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[Music] welcome what's up so far [Music] foreign [Music] this is Spin to Win I like spinning I like winning I'm assuming that if I'm going to spin the win I cannot hear anything then I'm gonna win oh wait a minute no hang on I take back everything I said wait I don't want to spin speakers busted lamps missing the bulb there's a piss stain on the floor oh no there's more piss in the photo oh is that what it looks like outside what are those huge monsters maybe it's a painting why it's got to be a photo I guess I spin [Music] okay speakers busted well I don't know about that don't know it's broken why is everything gotta be broken why has everything gotta be broken so I spin and I win a prize is that what I get what do I get what do I get oh I can't wait [Music] Sentinels what oh cup noodle instant noodles I'm so hungry I'll wait a few more spins to see if I can get some hot water that's a good idea I think I'm not sure why but it seems like it might be a good idea [Music] wow [Music] roads Road Rose looks like everything's oh a nice decoration until we both die that's a little pessimistic it could be great it could be wonderful it could be fantastic it's probably gonna be [Music] what stick stick I got a stick friend for the flower oh hell yeah I love stick I love stick I would not notice if there was like a shadow person in the corner when I turned around here sometime there better not be a shadow person in the corner around here sometime [Music] sand oh oh it was a bit creepy when it came down fun to play with more fun to eat I tried eating some but it doesn't taste oh no they know me oh no they know me oh no [Music] all right what have you got cat toy oh oh something to pass the time well I mean oh it's fun for me too where'd it go there it is meow meow uh well not that fun for me I didn't mean to be so literal because game seems to have a have a read on me and I don't like that [Music] what months but but but butts bugs thank God they're dead where did I put them did I just where did I put them in this word up oh good creepy but not so crawly all right well that's something man I'm getting real presentable Liberty Vibes out of this I don't feel so good everybody one box oh I'm getting carved oh that's a great box it's not small enough but it's still a pretty decent box there that's all right I'm over hmm [Music] music Music Academy foreign I mean of all the things it's really not that bad really getting a lot of presentable Liberty Vibes feeling like my Freedom's not actually my own and I my agency of self is being dissolved sleeping bag oh no more back pain this is great I'm not tired of oil already fine but anyway this is uh doing pretty good you know I'm surprised [Music] companion companion come in companion companion what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean a companion what do you mean what do you mean a companion what do you mean is it in the room with me right now is there a companion in here is that what you said you said companion right oh wait a minute oh wait a minute [Music] foreign poor guy must have gotten caught on something I'll keep it in case I need a hand with it oh take a seat oh good yup I'll get Blood Stained if I sit on this oh great great great [Music] chalk chalk oh oh no it's a scribble insane writing on the wall how insane how insane we talking oh that's not nearly insane enough I can do way better than that I can do way better than that hmm very long song Hood the hood of songs chocolate I thought it was like a hood I put over my head and it plays songs life is like a boxing yeah okay life is okay well not for that guy not for the bugs great [Music] what statue statue I shouldn't stand under that oh oh oh oh something worth winning I did it I did it I did it I don't like it I hate it Hi how are you don't talk to it oh I don't like that I don't like that you stay there ax interesting self-defense I guess what an easy way out below the one with the wheel will probably kill me anyway yeah probably God I don't like you I don't trust you I don't trust you at all I'm losing my mind I'm losing my mind in this game I'm losing my mind I'm losing my mind losing a bit of my mind for the ax oh whoa who's the shadowy nothingness I took it it's mine foreign hey hey hey hey now don't do any of that blindfold blindfold light light bulb could have fixed the lamp with that well better than a blindfold to be honest I could just close my eyes I guess by up I up I'm up I'm up oh no wait a minute wait well I got it's not hot water but I should put my prize somewhere first oh I'm putting it oh I'm putting it oh I'm putting it up oh I'm putting it oh I'm putting it okay I'm putting it up I'm I'm well just goes to show gambling doesn't pay I think that was the moral of this I think there is a moral of this and I think we all know what the moral is and I've said it out loud whatever I said was what it was so that's what it is thank you vanon welcome to map friend we need to look at Maps which is always the