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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi welcome to cargo spooky okay all right attention to all personnel proceed to evacuate an s-class object has escaped from containment move to the nearest sector stay in until an all clear announcement is made by the cargo special operations thank you for your time this some kind of sap deal hello oh hi i'm red you are not red how are you doing i mean i'm not red wait oh i'm an idiot hi hello how are you is this c for me uh you shouldn't have hey you're the new one right don't worry this kind of [ __ ] happens all the time that's something that shouldn't happen all the time probably escapes of high containment object things like scp but this is different because it's cargo that should probably not happen anyways i see it taken all right see you handsome interesting hello you have nothing to say all right this is uh can i shoot nope all right cool hey how are you doing buddy hey good to see you well i was looking at your beautiful face but i guess i'm not gonna do that anymore okay you guys are lovely are you guys coming with me or do i go down there by myself and uh die okay cool thanks hey really appreciate it sending me down on my lonesome this is great oh hello hi sorry to run at you man if someone came down the stairs and ran full sprint straight at me after walking i'd be pissing my pants gear lexie run at me as fast as you can yeah it's pretty scary pretty scary thank you proving my point hey go left there's a there's yellow there oh thank you there's a lot to clean down there oh one of my janitor my janitor with a gun i have a combo gun mop by clean do you mean i need to kill someone or something oh i'm red again no i'm not i'm alone i just realized it why am i alone there was like four people up there and yet i'm sat down here alone hi oh there's people down here did you kill that man did you kill that man did you softly suspicious you have to admit strange he has a class c infection but it wasn't that that killed them do classy infections usually cause all of your blood to explode out of your body cause that's not cool you know i had heard from a friend of mine that there's another company like ours what friend what would your friend know that you wouldn't know in this company some problems you know containment leaks scientists dying he also told me that they had once caught some kind of giant peanut thing crazy sure man okay good stuff hey we got problem down here apparently hey bud have you seen uh something killing people all right all right all right all right all right okay all right rookie do you see that black thing in the bottom there we have to get rid of all of them oh the thing oh okay that's um that's a problem just get close to them and press rmb to aim and they'll be to fire don't touch them because they infect you and that's not covered by insurance oh great [Music] sorry sorry to do that right by your ears buddy how's your eyes they good oh that's birthday oh they're dead they were already dead i didn't kill them maybe you did oh i'm sorry that's not funny this is a very serious job we got we got to take care of this stuff okay who brought a toilet down here who brought a reaper from mass effect down here you bring your is that a plant did you die next to a plant i guess it's nice i don't know i shouldn't question it you're dead and i should have bigger concerns than what you died next to oh this looks promising oh i don't like the hanging ball sacks that's something i don't know i see undulations around the corner man i am really good at my job i am stunning well i sure am glad that i'm the only all right hey okay good job over there how did you know that go down and continue cleaning why why am i alone i'm the new guy you're sending the new guy down there this is new guy training oh yeah this is a job for the new guy this guy's new send him down first well oh fun thanks glad i can't move and shoot [Music] hello hello oh god how did i miss you gross oh no no i'm amazing ignore that miss there please edit that out lick soon make it seem flawless thank you what is happening what is happening wait a minute what's happening oh i don't like whether that is normal oh yeah it's normal oh yeah it's it's normal elixion can you uh actually play that play that audio in reverse speed it up slow down double it and now decode it and translate it in the bottom okay thank you for that everybody knows oh big head hi how are you doing big head how are you doing big ed ah that's all i have to say about you big head i do not like that that was un comfy hi oh hi sorry i got a call hang on shut up stop dying for a second i gotta take this one good room full of dead people none of them soldiers i guess so i got a good shot at oh my god how did you get there oh my god how i thought that was his legs for a second look at his legs had been in that wall that would have been great too all right oh yeah you're fine i mean you're dead but yeah you did you didn't die hor well maybe you died i forget i said anything all units we need back up in sector nine ready to repeat we need backup are you wait are you down below me are there more people down here was i not the first one sent in it really seems like i might have been the first one oh good great hello hi hey oh i can't okay well it's oddly normal down here i mean besides oh oh that's not good whatever that is oh no oh no not yellow oh oh my god yeah i'm not going to stick around for that oh no please not the ballsacks [Music] please oh my god oh my god oh my god oh we're right into it okay we're going now are we oh i don't need to shoot that one oh my god okay hug the uh hug the corners oh come on oh jeez oh geez scuba geez where is he oh god holy gods cat