3+ Hours Of Scary Stories | True Scary Stories For Sleep | Vol. 4

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really quickly before we get into these stories I uploaded this episode two days ago and then months ago I accidentally had put in a story twice in an episode from months and months back completely forgot that I did that and so when I was making this compilation I put that episode in there didn't realize it yesterday went to go trim it out after a couple of people told me about it and I somehow YouTube or me I trimmed the wrong part out trimmed out the last four minutes of the story so after everything said and done I'm I'm over it I'm done I like uh I'm just gonna I just deleted the video and I'm gonna upload it again because at this point it's just I messed up it's on me it's nobody else's fault but my own and I'm just apologizing for it this is the same episode with a different thumbnail from the other day I apologize I swear to God this will never happen again thank you for being patient thank you for understanding and enjoy these four hours of stories for sleep I was born and raised in North Dakota back when I was in high school a group of us would research murders that occurred out in the county we would then go out and find the scenes and film The exploration at night something to do while we got wasted on shitty beer and just teenage [ __ ] eventually we ran out of places to go and got really good at finding abandoned rural farmsteads by driving dirt roads and just looking for signs rut roads deliberate tree Groves an old mailbox posts were common markers we were out looking when we spotted a tree Grove that was out of place and drove through the field and discovered an old but not too old house it had padlocks on the outside doors that were knocked off pretty easily we dispatched of them and entered the kitchen there were six of us all with flashlights and we lit up the kitchen slash dining area fairly easy the table was the initial thing that you noticed and it was strange because of how normal it actually looked it was set for a meal not a bowl was out of place the only thing was we'd been in dozens of these houses and place settings were a first especially unbroken ones as we investigated the area we found the fridge had the disgusting remnants of a full stock and the cupboards were full of Cannon dry Foods this was definitely also a first one guy found mail on the counter from early June 1978 and another found a creepy ass TV Guide in the living room with UFOs on the cover all the family photos were still hanging up Mom Dad brother sister 1970s Glory the furniture was dusty but in good condition closets were full everything was totally normal which was abnormal as we continue to dig around the house we all started to realize this house had not been moved out of it had been straight up abandoned imagine locking the door to your house and just never coming back that's the state this house was in complete unplanned departure we went upstairs and split into three pairs to check out the three rooms ours was the closest and obviously it was the younger boys room I Can't Describe what it looked like too well because almost right away from the hall we heard the most [ __ ] terrifying scream that I've ever had The Misfortune of hearing we're running down the hallway and we're all yelling questions at one another around the same time after a few really long seconds the two screamers caught their breath and said just you have to go in and see walking down the hall and through the doorway I prayed that I wouldn't act like a puppy in front of my friends I shouldn't have been concerned because the others were as scared as I was the room itself opened up and to the left of the door frame and centered on the right side of the room was a queenish-sized bed propped up on the pillows with the blanket drawn to the waist arms on top of the blanket and worst of all the head was turned slightly so it was looking you straight in the eyes when you entered the room it was a life-size porcelain doll snow white skin jet black hair cold dead eyes the dead eyes lit up our flashlights as she was waiting for us if the head hadn't been turned I could excuse it but it was turned ready for you when you walked in ready for 20 years Hasty [ __ ] exits were made down those stairs and back into our car it was during the ride we started to get even more creeped out because we realized that even though the house had been abandoned someone had taken the time to set up that goddamn doll not packing food clothes or family photos setting up the doll was one of the last things done in this house we researched their names but got nothing no tragic car accident no Grizzly Massacre no extended family just a tacky time capsule in the middle of nowhere we found out that the county had been taken possession of the land for non-payment of taxes explaining the locks never track down any more information on what happened to them or why they left that King doll when I was 14 I was asked to babysit my three younger cousins ages eight four and one in an extremely rural mountainous part of Pennsylvania my aunt and uncle had to go to a wedding over an hour away and wouldn't be back home until very late their house was situated on a steep Mountainside their back deck had a 15-foot drop onto a Rocky Hill below leading down into a river their closest neighbors were about a half a mile away the closest main road was a mile away and at night there were no lights to be seen anywhere around them basically it was in the middle of nowhere and you would have to know where you're going to get there you don't just accidentally end up there my aunt and uncle had left us with some pizza and their cell phone number next to their landline this was in the early 2000s I didn't have a cell phone but even if I did I wouldn't get reception there anyway so after leaving the pizza and their number they headed out the baby was already asleep the four-year-old wasn't feeling very well and was quietly watching TV in the living room as he dozed off and the eight-year-old was playing Guitar Hero with me up in the loft The Loft overlooked the living room to the left where I could keep an eye on the four-year-old there was a huge window that overlooked the driveway to the right the description of the driveway is an important detail to the story the road that led to their house ran straight into their forked driveway it was on a dead end Road the house was as far as you could go to the left driveway and there is an open car port and that's where my aunt uncle or anyone who ever visited would park the right driveway LED down a very short but very Steep Hill to a large leveled out area and ended against the garage door that opened up into the basement of the house it was never used as a garage but served as my uncle's man cave and that's where he spent most of his time right beside the garage door a normal door with a window so you could see right in but this driveway was exclusively used by the kids as a play area because it was the only flat part of the yard-like area on the property and being on a Mountainside there isn't really much room to play safely no cars ever drove down there ever there are too many toys and bikes in the way and friends and family knew about this it was 10 p.m pitch black outside no moon to illuminate the area either my cousin and I were still playing Guitar Hero when headlights cut the corner of my eye and not the headlights of my aunt's minivan huge truck headlights with those roof lights you see on Jeeps or other off-road trucks not only that the truck was going down the right driveway the kids play area again this was not my aunt and uncle this was not anyone that they knew panic and Dread filled my body as a small teenage girl alone in an isolated house on a mountain at night with three children in my care and a terrified voice I asked my cousin who is that Jake do you know whose truck that is then he looked panicked no I've never seen that truck before you replied I quickly ushered him downstairs still unsure of what to do but the two little ones were sleeping down there I wanted to make sure that they were safe I checked on the baby then grabbed the phone to call 9-1-1 then I started to hear the metal garage door being shaken violently no one ever opened up that garage door more Panic began to fill me I hear them try the door beside it the metal doorknob jiggling no one was actually knocking it's not like they were checking to see if my uncle was down there or something plus the lights were out it was dark down there and they knew no one was down there it was clear at this point they were definitely breaking in the door leading to the basement steps was right next to the phone so I could hear all this clearly as it's going on I quickly turned the little lock on the doorknob just in case they made it into the basement my heart was practically jumping out of my chest talking to the dispatcher as my eight-year-old cousin clings to my arm the operator is calm and trying to calm me down but I knew it would be at least 30 minutes until a police officer could get all the way up here assuming that they didn't get lost on this Mountainside in the pitch dark just kept thinking we're dead this is how I die the operator asked for the number of my aunt Uncle left me so that she could have another dispatcher call them to let them know the situation I turned around to grab the paper with the number on it to my absolute horror see a man peering in the large sliding glass door a huge Burley what had to have been a six foot four man with a long scraggly red hair and a big red bushy beard made it worse he was grinning at me grinning in a way that still scares me to this day meanwhile I had to have looked like a terrified deer in headlights shaking so hard that I could barely hold the phone there's a second man behind him but I couldn't see him as well I have no idea what he looked like but he was for sure just as equally tall but more lanky than the larger man of the sliding glass door I screamed oh my God they're here and just before the 911 operator could say anything my eight-year-old cousin goes Mr Jim his voice was very confused it wasn't like my cousin was happy or even relieved to see him I asked you know who that is but before my cousin could answer I turned my attention to the man in the door I'm on the phone with the police I shouted grateful he didn't try that door because I do not think it was locked the man just stared at me for a moment eyebrows furled like deciding what he wanted to do next then he just backed away into the darkness seemed like an eternity later I saw the truck lights back out of the driveway and then continued back down the road until they disappeared I was still scared shitless and so was my cousin he'd only met that guy a few times an acquaintance of his dad it wasn't like he was a close family friend or anything and obviously because again he went down the wrong driveway visitors never go down that way the 911 operator asked for a description of him then told me they'd gotten in touch with my aunt and uncle and that they were on their way home she stayed on the phone with me until a police officer showed up a little bit later just to make sure the men were gone and then they stayed with us until my aunt uncle got home they could ask them a few questions my uncle was Furious not at me for calling them home early but if this Mr Gym guy he muttered something like him up my aunt was mad at my uncle and told him to tell Jim to never come back here again I didn't know at the time but my uncle had a really bad drug problem I don't know what Mr Jim or his accomplice were doing what they would have done if I wasn't on the phone with the police but that grain I saw was not a friendly one sinister and again he also had to have known my uncle was not there because that basement was completely dark you would have seen through the windowed basement door he also tried lifting the garage door something not even my uncle did he intended to break into the basement that much is very clear to me there's no other explanation I never did babysit for them again and I don't think I ever went back up there because not long after that I ain't divorced my uncle and moved out so Mr Jim The Greening Burly mountain man who tried to break into the house where I was it's not meet again and there was a small old digital clock between the wall and the cot I fell asleep in my usual manner facing the wall back to the room at 2 48 and I'll never forget the clock since it was the only thing that I could focus on I woke up very suddenly I was immediately Frozen in bed my heart was racing my throat went tight and I couldn't swallow this was Primal Fear at its best I couldn't roll over to check but I swear even now that something was standing over me everything in my instinct told me not to turn around it felt like my life was depending on me staying right where I was during this time of intense fear I kept seeing images in my mind flashes of Gore and horrible things you could also hear a laughing in my ears but not the voice of just one person laughing sounded like I was in a room with thousands of voices laughing I remember for the first time having suicide run across my mind during this overwhelming beer driven time I should note here that I'm not and I've never been suicidal when that feeling went away the last thing I remember hearing in my mind was not this one I looked at the clock again and only nine minutes had passed the longest [ __ ] nine minutes of my life a few hours later when I got up I decided I was going to get the hell out of there as quickly as I possibly could skip the shower and breakfast and sat in the van waiting for the rest of my team so I was waiting Drew's brother came out and spoke with me and in one sentence he said I'm sorry I couldn't help you this morning as he said it he had tears in his eyes he honestly looked like he was going to be sick to me the look of hopelessness in his eyes still haunts me to this day two weeks later we got word that Drew's brother had killed himself just before 3am ever since the incident I still occasionally will have dreams about that laughing part of me wonders if I would have just tried talking to his brother maybe things would have been different I never spoke about this to anyone but my husband brings back a chill to my spine just writing this down in an overwhelming sense of guilt I don't know what to make of it or what the hell really happened inside that house and part of me never wants to know either this story is from a childhood friend who told me this and it still unnerves me to this day she was genuinely freaked out and her family even backed up her claims so here it goes my friend and her family moved into this rental property my friend claimed that it was haunted everyone agreed that there was an off feeling and those who visited or stayed over there would mention it as well I myself experienced this odd feeling of foreboding whenever I went over there and believed the consensus that the house was indeed haunted it honestly felt oppressive inside there and you would feel this pitiful dread that is hard to compute into words it was extremely uncomfortable to experience just to say the least anyway this particular event and that is the basis of this post was enough for my friend's family to pack up and stay with relatives until they moved out permanently on this fateful afternoon my friend had arrived back home from the park and heard an argument taking place in the kitchen between her mom and dad my friend thought this was odd as both of her parents should be at work so she called out um before unlocking the front door and going inside my friend said the house fell instantly silent an uncanny silence like all the air had been sucked out of the place it felt stifling felt wrong then her mom said hey um we're just in here my friend was just outside closed the kitchen door at this point it froze Beyond opening it was her mother's voice but there was something off like the Cadence was missing that made it actually her mother's it sounded flat and unnatural friend decided to bolt back out the front door and wait until her brother came home said as she turned back she saw her mother peering at her from the lounge room window but it wasn't her mother the face was the same everything was the same but her face was devoid of anything that actually made it her mother there was no recognition on her mother's face there was no indication that she was looking directly at her daughter there's no emotion in the expression nothing the eyes looked unsteering and utterly blank my friend screamed and ran down the street to her mother's work he confirmed that she was there this entire time and had never been at home initially my friend's mother reasoned that someone must have broke in but at a later investigation it proved nothing had been stolen the back door was locked as with the front door when my friend came home no one could rationalize who my friends saw in the window and why it looks so much like her mother so that was the deciding factor to nope the [ __ ] out of there and find somewhere else to live the landlord of the house denied anything like this had happened while they lived there but did admit the tenants didn't stay long saying there was something wrong in the house my friend also told me that she was the only one who actually saw anything definitively Sinister inside that house but her family said they definitely felt an evil presence there which ultimately manifested into the doppelganger experience that my friend had had utterly terrifying it was the dark of night in January I was the Lone State Trooper stationed in a little town in the Texas Panhandle closest major city was 90 miles away the phone rings at 3am and I sit bold upright and grab my phone yeah i bark into the receiver I've been working Rex for the past 15 hours on snowpack the wind had laid down a little since day shift it was blowing just enough to hear ice was falling on top of the snow I could hear the Ting Ting of ice bouncing off Windows and the moon of the cold North Wind the dispatcher sweet voice kindly said Dan I'm sorry to wake you I Grumble a sorry for being gripy you've got a wreck west of Lakeview in the 658 intersection two chimes then she finishes all the other units are working on multiple crashes on us-287 and I-40 she knows I was thinking why can't you call a night unit I tell her thanks and it's okay I understand then we both hang up I crawl out of my warm bed and hear my wife roll up into the blankets and Mumble a sleepy be safe and I give her back my standard always babe I put all my uniform and add some extra layers just for the cold when I got off at Sunset the chill factor was 25 degrees whoever said it's always hot in Texas obviously you've never been to the Panhandle I threw on my heavy parka and pulled on my Yukon hat over my head and headed outside and I was thinking to myself the troops in South Texas don't even get issued these hats it should have been a clue when I got stationed up here I walked out of the front door and could see this shiny glaze of ice over the snowpack little pieces of ice bounced off my hat and my shoulders as I walked towards my 1987 Ford Mustang if you're not familiar with this car it's awesome on dry pavement it's fast and light so that pretty much means it's gonna suck on snow and ice I look at my pony and it resembles an igloo after breaking off the ice off the door handle and Keyhole I bang on the door to get it open it cracks and Pops as I pull it open I turn the key and the 50 SSP police engine Roars to life usually I get a warm fuzzy feeling when I hear that rumbling sound but I know she's going to handle like a seal on ice so I'm not warm and fuzzy about it I checked 10-8 with this batch and asked for the temperature this is an 80s models car and it doesn't give a heads up display with a ridiculous amount of information on it like the temperature 12 degrees a familiar voice cracks over the Motorola radio good grief I mumbled to myself it should have been a Florida trooper grab my heavy duty ice scraper and got to work on the windshield 15 minutes later I'm ready to go as I back out of my drive I tap the brakes lightly she still slides sideways into the neighbor's yard man it's slick I think but the pony in second and let out on the clutch slowly she eases out onto the ice cap and idles slowly down the road 25 minutes to get to the next little town that's 12 miles away as I idle through the town I see a man at the telephone booth flagging me down there's a lone Street Lamp above the booth and it's directly above the stranger he's wearing a long black overcoat and a fedora is perched on his head his head is bent down slightly so there's a shadow over his face can barely see his nose this guy is around six foot eight he says in a deep shaky voice I'm sure glad to see you now this guy is creepy I mean Gates of Hell creepy as an armed Texas state trooper I don't get shaken much there ain't much that I'm afraid of but this dude is a creepy creep slides his huge frame into the passenger seat his knees are way up by his head us things aren't made for NBA players the ice is popping and cracking there's also almost a full moon so the ice and snow have this Eerie glow every once in a while a piece of ice will break loose on a tree a falling chandelier of ice will Cascade off the tree and crash into the ground I think to myself this is ridiculous it's not creepy just letting my imagination get stupid I crank up the heat for the guy and ask him if he was in the wreck he says yes like Lurch from the Butler from Adams Family yes I verified the crash location and ease out onto the road it takes us about eight minutes to get to the scene which was three miles out of town as I arrive on the intersection see a Chevy Suburban lying upside down in the field next to the road bet that was a rough ride I say to lurch says lurch and check out the scene with dispatch I exit the car to start scooting towards the Suburban there's a downhill slope to the wreck so I squat low to get to my center of gravity and as low as I can I slide off the edge and use my hand as a rudder the bottom I slid almost all the way to the Chevy standing up I scoot forward as I get to the side of that Chevy I turn on my stream light and write the tag number down for a minute I think surely he was alone or at least he would have said something to me Moonlight was glinting off the glass as I rounded to the back side the wind had completely laid down it was now eerily quiet except for the ice cracking and popping I turned my stream light towards the big window that stretched across the back of the Suburban a light illuminates a 90 year old dead woman pressed up against the glass wrapped in a white sheet I dropped my light stumbled backwards almost fallen a cold electric shock shot up my spine might have yelled out also but I can't quite remember my adrenaline is pumping me full of energy now I reach for my sidearm as I look back towards the Mustang I can see the tall Fedora wearing giant sitting there and my mind is racing what the hell is going on I'm thinking to myself just kill this woman did she die in the crash and he just forgot to tell me I unstrapped my 357 Magnum my side and ease up a couple of inches as I stare into the dark form of the car I decided to take one more look before I put the guy on the ground and arrest him retrieving my Streamlight I light up the window again the old woman is strapped to a gurney and bent down and looked up at the floor there they were little Chrome steel latches I walk up the hill to my car I open up the door and asked Mr Creepy what he was doing when he wrecked he informs me that he's a mortician he was transporting a body then I asked him if he doesn't think I could have used that information earlier he gets a shock look on his face and apologize this takes place last night about a quarter after midnight I was in bed when I heard of frantic knocking I walked out of my bedroom while the knocking continued I heard a woman saying please help me along with crying but it was very faint I looked out my peephole to see no one there no other doors were being knocked on just mine which by itself is odd especially since I'm also on the third floor why would someone walk all the way up to my apartment if they were in distress if they really needed help they would be banging on everyone's door I called the police immediately and the dispatcher told me not to open up the door I've heard of this tactic before while slightly different with it being recording of a baby crying instead of a woman it's just crazy when I think about it especially the statistics of stranger abductions usually resulting in Murder also it's just sick to try and prey on people's empathy the police drove by and I saw them using their Spotlight to look through the complex but as of now I have no idea if they found anyone or if by chance someone was hurt if they actually found her I barely slept with all the possibilities of how this person found me where they saw me when they followed me or if they lived in this complex themselves four foot ten I live alone and I don't know many people in my area I have no family close either have they been watching me and know all this it's making me go crazy just thinking about it stay vigilant out there and don't fall for these tactics and let people prey on your empathy I know not everything you read on the Internet is false and know that not everything you read on the Internet is actually false I heard about people doing this a year ago and I wonder if I hadn't been aware of this would I have opened up my door where would I be now would I even be alive this world is so former EMT firefighter here one night got a call to do a wellness check on someone who dialed 9-1-1 but didn't respond to the operator you pull up to the address and the house looks perfectly clean a little old lady greets us at the door we asked her if she was the one who placed the call but she told us she lived alone and it wasn't her been her alone since her husband died we barely got back to the station before another call comes in same address as before so we drive back out and talk to the lady once again then leave once more just as we get back to the station same call same address no response we drive out there again thinking the old lady must have been confused but this time we'll be pulled into the driveway she wasn't at the door to greet us there was no reply at the door but it was unlocked you take a peek inside to find the old lady was on the floor and wasn't breathing rushed into help and got her to the hospital and got her back to stable condition she woke up in the ambulance she claimed that she still