5 Creepiest True "Humanoid Encounter" Stories

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[Music] I don't know if you guys have heard about flesh gates they're very similar to skin walkers but without the Native American connotations that's why any skinwalker stories you hear from outside the US are more likely these things no of course they lurk around here too they mimic voices in the same way as skinwalkers and are often found in wooded areas but more often than not they appear as other humans rather than animals it takes some time to study human behaviour and they struggle to talk in long sentences usually relying on a few words to lure their victims away from their group and their search there are some telltale signs that you've encountered a flesh gate a number of years ago now a couple of friends and I were on a camping trip out in the woods it was my best friend Connor our pal Julian and myself all alone in the great Montana wilderness nightfalls and we're getting ready for bed we start hearing the sound of movement from outside our tent like rustling in the bushes and beyond the trees around us we quieten down and focus on the noises it doesn't sound like an animal though it sounds like a person walking around out there we even hear these distinct mmm sounds like people make when they're contemplating something definitely not a sound any animal makes this goes on for a little while and the longer we sit there doing nothing the more exposed we feel if some weirdos out there circling us for whatever reason the last thing we want to do is ignore them so Connor and I decide to go investigate we grab a couple of flashlights and an outdoorsman knife each and then Julian's stay behind to guard the tent the two of us venture into the surrounding thicket finding nothing we walk a bit further away from the campsite keeping an ear out for any further movement that's the thing the woods were dead silent to an unnatural degree the whole atmosphere was kind of off it's difficult to put into words but Connor and I were satisfied that the coast was clear so after what must have been five minutes of looking around we head back to the tent we returned to find Julian not inside the tent but rather standing outside nearby it staring off in the opposite direction we're approaching from when I call out to him he screams and almost starts off into the woods telling us to stay back we managed to calm him down and try and figure out what the hell's going on Julian tells us that there was indeed a man out there in the woods it was me or at least he thought it was whoever was there looked identical to me in every way he tells us that after Connor and I went off he heard me calling him outside thinking I'd found something he got out of the tent and saw me standing in the treeline beckoning him over apparently the figure just kept repeating the phrase hey come here look at this even in response to simple questions the figure would just repeat the same phrase like it was the only sentence at knew how Connor and I didn't hear the same thing when the woods were that silent I don't know even in the dark it was obvious to Julian that my eyes were glazed over like I wasn't really there only my shell when he flashed his light on my face he says I didn't react like a normal person would when having a bright light shined in their eyes I just seemed inhuman to him and the way I talked was almost robotic like the words coming out of my mouth were a voice recording the thing was looking at and erratically to its head didn't move fluidly but like a bird stuffs when it's keeping an eye out for predators or prey that's when I really called out to him from behind and the mimic ran off deep into the woods naturally it bucked him up a little to see me in one place and then the other from my understanding the doppelganger was almost certainly a flesh gate and Julian luckily didn't fall for it more than likely this was an inexperienced flesh gate that had yet to learn the finer details of human behavior had Julian Paulin fret then it's likely that would have been the last anyone would have seen of him most people brush flesh gates off as legends but we know the truth I was on a 41 foot sailboat in the middle of Chesapeake Bay with about seven other men doing a shakedown test cruise we plan to be out there for about 12 hours it was the mid-1980s not as reliable weather prediction resources we get caught in a tropical storm winds gusting into the 50 miles an hour range we had just barely rigged storm horses and storm sails because the one fellow on board who was the best sailor sense that the storm was almost on us otherwise we would have died during the storm itself I expected to die at any time in fact we made a security security call on the radio if you've spent time at sea you all know what I'm talking about for what seemed like 15 minutes we were in a maelstrom no visibility but then thankfully it passed and we would live this was at about 3 p.m. and although there was cloud cover of course the ambient light was such that you could see for two miles in any given direction if you're familiar with the sea you know that such storms particularly in shallower depths near land masses dredge up a lot of things from the sea floor and we're all on deck working lines and checking damage and the bay around us is choppy and churning and foaming old-timey sailors often used the saying the sea is confused I look about 15 feet off the starboard side and something swims to the surface breaks the surface looks at us and then submerges again it was like a thin man with humanoid shape arms articulated like a man a human head but its skin was covered in scales like a snake it looked at us blinked it's weird heavy-lidded eyes and then douve ghandar so maybe you