30 Days Of Glory Service: 23-7-2019 | Day 15

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[Music] television for the tonight we rejoice we rejoice from the bottom of our hearts for another opportunity to learn from your word to be equipped to be built up tonight and I think you that grace abounds in this house and grace abounds all over the world to the people connecting to the service tonight when the grid are wheels fall off and clarity comes by the teaching of your world your people built up equipped edified and Jesus glorified nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise and glory for answer prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together as you say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful email whatever come every one of you joining us where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube platforms and all day all the different platforms our campuses and everyone connecting is still touchy days of glory and we're excited to have all of you connecting get ready the world is going to build you up and you will never be the same again can I have a powerful amen are you excited about the gift of eternal life on your insert can we celebrate eternal life celebrating the life of God celebrating salvation somebody excited tonight you know it takes water tell me it takes joy to draw an hour from reveal knowledge so get some excitement tonight for man attend glory to God get happy get happy rejoice glory to God hallelujah amen all right you can be seated in the heavenlies let's get in the water night glory to God second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 second Timothy chapter 3 verse number 15 all right read for me and that's from a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus the Holy Scriptures are able to make thee wise Sophia unto salvation unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus Luke 24 verse 44 and he said unto them these are the words which I speak unto you while I was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me concerning me so salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus the scriptures are written concerning him salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus the major theme of the scripture yesterday we rounded up the service dealing with the proviso of God and we first of all concluded by saying God does not predetermine your actions God does not predetermine your actions God does not pre-planned your actions radda he predetermines and pre plans his own actions toward us he predetermines and pre plans his own action thought horse so the pre plan of god is in the passing of Jesus the pre plan of God efficient of the 1 verse 5 read for me Ephesians 1 5 having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will the predestination to be adopted as children will be in Christ Jesus the predestination to be adopted as children will be in Christ Jesus now so God's pre-plan is in Christ Jesus it's not our said Christ is in Christ alright Acts chapter four verse twenty twenty twenty eight acts 428 what to do whatsoever thy hand on the council determined before it to be done all right now pay attention dim verse 27 as a pretext of that for off the truth against thy Holy Child Jesus whom thou hast anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together they were gathered together for to do whatsoever Diane and I counsel give me 28 stay with me read your own Bible too while you're putting on the screen for to do whatsoever thy hand and the council determined before to be dawn the pro reaso determined before to be dawn question who did determine acts 4:27 go back to 27 for of a truth against the Holy Child Jesus whom thou has anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of were gathered together to do what your hand determined to be done which means God has pre-planned the death of Jesus God has pre-planned the death of Jesus so if God pre-planned the death of Jesus what just happened to these people but in verse 27 give me 27 what happened to herod pontius pilate Gentiles and the people of Israel what happened to them is Adam made a choice to align with the pre plan of God they made a choice to align with the pre plan of God to do Pontius Pilate to do what God had pre-planned so God had pre-planned the offering of Jesus Pro rizzo doesn't mean God is the one making it happen he is not the one making it happen he is planning with this that is he is planning with that that's why the word predestine is not in the Greek lexicon it's to pre-plan the word produced in AU was taken later from the Latin now look at acts 2:38 and acts 428 they are saying the same things sorry at two twenty three twenty three acts 2:23 yeah read for me him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God you have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain so is the same thing in acts 2:23 and acts 428 that that plan of God is to deliver him the plan of God is not to make them killing the plan of God is to deliver him him being delivered the word delivered is to hand over to you by the plan of God which is the wisdom of God remember we've been dealing with the wisdom of God for two days now which is the wisdom of God the determinate counsel of God and foreknowledge of God the determinate counsel and the foreknowledge lease pay attention Luke chapter seven verse 30 but the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being are baptized of you they rejected the counsel on the life the counsel of God look 2351 look 23:51 the same had not consented to the counsel and deed of them he was of Arimathea a city of the Jews who also himself waited for the kingdom of God the same had not consented to D counsel on the land award counsel now let's examine that word counsel because all was done by a dip by the determinate counsel of God so let's deal with the word counsel acts 5 2038 Acts 538 Acts chapter 538 read for me and now