50 ADVANCED English WORDS- Improve your vocabulary! #advancedenglish

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hello everybody and welcome back to love English with Leila and Sabrah I'm Sabrah now recently on love English we've been really focusing on building and expanding your vocabulary which will of course help you in all other areas of English so today we're carrying on with that theme- we're continuing with that theme and we're going to be looking at very common very normal English verbs but they're more advanced and interesting versions so on today's lesson guys 50 advanced English verbs oh are you ready before we get started guys don't forget to subscribe click that lovely red button and also you can follow us on our social media but as well as that guys you can visit our website www.loveenglish.co.uk and you can actually get a free sample of our coming ebook which is all about building and learning new vocabulary so you can get a free sample of that on our website the link is there guys don't forget to try and use these verbs that we're going to learn in a sentence below in the comments and I will check it for you if you do leave me a comment with one of these verbs okay everybody so number one we're going to look at synonyms for the verb to drink so the first verb is to sip to sip and to sip means to drink something slowly to have a small amount at a time so for example people generally sip tea or they sip coffee they don't drink it all down at once they take little amounts at a time this is called to sip the second verb is to slurp to slurp quite an onomatopoeic verb meaning it actually sounds like what it is this is when somebody drinks something very noisily so you can actually hear them drinking for example if they're drinking tea and they go like this -they're slurping their tea the next verb is to down to down a drink and this means to drink the drink all at once for example if you're in a hurry and you need to quickly drink your drink you might quickly down it however I have to say that the most common use of this verb is when you're drinking alcohol and your friends are encouraging you to drink it all in one go and they might say go on down it down it and this means drink your drink I do not recommend that though guys bad headache the next day okay moving on to synonyms of the verb to eat there are many different ways guys to eat something so in English we have different verbs to describe different ways of eating something first we have - crunch - crunch I explained this verb actually in my last video on how to learn a hundred English words a day which is up there so - crunch means to eat something noisily usually because the food has to be eaten noisily for example crisps carrots peppers if you eat them you're going to make a noise as you're chewing them so you crunch it next verb very similar sound is to munch if you munch something you eat something steadily so you keep eating it you need to eat it for a while to really be able to swallow it and also often if you're munching something you'll also make a bit of a noise so often we describe animals as munching things for example cows or horses will munch grass or hay they'll be chewing it for a while they're munching it ok the next verb is scoff - scoff and - scoff means to eat something quickly usually because it's very tasty or you're in a rush if you scoff it you'll eat it very very quickly this is quite an informal word but we do use it all the time so we might say wow she must be enjoying that she's really scoffing it or she's scoffing it down now a little bit of homework for you guys as the verb scoff actually has a second meaning so I want you to go away and research it and tell me in the comments below what you have found out that it means number seven is to nibble and this means to take little bites of something to eat it slowly so normally we nibble on a snack for example crisps or nuts in fact they can be called nibbles if you're going to a person's house for dinner often before the dinner there might be some snacks put out for the guests to nibble on number eight is to chomp and this means to eat something quite noisily again or where you're chewing it a lot we need to really chew it this can be things like for example toffees and sweets where you really have to chew them ok guys now we're looking at alternatives to the verb to walk there are many different ways that people can walk and so we have different verbs to describe different manners of walking number nine is to stroll and this means to walk in a relaxed way if you're strolling you don't need to get anywhere in a hurry you're taking your time you're relaxing you can say for example we went for a stroll in the park next verb is to stride to stride means that you take big and long steps and with a purpose so you want to get somewhere you want to show people that you're confident quite a lot of men actually will stride they know that they've got to get somewhere quickly so they'll take big steps and they might be walking with confidence so they stride number 11 I love this verb this is to strut to strut and this is perhaps particularly used to describe the way that women walk if you strut you walk in a way in which you're showing off in some way so you're walking very very confidently again probably taking quite big steps but you're walking with attitude you're walking to show yourself off so often girls in high heels and things like that they'll strut into a bar number twelve again this one is one of my favourite verbs and this is to swagger to swagger and to swagger means to walk in a way again that you're showing off you're walking quite confidently but it's also a way to show that you're perhaps a little bit rebellious so for example in American movies gangsters will swagger they'll walk with attitude to show who they are and show how