6.5mm Creedmoor Caliber Profile: 9 things you didn't know

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this is the 6.5 creedmoor and this is our caliber profile it's a short action long-range shooting caliber that's popular among hunters and precision shooters i think the reason that it's popular is because it has very low recoil it and its inherent accuracy so in this video though you've seen this cartridge but there are nine things that you doubtfully know about the cartridge and so we have some really neat things to share the first one actually required me doing a little bit of math and actually some fairly advanced math but it's why i passed it off to him i don't know it's like i need you to do some math for me today the question was at what distance from a shot would you hear the shot before it actually hit you so this is a supersonic round this is dodge distance at what distance if you heard a little should you go the distance for a 127 grain um 6.5 creedmoor is about 1 525 yards so if somebody takes a shot at you from farther than that you might have a chance before that you're not even gonna hear it and it's gonna take about four seconds to get there that's where the sound catches up yeah so the reason is obviously it's shooting supersonic when it come when it comes out of the muzzle right it's going faster than the sound is right the projectile is but at some point the bullet slows down down from there and eventually the sound wave is going to hit you before the actual projectile so now you know okay so that was just a fun fact we actually have some really practical ones for you in this video as well but also there's a complete write-up of this caliber profile and a lot they're pretty much excited about data and when you should use it and when you shouldn't over on backfire.tv so make sure you go check that out as well yeah our goal is we're going to build out caliber profiles for all the popular calibers so when you're looking and comparing them like that's your spot to go it's got everything in one spot okay so the 6.5 creedmoor a major advantage of it right now is just how incredibly popular it is so in our data analysis of all bolt action rifles produced today um everything we could find i mean we're looking at hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of of bolt action guns nine point seven three percent of all rifles bolt action rifles have a chambering available for six five creedmoor wow that's incredibly high that is number two of all bolt action rifles um the winner is the 308 in terms of chamberings just because it's very old and a lot of manufacturers haven't yet made the 6.5 creedmoor that really is still only a few years old but um it is it is the number two most popular in chamberings but the number one seller for all bolt-action rifles and with the the gun itself that that chambering being so widely available means that the ammo is also usually widely available this is just anecdotal evidence but i've been doing a fair amount of ammo shopping lately and every time i go to the store a lot of the shelves are bearing oh yeah but i can always find a few options in 6.5 creedmoor that aren't sold out because the ammo manufacturers are making this stuff like crazy at the very start of the pandemic it was better to be shooting weirdo calibers yeah because all the popular stuff ran out real quick now if you shoot a weirdo caliber can't find it pretty hard to find but ammo manufacturers are starting to catch up with the popular stuff all right next is the barrel life on the 6.5 creedmoor i care about this because i shoot a lot um and so i will burn a barrel if i if i'm shooting that much over time so the barrel life on a 6.5 creedmoor rifle is 2180 shots now some of you are wondering where where that specific number came from we spent many many many many hours going through all kinds of experiences of how long it took people of to burn out their barrels on a wide variety of of calibers and then we use that as training data to go through all of the popular calibers and create a formula that will work to really show an accurate you know it's looking at the pressure of the of the the max pressure of the cartridge it's looking at how how fast it's going through there the caliber of the the bullet weight i mean everything to really analyze it um and 6'5 creedmoor does very well 2 180 shots you're not going to be burning out barrels too regularly if you've got a honey rifle that you're gonna you're gonna take a you know a few shots to prep and then you're gonna take it out hunting each year this is a lifelong barrel this one's gonna last you yeah probably a couple of generations at least in that case you might not be as concerned about it right because so you're going to be perfectly happy shooting something but man some of these i mean the 28 nosler right oh my goodness than a thousand rounds and nothing's gone so if you're if you're going to be taking this thing out of the weather b cartridge yes most of the weatherby cartridges if you're going to be out there um on a saturday doing some long-range shooting if that's