I say on see you refrain from these men and let them alone for if this counsel or this work be of men it will come to naught if this council the what counsel is the word for plan plan if this council is of man it will come to nothing so a counsel is not an action a council is a plan of a motif a plan or a motif acts 1336 by David after he had served his own generation by the will of God fell on sleep I was lady his father's on saw corruption all right now served his own generation by in the wheel of God that's a good place to understand underlined by the wheel of God by the will of God all right the wheel of God there is the plan of God or the Council of the for David after you serve this one generation by the plan of God by the will of God or by the counsel of God fell on and slept now at twenty twenty seven AB 2027 where I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of good I have not shown to declare unto you the entire plan of God or all the counsel of God acts 21 verse 14 and when he would not be persuaded we see thing the will of the Lord be done we see saying the plan of the Lord or the counsel of the Lord or the will of the Lord be done so the will of God is his plan the will of God is his plan the will of God is not what happens the will of God is not what happens but the will of God is God's plan the will of God is that all men be saved the plan of God is that all men be saved but it does not automatically translate it in all men being saved the will of God is that all men be saved but it does not automatically translate in all men be saved so there is a difference between a plan of God an action plan is counsel plan is will and is different from action are you still in the building look at first Corinthians chapter four verse five first Corinthians chapter four verse 5 therefore judge nothing before the time until the Lord come who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest accounts of the hearts and then shall every man have praise of good I will make manifests the cow cells of the heart of the motifs of the heart are the plans and the intentions of the heart the plan the motive the causal the intentions of the heart that you intend to do something does not automatically translate in doing it so the will of God is a cow cell the plan of God the intent of God the counsel of God and you will find out why we're doing exigencies on that in a few minutes so sometimes it's not even what happened is just the intention of the heart Ephesians chapter 1 verse 11 Ephesians chapter 1 verse 11 in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will he work at all things after the counsel of his will so the council is different from the workings the workings will be after the council so the cow cell is the plan the cow cell is the wheel the cow cell is the impatiens of God the council the plan of his will Hebrews chapter 6 verse 17 wherein God willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel confirmed it by an oath the imitability of his counsel his plan or his will so the council is not what have happened is what God desires to happen the council is no other suffer it's what God desires to happen oh it is God's plan so go back to Acts chapter 4 again verse 28 with this understanding acts 428 for to do whatsoever thy hand and thy counsel determined before it to be done so the council is the plan that God a heart so now let's read it in context 27 and 28 carefully for are the truth against thy Holy Child Jesus thou hast anointed yes both Herod and Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles and the people of Israel were gathered together they were gathered together for to do whatsoever thy hand and that counsel determined before it to be done so God had a council or a plan here on the Gentiles and the Jewish people all of them aligned with that council so it was in God that inspired them to do it they're only aligned with God's desire are we here right they aligned with God's desire because well where we are studying the wisdom of God in the death of Christ the wisdom of God in the death of Christ so now pay attention in his plan you will see even listen carefully in the plan of God you will see evil you will see evil in his plan because there is evil in what he planned pay attention o you will see evil in what he planned with in what he planned with but evil is not his plan you will see evil in what he planned with but evil is not his plan that is if you summarize God's plan or God's counsel you will see his counsel as love the summary of God's counsel is long the summary of God's counsel is love because what God did was to give himself over to seen us what God did was to give himself over to seen us so his plan is to give himself over to seen us for example somebody offended me pay attention now somebody offended me this is this the most simplest way I can explain what I just said now somebody offended me and I wanted to go to meet him and just tell him for whatever the matter is even though you offended me I came to say sorry about the whole thing but I know that this person is a notorious person I know him and I know order to go to him to apologize is to steer of his wickedness against me I know he's an unrepentant criminal but he offended me so we did my plan to approach him and reconcile I will plan that in spite of what he will do I will not react so in that plan I have planned with evil in the plan what evil the evil that is capable of coming from him and in my plan I have or dated that evil so there's no evil in my plan but I planned with evil I don't know if you understand yes so there's no plan there's no evil in God's plan but in other for the plan to be carried out evil will be a part of it so in the for plan of God he accommodated that did I communicate right let's get back to I want it you know look at the plan of God like this he knows the evil man he knows the sinful man he knows the wicked men that they