Teams Premium vs Microsoft Copilot | Whats the AI difference?

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Hey guys It's Nick Welcome to another episode of T-Minus three sixty five. Many of us out there have seen the intelligent meeting recap from Microsoft Team's premium which includes a lot of the AI functionality that really drew us to that product in my mind It was biggest marketing poll for me to go take a look at that product. But now with the introduction of Microsoft three sixty five co pilot and co pilot within Teams, I want to make a video to just quickly depict What comes with teams premium licensing and what AI capabilities you do get within Microsoft co pilot that aren't part of teams premium? So stay tuned I'll be showing a lot of demos from Microsoft in this video Just kinda depicting the major differences and going through the major functionality. Of Teams premium including some pricing information I think that's really important as well As always like and subscribe if you wanna see more content around Microsoft and the MSP space. Otherwise let's go ahead and dive in Okay So getting into here this is a direct comparison side by side of the feature sets with Microsoft Team's premium and then co pilot for Microsoft three sixty five The only thing I've done is add some pricing information. So stay tuned because at the end of the video I'm gonna be going through that There's some unique caveats with commitments. Prepaid annual things like that um that you'll wanna know as well. But if you take a look at this high level summary that I can provide is that Team's premium is more of your power users of meetings appointments… scheduling maybe some webinars that you do across the organization. Versus co pilot which is more of this immersive AI experience. I'll be able to show you that through demos But as you can see here through the key, These are the AI features and the only overlap that we have here is this intelligent meeting recap. So again that's what I kinda briefly showed and I'll go into more depth with as we go through this video. But that and then the real time translation which is giving you the ability to translate from one language and to close captions of another is really the only two AI related features that are highlighted as part of this feature set. So I wanted to quickly go through a demo of a majority of these features just so you can see what capabilities exist Because some of these I didn't even know what they were really talking about till I investigated. And I didn't wanna see that visual So I can showcase that And then I'll be showcasing more of the enablement content or the actual enhancements…of the AI features you get within teams with co pilot versus what you get in teams premium. Okay So some of the security enhancements that you do get within Microsoft teams are really an upgrade from what you get in the normal team So you have sensitivity labels which you can apply for data protection, data ex exfiltration…uh protection as well too And then you have things like watermarks that you can apply to shared screens or your video content to help protect sensitive data within meetings as well The other thing that you can do within the team's admin experience is really getting into end to end encryption on a larger scale So you do have encryption capabilities on one on one meetings but when you go about the group setting that does not exist So you're extending that into the end to end encryption You can apply that in meeting templates which I'll get to you here in a second And additionally you can automatically blur backgrounds as part of the settings as well too So that's another really powerful feature I think just to have that out of the box for users case you don't have a background selected as well. Some of the more advanced collaboration tools you have this priority account chat is really just blocking internal users from chatting with another And this might be your CEO that doesn't wanna get a bunch of spam from internal users and you can block that person. Within your meeting experience. Some of the advanced collaboration analytics here gets into a lot of your advanced metrics such as you know inactive teams that you might have, but also kind of the external collaboration and volume of that across certain users or groups within the organization. So it's a lot more leaning into the security aspect of this where you can maybe see um the domains that you're interacting with more of that external user base and the highest users with activity with external users in the organization. So that's a lot of capabilities that you get there with some more of those advanced analytics. When we talk about customization, you can do virtual backgrounds um that are more company branded. And the same thing is true when you're the meeting as well as you can see here. This is a lot of capabilities that you'd like to have for just overall branding from a marketing sense. But then when we talk about meetings and being able to customize all the settings, it does get pretty repetitive in the nature of which you have to modify those settings maybe for a meeting that's consistent or a meeting that contains certain sensitive information. So within the premium experience you could set up meeting templates, um that you can apply to a meeting um that you have all the predefined settings as well too It's a pretty powerful experience. The other piece that you have here from a virtual appointment standpoint is ability to integrate SMS for SMS reminders of that meeting Ability for users to join Team's mobile on the web without having to have the thick client or anything of that nature. And then with virtual appointments in general you have a lot of scheduling capabilities that you can do natively and chat with those users within Teams as well as seeing certain analytics about usage within the organization as well. Team's premium is also built geared for users leveraging webinars quite a lot within the organization, you can have things like a registration wait list Um that can automatically admit people as soon as there becomes a gap within there. You also have the ability to see what users have filled out from a form perspective. And then additionally have automated email reminders that could go out about that webinar to the attendees that are participating in that event. And last also have this capability called Green Room which allows you basically to have moderators prior to the meeting starting to talk about the meeting agenda, look at Q and A things like that. Um and this is just giving you the ability to also bring people on the screen So a lot of customized ability for that overall webinar experience Now when we start getting into the AI capabilities, we have things like the intelligent, um, summarization or translation …of one language to another And so Microsoft has tons of languages that they can work with within this experience that AI is actually doing that translation…from you know one language to the other in the closed captions of that particular experience. And here we can actually see, um somebody being translated from Chinese…to English as part of the subtitles Next here we have intelligent meeting recap which I went through briefly at the beginning of this call. But effectively this has some of the similar features that Copilot has in that we can see kind of that color bar chart of who was talking and when they were talking some more of the heavy level indicators in the meeting where you maybe were at mentioned, um to be called out. Then you can see things like the app mentions on the side. Um but additionally when you go into that you can also see the AI driven notes as well which again summarizes the meeting pretty succinct bullet points as well as looking at um any follow-up items that would be required of the meeting as well So kind of the action items coming out of that meeting And that's definitely one of