3 Winning Features of Microsoft 365 Copilot

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are you on the fence about making the purchase of those $360 co-pilot for Microsoft 365 licenses it seems like every time we turn around there's a new add-on for Microsoft 365 eating into our it budgets I know this is the quandry of many who are now newly eligible to add on this subscription as having to commit nearly $400 per employee who might find this tool useful is a very different equation than adding on a $30 license and trying it for a couple of months I am definitely among the 77% of users that Microsoft reports don't want to give up co-pilot for Microsoft 365 now that I've been using it for a few months I believe it saves me time every day but I also see that this is difficult to fully quantify on an individual basis and I understand the hesitation many people have in making the jump in this video I want to highlight three aspects of how I've used co-pilot for Microsoft 365 that I think save me the most time and for me these three Fe features among others I use less frequently deliver that $30 a month of time-saving value that justifies my investment in these licenses make sure you watch through to the end though because I'm going to finish up by considering in more general terms how we should think about the ROI of tools like co-pilot and how you might go about working out as an individual or manager whether co-pilot will be a good investment for you as always where I'm showing on screen Demos in this video I'm doing so in a protected demo environment and none of the information you're seeing is anyone's private data but first a quick introduction my name is Nick Dey I'm the owner of bright ideas agency a digital transformation consulting company focused on the needs of smaller businesses if you're interested in working with me or you'd like to learn more about my book on AI adoption fores who's in the co-pilot seat check out the links below one of the most valuable features I found of co-pilot is it inclusion in teams and specifically using it as a tool after meetings to quickly get up to speed on what was discussed I've made videos here before about the team's premium intelligent recap feature that allows you to get an AI powered summary and other information after your meeting that feature is now also part of co-pilot for Microsoft 365 but with co-pilot your options go Way Beyond just getting an AI generated summary after a meeting we can head over to the recap screen it can take a few minutes for your summary to appear but even if it hasn't yet you can start interrogating the content with co-pilot the Recaps do a great job of capturing the essence of the meeting but sometimes you want to know something different or more specific so for this screen I can open co-pilot and then just start interacting with the content of the meeting for example I can ask for a summary and it'll prepare something similar to what that intelligent recap will eventually be or even for a list of action items another example of how I use this is to help me with my digital transformation coaching sessions that I do one-on-one with clients if this is something that might interest you take a look at the links below to find out more and as part of this I send them a recording of our meeting along with a customized follow-up email before copilot I was using intelligent recap to get a summary of the meeting and then just pasting this into an email and editing it as I needed my focus was to try to align the content of the summary with the agenda topics the client expressed before the session now with co-pilot I can just give it those themes in a prompt and ask it to draft that email this probably saves me 5 to 10 minutes per 1 hour session I host turning a job that took 10 or 15 minutes into 5 minutes of checking the draft and light editing but jumping back into teams let's give this an example of saying what did Adele say about the fabulously fun spaceship project you may have heard about this before I've used it in a lot of demos and you can see that co-pilot is able to answer that specific question and you can take that response and use it elsewhere if you want the key here is that a meeting summary really serves just one purpose but changing around your prompt you can use co-pilot to leverage exactly the same information to drive whatever the next step of your particular process is now though we can also approach this from Microsoft 365 chat here I can ask it to prepare an email summary of the meeting for Adell and include action items I can reference the specific meeting in my prompt and it will go ahead and create that draft and now what I can also do which is a new feature is pull that draft email directly over to Outlook to send it but if you think that's smart you'll love this I can be a lot less specific with co-pilot here I just ask do I have any outstanding actions that I need to complete for Adell I reference her as a user in the request so this only works for people who are in your tenant exactly like this but you can see it immediately finds the actions I set in relation to that meeting this though isn't limited to meetings if you've committed to things things in email or teams chat you'll find those too these capabilities do have some limitations first in most scenarios you have to meeting transcription on to get the full benefit although there are options to be able to use co-pilot in meeting without transcription second they are only available for experiences in your own tenant however if you have a lot of internal meetings or you host a lot of meetings without outside parties this can very quickly become a really valuable tool to keep you up to speed thanks for watching if you're enjoying the video please give it a thumbs up to help it get in front of more interested people and if you'd like to see more like this please hit the Subscribe button too thanks keeping in the theme of Microsoft 365 chat there's a really useful feature here that I use a lot that isn't immediately obvious and I'm not sure everyone knows about it from a high level overview Microsoft 365 chat is understood as a tool to work with internal company information in your Microsoft 365 tenant and if you want to use information from the web you have to jump over to co-pilot Instead This is what is implied by the work and web switch you see at copilot microsoft.com however by default if your organization hasn't turned this capability off it's really easy to mix the two in one chat if you switch over to work results you can see Microsoft 365 chat you can turn on the web content plugin using this switch in the chat box from there you can have a chat that allows you to bring in references to your internal content alongside results for example I've received the itinerary for an upcoming trip I can ask co-pilot about my travel and hotel Arrangements during the trip and it finds this information from the itinerary file stored in my one drive as a followup I can turn on the web results plugin and then I can ask it to tell me about the hotel and it does this using web search results I can even follow up again ask him for checkin or check out details this is a far better flow than having to jump from one service to another for internal or external data as the chat maintains its context along the way the big limitation I found on this right now is that you don't seem to be able to include both internal and external references in one response which adds an extra step in a dialogue like this but I think that makes sense because it does make it a lot clearer what internal data is being used to make a web search I'm unsure whether this is a hard limitation or just a Blocker on how I've been using it I've not been able to find any specific reference to this limitation in