3 Scary TRUE Sneaking Out Horror Stories

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[Music] my aunt and uncle live in fort myers florida every winter we visit them for a weekend just to see them and escape the cold this has been a long time tradition dating back to when they first moved there about 15 years ago so we'd been doing this almost as long as i could remember this happened back when i was 12. my cousin ashley who was a year older than me would always be there of course so the two of us would hang out a lot during these visits she was cool to hang out with and i related to her a lot even though i was a young boy and she's a girl she'd always be down to do the cool stuff that i'd normally do with my friends at that age after the family dinner on the first night there we all watched a movie together after the movie our parents hung out with each other in the kitchen drinking wine they wouldn't let ashley and i go out that late as we were only 12 and 13 but ashley wanted to go to a nearby canal where locals were apparently reporting having seen a 10-foot long alligator basically we both wanted to go see if we could find the gator after she convinced me we snuck out through the back door while our parents were still in the kitchen on our way to the canal we stopped at the 7-eleven on the street so we could get some snacks on the way the cashier already told us to be careful out there implying it was late for us to be out the streets were deserted at this hour the area of fort myers in which they live is on the significantly quieter side we walked for like 10 minutes and the closer we got to this canal she kept talking about the swampier the sides of the road started to get ashley froze in front of me and looked straight ahead she pointed ahead and said what's that guy doing i saw right away what she meant at the far end of the street there was a silhouette of this man just standing completely still on the sidewalk if he was walking or perhaps looking down at something in his hands it would have been different but him just standing still doing nothing apparently looking off straight ahead it just sent shivers down both our spines ashley said this was the only way to get to the canal unless we cut through people's yards or gross sewage type water so we continued walking but slower more cautious we were half the distance from the man now when he suddenly turned around i don't mean he turned his head no he literally turned his whole body around at once without even taking a peek to see if we were coming first or anything we stopped he was facing us no doubt there was a bit of a standoff for a few seconds before he lifted his arm and started waving at us it wasn't a normal gentle wave of a hand no he was waving his whole arm it soon transitioned into him making a come here motion with his arm ashley and i looked at each other and started running away down the street back the way we came we got winded pretty quickly and stopped to catch our breath in front of some small yellow house we sat on the grass of the property for a second just gathering our thoughts ashley told me there are a lot of weird people that live down there especially in the area we were just walking now i understood why her parents didn't want her out this late alone we got up after a couple minutes and started walking back to her house when we saw him again that guy was at the end of the street not moving once again he was as still as he was before his seam exaggeratedly stiff arms flatted side posture he was directly under a street light this time so we could see his features he was like 40. his hair seemed to be slightly slicked back his nose seemed to be [ __ ] up like it was bent to the side he was smiling too he wasn't showing teeth though it was a closed mouth smile he once again started waving at us then i still don't know why i actually got up and waved back at him as she did this he stopped waving and his smile disappeared it was only a few seconds later that he erupted into a full-on sprint towards us actually started screaming and running i got up off the ground and ran as fast as i could after her i was in pure shock i think that's why i couldn't get a scream out that and it would take extra breath that i didn't have we ran through people's yards hopped over fences and ran down different streets until we finally made it back to her house the back door was locked now so unfortunately we had to knock on the door exposing us trying to avoid getting in trouble we simply said we ran to 7-eleven to get snacks while ashley's parents were more upset than mine they let us off with just a slap on the wrist telling us not to go out again at that hour that man's face lit up under that street light still terrifies me to this day 10 years later my two friends and i were having a sleepover on one of the last summer nights before the new school year started we didn't want to end it on a dull note so we decided later that night that we would sneak out and walk about a mile to our local high school we live in a small town in the middle of bum [ __ ] massachusetts so everything is close around 12 a.m both my friends and i left the house and started making our way to the high school the way there was uneventful just us walking down the road laughing sometimes yelling just being typical dumb teenagers like always we walked in the middle of the road because it was late and there was hardly any traffic in general it took about 20 minutes to make it to the high school where all we did was lay on the turf field look up at the stars and talk about the summer as well as other stupid [ __ ] that made us laugh we actually had such a good time that we laid there for almost an hour so when we decided to walk back it was close to one o'clock as we made our way down the road back home we approached a t intersection that's where we saw a car we noticed the car was just sitting there at the stop sign which was on our side of the road we could only see the headlights because the rest of the car was blocked by a row of trees no cars were coming either of course it was one o'clock in the morning but the car didn't move it just sat there my friends and i continued to approach the intersection suddenly the car slowly moved further out of the intersection turned in our direction and began driving past us we made out the car to be an old white mustang as it passed my friend yelled something stupid about the car being a v6 making fun of it it was funny for about 0.8 seconds until the vehicle slammed on the brakes i felt my heart go into my throat as the car peeled into a fast u-turn i yelled to my friend's run and we all ran down the street we ran onto the joining road where we first saw the car coming out of as soon as i made it near the row of trees i jumped into the woods so did my friends a few yards down the road we had about