in condemnation as they asked all these people in condemnation he has prophesied condemnation so I wonder why he's asking them to believe his report after baptizing them with condemnation if you read the previous chapters of Isaiah woe woe to you want to you want to you you are not fit you are done you are finished whoa so after a school damning condemnation is not a synonym who has believed our report what is in your report falls to believe the constructor now ladies people that say they are prophets and they prophesy the match that will happen next week man you will win and they call it prophecy the college prophecy man you will win yes hiccup ah dah dah prophecies for 2019 they are shoddy rain in the not they shall be rain in the north zig Amana I see that there will be problem in the in the Buhari cabinet there'll be little crisis that will cause Felicia filament is there any government that does Norrish a foodie a cabinet and a colleague prophecy this is so ridiculous they're even telling you prophesy man you will win Chelsea yeah yeah my you my you my you something is very wrong something is what ever had a prophet said Nevada that says the Lord God will punish all those who smoke DC 2019 prophecies and gullible charged people follow these talents these are channels that are not even fit to be monitors in foundation class 101 there are no fee to be prefect in a foundation class 101 and people follow them and call them prophets who are predicting football what interests does God have in football how does that save souls the prophets are set in the church to edify believers not to predict world events you didn't hear that go to help us there's so much work to be done in the body of Christ so what's the message of the prophets the message of the prophets is a he H e the message of all the prophets put together is a he how do I know is a he Isaiah 53 verse 1 and 2 now who has believed our report and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed next verse 4 he our report is a he our report is a he for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he had no form nor comeliness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him verse 3 for he is despised and rejected of men a man of so rules does our report a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteemed him not next verse surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted next verse but he was wounded our report is a heel that is what you are to believe the reporter to believe is he he he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities if you observe as Anna's included himself wounded for our our our our now now wait wait wait that's why wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed look at verse 6 now all we like sheep have gone astray Isaiah it were you I shall admit that Emily the prophets we have gone astray so the prophets are admitting they are sinful state that even though I profess saying we are not different from you people all of us are sinners are you hearing something there's a prophet we have turned everyone to his own way and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of some of you all of you all of us all so now Isaiah comes face-to-face with reality and he says all of us are the same but God has taken our iniquities and put on Christ so the prophecy is the redemptive sacrifice of Christ slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken what a bespoke unna art not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory did you go this morning so the a message was a person he will suffer and out of his suffering glory will follow the word chinois means something you are sent to say look at verse 8 of Isaiah 53 he was taken from prison and from judgment who shall declare generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people was he stricken verse 9 he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth next verse yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he had put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hands thank you lord thank you lord I say thank you Lord he took my place he took my place he took my death he took my scene hallelujah I said hallelujah he took my place in hell and take his place in heaven yeah he was rejected I am accepted glory to God he took my shame and my soul I partake in his glory the glory that follows I am a carrier of their glory Oh hallelujah I said I'm a carrier of that glory say potable enemy hiya I'm Acharya a custodian I house that glory I am cause house I am go stubborn a cool I am cause residence I am cause dwelling place I am cause eternal home I am cause permanent residence I am cause place of abode he lives in me and he lives in me forever if you're the one I'm talking about jump on your future glory he lives in me for how long forever please pay attention pay attention I want to close this stand with me Colossians 1:26 even the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations but now somebody shot now is made manifest to his Saints who are the Saints next verse to whom God will make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ well in you what the hole of glory Christ does the mystery that's that's been the dream of God to live in a man and today God's dream us being fulfilled he lives on your inside they look at the next scene here now sees next verse whom we preach Christ in you the hope of glory whom we preach we don't preach the message of material things we preach the message of Christ in you that's what we bridge whom we preach so if it's not Christ it is not preaching was the report he he whom we preach one in every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect we're in Christ Jesus for we to present to perfect in Christ Jesus we must preach Christ Jesus to you if we don't prescribe Jesus to you we cannot present you perfect in Christ Jesus whom we preach we preach Christ we preach him amen as a real man and some people don't like calls for these but we don't care we don't care we don't care we don't give a hoot we don't give a hoot those who don't like us for preaching him it doesn't change anything we're glad to preach him and we're not ashamed to preach him amen bless this morning if you write an answered me he lives in me the totality of God ket in humanity divinity in humanity immortality in mortality I house God I am God's eternal home amen and father we thank you this morning that we are carriers of your glory we are custodians of all of your riches and treasures and I decree and declare right now in this service whatever does not look like the finished work of Christ expires sickness and disease will rebuke you in the name of Jesus Satan take your hands off of God's property in the name of Jesus barriers are broken obstacles are destroyed and I decree that this revelation continues to grow be oh you're inside until nothing else matters in the name of Jesus father we give you praise thank you for the blessing this week we decree that the lines are falling to you in place and places your steps are ordered by the Lord throughout this week we declare you are led by the Spirit of God you know where to go you know what to say you know what to do you know where to be in the name of Jesus you will not dash your foot against a stone mantel Mira Catalina maraca tenango this week you will not be found where you're not supposed to be in the name of Jesus no fear here you are not afraid of terror you're not afraid of arrow you're not afraid of disasters they shall not come near where you are you're kept by the power of God you're kept by the power of God you're sustained by the grace of God your presence will demand an explanation wherever you enter people who want to know who you are you carry the effulgence of God's grace upon you the aroma of Jesus is solovar you anywhere you enter that aroma will attract men to you in the name of Jesus thank you Father great Grace's upon you great grace is upon you in Jesus precious name and every believers is that a men on a note of finality well go ahead and celebrate what you have in Christ Jesus this morning no the celebration is rejected [Music] is beginning to feel like celebration [Applause] somebody sharia's the hope of glory we preach warning and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus hallelujah I am in him what about you I am in him he is in me I am in him justified he's in me glorified hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus whoa amen every time we teach the world we honor the world and we honor the world with our substance we give substantially in honor of what Christ has done I like you to pocket your honor let's give an honor Jesus and honor the word and honor the labor of God's Word and wherever watching on TV on Facebook on YouTube and all the platforms on all our campuses you'll grab your honor let's give your honor offering let's give this morning in or no intentionally deliberately let's give this morning hallelujah I'll say hallelujah always a joy to give always a joy amen I said hey man whoo praise God live you know father we thank you for the privilege of giving this morning and we give with joy our hearts are so filled with the treasures of your goodness our minds are so filled with joy excitement and understanding and we are strengthened by your spirit in the inner man all your word has brought life and strength and joy to our spirits thank you Father and as we give we give with joy and honor this morning and thank you for receiving our offerings as a sweet smell before you today in Jesus precious name and every believers is a what about a sign you of guys will love you we're glad you a part of the service today and I'll continue teaching this on Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. when is it's gonna be very serious cuz I'm gonna I'm gonna push it much more into things you don't want to miss what we're teaching here because we're opening the profits so that the message gets more clearer by the devil we love you guys all our campuses we live in the AVO hands of our coordinators and everybody else enjoy the rest of your hour let's celebrate awardee was hit let's do it as we give praise God you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 2,755
Rating: 4.7272725 out of 5
Id: UYxpysOvbSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 22sec (4342 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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