need to know a few things about me at that moment no drugs no alcohol no injuries well I was elated because I was glad to be alive but my senses in that situation were sharpened not dulled I had at the time about six years experience on ships and fishing boats and had seen squid octopi flying fish sharks skates everything all around the world I wasn't the type of guy to see a patch of seaweed and call it a sea monster I made an instant decision that I wasn't going to say anything what could I say I just saw a strange creature take my word for it the men on this boat were all mechanics and engineers and professionals why get a reputation as a flake at the time it was important for each of us to get D skipper or ood qualifications and saying something like that would be frowned upon and as I stood there in my life best soaking wet hooked onto the steel lifeline I'm glad just to be alive one of the other sailors a USN captain with over 30 years experience in the surface Navy piped up and said I just saw a brown thing pop up on the surface it looked like a lizard man with a scaly face it blinked at us with these big eyes and then went back under yeah I saw it too I said no one else said that they had seen it we sailed back to the pier later that day and didn't speak of it again I was up pretty late last night watching Naruto with my younger sister and father and it was around 2:30 in the morning I only noticed the time because my dad had said something along the lines of it's almost 2:30 you guys need to get some sleep my sister Sofia and I went upstairs and got into bed and we're currently sharing a room since she took my old room and my queen bed when I went to college we're really close so I don't mind it we're sitting in bed her on the side closest to the door and farthest from the window and me directly parallel to the window as usual she turns off the light and rolls over to go to sleep and I lay on my stomach next to her on my cellphone right now the internet wasn't working so I'm playing solitaire and a few other apps the second the internet gets working again I pull up YouTube and put on a Sherlock Holmes audio book I've heard this audiobook a thousand times at least the beginning since I tend to fall asleep about 30 minutes in so I don't really listen to the words normally I can just turn over and fall asleep but for some reason I didn't feel right it was like something was watching me and I was afraid to turn away from my phone screen I'm a fairly paranoid person though I'm not scared easily all of a sudden there's a tapping on our window we have squirrels living in our roof so I just ignore it like usual but a part of me is afraid to look at the window and the way our window works is that it's positioned right over the garage and I used to frequently climb out onto the roof to smoke with friends the tapping starts again and Sophia turns over half-asleep and says could you quit that I'm not doing anything I replied as soon as I said that the tapping stopped at this point I'm significantly freaked out but I figure I've just been up late and I'm imagining things and like the stupid person I am something in me told me to get up and close the blinds to our window as I look in that direction I see the most terrifying thing I've ever seen in my life it was a person but not a person I don't know how to describe it it definitely looked human but something was just wrong like the lines were all blurry and the skin so gray it had a really sharp nose and these doglike teeth and matted dark hair I must have gasped or something because Sophia bolted up and looked my way and as soon as she looked out the window she said oh my god it shifted to the side and let out a cry and the best way to describe it is like the Wicked Witch of the West's laugh it wasn't like a full-on laugh just the first half but really extended I backed up slowly and as soon as I moved it was gone no running away or anything just gone I wouldn't have believed it if my sister hadn't seen it - she somehow was able to go back to sleep after that but I don't think I slept longer than an hour and we just didn't talk about it after that I think out of shock and all I know is that I never want to have an experience like that again this happened to me in mid-august 2015 I live with my girlfriend in a two-story townhouse in Woodbridge Virginia with a set of noisy stairs on this afternoon I had the most bizarre experience I've ever had I was downstairs making a late breakfast for myself and my girlfriend who slept in that day it was maybe a little past 1:00 p.m. and I just finished cooking eggs and oatmeal as I plated the food I saw out of the corner of my eye my girlfriend entered the kitchen she stared and said nothing and I asked her if she was hungry and she nodded we sat and ate and I talked to her about how the call was making a funny noise and about what a lazy day it was but she just stayed quiet listening and eating when we finished we both walked into the kitchen and placed our dishes in the sink and I went ahead of her and walked out of the kitchen into the living room between where the kitchen and the stairs that lead up our I stopped for a second knowing her eyes were on me from behind and I had a bone-chilling moment when I heard my girlfriend's voice call from the top of the stairs asking about her breakfast I turned around in a flash and saw no one there the hairs on my neck stood up I walked around the whole downstairs area a few times to confirm I went upstairs with a noticeable look of shock and looked at my girlfriend suspiciously she had genuinely asked where her food was and I had trouble explaining to her what I just saw she swears that she hadn't been downstairs at all that day and doesn't remember us talking about the car or anything what