Why You Should IGNORE Job "Requirements" & APPLY ANYWAY! | #grindreel

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TLDR for this video basically job requirements and they're more like a wish list and if you think that you can do the job you should apply or if you think that you can learn to do the job you should apply don't let the years of experience or that big intimidating list of requirements for skills scare you the first thing I kind of want to break down here is the good ol experience required myth I'm sure we've all been on indeed we're looking for our first job and we see two to three years experience required and you're like how am I supposed to get two to three years experience to get the job if I can't get the job to get the two to three years experience it's just this giant circle and in my opinion four jobs like knowledge work IT software using experience as a metric to gauge someone's ability to do the job it's kind of fluff now there are some jobs don't don't take it literally there are some jobs where experience and definitely matters you know they're not gonna let some guy do heart surgery on you for them for like the first time you know if he's never done it before obviously experience matters in some sectors but for IT and software and this sort of thing not so much the argument for experience is just because you've been doing something for a while then you're automatically better at it than people who haven't been doing it for that same length of time just showing up at your job every single day and going through the motions is it really gaining experience at least not in my opinion to gain experience you need to be trying to get better at your job there needs to be some intent behind what you're doing there needs to be some goal you have to be reflecting on your weaknesses with whatever you're bad at at work it's really hard to discern what someone is doing in their years of experience and you don't really know so when I see job saying two three years experience it's like you don't know what everyone's doing with those two to three years experience someone took three years to learn this and it took someone else thirty days have you ever gone to work and you've had a co-worker that's been there way longer than you but he's coming to you to ask you questions and he's apparently senior and you're like how did you get here how did you get this title why are you getting paid so much more than me well he's just been there longer but that doesn't mean he's good at his job better yet a good example as if you've ever been to college and you've had a professor with more abbreviated credentials than there are letters in the alphabet dude has a phd HDH whatever just pick three letters he probably has them dude still can't figure out how to turn on the projector dude still can't figure out how to change slides on the PowerPoint but he's an industry expert he's got 20 years of experience but he sucks at his job that happens a lot you can have a lot of experience but still be trash at your job that first of all don't freak out this is just airsoft that's just a hobby and for skits and stuff okay don't please don't get triggered when you're applying to jobs online and you see two to three years experience or five or ten you should instead interpret that as you're gonna get a code test that expects you to know two to three years experience of stuff now do you actually have to have two to three years experience to be able to solve the code test well that's up to you and that's up to your ability which is why I say if you think you can do the job you should apply before you apply read the description of your responsibilities in the role don't look at the skill requirements at the bottom there's a big list that says you need this this and this and just don't even look at that look at what you're gonna be doing on the day-to-day and if you can't find it in the job post go look on Glassdoor look at interview questions there go to the company website read about the company a lot of companies like to brag about the technology that they're using which is state of the art or whatever look at what they're doing right now and then do one of two things if you think that you can do the job just even a little bit then apply for the position you should see the list of skills at the bottom that huge list of required skills like only handful of those are actually required and most of them are just bonus or you can do the second thing if you think that you can learn how to do those things still apply if you're open to learning it and it's something that you've always wanted to do still apply companies hire based on potential at least in this field here's exactly what you can say when you apply to a job that has skills and technologies that you've never worked with before go ahead let me let me turn on the corporate voice so that you get an idea of how to phrase this in the cover letter or the interview it's I've been curious about this technology for a while now but I've only had time to play with it on personal projects and that's what's so exciting about this opportunity is that I've been looking for a role allows me to use these skills and technologies in a professional capacity and I'm just really excited and willing to learn if you're willing to let me and I just think it's such a great opportunity just just say that sentence right there their eyes will open hmm tell me more if they're willing to train you and a good company should always be willing to train you in some form everybody needs a little bit of a ramp up time no one's coming in on day one that their first few jobs just putting out production work and it work that's impactful to the company on day one it's just not gonna it's not gonna happen there are some companies that want a senior role that's coming in to fix something specific and that's why they're hiring and they're not gonna train that person because they're paying the big bucks or that we're not talking about those positions we're talking about the ones where they know that you're new and they're willing to give you a shot because based on your interviewing skills and your code test ability they think that you could pick this up and still provide impact to their company still put dollars in their pocket that's