didn't call us we arrived almost immediately after she'd Fallen before she was admitted to the hospital she asked me and another EMT if we could bring her knitting needles and a bag of clothes with her to the hospital I offered to pick up her stuff because I had a friend who lived in that area and we were going to hang out anyway so later on I pick up my friend and drive back to the lady's house I ran inside and grabbed the bag of knitting stuff well my buddy sat in the car but as I was leaving I swear I felt a hand on my back and Heard a Voice say thank you when I get back into my car my friend asked me hey why couldn't that lady's husband just bring her stuff to the hospital I explained that she told me that her husband was dead and after I said that my friend said but I just saw an old guy in the window smiled and waved at me at first I refused to believe anything Supernatural so I called the police and asked them to do a sweep at the house in the moment I was thinking it was a squatter nothing was out of the ordinary and no one was inside I later brought my friend to visit the lady he described the old man he saw on the window the lady almost immediately started tearing up and said that's my Herald when I was 16 or 17 I was coming home to Brooklyn from a movie in Manhattan with my friends I was the only one who lived in Brooklyn so I walked home alone from the Train I was used to being out late by myself I had a midnight curfew but I frequently broke it because I thought nothing bad would ever happen to me despite an uptick of an assaults in our neighborhood at the time this night however I was actually slated to get home on time for once it was the summer after I graduated high school I was feeling amazing I had a little to drink and a little to smoke felt like I was on top of the world so hot out that night and I remember that I was wearing this long sheer Cape thing with a very tight and very revealing dress underneath however because of my fun little outfit I was feeling myself and being stupid taking selfies while I walked down the streets listening to music with both headphones in not paying attention to my surroundings I think I even sang as I walked I got to my building after finishing my 10 minute walk from the train walked up the steps to my apartment we lived in a brown stone with apartments in it ours was on the third floor and we had a gate at the bottom the steps separating us from the sidewalk I pulled out my headphones and began to Fumble with my keys at the top of the steps just as I found the right key still humming to myself and thinking about how great my night was I heard the latch on the gate Clank as if it were being opened turned around and I saw this random man standing at the gate staring up at me he was young probably in his early 20s wearing a gray hoodie with the hood up covering part of his face but I could see his eyes and immediately I knew something was off because I blank yet nervous his expression was one hand was on the handle the gate as if you were about to open it completely stopped once I turned around somehow my fight or flight Instinct didn't kick in yet probably the alcohol and I cautiously called down can I help you you didn't respond I looked him over more closely and realized that then his other hand the one not on the gate was moving fast low near his waist I registered then that he was touching himself I gasped and within milliseconds he was sprinting up the stairs behind me reaching out his hand to grab me my brain finally clicked into place and I started screaming at the top of my lung says that jam my key into the door and slammed it behind me I ran up the stairs to my apartment screaming for my dad not even stopping to make sure the door was locked thinking that if you followed me upstairs he'd soon be met by my very tall father and our very loud dogs who slept in the bedroom right next to our apartment door as I looked over my shoulder while tearing my way upstairs I saw his face pressed up against the glass window still watching me but now his eyes were Furious ran into our apartment still screaming to my parents to call the police dad went downstairs and looked around but he was long gone the police came anyways after my mom called came upstairs to take my statement so they could make their report the two cops who showed up asked me to describe him I did and they said they cruise around looking for him regardless if he was found or not the detective would call me soon to make a more detailed report they never called me there were many more assaults to continue to take place in my neighborhood for the rest of that summer I shot her every single time I think about what would have happened that night if I hadn't taken out my headphones before I began unlocking my door I don't know how long he was following me for as far as I know he was never caught and from that point on those last few weeks before I left for college I would call my dad and make him meet me at the train station so he could walk me home safely now as an adult I'm far more cautious than I was as a teenager I'm always extra aware of my surroundings especially at night I don't look at my phone while I walk home I will never get that image of his Blank Stare as he lunged towards me out of my head I'll never forget the feeling in the pit of my stomach as I realized that he'd followed me home watching me touching himself and was now waiting to strike it was like being a deer realizing it's being stalked by a tiger because the tiger accidentally stepped on a twig and gave itself away right before it could pounce on its prey I had a call to a residence for a mental evaluation or a 5150 anyway I get there and speak to a 50-something-year-old woman who states her 20-something-year-old son is under the influence of an unknown drug and kept repeating that he can't go back into his bedroom because there's an old man hanging in his room she stated she was too scared to go into his room and investigate it for herself because he constantly brings over friends that are drug addicts and is unsure if his claims were true or not I then go speak to the son who is clearly under the influence of a stimulant goes on to tell me that he was told by a spirit not to enter his bedroom because her father was dressed in his class a military uniform was hanging inside his bedroom I checked the room out for myself and of course nobody was hanging in the room as I'm in the middle of explaining to the mother that there was nothing in the bedroom a veteran officer arrives on the scene to assist me he pulls me over to the side and states that earlier in his career he had responded to this residence before in that same bedroom he had to investigate a suicide by hanging up an older male subject he didn't remember all the details so he couldn't remember all the details so I looked it up for myself in our report management system in my patrol car sure enough the officer was right the subject who died was a World War II veteran he was dressed in his military uniform and hung himself in my mind I always thought that when they purchased the home this incident would be disclosed to them however I thought the mother would have mentioned it to me if it had been disclosed to her she was genuinely concerned about her son and those allegations okay so this happened to me when I was an 18 or 19 year old female in college in a small town in the south that terrible college experience in general but this just added to the [ __ ] show that was my first year to set the scene for you I lived in a sweet building that had a parking garage attached to it there were probably four or five levels to that garage top level this parking garage was on the ground level and the Suite building was maybe a five minute walk down a sidewalk to the entrance of those Suites there's a little room with windows that house the elevator close to that sidewalk my boyfriend at the time lived off campus I hated being on campus so much that I spent most of my time at his house in a neighboring town I had an 8 AM class so I would usually go back to my suite at some point usually late night early morning one night and this night in particular I got back around 2 am the parking garage was pretty full this night I had to park at the furthest in from the building closer to the ramp that went to the lower level terrified of being inside parking garages so I usually parked on top it was really dark and I usually would call my sister or my boyfriend if I was ever scared but on this night it was normal and I didn't feel the need to bother anyone so late I was almost to that sidewalk I told you about I noticed someone in the little room where the elevator was they had been behind a wall I saw them emerge he had not come out of the elevator as I would have seen the doors open Through the Windows didn't really get a great look at him but I could tell that it was a middle-aged man I found it odd that he was on campus so late as all the people living in this building were young and mainly freshmen tried my best to just ignore him and continue on my way but as I reached that sidewalk he came out and started walking behind me I tried to be rational Not freak out but the further I walked the more I realized he was getting closer and closer to me there's one of those posts nearby that you can hit to notify campus police but something inside of me told me that I had to not let him know that I knew he was there that he was scaring me just a few seconds time I had to make a split quick decision I just started sprinting down that sidewalk and I immediately heard him pick up his speed and start running as well he was chasing me there were three entrances to that building and I usually use the furthest one because my room was on the far end of that building as soon as I got to the first entrance quickly swipe my card and entered slamming that door shut behind me he was right there on the other side of the door made eye contact for just a second or two then ran the other way and out of my view I was so [ __ ] scared and to this day I wonder what his intentions were it's really probably for the best that I didn't find out the next morning I woke up to an email about a strange man that had been spotted on campus still to this day it gives me the creeps to even think about that night so before I go into the story I'll just explain that in the lead up to this particular incident I had a number of strange attempted break-ins and occurrences so much so that I had to install cameras with motion sensors on every entrance and exit in my apartment just so I could make sure that no one was there when I got in at night one of the very first instances was encountering a man standing in my room when I walked in in broad daylight and stuff go missing the week before and my roommate said he had the sense he was being watched in there that week so now to the story I'm on my way home from a night out and start going through my phone I see you have a message on Tinder and go to check it out the girl looks attractive and I think she's got to be a catfish because she sounds so eager to meet me and I know that when something sounds too good to be true it always is I get home and she sends me your address I check it and she's literally a five minute walk from me I'm drunk and it sounds appealing even just the attention but again I don't believe her so I say video call me she surprisingly agrees I see the call coming in and I'm not really sure what to expect but again surprisingly it is that person seems nice she says she's high and wants to smoke and have some company so I agree now I'm excited like maybe I'll actually really hit it off with her and she only lives a stone throw away so I have a shower grab some liquor and head over I'm on the way I'm walking as I'm nearing her place I look across the street through this Archway that leads into the courtyard for this apartment block at the end of that arched Corridor I see a man glance out at me then pretend to look at his phone I walk past and I really don't know why but I'm sure it has to do with the paranoia that I've been experiencing but I stop and decide to walk back as I come to that Arch again I see the guy's head peek out around the corner making eye contact he juts back rapidly when I'm in full view of that Arch tunnel again the man is seemingly immersed in his phone once more he starts walking around the corner and then down the street I stand there just to see if you'll look back at me and he doesn't then I hear a girl's voice behind me it's the girl from Tinder she's like hey come on in it feels like I'm on an episode of To Catch a Predator but she's clearly in her early 30s so I start to relax again but only briefly we walk up a flight of steps to get to her apartment but then she starts veering down a flight of steps and tells me she has a basement apartment I continue to follow her I'm calm until I get into the living room and I really don't know how to describe it but there was just something making me feel very nervous it was just so bare it was just a sofa a kitchen table just the complete opposite of what I imagined I've dated girls and this just wasn't a girl's apartment I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone so now she's like just come in my room I get this overwhelming sense of fear alarm Bells Are Ringing red flags shooting up something telling me this is a trap do not do it then I try to tell myself okay dude you're just being paranoid just relax so I follow her to a room it's a tiny box room there's a bed and an empty bedside drawer now the thing that weirds me out the most is there's another tour which I can only assume leads to a bathroom that door is closed there's obviously a pool of water coming from underneath the door like something that overflowed but stopped I'm about to ask her about it but then her handcuffs and squeezes my crotch area taken aback at how forward she starts to become she kisses me while guiding my hands down the front of her sweats inside of her underwear and Whispers for me to take my clothes off I start to open up my shirt and before I can she's already naked she sits on the bed and starts opening and getting my pants down straight into giving me oral sex sorry about all the details but I'm just trying to explain to you one her over eagerness to get me naked and two the overwhelming feeling that she was trying to distract me or put me in some kind of vulnerable position starts to lie back and pull me on top of her and making over-the-top moaning noises then I can distinctly hear something outside the door in the living room the sound of like clothes rubbing against clothes when you're moving in a really quiet place and I hear footsteps not a lot but just like someone is sneaking around as we're kissing she tells me my watch is catching her skin and asked if I could take it off I find this strange it gives me a chance to gather myself I stood up to take it off I asked her why there's water leaking out of the bathroom and I don't know if she genuinely misheard me or was just completely sidestepping my question but she just answers yes I've got water here grabs a bottle of water from the side of the bed I don't re-ask that question open up the bottle and take a sip I then hear that close on closed light footsteps movement again feel like there's someone right outside the door and my heart starts to skip a beat I can also feel my lips start to burn inexplicably I think she can feel my uneasiness and starts to kiss the back of my neck Whispering for me to [ __ ] now I can't tell you how much I wanted this to be real and obvious setup to believe that this girl actually wanted me but even if she really did like me she was way too eager say aloud what what time is it grab my phone a look at the messages where she told me her address and I memorize it open it up and go to WhatsApp and pretend to send an audio message hey guys I'm at one two three Street basement apartment I can see the wide-eyed surprise look on her face I need one of you to come pick me up right now I can't explain to you what's going on right now but if you can't come send someone to that apartment if I'm not outside then I'm in trouble and call the police she pauses had a loss for words and then asks why I'm so paranoid I ask her who's outside and she doesn't even deny that anyone is out there just a friend no other explanation I start to get dressed and feel relieved but I also think that I'm overthinking this I tell her goodbye and she says see you later it starts texting on her phone I open up that door the room outside is way darker than it was when we went through it first but I can make up a silhouette of mostly everything I don't see any other room though and wonder where the [ __ ] a friend is or why there's someone in that room just chilling in the complete darkness I have the Jitters walking all the way through it's only a short trip but I'm envisioning someone jumping out from nowhere bludgeoning me with something get up to the stairs and go up a rush to the door and can't even figure out how to reopen it it feels someone is coming up behind me up those stairs my adrenaline kicks in a hundred times it's her she opens up the door for me I say thank you and I leave I checked my cameras before going back into my apartment nothing has triggered them sit in the kitchen and wonder why I was being so crazy go back to my room and get into bed and surprisingly I get a call from that same girl again and she's being cool she tells me to stop being so paranoid and come back now in the moment I'm actually half thinking about it thinking about why was I acting so insane but then something just clicks a theory that I've been having that would make sense of all of this I tell her that I can't she asked me why I tell her that my roommate is on the phone with the cops and stay the way I've got cameras everywhere she pauses and then says which still to this day gives me the creeps I know your roommate isn't home yet from work and then just hangs up weeks before this as I explained earlier add a few attempted break-ins what I didn't understand was how they were getting in the apartment next door to me the only other one on that floor was occupied by the landlord's brother and he has what I'm guessing is Dementia or something similar he Hoards and takes random things in and out ever so often I haven't seen him in a while but her movement in the apartment I knew what was happening it all just clicked people were coming down the fire escape and in through his window I think possibly staying there stealing from him using my Wi-Fi as I had the code left up on the wall I think they decided to rob me knowing my roommate wouldn't be home until four at least and someone watching me while I was out in the neighborhood when they realized I was going home early they tried to distract me I told the landlord I thought people were going through the apartment I know the window was unlocked and he stayed there with an elderly lady on the second floor who looked after him there hasn't really been much activity since so I hope this is the end of it I didn't call the police because I wasn't sure if I was being crazy but deep down I know I'm not this is my brother's girlfriend's story she doesn't have a Reddit but I told her about this subreddit and she wanted to share a story because it's creepy and it's also something to learn from I go to school in a big city and it's one of the least safest cities in the United States I chose this school for nursing definitely not for the location I live in a row house or that's what I think we call it off campus with four other girls it's cheaper and nicer than dorms or so we thought I guess you get what you pay for we're all girls and sophomores in college and as you would guess we go out and drink and come back and do things we don't remember we just started and our rent was in August there's three floors plus a basement which was padlocked by the owners understandable we definitely have parties down there to avoid immediate cleanup if it was open the house was great it was an amazing location to school and work I'm a CNA who works odd hours which is important for later it was not expensive at all and in pretty good condition I'd never lived with that many people before just one roommate so before we definitely knew it was one of us that had to misplace or change something I started to notice that my snacks we either had were half gone or completely gone I was getting annoyed but a house of many people it's too much to work and go figure out who ate what and who waited what at what time so I just ignored it so slowly as girls do we start making comments about someone eating our food but just passive aggressive you know college girl stuff we would let it go for most of the time because who wants a whole house fight I work until about 11 pm in the NICU when I get home around 11 30 mostly on weeknights we'll start to notice our pans left out or snack wrappers left around thought it was odd because none of my roommates had done that before but just thought oh probably drank a bottle of wine then went to bed and just forgot about all this continuously making excuses for the actions and the things going around at our house my roommates start making comments as well and this is where we start asking because it was getting annoying that all of our food was going to be gone and things just being left out I knew it had to be one of them but who wants to admit that they ate someone else's snacks in college snacks are a high commodity so we all chalk it up to the girl who always smokes and eats her weight in food but she continued to swear that it wasn't her this goes on for two months got more obvious someone was clearly taking everyone else's food definitely has to be the girl who always smokes I see her eat a whole snack Pantry in one night but I wish it was her one night at work I was about to get off but in a situation happened and I didn't end up leaving until around 12 30. I took the bus home I got home and was about to just collapse I was so tired I just wanted to go to bed as soon as possible when you walk in our front door the stairs are directly in front of you and you can see down the side into the kitchen I walked in and saw someone in the kitchen but was way too tired to say hi and thinking I could end up in like a 30 minute long conversation about nothing so I ignored them and just went straight upstairs when I got to the second floor I noticed all of my roommate's doors were closed which always means they're either in the room for the night or asleep I don't know why but I got a weird feeling something that made it click they were all asleep right I texted our group house chat asking if anyone was in the kitchen felt stupid for even asking but only two responded and they both said no the others were asleep I knew it wasn't any of my roommates down there at the moment so I immediately dialed 9-1-1 but I didn't press call yet I crept into my roommate's room across the hall thankfully or maybe not thankfully she didn't have her door locked I whispered telling her that someone was inside the house she gave me the wildest eyes ever it almost looked like she was about to cry she wasn't even suspecting anything like I did for reference it was a very bad area there were shootings in the house two doors down only weeks earlier by another intruder she mouth to me to make the call the whole time we were completely dead silent we really didn't hear anything I began to question myself thinking did I really see anything it was a long day at work maybe I just imagined it regretted that I dialed thinking I'm going to look like an idiot when they show up and I was just tired and daydreaming we explain what's going on they tell us that they'll send someone as soon as possible which thankfully ended up being pretty quickly since it is a big and dangerous city the police show up and I didn't even want to go downstairs but the operator confirmed it was them so I did the whole time I could swear the operator could hear my heart beating the police come in and look around and I'm thinking to myself oh my God I'm so dumb they ask if there's any other floors and we tell them technically there is the basement but it's padlocks so no they end up checking the basement just in case and well they were right a man had been living in the padlocked basement the lock was pulled off the hinges just kind of propped up against the wall we'd never even looked at that though we rarely even went out back the guy had taken a comforter of one of my roommates out of the hall closet had a mattress from God knows where and all of his clothes were there he was the one moving and eating all of our stuff he would come out in the middle of the night and do it he started getting really really comfortable I don't know if he was drugged out or what but he forgot to clean his tracks and he really started to not care my roommates and I have pretty consistent schedules during the week probably letting him think that anytime after 12 was good to come out we never slept with our individual doors locked and that's what freaks me out the most he had access to every single one of us at any given moment and we would have had no idea when he did get arrested I was the only one to go down and look I don't know why I did but I wish I didn't so yeah that's never actually meet okay so first let me say I debated about posting this here because I may be overreacting about a few weird things that have happened but then I decided to go ahead and post it anyway and see what you guys think please tell me if I'm overreacting I won't be offended at all and just tell me if I'm being silly or if there's really something actually going on here first off our house has a basement slash crawl space that's only accessible from outside there's a door that's directly underneath my bedroom window it's about 10 feet from the bottom of the steps leading to the back deck it's a fairly large space it has a dirt floor and concrete walls clean big enough for a grown man to stand up in actually until recently it was half full of junk mostly just from our kitchen renovation like paint cans and Equipment extra floor tiles and such we actually did have a padlock on it too we asked our yard guy to do a little bit extra work that included cleaning it out completely when it was empty we didn't bother putting the lock back on it it has a sliding bolt that keeps it closed in addition to the little Loop thingy that you put the padlock on so we just slid in the bolt and called it good there's no point in actually locking it right a couple of weeks ago my boyfriend was out on the back deck emptying the recycling bins and noticed the door was open someone could have easily left it open but the sliding bolt is a bit Rusty