3 True Cemetery Horror Stories to Give you Goosebumps

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[Music] when I was 19 my friend Sean it was a big goofball came over to chill in our basement as he often would during the summer I remember he had a coke bottle in his hand and I was eating Wendy's when he said we should check out that creepy little Cemetery across town it was the most random idea ever and I even told him that still we had no school the next day and I knew exactly which cemetery he was talking about I don't know if one should even call it a regular cemetery it's just the small plot of land with maybe 100 tombstones at most the tombstones very archaic looking and anytime we'd pass there would be no signs of anyone having come to visit within the last decade the site probably dated back centuries and it had this super creepy vibe to it because it was closed off by a gothic metal fence and it was surrounded by woods on two sides the road on one and some old abandoned building on the other everything about it just gave scary vibes it took a little persuading but Sean managed to get me to want to check it out - ironically it was a very cloudy wet --is-- kind of day I guess conveniently adding to the mood Sean pulled up his Honda to the side of the road I told him to pull up more so it wasn't obvious this was a low traffic road so it would look kind of suspicious he pulled up a few hundred feet down the road and we got out and cut through the woods so that any potential passing traffic wouldn't see us entering the little cemetery hopping the fence in the woods was easy it was maybe a three or four foot fence Sean kind of took the lead on this since it was mainly his venture he led us through the eerie little plot of land and we looked at the archaic tombstones they all seem to be from the 19th century the writing on some of them was illegible at that point I know it sounds super dumb and cliche but I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched constantly I started looking around the surrounding woods I told Sean how creepy this was I know he replied still with the feeling of being watched I've looked at the abandoned building next to the cemetery at one of the windows for a brief moment I knew I saw someone standing at the window even through the fog smudge and dirt on the glass but they casually either ducks or walked away from the window I told Sean you were being watched by someone in that building and he turned to look at it as well then went to look for the entrance to it I told him don't I said we should just leave before we get in trouble I stayed still by the tombstone he was looking at while he walked around the building and then he found a way in he called me over but I stayed put then I heard some loud kind of crack so I looked in that direction and there was this older man probably around 55 gray hair had on a black raincoat I believe he was wearing jeans and he had a mustache but that's all I really got of him then he opened his mouth and screamed not just yelled he screamed get out he screamed it so loud I thought I saw a birds fly away from being startled and just like that I started to feel light-headed and suddenly everything went dark the next thing I remember was waking up to being dragged in the woods I freaked out thinking I was being kidnapped but when I turned and got up I saw was just Shawn Shawn was freaking out about something he told me to follow him and run back to the car so I didn't ask questions as we ran through the woods I heard something close behind me and when I turned I realized we were being followed by someone so I ran even faster he got to his Honda and he basically put it in Drive before the car even had a chance to fully start when Shawn was inside that abandoned building he found a sigil of Baphomet painted on the wood floor which is basically the sign of Satan around it were a bunch of freaky dolls with buttons for eyes he didn't get to see anything else in the building because he heard the old man scream at me outside he came running to find me passed out on the floor and he saw the old man slowly walking over to me he started to drag me away from the old man and into the woods he actually literally picked me up and threw me over the fence to get me out I quickly came back to consciousness and that's when we ran I had only fainted one time in my life and it was at that moment I don't know why I fainted but it happening at a graveyard with some kind of satanic ritual building right next to it makes it that much stranger my grandpa passed away a few years ago I was always very close with him this past July on his birthday I paid him a visit at the cemetery the cemetery he and my grandma chose to be buried I was about an hour drive from my apartment my family lived closer so they all went to his grave together I had to go separately it was a rainy depressing day and there's nothing worse than visiting a cemetery on a gloomy day the gate keeper of the gate asked for the plot number I gave it to him and he let me in it's a pretty big cemetery and I'd only been there a couple other times not as the driver though so I had a hard time finding it I didn't see many other people if any at the cemetery that day I'm sure the weather had something to do with it eventually I found his stone and parked my car in the grass to the side I put some flowers down under his stone stood there for a while with my eyes closed and prayed when I finished my prayer I opened my eyes and looked up there was an old man standing about five rows of graves down but directly across from me and he was looking right at me I knew this man though it was my grandfather no it couldn't be I rubbed my eyes and he was gone did I just have a spiritual moment or were my eyes and mind playing tricks on me either way I got the chills and I had goose bumps I was quite honestly freaked out I got back in my car said love you grandpa and drove off I felt like I had a headache on my way home not sure why that was the only car on Prospect Road the quiet road with dense forests on either side commonly there would be