30 Days Of Glory Service: 17-7-2019 | Day 10

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[Music] Hanabusa colada Brenna Kalina bobbum Brennaman Angelina Bruna Kalina mamaia the deep things of God everything's of God revealed to us by the spirit the deep things of God Enki bullsháá Carla Dupree miquelina ma-ma'am Brennaman Angela de Bruna Kalina mamaia the deep things of God revealed to us by the Holy Ghost we praise you Father in the name of Jesus Heavenly Father we rejoice tonight that we have access into the deep things of God and we rejoice that we are the generation that has access into the things our eyes have not seen nor ears art not a core to the hearts of men but now they are reveal to us by the spirit even the spirit has such at all things yea the deep things of God so tonight we access those deep things by understanding and I decree the eyes of each one's understanding flooded with light veils fall off in the name of Jesus your people equipped edified built up Jesus glorified we give you praise for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release on a fit to get us to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer says a powerful amen well welcome every one of you joining us where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter and all the platforms our campuses around the world hey you get ready as we enjoy another great time of teaching in this thirty days of glory conference and you will never be the same again can I get powerful amen are you excited about the gift of eternal life in this building can we celebrate with a shout tonight and praise and bless glory hallelujah somebody shot a powerful amen you can be seated with your sweet smart self let's get into the war tonight praise God all right second image each of the three verse number 15 second timothy 3:15 and that from a child that was known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus from a child you have known the word Aida you have become acquainted or you have know your way around the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise the words sufis Oh from the word Sophia which are able to make you skilful unto salvation through faith somebody see through field say with me through faith in Christ alright through faith which is in Christ Jesus fundamentally we have seen that salvation is teaching salvation is teaching and what we mean is that the word doctrine dia is explanation the Enna's through faith which is in Christ Jesus faith in Christ Titus chapter 1 verse 13 Titus chapter 1 verse 13 this witness is true we are for rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith faith as a doctrine the teaching of faith or the word of faith or the message of faith is what brings salvation the message of faith the teaching or the preaching of faith is what brings salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so the teaching of faith is what brings salvation that is that may be that they may be sad and in the field in understanding of the meaning of the word faith is the word sound sound in the field contextually the word sound is translated from the Greek word who gained oh who gained o hu g IA i n o ho GAE no which implies to behold to be safe to be healthy it is a word used for both the physical body and also for doctrine that is teaching or explanation that is healthy teaching or explanation that is safe teaching or explanation that is whole you will see the application of the world ok know into John chapter 1 verse 2 - John 1:2 - John want to beloved I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as I soul prospereth the word held there is hug I know who gain oh let's look at the way brother Polly's in the world who gain o or health or soundness or save or hold fast emoji chapter 1 verse 10 first Timothy chapter 1 verse 10 for whoremongers for them that defiled themselves with mankind for men's Feliz for liars for perjured pressings and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine so there are things that are contrary to healthy teaching sound who gallu healthy teaching so there is a teaching that contradicts sound teaching there is a teaching that is not healthy there is a teaching that is not wholesome that is a teaching that is not safe okay no 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 3 look at the web or Nepal applies the same word here remember it is still in the same context he says that the scriptures are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith themselves teachers having itching teachings that are not healthy teachings that are not sound teaching that are not wholesome you will see it again in Titus 1:9 brother Paul admonishing Titus Titus chapter 1 verse 9 holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine who gained no sound donkey sound teaching that he may be able by sounding but to exhort and to convince the gainsayers by healthy teaching by wholesome teaching by self teaching he is able to convince the gainsayers holding fast holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine ok no sound doctrine sound doctrine see it again sound doctrine Titus chapter 2 verse 1 Titus chapter 2 verse 1 but Speak Now the things which become sound doctrine okay no speak the other things which become sound doctrine healthy docking safe doctrine whole doctrine all right