and wouldn't easily come open and certainly wouldn't have opened up on its own so he went and checked it out nobody or nothing there still completely empty so he thinks well okay someone was poking around didn't find anything interesting and just left it open you did tell me about it and reminded me to keep the doors locked when he isn't home a few days go by and I'd let the dog outside and he ran straight to that door and started sniffing and scratching at it then I noticed it was slightly open again so I went in this time walked around nobody nothing let me also add here that we have a lot of trees and Wildlife on our property including raccoons and groundhogs in addition to a ton of squirrels we also have one huge oak tree that overhangs the roof covering the master bedroom so it's nothing unusual to hear squirrels and other animals on the roof with a little pattering feet and scratching sounds yesterday I was home alone laying in bed reading a book the house felt completely silent usually the dog will lay in bed with me but he was acting fidgety he was pacing back and forth and just acting weird I was hearing the usual late afternoon noises from squirrels or whatever else animal was on the roof but then I hear a noise that is clearly the crawl space door creaking open it's directly underneath my window to the right so I stand up creep over to the window crack the shades a tiny bit to peek out and I see a man starting up those steps to the back deck having just exited the crawl space I immediately said oaf no drop the shades and headed back up the hall directly to the floor he was heading for to confront him at that same moment my dog went nuts barking beat me to the door by the time I got there he was nowhere in sight I only saw him through that window for a second and I only saw him from the back as he was heading up the stairs he was wearing a hat so I couldn't even have said what color his hair was guessing my dog scared him away but what the [ __ ] was he doing walking up my porch in broad daylight with someone who was obviously home if you planned on knocking on that door that would have been weird no one would knock on that door anyway people come to the front of the house not walk all the way in the back to knock on someone's door that's weird I waited a few moments got my pepper spray out of my purse and went to investigate sure enough that crawl space door was open again but no one inside my boyfriend got home he put the padlock back on it then he got my gun out of the safe where it's been for years and insisted I keep it under the mattress on my side of the bed I only agreed to that after he loaded it with rat shot because I don't think I could actually shoot a human being not even in self-defense the rat shot won't do much more than scare someone with the noise of The Gunshot he was highly pissed that I went to the basement by myself to check things out I'm more Angry than I am frightened I don't really know if I'm overreacting that just because someone had been inside the basement a few times I automatically assumed the man was responsible and meant some form of harm fairly certain that's where he came from because I definitely heard that door open just seconds before I saw him on the steps was it locked up now if someone had been routinely in and out that should stop like I said I don't know if I'm freaking out over nothing but we're definitely keeping all of the doors locked just in case this happened in my junior year of high school when I was 17 years old for context this isn't the type of story to make you jump out of your seat type of story it is however one of the creepiest and most awkward moments I've ever had so anyway this happened about two weeks ago just when school was getting out I was home and I just finished up my final project for school before the summer nothing else to do and still having motivation to be productive I thought I'd drive around the area to deliver some orders and make some extra cash so I get my car and drive around town doing orders left and right for several people they were pretty simple for the most part the restaurants not being too far away I'd say I did this for about two hours or so before it started getting late most of the stores were closing and I decided to head back home however I got one final notification from doordash telling me that someone was requesting delivery inside the area I was annoyed but it wasn't that far at the end of the day so I bit my lip and accepted the delivery after getting the food drive over to the location pull up to a one-story small home now the area I was in wasn't the best and it was kind of creepy to be honest but I knew I had to get it done in order to go home get out of my car and put the food on his doorstep as requested then took a picture for proof after leaving I hear the door unlocked from behind me see someone step outside standing in front of the door is this tall linky man wearing this huge jacket it made no sense as it was nearing summer and if you live in Florida you know how hot it gets but it really wasn't any of my business so I just told him to enjoy his food and went on my way but as I'm walking over to my car I hear him tell me to wait that he had something for me I turn around and he goes back inside his house and motions for me to come inside with him most of his house was partially dark and you could kind of see inside and the atmosphere itself looked very strange wasn't about to just enter a random person's house in the middle of the night so I politely declined telling him that I couldn't do that and I had to get home he said that there wasn't anything to be worried about it was just a surprise eventually got to the point where he just brought whatever he was talking about to give me outside which ended up being a box of cookies he claimed that he took care of all his delivery drivers and wanted to treat us to something special since we worked so hard after handing me these cookies she instantly started talking about how his grandma was a cook and owned this million dollar business and she'd given him a recipe I don't know if anything he was claiming was true but needless to say I really didn't care I just thanked him for the cookies and went home or ended up just setting the cookies on my bed I was tired so I decided to take a shower and just get ready for bed I'm in the shower for a good 10 minutes and I hear my mom yelling something while calling my name she didn't really sound mad or anything just distressed and concerned turned off the water wrapped up in a towel and hurried into my room where I found my mom sitting on my bed I instantly understood why she was so concerned my cat had torn into the box of cookies I'd eaten nearly half of them she was on my bed Breathing heavily acting as if she was about to pass away at any moment at that point we knew that we had to get her to a vet the only one that was still open was about 15 minutes away we put her into the car and floored it down the road to the hospital got there a veterinarian was thankfully kind enough to take her in run a few tests on her these tests basically check for any signs of poisoning or sickness she may have had after about 10 minutes the nurse came back out with her happy and healthy again it turned out there were several traces of brotifacum in her system rhodofacum is a very dangerous and very fatal chemical that was mainly used for killing rodents those cookies that I'd received have been laced with it fortunately the nurse was able to help her recover from it by pumping her stomach with medication with all this being said she told us that if we'd arrived even 10 minutes later she probably wouldn't have made it the police were called and I gave them the address that I delivered that doordash meal to however when they got there whoever gave me those cookies was long gone there's an open investigation of the incident but after about a week they finally called it off as there was little to no information from that man just glad our cat thankfully survived this happened two years ago typical normal day in my Suburban neighborhood my wife asked me to run to the grocery store for something it was around 2 or 3 P.M when she asked me I was sitting in the dining room which was right next to the garage so instead of walking to the front door and then all the way out to the front of my house to my car in the driveway I just went out the door next to me that led into the garage I hit the button to open up the garage door and it started to rise I walked over to the door and duck to walk out before it finished I stopped dead in my tracks there were two people standing right in front of me my driveway very overweight man and a very overweight woman this caught me totally off guard probably muttered some type of a low then asked if I could help them with something before I had time to focus on the response notice the woman wasn't looking at me like the man was she was holding a fake baby in her arms cradling it and telling it to this left me flabbergasted I immediately assumed they or at least she might be mentally disabled I looked over to The Man Without missing a Beat and he asked me if I could give him a ride to the store I made up some excuse why I couldn't take them even though that's where I was actually going the man's face immediately turned red the woman never looked up at me and I walked around them and got in my car and locked it I hit the garage door opener on my visor and then called my wife immediately meanwhile the man is glaring at me through my windshield I quickly told my wife what was going on and to make sure all the doors and windows were locked just in case before backing out of my driveway I waited for the two people to start walking away and eventually they did I asked my wife if she wanted me to stay but she wasn't worried she told me it was fine that she'd still like me to go get what she needed the grocery store itself was only a couple of miles away from my house I grabbed the item paid and left as quickly as possible still kind of worried about the strange encounter I just had so I was driving back home I saw those two people walking down the sidewalk toward me woman was still looking down the man saw me again and again not very obviously upset and then walked out into the middle of the road in front of me saying something but I drove around him and continued back home my wife called the local non-emergency number and they told us that they'd send an available officer to the area to drive around and take a look for himself I never saw them again I have no idea if they were going house to house asking for a ride or what a part of me still feels bad thinking they both might have been mentally disabled and just wanted to ride to the store the whole encounter was just too bizarre the man didn't seem disabled so I honestly just have no idea if they hadn't surprised and spooked me the way he did I may have given their request a little more consideration so the people that asked for a ride that day it's not meat in my driveway abruptly it's knocking my front door next time story that happened to my mom's friend in Korea about 10 years ago every time I hear this story I still get the chills my mom's friend lived in an apartment complex in Seoul she was a stay-at-home mother with a young daughter and her husband worked during the days one day she was coming home from running errands with her daughter and got into the elevator in her building when she got on she noticed that there was a man wearing a yellow cap and a yellow raincoat he kept his head low so that he couldn't really see his face she immediately felt really uneasy and she made her daughter stand to her side furthest away from the man what made her feel even more uncomfortable was that when she pressed the button for a floor there was no other lit number and on top of that she noticed that he was carrying something wrapped inside newspaper held close to his side things began to click in my mom's friend's head she began to panic decide to take out her cell phone and pretend she was calling home to her husband who was obviously not really at home and was at work started saying things like oh I'm on the elevator I'm about to get off can you get the door for me making it seem like her husband was waiting for her at home when the elevator did finally reach her floor I think she lived on the 12th floor or something she quickly got off and grabbed her daughter started to walk as fast as she could back to her apartment she noticed that the man also got off on her floor was slowly but surely following her down the hallway when my mom's friend got to her door she started to bang on it loud and Shout hey I'm home please open up the door and then kind of pretended like he was coming to open up the door upon seeing this the man in the yellow raincoat started to walk away back toward the elevator when he seemed to be far enough away mom's friend quickly picked up her daughter and slid opened her front door's passcode thingy and started to frantically punch in her key code the problem was that the buttons would make sounds so the man would know that no one was coming to answer the door for her he quickly turned around and started to run back towards her at this point she was practically screaming and when she finally got her door to open the first thing she did was throw her daughter inside the door when she got inside herself she saw that the man was pretty much now only inches from her front door but she managed to shut it and lock it before he could wedge his hand or a weapon inside afterwards looking through the door's peephole you saw that the man was now walking back towards the elevator again several months later my mom's friend was watching the news there was coverage on the capture of a serial killer named Yu young Chul who used to kill a lot of prostitutes she told my mother that she could never forget the dread that she felt when she saw that all too familiar yellow raincoat and hat that he was wearing when apprehended about two years ago I was driving home from a family reunion pretty late at night drive was about two hours long I didn't stay the night because I had to be back to work the following day most of the drive was roads with dense bushes and trees on either side you know the real creepy ones that you see in movies so anyway driving about 45 minutes when I start to get really tired you know how sometimes you suddenly become really tired out of nowhere well yeah that happened to me I knew I wasn't gonna last but I didn't come across any place that I felt like a park and safely sleep anyway after it become clear to me that I wasn't going to find a place to pull up my tiredness wasn't going to go away I did something very questionable I pulled over to the side of the road onto the grass just behind some bushes just to try to hide my car just in case anybody would come past roads weren't empty there's cars passing every few minutes or so I made a mental note to myself the time was 11 22. then fell immediately to sleep sometime later I was awoken by a scratching sound I looked up at the clock 11 50. the sound stopped after a few seconds because I was still extremely tired I didn't really bother looking around and simply just went back to sleep a little later I was awoken by that same sound it was now 12 40. this time it really freaked me out because the sound did not stop the thought ran across my mind that maybe it was just an animal inspecting the car why would it return almost an hour later after it left of previous time I looked into my rearview mirror I just so happened to catch a glimpse of something running back into the forest now at the time I thought it was the Hook killer himself you know the one that scratched the couple's car and then Slaughters the guy who went out to go investigate yeah that I thought to myself so I just got the hell out of there has been no more than 100 yards up the road so I came around it there was another car parked off to the side of the road with the driver's side door opened I slowed down just to look inside to see if anyone was there it wasn't when I looked into my rear view mirror again I didn't see anything but then all of a sudden this guy comes sprinting around the corner he starts screaming at me shouting stuff like hey hey you get out of your car now I know the out of there and sped off and I never saw that man again this happened in the summer of 2010 I was just entering my teenage years my family took a trip to a really nice hotel in the city I can't really remember why we decided to take this trip but I remember a lot of my family friends coming with and staying in adjacent rooms I've never asked my parents it's not really important to the story to pre-face I'm a bit of a scaredy cat always have been I'm pretty skinny I'm a fragile kid so I get spooked very easily even still now this however was most definitely not me freaking myself out like I normally would Looking Back Now I'm incredibly lucky that I trusted my instincts this hotel had a strange design to it the lobby was actually on the fourth floor not the bottom floor which I found kind of strange to access the lobby you had to use the elevator there's no way for you to get into it from the stairs this information would have been nice before everything happened as you'll find out the hotel was organized in a square shape every floor was lined with a balcony and you could look down into the lobby in the cafe area from your floor essentially if you're walking to your room you could be seen from anyone that was on your floor if they just stepped out of their room and looked around I was always afraid I'd fall over the balconies sail down eight stories to my death they were high enough to a point where I wasn't too concerned for my safety the first day or two was nice my friends and I hung out and played cards all day or we watched whatever was on TV at night we'd explore the halls of the hotel and tell each other ghost stories it was a really fun time even though I still don't fully understand why we were there on the third day though things got strange fast I woke up to the sound of screaming coming from outside my door now because of the hotel's design I mentioned sounds from the lobby would Echo all the way up to the top of the building so when I walked outside to investigate I immediately looked over the balcony to see what the commotion was about I saw a girl laying on the ground eggs and milk splattered everywhere around her people were rushing to help her I heard someone say to call 9-1-1 it seemed like the girl was unconscious or maybe she'd passed out or something scan the lobby insulted my family and a couple of my friends were in the lobby getting breakfast all watching the event in front of them I decided to rush down to meet them and find out what exactly had happened the elevator was on the opposite side of my floor so I took the stairwell located right next to my room we were on the seventh or 8th floor so I knew I only had to take maybe four flights down not a big deal I descended for a little while looking for the number four on the wall or the letter L I passed floor five ready to find the door to the lobby only I took two more flights of steps before realizing that there hadn't been a door for the fourth floor nor had there been a door for the third or second now at this point I probably should have turned back around but I continued down because I was tired and didn't want to climb back up there were these weird side hallways that went into pitch black areas with a bunch of piping and wiring though I was curious to explore them I passed them by I quickly hit the bottom floor a dimly lit and cold room with cinder block walls and concrete floors in front of me was a set of double doors I hesitated but I assumed this was just another way back to the lobby so I opened them up and entered behind the doors was a massive Warehouse type room probably the size of a smaller basketball stadium the only light coming was from the stairwell behind me so I really wasn't able to see much the stairs were stacked and covered in plastic wrap tables lined the wall and in the distance I thought I could see boxes stacked in line against the wall as well probably the storage room for the hotel itself I looked around and saw an elevator in the back of that room so I made my way towards it I closed the door to the stairwell and began to walk in the dim light the room itself was super muggy and Dusty it seemed like nobody had been down there in quite a long time as I got closer to the elevator I noticed it was a little bigger than the elevators in the lobby and the other floors I pressed the up button I got no response there's a card swiper next to the button must be for employees only I thought I turned back towards the stairwell doors making my way past the chairs and tables along the wall when I got to the door I gave it a tug locked of course this is when things started to hit me I realized I was stuck in the dark Dusty basement of a hotel I did not have a phone either my parents wouldn't allow me to have one until I graduated Middle School so I couldn't call anyone for help my friends and family likely assumed I was still asleep in the room so I began to freak out believing that nobody was going to look for me I searched around the warehouse looking for other ways to get out some areas of the place were better lit than the others so I looked around in areas I could see first before starting on the darker side of the room I was on the other side of the doors that I found but they happen to be locked as well I begin to cry scared that nobody would ever find me in this basement I swear it felt like hours but I only think it was a handful of minutes past before I heard the door Creak open it wasn't the door from the stairwell rather it was the second door that I'd found a slim middle-aged man in a lab coat came out from the doors now if this was 21 year old me seeing this man I would be very confused as to why this guy was wearing a lab coat inside a hotel I was only 12 or 13 at the time so I immediately was relieved at the side of an adult who looked smart I approached him tears in my eyes he immediately looks surprised to see me as one would expect what are you doing down here healed I got lost on my way down to the lobby and been locked in here do you have a key I was shaking eager to get out of here he didn't answer my key question and instead he said uh I know a way out of here just follow me he began to walk towards the door of the stairwell and I followed relieved that someone had finally come to save me we approached the doors and I began to reach for the handle but he continued walking isn't it right here I asked him I will never forget the look on his face when I said that you look nervous and those dim I could see sweat glistening from his forehead and behind his glasses no this way he said sternly I continue to follow him now I was nervous myself we'd pass the door to the stairs and we're now headed toward a darker side of the basement away from the elevators he looked like he had no clue where he was leading me as he kept checking around him almost as if he was taking in his surroundings for the first time we turned a corner and he began walking toward boxes a dead end immediately froze realizing that something was very very wrong this guy had no idea where he was going nor did he appear to work at the hotel I said as my voice was shaking oh okay where are we going he turned around and just said this way follow me I knew that there were no doors by those boxes I had checked there first when I found out the stairwell door was locked I want to thank whatever God is up there for gifting you with the idea I had next I started yelling as loud as I possibly could I yelled so loud that I gave myself a headache the man irritated and plugging his ears began yelling back at me what are you doing be quiet I continue to yell I don't even remember how long I was yelling for finally the man snapped began quickly walking toward me I went into a full Sprint towards the stairwell doors hoping to God that they magically now be opened he didn't run after me he just walked sternly behind me muttering things like stupid and other kind of things I was about five feet from the door when somebody burst through my savior a hotel janitor who had heard the screaming from the stairwell he saw the situation me and some random guy in a lab coat locked in the basement he immediately told me to get behind him the janitor asked me who that man was and I told him I had no idea that he'd come in through that door on the other side of the room and I pointed to that one door the janitor quickly radioed that there was a kid locked in the basement quietly so that I couldn't hear he said this man came from outside get security something like that the man in the lab coat started to argue with the janitor claiming that he was just simply looking for a bathroom the janitor clearly wasn't buying what he was selling and he kept saying things like all right buddy yeah yeah wait till security gets here and talk to them about it standing beside him the whole time trying to take in what was happening fused out of my mind eventually an employee from the front desk arrived and took me back up the steps to the lobby I met with my family who surprisingly had no idea that I was even missing I told him the story crying and shaking they hugged me tightly thinking that janitor over and over for his help I never got to thank him though looking back now I have absolutely no clue what that man was doing inside that basement I don't really have any information as to what happened afterwards or who he was I also know for a fact that the incident with the girl in the lobby was unrelated something about low blood sugar thought about that day a lot the only explanation I can come up with is that door I'd found in the basement that led to the streets of the city or something where he must have wandered in I have no clue what his intentions were or what was up with the lab coat why you chose to pretend to know a way out it could very easily be just some kind of huge misunderstanding of some sorts I just chose a really bad time to get lost in a basement but all I know for sure is if I hadn't screamed my lungs out I might not be telling you this story same way or even at all so strange man in a lab coat wandering in a dark Dusty Hotel basement let's never meet I'm a 30 year old female and I live in a relatively safe neighborhood barring the occasional mugging attempts one of which took place right outside my bedroom window with one of my neighbors or the few times a random guy in his car follows me to my place asking me for my number things around here are generally stable I typically have a way of dealing