suits oh god all right okay we're going right away we're going now here's when we're going i skipped that one oh wait i can oh ah okay i can't be caught shooting all of them no way that's for losers me i'm an economical with my bullets oh no come on oh god hey how you doing come on come on come on go go go is there any more i can't see i'm blind what no i was blind okay where is it where is i can't see i can't see i can't see i can't see okay i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good well i mean push a button maybe okay you good man you good you're good okay you good you're not good are you oh you are good oh oh i actually made it out that never happens i like that a lot that was very good i enjoyed that a great deal there was a lot going on there it wasn't a very like refined game it didn't look perfect it was very polygonal but for what they were doing it was very good i liked them a lot thank you moving on let's go go study i'm playing go study this is go study the games go study finally back home i received this package today let's see let's see what stay home well i mean good advice oh package right hello how are you doing look at that smile nothing of beauty okay open package i severed head oh no oh god dear students thank you for participating the aim of this case studies develop a rich understanding of the physical and psychological effects of infrasonic frequencies we've prepared an audio playback device and cd with sounds containing the mentioned different sonic frequencies furthermore we have to inform you that earlier studies have shown that this could cause a minor side effect including but not limited to panic attacks feelings of fear motor ataxia anxiety nausea visual disturbance and degraded task performance some participants also reported the odd sensations that they would then attribute to the paranormal encounters this is why we also call these frequencies the ghost frequencies if you are experiencing any of the mentioned effects please remain calm and stop the audio playback immediately you may also end the experiment at any point we have prepared a feedback form in which we will ask you to report your experience good great so if you feel any of these symptoms any at all okay cool disc man put cd in disc band do i have it in my hand there it goes sure close disc man play disc man what a strange sound listen closely i'm trying man crank it oh my god bad time to crank it i should close the window yeah jesus christ look see why did you crank it like that good god okay close the window well that's much better that's a good window i can listen to myself think look at this picture of my hopefully girlfriend hey how you doing keep your teeth clean oh good advice i guess am i supposed to be doing anything is this an attempt to commune what was the objective of this study hello did i say something go by my window did i say something oh oh oh oh oh okay sure yeah i'll play your game you rogue or never mind i was going to go outside apparently i'm not going to do that you know i can turn on more lights than this lexian i hesitate to ask but oh wait hold that there's a note pick up no good thing i didn't ask you to crank it that was going to be loud i'll be with you in a moment the tandy was that it v tandy hey what's up mom dad nobody turned back on oh that didn't even know that turned off i was wondering about the light situation remember i was wondering you guys remember i was i was wondering about that i didn't know this opened i'll go inside i can't close it from within okay i guess that's it then okay that's enough i'm gonna turn this thing off here i go well that's taken care of now and forever i feel so dizzy well that's a little weird i should lie down and rest for a moment hell picture why not no problem with that what is happening what am i looking at what is going on who's you i'm in my closet hello well particularly remember going in there oh oh oh i guess we're fine it doesn't stop i can't even pull out the cable what is happening all right i should have a hammer around here somewhere should i should i have that oh i should get ready to crank it not the best thing to crank but what how it's still playing if i smash the speaker oh god noose on the tree really there you lie oh you don't lie you not lie hi silly [ __ ] you think that that's going to scare me you have no evidence that i was afraid of that idiot lexie and delete all the evidence what are you doing what are you what are you what are you doing to me what is happening to me right now you slapping my ass did you come in here to slap my ass you slapping my ass my ass uh wait what oh no oh no no sarah sarah is she she is i i didn't i thought it was what what have i done that's my girlfriend from that picture one of one of six one of six six take sir yeah i'll take the survey all right here we go wow that's an actual survey holy [ __ ] thank you very participating how long were you exposed hey about ten minutes what physical phases did you experience uh uh spook what psychological ex spook did you experience anything that could be described as a paranormal encounter yes you believe in ghosts no were you alone maybe were you really alone maybe well that was cool but sit one of six all right you know i'm not gonna go find him but you guys can go find him maybe there's a secret ending to find links are in the description you should go check it out but that was good i like that thanks workers moving on [Music] oh you have been selected to participate in an experiment conducted by labs the focus of this experiment is to study human behavior under stressful conditions your objective is to enter a maze locate and press five buttons and return to the room you currently occupy buttons will emit a quiet beeping to alert you