3 Disturbing True Unknown Creature Stories

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This might actually be Kevin McLeod, in fact most of them are.

There was a playlist that contained all this stuff but I can't find it on yt. Not the first time though it seems to come and go. All that music is royalty free.

Iirc this may not be the begining of the song but a part of it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Kiinepak 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/EihtSix 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Speaking of songs. Does anyone know the name of the violin piano song Mr. Nightmare uses?


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Carlisle_SCP049 📅︎︎ May 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so this happened on a camping trip with my girlfriend Alicia my best friend Rodney and his girlfriend Amanda my dad told me about a perfect place to go camping right by a big lake surrounded by dense forests a trail from a nearby parking lot would lead straight to the lake his directions were straightforward and it was actually easy to get to the lake we got there as the Sun was on its way down and the sky was turning that beautiful orange the lake was calming and the sound of the breeze hitting the leaves was peaceful we had our tent set up and there was still a hint of orange in the sky though it was very dark in the woods by now there was a slight orange reflection on the calm Lake it was very warm out and Amanda suggested we all jump in the water I was kind of up for it as my dad said it would be perfect to jump in for that reason we all brought towels the girls seemed more eager than Rodney and I though the two got into their underwear and walked into the lake exclaiming it was actually warm I told them I go in after setting up the campfire at least since we had already gathered some wood starting the fire proved to be especially difficult for me because I just couldn't get the wood to catch I'm not exactly a Boy Scout rodney took over and as I watched him try to start the fire one of the girls started screaming and flailing around in the lake Amanda looked just as confused as Rodney and I and Alicia went underwater for a few seconds and Amanda started to scream she's drowning I took off my shirt and ran as fast as I could into the water but when I got to where she was the water was only up to maybe my waist I saw her arms still flailing out above the water and splashing about and I pulled her up above the water I yelled what the hell happened she didn't answer right away and ran straight for the campsite seemingly out of breath halfway there she turned and yelled get out of the water Amanda and I looked at each other and listened as I began moving out of the lake I felt something strong grabbed around my ankle and try pulling me down there was a sharp piercing feeling cutting into my ankle as well I yelled in a panic and kicked whatever it was with my free leg until I was able to break free we made it back to the campsite and Alicia was already sitting down on a cooler putting pressure on an apparent wound on her ankle I sat down on another cooler and checked my ankle and there was a deep but small gash on the right side of my ankle which was pouring out blood I told her I need to get us both some band-aids for my first-aid kit in the tent after patching up the wounds we felt more relaxed and at ease we just wanted to figure out what the hell that was that grabbed us I said it might have been an eel Rodney questions of feels even live in lakes like this Alicia said it didn't feel like an eel or a fish it felt more like a claw I got chills as she said it because I got what she was saying but how would that make any sense regardless we stuck around because whatever goddess was in the water and we were on land nothing could happen now by this point it was dark out the Sun was completely gone and the only light was from the fire we were a couple beers deep talking about life about mutual friends and occasionally bringing up that thing in the water again all was well until a splash came from out in the water we all looked over our shoulders at the same time out to the pitch-black Lake probably just a fish we figured we resumed conversation for a few seconds but then there was another splash didn't sound like a little fish jumping out of the water it sounded like the kind of splashes you'd hear when a person is walking through waist-deep water the girls wanted us to go check the leak so Rodney and I took a couple flashlights and went to the edge of the lake where we were still hearing noises but the two lights pointed at the water we scanned the calm surface of the lake until rodney stopped me and said what is that I looked at where his light was pointed there was this object in the water at first I thought it was an object and I realized it resembled a head of some creature definitely not any kind of creature that would live in a lake it seemed like it was just sticking its head out of the water and we could see the reflection of its eyes it was looking at us then it moved it and rised up slightly out of the lake making another splashing noise that's when Rodney and I screamed go to the girls I remember Rodney saying take all your important stuff and go which was a smart idea I took all my valuables and left the tent and bigger things he ran back down the trail to the parking lot packed the car and took off down the parkway the next day I returned with my dad to collect the tents but everything that we left in the campsite was destroyed the tents were shredded the coolers were scratched and thrown across the site I told my dad about the creature in the lake I showed him the gash in my ankle and asked him what could have done this he said he had no earthly idea and we left in a hurry none of us ever returned to that Lake my house sits next to a nature preserve on Long Island New York I live alone most of the time besides when my girlfriend who lives at a state comes to visit well I can't say I live completely alone I have two German Shepherds Tate and moose they sleep downstairs by the back door of the house last week for three nights in a row I would wake up to the two of them barking in the middle of the night at the back door the first night I just peeked from the door window into the yard which was empty the second night I actually went outside to the patio to look around but there wasn't anyone there on the third night in a row of waking up to barking and I told myself that was it someone was creeping around my property every night causing my dogs to go crazy I put Tate on his leash and took him out to the yard weirdly he seemed more calm now that he was outside he wasn't barking at anything I walked him around the backyard and by the tree line to the woods for a little bit trying to help him pick up on whatever the two had been barking at the past three nights then he started by the tree line he started tugging on his station barking at something in the woods obviously I couldn't see too far into the woods as it was nighttime so I let him lead the way into the woods if someone were to be trespassing on my property every night I figured the best way to scare them off would be having my dog chase after them Tate kept pulling and barking as we got deeper into the woods I was starting to lose my breath just trying to keep up with him he seemed to be really locked into something specific in front of us but eventually Tate stop pulling and barking and just stood there with his ears