Copilot in Teams: Get control of your meeting data with Microsoft 365 Copilot

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I personally think the co-pilot for Microsoft 365 features in teams are among the most valuable the feature I use most is to use co-pilot with my meeting recordings to get more insight from the transcript than the intelligent recap normally provides by default I found this invaluable both in teams and using that meeting data in Microsoft 365 chat but with any new technology particularly when we're talking about the things we say to one another verbally and opening up access to that with your computer computer it's important to understand what's going on where the data comes from and who has access to it both to protect yourself and to be able to operate in a way that is conscious of the ethics of using AI so in this video I'm going to dig in to the co-pilot features that are offered around team's meetings so you can be really clear on knowing when co-pilot is listening and how you could ensure that co-pilot definitely isn't listening in on your teams based discussions but before we start a quick introduction my name is Nick dorsi I'm the owner of bright ideas agency a digital transformation consulting company focused on the needs of smaller businesses so depending on where you live and what laws are in place for many of us it has always been perfectly legal to Simply turn on audio recording on our cell phone or some other device drop it into our pocket and record any meeting that we're participating in doing so would make note taking or followup really easy but this isn't an arrangement that has ever really been normalized and I think most people on all sides of most business transactions would find this to be an ethical violation if not a legal one in general where any recording has taken place we've let people know either by telling them or conspicuously placing the recording device or just through signage in our meeting spaces and this is a standard that's found its way into the virtual age if you start a recording on a teams meeting teams automatically tells everyone they are being recorded and I think generally this standard is so ubiquitous because of Ethics because of laws and because of our social norms that the expectation is that if you didn't see this or you weren't alerted to it you are being recorded and in your teams interface you can always keep track of exactly what might be recording or listening in on your conversation whether it's a video recording just a transcription or now we also get UI indicators that co-pilot is enabled in that meeting so let's dig into what's happening here has co-pilot now added itself to the growing list of digital devices that just listen to us all the time in the hopes of being able to sell us that new tool we happen to be talking to our wives about over breakfast or is the reality of how this technology Works more nuanced the most obvious and understandable situation for using co-pilot is to use it with a meeting that was recorded or at least transcribed to check back or to catch up afterwards for example here I'm using co-pilot to ask specific questions of a meeting recording in the intelligent recap screen in teams this demo like all the demos you'll see in this video is a simulation using demo accounts and data this is a great way to supercharge the value you've previously got from intelligent recap by getting information exactly as you needed these features leverage the meeting transcript rather than the video recording itself and can only access the portion of the meeting that has been transcribed this means that if you start recording or transcription late or you turn it off a portions of the meeting co-pilot will be limited to the component that was transcribed this can be be important for the purposes of confidentiality but it's also important to understand the impact on co-pilot users the biggest way this impact is felt by co-pilot users is that the promises of co-pilot to help you catch up with meetings perhaps ones you're running late for or need to miss entirely are only as good as your colleagues memories to press that record button for every meeting I know I've seen some co-pilot for Microsoft 365 users complaining about this as they Jo Jo a meeting open co-pilot to catch up and find there is no transcription to catch up from Microsoft has promised an upcoming feature where you can proactively opt to follow a meeting you might be missing some or all of however this is still going to be limited by those transcripts and while the participants in the meeting will be reminded to record it if they don't you're still going to be out of luck based on my understanding of how this feature is going to work right now there is no way to automatically record or transcribe every single meeting on a tenant level except with compliance recording which is a separate topic and not related to co-pilot but if you're the meeting organizer or an admin there are two approaches you can take to help with this as the meeting organizer when you set up your meeting or at any time until the meeting starts you can use the meeting settings screen to turn on automatic recording this tells teams to automatically start recording in as soon as the first participant enters the meeting even if it's not the organizer and even if the organizer isn't present this is one way to ensure your co-pilot can catch you up on what's going on but it does have some drawbacks which I'll cover a little later the other approach to this if you're a team's admin and you've deployed teams premium licenses is to create a meeting template that includes