a hobby of yours you are going to burn through a barrel so six fight creedmoor is going to do really well there now a lot of people hear that 6'5 crademore is a great long range shooting gun and somehow there's a quick mental leap to oh it's a great long range hunting cartridge and it just isn't we'll talk about the long range shooting capabilities which are fantastic but for long range hunting it really is a pretty poor choice and here's why if we conform to the traditional rules of 1500 foot-pounds for elk and a hundred a thousand foot-pounds for deer-sized game and again if and i realize there are problems with those you'd really only go 310 yards for elk and you could go to 502 yards for deer to maintain a thousand foot pounds however at 430 yards you're gonna drop below 2000 feet per second and so it really just depends on which particular bullet you're shooting some bullets will not expand properly at slow of a speed so you may not even get to 500 yards so for long range hunting it's actually a pretty poor choice now i think it's a fantastic hunting gun um just not a fantastic long-range hunting gun right and we'll talk about elk later exactly so if you're hunting at sub 300 yards like a lot of your great choice it's going to be a perfectly good hunting rifle all the way up throughout okay the next one is the recoil the recoil on the 6.5 creedmoor is low um to the point that i don't know i mean we've put dozens and dozens of rounds um per day each through these we have a giant bucket of six five creedmoor cases back there um but let me give you just some of the numbers here and you'll see on the screen how those numbers compare to some other popular cartridges so theoretical free recoil so this is just the theory assuming a nine pound gun right it's 11.02 with an 8.88 velocity so theoretical is a nine pound gun okay so as typically configured this is neat um so we went through again thousands thousands of guns and we saw what is the average weight of the guns in each caliber and then we put that number in here to see what it really is for example you look at the at the free recoil of a 50 bmg and you say oh my goodness it really will murder you when you try to shoot it but on average they're like 40 pounds and so it's actually not that crazy of a recoiling gun so that's what this as typically configured it's a cool number right that we will have for all the calibers in fact we have it in our excel sheet we just got to build out our pages exactly so you can see the numbers here 13.12 with an 11.56 velocity now those numbers again without a comparison maybe don't mean a whole lot to you so here at backfire we have created a rating a recoil rating a real recoil rating that takes these numbers into account and it rates basically every cartridge from zero to a hundred so you can see on a scale of zero to 100 where this lands this is a 33. and really anything under 50 very few shooters would have any kind of flinch above 50 it's going to start impacting a lot of people's shooting absolutely okay it's a short action rifle it's a short action cartridge um what that basically means is it's about under 2.5 inches i think it's 2.528 inches the case overall length for the 6'5 creedmoor and so you have a physically smaller action at least you can depending on how the gun is made and so it's going to save you a little bit of weight a little bit of length um on the action it's it's a nice thing to have when most calibers are going to be long action calibers and so we do get some of those benefits by being short action it is a long short action it is a long one it's on the long side of short okay let's come back to elk um the cool thing with six five creedmoor it it kind of ends up falling into the category of your your smaller hunting rifles your rifles great deer guys but it's actually capable as an elk cartridge pretty sweet so we did a little test i know this is a very controversial point and we're just like we just want to put the facts and you can decide what to shoot for me personally in the end i'm not going to hunt duck with six five creedmoor sure my son is eleven it's the biggest caliber he can shoot not quite even to seven millimeter away it's just what he can shoot so if i were taking him elk hunting we would use it but only a broadside shot and probably under 250 yards um it's got to be a good shot so we set up a cool test we got carpet to represent the hide of an elk we got two uh half inch pieces of wood so an a full inch of dense um in the mdf and then a full ballistics gel a half inch of wood and another ballistics gel to represent you know the bone if you hit a shoulder or something what kind of penetration are you going to get so we shoot it with a 243 goes through the hide through the bone through a full ballistics gel bounces off the rib the other piece of wood and comes a couple of inches back then we shoot the same thing with a six five creedmoor it makes a bigger dent in that second piece of wood but very similar just wrap the same thing yeah 280 alkali improved really similar to the 6.5 creedmoor and then we shoot the thing with