4 Really Creepy True Home Alone Stories

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[Music] [Music] I live in Sydney Australia this happened when I was 15 at home alone it was about 9 p.m. and I was just coming out of the bathroom when I heard my front gate swing open and my dog began barking across the hall I saw someone run past the porch window and into the backyard I was able to vaguely make out what he looked like he was hunched over had sickly pale skin was wearing all black and had bone messy black hair partially covering his face I went into the living room to see what was going on my dog was still at the front door growling since I hadn't seen the guy return this meant he was still somewhere in my back yard I waited at the door for a while when another more normal looking guy walked onto the porch and came right up to the security bars I don't remember all the details but our conversation went something along the lines of him saying hey have you seen my friend and I replied yeah I think he's in my backyard he replied saying ok because I've been following this random guy all over the place I think he's on drugs and might be dangerous this struck me as weird though what did he mean by this random guy when he had just called him his friend he quickly walked away going off into the darkness towards my yard I should also mention that there's a door around back but that also has security bars in front of it and the door was locked at the time I waited at the front door for a bit then sat back down after about two minutes of waiting the guy I spoke with walks back onto the porch and looked in through the security bars he now had the pale potentially drugged out guy with him who was pacing back and forth in an agitated manner I went to the door to see what he wanted he said hey sorry man I just found him look he's really nervous and he'd like if you unlocked the door and came out here just so he could see that you're harmless I felt the pain in my chest the creepy drugged out guy had stopped pacing now and was standing unnaturally still staring me dead in the eyes there was an uncomfortable silence I didn't say anything but stepped forward to push the French door shut causing the second guy to lunge at me and shove his hand through the bars towards me I jumped back and slammed the door shut with my foot bolting it I called my parents and they called the police the two men had gone when the police arrived they told me about a break-in that had occurred just down the street less than an hour ago as far as I know they never found the two guys looking back it's likely that the first guy ran into the back yard to try to find a way in and the second guy went to help him which is why they were back there for so long what disturbs me is the fact that they didn't want to just break in nor did the fact that I was home to tear them they wanted me to come outside to them or to get in to where I was it was a Thursday night my mom was working a late shift at the hospital my two brothers were away at college so for the time being I had the house to myself I had a couple friends over we watched a baseball game had a few beers and they left through the back door I went upstairs to the kitchen to put the remainder of the beers in the fridge and get ready for bed I went to bed shortly after and after a while of laying down trying to actually fall asleep I heard light footsteps coming up the stairs outside my room my mom was home I heard her coffee she passed my bedroom door and entered the bathroom then she went back downstairs to the kitchen started making a lot of racket with the cabinets and dishes and one nod I was way too lazy to get out of bed to go down there and ask her to keep it down so I just texted her instead to stop making so much noise I put my phone back on my desk and flipped on my side to try to get comfortable then I heard footsteps coming back upstairs quickly my bedroom door opened and my mom stepped into my room the hallway light outside my room wasn't on so I couldn't make eye contact with my mom but when I looked up I saw my mom's figure she stood by the doorway looking kind of slouched over I told her to stop making so much damn noise and a rather annoyed tone when she didn't respond i sat up and said mom a vibration on my desk let me know I got a text and given that it was pretty late I naturally checked my phone to see who it was it was from my mom she said I'm still at work I dropped my phone onto my bed as I looked up at the doorway that person standing at my doorway wasn't my mom even though I was panicking I had to think on my feet I said mom I need to get to sleep get out I said this because I wanted to play dumb that's like I had no suspicion that someone had broken in the person at my doorway didn't move so I picked up my phone texted my mom in a panic saying there's someone in the house I mistook them for her and so called the police right now my mom replied back ok in a matter of seconds something then broke the silence in the room the voice of a woman crackly in ruff she started saying something it sounded to me like she was saying don't know where to go over and over her voice started getting louder I realized she was approaching my bed I screamed get back as I fumbled for the lamp switch next to my bed as the light turned on I was faced with some old woman with white wiry hair with her wrinkled hands reached out at me approaching my bed repeating that phrase don't know where to go I screamed get away from me as it seemed as though she was about to attack me I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room and held my door shut seconds later I felt her trying to push the door open I put all my weight up against it to keep it shut she started screaming I need to get out and started banging on the door held this position for the longest time and she was relentless my mom kept calling my phone but I couldn't pick it up it wasn't until the cops arrived and knocked on the front door that I let go of the bedroom door and ran to them the old woman immediately came rushing after me but as I opened the door and yelled at the cops to stop her they immediately pinned her against the wall she was in cuffs and was put in the police car I told them everything that happened I said based on how she was behaving and what I told them she would need to be identified and evaluated to determine if she was mentally ill and later turned out she was to no surprise I found out later that night after the cops left that after my friends left through the back door I forgot to lock it and that was how she managed to simply walk into my house it's definitely scarred me mentally in the sense that anytime I hear something in my room while sleeping I have to look up and make sure somebody isn't standing on the other side before moving off on my own to California I lived basically in the middle of nowhere on my dad's ranch in Colorado it was a beautiful huge property I just never loved living in a rural setting I found it boring plus as that old cartoon encouraged the Cowardly Dog stated creepy things happen in the middle of nowhere there had been a number of times that people at trespassed on our property which is why my dad owned three different guns there was one time he had to chase two men off the property with his rifle when I'm about to tell you happened a few years back I think it was in the middle of June I was home alone as