are ruled by the devil and he knows that they will oppose Jesus he knows that they will devise to kill him then God aligns with it then God aligns with it he aligns himself with what he knew they will do as evil he aligns himself so in his complan not even his plan is love he won't make evil and he won't inspire even he will make evil and he will not inspire even so in his plan all we can see is love the reason why they will beat him and hurt him and even areata is because of love love ax 233 acts of the apostle's 233 therefore being by the right hand of God exalted and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost he had said for this which he now see unhear 24 no 23 not 33 act to good 23 him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God you have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and sling he delivered on the line delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge does a good logic to underline you are taking and by wicked hands you have crucified an slain but your action was accommodated in the determinate counsel and foreknowledge but you didn't inspire them to do it but you saw it and aligned to use it you saw it and aligned to use it a bit of technicality but very good for understanding now so in the wisdom of God listen carefully does he take account of man's wickedness from what I just finished explaining in the wisdom of God does he take account of man's wickedness yes he takes account of man's wickedness and he takes account of man's fallen states in his wisdom he takes account of man's wickedness and it takes account of man's fallen state in his wisdom that's why it looks foolish [Music] that's why that way storm looks foolish read for me agenda at 2:23 read it carefully him being delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God II have taken and by wicked hands have crucified and slain so Jesus is delivered by the determinate counsel notice the word determinate is a Greek word hoary so Carrizo means to fix it means to define it means it has a border line to fix to define it as a border line what is it that determinate counsel is to deliver him that means God made up his mind to deliver Jesus it was a fixed plan to be delivered by wicked hands it was a fixed plan remember the Greek word exitos that we saw on Sunday it means to deliver means to make yourself available or to give up to make yourself available or to give up so there was already wickedness and in the plan of God the fixed plan of God he will submit himself to that wickedness does the fixed plan of God to submit himself to that wickedness so that would mean that the kingdom of God takes into cognizance man's fallen state or man scene it takes cognizance of that but he is not the maker of it it's not the maker of it the wisdom of God does not create evil and the wisdom of God does not inspire evil and the wisdom of God does not plan evil what you will see in the wisdom of God let me know get ahead of myself 1st Corinthians 2:7 that's what we've been but but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory even the hidden wisdom what did God ordained for our glory because he said there's an insight there's a wisdom and brother Paul will call it Christ crucified in the same context 1st Corinthians 1:18 read for me 1st Corinthians 1:18 for the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but unto us which are saved it is the power of God give me 24 but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God the wisdom of God Christ crucified is the wisdom of God Christ crucified is the wisdom of God questioned crucified by you crucified by who my men wicked hands evil people so he says if this man who crucified Jesus had known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory the woman of crucified him so that begins to explain why it is called the wisdom of God that explains why it is called the wisdom of God it is the wisdom of God because if they had known it they wouldn't have crucified him but in his wisdom they went ahead and crucified because they didn't know it because in his plan anyway he had to be crucified so he he planned with them executing the plan by their own decision the wisdom of God glory to God are you still in the building you know the reason why is called the wisdom of God is because it appears foolish it doesn't make sense why will you say someone is God he wants to save then he submits himself to evil why he is God he wants to say then he submits himself to the wicked to evil he's hid him from the wisdom of men and it's against the wisdom of men because the wisdom of men supposes that the guy who is more violent more aggressive has the power of coercion is the one who wins the wisdom of men you know area boy techniques you shine your you harass you shake your body you raised a toast you intimidate and you win that's the wisdom of man you know even children know that they know how to operate it yeah in in primary school were taught they have anybody harasses you harassing me let me but you know that he may beat you but you just want to harass and intimidate him so that you weaken his defense the wisdom of men is not true the wisdom of men it's like one movie I watched a the Neptune 3 studio released and I just watch this few days and you know in that movie somebody off and agile in the movie I mean all live in the movie you know and and only got angry and then when the person has left only say come and take two hands but the person has gone that's the wisdom of this war the wisdom of this one's about violence is about intimidation is about harassment there's a wisdom of this world so for you to say that God is wise okay and then in his wisdom he wants to save then he brings himself into the hands of the people he will say to kill him and he dies he's supposed to be God all-powerful all-knowing and its intent is to destroy seeing then he now puts himself in the hands of Xena's to carry out wickedness