with those [ __ ] by taking advantage of a random empty lot on my street where cars can't drive forcing them to go around the block by the time they manage to turn around the corner I'll ran back into my house no biggie a few months ago some genius in our street paid someone in the city to move the neighborhood garbage disposal to another place whereas before it was right down the block now it's a few minutes away now I have to walk a while before I can throw my garbage in quite a busy area actually too which I find embarrassing so I started waiting until Nightfall to do so I know stupid with everything I've told you about before I got sloppy things started feeling safer in the last few months so I felt comfortable leaving my home after sundown at least until last Sunday like usual I waited until it's dark to go after throwing the garbage I stopped by the convenience store nearby to pick up a few things on my way back to my place and at the entrance of my street I noticed a young man standing in front of the parking lot located in front of one of my neighbors houses just across the street from mine he was talking on the phone and looking away for me but as I rounded up the corner I noticed another guy sitting quietly on his motorbike right in front of my doorstep something about the way he was already looking at me just as my eyes landed on him freaked me out I did a quick math and realized by the time I would be able to open up my door if ever he would catch me if he wanted to this time the empty lot trick wouldn't work as I would have to walk past him and also his motorbike could be driven on it I turned on my heels back to the convenience store hoping he was just some kind of delivery guy waiting to meet someone I Dilly dallied at the store for a while but when I went back home I found that he was still there on his bike while the guy in front of my neighbor's parking lot was also still there on his phone just staring at me before I'd even seen him I realized then and there that something was not right and luckily I did notice the security guard that was on the street sitting at his Booth like he normally did I approached him and explained the whole situation hoping he'd walk with me to my place which he gladly did the moment the guy on the phone saw me return with the security guard he put his phone in his pocket and turned towards the guy on the bike who drove up to him keep in mind these two are not even looking at one another let alone it looked like they even knew each other the guy who was on this phone sat behind the guy on the motorbike they both drove past me while staring at me both the security guard and I agreed that something was funny about that entire situation he thankfully waited until I safely behind locked doors I don't know what those two wanted to do mug me or what or maybe they had an even more Sinister intentions I'm just glad I trusted my gut and didn't go immediately home otherwise who knows what would have happened the story that I'm about to share occurred over the course of several years and it only recently ended it affected almost all of the most important people in my life affecting us even today likely for the rest of our lives I wanted to share it so everyone can understand just how out of control a seemingly harmless situation can become due to the length of the event I'll likely break this story up into several parts first let me lay it out for you my brother has always been my closest friend he is easily the most loving and genuine person I've ever met and is loved by pretty much everyone he meets despite this he hasn't been in many relationships I think it's partly due to the fact that he's very All or Nothing type of guy when he falls he falls deeply and blindly blessing in a curse I guess anyway a few girlfriends that he's had I've known quite well despite being nearly eight years younger than him most of them have been nice normal and pleasant girls with the exception of a few we've had High Hopes thinking that he'd settle in with a long term wonderful girl as he'd entered his adult life but we had no idea that we'd spend six years sharing a hell with him our family and our closest friends all by the hands of one girl her anonymity's sake I'll call her Pam when I met Pam I was 11 my brother 19 and she was 17. graduating high school I remember being surprised to have him introduce her right off the bat as his girlfriend since neither my parents and I had heard anything about her but she was kind warm and an honor student and beautiful I admired her immediately for the first year of their relationship Pam never seemed off she was always happy always kind and always had good stories to tell she and I grew closer seemed eager to bond with me it was like having an older sister we shared many of the same interests and friendship came easy between she and I as I was mature for my age and she was so inviting about halfway through their second year of dating begin to notice things about Pam just small odd habits that she had if someone was having a conversation with my brother that did not directly involve her or that she wasn't a part of she tended to insert herself as best she could sitting closer to my brother laughing a little louder calling him away Etc if any of our family or friends would ask my brother questions about college or future aspirations she'd grow increasingly uncomfortable and sometimes made comments like I hope you have it all planned out cause I'm going wherever you're going my family and I would chuckle about these behaviors assuming that Pam just loved my brother and was a bit protective we liked her a lot and had high hopes for the relationship I hate to think now how blind we really were one night my brother came home late from a party I was 13 at the time and he was about to turn 21. walked into the door our parents were already asleep but I was up in the living room I could immediately tell that he was upset about something and I asked him what was wrong as he walked into the kitchen I realized he had a large well on his cheek and I asked what happened to you he said I got into a fight it's cool this immediately raised suspicion as my brother was far from the fighting type a fight over what I asked Pam he said simply went to his room the next morning he was driving me to my soccer game and I cried again asking about what had happened he didn't answer at first but then said Pam is kind of weird I asked him how so and he said I don't know and she just likes to start things ham was a pathological liar apparently she did it all the time looking back the constant new stories of places she'd been and things she'd done didn't seem to be all too truthful at night at the party Hammond told my brother that another guy at the party had attempted to rip her my brother being the man he is confronted him and he said I've never even seen that girl before a fight ensued over the accusation on the ride home Pam said that my brother must have misinterpreted her words and that nothing close to rip had occurred the lying seemed to be a detrimental bump in the road my brother broke things off after several weeks Pam contacted me asking if I wanted to go shopping with her having a good relationship in the past with her I agreed my parents thought it was strange that a 20 year old wanted to spend time with her ex-boyfriend's 14 year old sister then let me go anyway the day started pleasantly Pam caught me up on her life and asked how I was doing how the family was doing and my brother was doing nothing seemed strange until she began to bring up uncomfortable conversations she explained to me that she had a sexually traumatic childhood that's why she lied so much but she also aggressively defended herself saying whatever your brother told you it's a lie he's the one telling lies that's why I had to break up with him she seemed to jerk around the conversation from normal to deeply personal and then strange she explained in detail to me a lesbian experience that she had after ending her relationship with my brother and told me I should try it when I became of age of course I became increasingly uncomfortable with that conversation she noticed and immediately apologized saying that she really liked being my friend and that she loved my brother that's why she was acting so crazy I told her I liked being her friend too that I understood her feelings this was a mistake this is when the phone calls began started with just one she called me a week after we hung out at 10 pm she was sobbing and saying that she was so sad without my brother that she needed to get him back then they happened nightly later and later each time I'd be dead asleep at 2AM and receive a sobbing hysterical and desperate phone call I felt so much pity for her in those moments that I continued to answer one call would be different than the other though she wasn't hysterical now she wasn't crying I picked up the phone at 1 30 in the morning and heard a level voice monotone Pam she said in one sentence tell your brother slit my [ __ ] throat tonight and then hung up I felt numb I've never experienced that before no one I knew ever behaved that way I texted her over and over and over again asking if she was okay telling her not to do anything panicked I thought I'd done something wrong and that since she told me I would be responsible in some way the next day I told my brother what happened he said he'd go to her house and check on her a week later Pam arrives at my house arm in arm with my brother they'd gone back together it seemed as if nothing had even happened she smiled at me never once mentioned any of the phone calls that she'd made to me next month is when things really escalated came home from school to my entire family sitting in the living room he told me to sit down and I thought someone in our life had died my mother told me your brother let us know how you're feeling I had no idea what they were talking about feeling I asked my brother looked at me with pity in his eyes ham told me that she wasn't the one who called you you called her and you're the one who isn't feeling well what the [ __ ] no that's not what happened she called me every single night for two weeks crying saying she wanted you back no that's not what she said she said that you called her with your problems and that she wasn't sure what to do I was so angry her lies were continuing and now my family was believing them and enough to Stage this whole intervention I showed them the text messages that she'd sent me played them the voice messages showed my call history that immediately put an end to that lie after that I wanted nothing to do with her my brother broke up with her again she called him hundreds of times sent hundreds of messages she showed up at her house a few times with baked goods trying to apologize but we ignored her eventually she left us alone and we didn't hear from her for almost a year on my last day of class before winter break during my sophomore year I walked out of school and was met by an incredibly unwelcome surprise this is where things got scary ham was pacing in front of the school biting her nails and scratching her head her face looked sunken in she had bags underneath her eyes I almost didn't even recognize her I began to cut across the front lawn with my friend Liz just to avoid her she saw me walked as fast as she could in my direction she reached out her arms for a hug but I stopped the first thing that she said to me was you're mad at me I asked her what she was doing here she laughed quietly I wanted to apologize for whatever your brother told you I'm sick Oz she used a nickname only my brother called me I know please do not talk to me anymore I started to walk away knowing my brother was parked waiting for me around the corner Pam reached out grabbed my shoulder as I did I quickly pulled away and said I'm serious leave us alone I think you need some help Pam she immediately started to cry but I turned away and just left my brother pulled into the front parking lot of the school and opened up his door for me is that [ __ ] Pam he just looked through his front mirror yeah I don't know what she's on but she's crazy man that night around 1am there's a knock at our door my dad went to it and looked through the peephole uh he said surprised I think it's I think it's Pam do not open it she's on some kind of drug my brother said my mom wanted to call the police but my brother and my dad said if we should just wait and see if she goes away a few moments later she wrapped on the door harder and harder got more violent as it went on we heard her wailing and yelling I hear you let me in let me in as she cried my brother said she's got a baseball bat or something coming from his room where he looked out the window I looked from the den window it looked like something out of a horror movie she was wearing this grubby nasty dress barefooted her hair had been cut to above her shoulders and was in a wild halfway bun halfway out mess she had wiped her makeup down her face like a ghoulish movie character she looked even thinner than she did in daylight she swung a metal baseball bat as she stumbled around our yard calling the police she must be drunk my mother said no it's fine she's just given a show she'll leave we didn't know people actually behaved like this it was all eerily entertaining for just a moment like watching a true crime show but just as she'd been manically stumbling around she she stopped she stood still staring vacantly up toward the upstairs bedrooms tilting her head to the side up and down and licking her lips what is she on heroin or something my dad asked him began to shift back and forth between laughing yelling and crying we all sat down as my brother tried to phone her mom's phone try to get her to leave we sat there and listened to the frightening animalistic sounds outside but then they just stopped looked out the windows she was gone we all sat in silence for just a moment taking in that whole strange encounter my father just chuckled and shook his head my mother shook hers hitting the girl for being so Disturbed and I was frightened no one except for maybe my brother had seen how quickly her demeanor and her mental state would just unravel from overprotective nature to small lies to pathological lies to full-blown manic outbreaks but this was her worst we didn't expect anything else to come of it and she'd fade away from our lives since now she knew we weren't giving in to her desperation but in the next two years we learned how wrong we really were this is part two of an ordeal that I've experienced at the hands of an emotionally unstable person the first part of my experience I discussed the beginning of my family and my own relationship with my brother's girlfriend at the time bam I explained the small warning signs of insecurity in reoccurring lies progressed into much more manic violent and aggressive outbursts part 2 covers the first four years out of a six year ordeal I was age 11 to 15 during the occurrences told in part one part two begins at the beginning of my junior year of high school after the wintertime incident at our house ham stop coming around she was still very present however every member of my family entered daily text messages and phone calls they range from apologetic and stable to incredibly distraught or outraged she would curse and sometimes make threats I remember wanting to sleep with the lights on for several months after that incident afraid that she'd climb into the fence of our backyard and I'd find her standing at my window with that same vacant crazed look she had in our front yard all four of us eventually decided that we have to have our phone numbers changed and block her from our devices and all social media accounts she still had her home phone number Pam left some of the most frightening and haunting messages I've ever heard I can remember standing in the kitchen with my family my brother playing the messages back for us and one stood out it showed us how unstable and potentially dangerous that she truly was parents had returned from an early morning indoor soccer game in February of 2015. my brother asked us to come into the kitchen because we had to hear the new kind of crazy that Pam had become the first message was about 30 seconds long was received at 12 30 a.m the night before ham sounded mildly angry and demanded that we returned the batch of cookies that she brought us to a Fourth of July party some years ago because she didn't want us to have them anymore we all exchanged humor glances about how ridiculous of a request that really was my mother turned to leave amused my brother stopped her saying that that wasn't the crazy part my brother played another message received it roughly three in the morning that same day we were confused at first because the first 15 seconds was just white noise the kind you'd hear when a device plays the sound recording of an empty room if you know what I'm talking about then all of a sudden in a deep animalistic and enraged voice she screamed stop [ __ ] playing with me you're gonna get it and then abruptly ended the call we're all startled by this I want to call the police they need to know that this girl isn't all there and who knows what she's capable of my Dad decided that if anything physically happened again we'd be filing a report with the police and that they weren't just phone calls my brother assured us that she was all talk wouldn't come around again this point I agreed with my mother I no longer felt safe I'd never been around someone who behaved like this I was constantly anxious and had no idea what I'd do if she came around again felt like I was stuck in a lifetime movie because I didn't think things like this really happened that someone I knew so personally could be hiding such a deeply withheld violent and manic side it always been there but we said it in motion after disconnecting the landline the personal phone call stopped and we didn't hear from her ourselves some of my friends my brother shared with Pam would come to him saying that Pam wanted to speak with him and that she would call and message them regularly wanting his phone number luckily none of them gave it to her just before that same summer ham disappeared no one got any messages no one saw her in town nothing until my brother received an email from Pam's mother my brother continued to speak to occasionally she informed my brother that Pam's family had moved her to the east coast to undergo treatment for a drug habit Pam's mother had given us more information about the mental state of her daughter her mother had not spoken to or seen Pam much during the time she unraveled when she came to our house or when she made those phone calls Pam's mother had been under the impression my brother was still in a healthy relationship with her and only learned about their breakup in the incidents following it she explained that her daughter had always been like a white liar making up stories that didn't make sense blaming others for things that she'd already been caught for arguing the truth of things that were already proven facts I don't think she ever thought that anything she did was wrong even when it was I don't understand it because she's not raised that way her mother had explained to my brother Pam's issues were something that had always been present settled comfortably beneath an intelligent and attractive exterior she'd fooled us maybe even herself without pay him to worry about our lives seem to go back to normal I still looked over my shoulder every now and again but I Was preparing for 11th grade my brother was beginning a new career and dating a new girl the daughter of a close family friend who'd he'd grown up with Pam started to fade away from her Minds for a while at least as myself and my friends began to drive I remember noticing a car quite a bit you know that car you see repeatedly around the area live in you notice it more and more than others because you noticed it once and now you can't stop noticing it since you found out it exists you know it belongs to someone but you've never seen the driver just only the car it was like that I'd notice it out of the corner of my eye at a stoplight or out of the window of a restaurant as it drove past in those moments I didn't think much of it but I noticed it pretty much almost every single time that I was out walking driving many times with my brother I didn't understand how often I'd see it until one day clicked and it startled me scared me that saw parked in my neighborhood and I remember thinking that's the [ __ ] car what's it doing here you lived in a smaller older neighborhood most of the people who lived there had been there for a long time we knew a lot of the neighbors and houses were pretty much never on the market new people showed up maybe once every five years or so and they did most people knew about it so and out of place but oddly familiar car came as a huge surprise to me I pointed it out to my brother who had been in the car with me at the time and he said oh yeah I've seen it a few times I didn't feel right about it but I assume maybe I was just being paranoid a few months later I was well into school I had a job and was too busy to let myself worry even though I constantly did one day at work I was wiping down tables in the front of the restaurant it was a pretty slow day only a few people in the store I remember seeing someone standing outside the front doors just barely visible out the window I was busy and just assumed that they were deciding where to have lunch as another restaurant was directly next to ours and people did this quite often and weren't there anymore and I assumed that they just gone next door I went out to clear the dishes off the front patio and cleaned it up and I saw them walking away from the store down the strip of businesses inside the Plaza back inside as I worked I noticed again same person walked back and forth several more times it was Weary at this point as the person seemed to linger for about an hour now but I didn't really think anything of it I was a theater student I had to take some time off for a play that I was in come opening night I was so burnt out that I didn't even notice anything even if it was out of the ordinary my family came opening night the fourth show and closing night leaving with my family on the fourth show is when I snap back into my anxiety-ridden reality a car was in the parking lot parked a few rows away from my parents car I had never seen it in my school before and I knew it didn't belong to any of my classmates what does Pam Drive I asked my brother ham I don't know why that stupid car it freaks me out it's like everywhere we are a few days later I had an answer at closing night of my show I went out into the lobby of the theater to greet everyone when they finished I hugged my parents and my brother but I noticed they were all looking very distraught my brother was visibly upset and my parents were trying to make conversation the way they do when they're trying to avoid something what happened I asked Pam she was here I sort of felt the color run out of my face didn't know how much Pam had done that frightened me until then did she leave I don't know my brother said don't worry about it I went and got my things I remember how strangely violated I felt ham had been watching me for the past two hours without me knowing that she was even in the same state let alone the same building decided to go home straight away we left the building there she was she was looking at her phone standing at the mouth of one of the hallways in front of the theater I stopped for a brief moment the four of us decided to walk as hurried as we could towards the parking lot hoping to just ignore her Breeze past her she looked different still skinny but she was wearing makeup again from a distance she almost looked like the old Pam as we got closer she looked up from her phone and still had that vacant animal quality to her face bit of anger flashed her face as she noticed us she looked like she was gonna say something we all pretended not to notice her and just continued on she followed closely behind us hey wait a minute at the front of the school my brother stopped as we kept walking and I heard him say you need to stop we got into our car and watched them talk from a distance I wanted to get into our car and just leave my mom and I got in while my dad stood outside Pam was yelling at my brother at this point he made his way back to his car Pam smiled artificially and waved towards my brother shouting a goodbye to him as he went before storming off to her car my brother stopped to talk to my dad for a moment got into his own car and left after Pam peeled out of the lot it was the same card that I've been seeing for the past month and a half well just as crazy as ever my dad said as he started the car we may need to call the police we live just a short distance from the school but I was shaken up one of my dad to drive as fast as possible every headlight we saw chilled me I stared at my phone trying not to look out the window nearly dropped it we reached the street in our neighborhood the stop sign to the right of us was her car dad that's her he drove straight and she turned the same direction that she's following us I'd never felt quite so panicked call the police please my dad said to my mother his voice as level as ever stared out the back window ducking low into my seat my dad turned down another Street she continued to follow I'm gonna go in a circle to see if she follows us okay my dad said I was crying at this point as I came to a realization or four more turns my mom spoke to a 9-1-1 operator unable to accurately name streets as they were not lit and it was Pitch Black outside I laid across the back seat listening to my parents yell at each other frustrated and I'm sure frightened my dad cursed as she continued to follow us more closely the car was flooded with light and she would turn on her brights the grill of her car almost touching our bumper my dad turned to mirror away to keep the light out of his eyes and sped up the car eventually the light was gone and I could no longer hear the Drone of her engine behind us gone we got home 10 minutes later and turned on every light in our house my dad checked every closet and our back inside yards carrying his gun with him for the past month Pam had been stalking both my brother and I seeing that car had not been a coincidence she knew what we both were doing she came to my school functions on both nights my family was there maybe even all three nights she knew where I was she'd followed me all over town she'd been around our neighborhood and was now lurking around my new workplace all of a sudden those threats became real ham was no longer afraid of crossing boundaries