best thing to do great did you know click on a location to go there exploring is fun with map friend I just bet it is I just bet it is to go back to the map you click on me yay oh what a wonderful day can I go anywhere else okay fun this is delightful this is stupendously good wow [Music] something by the way this picture was taken doesn't rub me the right way oh did you know map then map friend finds the best most up-to-date info about your favorite locations Willow Forest I put this relatively unknown Forest on number five Willow force is actually really beautiful in Spring it's not super big but it's worth the Excursion especially the views on West Water Lake are great from here I go with my family every now and then so be sure to let me know if you're going Josh nature review at dot bloggingnuck.com sure that's a real website you need explore orbs to fly to New collocations this help keeps costs down great explore orbs explorbs I got explorers everybody I got explorbs oh I think I can drop that wherever I don't have to ah interesting fascinating West Waterview westwater view is a parking spot that provides camping amenities to visitors of Lake westwater camping amenities are limited but the day fee is very cheap at just three dollars a day thanks did I get any orbs about that no no warbs no no norbs no norbs right okay well this is unsettling I don't remember if Google Maps always had to render the entire Earth as you were exploring it probably doesn't bode well about Google being the over mind controlling all of us but whatever Willow Beach is located on the shores of Lake westwater the closest town is westwater Township as of the 2004 census population was 567 contained 280 housing units the town is most known for the infamous Petersburg airsprip where the no hey you found another explorb thanks you can fly anywhere you want to so am I crazy in that there was not an Explorer here no Explorer [Music] oh I can move [Music] I wasn't able to do that before I don't know if there's a point to this or if I'm going to wander into something horrible but I am exploring uh so I had to have this pointed out to me there's something over here I don't I don't I don't know why [Music] I never thought to go out in the middle of the ocean hi oh no info on this location maybe something's wrong I think it's not where you're looking for some where else wow well at least I have enough explores [Music] can't wait to see where I go next [Music] that's not what I was saying what is DZ anyway oh where are we flying to now did you know no I didn't know I didn't know it all I have no idea I'm gonna see what's over here wow endless desert I'm so thrilled the ghoul it was a pleasure flying with you was was was what do you mean was what do you mean were hello what no no no no no no no the n6 runs between North Africa bordered by the Mediterranean Sea in the north and West Africa bordered by the high cost of Paving you seem to be in an area with not a lot of data are you sure you're looking right I don't know I have we'll come back here explorb I found another Explorer but I can't wait to see what this mystery flesh pit ass thing is what are you [Music] yup ah oh it's nothing turns out it was nothing all along there I was thinking that it was something and I was like oh wait no I'm an idiot it was nothing at all man how could I forget that it was nothing at all anyway according to Western nothing according to nothing according to absolutely no one and don't ask me again and get out of my house ah come back here great can't wait to get another new location I'm having so much fun [Music] oh I gotta do a thing that's oddly specific I did not know that I knew that in my head but I do oh the Crosswinds were steady at 20 knots now it's 30 knots do you you couldn't have known captain what what the heck [Music] oh well ain't this um that's uh that's a something oh okay all right [Music] oh what did I see what did I see I didn't know what I saw what did I saw oh whatever I saw Lexi and will enhance it enhance it looks in whatever that was that was amazing and or horrifying horror film Amazing great moving on welcome to the ball pit at McDonald's great can't wait to go into the ball pit wow boy I am very hungry that blood it might not be blood but I don't think the alternative is any better uh hello all right great hey wow oh God I'm glad I just grabbed that off the counter hey what's up now can I have all your money and a brown cow I'm gonna go into the bullpen now oh God blow up this all right I'm gonna go in the play no I'm not I want to go in the ball pit oh I gotta hit the actual door handle which makes sense if you think about it damn I'll need to find a way to turn the lights on why is this my job also who I don't know what that is and I don't want to know what that is but who did that on the floor maybe I'd go outside nope what about the bathroom I hope it's the bathroom ah it is the bathroom [Music] did someone poop that out did someone swallow that key and then poop it out and then I grabbed it right out of