on him that is foolishness it doesn't make sense but that is the wisdom of God I was still in the building here does the wisdom of God concealing a mystery now that is why the greek word for that wisdom of God is a poker up to that is hidden epi okay are upto it can only be seen that wisdom can only be seen by faith it can only be sympathy so we are looking at two kinds of wisdom with some of men which reasons in their intellect and the wisdom of God which is the opposite so he's saying that cos pre-plan is not evil but his pre-plan takes cognizance of evil he takes it into account he takes cognizance of evil into account the wisdom of God is still in the building yeah so what is the wisdom the wisdom is to make available for scene of Hasina's to make available for scene of Hasina's that's God's wisdom to make available for scene of Hasina's so by wicked hands it was live why did Jesus come to save scene us so if sinners are going to be involved they have to be involved in a sinful way if seen us have to be involved they have to be involved means in a simple way so that's why we get hands they slew him 1st Corinthians 2:7 again now remember yesterday we dealt with from and for do you remember that from and for read for me 1st Corinthians 2:7 but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory even the hidden wisdom hidden from hidden fall hidden from hidden for so which God ordained underline before the world which God ordained before the world unto our glory so let's study this wall before the world let's study the world world is the world a on a IO n a on it means edges hell edges is an adjective used for the circle of time is an adjective useful a circle of time before the world where do you find a on you find a on among among many circle of time among men the circle of time among men before the circle of time how things were roll into each other that is what shows the wisdom of God before the circle of time there is a plan in the foreknowledge of God how things were roll into each other that plan is God's wisdom that plan is God's wisdom are you still in the building so that shows you that the wisdom of God in the wisdom of God he uses the word for knowledge for knowledge operates within the confines of cause wisdom he uses the word for knowledge so that will be that the wisdom of God is not reactionary the wisdom of God is not reactionary notice he didn't say he didn't say before the world unto our glory even though that's what is written there but I'm going to explain look at John 17:5 for clarity read for me John 17:5 and now O Father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was on the line before the world before the world was glorify thou me with thine own glory or with an own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was before on the land before the world wars again before the Aeon was John 1724 father I would that they also whom thou has given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou has given me for thou loved me before the foundation of the world under life thou loves me before the foundation of the world before the world was before the foundation of the world Matthew 25:34 then saw the Kings they answered them on his right hand call me blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world prepared for you from the foundation of the world on the line from so there is before the world was there is before the foundation of the world there is from the foundation of the world from look 11:50 look 11:50 not the blood of all the prophets which was shed from the foundation of the world may be required of this generation the blood of all the prophets from from the foundation of the world from the foundation of the world officience one fall according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love chosen us before the foundation of the world we have before the foundation of the world we have from the foundation of the world before from I observe in Hebrews chapter 4 verse 3 for we which have believed you enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath if they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world the walls we're finished from the foundation of the world please take note of these from the foundation of the world not before not before the foundation from the foundation there is before there is from Hebrews 9:26 Hebrews 9:26 but then was the often have suffered since the foundation of the world but now once in the end of the world has he appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself that verse is like a figure of speech because Jesus did not suffer since the foundation of the world he has not been on the cross or in death since the foundation of the world so the scripture as a figure of speech now if you observe he uses the word end but now once in the end that word in the end is conclusion like maturity like the fulfillment of the world now if you observe he said he would have suffered since the foundation on the line since the foundation of the world first Peter 1:20 first 120 who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world was was manifest in these last times it was verily for all day in before the foundation of the world before Debo's agha are you still in the building yeah before and from before the foundation of the world is in God before the foundation of the world is in God that picks out the wisdom of God nothing before the foundation of the world the or latina will be before the far the world will be God himself so before the foundation of the world will be the wisdom of God nothing more the wisdom of God now come with me to Revelation 13 verse 8 revelation 13 verse 8 and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world names whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world so from the foundation of the world has to do it man from the foundation man before the foundation God before in God in the wisdom of God in the plan