wholesome Daughtry first Timothy chapter 6 verse 2 and they that I believe in masters let them not despise them because they are brethren but rather do them service because they are faithful and beloved but take us of the benefit these things teach and exhort next verse in the any man teach otherwise if any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words hoga no sound wholesome words what are wholesome words even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ that and is Coppola chief that is to net doctrine which is according to godliness the words of our Lord Jesus Christ through faith which is well in Christ Jesus what is through faith in Christ salvation so he calls the teaching of salvation healthy teaching healthy teaching and he says this teaching is according to godliness according to the Godhead the doctrine of Christ a single attitude Dadaji a specific teaching not variety but specific wholesome healthy there are teachings that are not healthy they are not wholesome so the word wholesome was translated from the Greek word vogue I know Paul used it again for doctrine he explained wholesome words as the words of Allah Jesus which is the doctrine which is according to godliness the doctrine which is according to godliness 2nd Timothy 1:13 2nd Timothy 1:13 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 13 hold fast the firm of sound words pagano hold fast the firm of sound words which thou has heard of me where in faith and love where is faith and love which is in Christ Jesus hold fast the firm of sound words which thou has heard of me in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus so sound refers to sound teaching the usage of the word jugando by Paul was to qualify a doctrine that is healthy a doctrine that is a healthy or gene that is safe a teaching that is healthy the terms sound fate will mean sound doctrine or sound teaching sound faith will mean sound doctrine or sounded so Paul use the word fate for doctrine which means teaching or explanation sound teaching sound explanation even the world of our Lord Jesus Christ which is according to godliness which is according to godliness so teaching of salvation is a healthy teaching sound teaching are you still in the building Titus wanted him again Titus wanting this witness is true we are for rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith 14 now pay attention not giving heed to Jewish fables so Jewish fables are not sound they are not healthy not giving heed to Jewish fables they are not healthy and commandments of men that turn from the truth this is contrary to who gain oh this is contrary to anything that is called sound follow religion again contextually deme verse 13 and 14 this witness is true we are for rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith that they may be some reward in the faith then in a sense people that are sound in the faith next verse do not give you two Jewish fables anybody that is theorem ants in Jewish fables is not sound in the faith listen George Judaism is not Christianity Judaism is not Christianity Judaism is the Jewish religion that were Nepal ran away from he said I ran away from the his religion I was a boss in the Jewish religion he said but I threw it away so I can embrace Christ you can't embrace Judaism with Christianity there are many people in churches who are doing Judaism instead of Christianity it includes pilgrimage to Israel as a requirement for Christianity going to get prayer show all those pure water olive oil from Israel is Judaism it's not sound teaching you not need to go to Israel a man of God told me we should go to Israel to the tomb of Jesus knocks him to grandeur what they say there is an anointing at the tomb as a witch stone he said in last time he was there Jesus appeared to him in the tone childhood fantasy and Jesus said to him from now anywhere you talk about this experience you will see my healing power that's demonic 2,000 years ago people came to look for Jesus in the tomb the angel said to them what are you seeking the living among the dead if 2000 years ago he was not here easy now that he is there he told the woman you shall murder in Jerusalem not in this mountain worship so pilgrimage is canceled you shall neither in Jerusalem you don't need Jerusalem for worship anymore and you don't need a particular mountain for worship anymore when the time cometh and now is when true worshipers shall not go to a location they add a location they shall worship the father in spirit and in truth and we are the circumcision that worship God in the spirit and have no confidence in the flesh but rejoice in Christ our Saviour am i teaching good this evening Jewish fables you don't need all those things is Judaism is not Christianity that Reverend Paul says the people that are sound in faith they do not give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth Sabbath is one of the Jewish fables worship in on Saturdays is one of the Jewish fables worship is no more a day worship is no more a day worship is normal is Saturday or Friday that day was his shadow of Christ Christ is our rests Christ is our Sabbath Christ is our day the day you entered Christ from that day every hour every moment every day is Sabbath Monday is Sabbath Jews erisa but Saturday is Saba two o'clock Issa but at there is no more