the most uh popular features that we see as part of this as well too. So now um that we've covered that Let's get into more of what is the expansion…of AI that you get within co pilot. And that team's meeting experience. So one of the things um that's really powerful that you can begin to do within this experience…Um in this screenshot or video you can go ahead and if you're not able to make a meeting you can actually follow the meeting as well. And what this does behind the scenes is actually gonna send you a notification when that meeting is over with the entire meeting recap for you So it's a little bit more proactive what you can do So you get the same kind of analytics that you do with uh the intelligent recap as far as the follow-up task the at mentions the notes, of the meeting being bullet points and being pretty succinct as well. But then additionally this is where the main value comes into play You can actually chat with co pilot which is chatting with a transcript summary and you can ask it basically any question. Uh like you see here where you're asking hey you know what was the proposal…leading out of that meeting and other things of that nature So it's a more powerful experience to just interact and get more of a back and forth with the transcript. The other thing that you can do here is actually intra meeting or inter call. Um interact with co pilot chat to start to summarize things like recap this meeting so far as this example that you can see in here But then you can also get things like in this case sentiment of the group as well Um and this is all coming from the transcript within teams. I think that's a really powerful experience Just be able to summarize that or if you came in late to get caught up on that meeting The other thing that you could do here with a PSTN call even is to interact with the transcript and be able to summarize things as well too So in this case we're talking with potentially a customer who's on the other end of the line and we can ask things like what you know should we be asking in this particular context given the existing conversation so far? And in this case they're also asking for any unresolved questions, uh too So it's a really powerful experience. And in this case the representative is actually gonna transfer this call to maybe somebody who's more knowledgeable on those particular topics. And so this is where it becomes very powerful in that So you can quickly just chat up in this case adele and start to copy and paste the summarization from co pilot as well as the unresolved questions. So if you think about that that's going to speed up the time in which the end customer is actually waiting to get transferred. Um but then additionally giving them everything that they need to know very succinctly, um as part of that call as well too So very powerful experience that you get with that as well And this is really playing into a lot things that are part of the more powerful experience. Last part here is just interacting with Microsoft three sixty five chat and this is just chat within teams within the chat app itself on the side But as you can see here you can ask questions about meetings and it'll recap that. On the fly what I think the other powerful piece here is the ability to interact with multiple suite offerings In this case we're saying hey summarize the meeting from yesterday but also then draft me an email to recap it for my team that I can send over And that's a really powerful experience well too because you can interact with both and you can then summarize what you would wanna pull into Outlook One thing that we have to consider though is with Microsoft…co pilot you actually get the graph context within that And that is to say that we're folding in all the layers in indexing everything within your environment that you have access to including your shared repositories your Outlook inbox, um your OneDrive folders your team's chats your team's meetings to really prevent and provide a much better answer to you I show this in my last week's video where I asked co pilot to say hey reference all the locations in which I've been talking about live chat and it sourced things from my team's repositories that were shared. Source it from chat messages things like that So it's more of an integrated experience across everything that I do within Microsoft versus that isolated context of just teams meetings. As well So the last thing I wanna mention here and just call out is the pricing information Just so you have a clear information on that as well too. So this is pretty despair price point here that you see thirty dollars user a month versus seven Obviously based off of what I showed you there's a whole lot of uh additional AI capabilities that you do get with Microsoft three sixty five co pilot I still believe though that for certain SMBs Microsoft Team's premium might be a good gateway start to tap into some of the AI capabilities and showcase that to a customer and say hey if you really like that think about if you could do these things within co pilot as well. Certainly again a heavy price point to swallow Microsoft's coming out with more information I'll certainly highlight this in a future video about ROI. But they showcase that if you spend about or save about fifty four minutes per month as the average user you're actually making a hundred percent return on your investment given seventy k salad or something like that I think. So it's really interesting And if you say oh I saved a couple hours Maybe that's a two x three x ROI. On that particular solution. The other thing that's hard to grasp right now is that this is annual prepaid commitment, meaning that you have to spend three hundred and sixty dollars a user upfront, um versus teams premium. It does have an annual commit where you get this at seven dollars a user a month but you can pay month to month You don't have to prepay. In that sense, they also additionally have a month to month option under the NCE terms So it's a twenty percent premium over the existing cost It's gonna be eight forty dollars, uh a user a month with that But again you have the flexibility to say let let me trial this. For a month um which is actually a good point on trials. This has a trial This does not have a trial And I think that's just because of how much compute this consumes and they don't want people to be able to maximize that because they're really uh stressed I think right now from the resource perspective. To support all these AI capabilities. So things to keep in mind from pricing perspective, definitely, um consider a trial of team's premium If you're heavy, teams shop that uses meetings a lot tries to do a lot of uh customer webinars things like that Definitely think it's worth looking into. And then with co pilot saying hey do you wanna step up into these more advanced features Okay So that's everything I have for you guys In today's video definitely comment below with any other questions you have about Team's premium licensing AI capabilities versus Microsoft co pilot Happy to answer any questions And as always like I mentioned at the beginning of the video like subscribe to see more content around Microsoft and the MSP space I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: T-Minus365
Views: 3,788
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Keywords: microsoft 365, how to microsoft, microsoft tutorial, IT, T-Minus365, copilot microsoft, m365 copilot chat, m365 copilot review, m365 copilot in teams, microsoft 365 copilot in teams meetings, teams, teams premium intelligent recap, teams premium features, teams premium demo, teams premium ai notes, teams premium setup, teams premium virtual appointments, teams premium webinar, teams premium watermark, teams premium webinar features, teams premium meeting summary
Id: hGEq0A14wvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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