of God in the will of God in the counsel of God before or ahead of time the pro resaw of God ahead of time the lamb couldn't have been slain from the foundation of the world so he's a fickle because if the lamb was slain from version of the world does a direct opposite of Hebrews 9:26 so in Hebrews 960 say if it is true he will not have been suffering from the foundation of the world which is not the case see that revelation 17 verse 8 17 verse 8 the Beast that thou sawest was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names were not written in the book of life from the fountain of the world names written in the book of life or names not written in the book of life from the foundation deals with man from before deals with God so those names from the furniture of the world referring to men who believe in Jesus from the foundation of the world men who believe in Jesus so when he says from the foundation of the world men are involved when he says before the foundation of the world only God so from the foundation of the world deals with the activities of man it deals with the activities of men so go back to 1st Corinthians 2 7 & 8 read for me but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory 8 which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of glory verse 7 will be the mysteries in prophecy verse 7 deals with the mysteries that were concealed in prophecy vas a it will be they lack the revelation of the mystery they lacked the revelation of the mystery in verse 8 verse 7 mystery was a mystery in prophecy Vaska the luck the revelation of it now how will they know verse 9 read verse 9 for me how will they know vast 9 but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the hearts of men the things which God hath prepared for them that love him now what is he referring to here if you remove the verses and you just read it to the advices and punctuation he is actually talking about Christ crucified that all the mysteries in prophecy was the sufferings of Christ and literally as you follow which none of the princes knew which eyes never saw but now they are reveal to us the sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow so he is dealing with Christ crucified which is the wisdom of God the wisdom of God so not interpret what he's saying now said what he's saying because if you start from chapter 1 verse 18 and you come to chapter 2 you will know his dealing with the wisdom of God which is Christ crucified the wisdom of God which is the power of God hallelujah so the wisdom of men calls the wisdom of God weakness weakness because weakness is when you can take a hold of someone and crucify him meanwhile that person is called the power of God you know it's called the power of God and and just ordinary human beings grab him and he looks helpless they take him he follows them and they crucify him and he cannot come down does weakness with man but with God does the wisdom of God because that is the pathway to the execution of the redemptive plan so in his wisdom he looks with but in his weakness his plan is executed in man's wisdom he is strong and in his strength he is carrying out God's plan without knowing my uses power God is his wisdom so wild man is flexing muscle flexing muscle God diverts the muscle to carry out his plan you didn't hear what I just said wild man is using energy God in His wisdom since - our Father himself Chabad ah since man has offered himself willingly intentionally by his own choice so God our lives with monsters and use his masters in carrying out his eternal plan the wisdom of God is wiser than men and the foolishness of God is stronger than men I will teach in here so there call it quickness but God calls it wisdom it's called the wisdom of God because that's inside that's inside he seems something that you cannot see so in the death of Christ God saw what they couldn't see and that's how love acts that's the way love arts you can call it the wisdom of God or you can call it the love of God or that which love dolls so always say been saying so far about the pro racer or the harissa or the love is the love of God that is before the crucifixion of Jesus is the sacrifice God is not killing his son in the sacrifice God is not killing his son Radha God is offering himself it's not the killing of a son is the offering of God himself God offered himself God offered himself and that offering of himself his wisdom that offering of himself is the record boules which doesn't make sense in the natural that's why you can only know it by faith so that crucifixion is what brother Paul begins to explain now was the insight that is embedded in it eventually the inside invariably it will culminate to how he was raised from the dead it will culminate into how he was raised from the dead but of course you can be raised from the dead until you're dead if you don't die you come here raised from the dead so the wisdom of God is there so let's investigate what the wisdom of God is in there as that wisdom of God it's obvious that in God's plan is submitted to evil in Kaas plan is submitted to evil he does him to evil does the background don't forget he does him to evil he is not tempted by evil and he does not inspire evil please remember this in God's plan is submitted to even even though he doesn't do even he is not tempted by evil and he doesn't inspire it but the Bible did not say he does not submit to eat here in here let me go he doesn't do evil he's not tempted by evil he does not inspire evil even though the Bible doesn't say he doesn't submit to eat he knows inspired he doesn't it is not tempted by it but he submits to it in the execution of his plan Jesus submitter to evil he submitter to weaken hands which crucified us name so but the wisdom of God and the wisdom of man are found in the activities of man but the wisdom of God and the wisdom of men are found in the activities of man I like you to read for me again that same