Identifying Old Cast Iron Pans
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Channel: Cast Iron Chaos
Views: 1,056,213
Rating: 4.8870358 out of 5
Keywords: cast iron, skillet, dutch oven, lodge, wagner, griswold, birmingham stove, atlanta stove works, wapak, vollrath, martin stove, favorite stove, antique, Old, Food, Year, birmingham stove & range
Id: 2hmDBvgTWFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 48sec (1728 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 02 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Very nicely done video and I'm hoping it will help inspire people to explore the world of some of the finest cookware ever made.
We have over 100 pcs of cast iron cookware and there isn't one piece of Lodge in there. Nor was any of it made in China or Taiwan. Wapak and Miami can definitely give Griswold a run for the money in quality, however in our area they can be difficult to find. Wan-na-be cast iron buyer's need to watch out for warped and/or cracked cast iron. Both of which can occur if the piece is heated too high while being empty. You will not be repairing these. You can used a warped iron skillet for cooking over a campfire, but personally I would not want to use it in the house. Noobs also want to be on the lookout for counterfeit Griswold cast iron. Because some Griswold pieces are scarce and very high priced here have been forgeries made in China bearing the "Griswold" logo. So far these have been easy for seasoned cast iron collectors to spot. I'm providing a link that will give people a better idea of what the fakes look like.
Thanks for posting this! I just refurbished an unmarked 10" skillet and a huge dutch oven for my mom. The skillet belonged to her mom who bought it at a garage sale in the early 50s. The skillet was a bit rusty, but not warped. The only marking on it was a large 10C and it had a heat ring. I looked high and low for some information on who made it and how old it might be. This guy nails it at 14:15.
At 14:15 in the video, the guy has a pan that looked exactly like mom's. He identifies it as a Birmingham Stove Pan, Red Mountain Series. The one he was holding was an 8C, mom's is a 10C. It cleaned up very nicely and cooks great with a very smooth cooking surface.
Thanks for the great post. Can't wait for tag sale season.