time because in Christ Christ is the fulfillment of the Jewish festivals in types and shadows a man that is sound in faith a man that is held in spiritually a man that is doctrinally instructed does not give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth don't forget the world okay no sound healthy sound fades sound doctrine sound teaching sound teaching so he begins to make reference to not giving it to Jewish fables the commandments of men as being sound in faith so fabulous is portrayed as opposite to sound doctrine Jewish fables is portrayed as opposite to sound doctrine fast emoji for six fast emoji for six if thou put the Brethren in remembrance of these things thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine whereunto thou has attained the context he refers to teaching words of faith and of good not word and is capability words of faith that is of good doctrine of good teaching sound teaching healthy teaching so salvation is what when Apple calls sound teaching sound doctrine for nourishment same diet that got you born again is the same diet that grows you up the same diet that got you born again is the same diet that grows you up we feed on Christ continually is the diet for growth is the diet for salvation is the diet for maturity he is the diet for ministry we feed on Christ somebody shot I hear you I say we feed on Christ come somebody shout hallelujah now Romans chapter 6 verse 23 we establish yesterday if you still remember very clearly that Jesus Jesus freed us from sin to make free will be to redeem redeem means ransom to redeem from sin is to pay ransom Lutra Lutra sees apollo Drossos the greek words to pay a price to free a slave from the boss what it will say is the boss see sin and by implication Satan because Satan is the one who took it all who use the scene what is his judgment was the judgment of see dead so what will be the ransom for seen was the judgment for seen what will be the ransom for seen dead and when the ransom it is paid when the ransom is paid what happens to death it loses its hold it loses its power Romans 6:23 for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord wages of sin is death the gift of God is life what is the gift of God so all the only thing we have in God is one life the gift of God is life the wages of sin is dead the gift of God is life so God has no hand in death death is the wages of sin life is a gift of God don't forget we're still tracing the role of God in redemption now in the gift of God is life through Jesus Christ so let's look at the word gift Romans 5:15 but not as the offence so also is a free gift for if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and a gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ has abounded unto many free gift free gift Romans 5:16 and not as it was by one that sinned so is a gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offences unto justification the word free gift again free gift Romans 5:17 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ free gift free gift gifts gift all right Romans 5:20 one that has seen hath reigned unto death evil so much grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord if you observe carefully the what's in all through the reading is singular the words seen is singular seen not since seen so let's talk about the law the law did not bring death the law did not bring death it only means that death the law did not bring death it only minister death there was death before the law dead predated the law so the wages is reward for walk reward for walk that is wages the Greek word of so neon of so neon Oh PS fo n io n or PS o n io an obsidian look 314 the application the soldiers like was demanded of him saying and what shall we do any surrounded M du Vallon Sonoma nada accuse any falsely and be content with your option on with your wages first Corinthians 9:7 the use of that word wages who goeth a warfare at offer any time at his own charges at his own charges option e on second corinthians 11:8 2nd corinthians 11:8 i robbed other churches taking wages of them to do you service brother Paul said this church you are so irresponsible totally irresponsible and almost useless leader gossip that I had to depend on other churches to minister to me financially in order for me to serve you for free he called it robbery I robbed other churches because when they gave me money I was to do service to them but because you couldn't afford me not because you don't have but because you are irresponsible and I had to feed you because I'm responsible so I wrapped other charges to do you service is a following are you hearing me it's important to understand the robbery so you know sibron oppose a robber knew and as I took them to explain that now or that church is met my physical need or that churches gave me money for my welfare you never give me it is other people's monies that has kept me healthy and a ministering to you he says look at the next verse and when I was present with you I wanted I was chargeable to no man for that which was lacking to me the Brethren which came from Macedonia saw flight and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome on to you and so will I keep myself go back to verse 7 verse 7 of the same chapter second Corinthians 11 7 have I committed an offence in abasing myself that