a traditional elk gun it blows through the whole test a 30 out 6 just straight through and so when i saw that i thought dang so when you're hunting elk you i mean i want that when i'm hunting an elk and so i want to see that kind of performance but then we did another thing um we took that 30 out six and it had blown through everything with a barnes ttsx which is a very tough um controlled expansion bullet um and then we switched to a different bullet um i can't remember what it was but just your regular old bullet i can't even remember what it was um and it performed almost identically to the 6.5 creedmoor in fact this is it it really just dented that second set of wood it didn't penetrate past it and so i guess the point is can you kill an elk with a 6'5 krigmore yes and we talked about i'd really be careful how you would do that but definitely not at long range definitely not at bad angles or you're really risking some things and another key learning there is that yes the caliber the cartridge it matters but the bullet matters a lot a lot too yes potentially even much more as long as you're shooting a cartridge that's capable and again we're saying 65 creedmoor is capable with those caveats um but bullet makes a big difference and we're gonna be testing that we have right over there pretty much every bullet type in existence um and we're gonna load them all the same same velocity everything um and we're gonna do a penetration test um so that you guys can see what it does i'm excited to see that all right i want to talk about the inherent accuracy of the 65 creedmoor this is really one of the big things that's that's a standout with the 65 creedmoor and part of why it's so popular everybody talks about how it's inherently accurate it's like what does that mean so there's a few things that make it so that this bullet um is less impacted by drag and wind i'll be back keep going okay um and here's what it is compared to other similar bullets this has a relatively short but also a relatively wide or relatively fat cartridge and what that does is by having a shorter cartridge there we go here's some to compare with by having that relatively short cartridge that powder burns more instantaneously rather than having this part burn before the front part and that more instantaneous burn causes just a more uniform explosion and expansion to happen it also has a slightly longer neck than you may see especially on a short action and that allows you to vary the seating depth when you're reloading to get something that's really going to work well plus it's just in a caliber where you have just tons of bullet availability so you can find stuff with the high sectional density the high bc's that's going to aid in accuracy and that sectional density is it is pretty important what that means is basically you have a lot of weight with not a lot of um the surface area for for that wind to impact and so that's why there's just less drag on the bullet and less impact from crosswinds and so it is going to shoot a little bit straighter than and a little bit flatter even than the 308 but that's the one to talk about next exactly it's not that flat shooting it's not it's not uh we hear all the time that it's a great long-distance shooting caliber and it is fully agree but it's not because it's super flat shooting it's not the laser beam that a 28 nosler has oh my goodness yes you look at the at the ballistic that's like data frame mind-blowing right but they're putting a lot of power behind that and it's going to hurt the shooter as much as the thing that's shot um the 65.5 creedmoor the thing about it is yeah it's a little bit more flat shooting than the 308 but compared to most modern in the last 10 year cartridges it doesn't stand out as being particularly flat shooting the reason that it's very popular for long distance shooting in addition to the accuracy is that there's not a ton of recoil for pretty good results in terms of flat shooting and the trajectory and so at a thousand yards if i'm trying to hit a gong in a competition i shoot boom that throws me off target and i can't tell that i shoot high low left right i can't correct right and so recoil becomes very very important and so um is it flat shooting yeah is it real flat shooting nah not really don't buy it for that reason exactly check out our caliber profile on backfire.tv we're putting a ton of work into these and we're gonna come up with a lot more videos like this on different popular calibers but go over there we talk about you know how does the 6.5 creedmoor perform on you know every kind of game there so you can see what's appropriate to hunt with it you can kind of see the exact trajectories of distance and stuff those are really cool resources when you're doing your research for a new down caliber
Channel: Backfire
Views: 128,012
Rating: 4.8701105 out of 5
Keywords: 6.5 creedmoor, 6 5, 6.5 creed, 6.5mm creedmoor, caliber, rifle, bolt-action, ballistics, trajectory, hunting, shooting
Id: v3vpeLhD6sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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