4 Chilling TRUE Scary Horror Stories

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I'm currently a freshman in college I came home this past week for a funeral but let's backtrack a little my senior year in high school I was in the library during study hall doing some computer science work on the computer since my laptop at home didn't have J creator on it anyways this boy who was in my class sat next to me since those two computers were the only ones with J creator he was a really tall very pale boy he had long black hair that covered one of his eyes he wore an anti flag T ripped jean jacket and Doc Martens he never spoke to anyone in class and I'd never seen him with anyone else so I took a seat and he looked up at me like I committed murder I quickly looked away and started rummaging through my bag as a distraction as my head was down I heard him chuckle and then mumble of course I froze with my head still down towards my bag I just dismissed it as him talking to his computer as code can be quite frustrating i sat back up and quickly typed in my login details to break the awkwardness I said she signs too much homework I can barely keep up his I stayed locked on the computer screen you want the answers don't you I left and said no thanks I won't learn anything that way usually I would have said yes but I didn't want to see his evil stare again it was like he was staring into my soul he left again in that creepy laugh so creepy that I had to close my eyes and cringe I opened them and looked over to see him gone the strange thing was he left his flash drive I waited about ten minutes to see if he would come back but he didn't study hall ended at 1:00 and it was 1250 I decided I'll take it and give it back to him tomorrow in computer science class I threw it in a little box above my bed gotta admit it was an awesome flash drive it was a Swiss Army knife with the flash drive in the middle here's the crazy part after that he never came to school again he was notorious for being absent so for the first month no one batted an eye however May rolled around and we were all getting ready to graduate I had completely forgotten about the flash drive until two days ago when I came home I needed one and I remembered I still had that boys I scanned it with my Norton and it said it was all safe I was planning to delete all this stuff so I could put my PowerPoint for business class on it naturally however I started snooping through his files the first thing I saw was a folder named computer science I opened it and all the answers to every assignment was there I thought damn maybe that's why he left it so I could copy off of him maybe because he knew he was never coming back I went back in the second folder was music I kind of had to open that one to see what he listened to surprisingly not what I expected there were only three songs running on empty by Jackson Browne white rabbit by Jefferson Airplane and helter skelter by the Beatles I went back again there was an untitled folder inside it was AP literature there were a bunch of essays in various junk there was one called the best doc I opened it and it was merely a ten page document of notebook pages filled entirely with his first and last name handwritten I went back again this is where it gets weird he had taken pictures of the emergency escape plan posters on the door in every classroom there was a picture of a lit cigarette on the bathroom floor and another picture of some coins on the bathroom floor with a yellow post-it note next to it saying chump change in all caps now this is the weird part there was a picture of me taken walls reading a book in class from the looks of it it was my English class that he was not in there was also a document titled rest in peace to dot dot dot but it was empty when I opened it I still have no idea if this was a joke or not for all I know he never showed up again because he realized that he lost his hard drive this story happened a few years back to mean a friend to alcohol ally we're now both 15 making us 12 when the story occurred okay so me and Ally have been friends since second grade and we would usually spend all weekends and free time together we always have been into paranormal and ghost stuff we had every reason to believe that every house we ever went into was haunted we would go on ghost hunts like the TV shows with a foot phone to record the sounds but there will always be one night that stands out to me that still haunts me to this day it was around midnight and we were hyper and awake like most kids of our age on the weekends so we decided to do another ghost hunt in my house we got the flip phone ready and we borrowed my dad's touchscreen to actually videotape this was the first and last time we used that my basement was not like most because the house I was living in at the time was very old and therefore very old fashioned so down the stairs there's one main big room that we use for storage and a little further there was another medium sized room for the washer and the dryer and the farthest was a small little cell type room that we never used mainly because everyone was too creeped out to go in it me and Ally walked down the stairs turned on the camera on flip phone recorder and we started asking the usual questions you would see on TV like is there anybody here give me a sign if you're here and that type of thing we finally got tired of it and went back upstairs and into my room to be so excited as we reviewed our first video recording this was a big step for us because we wanted to be Ghost Hunters so bad we were watching and we kind of got disappointed as we didn't find anything in the video or voice recording usually we would make something up like a footstep that wasn't ours to make us feel less bad but this time we were so excited about the video we didn't even want to make anything up we couldn't sleep so we played a few board games and then we both agreed to review it again because maybe we missed something and oh boy we did while reviewing the tape again we both could just feel this bad energy coming from it I guess we didn't realize it before because we were too filled with excitement we went on anyway and as we paid more attention we can actually hear footsteps that weren't ours then what showed up on the tape I still see when I close my eyes it was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen the camera was on Ali and behind her was this figure that looks like a distorted almost human thing with bright white eyes that almost seemed as if they were watching you through the video at that point we shut it off and we were both in complete shock we couldn't tell my father as he was asleep being so early in the morning we both decided to just not tell anybody and keep it our secret even though we never went into that basement again we both still talk and sometimes even dream about it to this day I don't know if it was our imagination or if there was something with us in that basement but I'll never go in there again so this all happened during Halloween in 2014 my name is Max and I'm from a small town in Finley Ohio I used to go to a high school at County school about ten minutes from where I lived called Van Buren high school Van Buren