the toilet because that's that's exactly what I want how badly I want the ball fit ah I'm a kid I know how to do this I have the power [Applause] yep I didn't wash my hands I'm gonna pee in the tube I'm in as far as I know I'm gonna eat that I can't get out oh I'm still alive maybe or I'm in hell flashlight this must have been a toy from that Happy Meal I mean oddly enough that's a pretty practical toy I'm not gonna not gonna besmirch that if that's even the right word which I'm getting confirmation that it might not be okay okay uh-huh any more toilets I can fish keys out of to progress I love to progress Yep this is as my memories serve me from whence I was a child we all know this is what the ball pits were like hello yup is it a jumping puzzle it's well it's not really a puzzle it's a it's a jumping uh I failed the puzzle I'm too stupid to do it that's not nearly enough poop on this I don't know if I'm supposed to take it if it's not going to be horrible for my health all right you convinced me but you shut up and never tell anybody about this I love you what did that do for me Isaac all right back there there was a door there's a door for a key and I have a thing for the hole in the key in the the keyhole the hole I'm gonna put my key in this hole I'm smart well that was convenient is that all I needed to do and also what did that do and what am I supposed to do I gotta admit if I went into a ball bed and I had to do this I wouldn't be that upset I really I really wouldn't you know because honestly this is a fun time and better than the the nightmares of sitting up in the top of the ball pit and never knowing how you're going to get out and losing your family and they're never going to find you and you're just gonna die in the ball pit so this is pretty accurate to what that was the experience oh well hmm oh release him and I think I see a watermark on this door but oh well hey him hey come on out it's good [Music] um never mind stay in it don't go away I hate you all right I'm out of here definitely turning my back on that and whatever it is is whatever hey hey whoa hey okay man I don't know how I survived that but I did usually I died of things such as that thing but okay I'm jumping I'm crouching I'm jumping oh my body has been dumped it stinks so bad in here yeah you would know oh yeah you know fishing Key turlitz you shut up you shut up with your stink oh seems weirdly blooped I did it what did I do what did I do what did I do what did I do what did I do I guess it opened the wall all right oh ah another jumping well I got a run a run just Rising Rising I hope it's goop better be goop it's not it might be oh no I fell the game over is it gonna send me all the way back to the beginning oh you're kidding me oh okay I'm going back oh my God it's my fault I guess I don't know what I did wrong but I know I did wrong so that's all the matter it's surprisingly hard to gauge the jumps it's not about the distance it's about timing it before you start to slope off down the front like that see I press the jump but it doesn't jump because you got to jump before so you gotta jump way in advance because else wise you'll start slipping and there's no guarantee that I won't do it again I'm almost back there and I'm definitely not gonna fail definitely not definitely not here I go not failing just gotta jump way ahead of time seems like I gotta jump later well all right then almost beefed it almost did but I didn't but I didn't oh but I didn't but I didn't but I didn't but I didn't but I didn't but I didn't but it didn't I did well shockingly well well time for my freedom well this doesn't look like freedom I'm gonna get do I actually get it now please pretty please oh boy oh boy looks like I must find a key oh last problem all right I'll find a key to open this oh I hope it's in some poop that's the only way I'd ever be able to recognize it uh where am I is there a key here how do I get back whoa ah I hear ah okay so it's not a go in four rooms type is oh it's a key a key what was that what was what what's that what was that what was that I bet I knew it I knew it was for that one I knew it wasn't gonna be for the other one I knew it was gonna be for that one hey a key all right this should open the gate somehow I know that well I'm gonna do it wait uh I don't I didn't actually get to can I eat these I want to eat them I don't know well oh I'm not gonna look behind me I'm definitely not gonna look behind me why would I look behind me look behind me oh there was nothing oh thank goodness behind me [Laughter] I had a sneaking suspicion made by glupo well I gotta say it's not the worst horror game I've ever played and sometimes it made me spookified and it might have made you spookified too so don't deny it if you did don't deny it we know we have ways of knowing [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,836,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U3cKY9fb2HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2023
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