3 Scary TRUE Sleepover Stories (Vol. 4)

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ages ago when I was a boy one of my favorite things to do would be to have sleepovers with my friends especially my friend Joe Joe had the coolest house layout it was big yet it had this huge basement with a pool table air hockey table and the entire basement looped around in a big circle and we'd often write his scooters around the loop in the basement while on our sugar rushes after hours of playing video games and eating junk food the best part was his parents could never hear us down there as they slept all the way upstairs I'll never forget the night that my mom dropped me off at Joe's house after dinner it was a night before a holiday so we didn't have school the next day Joe and I went straight to the basement and started playing one of his new video games on his PlayStation one when suddenly the door to the laundry room in the back creaked open he paused the game and turned around to look and yes the door was now cracked open I told Joe to go check it out he said it's fine it happens sometimes to be honest though sometimes a night alone in his basement Joe and I would get spooked I told him to go shut the door because something about having that door open leading into a big pitch-black laundry room was uncomfortable I think he agreed because he got up to close it after a while of playing video games I started riding joe's bike around the loop of the basement which honestly was a lot more fun than it sounds but then something else happened there was a noise almost like the sound of a laundry machine door being banged or closed they came from the laundry room again obviously this time Joe and I ran up the stairs freaked out and Joe called his dad to contract the laundry room his dad opened the door to the laundry room had a quick five-second look and calmly said there's no one in there so he went back upstairs to bed and Joe and I continued to hang out for another hour or two then it came time to go to sleep there were two couches down there one in front of the TV and then another towards the back of the basement by the bar I slept on the couch towards the back of the basement I didn't sleep long though I woke up and it was still pitch black in the basement no light shining through the small basement windows it was still the middle of the night I rubbed my eyes and sat up after getting this weird feeling of being watched Joe I said just checking if he was awake after saying his name I heard and saw something moving in the darkness to the laundry room and then the door creaks shut I jumped off the couch to wake up Joe but when I got to his couch he wasn't there that's when I became wise to what was going on Joe was trying to scare me i tiptoe to the door of the laundry room I figured I would reverse it on him and scare him instead I put my hand on the doorknob and after a little mental build-up I yanked the door open and went inside screaming I turned on the lights of the room but Joe wasn't in there where could he be hiding in that moment I was beyond confused I knew he had to be in the room and I noticed something through the glass of the dryer machine I walked over to it and knelt down someone was in the dryer machine crunched up in like a ball you know how dryer machine doors usually had the sort of tinted glass that's hard to see through while I knew there was a person in there it took me a few seconds to catch on that the person that was in the dryer machine looking back at me was not Joe some grown man I started screaming and ran all the way upstairs to Joe's parents room everyone in the house came out from their bedrooms and response including Joe Joe apparently was having a hard time falling asleep on the couch so he went upstairs to his bedroom I yelled there was someone hiding in the dryer machine as Joe's dad started his way storming to the basement somebody ran through the living room and out the front door Joey's mom let out a scream as his dad ran outside in his slippers to try to catch the man of course being that he was only in slippers he didn't have a chance when he came back Joe's mom had already called the cops when the cops came they asked me if there was anything specific that I could make out about the man all I could say was that he was wearing dark clothes Joe and I slept in his room I slept on the floor with a blanket and we kept the door locked we took a break from the sleepovers for a while after that [Music] this happened quite some time ago in fact it happened back in July 2013 it was my 13th birthday party and my friends and I had been to Manchester for the day before heading back to my house for a sleepover a couple of them had stayed over before but some hadn't so I wanted to make a good impression we all decided to sleep downstairs that night as there wasn't enough room in my bedroom we gathered our sleeping bags on the living-room floor watch cheesy rom-coms and ate junk food until around 1 a.m. so we decided to hit the sack after our third movie we turned off the lights with the exception of one as although we didn't like to admit it then we were a little afraid of the dark it's a common thing to lie awake and Chatta to sleep over after you say you're going to sleep we were in the middle of whispering to each other who we thought our celebrity look-alikes were when we heard it a loud knock on her window cut through our conversation what was that said Emma one of my friends it's probably just my dad playing a prank or something I said although this whole situation was kind of freaking me out my dad had done this type of thing before so I assumed must have been him we were beginning to calm down when suddenly another forceful knock came upon the window this made some of my friends scream I assured everyone that like I said it was probably just my dad being goofy so I went over to the window to catch him red-handed the