he might be exalted because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely I robbed order is a clear now I robbed other churches other brethren who value my ministry gave to me to come and do you service is robbery all right brother Paul was teaching that well wages took me there next class and when I was present with you and wanted I was chargeable to no man I didn't charge you I didn't want to be a body I didn't want to disturb you you know there are people who come to church who when it's time to give they don't care they don't care they don't care Christ has paid it all so those are the people broader policies you abound in knowledge you are bound in utterance you are bound in a big gnosis inserting them see that you abound in this grace also what grace is that giving grace don't us have too much knowledge let it translate into your responsibility to the service of the kingdom I'm sure I'm showing them because somebody needs to hear this so now we're talking about wages so what is death that is the wages of sin useful reward or work done that is the wages of sin and the world wages is useful reward or walk done so if you want to pay see what do you use in pay you for sin talk to me citizens what is the payment for sin is the payment for sin confession is the payment for sin crying who is the payment for sin carrying a heavy face what is the payment for sin death the wages of sin is death is the legal matter so what is the great work seen has made that it is paid it has rained and it has helped people captive that rained it has held men in bondage so what is his wages for aiming and holding people in bondage Redemption how is the redemption carried out death ransom the wages of seeing but the gift of God will be what what is it an alive how did we come by eternal life somebody said it's away how did we get it analyzed if the wages of sin is death how did we get eternal life resurrection resurrection the life of God is given to us by the resurrection from the dead so dead foreseen resurrection for life are you still in the building the gift of God is resurrection question who paid the wages of sin who paid the wages of sin you don't know who peed who died who paid the price Jesus and out of the payment what is the gift he gave to you life so Jesus death will be paying the wedgies for Jesus death will be paying the wages for for sin whoo-hoo the wages be paid to God or see it's not God I receive the wages because God is not like the captain God is not the slave owner God's part is to redeem that is the fruit of sin and that's not from God man is the slave so redemptions shattered man out that one that God did not receive the death of Jesus because God doesn't use death the recipient of the death of Jesus is seen and by identification Satan because he thought received it so now we're going to look at the wisdom of God because had the princes of this world known they wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory how can they know what was hidden in God how can an unbeliever and I can say to know what is inside God's heart if they are known they wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory so now question please listen carefully the next crucial thing we need to critically examine is the forgiveness of sins the forgiveness of please pay attention the forgiveness of sin so that that of Jesus was not to redeem us from God is that right the death of Jesus was not to redeem us from God because we are not God's lives so the death of Jesus is to redeem us from sin because we are seen slaves getting Clara okay now what about the concept of forgiveness of sins did God for these sins before Jesus died or did God required the death of Jesus to forgive sins talk to me George did God forgive sins before Jesus died did God require Jesus death to forgive sins are you sure so that that of Jesus was not for the forgiveness of sins question did God required the death of Jesus to forgive sins so that death of Jesus was not for the forgiveness of sins he was suffering forgiveness of sins Jasha so are you saying that God forgives sins before Jesus died okay let's go doctor II now now let's go through it you are right but we need to give it doctrinal doctrinal barking all right now romance let's begin with Abraham Abraham Romans for one what shall we say then that Abraham our Father as pertaining to the flesh hath found to for if Abraham were justified by walks he hath whereof to glory but not before God for a sea of the scripture abraham believed God and it was counted Logies oh my it was low jesus oh my the Greek word for counted unto him for righteousness recorded for him it was recorded wherein abraham believed God Genesis 15 verse 6 Genesis 15 verse 6 and he believed in the Lord and he counted it to him for righteousness alright go back to Romans chapter 4 verse 4 pay attention now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of depth next verse but to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly his faith is counted for righteousness next verse even as david also describeth the blessedness of the man not the blessedness of Abraham the blessedness of any man the blessedness of the man unto whom god imputeth righteousness without works mmm verse 7 say blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered was eat blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin now Paul quoted from some 32 verse 1 and 2 Paul made that reference from service so the man that is blessed is the man that God says he is not guilty in spite of his walks the man he is not guilty in spite of his walks the man is said not to be guilty in spite of his walks and it is called the blessedness of God it is called the blessedness of God are you still in the building that is what is called the Sabbath that is what is called a Sabbath the Sabbath is God have you finished his walk invited you to enter the Sabbath is God having done the walk finish the walk then invited you to come and enjoy his rest observe that before God created man he finishes walk it was after finishing walk that God created man so man was not a function from work man was to function from rest the Sabbath the Sabbath of God the Sabbath of God and when people do not have revelation they function with carnality canal ET is what makes the Sabbath Sunday like Moses when Moses preached to them the rest of God and they did not believe him he gave them a day he tried to show them the rest of God as a function of faith they didn't believe him so Moses okay since you guys are not believing me worship on Saturday at least begin to look at types begin to look at shadows when people reject faith they give them law they reject faith he gave them a day and Jesus told us in mark 2:27 mark 2:27 and he said unto them the Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath the Sabbath was made by man that's what this actually means and not man for the Sabbath why because look at the next verse therefore the Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath so Sabbath is he passing his name is Jesus what he suffered rests where is rest in a passing comment to me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden I will give you rest so rest is in Christ rest is in Christ rest is in oppression so Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 now tells us Hebrews 4 3 for we which are believed to enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world so Hebrews tells us that those that believe have entered they will not enter they are not going to enter they have entered into rest which was prepared for them from the foundation of the world so the rest of God in Christ has always been the plan before man was created Furman was created God's plan for man was to rest in Christ God's plan for man was to rest in the finished work of Christ so it was rests before Adam sinned that's critical it was rest before Adam sinned so for God not to impute sin leg-oh vada is Renato for God not to impute sin was there before Genesis 3 for God not to impute sin was there before Genesis 3 because God sanctified faith God sanctifies from time faith was man's most superior attitude faith was man's most superior attitude faith in Sofie it was what God sanctified oh god made faith wholly to believe now settled David we can say what Adam did wrong looking at Genesis the only place you will know Adam seen is in Romans because if you look at Genesis what did I do what did Adam really do if you look at Genesis he ate fruit even under the law eating fruit is not a sin there is nothing wrong with eating fruit naughty so if you are looking at Genesis you will not see what Adam did he will sleep with a woman he didn't collect another man's wife he didn't steal he didn't fight anybody so what will be the sin of Adam so looking at Genesis you can find it because eating fruits is not easy shouldn't you eat fruit what are they created for for marketing i watch their comedy honey a lady was telling a boyfriend to buy a food she said this your phone is noisy by up to food by a poof ooh no problem by a poof oh say when I'm but another another funny phone then he bought an apple and tied it to the phone so when the phone rang he brought it out and then he told the lady approve food he was only in the phone with the app who attached to the phone lady took off for her life Adam scene was not a police Demi relax Adam scene was not happy the issue is not eating fruit till tomorrow many people don't know what Adam did wrong but the answer is in Genesis chapter 2 verse 3 the answer to what Adam did wrong is in Genesis chapter 2 verse 3 and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made he sanctified the second seventy so where will you enter into what he has done question what has God done life life another question you should write somewhere quietly which we might answer in sotiria we might answer is was man met in a way where he will never do wrong was man designed by God never to do wrong put it somewhere because we have to document answer that so question what did Adam do what could have been the issue well remember that the noun of scene is unbelief denouncing what God calls separate holy was his finished work which he had done what God called holy was the finished work which he had done not to record man's walks God never wanted to record man's walks if God wanted man's works he won't do his from walk but because he did his own what unfinished and created rest for man man was supposed to believe an ant at rest but instead of man believed him and entering that rest man abandon God's rest and wanted to walk are we teaching here the 7-day was sanctified in fact it is not