if she even ever had been we were now in the middle of a full-blown nightmare my family was no longer safe she'd gone away to cure one disease but returned having fed and grown another she was now our personal terrorist with the power to single-handedly pull our everyday lives apart she had already begun to do just that too what may seem like the Bad plot of a horror movie The Psychotic ex-girlfriend wreaking havoc was our reality times ten I cannot express to you how terrible it is to be kept awake by something you cannot see but you know exists and is waiting for you when you get out of bed I never expected a human being to terrify me more than any horrible monster or even the boogeyman those things don't even exist I'm sharing this whole ordeal to help others understand warning signs and to pressure those who see them to take action to protect themselves despite the terror of that night this was only halfway year five of six and the things would continue to approach a boiling point I will upload part three of Pam sometime in the next day or two thank you so much for taking the time to read my story now that I've written it I see just how severe it really was this will be my final posting of Pam's story it will follow the final year and a half of my six year struggle with a mentally unstable individual my family though strong still recovering today after we told my brother about what Pam had done the night before my show he finally began to confide in me the details of his relationship with her she had come to his high school as a sophomore during his senior year she immediately caught the attention of my brother and his friends as she was beautiful and expected to be reserved as a new student however my brother recalled his female friends saying that she was really aggressive in trying to make friends and like to talk about how her family had moved here from an affluent community in Texas so Elite that he didn't have a name of his friends also got strange vibes from her and pinned her as a weird snobby girl almost immediately my brother met her again a few years later when she came into where he was working at the time and how he said that she'd seemed to mature vastly he took her on only one date and almost immediately she wanted to officiate their relationship he thought it was a bit forward but didn't hesitate because she seemed impressed with her elegant way of speaking kind words and pretty face however he noticed red flags only a few weeks into their relationship Pam was very insecure constantly asking my brother if he still had feelings for her if he was angry with her and if he thought she was attractive enough eventually this insecurity took a different shape Pam would send my brother unsolicited nude pictures of herself in the middle of the day attached to messages asking if he still liked the way her body looked if my brother went a period of time in their conversations without calling her beautiful or telling her how nice she looked Pam would point this out if he protested in any way she'd become emotional and claim he didn't love her anymore this behavior mellowed until the end of the second year of their relationship this is when the narcissism became apparent Pam would often talk lowly of my brother's previous girlfriends and female friends boasting about how much more attractive she was than them Pam refused to attend several of the events my brother asked her to go to like my birthday or our aunt's funeral because she wouldn't know anyone and would have no one to talk to she also enjoyed referring to herself as a princess and wanted to constantly be doted upon she often argued with my brother about him spending time with his friends because she didn't understand why he would want to be around anyone but her she was 100 convinced that she would one day be a celebrity and marrying my brother anytime my brother hinted at wanting to end the relationship ham would fly off the handle becoming belligerent promising to kill herself my brother was trapped by the fear of her harming herself he'd often think that she was simply bluffing or wouldn't actually do anything but one day he discovered several bottles of prescription pills in her home he asked her about them and she told him that they were antidepressants prescribed to her after the death of her brother a brother who we later found out never existed eventually pan became so angry when my brother would want to spend time with his friends or family without her he also told me that Pam fixated a lot of anger on me and once she proceeded to refer to me as a [ __ ] and made comments and theories about how my mother must have had an affair which I was the product of because I was so ugly and my brother was not so my brother decided it was time it was time to end it no matter what this information deeply troubled me as all of her actions following that like asking me to spend time with her wanting to be my friend showing up at school and all those phone calls were definitely ill intended and even more psychotic now that they've been at the time but for the final year and a half of our deal with Pam psychotic could not even begin to explain what she did to us I slept little in the weeks following that car incident my brother who lived across town visited and called more frequently I suspected he felt just as uneasy as I did the nights I did sleep I would often sweat through nightmares of girls with axes or gowned women standing at the foot of my bed or at my window One Night in early December of 2015. it was a rainy and particularly windy night I wanted to let the cold air in and thought the sound of the rain would help me sleep so I cracked the window only enough to see where it could reach the second latch I also placed a piece of wood my father had cut to help with security behind the window I pulled my curtains in front of the window leaving the Crack part of the window uncovered to allow the air to pass through the heavy blackout curtain I remember waking from sleep vaguely hearing a foreign noise against the roof of my window my room was on the second floor of our house our house had three levels and the second story was only six or seven steps up from the primary floor of our house all of the spaces were different levels but the bedrooms were the highest and slightly lower than they'd be in a classic two-story home what I'm getting at is that my room was hard to get to from the outside but not if you were aware of the parts of our home and the access points from other roof levels over the living room in the garage I shook the noise off it was storming thought maybe some leaves or branches were moving it around I turned over to face the wall opposite my window not even a second later my room was illuminated by a surge of white light shot up in bed I was momentarily paralyzed with horror every one of my limbs felt as if they were floating I was trying to make sense of what had just happened then again myself and every item in my room became a black silhouette as another flash filled the space threw the blankets off me and ran as fast as I could down the hallway screaming so loud I surprised even myself I ran into my dad as he threw open his bedroom door he was panicked and held me by my shoulders in the doorway of their bedroom and yelled at me to tell him what was wrong someone is taking pictures of me through my window the roof and house was checked and they of course found nothing in no one my mother set up with me asking every basic question a parent would ask were you dreaming are you sure it wasn't lightning there was no Thunder and I was sure that there had not been at the time that it happened the flashes did not have that same Hue as Lightning did I had taken enough cell phone pictures in my life to identify the flash of a camera I don't know if they believe me then but I would eventually have proof that would astonish them my brother adopted Ike in January of 2016. Ike was a two-month-old Chesapeake Bay Retriever with one gold eye and one green eye he had a very distinct white mark on his chest that looked like an hourglass and a white sock on his front left paw Ike was the love of my brother's life aside from his now fiancee Cara Ike would end the torture just three months later the holidays and my brother's engagement to Cara who was amazing beautiful and whose family we had known our whole lives had lifted my family's Spirits immensely my brother was starting his family almost done with the police academy seemed Untouchable by any memory of Pam we felt optimistic for the first time in quite a long time Pam hadn't been around at least to our knowing in several weeks everything was normal things were looking up but again that didn't last a month or so after bringing him home after letting him into the backyard for a few minutes by himself Cara told us that I could escape from the yard she panicked and ran around the neighborhood looking for him she got into her car and called me upset and drove around the block looking for him she picked me up and I helped her look in the Creek area behind where my brother's house was couldn't find him however when we arrived back at my brother's house Ike was sitting on the front porch we were relieved she was unharmed and it seemed as happy as ever despite missing his collar I helped Kara check the yard for ways he could have gotten out and we both decided he must have shimmy through a small Gap in the gate on the side yard I couldn't help but being confused as to no grass or Burrs was in his fur we thought nothing of it a few weeks later both my brother and Kara were going on a weekend trip with some friends and I offered to take care of hike they dropped him off on the Friday before the three-day weekend Ike was happy and played with our older lab Des the second night he was with us I was out with some friends my dad had let both dogs into the yard around 8pm he sat in his chair in the living room watching a show with my mom they say that they remember hearing Dez barking because he yelled for him to be quiet but they assumed the puppy was just riling him up a few minutes later Dez came to the door to be led inside we ran in and barked at my dad my dad was confused as our dog was not a regular Barker he called for Ike but he didn't come my dad went out and looked around in the bushes and still did not find him became concerned and hurried into the house to get a light he checked the swimming pool didn't see him my mother joined in quickly and they both scoured the large yard could not find him when I got home they had just finished searching the front and side yards I told him that he'd escaped once before so we decided to get into the car and go look for him as we drove around yelling for him attracting the help of a few neighbors I thought about how strange it was that a well-behaved puppy had suddenly become a master escape artist in the past three weeks or so our yard had seen three or so dogs grow up in it some younger and smaller than Ike we've never had that problem the fences were high and well built my dad had replaced the one on the side of the house just a few summers ago we did not find him I hope that he'd return that night like he did that last time but he didn't I'm for my brother on Sunday proceeded to look around all day in surrounding areas the ponds shelters vet clinics even looking on the side of the road you found nothing my brother was completely heartbroken I helped him make flyers to post around in our neighborhood and his a couple of weeks passed and we heard nothing my dad was doing yard work in mid-February he came in after a few hours and he said something on the kitchen table what's that I knit my brow as I saw it it's Ike's collar was in the front yard I almost hit it with the mower you'll have to take it to your brother it was Ike's collar his first color not the one he'd been wearing the night when he went missing from our yard it was his puppy collar the one he'd lost the day he got out of the yard at my brother's house I called Kira and asked if they found it she said they hadn't and had bought him a new one that's when it clicked someone had stolen my brother's dog not once but twice I told my brother Cara and my parents my theory it was not difficult for one of them to understand had to be connected to everything else right when we thought she was out of our lives we decided to take it to the police to add to our case file on Pam I also told them about the night I had been photographed in my window the police like many times before told us they couldn't do anything there's no proof she'd done any of this frustrated defeated and frightened once again a few short weeks later in April of 2016. new developments would finally end it all by complete God send coincidence Cara was with her mother in a small town 45 minutes away from ours we were planning for my 17th birthday that month and so preoccupied we almost put Pam and the fact that she undoubtedly had been watching us for months and had no doubt stolen maybe even killed my brother's puppy and thrown his collar in our front yard to help us connect the dots and give her credit however while Kara Window Shop in the center of town she and her mother noticed a car parked on the street car with a puppy in it was a bit warm out that they walked to the window and peeked in at the animal Kara immediately recognized him by his eyes and the marking on his chest and the obvious fact that he began crying as soon as she called his name and he saw her she phoned the police phone my brother and sat back on the trunk of the car the police arrived and the owner of the car came to it the girl was immediately upset by the presence of the police and Cara's angry accusations the girl was not Pam and she became rather helpful the girl said that she'd purchased the dog only a few days ago from an ad online she told the police that the girl she purchased her from was super shady and all too eager to get rid of the dog who was now super skinny sold at a very cheap price the girl who had sold the dog to her claimed that she didn't want the stupid dog it was a present from her boyfriend but it was the wrong kind I am had always liked small dogs she told the police that she'd met the girl to purchase the dog at an apartment complex a few minutes from where they were but that she wasn't sure which apartment the girl actually lived in the police after Kerry had informed them of the situation used Pam's name to find out she did indeed live in the apartment complex with two roommates they interviewed Pam's roommates the next day Pam was not there they told detectives that they almost never saw Pam her room was always locked and she was almost always gone she didn't have a job though she claimed to have one and her mother was there a lot checking up on her and dropping off rent to them however when they did speak to her she talked a lot about her past relationship switching between how much she loved him and his family to how they all deserve to die and were going to hell with the information given by the girl who had purchased Ike and by Pam's roommates the police finally had sufficient evidence to search Pam's apartment I don't know much about what they found but what I do know horrified my family and horrified me on Pam's computer they found hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of my brother my parents Cara and of me our cars our houses my school my brother's School Ike pictures taken through our windows at night pictures of us sleeping photos taken from our social media of vacations the picture of my brother's proposal to Cara she'd even doctored herself into some of them she still had the pictures of her and my brother with her and my family up and around in her room she had kept Ike in her closet for weeks on a towel just water and little food in her search history they found everything from fantasy to other violent pornography and even weapon research the police now had sufficient evidence to arrest her Pam had been obsessively stalking my family for more than two years she'd stalked us from her car following us around town it had been her snapping photos of me from the roof outside my window she had watched my brother drop Ike off at her house she had documented her opinions of us our habits and her plans in a journal which we will not get to see until the case is taken to trial next my brother myself and my father the girl we found Ike with Pam's roommates several of my brother's friends and Pam's mother will all testify against her it will be the first face-to-face interaction any of us have had with her in many many months and I'm terrified I'm also angry I'm angry that evil narcissistic malevolent psychotic parasites like her had latched on to my brother and onto my family and single-handedly stripped us of our security our sanity and our trust every Creek every bump every unknown face and every vehicle following too closely will send me into a tailspin of dread and I'll see her again standing in my front yard in her dress and looking up to the sky with a vacant animalistic gaze my life became a real Horror Story not because of a haunted house or because of an ax-wheeling murderer but because of a sick girl with a broken mind and a fixation on something unattainable I'm 17 years old and I've experienced an ordeal most will read and think is just a sad attempt at a thrilling fiction post my family is healing I'm healing and she did not break us I hope that the story helps anyone who's gone through something similar to feel not so alone I hope that those of you who read this and think of someone who shows the same warning signs as Pam did are now prepared to take action to protect yourselves do not wait until things get as bad as they got for me be aware of the power of mental instability the danger behind it as our trial happens we will learn more I may update posting this with more information I can't thank you all enough for the support you've given me as I've posted my ordeal I'm relieved to have written all of it into words I could not find in these past six years of my life I'm stronger from it a few years ago I was working at a pizza chain in my hometown as a driver I was 27. a man damn good money delivering I'd worked at a few other places both local and chain in the years before and still work as a Dasher on occasion even after this happened now I choose to deliver in much safer areas for this reason got luckier than I could ever imagine one night I was working and had a double two deliveries to take both were cash orders twelve dollars left in my bank the first order went smoothly the guy gave me 50 for a 35 order so I was excited about that nice tip I drove to the second delivery it was at an apartment complex with multiple buildings I had delivered here before the sun was about to set but it was still very light out the chain I worked at had us all Drive company cars with the logo on it all white sedans this is important for later I grabbed the order and go up to the door of the apartment building a young guy comes out and a much bigger guy an older guy was outside smoking a cigarette the big guy went inside as the smaller guy came outside he looked around nervously and asked how much he owed me the way he was looking around just made me nervous the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end I told him the amount and he told me that that wasn't what he was told on the phone something was wrong felt someone else walk out behind me from the door the first young guy looked down around the parking lot craning his neck as if he was looking for someone I told him the amount again and broke down the order for him trying to keep myself calm then the first guy held a gun to my right Temple I also felt a poke in my spine two gunmen I couldn't speak words wouldn't form no matter how hard I tried give me your money and your keys now the first guy growled I fumbled for my keys immediately gave him my bank but I hadn't realized the 50 was also mixed in gave him the keys try my best to remain calm another guy came up from my left he had poofy hair and was around the same age as the first kid one behind me I hadn't seen yet the big haired kid grabbed the pizza bag and ran off and hid the first kid searched the company car luckily I'd left my wallet in my personal car saw him grabbed my cell phone and that's when Panic began to set in pictures on that phone that I hadn't backed up of my then five-year-old son who was my absolute world please please don't take that I have pictures of my son who died on there it's all I have left of him please I lied my son is very much alive and the kid behind me spoke Softly trust me just listen to him you'll get it back on damaged I don't want to be here either I could tell he'd been crying by how his voice sounded another car pulled in all three boys took off to the other end of the complex in a full Sprint before the one behind me ran he dropped the gun in front of me it was a standard issue nine millimeter silver and black safety was off it looked completely real to me he picked it back up and ran with the others car that pulled in saw me was a woman and her kid Panic set in as I realized they could easily come back now do way worse to me as the sky started to get dark I collapsed it had taken my company car keys seventy two dollars the pizza and my phone the woman ran up to me and asked if I was alright she took me into her apartment in the next building over and locked the door shaking so hard I couldn't even hold the phone to talk to 9-1-1 her boyfriend or I assume was her boyfriend helped me call I spoke to the operator and told her everything that happened colorblind and these kids were obviously wearing all black and white clothes thank God I did have a full description of two of them poor woman who helped me was gonna be late for work but she stayed until I was off the phone and the cops had shown up and she was harsh and blunt with the operator but I'll never forget This Woman's utter kindness to help me and her boyfriends the cops show up and contacted my store and my manager they brought out the spare keys for me to drive the car back to the store after dealing with the cops I drove back I was greeted by crying and Beyond worried co-workers all of them were terrified that I was hurt it did mean a lot to me how much they care but I told them I was fine I filed the proper paperwork the 72 was written off as a loss to the store thank God because I'd worked other stores that make you pay back the money out of pocket if you get robbed to prevent drivers from stealing I was then told by the owner to take the rest of the night off and take care of myself gave me a hug he was to this day one of the best bosses that I've ever had what I didn't know was I was in for a very long night I called my best friend before I left the store and asked where he was we usually would meet up for a drink after work he said he was around the corner at a bar so I met up with him his dad was a district four cop in my city at the time the same district that this happened in he told me his dad had given him a heads up he had two shots waiting for me to calm my nerves after those two shots we begin playing pool when his dad called his phone and asked if I was with him yet he told him I was and handed me the phone his dad asked if I could come to the station I was honest with him I told him that I'd have two shots so he ended up sending a squad car to meet me since it really wasn't that far away we got to the station they had suspects in custody and I was needed to ID them three boys and a driver they'd been caught less than 20 minutes after the robbery speeding the bolo had already gone out and they matched the description they had used the money to buy weed gas and then taken off they had at least 15 stolen cell phones on them the order had been placed on a stolen phone and my phone was in the mix of the box the police told me to grab my phone only I did asked me to unlock it and I told the police again every detail my parental instincts kicked in I told him the guy behind me who I obviously was bullied into this and to show Mercy he was the one with the white shirt the police went wide-eyed and told me that he was the one that was talking the other three denied involvement and that's when I found out about the fourth guy the driver he found out later that he was completely unaware of the robbery was just picking up his friends he was never charged the boy who was behind me and the one who grabbed the pizza were 15 and 16. we got six months house arrest the only reason the one behind me got off is easy despite having the gun to my back was because I asked them to go easy on him since he seemed like a good kid who really didn't want to be there he was the only one confessing makes sense since he'd even said the other guy wouldn't have the phone for long he was planning on going to the cops had they not actually been caught but the other guy the first kid who put the gun to my temple it was his 18th birthday and he got the book thrown to him in the courtroom he made fun of me was laughing at me seeing him again made me panic the judge scolded him for his behavior he just grinned and glared at me with a joker-like grin all I could see in those moments was Pure Evil this kid will commit more crimes I have no doubt about it you can see how cold he is just by looking into his eyes and I'd never seen this kind of evil in my life and I never want to again I asked to have my name stricken from the records and asked to remain anonymous in case he ever got out so glad I did because today I got a letter from the state he's being released in February the court only had my old address which was my parents house my mom didn't think the letter was important I missed the deadline to protest his release for probation the plea deal was eight years and it's only been four he's getting out early due to overcrowding not good behavior overcrowding and that's this coming February I'm ready if he finds me my wife my parents everyone now knows his face and his name if he tries anything we're all ready but for his sake let's not meet to the woman in her family who helped me I was a woman then I'm trans if you see this please know my undying gratitude for you all it was inconvenient for you and yet you were still late to work to help me can I thank you enough about Christmas presents for your daughter but when I went back to the landlord there to find you you'd moved I don't want to be a creep and stalk your new place but I'm glad you got out of that bad neighborhood I hope your beautiful baby girl is doing well too I'll gladly meet you again if given the proper thanks you deserve from the Domino's driver in Southwest Ohio edit he's already got a warrant out for new crimes I don't know the details but I know there was