three seconds to spare before the car turned down the road he started slow rolling down the street like he was looking for us and when he didn't see us he stopped outstepped two large men one holding a massive rod i muttered [ __ ] under my breath as i hid in the leaves they began walking towards the tree line i quietly covered my mouth to conceal my breathing my heart was beating so fast and hard i felt like they would hear it too the driver who had a big metal rod in his hand yelled threats at us into the woods he continued looking into the woods along with his buddy i could feel their eyes past me over and over again they just stood there watching listening for one of us to make a sound if he walked only a few more yards from the tree line into the woods he would find me his buddy said [ __ ] it let's go as he started walking back to the passenger side of the car there'll be others out he said the driver took one last look into the woods and hopped into his car the car turned around and took off back down the road past the high school leading out of town i stayed in the woods for another couple minutes waiting to see if the car would come back which it didn't i stepped out along with my friends further down the road and we all ran all the way home we made it back and tried to enjoy the rest of our night we tried to laugh about it later but deep down we knew how scary that was we thought it was just another crazy experience until two days later when we found out through some local friends of ours that a white mustang was stolen and involved in a robbery from the next town over the same night we were chased i could only imagine what would have happened if those two men decided to walk further into the woods when i was 16 i had a curfew i wasn't allowed out past 12 on the weekends my friend jose was lucky enough to not have a curfew it was a saturday in 2013. my parents were asleep jose wanted to go explore some abandoned hospital across town so i snuck out of my room very quietly and tiptoed down the stairs i exited through the back door and grabbed my bike from the shed then i left on my way to jose's house from there i met him and we rode across town it took about 10 minutes i followed him the whole way until we ended up at this fenced-off property inside of the perimeter was this tall brick building it didn't look that old it was once an active hospital many years ago the town just never bothered to tear it down we parked our bikes in a big bush out of sight next step was hopping the fence which was easy the third step was finding a way into the building we scanned the perimeter by walking around the building until we found a basement level window that was already broken open jose went in first i shined my flashlight into the window for him so he could see it looked a little scary down there considering how dark it was nevertheless i wasn't gonna [ __ ] out now it was my turn to enter while he held the light once we were in and both had our flashlights on though it was pretty well lit there wasn't much in this basement level we entered into it seemed to be mostly for storage and boiler type rooms we found a stairway upstairs and once we went through this rusty door we were on the main floor in this hallway that still had some of the lights on it sounds weird but having some of the hospital lights still on just made this more eerie like we were a little more worried about running into someone it's not like the whole place was lit up there would be like one light on here and one light on down the hall with lots of pitch black corners and dark gaps in between there was also this loud buzzing whistling sound that we couldn't pinpoint it was kind of creepy we started exploring by taking a look into each little room most of the expensive stuff seemed to be cleared out like the beds and equipment the place was kind of clean for an abandoned building though seemed not many people explored it that were just previous people didn't trash it though there were some holes in the walls and some things thrown on the floors as expected there was one room with the door closed we tried opening it but it was locked extremely weird considering every other door was opened jose had a good point though patient sleeping room doors aren't permitted to have locks on them so that meant something was blocking the door we also heard noises on the other side of the door like very very light thump sounds we went into the adjacent room and there were a bunch of tiny holes in the walls there was one hole in the wall adjacent to the next room over with the block door a hole big enough to look through i quietly got on my knees to look through it my eyes had to adjust to the darkness but after a second i could see a woman in a long white dress leaning on the far wall seemingly looking at the door to the room i was truly about to piss myself after seeing her i whispered to jose to look he didn't believe me but when he looked through the door he gasped we whispered to each other wondering if we should get out jose said yes he stood up and went to the door to the room i got on my knees one more time to look through the hole again as i put my eye up to the hole the entire room was now blocked because the woman had gotten on her knees and was looking through the hole back at me with this huge smile on her face i screamed so loud it definitely echoed throughout the whole building jose didn't even ask why he just ran for it with me back to the way we came in the basement he crawled up through the window first then me the whole time i was trying to squeeze through the window i was scared she was going to come up behind me and pull my legs back in when we were both outside we ran for our bikes and pedaled all the way back to jose's we didn't laugh about it at all it genuinely was nightmare fuel i went straight home after saying bye to him i didn't feel safe being anywhere but inside my house in my bed i don't believe in ghosts so i don't believe that was a ghost i believe there was actually some psychotic woman in there but all i'm saying is if i did believe in ghosts i would 100 believe that's what i saw in that room you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,508,905
Rating: 4.958117 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, true stories, horror stories, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, creepy true stories, true horror stories, narration, horror, scary, disturbing, nightmarish, shocking, police stories, scary true date stories, disturbing date stories, catfish horror stories, ding dong ditch stories, ding dong ditch horror stories, scary house stories, ditch horror stories, sneaking out horror stories, sneak out horror stories, sneaking out scary, sneaking out
Id: rtmtXBKJD1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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