accepting what God has done that was the scene of other because not accepting what God has done is called disobedience not accepting what God has done is called disobedience that's why Hebrews 11 was about faith abraham believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness look at this pay attention jeremiah 31:33 this will help you but this shall be the cousin and pay attention that I will make with the house of israel after those they save a lot I will put my law in their inward paths and write it in their hearts and will be their God and they shall be my people next verse they shall not teach no more every man is never and every man is brother saying no Phoenicia or know me from the least of them unto the greatest of them say of the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember they are seen no more next verse don't say of the Lord which given a son for a light by day and the ordinances of the moon of the stars for a light by night which divided the sea when the waves thereof roar the Lord of Hosts is his name they are sins and iniquities he will remember no more that promise preceded the law it has always been God's intent never to hold man accountable for seen it's not after Jesus died that God decided that has been his disposition towards man God never holds man accountable he doesn't record force that's God's character from before the foundation of the world it's not that we have a new God after Jesus died you don't have touches of that God became a good boy got nothing okay since Jesus at that I would no more who you accountable no he's a consistent God if he knows the only accountable today he never held accountable yesterday he has never heard anybody accountable for seeing your sins and iniquities I remember them again no more that is what Jeremiah prophesied and that is what Abraham walked in in Genesis abraham believed and he seems were not counted he's a true even before the law abraham believed God and it was imputed to him for righteousness righteousness means there is no record of sin against you thus cause character from beginning of time he never never never at any time held anybody accountable for see does his nature he forgives and he keeps no record that's God God forgives and he keeps no record of wrongs that's his nature that's his disposition prior to Israel being born as a nation righteousness has always been by faith don't forget that Abraham was not a Jew Abraham was not a Jew the Jewish nation started with Jacob Abram was never a Jew Israel as a nation emerged from the 12 tribes of Jacob Jacob whose name was called Israel the children of Jacob formed Israel as a nation before the birth of Israel God's disposition to man has always been not holding man accountable for seeing this I hear you that's always been in this position he never held accountable was in the New Covenant is righteousness imputed to man and Abraham walked in the new covenant don't forget I have taught you that the New Covenant is older than the Old Covenant that the Old Covenant is younger than the New Covenant so God's disposition to man from time has been New Testament righteousness by faith did you know righteousness devoid of walks righteousness devoid of walks that's the blessedness of the man that God never impute seen FL enjoyed it FL enjoyed it Abraham enjoyed it no I enjoyed it even Moses enjoyed it even Moses enjoyed it he enjoyed grace he enjoyed righteousness by faith Moses so not to record scenes precedes the death of Jesus not to record scenes number two not to record scenes precedes the Old Testament number three not to record sins precedes Adam Singh's question did God know that Adam will see talk to me George did God know that Adam will see yes the repro a Tory act exactly so if he Pro acted it means me for the sin of Adam God already designed faith as Adams escaped from see he doesn't react he products that's why faith is from the foundation of the world that's why he sanctified the seventh day the day of rest so that man can function in the rest of God rest from the foundation of the world to cease from your own walks which Moses actually reduced to material stuff because of their heart let me actually a very intriguing question here does God require a sacrifice not to record see correct that means you're with me on the same page when sins are recorded it is because you don't believe when seams are recorded is because you don't believe is a function of your wheel when seams are not recorded is because you believe is because you believe when you believe you are righteous many scenes are not recorded when you don't believe you put your heart yourself in the hand of sin and death and sin and that keeps record because if scene and that does not keep let record they cannot make you guilty so they keep a record to make you guilty so the way you are guilty you have no confidence so the way you are guilty you can be tormented so seen and that keeps record when you believe every record is wiped out because God keeps no record the only record God keeps is the record of righteousness glory no God the record of faith the only record you're not here over here the only record that God keeps is a record of faith I say the only record that God keeps is the record of fate you are not hearing me charge the only record that God keeps is a record of it it