was a nice little village with good people for the most part but the only problem was that there were some evil creeps that could be found there if he knew where to look the biggest hot spot for them to be found was the Van Buren State Park everyone knew that the State Park had a little infamy to it as it was known for some rapes and the like now I've been to the park many times with friends and classmates and nothing bad ever happened to us so I never thought much of it I have a lot of good memories of the place actually like the many times my friends and I would bike the trails and set off the Worx bombs in the woods or go fishing in the lake however fast-forward to my senior year at Van Buren on the day of Halloween my friend Ian and I saw the darker side of Van Buren State Park the summer before my senior year I enlisted in the Army National Guard so it was important that I worked out and stayed in shape so that day I asked my best friend he and if he wanted to go run the trails in the park with me after school and he said he would as he likes to work out when he can as well it was probably about four o'clock in the afternoon when I pulled into one of the parking lots waiting for Ian to meet me there when I saw this old silver car with a bald and just disturbing man suspiciously sitting the lot knowing that creeps hang out at the parks I glanced over to check out what he was doing when I noticed he was staring at me and would not take his eyes off of me it was a very unsettling stare one that made him look hungry and me uncomfortable his eyes were wide open and I'm pretty sure he had a frown or maybe a grin we made eye contact and he nodded at me as if you were trying to say hello but would not drop his glare I nodded back but broke eye contact since I was pretty uncomfortable however I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was still staring at this point I had enough and I sped out of there and pulled out of the parking lot but when I looked at my rearview mirror I saw he was following me this made me floor my gas pedal and I sped to my high-school parking lot where I lost him I called in and told him that I was at the high school and then he might have to deal with this creep alone and then my stomach sank I got a text from Ian saying here so I made my way back there and sure enough right when I pulled in I saw Ian's car and two spaces away was the scary bald guy in the silver car still staring I nodded to Ian for him to follow me in his car to a different parking lot at the park and we made our way over there we were safe or so we thought and got out of our cars to walk down the hill to check out the trails before we ran them I don't really like to run with items in my pockets so we began to walk back up the hill when we saw that old silver car circling in the lot looking for us at the angle we were at on the hill he must not have been able to find us although we could see him we waited a few minutes before walking up the hill because we figured the two of us who were athletes could take on this one guy as we reached the top of the hill he was gone feeling pretty safe Ian and I decided to still run the trails but I made sure to grab a rock to use as a weapon for my own peace of mind in case we would run into the possible rapist or killer in the woods I'll never know the man's intentions but given that places notoriety and his disturbing look it couldn't have been good nowadays I've graduated Van Buren and I'm an infantryman in the National Guard while attending Bowling Green State University sometimes when I go back home to visit I like to go for drives at night and sometimes I like to check the State Park just to see what monsters lurk there I'm always armed with a knife and I'm in good shape but it still makes me uneasy I'm sure one of these days I might encounter something like that again but I'm not stupid or crazy because as soon as I do I'm hightailing it out of there once again so as for anyone else make sure that if you go camping or hiking at state parks that you are somehow arms no self-defense and never go alone in my room next to my bed is a big storage closet it doesn't have a regular door like you would expect it's a kind of big square door without a knob that just comes off when you grab it by the edges so rewind to several years ago when I was 19 I remember the first time it happened I went to sleep and woke up in the morning to find that the door had been opened and was leaning on the wooden edge of my bed now this wasn't the strangest thing ever as it had happened in the past after all there were no hinges or anything holding the door in I pushed the door back into the wall and got ready for school the next night I woke up around 4:00 in the morning I could have sworn I had woken up to a noise I sat up and looked around my room in the dark and noticed the door was leaning on the edge of my bed again now I was concerned that the edges to the hole in the wall were starting to chip away and the door can no longer fit as tightly as it used to I left it that way overnight and fixed it in the morning the following night I was having trouble sleeping it had to be at least two hours of my rolling around bed trying to fall asleep that's when I heard a huge stump and I knew what it was I could even see it in the dark the door fell open again I was so done with this I mentally decided to just leave it open from now on that's when I heard the slightest movement of a plastic bag from inside of the closet my heart literally skipped a beat when I heard this there was no draft in the room at all i hesitantly flicked on the light switch and looked into the open closet my biggest fear came true when I saw someone inside the closet peering at me in my bed within maybe half a second of my turning on the lights he tried to hide as if I didn't see him I couldn't even move all I could do was scream the word dad I screamed so loud it took my dad maybe ten seconds to make it to my room I pointed at the closet and he looked inside only then did I finally feel safe to get up and stand behind him my dad crawled all the way in there and he couldn't find anyone though he came out and assured me I was just seeing things and I started to question that myself still I couldn't sleep in that room I slept on the floor in my parents room with a blanket well I wouldn't say slept as before that could even happen I heard my bedroom door open from down the hall outside and then someone who literally ran down the stairs and out the front door slamming it behind them my parents heard it it was only then they believed me we tried to chase whoever it was down but he was gone we later found out he was hiding in an empty container inside the closet
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 6,633,581
Rating: 4.8873415 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true stories, horror stories, true scary, scary stories, horror, creepy stories, creepypastas, creepy true stories, true scary stories, scary real stories, real stories, true, real, scary, horror stories real, mr nightmare, mr. nightmare, craigslist stories
Id: mi01oWHDac0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2016
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