my parents were on vacation together and my little brother was out with friends or at his girlfriend's house for the night I don't remember it was a hot night for Colorado so I had all the windows open I used to go to sleep pretty later on that time so I think it was around 1:00 in the morning it was still in the living room watching TV when I noticed the motion sensing patio light turned on outside this late would only turn on due to very noticeable movement by a person so immediately I assumed it was my little brother returning home to be safe I got up and looked out the window and didn't see anyone though it's okay on my cell phone and called my brother real quick he didn't pick up so I went to sit back down then it started the knocking at the front door our door had a peephole because obviously anyone come into our house went out of their way to get there so we'd need to know who was there before opening the door when I went to go peek through the peephole I didn't see anyone so I'm immediately thinking ding-dong-ditch possibly some local punky kids possibly my brother I was hoping the second was the case I shut the blinds now because I became paranoid that I was being watched I shot my brother a text saying if I find out it's you I'm not letting you in moments later there was a knock right behind my head sold out I actually jumped off the couch there was a knock at the living room window followed by what I can best describe to be two voices one a deep male voice one a higher-pitched female voice saying we see you simultaneously heart-racing I imagined it to be the most wishful thing I could think of that it was my little brother and his girlfriend messing with me in the moment it made sense or maybe I just wanted it to make sense the banging on the window didn't stop there it kept going but he moved to another window this time the window in the dining room right didn't shut the blinds from the angle I was standing at I could see two figures at the window but no chance could I see anything about their faces I didn't look at them as I ran upstairs to my dad's room to get one of his guns from under his bed he told me exactly where he kept it just in case of an emergency I loaded the rifle and ran downstairs to the dining room window but they weren't standing there anymore with a loaded gun I felt a lot more confident in opening that front door and going outside to confront the situation when I stepped outside I decided I'd do one full quick lap around the house and check on the cattle I was no marksman but I had the protective instincts for the property and I was ready to use the gun if I needed to the whole property seemed clear and the cattle were fine so I went back inside checked every door and went to bed upstairs for half an hour at peace and quiet until I heard a disturbing sound come from downstairs and outside someone was frantically pounding at the front door downstairs accompanied with a man shouting at the top of his lungs not shouting words or anything just screaming I grabbed the rifle next to my bed ran to the living room window pushed it open and fired around outside into the dark night the screaming and pounding stops and I heard two sets of footsteps quickly stopped off the wooden porch and then there was nothing but the sound of the night crickets the rest of the night nothing happened actually nothing ever happened again until I moved out but it was not my brother and his girlfriend I found out the next day my dad was proud of me when he heard I protected the property I'm just grateful my dad has those guns and I only agreed with his owning them even more after that [Music] I was home alone one night in the spring I was on a FaceTime call with my friend at one point pacing back and forth in my room when I passed the window and looked outside at one point I saw someone outside on the street just standing there facing my house facing my window I looked a little more carefully and determined he was looking up right at my window I told my friend Jordan on the FaceTime call and tried to show her she said she couldn't see him but to call my mom and dad so I hung up with Jordan and continued to look out at the man for a few more seconds and I walked away from the window to my bed and called my mom I had woken her up because it was like midnight in short she told me to just turn off my lights and shut the blind and he would go away so that's what I did but after a few minutes of dying in curiosity I had to get up lift the blinds and peep outside the man was now on the sidewalk closer to my house still looking up at my window now I called the police the operator asked me if the man was holding any weapons I said not that I could tell the operator then told me to ignore it and if he didn't leave within ten minutes or if he stepped onto my property to call the police again she also told me that a patrol car would pass by my house just to scare off the man should he still be out there so I hung up the phone and crawled into my bed I called my friend Jordan back and we talked on FaceTime while I was in my bed for about five minutes she told me it was time to go check the window again and so I did and this time the man was gone I stood by the window with the blinds now up waiting for the police car to pass my house it took about five to ten minutes of standing there on FaceTime with Jordan before I saw a police patrol car come down the block stop briefly in front of my house and the little spotlight on the side of the car being moved around my property and a few neighboring properties the cop car drove away soon after and that was that they told me the man was gone not on my property so after finishing my FaceTime call with Jordan we hung up and I went to bed after laying in my bed for a solid 20 minutes I heard a creaking or a cracking like sound coming from outside I got out of bed and looked out the window but no one was there so again I went back to bed a few more minutes went by and there was another cracking sound coming from outside this time louder I looked over to the window from my bed and was in total shock when I saw a figure at my window I have an upstairs bedroom and suddenly the cracking noises made sense he had been climbing up the side of my house I went to the other window and screamed help over and over hoping my neighbors would hear I also got in the phone with 911 again and told them to send another car right away the man at my window attempted to squeeze through the opening in the window but seemingly gave up when he noticed one of my neighbors outside yelling something the next time I looked at the window he was gone and according to my elderly neighbor who came to my aid the man jumped down and ran away down the street cops came once again this time I spoke to them and gave them all the info they needed they said they'd be patrolling the immediate area all night and went on their way I didn't get any sleep that night but I think that man was scared off for good
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 3,960,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, shocking, disturbing, scary boat stories, scary ocean, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepypasta, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, home alone, creepy home alone, scary home alone
Id: Pd45jCChr6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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