was so freaky about it was that we both knew how noisy our stairs were the sounds of wait onward are very evident in our home and I was standing between or it and the stairs I'm only 29 years old so I don't believe it was a senior moment but it was truly terrifying seeing your own double is one thing seeing hearing feeding and conversing with something you think as a loved one is a completely different and sobering experience I'm not exactly sure what it was but I saw something strange in the woods outside of Homer Nebraska there's an old graveyard out here that's infamous for having a witch buried there and this kind of a local spot for kids to go and scare themselves most of the land out there is flat and is used for farming but this graveyard sits on the edge of a big hill and is surrounded by thick woods one night at around midnight me and five of my friends decide to go out there in the woods and find that which is grave because the one in the actual graveyard is fake and supposedly the real one is out in the forest so we begin our adventure trekking through the dark forest it doesn't take us long to find the real grave yes a couple of people I was with have been there before when we stick around for a couple of minutes and just [ __ ] around and trying to scare each other when we all just get this instinctual feeling of dread I know a lot of stories talk about this but it's a very real feeling like your body responding to danger before you can even realize what's going on it's probably worth mentioning that as a kid I lived in a supposedly haunted house and I'd never felt this feeling before we decided to get the [ __ ] away from the grave now this is where us being stupid teenagers almost got ourselves killed one of the kids I was with says that some people grow pot around this area and that he knows where to find some so even the real clearly felt something was wrong we decided bucket let's get high as we started walking back through the woods I began to feel like we were being watched and every now and then I'd hear the rustling of leaves or the crackling of undergrowth behind me I told my friends we needed to move faster but they were all just saying I was trying to [ __ ] with them eventually as we keep walking we stumble upon a clearing and we can't really see anything ahead of us when all of a sudden my friend starts taking off for the other end of the clearing and we all go after him all around us we can hear cattle freaking the hell out after we get a couple of hundred yards away from the cows something scares them way worse than us I mean I've never heard a sound like that coming from an animal it was a horrible mix of the cows being scared to death by something and an unearthly ear-shattering scream now by this time I realized that we were lost in the middle of the woods set 2 a.m. with something stalking us I finally convinced everyone that we should change our direction so that we can get to the road and about 30 minutes later we're making progress now some one spot some headlights way out in front of us that we can see on top of the hill we're on we start walking down towards the road when I noticed that most sounds from behind us earlier had started up again I turned to my friend and tell him to point his iphone flashlight back behind us I only saw something for a moment but about thirty yards behind us I saw a blackish-brown bigger with yellow eyes leaned its head from behind a tree and then quickly dug back behind it this is what really freaked me out and as animals around here don't sneak around and duck behind trees I get the best look out of all of my friends and the head looked kind of like a gaunt German Shepherd with a little resemblance to a human base the eyes and mouth looked far more human than dog there aren't any wolves or bears around here as far as I know there are no large predators here at all it was a little bit elevated but it was still lie level with me I'm six-two and this thing was at least six foot so I'm pretty sure it was standing on two legs at this point I take the [ __ ] off I swear I've never ran that fast in my life we make it to the road in under five minutes but realize we came out the other side of the woods and have to walk back three miles down the road to our cars it was honestly the scariest night of my life whatever it was wasn't human or animal and I've been back there multiple times but never at night now if anyone's interested I've left a link to the place on Google Maps in the description below hey guys lazy hair and thank you very much for listening hopefully this video introduced you to some new creatures because I hadn't heard of flesh gates before this but they seemed pretty spooky so spooky spooby so hopefully you enjoyed that one and all the other stories - I'm planning on making another video soon that isn't as paranormal based so stick around for that and if you like this video then pound that like button giggity and I'll have another video for you guys very very soon until then stay spooky and remember the best things happened in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 912,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, scariest video ever, lazy masquerade, creepypasta, horror, disturbing, horrific, corpse husband, mr nightmare, Halloween, top 5, top 10, new, best, most, long, relaxing, audiobook, study music, dead, death, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, reddit, 4chan, fleshgait, skinwalkers, shocking, mysterious, from hell, crazy, maskarade, cryptic, folklore, urban legends, love, romance, scary 2016 movies, horror movies, true, real, long video, 911 calls, deep web, search and rescue
Id: 6a3bCsKw8dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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