3 Nightmarish Zoom Call Horror Stories

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[Music] it was sometime in april peak corona time in my state quarantining and lockdown were still in effect there was nothing to do on friday and saturday nights beside zoom calls with your friends it was like a week after i finally hopped on the wave and agreed to jump on a zoom call with my four friends ashley haley sylvia and alexa it was a friday night it was supposed to be our little zoom drinking party we were gonna be playing drinking games and just staying up until the early hours of the morning ashley shared the link to join the zoom call in our imessage group chat we joined one at a time first ashley then me then hayley and sylvia it seemed they were all on their laptops i was the only one on my phone so i switched to my laptop as well it took a little while for alexa to finally join but when she joined her screen was black we all joked around chanting alexa's name and whatever asking her what's up with her webcam she started typing into the text chat of the zoom call saying she didn't know what was wrong with her webcam and microphone that it said both were offline we continued to joke around about it but also tried helping her though we didn't really know how to be of much assistance with that eventually she typed in the chat brb i'm gonna go try to figure this out so we all went on to our drinking and just chatting on our video chat well we figured alexa was doing whatever to try to fix her computer but something randomly happened sometime into our call something completely unexpected that kind of scarred all of us alexa's camp suddenly started working and her box went from black to showing an old creepy man doing something i really don't want to repeat when he noticed the camera turned on he jumped to close the laptop and the screen went dark again the four of us screamed and started freaking out we tried calling alexa but now it seemed her phone was off we didn't have her mom or sister's number so we all agreed to drive over to alexa's place to see what was going on her mom answered the door in her rope looking concerned we asked her if alexa was home she said yes and called her down alexa never responded though her mother said she had just gotten home an hour ago but that alexa's door was locked half an hour earlier we all explained what happened on the zoom call and she freaked out and ran upstairs to bang on alexa's door that got no answers we all got a sickly feeling when we realized what could be going on alex's mom called the cops that second and when officer perry showed up we told him everything he called for backup and went upstairs to knock on the door and tried to reason with whoever could be in there when there was no response he began to kick the door down when he finally broke through the door there was no one on the bed the laptop and phone were left on the bed but no one was in the room the window was wide open enough for someone to crawl through and hop outside down to the awning roof below we all found alexa in the basement minutes later she was hiding under a blanket in the corner of the room she said when she was home alone she saw some older man with a big knife sticking out of his pocket in the living room so she snuck down to the basement and hid she didn't know when it was safe to come out of hiding as she couldn't hear her mother getting home police backup finally showed up and the information of the break-in and the man was sent to the local news outlets to alert people to be on the lookout it's crazy how that zoom call might have saved alexa and her mother's lives [Music] a few weeks ago my friends and i decided to hold the zoom reunion as we had not seen each other for quite some time and all of us finally had the time to chat since there was a lockdown in our country we're all college students and most of us had lost contact with each other so we decided to post on our social media that we would be holding a zoom reunion which was open to all the alumni of our old school we got responses from many people and we even accepted people we didn't know as long as they knew our mutual friends we wanted it to be a big social event and didn't really care who joined finally the day of the reunion arrived i scheduled a meeting and posted it on my instagram story because there were too many people to individually text which i now realize was a big mistake because i had basically given everyone access to join the zoom call the zoom meeting began normally with all of us excited to meet our old friends we made some new friends through our mutual friends and we were having a grand time when someone called sat underscore an underscore 20 unmuted their mic and started making groaning sounds we had a friend named anne so we thought it was just her pranking us we texted her to stop because it was getting annoying but to our surprise she texted back apologizing because she hadn't attended the call due to prior engagements we were surprised and asked this and person to open their video and show us their face or they would be removed from the meeting they didn't show their face so i removed them from the meeting the zoom call resumed and we were all joking about the incident suddenly my network strength became weak and i had to leave the meeting i joined back soon after but satan 20 had somehow taken the opportunity and re-entered the meeting in the few seconds that we unlocked it this time they began to share their screen and displayed a video of a black tunnel on loop we were terrified and a lot of people were leaving the meeting because of it but my friends and i were determined to find the person who is destroying our reunion we constantly tried to remove them from the meeting but the second my friend's network connection weakened somehow the sat and 20 person became the host there was nothing we could do now the account was still playing the video on loop and chanting something in a strange language we could have left the meeting but really wanted to know who was disrupting it suddenly the video stopped and satan 20 started talking in a distorted voice about how my brother rath had completed the ritual and attained salvation and we could take their help and do the same too here's the thing i had a twin brother who died before birth my parents had wanted to name him wrath they told me when i was very young about his prenatal death and begged me to never talk about him only my grandparents and parents knew about