curtains were closed so I had to pull a section of them back to see who was outside as I did I came face-to-face with a man who was most certainly not my dad this man was bald with a very thin eyebrows and he had a missing tooth he was sort of hunched over and he looked at me with widened glassy eyes I immediately screamed and closed the curtain at this point my friends and I were pretty hysterical and Emma began visibly shaking in fear my parents were upstairs so instinctively I ran up to find them as I got upstairs my mom was talking to someone from her window I didn't quite catch their conversation but she told me what happened soon after she said that she heard the knocking - and when she looked out of her window to see who it was the man looked up and asked her if she had seen a friend of his I can't remember the name of the guy she said she was looking for so we'll call him Paul he kept asking for him over and over have you seen Paul where is Paul has Paul been here of course my mom said she didn't know anyone named Paul eventually she had to ask him to leave us alone as he just kept wandering around our driveway as the man finally left I went back downstairs to come my friends down in retrospect I feel bad for leaving them alone down there when some weird stranger was on our property we all settled back down after that however my mom's maternal instincts kicked in so she wanted to make sure he was gone completely she left briefly to go around the block in her car to make sure he wasn't still in the area the street was dimly lit by impractical street lights so she had to put her high beams on now she was driving she saw someone - across the middle of the road thinking it was just a kid she just kept driving until the man who was at our window appeared again but this time he practically jumped in front of my mom's car my mom quickly slammed on the brakes but before she could confront him he disappeared off into the night we never found out who that guy was or what his true intentions were thankfully we never saw him again so much for wanting to make a good impression [Music] my friend Jake slept over my house one night when we were 12 and because of that he may have possibly saved my life there was a snowy weekend night he watched a couple Christmas movies in my living room my mom would bring us snacks and hot cocoa she was always really nice to my friends when I had them over my mom had to go to sleep kind of early because she worked she and my dad had just recently divorced by around 12 Jake and I went to my room where we played Pokemon on our Game Boy advances for a little I don't remember much after that besides falling asleep a little while later I woke up in my bed to the room being extremely cold and also feeling really thirsty I went to the kitchen downstairs to get a cup of water I noticed how much colder it had become upstairs as opposed to downstairs I went back to my bed and tucked myself in as I lay there trying to fall back asleep I realized Jake was breathing weird like a deeper heavier breathing it went on for some time and after making a note of it in my head it was all I could focus on so I eventually threw a pillow at him as he woke up I told him to stop breathing so loud he was confused as he looked up at me in my bed he said what are you talking about I told him to just lower the volume of his breathing noises as he was borderline snoring Jake shifted his focus from me to down below my bed and then he screamed he crawled backwards until his back was pushing up against my dresser I yelled what is it I hopped off my bed and looked under it where he was staring at there was a middle-aged man with long hair laying underneath my bed and he had his finger up to his lips saying [Music] it was a surreal sight to say the least I felt like my heart was beating 200 beats per minute the man whispered I know your mom I'm here to see her he started crawling out from under the bed at that same moment Jake and I ran from the room screaming for my mom we got to my mom's room and locked her bedroom door behind us she was immediately distressed and confused by our screams I barely had enough time to yell there's a man under my bed before the doorknob to my mom's room started twisting and shaking then the sounds of the doorknob failing to turn shift it to heavy aggressive bangs at the door my mom ran to her phone and called 911 the phone already in tears while also screaming at the men on the other side of the door to leave us alone the man tried kicking the door in but I think when he heard my mom on the phone he left the house we were all in shock it took the police only a couple minutes to arrive at which point the coast was clear the biggest window in her house which was the window to the upstairs spare bedroom was lifted up completely which explained the cool air entering the house upstairs I had also explained the man's point of entry I told my mom that man claimed he knew her but she had no idea who this man could have been my mom dropped Jake off home and then she and I slept on my aunt's and uncle's house for the rest of the night the next day my uncle installed the stronger lock on that upstairs window this was like 16 years ago now at this point it's just a distant haunting memory but we never figured out who that man could have been or how he could have possibly known my mother [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,550,872
Rating: 4.9446254 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, disturbing, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepypasta, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, home alone, creepy home alone, scary home alone, creepy true stories, 3 scary stories, 10 scary stories, unknown creatures, skinwalker stories, skinwalker, scary creature caught on video
Id: RdlqvF4D2cQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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