10 Common Advanced English Verbs to sound more Intelligent in English | Smart English Words

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Hi and welcome back to Love English, if like me you don't always have the time to read a big thick book but you still want to be able to boost your vocabulary to ensure that you're continuously developing your vocabulary in English and hopefully finding some new words that are more advanced sophisticated and will help you feel a little bit more intelligent when you speak now in today's lesson I am NOT going to be reading George Orwell's 1984 although I do recommend it but I'm going to be sharing 10 verbs that I think are more advanced 10 verbs that you actually will hear used frequently often in English whether spoken written business academic or even just day-to-day conversation these verbs are commonly used but they are more formal more academic and a little bit more advanced it's not necessarily about getting the reading glasses on oh that's better and reading a big thick book the words are around you wherever you go whether you're listening to a conversation in English watching the news reading a newspaper or indeed just surfing the internet you will find a lot of these words verbs adjectives nouns wherever you go when you are immersing yourself in English but what I want you to do is try and limit yes limit the number of words you learn a day learning 10 words per day is a perfect number don't over stretch yourself don't think that you can learn 100 words a day people that tell you to do that really I'm not giving you the best advice it is much better to focus on ten words in this case we're looking at 10 verbs so narrowing that subject down whether they're verbs whether they're words for academic writing whether they are advanced adjectives set yourself a target daily to help you broaden your vocabulary and as I'm going to ask you to do in this lesson make sure that you are actively using these words so I'm going to give you 10 I'm going to copy and paste those ten verbs in the description box below and what I'm asking you to do is to copy and paste them into your comment and write a sentence with them yes I'm giving you some homework it is so important when you're learning new vocabulary that you actually put them into a context a situation that is relevant to you I don't need to use the verbs today in a very random situation no I want you to think about a way that you personally could actually use these words and like I said these are 10 common advanced verbs in English that I use I've actually paid attention to myself as I've been speaking conversing with friends family and I've made a note of these verbs so these are verbs that I would commonly use they're not crazy they're not too difficult to pronounce and yep they will instantly help you sound more intelligent in English so are you ready okay number one to ascertain ascertain now to ascertain has predominantly two meanings they're more or less similar it can mean to discover something or it can mean to make certain of something to be sure something is true so to discover the police have been unable to ascertain what caused the fire the police have been unable to ascertain what caused the fire to make sure of something to be certain i ascertained that no one could hear us before I told him the news we really need to ascertain whether the figures are indeed accurate in the report so to ascertain to discover or to make sure of something remember this is more formal so you probably wouldn't say to your friend I think we need to ascertain whether he actually wants to go out with you sounds strange I think we need to find out or discover in some situations we would expect more informal colloquial English rather than these more formal verbs number two to reciprocate reciprocate this is referring to something that goes both ways so for example if you go to a friend's house to dinner and you have a lovely evening at the end of the dinner you might say to them I really must reciprocate this lovely meal you'll have to visit us soon or my feelings for him were not reciprocated he really didn't feel the same way so to reciprocate to do something for someone when they have done it for you it goes both ways we've also got the adjective reciprocal reciprocal their feelings were reciprocal number three and I really like this verb I don't know why but cajole cajole it really does sound a bit strange when you say it but it's a very common verb and it does sound a little bit more intelligent so when you cajole someone into doing something pay attention to the structure of the sentence there so she could jeweled me into going out for dinner that night when I was really too tired to go so you're persuading some wanted to do something talking them round in a convincing way to persuade the one really they didn't want to do that thing in the first place you could roll someone into doing something and manage to cajole her into staying a little bit longer most effective technique is to cajole rather than to threaten so to talk someone around in order to persuade them number four to hinder hinder this could essentially be substituted by the word prevent it means to limit the ability of someone or something to do something so it's making it difficult for that person to achieve what they want you'd often hear the word hinder in a news broadcast for example high winds have hindered their efforts to control the fire all in the office you might hear someone say her constant talking over the desk was really hindering my concentration her lack of experience certainly hasn't hindered her progress here so to hinder to prevent or limit the ability of someone or something to do that thing that they wanted to do number five exacerbate exhaust eight basically to make something worse more something that is already pretty bad a lot worse she exacerbated the situation by continuing to complain Donald Trump often exacerbates political tensions that already exist are you aware that work in an environment where it's dusty can really exacerbate your asthma there we go to make a bad situation even worse number six to Ghana Ghana to Ghana is to collect something but usually it takes a lot of work and is quite difficult Ghana is usually used when referring to information and certainly approval so for example in a meeting after many hours of discussion you might say we managed to garner support for the project we managed to garner support for the project the police struggled to garner sufficient evidence the police struggled to garner sufficient evidence number seven to facilitate facilitate again another Commonwealth formal verb that we would use when we're talking about making something easier or possible so we were able to facilitate the discussion by sitting them both down in the office the new rabbit will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs the current structure of the business does not facilitate efficient workflow so there we go to facilitate to make something possible or easier to facilitate is almost an antonym of hinder whereas hinder you would refer to limiting or preventing something from happening facilitate is allowing it to happen making it easier and possible number eight could you elaborate on that a little bit further fascinating so to elaborate is to explain to go into more detail so rather than saying what do you mean or explain further you could say could you elaborate further could you talk in more detail and explain to me a little bit more this could be because maybe you don't understand everything that they're explaining or that you genuinely are very interested and you want them to elaborate so a great verb particularly for a business situation right number nine this is actually a noun but it collocates with a verb you need this verb with this noun in order to have the full phrase so to take umbrage to take umbrage now i've included this verb noun collocation because it's one that i would often use basically it means to feel upset to feel maybe even offended in some way because you feel someone has been rude or disrespectful in some way I think she took umbrage when you dismissed her suggestion in the meeting so to take umbrage she took umbrage he took umbrage to become upset annoyed because you feel that someone has been rude or disrespectful no need to take umbrage I wasn't intending to offend and finally number 10 to reiterate reiterate to say something again once or several times just to reiterate we need to be here at 10 o'clock tomorrow for the meeting so rather than saying I need to tell you again I want to say again say just to reiterate just to reiterate the government has reiterated its warnings regarding coronavirus and social distancing so there we have it 10 simple but advanced and commonly used verbs in English and like I said don't be lazy comment below and try using some of these 10 verbs and let me know how many of those verbs did you already know I would be very impressed if you knew more than five I think these are verbs that you would more commonly associate with more advanced or even native English speakers but there's nothing stopping you from using them now thank you so much for watching and let me know what other advanced words would you like to learn take care bye
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
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Keywords: Love English with Leila & Sabrah, Love English with Leila & Sabrah YouTube, YouTube Love English with Leila & Sabrah, learn English, love English, English
Id: dr0W4dJEZME
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Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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