when you are in sufficient proximity we advise you to use the glow sticks we have provided to assist you in returning after all buttons are pressed there are a number of non-human entities within the maze whose objective it is to prevent you from completing yours such entities will have three states represented by lights located on their abdomen a passive state is represented by a green color in this state the entities will be barred from any interaction with you a searching state is represented by an orange color in this state the entities will be attempting to discover your location when faced with an entity in this state researchers recommend turning your flashlight to its lowest setting and hiding red lights represent an active state the entities will have no restrictions in this state do not remain in proximity to an entity in this state you will have a remote which will restrict the movement of all entities upon pressing the button labeled with a queue this button will fail to function after three activations if you return from the maze you will be psychometrically analyzed and rewarded with a 500 check you will be forced to sign an nda if this document is breached in any capacity you will be returned to our facilities pull the lever adjacent to the loudspeaker to enter the maze this is all the information we may provide you at this time there's a lot of information to participate it's a lot of information thank you labs i really appreciate your candor in this trying time that i've put myself in for a 500 gift card hey that's a good deal but you probably should have had me sign that nda before you sent me into the death cave uh just saying okay so i go in and i oh with the big door i'm not tall enough to get this all right that didn't work out for me something green orange red green means not going orange means orange you around here red means re okay oh that's much less efficient than just a door oh god okay drop that there sure let's go for it oh okay i don't know how big this place is so i don't exactly know how conservative i need to be with these glow sticks oh i love mazes i love mazes oh my god oh my god it's almost like there's entities in here and they're probably non-human i don't see any light i just hear thunk alongs what is this ventilation to what a wall [ __ ] these i'm i'm putting these glow sticks in the absolute worst places possible what what what what what what what what what what what oh you're helping me oh you're helping me that's strange okay oh why why press f why why f oh what okay ah you know i really should have put these in kind of a trail oh how did i do that i don't know i don't know oh how did i have closings there but it doesn't make any sense wait i'm gonna okay i'm gonna go back to the one i saw down the way where did i see it down the way oh god no why stop it you [ __ ] stop it stop it stop that oh my right oh my god okay i'm back at the beginning oh what the [Music] what did i do it i thought you said there were gonna be five stop buttons that door was not supposed to open turn around and return to the testing area immediately but do not move any further we will collect you in the testing waiting area you are the first candidate to complete this experiment and we need you to return it is imperative that we collect your psychometric data you are entering extremely hazardous zone your odds of survival after entering the zone on year zero you have no idea what's in there dr robinson start the emergency protocol now well you know that's wonderful i love your your [Music] i love your megaphone on wheels that's cool it only begins i think i must have broke something or found the secret something or something or other what because i was spamming the use button and what i think happened is i pressed the same button five times and somehow that worked probably a bug but uh yeah i did it so there's actually another game in this series this experiment is bad enough i guess i can take the time to explain to you a few things as your death is croppable within the next 30 minutes we never built this facility in fact no one did it's always then here we just found it we don't know too much about it ourselves actually we think it might be sentient possibly alien we honestly have no clue only things we know for sure really are the dimensions of this place that's what the experiments are for we want to find out what it is and why it's here but after a couple of our phds hit the dust exploring we decided we need alternate candidates like yourself if it's any consolation surviving this experiment will get you back to your family we'll do the best we can to help you but none of us know much about this one we know from scanning for high density metal there seems to be about five rooms always connecting them only one other test subject is ever stood in the room you're in right now ever done this experimenting if you didn't make it past the first feel free to make yourself comfortable while we open the gate pray to your god better hope he's real good thanks man thank you why do you have controls over everything huh what's going on here you said i was the first to ever succeed in the last one and yet there was one other person here what do you mean what's going on it's on me right why isn't my flashlight adjustable anymore okay strange oh yeah that's normal to be here that's normal oh why would hide i don't how do i hide what do you mean hide what do you mean hide oh what do you mean saw ass [ __ ] i'm hiding oh i can't what the hell i'm gonna hide i'm hiding did i hide good am i hidden i don't know what am i hiding from the wrong spot oh no oh no thank you what the hell wrong with you what's wrong with you what do i do what am i supposed to do can they see me can they hear me do they know what