him as the subject was too painful to disclose to others i had always wanted a twin blaming myself for his death i never told anyone about him soon after we had moved to a new city i was certain that the only people who knew about my brother in the city were my parents i had not told even my best friends about him i had no idea how this sat and 20 person knew about him they truly had no way of knowing that i knew about with shaking hands and now without a doubt convinced that this was a supernatural occurrence i wordlessly exited the meeting i do not know what happened afterwards i didn't respond to my friends texts and have since not talked to them to this day i know this is an experience i will not soon forget [Music] [Music] in april of this year my school had made a virtual classroom thing where we would do all of our assignments online on websites like google classroom and whatnot they also told us about a new tool called zoom where students and teachers can all have a virtual meeting to talk about school work and stuff well one day in may after i finished my assignments my dad went out on a night shift at his job so it was only my mom and i and my mom was asleep i called my friends and we all agreed to try a zoom call out with each other to catch up on how everyone has been and it also eventually ended with us playing some console games like call of duty at one point around 10 pm we were playing modern warfare and all of a sudden one of my friends who i'll call jack for privacy reasons suddenly told me that he saw a very sudden blurred movement behind me in my room but he wasn't sure because my lights were off and the only light was from the tv in my room i have a somewhat small room with only my bed a drawer next to my bed a closet in the left corner of the room and my tv in the front that's when i noticed that my pillow was on the floor i went over to pick it up and i just dismissed it thinking it accidentally fell or something so i just went back to play with my friends about 10 minutes pass by and jack once again says he swears he sees movement behind me in my room when i turned around i saw that the pillow had fallen again in the exact same spot this time i became anxious because i knew 100 i put the pillow in a place that i couldn't possibly fall without someone or something moving it i bend down slowly to pick it up and then i hear jack scream i put the pillow on the bed and rush over to my laptop sitting on my chair to ask him what was wrong all he said was to look under my bed and i saw it i saw two glowing eyes which were lit up by the tv screen once the person realized that i saw them they immediately jumped out and tried to grab me i instinctively swung my arm at their head and i hit him right in the nose he looked to be at least 45 and had long dry straight hair that looked like it hadn't been cut or washed in at least a year he had a scratchy looking beard and was a very skinny but tall guy he looked to be about 6'3 he fell onto my bed and i could see his nose was bleeding so i took my chance and ran to my mom's room and locked the door i could hear his footsteps stomping through the house coming towards the room so i immediately told my mom to call the police despite her groggily shouting at me to tell her what was happening she called the cops and by then i could hear his footsteps as he was going from room to room to find where i went when he came to the room we were in he tried the handle and when he saw it was locked he knew we were in the room but he didn't bang on the door like i thought he would instead i heard a small chuckle and then i looked under the little crack under the door and i could see his feet standing there as soon as i looked under he looked through the crack as well and i could see his bloodshot eye i also saw a couple drops of blood on the floor and then on the other side of the door i heard you'll pay for that in a psychotic high-pitched childish voice when i backed away he screamed like a madman and started banging on the door over and over i started covering my ears trying to shut the sound out i could see my mom crying just then we hear the sirens outside but the man doesn't stop banging and shouting the police knock on the door when they hear the man they immediately knock the door down and come in literally like something from a movie i heard the man stop and i thought the police already got him when i opened the door i saw the man facing the two officers looking like he was going to attack them when he stepped towards them one of them shot a taser at him and he immediately fell and started shaking violently they cuffed him and took him out to the car and a third officer came to question me and my mom i told him the whole story and then the three officers started searching for the place of breaking and entering and it turned out that he had broken in through the window in my dad's office room and they found a small axe and drill under my bed in my room we later found out this man wasn't documented and no one knew who he was he didn't appear to have any family he was sent to a mental institution but that's not the worst part the police later tried to find out where the man originally lived and all the man told them was that he lived in the woods near my home the police went searching for his home for any evidence they found a small secluded area in the woods with a small wooden shack and they went in they told us that they found multiple weapons bags of old food and worst of all two pictures of me one of me asleep which was taken from inside the house outside my bedroom door and one of me eating dinner from outside the window i hope nothing like this ever happens to anyone and i hope no one else has to add another bad memory to the long list from this terrible year [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,522,188
Rating: 4.9468498 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, true stories, horror stories, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, true horror stories, narration, horror, scary, disturbing, nightmarish, shocking, police stories, scary true date stories, disturbing date stories, catfish horror stories, ding dong ditch stories, ding dong ditch, scary house stories, zoom call horror stories, quarantine horror stories, zoom horror stories, facetime horror stories, zoom stories, scary zoom stories, true scary zoom stories
Id: 21Q30h-QVFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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