automatic recording remember though that this approach is only available for team's premium license users and doesn't give you a way to default to recording it just means that when your users create new meetings they'll be presented with the auto record template option hopefully at some point in the future Microsoft will come up with some approaches that allow us to automate recording in a less labor intensive way so I think that covers the situation with meeting recordings what about during the meeting and even what about meetings that are not recorded at all thanks for watching if you're enjoying the video and it's giving you value please remember to hit the like button to help you get in front of a bigger audience also if you're not subscribed yet but you'd like to see more like this subscribe while you're down there here I'm in a meeting where I have copilot open and the UI isn't indicating that the meeting is being recorded or transcribed I have a new indicator that is showing me that co-pilot is available but if the recording and transcription is turned off what does that mean for co-pilot to be accessible and where is it it getting its data from a lot of you probably have questions about this does this mean teams has been secretly transcribing your meetings all along does your boss or your it admin have access to everything you say in teams maybe you were having a discussion about something confidential before everyone else joined a meeting can all your colleagues now see what you said these are logical questions that I know many teams users would ask so let's dive into how this actually works there are two modes under which you can use co-pilot in a team's meeting and these are controllable by the meeting organizer or through meeting templates or other settings by admins the first is co-pilot with transcription and the second is co-pilot without transcription the default setting unless you've changed it as the organizer or someone has changed it in the admin Center is co-pilot with transcription here I'm in a meeting that isn't currently being recorded or transcribed and the meeting's co-pilot setting has been set to the default of with transcription I'm going to open the copilot panel in the meeting and as soon as I do I get a message letting me know I have to turn on transcription to use co-pilot and I can either turn on transcription or decide not to use co-pilot but if I go ahead and turn transcription on every other participant in the meeting will be alerted to the fact that I turned it on once copilot is open I can interact with the transcript during the meeting just as I did with the recorded meetings previously but if you subsequently turn transcription off co-pilot will only have access to the component of the meeting that was transcribed you could therefore theoretically turn transcription on and off multiple times in a meeting and if you ask co-pilot for a summary it would only have visibility of those topics discussed while the the transcript or recording were activated but then there's that other setting co-pilot without transcription how does that work well as it implies it allows you to use copilot without turning transcription on here I'm in a meeting with the setting co-pilot without transcription enabled I just open the co-pilot panel and it starts working no need to turn on transcription or a recording and while you don't get the visible onscreen alert you do for recording or transcribing everyone else in the meeting does get to see a UI indicator showing the co-pilot is available though depending on whether you're co-pilot licensed or not this does vary the only difference here is that I'm alerted to the fact that I can only use co-pilot during the meeting so any of my interactions with co-pilot will disappear as soon as the meeting ends so how does this work clearly there is a transcript a transcript for co-pilot's use gets initiated when the first user to open co-pilot does so so if you've been in the meeting for 30 minutes before anyone uses co-pilot co-pilot only has visibility for minute 31 whereas if you open it as soon as you join it has visibility for the entire meeting once you've started it there's no way to turn it off that transcript is held separately from normal meeting transcripts and is deleted as soon as the meeting ends and it's not accessible to anyone retrospectively for any reason including in compliance Discovery now I do see some issues with this capability the first is even if the transcription is temporary or ephemeral from a basic human understanding of what transcription is that meeting is being transcribed so I'm not really sure why this line of difference exists the second is my bigger issue with this there is only one co-pilot transcript which becomes available to all co-pilot users in the meeting from the time the first co-pilot user open opens it 99% of the time this is not going to be a problem but I do think there is the potential for there to be inadvertent sharing of information with the wrong people using this tool on the flip side this isn't the default a meeting organizer has to select this option or it has to be set by an admin personally I think in the age of co-pilot we should just normalize recording and transcribing all of our meetings because everyone can understand the added value AI can offer us when we have that data while having co-pilot use reported in the UI is nice I think the fact that it just appears without an alert is a weakness and while it is pretty clear for co-pilot users if you're not licensed for co-pilot all you get is a little information icon you have to Mouse over to understand what