30 Advanced English Verbs

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hello everyone and welcome back to another love english video now today i've got a video which you've been asking me for for ages and it is another one of my advanced verbs videos so you seem to really enjoy these guys the one on 50 advanced verbs you really liked that that's up here if you haven't watched it but watch it at the end of this one and so we're going to do something very similar in the lesson today which is we're going to take everyday common english verbs but look at they're much more advanced and interesting versions as at this point a lot of you are quite advanced learners of english and you don't want to be using the same old vocabulary you want to be being more playful with the language more accurate more expressive and these verbs are going to help you to do that don't forget guys if you want to expand your vocabulary you can also buy our vocabulary course it's an ebook find out more about that below and as well as that don't forget to subscribe [Music] number one our first verb which we're going to look at better versions of today is to complain to complain so verb number one is to groan to groan and this is a noise really as well as being an action if you grow you know if you make a groan or let out or groan we can say you go like this very often it's when you are unhappy or in pain or it can also be pleasure as well but very often it's more negative now the action of this is when you go oh i really don't want to do this and in an unhappy voice you show that you don't want to do something or you don't like something or something like this number two is to moan now this is not so much about the noise it's much more about the action somebody who moans really really does complain about something so it's quite a direct uh synonym of to complain if you moan you say things like i can't believe i've got to clean the house again why is it my turn nobody else does it and you keep going keep going and you moan a lot about this some people just love to moan they love to complain about things whereas other people when they moan they might be very justified if i'm ever late for a love english filming session leila used to moan at me she used to say oh i can't believe you're late i had to set up the lights by myself blah blah blah do you know anyone that's a mona or what do you like to moan about what makes you moan tell me about that in the comments below number three is to whinge to whinge slightly different to moan and groan it's where it is this very similar in the sense that it's about complaining but the voice is slightly different and perhaps it's more for younger people so if you winge you really make a kind of higher pitched tone and that's why i say it's often more children and teenagers that winged so if you say oh i don't want to eat the vegetables oh can't i have another ice cream or all my friends are going out on friday why won't you let me and you really use that kind of nasally tone this is more to whinge you've got nowhere to go and you've got school tomorrow oh that is so unfair i hate you right onto a more positive verb to look at synonyms for the verb to laugh to laugh now there are actually many ways that we can laugh and one of them i don't think you would have heard of before is to titter to titter if you titter you laugh in such a way that shows that you're a bit nervous or you think maybe you shouldn't be laughing about that thing so for example if somebody is making rude jokes which you think could be a bit inappropriate you might not want to laugh very loudly about that you might prefer to just laugh very quietly almost behind your hands or with someone else in a more discreet way and generally ladies tend to titter more than men so we might say there was an awkward silence in the room at the beginning of the presentation so a few people titted to break the ice the next one is to chortle to chortle i love this one and to chortle is to laugh with pleasure if you chortle about something you really are having a good often laugh to yourself about that thing and you're really laughing in pleasure so the next verb we're going to look at more interesting versions of is to accept to accept so the first one is to endorse to endorse and this is quite a formal verb actually if you endorse something you formally or publicly approve of it or accept it so if we say there are celebrity endorsements for our project it means that celebrities have approved of it they've said i will put my name on this and say that i approve of it and i support it so often lots of products they want celebrities to endorse them like eva longoria she always endorses uh l'oreal number seven is to acquiesce to acquiesce lovely sounding verb to acquiesce and this is to agree or to accept something but reluctantly unwillingly there's a slight feeling there that the person doesn't really want to agree or accept this thing so if you acquiesce probably the phrasal verb equivalent would be to give in it's where you say okay yes we can do that it's not my first choice but i'll agree to it if you live with a partner and they really want to get a dog but you're not sure but in the end you say okay let's try it let's get a dog you've acquiesced number eight is to condone something to condone and this is to accept or allow behavior that is wrong and we frequently use it in the negative because we frequently use it in a way to say that we don't condone something meaning we don't accept it or we don't allow it so a school might have a sign up saying we don't condone the use of mobile phones in the classrooms or bullying of any kind is not condoned here meaning not accepted not