first Corinthians two seven eight nine ten read it for me but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world unto our glory which none of the princes of this world knew for had they known as they would not have crucified the Lord of glory but as it is written eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the hearts of man the things which God has prepared for them that love him next verse but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the spirit searches all things yet the deep things of God God has revealed them unto whom unto us by their spirit and that's what were feasting in right here this night the wisdom of God the wisdom of God which was ordained before the world unto what on to our glory our glorification will be a byproduct of that wisdom what is the wisdom of God Christ crucified our glory will be a byproduct of that wisdom the crucifixion of Christ in that crucifixion is the initiation of our glory Christ in you but many of you know he couldn't be in you if he didn't die yes except the conduit it abides but when it dies it bringeth forth fruit he became the captain of I as a salvation he brought many songs on the glory and religious in you ordained before the world unto our glory in that crucifixion in that crucifixion was the execution of the plan of God fulfilling his plan the glory ordained before the world unto day that glory that glory kebaya today that glory that glory is sitting somewhere in this building where is that glory today and that glory didn't come cheap that glory didn't come cheap and that glory didn't come casually are you watching all the intrigues are you watching all the calculations and and all it took for that for that ordained glory to finally be actualized that God sat down before the world and calculated how to get man to kill him without my knowing what is doing with the contribution of Satan the kidnapper and yet without God being a part of the evil plan you know hear me he sat him among Allah to stop he sat down and calculated in his foreknowledge and made his plan and man aligned with the plan thinking he is putting an end to a wicked guy called Jesus but by that thought he was facilitating the plan that will save that same wicked man you never say the same wicked man killing Jesus in the killing with the salvation of the same wicked man from wickedness and God crafted this out in such a way that through the process he was never seen to be entangled with evil and he can in weakness and submitted to man strength and man is killing God and cannot in that that will ever be God and Satan is supplying motivation and facilitating and encouraging and rushing this agenda without knowing that in the Russian of this agenda was his termination the wisdom of God at the princes of this world known they wouldn't have come Anna if the devil had known that that was God in human flesh he will have gotten security and bodyguards with this medical kill I mean here they wouldn't have allowed Jesus to complain they will have kept a chef for him with all manner of diet to keep him alive as long as possible but because they didn't know they made it fast they facilitated everything when Herod say who do you want Jesus or Barabbas crucified everybody and they didn't understand that that was the wisdom of God which was ordained before the world unto our glory glory regard and when Jesus died this thing was over see only million was to get them to kill him once they killed him that was the end of this pose after killing the rest he will take care of it the most difficult part is to get them to kill him finish the rest is going to be within his jurisdiction I lay my life down I don't need help if it's for picking an out to be we are I need assistance because I can't kill myself it would be illegal and I can't die because if I die it was typically go shopping buddy to kill and wicked hands were available here odd was available men were available and Satan was behind or do you remember that Satan inspired the military men and they said one check make sure soldiers were guarding the tomb because they thought he was a man directly how can you use soldiers to guard a ghost a dead body what are they guarding the man is in the grave they don't know what is happening in there you know the best a man knows is as long as a man is alive does the best anybody including medical doctors the best any human being can know is as long as the man is alive the moment man stops breathing all human knowledge expires all human knowledge the moment the man stops breathing that is the limitation of the Gospels that is the limitation of the four Gospels because all the four Gospels go record was everything till he stopped breathing after he stopped breathing the four Gospels ended their journey so the only person that can now proceed with the journey after the four Gospels will be a man of Revelation knowledge so only brother Paul will tell us and the writer of Hebrews and the epistles what happened from after death the redemption was completed career ago you seen the details of what it took for you to be a new creation I will have a little more to go set up tomorrow are going to zero in on Satan we are going to expose his functionality we're going to expose the plan of God as to how a believer should casually handle zeta is casually how to casually handle he how to make him insignificant in your program insignificant put in the program and in his impact the concept and to have the portion somewhere near and we will expose him glory to God had the princes of this world known they wouldn't have crucified hallelujah what their eyes didn't see is revealed to us by the spirit for the spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God glory to God somebody bless tonight get on your feet and Shakira I'd like you to turn to three four people tell them this wisdom was ordained before the world unto your glory now set out two three four people around