3 True Disturbing Postmates/DoorDash Stories

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Who am I kidding? It's always spooky time for me.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MalyCile 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was delivering an order in the inner city. There was no where to park so I parked down the block. Very dark and not well lit. I drop off the order and everything is good. Almost get to my car and I just hear these 2 girls singing a nursery rhyme type of song in an alley. Didnt actually see them but the song echoed through the alley. Mind you it was 1am. It was something straight out of a horror movie. I did not decide to investigate and I got my ass out of there.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/embersforest 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] for a very brief two months I worked as a delivery driver for the Abdur - it was to make some quick money on the side on the weekends I live in a suburb of Nevada so deliveries are usually quick and close someone made a big order to a local burger joint and I accepted the delivery when the food was finished I loaded it into my car and checked the destination on the app it was a house across town in a cul-de-sac I tended to drive quickly over the speed limit to get more deliveries out aka get more money when he drive like me though you're bound to get into some trouble once in a while and this time as I was driving up the block towards the Col de sac I saw the sickening glow of the blue and red lights in my rearview mirror I pulled to the side and got ridden a ticket for more money than I'd possibly even make that night it was a horrible feeling that I'd spend my night doing deliveries only to end up losing money still had to finish this delivery I'll be it a bit late now after the cop got back in his car I drove right down towards the cul-de-sac I got to the house ran towards the front door and knocks really hard since there was apparently no doorbell as I waited for the door to open I looked around this dark coldest sack I say dark because there weren't any streetlights only the small amount of light that was given off by the three total houses sitting on the street it was a pretty unusual dead-end not a nice looking spot by any means the house wasn't exactly the prettiest either the door finally opened and an average-height bald guy opened the door he had a grayish beard with brown stains in the middle his body language and way of behaving was immediately weird screaming drunk or a drug addict to top it off his breath was awful as he said how you doin in his loud obnoxious voice he told me to come in I told him no it's okay as I held out his bag of food waiting for him to grab it so I could leave he said no now come in I got something for you I told him really it's okay I need to be on my way he said something along the lines of not being able to tip me through the app so he'd have to give me some cash money against my better judgment I entered the house with his food still in my hand I heard a car pulling up into the cul-de-sac as I stepped inside as soon as I cleared the door the man slammed it shut and told me to follow him to the kitchen and to put the food on the table for some reason even as uncomfortable as this guy made me I followed him into his disgusting messy smelly kitchen he went into his basement and told me to wait there in the kitchen he shut the door and I heard him stopping down his steps I stood there feeling awkward but also nervous there was a short silence and I stood there looking at my phone texting a couple friends about what I was experiencing currently suddenly there was a huge crash from down in the basement sounded like a big shelf holding a bunch of smaller items toppling over followed by what was a scream for help it seemed as though the man was hurt by whatever had fallen down I ran to the basement door and opened it and to my surprise looked down to see nothing but darkness not a single light was on I call down into the basement you okay I heard the man moaning in apparent pain in the darkness below I asked where the light switch was steady just kept saying help I used the flashlight on my Samsung to start walking down the noisy creaky stairs as I got maybe half way down the man's moaning sound stopped and it was completely silent I stopped as I realized how silent it had grown and asked if he was still okay there was no response suddenly I got a really bad feeling in my gut something wasn't right I heard a small cracking sound from in front of the steps like a pebble being crushed against a concrete floor then there was a loud knocking at the front door upstairs I turned and ran upstairs to open it and it was the cop who had pulled me over about five minutes ago he was holding something familiar two folded pieces of paper paperclip together asking me if it was mine it was and I grabbed it from him but I also told him in obvious distress that I thought something strange was going on but this man who had just delivered food to I told him it sounded like he got injured downstairs but that it also seemed suspicious I showed the cops to the basement door and with his hand on his holster he called down into the basement I told him there wasn't a light switch so he took out his flashlight and started walking down the stairs slowly I waited at the top of the stairs as he progressed to the bottom step then disappeared from my view I didn't wait too long before hearing a commotion downstairs the cops seemed to be yelling in response to being attacked the commotion ended with a gunshot and there were cries of pain genuine cries this time the cop called up to me to come help and get the guy upstairs he asked me to hold the flashlight as he guided the man who has now coughed up the stairs all the while he was screaming in pain and at the cop the cop brought him outside and called for an ambulance on his radio he wanted me to stick around to sign a witness statement I stuck around for about half an hour before I left and went home who would have thought the same cop who wrote me a ticket would potentially save my life 10 minutes later I occasionally do some deliveries for post mates usually late at night after work during the week or on weekends I used my motorcycle as it allows me to get from point A to point B faster I was delivering some Mexican food to a guy named Ron it was a 15-minute drive from the burrito place to Ron's address when I got to the listed address I brought the food up the long driveway and up to the front door I rang the bell and an older woman opened the door I said delivery for Ronnie but the woman looked confused and said there's no Ronnie here I apologized and said I had the wrong house so I went back to my bike and double-checked the app making sure I was at the right house and according to the app I was the house number was 15 just like listed on the app I figured it was time to call this Ron guy to figure out if he had made a mistake with the address I used the call feature on the app but after one ring it went to voicemail so I tried texting instead and within seconds he replied back I told him the address he gave me was wrong and he swiftly said yes sorry about that he explained that he didn't actually live here but that he was chilling with his friend in the Preserve across the street from the house listed on the delivery he requested I come into the nature preserve by the fire and drop it off there he mentioned he was sorry about this and was planning on leaving a generous tip one time before I did have someone request I drop off