important they are and things like that number thirteen to dawdle to dawdle if you dawdle you walk slowly you check your phone maybe you're trying to actually avoid continuing so for example sometimes our parents when we were younger might have said to us stop dawdling we need to get to school now we're looking at synonyms of the verb to speak and the verb to talk so can you guess what that was that was actually yell or shout so if you're yelling you're shouting maybe you're shouting across the room or you yell at somebody if you're angry things like that okay everybody now what could that one be it was of course to whisper if you whisper you are saying something very quietly in somebody's ear usually and normally it's because you don't want other people to hear what you're saying so it's secret this one guys is to mumble to mumble if you mumble you don't speak clearly you don't speak loudly and you don't speak clearly often students in a class particularly teenagers if they don't want to answer the teacher they might mumble they might say you know what the answer to that one is next one is to mutter to mutter is actually very similar in meaning to to mumble but people can mutter to themselves so for example people might mutter to themselves about things they have to do that day they might say well then I've got to remember to do that and I've got to get some oil for the car so number eighteen is to debate and this means to argue about something but in a more formal way if you debate something you look at the different sides of the argument and you present your case for or against something and often you will go against a particular person or a particular group of people okay number 19 is to dispute to dispute something and this means that you disagree strongly about something so if you dispute something you say that something isn't correct so you might dispute somebody's idea or you might legally dispute something for example if somebody says you damaged their car you could actually dispute this with the police and say no you didn't and completely disagree number 20 is to converse and this just means to have a conversation to converse means to talk in a conversational way okay number 21 is the verb to stare so this verb means to look at something for a long time so basically guys to stare it can mean that somebody stares at for example a painting in an art gallery they are enjoying it so much they don't want to take their eyes off it and so they stare at it however I think in most cultures around the world to stare is considered quite rude if you don't know the person it can make the other person feel uncomfortable number 22 is to glance to glance is just a quick look so you might say oh I had a quick glance at the newspaper but I couldn't see anything interesting so I didn't read it, to peek is another quick look but to peek is often when you are not supposed to look so if you peek you might peek through a doorway for example and see what's going on in another room where you shouldn't see what is going on for example when we're children and our parents are having a party and we're not allowed we might peek through the doorway to see what they're all doing to glimpse again is a quick look if you glimpse something you only see it quickly so people who are bird watchers or people who like to go and look at nature they often will only get a glimpse of the animal or the bird that they've been looking for just a quick look number 25 is the verb to gaze this is like stare but it's more with admiration and it's more polite so if you gaze at something you're finding it so beautiful that you don't want to stop looking at it so people can gaze at a beautiful landscape for example they can gaze at each other in a loving way if they are a couple who are in love for example number 26 is to squint to squint and this is when the Sun is in your eyes you can't see very well so you you squint like this hey now we're looking at synonyms for the verb to love actually what's very interesting about English unlike the romance languages is that we don't have very many ways to describe the verb to love it's a bit worrying what that might say about us as people so the main synonym of to love is to a adore to adore and this means that you you love that thing so much if you say to somebody that you adore them this is very very strong in English if we say that we adore a particular food or we adore a particular item of clothing meaning we love it so much okay moving on to synonyms for the word to hate so number 28 is to detest if you say you detest something this is even stronger than hate so you detest it you really really really hate it it's a very strong way to express hate or dislike the next one is to despise if you say you despise something or someone again very very strong way to say that you dislike or you hate something to loathe to loathe again strong feeling of dislike perhaps not as strong as the other two but we might say for example I loathe getting up so early in the morning number 31 it's really a synonym of dislike and it is to shun to shun if you shun someone or something it's like you turn your back to them so you are rejecting them you're you don't want to know them you don't want to speak to them so you can shun a member of your family if you've had a big disagreement for example, number 32 strong way to communicate dislike is to say you abhor you abhor something- it's quite a funny word actually to abhor so I can give you an example which I have to admit to and this is that I abhor learning grammar when I'm learning another language I really don't like learning grammar in fact I abhor it, I much prefer speaking and communicating than learning the grammar I really don't enjoy it so I abhor it I really dislike it okay moving on to synonyms for the verb to think number 33 is the verb to ponder