another victim based on the type of crime committed three of them got let out on February 2nd and the warrants are from February 22nd I've been watching his Facebook since everything was public just making sure he was staying away from my family I hadn't checked it since mid-February so I just checked it now I noticed he stopped posting originally he was always posting including asking for smoke and when he was going to be on Facebook so that was unusual so I checked the records page more violent crimes have been committed he's more than likely on the Run it looked like he was turning around but I guess not I know I tried my hardest to make sure he stayed in victim services do not care to listen basically now he's hurt someone else feel horrible for that new victim I know it's not my fault but I can't help but feel like I'm partially guilty I'll keep updating this as it develops as of now he's on the Run March 22 2023 is back in prison as of March 8 for five charges if victim Services has ever failed it's now I feel guilty and horrible like I could have done more he's being charged with violent crimes against individuals possession of a weapon Under Disability and homicide someone died by his hand I tried to keep him locked up I know this isn't my fault yet I cannot stop the guilt I hope this won't happen to anybody else by his hand as of this point it'll be years before we get a verdict and more than likely this may be the final update thank you all so much for your support stay safe out there friends it's a crazy crazy world this is going to take a while to explain everything so just stay with me it all comes around my very first car was a dark green 2000 Volkswagen Jetta it was the most basic of Basics when it came to cars no options whatsoever except for an automatic transmission it was 300 slow dumpy and no right headlight it drove straight with the steering wheel practically sideways it let out a cloud of white smoke when it started every stereotype of a poor High school-less car you can think of my car was no exception despite it being a piece of German crap I love that car and I drove it every chance I had don't think a day went by that I didn't drive it I named it thunderbunny she was my baby my beautiful green baby but Volkswagens from that generation Jettas especially I'm not exactly sure what causes it but essentially the transmission gradually gets worse and worse until the car will not shift into third gear there's not a thing you can do from there so a couple of weeks after Halloween 2019. I was going about 30 miles per hour when the engine just suddenly roared the car wouldn't speed up feared the worst and my fears were Justified my dad a mechanic didn't even have hope for my baby much to my dismay we started looking for a new car it only took a month for us to find her a dark green 1999 Volkswagen Jetta exactly like my old car she was faster she had heated leather seats automatic windows Auto sunroof everything all except for an automatic transmission I knew how to drive manual so it was perfect I had my new baby from crackhead neighbor girl to Scarlett Johansson at least in my eyes I love that car even harder I named it little boy and was happy I started working as a pizza delivery driver in a smaller growing town in Michigan it was good money but every once in a while I delivered to an incredibly sketchy place and have had a few shotguns pulled on me one night about two months ago I was delivering on Friday usually Fridays are very busy but for some reason this day was a little slow so when a delivery came in at 8 30 half an hour before we closed I jumped on it I realized it was 7.1 miles away so all of the closing jobs will be done by the time I got back I'd probably be able to leave immediately it was way out of town and a wood surrounded neighborhood but again no work when I get back to the store seems like a good deal to me so I climbed into my car and went to drive 7.1 miles away as I pulled up to the house began to get a bad feeling the house was in a small trailer park type neighborhood next to a lake no lights inside nothing inside there's a single car in the driveway and an open window on the side of the house I pull in behind the car in the driveway and just sat there for a moment something felt off the house being completely dark by the house being completely dark and I mean dark there wasn't even as much as a nightlight that I could see usually when I deliver to a dark house there's at least a light on the upstairs or something that would signal that someone is awake and waiting for their Pizza the house seemed dead nevertheless I put the car in gear turned off the engine grabbed the small cheapest pizza we had got out without my headlights on there was nothing I could barely see the house itself and the only light was coming from the dim Moon I walked onto the porch and passed the big open window to the front door as I reached the front door I saw it the door was slightly cracked open just enough for me to see inside that void of a house thinking of every single horror movie that I'd ever seen I said aloud [ __ ] that and hurried back to my car I'm a tall well-built looking guy despite my wide shoulders and baggy hoodie a frail thing could hardly fight off a small dog got into my car and turned on the engine my headlights illuminated the house it almost simultaneously the living room light behind the big open window lit up a single guy looked out and walked to the front door I cussed to myself and weighed my options if I went up to that door I could die if I noped out of there I would be 110 fired that meant no new car parts no gas money no cute dates with my girl I'd be sitting at home doing virtual school work it was a stupid choice I know but I grabbed the pizza and opened up my door making a choice that I'm damn glad that I still made I took the car out of gear and climbed out mostly so my engine would still be running so that if I needed I could run back and immediately take off I walked up to the door the man had opened it the rest of the way as I got closer got a good look at him I'm not one to judge a person based on their physical appearance but this guy's head was cleanly shaven and was covered in tattoos he's wearing a pair of gray jeans and a white tank top he had a scowl on his face and was completely just staring me dead in the eyes look past him for a moment into that house which was completely empty so I got close enough that I started opening up the pizza bag he started to reach around his waist and I stopped you staring at me with the most evil grin that I'd ever seen I knew in that moment I was about to die I'd always heard your life seems to flash before your eyes I thought about my girl she wouldn't know what had happened my work would stop delivering upon my disappearance assuming that my body would never be found my dad would regret telling me that he was happy for me Landing this job that's when I heard it a distinct sound of gravel under tires I only pathetically small chance of Escape was rolling away and I didn't even look back at the car to know that I heard the sound of the car rolling and it was getting closer the guy's eyes went from the driveway to behind me I finally looked over my shoulder my car had rolled backwards it had come to a smooth stop near the mailbox of the house I looked back at the guy who had a nervous look he looked back at me and scowled again and took his hand from around his waist he reached into his front pocket and took out twelve dollars and handed it to me I quickly gave him the pizza and watched him slam the door shut I ran back to my car and practically tore the door off trying to get in look back at the house and the man was standing at the front window staring out at me you better believe I nearly spun the tires on my way out of there I kept glancing at my mirrors until I started driving under street lights again it was easily the scariest moment I've ever experienced as soon as I got back to the store told my boss about it and she called the police we never heard anything about it and I assumed they went to the house and only found a small cheese pizza started carrying a knife on me at all times my boss is considering getting trackers for our pizza bags only recently that I realized this is sort of a butterfly effect I thought it was the worst thing ever that my transmission went out and I cursed Volkswagen for Designing such a terrible automatic transmission but if it was still working then I still would have my old car when this happened I would have put the car in park it would have sat there while whatever was gonna happen to me happened still to this day I have zero doubts in my mind that that man was planning on murdering me so shitty German engineering saved me from getting murdered that night I'm new to posting and Reddit I normally just read and I apologize if I'm not posting to the correct place this event happened seven years ago when I was still living in a small town in Illinois my youngest was a few weeks old so I was frequently up to feed him so I slept downstairs with him while my husband and older two children slept upstairs I was woken up to someone knocking on the door I was half asleep and my only thought was getting to the door before it woke everyone else up I was so sleep deprived and I wasn't thinking straight otherwise I wouldn't have answered the door so late at night as I got to the door my baby started to wake up so I brought him with me I opened up the door there's a man standing there said how can I help you you just stood there for a moment didn't say anything at this point I'm starting to wake up and become more observant I remember feeling like he seemed nervous which made me anxious all he said was I'm sorry I I thought you ordered a pizza and he grabbed a box of the table on the porch and walked away I don't remember what I even said to him just closed the door and stood there feeling a bit strange thinking how weird it was just told myself maybe he had the wrong house so I'm walking back to the living room saw a clock and my stomach dropped it was a little after 2 A.M there's no places around that deliver that late I'm back to look outside but I didn't see anyone there were no cars on the street made sure all the doors were locked and I just remember sitting there a little shaken thinking how off I felt about this situation normally a pizza guy says hi tells how much you owe all he said was I'm sorry I thought you ordered one the box was not with him I didn't see it until he grabbed it off the table as he exited my porch the table was a few feet away from the door if he was holding it I probably wouldn't have asked him how I could help him I would have said something like you were at the wrong house I don't remember him wearing anything associated with the pizza place or even a name tag the only place that was nearby was a Pizza Hut so I guess it's possible that he maybe had a jacket on but I don't really remember nothing was open that late though I'm sure about that a nervous Vibe I got off of him told me something was off what was he doing if you had bad intentions I think he either saw that I had dogs or maybe the baby changed his mind whenever I think about it I still get chills I feel very lucky and fortunate and nothing happened to us that night so today has been a particularly slow day at work I've been killing time reading these stories maybe enough time has passed and I can finally share mine I had a friend who was really into the occult unfortunately I was the one who got him turned on to it we had a mutual appreciation of the Paranormal and all of things weird so I thought the subject would interest him he started going really deep into the subject to the point he wouldn't talk about anything else he would actually interpret a conversation and force the subject back to occult matters rude but sometimes people would go through phases where their interest is all they want to talk about it was a mostly forgivable offense I should also mention that this particular friend didn't have a very large friend Circle is depression an introverted nature kept him inside a lot didn't exactly have the best luck with relationships and women his world was kind of small and I did enjoy hanging out with him so I did my best to just be a good friend to him and I did want to just brush him off because he was acting a little weirder than normal honestly for the longest time he was a total normal guy we'd chat and play games together on the PlayStation sometimes we'd even go see movies we all hung out at the park we went swimming overall we just had a good time hanging out things began to go downhill when he started to smoke DMT personally think psychedelics are an amazing tool that can offer insight into your life they should be treated with respect my friend got to the point where he was making himself and almost smoking it daily multiple times a day for those of you who aren't familiar with the substance when you smoke it you get transported to a different world an entirely new plane of existence your body and yourself don't exist anymore you're just exploring this alternate reality Dreamscape my personal experience it led me to seeing a dragon once in this Kaleidoscope of a cornucopia people see all kinds of things and different things when using it imagine what this does to a person when they're smoking it 30 plus times a day you started to tell me things like he was the reincarnated Osiris he said he was seeing Egyptian hieroglyphs all over the place in Waking Life apparently he had an hour-long conversation with entities in his bedroom even when he wasn't smoking DMT of course I was very alarmed to hear all this I told him he needed to take a serious break from it no drugs at all for a few months so we can find solid footing inside reality again it was at this point I was still hanging out with him because he obviously needed help like I said before didn't have a lot of friends that could give him that it was also the black sheep of his family so I knew he wasn't getting any form of support from them he was actually really close to his sister and I did reach out to her on Facebook to express my concerns I pushed her to talk to him into getting some help because he was slipping past the point of no return I'm not really sure if she took my messages seriously since we really didn't know one another plus she's at least six years younger than us and possibly didn't grasp how serious the situation was becoming in any case I'll jump forward now to the part of my story where things start to get really creepy my boyfriend had made arrangements to hang out with their friends at the park I really didn't want to go I felt like I needed a break from him and his nonsensical ranting I couldn't deal with it on that particular day my boyfriend convinced me that he wasn't all that bad so we went anyway when we get to the park he's his usual self ranting about Egypt and made up God that only he knew the truth about he also had this large hunting knife that he kept fiddling with the whole time we were on a walk he told us that even using it in ceremonial Magic and helped him banish negative thoughts made me extremely uneasy he would do this thing where he'd take the knife and make stabbing motions near his heart or his head like he was mock stabbing himself all the while holding a conversation with me or my boyfriend I think we're really both on edge at this point and I really didn't know what to say or do about it I tried to distract him from doing it by bringing up other subjects things that might interest him but he kept on talking about his ritual keep in mind we were walking on a trail so it wasn't like we could just say goodbye then and there we had to walk back to our car and drop him off at his so my boyfriend had the bright idea that we should get lunch after our walk even though I was doing my best to give him the look that said no you crazy why do you think I want to spend any more time with this nut but it must not have been very effective or my boyfriend was just ignoring it not sure either way we ended up getting in the car and going out to lunch in the car as I was driving my boyfriend was in the passenger seat and our weirdo friend was in the back as we're heading through a busy part of town where all the shopping and restaurants are I hear the distinctive sound of a belt buckle Coming Undone then I hear the worst sound imaginable peek out the corner of my eye and my suspicions were confirmed this crazy [ __ ] was full on jacking off in our back seat I mean pants all the way down bare ass on the seat beating it so hard it was like he was trying to rip it off instantly I felt sick to my stomach and all that nervous energy I had throughout the day popped into my head I was trying not to shake and tried to ignore it and just continued driving through the heavy traffic I guess I had a kind of freeze response the whole time I kept thinking about that huge ass knife he had in his pocket he was obviously completely off his rocker now I was afraid to say or do anything or confront him because I didn't know how he would react this part is nuts and my boyfriend didn't even seem to notice and the whole time he just kept rambling on about God knows what I couldn't listen because my thoughts were 100 focused on driving and trying to act like I didn't know what was going on in my back seat getting to the restaurant my boyfriend runs inside to grab food left all alone in the car with that friend I try to act like I'm browsing on my phone when really I'm watching and listening as hard as I can no one says a word my boyfriend gets back and I complain that I'm tired it's been a long day let's drop him off Etc so I drive us back to our friend's car and he doesn't get out of the vehicle he just sits there I have to get a little bit rude and ask him to please get out and go home he gets out of his car and walks over to the passenger side start getting really scared and just suspected the worst even hold a gun out of some kind of baggie out on a seat and just walks over to the car with it I don't know why I did this but I was just so pissed that I got out of my car and walked right up to him I was maybe three feet away and I could see it was a loaded nine millimeter handgun I kept asking him over and over what are you doing what are you doing because apparently that's all my brain could think to do I told him to get in his car and go home during this entire process he never says anything he just kind of cries and had this wild look in his eye for whatever reason he got back into his car and just drove off told my boyfriend obviously we are never hanging out with him again and that I didn't even want him to talk to him anymore no contact nothing a few months pass and he occasionally would message me through PlayStation or text my phone he said a lot of random stuff and I just completely ignore it it turns out he moved down to Nashville Tennessee I don't know why he had a roommate and I think their girlfriend lived there as well I'm not really sure about the entire situation I'm thinking maybe he turned his life around got a fresh start down there I think it's best to cut all contact and let him regroup I'm not interested in any kind of Friendship with him and I know he needed to help beyond what I could offer him again I reached out to his sister and let her know that he had a gun she had managed to get it away from him but somehow it did little to no good in the end I get a call around 11 pm one night that woke me up it's a man claiming that he's a detective down in Gallatin Tennessee my heart skips a beat I start sweating and immediately ask what happened apparently my former friend stabbed someone to death on Halloween day I don't know all the details and the articles I found about it are kind of sparse the whole thing is really surreal just left feeling lucky that I didn't get shot last summer this whole thing turned out way longer than I meant it to be but that's my story still feeling creeped out by the whole ordeal I'm kind of sick after writing all of this this is a long story but it was so bizarre I feel like it's worth telling I wanted to post it because this person recently tried a friend my now husband on Facebook it brought back crazy memories and I need to vent about it I got married right at 18. I was a pretty book smart kid but lack Street smarts and by the time I turned 20 my now ex-husband and I had moved on to a rental property in a pretty nice suburb area in the basement of the house there was a big mother-in-law Suite or a good male friend of ours lived as well I was about halfway through nursing school at this time this particular semester of nursing school I had a very early clinical rotation once a week I was 21 at the time I'm not a morning person so in order to maximize the amount of time I spent asleep I started loading all my stuff into my car the night before my bags my books and even my purse one particular night before clinicals I asked my ex-husband Bobby to get a book for my car he goes out and does but forgets to lock the door the next morning when I get to my car I note that my purse is now gone so I end up filing a police report I was mostly concerned because I had just gotten this new job as a nurse's aide at a hospital I'm a security card still sitting in my wallet almost immediately after that theft strange things start to happen we start getting ding dong ditches at all hours of the day and night someone vandalized mine Knicks and Bob's cars with strange graffiti our house would be egged Nick's Tires got slashed first we chalked it up to Neighborhood Pranksters but when we started having damages that cost me some decent money called the police not to mention one day when Bob was mowing the lawn he noticed piles of cigarette butts outside the bedroom window the police came out and pretty much did nothing but take a report and told us to probably invest in car alarms and some brighter floodlights for the driveway a few weeks after this at 2 30 in the morning I get a call on my cell it was the police in a neighboring town they had picked up someone who had my ID on him someone named Craig when they asked why he had someone else's ID on him he claimed that I was his girlfriend the cop called me because his name had popped up that I'd file a police report for theft I assured the police that I'd never heard of him before and was also told that I could pick up my ID at the police station within the next few days things really started to escalate at that point but I still didn't make the connection that perhaps these incidents were related I began to get strange messages on MySpace this was 2009 as well as well as on Facebook clearly from fake accounts with long-winded messages that made absolutely no sense this person started messaging friends of mine as well deleted Myspace and blocked the person on Facebook but new accounts kept getting created more and more somehow this person got my email address started sending me emails as well I had no idea who this person could be they seemed to know details about me that indicated that this was either someone I knew or knew someone that I knew messages weren't overtly threatening but creepy enough to where I started becoming very uncomfortable one night my friend Laura and I were sitting on the couch watching TV Lauren's husband and a few other friends had gone out for the night we're sitting around chilling when we hear something that sounds like someone's shaking the garage door go out and check it nothing seems out of the ordinary we've had occasional issues with raccoons so I just chalked it up to that but the noise keeps continuing Lauren and I are getting freaked out at this point Now understand the layout of the house it was a modern style ranch house with no upstairs the garage sounds move now to the kitchen window a distinct sound of someone scratching or knocking hard we immediately call her husbands who don't answer and at this point we debate calling the police what if it is an animal or just tree branches you don't want to seem stupid as we debate this I see Lauren's face Go sheet white and look past me I spin around and I can see the handle to our front door wiggling we were seated near the kitchen so we jump up born grabs a knife from the Butcher Block on the counter and I grab a small Hammer from the drunk drawer we book it to the back of the house where the bedrooms are cell phone in hand and lock the door behind us and immediately call the police the dispatcher tells us to stay in the line move furniture in front of the door if possible police are on their way shove a dresser in front of the door continuing with our knife and hammering hands and we agreed if he was going to come in he might be bigger or stronger than us but we're not going down without a fight the cops finally show up banging on the front door shouting police you can see the red and blue lights through the window we leave the room and let the cops inside they find no signs of anyone present or evidence of any attempted break-in take another report and in the meanwhile our husbands finally call us back and they come home when the cops leave fast forward a few months later a very close friend of ours Sean was renovating his apartment and needed a place to crash along with his girlfriend Bob and I decide that he could stay in the third bedroom inside our house the first night that Sean stayed with us or awaken at two in the morning by Sean screaming at someone Bob and I jump out of bed and rush into the hall and into Sean's room Sean and his girlfriend are wide awake lights on looking totally freaked out screen is sliced and flopping in the Wind Sean told us that he woke up to someone using what he thought was a knife on the screen and started climbing in through that window call the cops again they come out and take a statement Sean describes the guy as best as he could white male young looking semi-shaved head with what looked like darker hair the police dust for fingerprints and comes back as a match for you guessed it Craig J urns out I knew who he was vaguely he was a year younger than me we'd gone to the same High School but I couldn't remember having any significant interactions with him he lived with his parents only a few blocks away from my parents house upon realizing that Sean had just moved in the cop makes a statement that chilled us all he probably didn't realize anyone was staying in this bedroom and thought the room would be empty so the cops go there and arrest him and he suddenly has quite the story for him and I are secret lovers and I was ignoring him we had a relationship he also had quote unquote been allowed into my home many times I'm floored he gets charged with something like trespassing or breaking and entering does light time for