what it's about at the end of the day the company is paying you a salary and they're hoping that you're going to make them more money than what they're paying you they pay fifty thousand you better do two hundred and fifty thousand worth of work the company wants profit and so if you can show that you can bring that that's all that matters but Josh I hear you asking already what about those super senior software positions well here is the pro tip whenever you see a post for a super senior position they're always or most always considering hiring a couple of junior devs instead of the senior tip but they're not gonna post that you're never gonna know that let me explain why a senior dev yeah they get work done but they work at their own pace they have their own ways of doing things and if you don't like that then kind of you know my way or the highway and they're expensive now compare senior dev to two or three junior devs you're taking a chance on the junior des the junior devs pose a little bit of risk and they might be able to do it they might not but junior devs a hard cheap number one and they want their foot in the door really bad which means they're gonna work a lot because they want to impress you they want to show that they can do good work so hopefully that they can get a raise or get a better spot on their resume so they can move on to a better company but junior devs are hungry most companies are always kind of weighing that option so if you see a company that you want to work for apply to it even if it's senior because they might be considering hiring a junior debt that's actually how I got my first react job that was completely remote so when they responded to me and said they want to do an interview I was like uh just letting you guys know I'm not really senior haven't been in the industry that long but I'm down to the code test and in the interview I said why did you ring me and I'm definitely I don't have eight years experience I just applied because I needed a job they're like no no no problem no problem we were considering hiring a dev with eight years experience or three junior devs I was like huh they're like yeah most companies do this it's a lot cheaper and for all the reasons I just explained he explained to me here's another pro tip kind of similar to the last one but let's say there's a company out there your dream company someplace you've always wanted to work but you're not qualified or they're not hiring or they are hiring but just not for your position well let's use that example let's say you're a programmer and they have a marketing position I would still say apply to the marketing position but somewhere in your application be it your cover letter your resume a note somewhere just make sure you say this sentence let me turn on corporate if I'm not a fit for this specific opportunity I'm flexible and willing to take other positions that may better fit my qualifications this is actually how I got my first mechanical engineering job I applied to all kinds of positions on the company website and I said that and every single one of my cover letters and they messaged me back and they're like you know what actually we do have something on the back burner right now that we just haven't posted publicly but this is a position we've been tossing around in our heads but we haven't really made a position out there for the public to apply to yet but we think that you'd be a great fit a lot of companies are considering posting positions out online but they haven't got around to it or they're considering a position that maybe takes a little bit from here a little bit from here and they just haven't revealed it yet they just haven't made a official position for it but if you slide through those dm's and they see your resume and they see your cover letter and they say actually wait this could be a good match for a position that we that were thing about making we just haven't announced it yeah yeah let's let's interview this guy first and again that's how I got my engineering job the exact same thing happened they were confused at first I was like look I'm willing to do basically whatever and they're like no no actually we have a perfect position for you I was like oh well I didn't see it online and there oh well that's because we haven't posted it yet I was like perfect sounds good let's do the interview I got the interview and I got the job basically though I'm saying in this video is don't let lack of experience prevent you from applying to a job and definitely don't let a huge list of required skills prevent you from applying to the job if you apply to the job the worst they can do is ghost you or say no the only thing that you traded for that was the time for a potential opportunity it's not like sales you see it's it's a numbers game but you don't need to sell ten percent of the product you only need to sell one product one time which is yourself to the company to be able to get the job but if you do apply and they say no you don't lose anything like I said there's a lot of opportunities behind the scenes of the job application that you'll just never know unless you apply and try to talk about it with somebody but that's it that's the end of the video if this has been valuable to you maybe a thumbs up hit subscribe leave a comment let me know what you think if you're interested in doing a one-on-one with me for job prep interview prep opening a business freelance brand building content creation whatever it is we can talk about it and I have some other links down there in the description you can check out if you would like to support the channel I appreciate you guys I hope you guys have a killer Friday and I'll see you in 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Channel: Joshua Fluke
Views: 201,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joshua fluke, code bootcamp, javascript, how to code, web development, brand, developer interview, developer jobs, corporate cringe, divorce, story i dont talk about, entrepreneurship, digital brand, ignore job requirements, apply anyway, ignore job requirements apply anyway, job requirements are a wishlist, jr developer jobs, jr programming jobs
Id: NaPezvkzl8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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