allowed so it's quite a useful verb but we do very often use it in the negative number nine is to grant to grant and this literally means to allow or approve so if you say she granted me access to her garden it means she allowed me to have access to her garden we often use it in very formal situations like i was granted a visa or i was granted asylum in that country so it's quite an official word in that sense we don't tend to say i granted my children one evening a week eating junk food we don't tend to use it in that informal way we tend to use it much more about official things so next verb that we're going to be looking at more advanced versions of is to encourage now a great verb that you can use instead of encourage is to boost to boost so if you want to say that a company have tried to encourage more people into the shop or encourage sales you can say that they've tried to boost sales with their discounts so you can also say that you try to boost someone's confidence so if you say oh you're doing great you know you're doing really well your english is coming on really well you're going to be fluent soon you're trying to boost their confidence meaning increase their confidence number 11 is to bolster to bolster this is very similar to boost but it can also mean to support and improve or make something stronger so for example imagine you live in a country where there are hurricanes you might want to bolster the strength of your house by adding extra bricks or foundations or something like that but you can also again bolster someone's ego bolster sales bolster revenue bolster the public image of a company here it would mean support or improve so the next verb we're going to look at more interesting versions of is to listen we do of course use that verb a lot so it's nice to have some different options now the person who is listening and they shouldn't be so who is trying to listen to a conversation like perhaps when you're younger and you're trying to listen to your parents conversations through the door this has a special verb this is to eavesdrop to eavesdrop so if you're eavesdropping you're listening to a private conversation that you shouldn't be listening to those two girls behind you they're easy really the next one is to over here to over here and this is actually where you didn't mean to you didn't intentionally want to listen but you couldn't help but hear it so you might say i overheard the boss talking at work about the fact that there's going to be some job losses so you were just there and you could hear the conversation and you overheard it but you weren't necessarily supposed to but you you couldn't help it you were just there so the next one guys is to prick up your ears or to prick up one's ears now this means that you uh you suddenly start to pay attention because you're interested in something so we might say leila pricked up her ears when she heard that her boyfriend was going to the jewelry store so the next verb that we're going to look at more advanced versions of is to speak so the first verb we're going to look at here is to blab to blab and if you blab you talk carelessly and a lot about something often saying secret information so a little bit like gossip but it can also be that you just talk a lot so if we say that somebody is a blabber mouse they're the kind of person who talks a lot and they talk about other people's business quite frequently as well so they'll often reveal secrets that they shouldn't and things like that so it's certainly not a compliment if you say oh this person blabbed to me about this it means she told me and she probably shouldn't have but it can also just mean that the person talks a lot about uninteresting things so you might say my neighbor was blabbing onto me about all the problems she's having with her house oh so boring number 16 is quite similar but it's a much more formal version of that verb this one is to divulge to divulge and if you divulge information you say something that should definitely be a secret so we could say she refused to divulge the secret to her spicy sauce number 17 is to gab to gab again this means to talk a lot if you say oh my goodness she was gabbing on very similar to how we use blabbing on this means talking a lot and often about uninteresting things next verb that we're going to look at more advanced versions of is to succeed to succeed now the first one that we're going to look at here is to prosper it's a formal verb to prosper but it's a nice verb to use when you mean something has been successful particularly financially so you might say apple have really prospered as a technology company as they were extremely unique in the market at the time so it's quite formal you'll often see it in newspapers and things like that you can use it in a speaking context or in a writing context but it should be more formal the next one is to flourish to flourish and this is where something is doing extremely well so it's growing or developing successfully so we could say that for example certain species flourish in certain environments if we say business is flourishing we mean it's doing very well but a person can also flourish you could say since she's done her study abroad program in spain she's really flourished and her confidence has grown right the next verb that we're going to look at more advanced versions of is to knead we use that all the time let's look at some better versions of it number 20 is to long for to long for so this one is actually a phrasal verb and if we long for something we desire it we really wish we could have it so you might say i'm longing for a holiday in the sun you know we feel that we need it and we strongly desire it so you