is sin and death that keeps record of wrong sin and death keeps a record of wrong what is the Old Testament the law of see it is in the Old Testament you will see Abraham slept with his housemate it's in the Old Testament you see the something had 18 about prostitutes it's in the Old Testament you will see that David slept with so many women and hard STD they are a Canadia because the Old Testament is sin Undead I mean sin and death there is record when you come to the New Testament the only record of something is by faith Samson the New Testament records faith faith is righteousness am I talking to somebody so if there was no Old Testament you will never know any wrong of Samson Abraham even Moses I mean I told you this before the one that intrigues me is Moses Moses pick somebody kills but berry see he must have been an area boy no honey that guy must have been an area boy single-handedly you kill single-handedly you dig decrease when people that group of people gather to dig their graves in this case Moses they don't talk the ground buried the man and walk to me Tinky Nia's gonna clean job why you thought it was a clean job boss I'm sure when he was digging the ground he ain't shot nobody was watching and he buried carefully quietly and walked away the next day two people are fighting he comes to mediate and they said you know what you did yesterday then he discovered it was not a clean job Oh glory so what did Moses do not tell me what did Moses do he took off what you took off he ran away most boozie boozie boozie ran away when you come to the New Testament the New Testament doesn't have that record glory no God the New Testament doesn't have that record the New Testament say Moses when he was come of age when Moses was kamek age seeing that he was a proper child refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God as women the reproach of Christ but religious than the treasures in Egypt he forsook Egypt that the reason why Moses left Egypt was because he wanted Christ the New Testament doesn't record faithful halls it records faith the only record of Moses living Egypt was for Christ but in the law of sin and death he killed somebody I will teach in here because he the New Covenant which is God he knows a record for the Old Testament which is the law of sin and death records flowers which will mean the way God looks at you is different from the way the law of Moses looks at you the way God looks at you is different from the way the Lord looks at you and you must not allow the Lord George you you are not under the law you're under grace therefore seen has no dominion over you if I'm teaching good can I hear powerful amen so let me give you two three scriptures and I close forgiveness of sins look 4:18 we've agreed a forgiveness of sin as always bring God's nature the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to preach deliverance to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised to preach what deliverance the word preach deliverance means to announce deliverance the word deliverance is the greek word ephesus a phds is ephesus to preach it why do we preach so people can believe so deliverance is a preaching jesus was preaching deliverance to the captives jesus was preaching deliverance to the captives he was not praying deliverance what is deliverance what is a thesis forgiveness of sins deliverance means forgiveness of sins deliverance from what bondage bondage of what bondage of seen deliverance is not rolling on the floor vomiting deliverance is not falling on the ground honey deliverance is not rolling on the ground like a cat deliverance is not vomiting when you are praying for somebody and he begins to vomit he miss a doctor is from a spiritual is a medical condition because the reports of our warfare so once he's vomiting what is that get him a doctor deliverance is the forgiveness of sins hallelujah what is deliverance the forgiveness of sins and when the forgiveness of sins happens to him and what happens he moves from one kingdom to another deliverance is salvation deliverance is salvation there is no deliverance prayer and there is no deliverance service deliverance is a message emphasis deliverance is a message the message of the forgiveness of sins we preach the forgiveness of sins we preach deliverance let me close acts 13 38 blessed night acts 13 38 a lot of learning good for your health being known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins forgiveness of sin is not a prayer [Music] we don't pray for forgiveness we preach forgiveness and when people believe the message they receive forgiveness is called salvation it's not a prayer and hey listen to me tomorrow you will find out that God has always had the nature of forgiving before Jesus night and tomorrow we will look at then why did Jesus die if God forgives sins without the death of Jesus so why did we need the death of Jesus Thunder please close if the death of Jesus is not for forgiveness now in this building if God forgave before Jesus died then of what use was the death we will have a body tomorrow night hallelujah save me very loud I grow in grace I grow in knowledge sell me I am the forgiven my same is forgiven eternally forgiven now shut it very loud I am the righteousness of God in Christ I stand justified accepted glorified and I stand bored in