deer crossing here as my car zipped down the road I spotted someone on the side of the road coming up which was odd there were no sidewalks or a walking path on this road slowed-down couldn't be it looks like my grandpa again when I realized this my heart dropped a thousand feet and I swerved the car accidentally I desperately tried to regain control and come to a stop luckily my car didn't end up in a tree rather just skidded out in the middle of the road until coming to a halt I immediately looked back to where I saw him and I saw a deer on the side of the road looking at my car my heart was literally racing I was terrified I was not well and I needed to get home made sure no cars were coming and got back in my lane I focused on the road as best I could given what I just seen twice I felt weird the rest of the day not sick but something wasn't right with my head went to bed early after watching an episode of my show I woke up at like 2:00 in the morning to my phone ringing it was an unknown number my heart started racing again and he called this hour couldn't be good news accepted the call and put the phone up to my ear there was static on the other end finally I said hello more static but what I thought I heard next I couldn't believe just briefly for maybe half a second I thought I heard my grandpa's voice over the static I tried to say hello again it was too shook every part of my body was actually shaking and the call cuts a silence and ended I called my phone provider the next day to trace the number they couldn't they didn't have enough data to trace it apparently though I don't know if that was just [ __ ] or not the events that took place that day and night were the scariest I've ever experienced do I think my dad grandpa was trying to contact me I don't know because that sounds ridiculous you'd think if you experienced something like this you'd be so full of emotion and joy but no still terrifies me and I really still don't know what to think or how to feel about it whether it sounds ridiculous or not this happened and I wonder almost every other night was that really my grandpa on the phone [Music] my friends and I were very stupid when we were teenagers I was like 17 or 18 when this happened it was the month of October and I wanted to do something scary in the spirit of Halloween there's a small cemetery about ten minutes from where I live and when I was drunk with a couple friends I said we should sneak into it I'll make up some names for my friends Ryan and Mike we were at Ryan's house he didn't drink ever so when I came up with the idea he was the one to drive us to the cemetery Mikey and I were really the ones leaving this Ryan was just along for the ride but then again he hadn't been drinking Ryan parked in some parking lot across the street it was a ghost town because it was past midnight at that point we made sure no one was around to see us as we hopped the fence into the cemetery it wasn't exactly pitch-black out but it was slightly hard to see more than 10 feet in front of us so we were all using our iPhone flashlights there didn't appear to be any night security in the cemetery so we kind of dispersed from each other Ryan seemed to be following Mike more closely I could still see where they were because of their flashlights I went off a little further on my own and I decided I'd start taking a creepy video so I started recording with the lights still on of course I recorded a bunch of old headstones on the general eerie vibe of the cemetery at night I didn't see Mike and Ryan anymore so I started to go look for them still recording I looked at my phone screen and froze there was a woman dressed in a white gown or a dress I want to say with long gray looking hair she was looking down at the ground I looked up from my phone screen to look at her in person but she was gone I started to back away I looked back in my phone screen and there she was again only now she was looking into the camera or rather looking at me I looked up from the phone again and could not see her once more so I looked back down at the screen again and there I could see her moving closer to me I started to scream for Mike and Ryan as I sprinted away from that spot I couldn't see their lights anywhere they weren't answering my screams I had a feeling they were gonna try to scare me so I ran back for the fence of the cemetery to hop it and get out I made it to Ryan's car and texted the two of them saying they need to get out of the cemetery now they met me at the car minutes later we all sat in the car and I showed them the video I took I had the same horrified looks on their faces I did now that I was actually watching the whole video they could see the moment the woman slowly lifted her head from looking at the ground until looking at me and then she starts to move towards me we could only see her moving for like a second or two before I start screaming in the video and running away but the way she was moving he could see no leg movement it almost seemed as though she were floating to me I have that video saved on my old iphone 4s but the stupid thing won't turn on that gets stuck at the Apple logo I don't want to reset that phone until I can get that video off of it somehow my friends firmly believe the woman in the video was a real living person who also happened to be in the cemetery that night but me having been the one to actually find her and only being able to see her on my phone screen well let's just say I was never a believer in the paranormal until that night you
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 1,687,809
Rating: 4.941483 out of 5
Keywords: cemetery horror stories, haunted cemetery, true scary stories, true stories, horror stories, graveyard horror stories, scary graveyard, scary cemetery, scary graveyard horror stories, true graveyard stories, haunted graveyard, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, creepypasta, creepy stories, creepy true stories, true horror stories, narration
Id: K36hmJ-TTXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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