to ponder and this means to consider something to wonder as well as another one so if pondering something you're thinking about it but not in a rushed way you're not in an intense way in quite a relaxed way so you can ponder the existence of life number 34 is to reckon to reckon and to reckon is an informal way really to say you think so if you say oh I reckon it's going to rain tomorrow or what do you reckon about this you're asking the person what do you think to figure it means to think but also to be working something out to be trying to understand it so if you say I figure it's going to take me 10 minutes to get home you're saying I've understood or I've worked out that it's going to take me this long to get home, next we have synonyms with the verb to work number 36 is the verb to exert if you exert yourself you use a lot of energy you're putting a lot of effort into something so you could say i really exerted myself at the gym I worked very hard number 37 is more of an old-fashioned word but you'll still see it in the newspapers and books and things like that and this is to toil to toil again this means to work very hard it has quite a negative connotation toiling it's almost like you're working without very much reward okay moving on to a more pleasant topic now and this is synonyms of the verb to enjoy so number 38 is to relish to relish this means to be excited to be delighted about this particular thing if you relish something number 39 is to savor to savor if you savour something you enjoy it so much that you actually have it slowly and you really enjoy the taste of it or the experience of it so you take it all in you don't rush it you absorb it and make sure that you're making the most of the experience so if you savor a glass of wine you'll sip it slowly you'll smell it you'll really have the whole experience of having that glass of wine number 40 is to bask and normally we use this with in because normally we bask in something and this is where we enjoy something so much that we soak up the feeling so for example people can bask in the sun lizards and snakes and things like that they typically bask in the sun they enjoy it so much they stay so still getting all the sunlight I also enjoy basking in the sun moving on to synonyms of the verb to annoy so number 41 is to bother very simple synonym of annoy if somebody is bothering you or something bothers you you're saying it annoys you it's something that you don't like it makes you feel irritable or a bit angry 42 is - pester - pester, it is a strong way to annoy someone if you pester them you continue to try to annoy them you continue to try to get a response from them so for example journalists will pester celebrities or pester politicians for an answer or for a reaction they won't give up easily number 43 I absolutely love this expression for this verb which is in this expression and it is to ruffle to ruffle we will often say that we ruffle someone's feathers and this means that we annoy them if we ruffle their feathers we we annoy them in a way that we've upset them and it's like their feathers have been made a mess if you imagine a bird with its feathers all in a mess this is exactly what we mean about the person 44 is to exasperate to exasperate and this is where you annoy and you frustrate the person so if the person is exasperated they feel really quite frustrated with the situation number 45 quite a simple one this one and this is just to irritate so irritate is perhaps not as strong as to annoy irritate can just be that something annoys you a little bit you can also say that something is irritating you like this new cream I'm using is irritating my skin it is making my skin red or itchy okay only five to go now we're looking at synonyms of the verb to touch so number 46 is to prod if you prod someone you've poked them quite hard so you'll prod them, maybe you're trying to wake them up or maybe you're trying to annoy them or something like this but usually it's to get a reaction from them you prod them 47 is to flick to flick so if you flick somebody it's not a very nice thing to do but if you get for example a fly on your finger or some dust you can flick it so to flick 48 is to pinch to pinch someone is where you do this with two fingers and you pinch them not very nice thing to do if you do it hard but for example parents and grandparents might gently pinch a child's cheek they'll say oh you're cute or don't be cheeky for example they might gently pinch the cheek number 49 and fifty these are lovely synonyms of the verb to hug so number 49 is to cuddle we use this particularly in situations where there is tenderness okay it's a sweeter way to say this with perhaps more tenderness the final one number 50 is to embrace to embrace is to hug somebody but it's a more formal way to say that if you embrace it's the same as hugging but it can also mean to accept something completely so you could say I've really embraced my new healthy lifestyle I've accepted it completely I'm enjoying it so this is another way to use the verb embrace ok guys they were our 50 advanced English verbs oh you did very well if you got to the end of this video that's a lot of new vocabulary don't forget to try and use any of these verbs in a sentence below and I will check that for you as always guys it's been a pleasure to be with you we'll see you soon on love English bye bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English, 50 advanced english words, advanced english, learn english verbs, advanced english verbs, 50 english words, learn english vocabulary, improve english vocabulary, learn advanced english, advanced english words, advanced english vocabulary, 50 english verb, common english verbs, vocabulary builder
Id: KxmDCRhm_Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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