the righteousness of Jesus seventy there is no record of sin against me anywhere no man can lay charge against me Christ died Christ justified me my sins don't exist any longer is there anybody that whatever kind of scene say I have no record of see past present future I'd like you to say it with an articulate religion tumble on the ground say I have no record of sin past present future there is no record of any sin against my name in the eternal document of God I am as righteous as Jesus I thought somebody will shout a man oh religion can handle their own religion can handle if you tell religion that your sins past present and future is forgiven you throw them into a feet they faint somebody said to me sangria doctor demeanor how can you say my sins of the future are forgiving I say what do you think he said no no every time I seen God has to forgive you so actually what what what did God do for you to be forgiven the first time he looked at me you couldn't answer because they don't know religious people don't know anything they are just noisemakers he forgave you by faith in Christ and by that faith in Christ he forgave you before forgive you now forgive you forever and in Christ Jesus you are eternally forgiven amen say with me I am forgiven eternally by faith in Christ I believe in Jesus that is my forgiveness not our good faith in Christ faith in Christ as your forgiveness what is seen unbelief unbelief is seeing what is unbelief rejecting the work of Christ what is faith accepting the work of Christ when you accept talk of Christ what did you do you enter the rest and your function from rest we that believe have entered interest and he that has entered interest has ceased from his own work even as God sees from his from the foundation of the world say it again with an attitude my sins are eternally forgiven past present future now look at the devil and Satan you cannot convince me of see I am NOT a sinner I have no record of sin contrary to what you think I am the righteousness of God in Christ and you cannot fault that I thought somebody will celebrate and shot a good email or a blessed is the man who seems are forgiven now let me ask you when David said bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord O my soul who forgiveth all the iniquities had Jesus died so without the death of Jesus iniquities were forgiven so the question is why then did Jesus after that tomorrow cuz we need to fix it glory to God somebody shot a new brand new man no record of the past glory and I declare sure MA will come left under a shell right and is lifted up and jaded liberty in Christ and joy or liberty in Christ enjoy your liberty in Christ function in your new creation life in the name of Jesus every yoke everybody destroyed sickness and disease damaged your body made whole your mind made whole in the name of Jesus and I decree everything you have received as a result of the finished work of Christ enjoy it fully in the name of Jesus you are blessed you are blessed you are blessed you are blessed in Jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality can you go ahead and celebrate the forgiveness [Music] whose sins are forgiven whose sins are together we are is the righteousness of God one two three four people tell them you are standing by the most righteous man on the planet you are just standing by the most righteous man the most righteous man on this planet you're standing by the most [Music] we declare it has to change we declare your everlasting love for our Father we declare that you love us we declare your everlasting love it's not my everlasting love it is yes are you in the building tonight let's sing it one more time where are we [Music] everyone we [Music] ah and we will check we will say and we are crazy right you hey man you know good often let's worship him tonight whoo get it good often if you're watching on Facebook YouTube Instagram all our campuses grab a good often less or no Jesus Ness worship and just appreciate the word and father we rejoice tonight we thank you for the privilege of giving we gave in faith we give in honor and we give rejoicing tonight generously because of your amazing everlasting love for us tonight thank you that our offerings rest before you a sweet smell we give you praise and glory and honor for the blessing in this place in Jesus precious name and every believer says that Amen on a note of finality hey guys were signing you guys off you don't want to miss tomorrow night we want to examine if God forgives sins before Jesus died so that means primarily the death of Jesus was not for forgiveness then why did he die it's going to be a very good one tomorrow we love you guys invite friends family members loved ones look for some law people Legolas that would be very useful for them tomorrow it's gonna be a wonderful service we love you guys and all our campuses we live in the able hands of our coordinators and everybody else and join the rest of your evening we'll see you tomorrow let's celebrate viewers around the world hit it last [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music] you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,300
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Id: 5nL4R92CRcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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