it maybe a month tops then has to pay a fine in the meanwhile I get a restraining order on him he gets out I hear nothing from him I also develop a completely irrational fear of first floor windows fast forward to Christmas of 2010 I'm now 23. I figured the whole Craig thing is in the past Bob and I ended up divorcing which was unrelated to this and go our separate ways and Nick has long since moved out we end our lease and I move to a less desirable suburb but with a more affordable rent I settle on an apartment in a four unit building that has a locked entrance and the only way in was with the key or was someone opening the door from the inside I lived on the second floor by this time I graduated and was now a nurse was working full-time at a nursing home spring summer of 2011. it all started up again calls began coming to me at work only to have that someone hang up letters suddenly appeared in the staff only mailbox mailed to me with no return address strange email started up again from random accounts messages were never overtly threatening but they were long and way too frequent way too out there spoke to me as if we were long-lost friends and had some sort of connection I don't think he ever threatened to hurt me although cutting into the house with a knife I really don't know what was going on through his head what I kind of seemed to piece together over the years from all this rambling is he had some sort of crush on me when I was younger and him happening to rob my car was some sort of sign from the universe or something that we were meant to be together I called the police and they basically tell me there's nothing they can do because there's been no threats there's not much else they can do other than watch and wait this continues on for a while and finally one night I wake up at two in the morning to the doorbell ringing I'm instantly in a panic I look out the window there illuminated in the floodlight is Craig burst out crying in my half a week State I run across the hall and start banging on my neighbor's door he was an older divorce guy who lived alone he goes downstairs and confronts Craig tells him the cops have been called and Craig immediately takes off I file a report and they claim they will talk to him but this only makes things get worse friends I have on Facebook are now starting to get random messages from him asking about me telling them that he has an important information for me other times he alternates saying that I owe him money and I have debt I need to pay off my friends block him as he goes along Meanwhile my younger sister is living in the city with a few friends somehow finds out where and drives to her apartment and confronts her while she has people over she freaks out they kick him out and she calls the police who basically do the same thing again he didn't commit a crime but offered to tell her to get a restraining order right after this another incident occurs my younger cousin is a high school senior on the cross country team shows up at my cousin's practice cousin has no clue who he is he starts demanding information about me the coach ended up getting involved and Craig gets in a fight with him police are called and he's banned from school grounds but nothing more he calls the nursing home administrator at my job asking him to talk to me and then he has important information to tell me the administrator who is fully aware of the situation tells him not to come onto the property or he'll have him arrested for trespassing at this point I'm paranoid beyond measure but then just as quickly as it started it faded away it's now summer of 2012. this is the final Capper in The Saga I'm almost 25 now A friend of mine named Stacy moves in with me temporarily while she looked for a place she was dating a new guy and spent quite a few nights at his place one day I picked up a double shift starting at 7am and ended at 11 30 pm Stacy text me around 3 30 PM stating that she won't be home that night and was going out with her guy I arrived home that night at almost midnight the first thing I noticed is that my door is unlocked uneasy but thinking perhaps Stacy had just forgotten to lock it cautiously appear inside I pan my gaze into the kitchen and living room I can't shake the feeling that I'm unsettled something wasn't sitting right with me due to all of these incidents I've made sure that only one or two lights were on even when I wasn't home still not fully in the door I noticed that I was staring into the pitch black apartment and immediately my brain went into full panic mode I'm glad it did though realistically Stacy could have forgotten to leave a light on but my instincts weren't overdrive and sounding off at least five alarm bells in my head Puerto Rican neighbor who lived down in the apartment units below me was known for his weekend parties I could hear one going on downstairs I booked it down the stairs and burst into the party and tell him what just happened he looks at me like I'm crazy but agrees to come upstairs with me we get inside and he looks around and we don't see anyone starting to wonder if maybe I am just nuts maybe Stacy had her boyfriend over and they left in a hurry forgetting to turn on the low lights and lock the door he agrees with me and sort of jokingly pulls open the pantry door what I saw next we'll never leave my mind there crouched inside my pantry is Craig my neighbor puts the guy in a choke hold and I called the police to this day I have no idea what he planned on doing next the cops came out and he's arrested because my neighbor was having a party he had the door open to the alleyway and chances are he just walked into our building and most likely people just assumed that he was there for the party or whatever it's more confusing how he got into my apartment itself and my theory is my roommate at the time was from the country well I lived in a suburb so we always locked our doors and generally kept everything secure as a rule she was used to leaving her doors unlocked and wide open I think honestly it may have just slipped her mind when she went out the door for the night confronted her about it and she of course denied it that's really the only logical way he could have gotten inside I always locked both the knob lock and the deadbolt whenever I left the house unless he was a skilled locksmith I have no idea how else he could have gotten in I didn't stay alone or go anywhere by myself for a long time after that I feel like I may have actually developed a paranoia because of all of this and was highly suspicious of giving my number or any information to anyone he ended up being charged and convicted of aggravated stalking breaking and entering and some other charges ended up meeting his parents in court who were both shockingly very normal and apologetic people they tried explaining their son's Behavior they claimed he was mentally ill and suffered from bipolar disorder when he's medicated he's okay but when he's off his meds he's nuts after he served time I didn't hear from him for years until 2016 when he found me on Facebook I was much older now around 29. I replied to him very firmly that any contact with me would end up in the police being called I had no interest in him whatsoever I blocked him instantly recently he found my new husband on Facebook and friended him my husband blocked him as well to this day I'm still paranoid I had parked my car near baseball diamond once and some kid most likely hit a baseball into my windshield and took off is that a perfectly baseball-sized spider crack on the glass despite it being completely logical that it most likely was I instantly reverted back to oh God is it him I have no idea what actually happened to him I'm also now a total psycho about keeping things locked I do have one of my acquaintances monitor him on Facebook from what I've seen he appears to go through periods where he's pretty inactive then immediately have episodes where he's just rambling over posting and over sharing acting generally deranged I do believe his parents were telling the truth when they stated that when he's medicated he's okay part of me does feel bad for him I'm older now been a nurse for almost 10 years when some of which was time spent with a psych specialty the mind is a hell of a thing looking back though those were some of the worst years of my adult life he put me through a lot of anxiety caused a lot of issues for me I slept with my couch pushed against my apartment door for two years before I moved out of there I'm now married on nights where I'm home alone still find myself resisting the urge to stack Furniture in front of my doors moral the story never leave your purse in your car but always lock your doors when I was much younger and far less concerned with consequences I was introduced to a guy through a mutual friend that was well connected it took me forever to figure out how this guy could stalk a veritable roving Pharmacy inside his vehicle but at the time I wasn't so much concerned with the howl just to win like hey man when can I purchase an irresponsible amount of prescription medications from you I got to know him more I learned more about my purveyor of happy pills and he thoroughly threw off a very bad Vibe I would do my very best to avoid the post deal hangout eventually my dealer and all henceforth referred to him as D started making attempts to insulate himself into my group of friends more and more you call me constantly text me like an abandoned Tinder date and harassed me to hang out we would casually drink beer in the backyard of my house and he'd happen to be in the neighborhood just like he'd accidentally take a load off and decide to stick around not a complete [ __ ] so it was difficult to sell someone a clue who doesn't have a proverbial nickel to his name I specifically remember a night when each of us were recounting Macho stories of tussles and scraps that we'd all been in indeed decided it was his turn to contribute it went something like oh that's nothing man one time I shot a man in the face with a sawed-off shotgun and beat the rap on a self-defense technicality we also just went slack jawed at the moment and nodded our heads mumbling uncomfortably wow pretty cool at that point we all just assumed he was a one-upper would say whatever to reinforce the tough guy persona he was so desperate to have us believe I should have realized then that maybe D wasn't exactly an asset to the societal fabric but you know didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings plus drugs a few weeks later into that summer some of the boys and I decided to tie one on and head downtown to the clubs now I know for a fact that I hadn't committed the sin of imparting knowledge to our physical location to D but somehow he materialized by my side as I was ordering up a drink even in my own greatly impaired State I could tell Dee was a knee walking gutter-sucking blackout it took me all of 30 seconds of surveying his slack expression coupled with those glassy black eyes doing that thousand yard stare to surmise that D was not going to be a fun man to be around this night my hypothesis soon proved to be all too accurate and began pushing random people on the Dance Floor costing women in front of their respective boyfriends and husbands all while fiddling around in his pockets for something starting get yd wasn't a pillar of social proficiency eventually he was ejected from the club and as a mission of pure Mercy I went outside to make sure he at least found a cab home and that's when I discovered what Dee was looking for in his pocket that whole night as I walked outside I could see several bouncers surrounding him he was brandishing a [ __ ] six inch serrated fold-out knife I still have no idea to this day what possessed me to step in and Corral him I still believe that the only reason I wasn't about to get cut to Ribbons was because of the Gumby like flexibility that I'm afforded under the influence of alcohol and prescription meds I was finally able to convince him into a taxi and send him packing home at that point I made a firm decision to stop doing drugs and by my proxy stop everything D ever I blocked his number and refused to go out and it's very lucky that I did so because a few months later he found himself once again in a scuffle at that very same establishment only this time I wasn't there to rescue him he stabbed a man seven or eight times hot footed into an alley and some pitiful attempt at Escape the police didn't have to do much sleuthing there were plenty of bystanders willing to point out his location D is now in a level 4 prison and isn't eligible for parole for another decade or so and I'd say good D it's not [ __ ] meat again this not occurred about seven years ago on my way home from my parents 22 young and naive and well just dumb I've moved into my first apartment first of my family to move away from our sleepy old train town that I grew up in so I went home every Sunday to visit with the family but mostly to do laundry and eat Sunday dinner I live about 45 to 60 Minutes up the highway so I generally had it home by six on this night in particular there is a summer thunderstorm that had been pouring down rain relentlessly all day long my cousins dropped in just as I was packing up to leave after dinner so I ended up sticking around for a few more hours just to visit I left my mom's around 10 pm in the pouring rain and this was the first time after moving from home that I encountered something that truly scared me I don't know why I never told anybody about this I think it had to do with my pride everyone always gives me trouble about living alone as a single female in a newish area anyway so here goes I left my parents around 10 pm and pouring rain side note I hate driving in the rain so I'm driving down the service road that leaves out of town and eventually turns into the on-ramp to the highway as you're leaving town the service road turned into a one lane right in front of this Quarry train loading station thing I'm not really clear on what that place is but it always gave me the creeps if you're unfortunate enough to pass through there when a train is crossing the road you'll be stuck there for a while once the road passes the tracks it turns back into two lanes and goes up a steep hill as I'm approaching the Quarry I can make out an orange light on a red cab 18-wheeler sitting in the Quarry parking lot mind you it's pouring rain visibility is low so I can't make out the trucker until I'm pretty close to him as soon as I could make out that it was a trucker it pulls onto the road I had to slam my brakes to avoid hitting the trailer on the back of the truck I skid around the road until I regained control of my car so now I'm stuck behind this dummy that just pulled out without paying any attention I keep my distance behind him because I'm a little flustered for the record my headlights were on so if you've been paying attention you should have been able to see me honestly with the heavy rain and low visibility who knows so I'm behind this guy as we cross the tracks and begin to climb up that Steep Hill despite it turning into two lanes on the hill he's driving right up the middle of the two lanes I figured he didn't realize he was in two lanes so I just putter along behind him keeping my distance as soon as he finally reached the peak of the hill and the road began to level out he moves over to the right lane yes finally so I move over and begin to pass him as soon as I get past the front of the truck he swerves behind me quite abruptly and begins flashing his high beams at me usually when someone flashes their lights behind you or in our area anyway it means to turn your lights on mine were already on I checked as soon as he started flashing me again weirded out I put my blinker on and safely changed lanes to get out of his way he follows my lane change and begins laying on his horn he honked three or four times at me and it startled me and I began to get a lot more flustered the hell did this guy want I moved out of his way my headlights are on so why didn't I just speed up and zip away you might be asking well I grew up in this area and it had been raining heavily all day and I know that that service road floods a little especially in the heavy rain both on the shoulders and in the random spots in the middle of the road it's a small Midwestern town our roads are shitty I'd already skidded and nearly wrecked once I wasn't about to floor it on this bumpy service road that floods risk wrecking again there's nothing between that quarry and the highway only about four or five miles of wooded area if I wrecked it would have just been him so this went on for the next four to five miles to the highway he began tailgating me in addition to the high beams and honking once the tailgating began I was in tears still don't know what this guy wants from me I'm trying to stay out of his way and get home safely that's all I wanted I changed lanes two more times making it three total now he continued to follow me from Lane to Lane as we approached the highway I floored it couldn't accelerate quickly enough to keep up and I lost him as soon as I realized I'd lost him and I'm safe on the highway I Just Lose It that was a hysterical wreck there's only one exit after getting on the highway to stop in the small town that runs through it after that it's all Woods for a good 30 minutes just thought about getting off of that exit just to calm down pull together but I wanted to go home so I sped right past it should have stopped once the city was no longer visible in my rearview mirror is much more calm managed to scramble my cell phone out of my purse and put it in my lap just in case the rain led up to a drizzle the further I went but I was still pretty on edge there weren't many other cars on the highway and majority of them were just truckers cruising along in the center lane on the truck next to me in the passing Lane begins blaring the horn and moving into my lane forcing me over into the third lane we continue moving over nearly forcing me off the highway I sped up and changed lanes right in front of him so that I'm back in the center lane slow down so I'm in line with the front cab I double click the home button on my phone and roll down my window I start taking pictures of the cabbie I think the flashes made him realize what I was doing and he began slowing down until he's behind me again got a lot of pictures I sped up and lost sight of him I was satisfied that I managed to get a few pictures but I was just so angry at this point I pull over onto the shoulder of the highway and just wait for him I wanted to get behind him so I could get a picture of the license plate and report this [ __ ] sadly he was on to me for sure I noticed headlights behind me it was a long way back but behind me nonetheless on the shoulder of the highway I waited keeping an eye on the trucks passing me just to be sure I didn't miss him as I look back again I noticed a shadow passed through the headlights of the truck Ed me quite a bit did he get out of the cab I didn't end up sticking around to find out I got back in my car and just took off and got home as quickly as I possibly could the pictures were a total failure it was still drizzling the flash combined with the drizzle just resulted in washing out of the pictures I could see the Red Cab but no matter what filters I use there's no making out exactly what the cab said Red Cab trucker you're the reason I have a dash cam in my car it's not meat again this is one of the most unsettling experiences I've ever had and I had to share it with you so I got a babysitting gig over the summer for one of my professors sister's kid I go over there to babysit one night this is a pretty big house like a decent size not like Mansion Level huge but pretty big nonetheless with two stories in this fancy pool they're pretty well off people I guess you could say so anyways the Mom leaves the kid with me he's nine we hang out for a while maybe an hour and a half or so he shows me his fancy toys in the living room and he's like wait I have to show you the trains so I follow him he brings me downstairs to their basement where there's this huge train set down there it's at least the size of two dining room tables with the train station multiple tracks or river trees mountains and even this little town it was actually pretty cool so I'm like whoa dude watching him mess around with it and stuff then the train station starts making this loud beeping sound kid rushes to shut it off and goes you gotta be quiet because my dad is sleeping I'm like oh oh okay he explains that his dad works at nights and sleeps during the day so I'm like I guess that explains why he needs a babysitter anyway a few more hours go by most of it spent in front of the TV Roku thing and eventually his mom comes home she pays me and that's how it went jokingly I tell her that he could get a little Rowdy but he was okay everything went well she tells me she hopes it wasn't too much trouble then I replied somewhat joking that it's no big deal and since we had to be quiet anyway since there was no rowdiness or something like that she kind of blanks stares at me for a moment then asked what do you mean so I explained oh you know with your husband is sleeping all we didn't want to be too loud she just blank stares at me still I start to feel a little awkward wondering what I said wrong until she replies my husband I'm not married I just pause and look at the kid who's sitting on the other side of the room messing around again with his toys shake it off because I'm tired and just want to take my money and leave so I laugh awkwardly oh okay I think maybe I just misunderstood something he said she laughs too well it would be nice to have another set of hands around here but for now it's just me my head I'm like what just me hello I'm I don't know I'm freaking out a little bit and obviously I don't want to freak her out so I just laugh awkwardly again and like haha yeah I get that and I leave not long after that so yeah we part ways and I speed away been thinking about it ever since is that not the creepiest [ __ ] ever I'm hoping it was just some sort of miscommunication but whatever happened freak me the [ __ ] out and I'm not sure if I want to babysit there anymore I'm back with another unitop base in middle of nowhere story when I was around 15 years old me and my friends were driving around going to all the quote unquote haunted places around the basin it was getting close to Halloween so as is tradition we were all trying to scare one another first we went to a place called The Haunted Woods this is an actual business not a place in the woods then we went to an abandoned hotel near the Ute reservation nothing of significance happened there we didn't see or hear anything we're just goofing around having fun then our driver said we're going to skinwalk a ranch I had never heard of Skinwalker Ranch but I'd heard plenty of stories about skinwalkers I was intrigued at first but as we dropped down the hill back behind the property a feeling of total dreads settled on me like a heavy blanket everyone inside the car got more and more quiet like they were feeling the heaviness too I don't think we should go here I spoke Softly oh we're going the driver announced there's no moon tonight and no flashlights allowed it continued I'll just stay in the truck then I have a really bad feeling and I don't want to go I spoke again you aren't staying in my truck alone now get out he said rudely I got out of the truck and looked over at my best friend her face was white and her eyes were wide and round I knew she felt the same way that I did shouldn't be here the driver of the truck said this is the back end of the huge Ranch I wouldn't have believed him that this was really Skinwalker Ranch if I didn't feel that it was in every nerve ending in my body he walked over to an ancient post and pull fence undid the loop wire holding up a small gate laid it on the ground there was an overgrown two-track Road leading up into the darkness where we followed as he led us up this horrible feeling of dread was almost overwhelming felt like I was going to be sick I wanted to go running back to the truck but I had a deep fear that something was going to pounce the moment I left the safety of the group we weren't laughing and joking here that heaviness was waiting on all of us and we all walked silently Through The Dark as we walked to try to keep my eyes on my feet but I would occasionally glance to either side of the two-track road each time I did I would see the huge black mass out in the Tall Grass I told myself it was just a cow each time I looked it was the same spot off to the left following our journey to the Old Homestead finally the driver and the leader of our foolish Expedition stopped and said that we were almost to the Old Homestead he also said we needed to stay quiet in case the owners were around as he turned to start walking again a growl left from the darkness and he stopped and took a step back he was no longer the fearless leader his voice shook as he told us it was time to head back to the truck we walked a little ways back and then one of our groups said they needed to use the bathroom so we stopped by a small stream running along the south end of the property smoking and talking to one of my friends telling them how relieved I was that we were leaving glance down at the stream and at the same time my friend did we both saw a black figure emerging from the water it was not a cow it was not a coyote it looked like a too skinny and Too Tall Man he both screamed and ran back to the road this was the last draw for everyone and we all ran back the entire way to the truck now I know that's eerie and also kind of uneventful but have no fear my story isn't over yet a few months later this adventure had slowly left my mind and I'd started to convince myself that the figure in the darkness was just a cow or maybe probably it was just the dark running water Playing Tricks on my eyes making me see things emerging from the water that weren't really there my best friend had come over to my house to sit outside [ __ ] and smoke cigarettes we did this pretty frequently like I said in my last story we lived in the middle of nowhere so dumb things like this were about as much fun as we could have so we're just sitting there in her car across the road from my house her car is pointed toward the Town Park which was about a block away from the house there was no other houses on the way to the park so with the street lamps on at the park you can basically see everything up there oh look a deer my friends had suddenly I could see a set of glowing eyes in the very end of the park oh yep there it is I reply you watch it as it slowly walks towards