any documentation let me know down in the comments if you know the answer to this for me this is a good time saer as often there will be references to products or activities in documents or emails I'm working with which require a search of the web for more context I often use Microsoft 365 chat for a quick catch up on something and the ability for it to add value like this to that contextual information is very powerful I work in one note all the time I write my notes related to these videos there but I also use it as my base for everything to do with my work from information on client projects to random ideas one note is probably the Microsoft 365 app I'm using the most and frankly I'm a Little underwhelmed by the co-pilot for Microsoft 365 integration in one note as it stands but there is one feature that I found myself using a lot recently that certainly helps to make my workflow easier I'll get on to that in just a minute why am I underwhelmed by co-pilot in one note well there's no easy way to generate content there if you look at the interface in word it has two components a prompting box to allow you to generate text either from your prompt or from other Microsoft 365 content and it has a sidebar where you do things like summarized content in one note despite it having largely similar and some would argue more versatile text creation capabilities than word there is no text generation interface here this comes back to one of my earlier critics of co-pilot right now while co-pilot is very well well integrated into the Microsoft 365 apps from a user interface perspective the experience of using it in each app is very rigidly defined by what Microsoft thinks you should be using that app for my hope is that over time it will become more flexible so that core tooling like text generation can just be working the same everywhere whether it's in word or one note or PowerPoint or even a text box in Excel however the co-pilot feature I do really like in one note is the easy ability to insert a page summary you just head up to the page right click on it and hit summarize and before you know it there's a summary at the top of the page this by the way is summarizing the introduction to my new AI course which will be made available on my website in the coming weeks including over an hour of brand new AI Focus video content you won't find anywhere else so keep on the lookout for that and if you want to find out about it first there's a link below to join my mailing list if summarizing a page isn't enough though it'll also let you summarize entire sections creating a section summary as the first page depending on how you use one note both of these can be powerful tools but in different ways I find that the page summary is are most useful particularly when I've been using a page to ideate and need to quickly get back into that flow to give you an example of how I use this I will often switch between several different projects during a single day and all my notes are in one note if I come back to a page of notes I need to get back into that heads space I use the summary function to quickly give me an overview that most of the time gives me what I need to realign to that project getting the most from co-pilot for Microsoft 365 involves a new approach to learning Technology Building skills in being the supervisor of an AI companion rather than someone who just learned which buttons to press on that new app to get X tasks done do you need help in engaging and training your team to be part of your co-pilot Journey my company Bri ideas agency can help whether you're looking for a single training course or broad support to guide your adoption we have options to meet your needs in fact I even wrote a book on this so to inquire about training or other AI adoption support or to buy a copy of the book check out the links below Microsoft's research with early co-pilot for Microsoft 365 customers suggests that the average user saves about 1.2 hours each week using the product last week it was pointed out to me that using Microsoft's numbers to show the efficacy of a Microsoft product might be somewhat naive but my response to that was it fits fairly well with my experience so far this isn't a tool that saves you hours each day it saves you minutes but those minutes add up and what they add up to is worth far more in production than the $30 per month or even $360 per year I'll be spending on my license the difficulty with this technology is that it's kind of weird assessing its value if you estimate each of your employees spends 15 minutes a month on some spreadsheet filling out information for their expenses and then you Institute a new app that lets them snap a copy of their receipt and get it recorded immediately then you're going to be pretty clear on what benefit you're looking for as it's the same benefit for every employee but co-pilot is different I've highlighted to you where I think it saves me the most time but even someone doing a largely similar job might use it pretty differently because how they do their work is different to me instead of suddenly being able to make the whole expenses processing system easier for everyone which is the technology change Paradigm we're used to we are now looking for some people to respond to emails quicker for others to spend less time catching up on their meetings and others still blocking off less time in their calendar for wrangling PowerPoint the next time you ask them to present some slides at the team meeting the age of the time of motion study is long long gone so how do we truly assess value if what we get from copilot is a very personal experience then our assessment of value needs to be personal too it's possible to look at Broad metrics within your organization that might make sense related to the users you've deployed this to such as revenue generated or meetings booked but we also need to create forums to listen to our users to share usage stories and to spread the benefits as widely as possible my Microsoft has an approach to this framed at establishing a center of excellence which is essentially a teams and SharePoint template designed to maximize your communication about co-pilot this will provide a forum from which you can share those personal stories to Gras the side of copilot Roi which is subjective alongside those harder objective metrics you're getting from your Microsoft 365 admin Center reports or elsewhere in your business the fact is though that even in the short time I've been using co-pilot for Microsoft 365 I've seen improvements that make it even quicker and more intuative to operate and the time saving in having all your contextual information from Microsoft 365 right there versus using a tool like chat GPT where you have to keep Gathering the information you're working with is in my opinion the killer feature of this tool it makes AI accessible to anyone rather than just those who care enough about it to change around what they're doing until it fits into their workflow I've told you that I'm among the 77% who won't be giving co-pilot back are you joining me let me know in the comments thanks for watching through to the end until the next video bye-bye
Channel: Bright Ideas Agency
Views: 3,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft teams, artificial intelligence, copilot for work, copilot pro, open ai, future of work, work transformation, microsoft copilot, future of work with ai, microsoft copilot tutorial, generative ai use cases, microsoft copilot review, microsoft copilot pro, microsoft copilot ai, microsoft copilot teams, copilot in microsoft 365, copilot for microsoft 365, microsoft 365 copilot teams, microsoft 365 copilot reaction
Id: qTc_TZ8e1UQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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