bent back as if he were in a defensive position he suddenly looked scared as if he was looking straight ahead at something I tried looking ahead into the dark woods but I can only see so much there was this cracking of a stick or small branch a little a head that confirmed there was a presence with us in the woods I took this as a time to call out whoever's out there you need to stop trespassing on my property if you don't all either unleash my dogs on you or call the police whichever I feel necessary to do there was no kind of response or signs of acknowledgement just another crunch of a twig or steak being pressed into the ground by something once again confirming there was someone or something standing maybe ten yards away I whistled to Tate to follow as it turned us around and headed back to the house teint kept looking back every three seconds I'd have to pull him forward just to keep us moving but then I heard a footstep close behind us and taste started to growl and bark again it was now that I truly started to feel threatened I didn't have my phone on me I didn't have my flashlight my only sense of protection was tape then there was this sound this unexplainable sound it was this clicking type nose mixed with this humming sound almost like a giant buck tate started going crazy again he was barking in Poland but I held her back I kept looking at where he was trying to lunge towards and I finally saw something there was a set of glowing eyes only the eyes were set very high off the ground not down low like from a cat or raccoon I started to run back towards my house now I could see the light from my back patio shining through the trees now I made it through the treeline back to my backyard I ran taped to the back door led him inside I turned back to the trees of the opposite end of my yard and I just stood there listening and waiting for anything a rustle in the bush made me turn my head about 20 degrees to the right I saw a figure standing in the woods near the tree line my patio life made up the outline of the body some way it looked like it had the shape of a humanoid like figure but it was crouched down kind of hiding behind a little bush bringing me long looking arms in comparison to the rest of its body and on the lower half of its face all I saw was black almost resembling a big gaping mouth I keep saying it because I knew what I was looking at couldn't be human I went inside shut all the blinds and took my dogs upstairs to my room I reported an unidentified creature in the preserve to the police I gave my best description on the phone and the woman on the other end asked me to call back if the person or creature were to actually enter my private property basically calling the police was for my own peace of mind but they didn't send anyone I've been having my dog sleep in my room with me since last week and there have been no further sightings since I'll update everyone if anything changes my wife and I have lived in our Chapel Hill Tennessee farmhouse for over 15 years and for 14 straight years nothing out of the ordinary ever happened our kids have all moved out it's just me and the wife in the house now February of 2019 bizarre things started happening I woke up in the night to my wife shaking me she said she heard a noise outside the window she wanted me to go check I simply walked over to the window lifted it up and had myself a look outside it was chilly out there so I didn't want to be looking outside for long but the coast was clear I shut the window and assured my wife it was okay then crawled back into bed before we could even fall asleep again there was a noise that me both of us sit up a sharp but quick click at the window my wife is no scaredy cat but she grabbed my arm clearly worried she asked me to take the shotgun out there and see who it was I told her to relax and I checked the window one more time I was shocked to find a small scratch in the glass from the other side I said honey look at this and she came over she put her hands over her mouth and said oh my what did it we didn't have a clue must have been some big animal I figured the next morning I went outside to inspect the outside by the window there were no footprints in the dirt by the side of the house nothing strange at all outside actually so we move on to the next night it was a rainy warmer night for February my wife and I tucked in under the sheets again and once again there was a sound sound that could be heard over the rain outside it was this scraping type sound muffled of course because it was coming from outside sound seemed to be moving closer to the window then it stopped my wife and I sitting up again looked at each other and she didn't even have to tell me to go outside this time I took the shotgun from under the bed again and put on my raincoat and ran outside as fast as my old bones would allow my wife turned down the light in the bedroom which gave me enough light to see these huge scrapes in the vinyl siding they looked exactly like claw marks and I looked down into the mud that I was standing in and noticed these big feet marks that stopped right before the window and then turned back in the direction of the woods I analyzed the marks the best I could even though they were quickly washing away from the rain these didn't look like marks from boots shoes or any animal that I knew of it looks like these huge foot marks with claws on the ends we don't have black bears where we lived fifteen years here and we've never seen one so this just made no sense I suddenly felt unsafe being out there even with the shotgun so I hurried back inside I told my wife there's some big animal out there and that as long as we stayed inside we were safe we don't have blinds on our bedroom windows we don't need privacy from anyone no one comes out on the property anyway all I could do was tell my wife to go to sleep the next night was where things really took the turn for the worst I woke up around 3:00 a.m. my wife was still asleep i sat up thinking I might have heard something I realized it was chilly in the room I looked at the window and it was open but that wasn't the first thing I noticed the first thing I noticed was the head leaning through the open window into our bedroom my best description of the head inhuman from the size and shape it was bigger than the centum or Kona shape as for facial features it was just too dark to see any and it all happened too quickly I let out one big scream a type of scream I hadn't heard leave my own body in decades I went under the bed for the shotgun but by then the thing at the window was already gone my wife was screaming in reaction to my scream I ran to the window to slam it shut and twist the lock I told my wife were sleeping in our son's old room that night believe it or not this was almost a year ago now and that creature whatever it was has never returned but for three straight days I think kept coming back to our window and on the third night it was halfway into our bedroom [Music]
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,163,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, disturbing, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepypasta, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, home alone, creepy home alone, scary home alone, creepy true stories, 3 scary stories, 10 scary stories, unknown creatures, skinwalker stories, skinwalker, scary creature caught on video
Id: ztn-4YCLzis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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