the center of the park in this spot is a huge metal slide slash jungle gym thing probably about 10 to 12 feet tall as the deer is walking I noticed that for some reason I can't quite make out any features of the deer it always seems to be just Out Of Reach of the street lamps that are dotted throughout that Park that deer is right next to the slide when suddenly it stands up the eyes that we're watching are suddenly even with the platform on the slide which would make this deer 10 to 12 feet tall then it starts to walk standing on its hind legs me and my friend both start panicking what the [ __ ] is that that's not a deer we keep watching this extremely tall creature across the park my friend decided that we're driving up there she locked the doors and we head towards the park when we were almost there the eyes had crossed the street and went into the neighborhood across from the park and by the time we finally got there whatever it was had now vanished after a few months went by the event had definitely rattled us there was no convincing ourselves that it was a deer deer do not walk on their hind legs and they are not 10 feet tall one night I'm at that same friend's house and that friend lives smack dab in the middle of a huge Farmland all around her were pastures it was very peaceful most of the time we'd spent that night watching movies and just hanging out I went out and started my car we were smoking together on our porch before I was about to leave we were just chatting and suddenly her eyes leave my face and looked behind me and her eyes grew wide I turn around to see two glowing red eyes just past the fence into her neighbor's pasture what the f is that I managed to squeak out I don't know she Whispers back the eyes remained fixed on us for about 30 seconds then turned to the left blinked and vanished they both immediately ran back into the house and I didn't dare go home for another 45 minutes if my car hadn't already been started I probably wouldn't have left at all a couple years after these events I was speaking with the youth Tribal member that I worked with and she said something that gives me goosebumps to this day she told me it isn't what's on the ranch that you should be afraid of that's what follows you when you leave I'm convinced it's something followed us back from Skinwalker Ranch those terrifying events was something warning us to never go back I never did and I never will foreign to 14 years old me and my friends would sneak out and go hang out with our boyfriends out in the middle of nowhere we live basically in the middle of nowhere so going to random back roads was pretty much our only option for having fun we would go to this place the locals called the tunnel it was just a dirt road with tall trees and overgrown Willows on both sides it was very secluded so we would go there to drink beer smoke weed and just make out with our boyfriends they would always tell us spooky stories of a large black dog that would chase their car every single time they went down there at night they said one time that they went there during the day and saw the dog dead and mangled on the side of the road the next time they were back at night the dog was alive and well chasing after their car again I knew they were just telling us these stories to scare us and I wasn't sure if I really believed them or not since I had come down to this place with a few of them a few times I've never seen that black dog one night around one or two in the morning we were sitting in our friend's car in the tunnel we'd all been drinking and smoking weed we were joking and laughing and suddenly the driver Whispers what is that up there I looked and didn't see anything so I replied there's nothing up there your eyes are playing tricks on you no seriously there's something in the road up there he replied the guy sitting in the passenger seat agreed and said that he saw something too the driver put the car in Drive and started slowly rolling forward once he did a figure emerged out of the dark a man in shorts is standing in the middle of the road watching us drive toward him this is a dirt road in the middle of nowhere at two in the morning on a very cold fall night and this man is standing in the road wearing nothing but shorts not even shoes on just shorts what the [ __ ] is he doing the driver says as he pushes on the brakes and stops the car we all stare for a moment at this man just staring back at us his eyes were glowing glowing like deer's eyes do in headlights I've never seen anything like that before now we all start freaking out the driver says this and starts driving forward fast the man just keeps staring at us until we get about 10 feet away then he just calmly walks to the side of the road and vanishes we looked around but there was nowhere for him to go there was six foot tall fences all around with Willows overgrown over the fence making the barrier at least 10 feet tall no human could have cleared that still can't explain it to this day this happened when I was around nine years old I'm 25 now and it's something I'll never forget it still gives me goosebumps to this day I live in a terraced house and my neighbors and I have our own little patio there's a small Road 10 meters from my yard where people do their Sunday walks on only a small fence separates my small yard and a patio from that road I live in a pretty crowded area with several of these terraced houses spread around in my neighborhood so seeing people walking on that road is pretty normal for me seeing random people standing on my patio is not when I was nine I usually got home from school about an hour before my mom got home from work I live maybe 50 meters away from my school so my Mom figured I was mature enough to be home alone it was only an hour or so before she got home so this one day I got home from school I did the usual thing which was to make sure that I locked the front door and double checked that the back door leading to the patio was also locked then I rushed up to my room upstairs to play as much PlayStation as possible before my mom came home and would make me do my homework while playing I heard this noise coming from outside my window it's kind of like the sound of a cat but my cat had been missing for over three months hope sparked within me and I thought oh my god did he finally come back I ran downstairs to check if it actually was my cat the site that met me gives me goosebumps again just writing this is a guy standing on my patio a very tall man with black hair covering half of his eyes making him look like a male version of the Ring woman or something I could hear him making this high-pitched sound it's like a cat meowing a brown liquid was running down from his mouth and I could see him spitting out my dad's stomp cigarettes he was actually eating from the ashtray I was frozen observing this eventually snapped out of it and screamed so loud that the man must have heard it he didn't react just kept eating in the ashtray outside I ran upstairs to my room locked the door and called my mom who then promptly called the cops I've never been more terrified in my life laying in my bed under my sheets shivering with fear as I continued to hear these high-pitched noises from that guy eating cigarette Stomps from the ashtray on my patio kind of blacked out for a moment because the next thing I remember is the police arriving on the road by my yard I hear them talking to the guy saying stuff like sir what are you doing get over here or we will come down and arrest you and so on the man did not respond but the high-pitched sounds was more frequent and got louder and louder I then decided to look through the window feeling safe that the cops were there now I could see two police officers standing by my fence one man and a woman no longer saw the creepy man however because he was standing directly one story under me and out of my field of view the police jumped the fence and I remember hearing that creepy man screaming louder than I'd ever heard anything before he charged the female officer with full force and he knocked her out cold the male officer then immediately tased the guy leaving him shaking on the ground still screaming the policeman struggled to keep him on the ground while putting handcuffs on him but eventually he did after a little while he managed to wake up the female police officer who seemed to be badly hurt called for backup in an ambulance and then he sees me standing in the window above him the expression on my face must have been something else because he just looked at me and said I sure hope you didn't see all that then I started to cry by this time neighbors started to arrive wondering what the hell was going on one of my neighbors an elderly woman made me come down she took care of me until my mom came back home the police then took the creepy guy with them in their car and left but they promised they'd come back and talk to us about what had all happened this is where my story takes an unexpected turn the male police officer came back later that night and sat down with me and my mom to talk he explained that the guy in my patio was actually diagnosed with severe autism he had escaped from a facility where mentally challenged people lived it was located around five kilometers where we lived he explained that that guy had actually been living in my house five years ago but then he'd been forced to move when his mom and his only caretaker died poor guy probably thought he was going to find his mom in my house he missed the routines and he missed living there with his mom the police had to move him from the house that time five years ago because he was extremely strong and this was the reason he reacted the way he did when the police came that day still frightened I told the police officer that they needed to make sure that this would never happen again he promised me that it wouldn't after a few sleepless nights my life kind of went back to normal and the years went by and that man didn't come back that wasn't until one year ago at this time my mom and dad had moved out I bought that house from them and I'm still living there today I was enjoying my morning coffee on the patio When I See This random guy stopping on the road by my fence he just stood there staring at me I look at him and give him a nod and then I hear it those same high-pitched noises holy [ __ ] it's him his hair had turned gray but the high-pitched sounds made me realize who it was my heart started racing and I instantly remember the reason why he was back I realized that he must have managed to escape again but because I kept my cool a bit longer than when I was nine I started to realize how sorry I actually felt for the guy 16 years later and he was back to look for his mom I decided to carefully ask him if he wanted to come down to the patio he instantly jumped the fence I started to think maybe he would knock me out like he did to that one police officer he didn't he just smiled he looked at me and smiled I offered for him to sit down and he didn't respond I offered for him to come inside and he just started laughing so we ended up going inside his face lit up pure joy he was home it reminded him of the life he had with his mother it actually almost made me tear up all of a sudden he sat down on my couch turned on my TV and switched directly to the cartoons I sat and observed him for a while he was just completely focused on them I wanted him to just enjoy the moment so I didn't say anything I realized I had to call that facility and let them know what was going on the caretakers arrived 10 minutes later after a lot of convincing he got back up crying and went back to the facility his name is Tom and I now consider Tom my friend every Sunday from the day he returned Tom and his caretakers visit me to watch cartoons they tell me it's the highlight of his week it makes my heart warm now for several years my thoughts were let's not meet guy on my patio eating for the ashtray now my thoughts are let's meet every Sunday to watch cartoons with my friend Tom I was 14 years old and it was just an average night and it was around 9pm myself and my little cousin are at his house and I'm babysitting for the night while my mom and Anne are shopping and my dad and uncle are at the movie theater as we're sitting there I started to feel really strange like something was wrong but I couldn't quite put my finger on it so we just kept watching TV same feeling wasn't going away though so I got up and walked to the back door to lock it and when I came back through the kitchen I saw what was causing my weird feeling in the window there's this very decrepit and Homeless looking man just staring at us protective mode turned on immediately and I pretended like I didn't see that guy and told my little cousin that we needed to go upstairs because our parents would be home soon and they wouldn't want him staying up so late we went upstairs and I put him to bed Knowing damn well that there was a man outside and I think that he wanted in I was about 125 pounds and five eight at the time I played football for my school if I remember correctly I went downstairs and straight into the kitchen and grabbed one of those meat tenderizing hammers turn back to the window only he now wasn't there I ran back to the front door and made sure that it was locked both the deadbolt and the knob were and ran back upstairs with the meat tenderizer went into my cousin room and sat down in front of the door he asked me what I was doing and I told him not to worry about it and Justice keep his head low I called the cops and then my dad and uncle the cops were at least 30 minutes out my dad and uncle were 45 minutes then I heard it a window shatter and the sound of heavy boots walking around on our main floor quietly told my cousin to stay calm and hide under the covers and keep silent I could hear that man walking around downstairs it was horrifying I gripped that damn meat tenderizer and just waited maybe five minutes or so pass and then I hear the boots walking up the stairs at this point I was having a freaking heart attack my cousin's door is no more than 10 feet from those stairs I heard him opening up the door to my aunt and uncle's room in the bathroom you walk back downstairs and I heard him open the door to the basement 15 minutes later the police showed up and burst into the house it turned out that the guy was loose from a mental hospital one Province away I nearly had to battle a mental case when I was 14. and at one point I was no more than a wooden door and 10 feet away from him my parents started leaving me and my sister's home alone when I was around 13 or 14. of course the rule was to not let anyone we didn't know into the house one night there was a knock at the door I went to the door and tried to look out but I couldn't see anything we couldn't pretend that we weren't there because the lights and the TV were both on they opened the front door crack thinking that the person would be behind the screen door but that wasn't the case there's a man in his late 20s or early 30s just standing in our doorway I shut the door quickly and told him to get behind the screen door he obliged and I cracked the door yes I wasn't very smart and latched the screen door he told me a story about his vehicle breaking down the road and needed to use a phone I said that I couldn't see his car and he indicated that it was further down the road then I asked him why he walked past two houses right next door and then walked to the one with no car in the driveway that could see that he was becoming agitated here's a general recollection of that conversation look are you gonna let me use the phone or not no my dad is sleeping and I can't let you go into his room to use the phone okay just bring the phone here and I'll use it then I'm not letting you in the house just bring the phone to the door it won't reach please leave okay I shut the door and lock it and while my sister and I are talking about how scary that was the side door handle begins to jiggle a same man knocked and says hey uh will it reach this door at this point I tell him to go to the neighbor's house and use their phone he starts to yell I bet your dad's not even home let me in I want to talk to him told him fine I'll go get him then I went to my dad's room got his shotgun came out and racked it and said here meet my dad same man started cursing and calling me names but he did leave at least that's what I thought he actually had gone around to another door and tried that one our dog who was outside at the time began barking at him he proceeded to do something that made my dog Yelp and cry out I screamed out that I was calling the police and he finally left I felt really stupid for the entire interaction I don't know if he was just a guy who needed a phone but that whole experience was very creepy and that was obviously ill-prepared for dealing with it at such a young age this story happened to me back when I still lived at my parents house I was commuting to college at the time and had three siblings that also lived at home my brother and two sisters for some context we lived on five acres in rural Ohio surrounded on both sides by woods and farm fields additionally during the week my dad would normally leave for work around 2 am so I always felt like it was my job to be the man of the house because he was gone during the times when you would imagine something sketching happening however on this night because it was the weekend my dad was actually home I woke up to the sound of my brother's voice trying to get my attention we had separate rooms but if you came out of our room you could look down over the banister and see our front door when I woke up it took a few moments to get out of that Haze and realize what was actually going on I looked at the clock and it was around 2 30 A.M my brother told me that there were two men at our front door now this really woke me up we quietly walked out of my room peeked down and looked down to the front door when we looked there was no one at the door but I noticed my parents off to the side and out of view of the glass on that front door I whispered down to my dad and he told me that there were two guys who had been talking to one another and knocking at the door hearing my dad say this freaked me out even more and went back into my room and grabbed my pistol quickly shuffling down the stairs after looking to make sure that they were still not at the door they had been they would have easily seen me coming down the stairs as its indirect view my brother is right behind me as we head over to where my parents are whispering to my parents to find out what was going on parents had awoken to the sound of our dog barking only to find two men knocking loudly at the door at this point those two men return and began knocking again despite the fact that no one had came to the door the first time or that our dog was still actively barking at them and also the fact that they were there at this time in the night so late and in a location where houses are spread out hundreds of yards away from each other and again knocking with the dog barking it just made the situation even more terrifying after a couple of minutes the men walked away and we all shuffled across the kitchen and into the family room to peek out those windows into our driveway there's a black Cadillac sitting there but no one was inside from what we could see immediately the question was where did those guys go they weren't in their car and they were no longer at the front door we would quickly get an answer to the question we just asked all of a sudden the handles to our back french door started jiggling they were actively trying to enter the back of our house which entered into the kitchen at this point I just remembered my mom frantically saying David to my dad as pure Terror overwhelmed her and two things happened adrenaline filled my body as I prepared my handgun horrified at the very real possibility that I might have to shoot these men secondly my dad finally grabbed the phone and called the police and calmly told them what was happening thankfully after a minute of jiggling they stopped at the back door and disappeared once more only soon to be back at the front door knocking once again after a few minutes we suddenly saw the local police fly up in multiple Cruisers with their lights turned on they whipped into our driveway and into our front yard the two men bolted and attempted to run the long way around the house across the driveway one of them disappeared out of you but the other one was intercepted by an officer yelling for him to get on the ground he didn't he was immediately tased and fell a few of the other officers went around the house after the other guy and one of them came to talk to my dad and I as we came outside I ended up finding the other man hiding in my sister's little playhouse in the backyard it appeared that both of them were either drunk and or high as the one who hid had cocaine on him while they were both arrested that night you never did find out what they were charged with or what happened to them needless to say that whole experience wasn't fun so to the random men at a door in the middle of the night it's not meat again the first house I moved into out of high school while going to college was a very old small house in a town that dated back to the Civil War I lived there with three other guys since rent was really high but we made it work the house itself was built on a hill and had a small driveway in front with the u-shaped driveway in the back it had a full basement and was owned by someone with multiple rental properties in that area they told us that we had full access to upstairs but they used downstairs for storage and to never go down there because it was full of their stuff we never really questioned it because the rent for this particular location especially for our area was low we were still technically on campus but our house was surrounded by other college students so we could have parties whenever we wanted to everything was great until we started having unwanted visitors at first things were pretty easy to ignore or easy to write off a roommate home by themselves would walk into a room and the lights would be on when they were home alone and hadn't flipped any of the switches or someone would hear faucet turn on and off in a room with no one inside it we tried to do what little research we could at the time and found out that water pressure can cause faucets to do some crazy things on their own and also that power surges can do similar things with flickering lights unfortunately though things kept getting stranger and stranger at one point one of my roommates who was Home Alone got out of the shower and looked into the mirror to start shaving he noticed someone else stepped out of the shower behind him and left the room he searched the entire house but couldn't find anyone else inside later on a different roommate had several items go missing out of his room including his keys and pocket knife he later found them in our microwave again no one was home at the time me personally I got home on a day when nobody else was at the house for a couple of hours in between classes there's a folding chair on the front porch next to the door and I had an arm load of books I sent the books down on the chair unlocked and pushed open the front door I bent down to pick up my books and the door was slammed in my face I thought maybe the wind had caught the door and then went to open it but discovered that the door had locked itself again both the handle and the deadbolt last of all three of us were sitting together on a couch watching TV when we heard a loud heavy thud as though something had been dragged off into a back bedroom all three of us later confirmed that we distinctly heard both footsteps walking through the house as well as the sound of something heavy being dragged last of all the back door opened and slammed shut even though we were all inside the living room and there were supposedly no one else in the house around a week later he started to smell gas inside and we called the authorities in the middle of the night they searched the house with us waiting on the front lawn I finally came outside and told us they couldn't find any kind of gas leak and then asked us to open up the basement we had never been down there because of our landlord's request but since the fire department was asking we opened the garage door right in front of us was a Honda Shadow motorcycle with a large pool of gasoline underneath it where the tank had apparently leaked underneath it and the rest of the house the firefighter saw this and decided to leave while we were left to look around the rest of the basement most of what we found was shelves and shelves of canned food but in the very middle of the floor which was underneath everyone's bedrooms we found an embalming table some sort of second device I'm still not sure what the second device was it was cylindrical with a small viewport in the front door and it seemed to have some places on the back for hoses or pipes to connect to it although nothing was attached when we found it it was around the size of two liter bottle sodas soon after we would come to find out that our landowner worked night shifts at a local hospital whatever it was or whatever was going on inside that house we decided that enough was enough and we all decided to move out as soon as our lease was up fortunately I was the last one there and I promised that last seven days I spent there alone were the longest days I spent anywhere since I'm a self-described cynic and I don't believe anything when it comes to the supernatural but I can also admit when I have absolutely no explanation for a set of events I'm sure the Reddit scientists will be able to explain everything that happened to me now that many years have passed but I don't really need their explanations anymore I just accept that being an old house is alone is not a good idea and still to this day I do my best to avoid them all together
Channel: Booze and Boos
Views: 1,206,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, scary true stories, true horror stories, horror stories, scary stories, reddit, reddit stories, ghost stories, true, scary story, lets read, darkness prevails, reddit horror stories, scary stories to tell in the dark, disturbing, real ghost story, scary reddit stories, true scary stories from reddit, lets not meet, true creepy stories, rain sounds, creepypasta, scary stories told in the rain, scary stories in rain, reddit scary stories, sleep story
Id: DI8FhnnJeUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 30sec (14190 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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