it is Microsoft could do a lot to make this clearer also do bear in mind that currently all co-pilot use is limited to users within the host tenant so these options don't apply to external users whichever option is selected this means if you want to use co-pilot during or after your meetings you or someone else in your or needs to host that meeting even if it has external participants next we'll talk about what to do if you don't want co-pilot listening in but first I want to highlight some other options you have to engage with me in my content there's a link down below to join my mailing list and I encourage all of you to do this as we are now just days away from the release of my first online course an overview for leaders inmes on how to approach AI adoption and those on my mailing list will be among the first to know about it when it is released also I'm going to be releasing some interesting special offers to celebrate this and it will be my mailing list members who get access to those I look forward to connecting with you there so what if you don't want co-pilot to be used during or after your meeting at all if you're the meeting organizer then simply ensure co-pilot with transcription is the option selected in the meeting settings and during the meeting if someone starts transcription just turn it back off in that scenario co-pilot can only work for that part of the meeting that's been transcribed so if there's no transcription co-pilot isn't going to be working for anyone if you're not the meeting organizer you can't see the meeting settings so there's no way for you to know whether the co-pilot without transcription has been selected during the meeting you'd need to be on the lookout for either the AI icon if you're co-pilot licensed or the information icon if you're not to pop up to indicate co-pilot usage if you don't want to be on the lookout for these icons poping up during the meeting the alternative is to have an endtoend encrypted meeting however this is only available if the organizer is licensed for teams premium alternatively perhaps you get to the end of a recorded or transcribed meeting and you realize there was content in that meeting you don't want being analyzed by co-pilot going forward in this case the fix is pretty simp simple just delete the transcription of the meeting and co-pilot will no longer have access to that information whether or not the recording also exists do bear in mind though that not all data that is derivative of that transcription will necessarily disappear because you deleted it and there are very limited options available to you to do anything about this while co-pilot can't analyze the meeting recording at least not yet it's likely that if you want to get rid of the transcript you're also going to be concerned about the recording as the meeting organizer you can delete the transcript but the person who started the recording has ownership over the video it's for this reason I mentioned earlier that the auto recording setting for the meeting that's probably going to be used a lot more now because of co-pilot can end up being a problem what that means when it's turned on is that the first person who enters the meeting in your organization whoever that is owns that recording that starts automatic Ally so there is another option that you may want to pair with this setting if you want to ensure you are always the person who owns the recording who can bypass the lobby can be set to organizer and co-organizer so you have complete control over who is first to access the meeting and so who starts and owns that recording but just Beware with this setting if you're late to join no one else will be able to start the meeting and you'll have to admit everyone before you start whenever you join so to answer the question I started with is co-pilot listening sometimes it is and it's for reasons like these that it's so vital to have an adoption plan for these tools that includes educating your users on how generative AI generally and co-pilot specifically works with your data it's also essential to have policies and understandings within your organization around what ethical use of AI looks like for you and how much you want to communicate to your vendors or customers when the AI use impacts their interactions with you you don't want the first time this comes up in your organization to be when someone shares a series of co-pilot generated quotes for a meeting the person being quoted didn't think was transcribed the need for this sort of communication and how to plan for it is something I cover in my book who's in the co-pilot seat a guide for leaders in smaller businesses on planning for the adoption of AI I hope this has provided a useful overview of this topic for you do please let me know in the comments what you think about this set of features both from a technical and business impact perspective thanks for watching through to the end until the next video bye-bye
Channel: Bright Ideas Agency
Views: 1,371
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Keywords: copilot for work, copilot for microsoft 365, microsoft copilot, m365 copilot, microsoft teams tutorial, future of work, microsoft copilot ai, m365 copilot in teams, generative ai, microsoft teams, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft 365, microsoft copilot how to use, microsoft copilot for microsoft 365, microsoft copilot tutorial, copilot in teams, microsoft copilot teams, how copilot for microsoft 365 works, microsoft 365 copilot in teams meetings
Id: hfbN2II4wmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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