you [Music] this wisdom was today before the world unto our glory blah blah blah we are the custodians of the karateka ah my goodness it's not inferior glory it is the glory of Jesus glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God to whom God will make no I want to pray forgive me Colossians 1:26 Kenosha's 125 126 start from 25k bayada Italy where of I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the Word of God yes even the mystery which has been hit from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his things the mystery is now made manifest to these things next verse to whom god would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory God is the riches of the mystery of this glory among the Gentiles it's not Christ around you it's not Christ close to you Jacob ahora it's not Christ by you it is not cries of value it is not Christ on top of you where is Christ the hope of God the confident expectation of good eye to whom God would make no no what is the riches of the glory the riches of the glory the riches the riches help me the richest one more time the riches which is what is the riches of the glory or talk to me citizens what is the riches of the glory is Christ in you the riches of the glory where is Christ where are the riches wait we are as Christ where are the riches of the glory who is the riches of the glory we are is Christ where is the riches of the glory say I carry the riches of God's glory inside me right now are you showing us carrying the riches of the glory who is the custodian of the riches of God's glory if you are here shall glory Philippians chapter 4 verse 19 read for me Philippians 4:19 but my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Jesus Christ I caught him he will meet your needs according to his riches well who is that it is in glory Christ Christ where is the riches in glory so where does God meet your needs he meets your needs according to his riches in glory and the riches in glory are inside you so kappa da Gama's every need met right now this house is full of riches in glory so every need mate you know that's why in Acts of the Apostles nobody had a need have you read that there was no need why was there no need everybody in the chart made supply such that everybody's need was settled by the riches in glory within the people the riches of God's glory is inside you right now so I declare as you're aiming will come like Tunde in this building right now every need met by these riches in glory in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all sufficiency in all things you abound on to every good walk now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you ask or think according to the power that worketh in you by the power of God that is at work in you right now I declare every need match supernaturally in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus every supplier you are expecting receive receive receive receive in the name of Jesus and right now we rebuke sickness we rebuke disease we rebuke the oppression of the enemy base button in the name of Jesus sick bodies be healed be healed be healed in the name of Jesus Father we give you praise and I declare over this building on Facebook YouTube all our campuses around the world I declare right now the revelation of this world this mystery the revelation of God's wished Rises big on your inside and nothing else matters around you in the name of Jesus the deep things of god caleb adore josiah i said the deep things of god righto kalenna coladas i said the deep things of god they are revealed to you by the Holy Ghost receive revelation receive revelation receive revelation there's full of in the name of Jesus thank you Father praise You Father it is done right now in Jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality well go ahead and celebrate that glory on your inside glory the way some of your celebrating is like you don't understand what we just shared right go ahead and celebrate if someone around you does not know how to celebrate hordley man teach you how to do it go ahead and celebrate the tourism a man Christ in you and this wisdom was ordained before the world unto our Lord and today that wisdom has found expression on our inside amen get a good offer unless worship tonight let's give in honor of what Christ has done glory to God Oh hallelujah those of you watching on Facebook YouTube Instagram all the platforms and our campuses grab a good offering tonight let's give in honor of what Christ has done father we rejoice we rejoice in faith and we thank you for all that you went through because of us and we give in acknowledgment we give in honor and we give we give by faith and right now we declare that our offering stands before you a sweet smell and we thank you for a privilege to honor the finished walk and to honor the advancement of your kingdom through our Givens in Jesus precious name and every believer since that Amen only notified ality hey guys were signing you guys off but you don't want to miss tomorrow no no in fact I'd like you to go out of your way to morrow and grab some people and hook up unless have a ball all over the world as we undress the devil in the public they do hear what I said what will we do to the devil margit alibi Oh glory to God you don't want to miss anybody you love out of tomorrow's service we love you guys grab a friend grab a loved one we look forward to connecting with you guys tomorrow and until then our campuses will live in the echo hands of our coordinators enjoy the rest of your evening celebrating this glory and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world Gloria [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,095
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Id: jxb-QLbQoKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 12sec (4632 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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