their food at a park near their house so at that moment it didn't seem like the strangest thing in the world it was just a slight inconvenience but one that he did apparently make up for with the tip The Preserve was gated but there happened to be an opening leading into it right across the street from the house I follow the dirt trail until the light post ended and any further I would be walking into complete darkness I looked around for the light of the fire and as a matter of fact I did see a hint of light coming from the woods I started making my way over into the increasing darkness of the woods leaving the lit up area as I got closer I could confirm it was light from the fire why were they in the middle of the woods though and the question of why they were expecting me to bring it to them out there started to ring in my head I yelled out Ron's name a few times when I was within yelling distance on the fire no answer when I got close enough I noticed something there was no one sitting around that campfire I asked myself was that the right fire but that was a silly question how many fires could there be on a weeknight in The Preserve I walked a little closer to the fire and noticed a tent behind it maybe they were in there so once again I yelled Ron's name as I approached the tent it was zipped up I tapped on the tent and said Ron's name again so I finally unset the tent and note down to look inside I saw someone laying down on their stomach facing away from me so that their shoes were only a few inches from my face they seemed to be asleep this was getting a bit ridiculous so I just marked the order as delivered and turned ready to walk away I didn't even make it a single step before noticing someone standing about 20 feet from me between two big trees he called out are you alone no I said my friend is just over there the guy asked why aren't you alone I said I'd do my deliveries with a partner he asked where's my food I was about to tell him I was in the tent and I felt two hands grabbed both my legs and tried pulling me down I looked down and saw the arms reaching out from the time Ron presumably the guy who I was just talking to started charging at me with only maybe five seconds to act I did manage to escape the grasp of the two hands and run past Ron if that was even his real name I don't think he chased me after I left the vicinity of the fire I found my way back to the bike easily and I drove off without taking a second to look back my contact at post mates customer service about it they told me I should escalate it to the police as there was nothing they could do by the time they even responded with that I didn't even feel up to going through with the police report I just figured I'd let it go I got lucky and I was unharmed still it taught me one thing if your instinct tells you to turn and walk away do it for some reason I never really used any of those food delivery apps until recently after learning how convenient they are one night after a late work shift I didn't have time to make dinner so I ordered some Chinese food off-post meats it was originally estimated to be delivered in half an hour but I waited a lot longer than that around the 45-minute mark is when I started getting impatient I called the post meat driver and he picked up after a few rings I asked him where he was he asked who is this I said Tracy the girl he was delivering food for there was a short silence then he said oh yes I'm on my way so I thanked him and hung up i sat in my living room with the TV on and basically just played around on my phone dying for the post meets driver to just show up already just then my phone started vibrating and knowing that it was likely the post mates driver calling me I felt very relieved that the food was probably here at last I picked up and waited for him to say something I had to say hello like four times before he finally started speaking he said he's outside I didn't really know how to respond to that so I said okay and then describe my house to him and he said something weird he asked me to come outside to get the food I hope in my front door to check if he was there he wasn't I asked him where he was as I stepped out onto the front deck there was another pause I looked around my whole front yard and didn't see anyone I told him I didn't see him he said I see you again I didn't know how to respond but the way he said it was just so creepy the last thing he said before I hung up the phone was you look really pretty at that point I went inside and slammed my door shut and locked it I opened the postmates sap and it said my food was delivered I didn't know what was going on here but I was growing increasingly uncomfortable I shut off all the lights in my house and started looking out each window I started with the living room windows didn't see anyone then I checked the dining room windows nothing next the kitchen still no one so I went down to our den which was by the back door I hadn't raised the curtain that morning because of work so I pulled the string to raise it up only a little bit just enough to peek under to check the backyard this whole time I was looking out windows I don't think I actually expected to see someone but when I looked under the curtain to the den window I saw a man sitting in my back patio he wasn't on his phone he wasn't doing anything he was just sitting there as if he were waiting for me I lowered the curtain back down and then my phone rang it was the guy again that picks up and he immediately said I just saw you at the window all I said to him is I'm calling the cops and hung up I went back to the living room and called the cops the man on the phone said an officer would be over shortly after I hung up my phone kept ringing there was the man I kept rejecting his calls but he wouldn't stop sitting there waiting for the cops was one of the most tense moments of my life eventually there was a knock at the door followed by a man shouting police had jumped off the couch and ran to open the door I was confused to see not a man in a police uniform but some man and some dirty street clothes who gave a disturbing smile as soon as we made eye contact he opened the storm door and tried to get in but I pushed the front door hard enough to get it shut and lock it he didn't bang on the door he didn't scream anything I think he simply ran off after that a few minutes later the actual police showed up and they searched the property with me he found the man's phone left on the table in the backyard the background to the phone was a white guy with a blonde girl presumably his girlfriend I note this because the man who was on my stoop was not white he was Hispanic I did a little detective work with the cops and came to the conclusion that this man was not originally my post mates driver that he had stolen the driver's phone somehow mid delivery the police confiscated the phone and left after taking a report as far as I know that man never returned to my house but this was easily the scariest experience of my life [Music]
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 3,502,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, shocking, disturbing, scary boat stories, scary ocean, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepypasta, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, home alone, creepy true stories, 3 scary stories, postmates horror stories, pizza delivery stories, scary doordash stories, doordash horror, postmates, delivery horror stories
Id: oU7Xe5GVXo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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