i'm doing i don't think there is oh god oh oh my god uh i'm seemed to be oh how do i go down i can't go i'm stuck down stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck oh stuck can we skip the foreplay can i thank you good i shouldn't have gone upstairs if the thing was just going to be you know upstairs kind of a bit of a problem for me okay there is an uppy but do i need to go uppy because then what i need i don't know if it's what i need oh the geometry of this place sucks i'm gonna wait here just to see if there's something else that'll pop up on the screen maybe it'll help me oh no nothing oh it just yeah it just okay all right you know what oh okay all right okay all right well it's gonna have a tough time following me up st i can't see i couldn't see a thing take three baby take three gonna get it this time if i find the door you i think you said something about a door if i find the door before you even spawn i got this i win don't i sure wish someone would come out of the blue and uh illuminate my path for me in a serene glowing red oh ask and he shall receive oh hello oh so the door only opens after a while oh i see how it is i see well i don't even oh hello oh i may have found it congratulations oh what oh i didn't quite get what you were saying there ah nope okay all right here we go wow none of them worked besides that one choose one door i choose this door here i go good choice they don't know what i say to you okay goodbye right wait i will save you sure you will sure okay all right hmm look figure it out you have five minutes oh good okay oh that's a lot of codes um okay oh okay so yeah which numbers do they all agree on the last number isn't they don't agree on that second to last number they don't agree on that fifth number is not agree it's just guessing isn't it i don't know but it could only be one of these so it's not an infinite possibility okay all right let's try this last one wait a minute there's more numbers here than there is over there what is that about what is happening can i help you what i wasn't looking up there oh you i hate you well looks like i'm gonna die and kaboom i think even a little bit of toxic gas would be probably deadly considering it's toxic what was this clue that you were going to give me that was so great and all that i missed before what was this clue you went plonky plunk plunk some something something i should plunkety no hello i want you to survive the answer is no the answer is no so do these transfer into letters do i have to look up how to read binary is that what i have to do right okay so i'm going to type no in binary which i didn't it because it ties into hexadecimal places which i don't know either okay zero zero one one zero one one one one one one there hey i did it with my big brain we hate cowards proceed okay cool did i do it right i don't even care at this point you gotta look up a binary to hexadecimal table to get a get all back and the answer is no whatever oh hey how's it go i don't know if the the map maker here the maze creators thought that people just knew by binary off the top of their head look there are five generators turn them on okay oop wait i'm tired of seeing you suffer turn on the generators you will see okay this generator a radiator here for some reason can i just press one generator five times i like that in the last one oh hello i'm not gonna get any boops to lead me towards it this time just me wandering around okay okay what the hell i've been wandering around there's one this is going to suck and if there's something in here that's going to kill me resetting is going to suck so much worse how did they go from the previous game having the really nice things clues stuff glow sticks to help me find where i've been this one nah nah you're going raw you go in the r really oh you are rubbish oh my god oh my god oh my god is this a dead oh my god are you kidding me oh my god there's two of them ah dodged dodged son of a [ __ ] are they kidding me are they yoshing me oh in a circle already but i didn't find him oh there's another okay oh god no okay so there's one more somewhere oh hi oh great there's one more oh hello well this sucks no clue i have no clue i'm a dead end and no clue not a clue not a clue where did you where did you guys come from there was a way through here thanks for illuminating the path i guess whoa hate that what is that all about what why stop wait did i see a red light oh my god oh my god did i do it things you couldn't imagine it's been six months you'll finally see i'll show you i'll make you see everything will make sense all you have to do is wait i promise okay oh where here huh did i miss it i blinked i'm sorry okay so i liked it at first however the first game had the help it was bugged obviously i bugged in so i didn't do it right but i was terrified the first one the second time i was just getting frustrated the puzzles were it's not that they were hard but it's just like you don't have the tools to solve them you know i mean you can't figure binary out in five minutes you have to get like a converter or something an outside helper you know but being said it had some good moments that was technically two games there was obviously a lot more diverse things happening in the second one but could do some work on the spook factor good [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,524,401
Rating: 4.9683533 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier, horror games, indie horror, jumpscares, spiders, phobia, a way out game, cargo game, ghost study game, scary, spooky, creepy, creepypasta
Id: dpRP4Pde-Ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 31sec (2251 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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