might say he longed for a more fulfilling job next one is to call for and this means that a particular situation or person is requiring that thing so we might say learning a language calls for dedication commitment and time so we're saying it requires so we can literally replace requires with call for next verb that we're going to look at is to meet to meet and the first verb that we could use instead of meet is to gather together generally this tends to suggest a few more people so you don't tend to gather if there's just the two of you it tends to be more of you so people might gather in public spaces for festivals or events people might gather for protests or family can gather together at special times of the year like christmas or eid or diwali very similar one is to congregate i think this is a bit more formal and perhaps a bit old-fashioned uh you might say the tourists were congregating in the main square again it's similar to gathering that it's more people so if you're a priest you will call the people that come to see you every sunday come to listen to your sermons you would call that your congregation so your meeting of people next one nice informal one we've got to hang out i'm sure lots of you know this one if we hang out we meet in a relaxed way it's not necessarily for a particular purpose so for example you might say oh should we go to the town centre this evening let's just hang out you know go for a couple of drinks get an ice cream maybe let's hang out the next verb that we're going to look at more interesting versions of is to eat now this is a good verb to look at different versions of isn't it so the first one is to gorge oneself to gorge oneself and this means to really eat a lot of something you love to indulge so to probably eat far too much so we might say when she went to italy she gorged herself on all the delicious ice cream number 26 is to dine to dine and this suggests a sophisticated kind of eating so if you dine it means that you are it's very formal means you're having a posh dinner or a sophisticated dinner or perhaps you're going out to eat so we might say for example let's dine out this evening it sounds very formal to say that certainly today we will use it less but the way that we do hear this very often is fine dining so you might say this restaurant has fine dining which means more sophisticated more gourmet food number 27 is to feast to feast and we still use this word when we talk about festivals or a big gathering we might say oh let's have a feast or we've feasted on a delicious meal tends to be a big meal it tends to be for special occasions we tend to eat a lot at a feast so you could say we feasted on the best cuisine when we went on our cruise around europe next one we're going to look at more interesting versions of to be angry which is an adjective but we have actually got some verbs which can talk about this as well so the first one is to rage to rage and we often rage against something and this is real anger yeah so if you rage you're super angry so we might say he raged against the government's plans to shut down free education quick question guys other things can actually rage so not just people do you know what other things we can describe of as raging tell me about that in the comments below bit of homework for you next one is to explode very similar to rage if somebody explodes in anger they get super angry and very quickly of course explode suggest very quick action like a volcano or a bomb so if we say my boss exploded at me because i've been late three days in a row you mean suddenly your boss got very angry about that oh next one is synonyms of to cry to cry the first one is to weep to weep and this is where we are super upset about something but also actually we can weep tears of joy it's a little bit formal but if you weep it suggests very intense emotion so you might say she wept when she saw her brother for the first time in five years she wept next one is to sob to sob and if you sob you cry a lot and you're you're breathing deeply so it's when you it's when you do something like this when you're really crying so much that you can't even catch your breath um i can certainly think of times in my life when i've sobbed usually when i've had a broken heart sadly so to sob to sob it's a very good word to use if you're really crying a lot probably girls sob more than guys what do you think what's your opinion on that i think probably it's true that girls sob a little bit more than guys and because i didn't want to end on a depressing note because i didn't want to end there on something a bit sad i'm going to give you one lovely happy verb which is to rejoice so this is a synonym of to celebrate to rejoice to rejoice this means that you celebrate that you show happiness that you're joyful because of something so we might say her family rejoiced when they found out she got a first degree at the university the family rejoiced okay everyone they were our 30 plus advanced and unusual verbs i do hope that you start to use these start to include them in your everyday vocabulary challenge yourself to use more interesting vocabulary and do try and use any of them below in a sentence for me we'll see you in the next video guys bye-bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 33,547
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, advanced verbs, english verbs, advanced english vocabulary, common english verbs, advanced english words, english vocabulary lesson, learn advanced english, improve english vocabulary, british english, advanced british english
Id: IPh7M3cCQZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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