250k GOLD Room! Plasma Cannon God Wand - Noita Playthrough

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no idea yes hello everyone can we have a favorable phocion recipe please come on we've rewrote about 50 zillion dimes to water modern honey teleport 'i'm swamp and soil no bees the answer to that then bye-bye let's go play time and go for one more run at guards just abysmal abyss mall performance here today hello Phillip Li about my stream delay is confirmed three seconds behind everyone else having a race towards the bottom here with the minecart let us get to it do not begin to hurt me Lu Zhi boy why don't you get a bit of simulation fuel here don't if there's a worm or something around or someone of a destructive wand there's a little bit of hitch you just notice it in the frames per second chaotic Poli thank you for joining me folks on this bonus Wednesday stream feeling much better today therefore I could dish out a bit more Noida to you guys could be a help up or something here you never know always hidden away in a little place performance here first in the game Phillip is me completing it and getting to the top of the tower which is basically a bonus zone for those that beat the boss so life I've been everywhere and we've we did a run the other day where we did the tower we went to heaven with us all crazy lightsaber one we made a viable lightsaber one finally we got to heaven which is basically a bonus biome above the the world here and we got killed by a giant thing but that was after almost five hours of one run so I was a little bit fatigued in the evening after that so yeah I died too a giant worm no the big red ones the nasty ones very tanky as well because that lightsaber one was ticking life hundreds of damage but it was what it was it was a good older experience that run coming up on YouTube soon FYI oh god I'm stuck I'm stuck if it talks about us as well just be careful in general to be honest nice well done he didn't even I've still been talks by [ __ ] talks hey talks men so cheap who one can say you know I left already are we no of course we're not too too shallow in at the moment careful now come on there we don't need eggs [ __ ] the eggs eggs are poo is he friendly to me oh you see is okay you can stay dude I would now I have lost a run to spill chaotic Poli I'm gonna try and put this somewhere it's relatively safe do not fly in the way of it please do not fly in the way of it please right yes it no friendship with B has ended new friendship with enemies of niter are here for God's sake it's why I hate eggs it's such a hassle [ __ ] off you you've ruined it man you've ruined it bastards imagine if not we could stack up to 100% water now that would be dreamy wouldn't it yeah happy had some health points didn't mean little [ __ ] I don't know why I'm empty in this to be honest I think I just wanted to put it somewhere safe but it's all gone to pot now everything has been spill everywhere so it is what it is right taeho come on I'm desperate for a good run we've had such a good it's such a good week last week with epic always cast ones and stuff their last couple of days is just been like slim pickings it's just the way it goes with this game what's going on fire there as well yikes hello mark how are you buddy oh no we're just cruising around again for the fourth time now Oh shooting out of the darkness that's just cheap men and an Uzi void the two worst enemies in the game boo rubbish leave those boys weigh the head alone you've been here before that's the start of the level actually no probably go just have a little top-up of the old water here all doing some long exposure photography very nice mark always a fun game it was a noble effort to try and get that stuff right camera wise aren't frogs the worth their worst enemy mmm I think we need like a club of worse enemies don't we Mike the frogs easy boys shotgun boys the robot guys did their rope little small robots with a flying shield around them they're also worst fire mages are terrible they're all poor for to be honest welcome to the start of another run probably gonna have a better fortune this time oh no he's still alive sorry I thought he was dead stay away pal [ __ ] you juice come on ah new new new new new new new let's try harder pow there we go right not like I can dream to grab that gold I think got most of it that's fine boozy boy careful hey who's he boys grab the barrel the barrel yes then we'll poop bollocks for you man you in this shitty little Sox game and tocks help cool Amaya no you're not you're an [ __ ] Oh kick that through that hole so you can use this for destruction come on now ease keep it up Oh we'll take that with us because you never know where we might need a barrel did I just I thought I saw some numbers pop up before I killed someone at that falling barrel that would've been cool now wouldn't it hello darkness my old friend hello blue smoke ohyou streaming today this is my only time streaming today no evening stream today but I'll be back tomorrow for 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. for double nights or again I fancy playing some noise or today so you've got a little extra slice of it very very cool north annoyed Sonoita I saw you playing squad how was it yeah I like I do like a bit a squad mark good game very intense I probably wouldn't ever stream it unless it was a lazy Sunday stream obviously I wouldn't work at a minute because I'm very busy with work now seven days a week the weekend streams are on a bit of a back back for the moment backburner even fortunately yeah very good game is squat now you just did a hundred and twenty four damage to something with that barrel yeah I don't know wow I didn't see anything didn't see a carcass gave you an earthly idea come on now fifteen crit voices dark down here once must be a tempo obviously but normally you see the glow don't you oh I guess not I fill up the water will go for the help up haven't found any ones or help ups in the wild yet disconcerting for poo orangey I feel and the the hangman ye had target enemies I've done they're terribly wrong bow because the poly mist can go through shields the pony missed where can we find those ones leopard so I'm too stupid and don't know their actual proper names of them is that big like they kind of like big arrows in the temple of the art they do like a polymorph projectile yeah I think I know the ones so now you've got the polymorph wizards then you've got the big [ __ ] you've got the big flies to do the path of dark flame with those other big [ __ ] that shoot that pink [ __ ] yeah yeah pink puppet things yeah yeah I'm not the little sock puppet things though there's a white one and a purple one no neven it's a pointy morph one I I don't know fans iam keeping the Finnish names you know I could answer this couldn't I by going straight to what I think is yeah there we go yeah a little those that look nothing like an out did I to be honest but you maybe you saw understood where I was coming from a ham on Viet are Jeff a British man can't say these Finnish words Oh DLC for Euro toxic in heart is it very nice mark I say always did a good job always did a good job mate my own words we go onwards we go so that is that's the only one we've got as in it which is a little bit unfortunate that's what I looked like where I meant didn't get angry man all right let's get on with it here we've got the hell FUP never look for someone's and pray to are in Jesus that we can get some luck here folks cause we desperately need it let's try and do good do good which is less bring home the bacon so to speak we'll just be an epic run who knows who knows it's all down to the randomness of the game I hope so I mean I'm starving for a great powerful wand an Opie wand because they are the best runs aren't Knightly they really are but we've been given poo even we've spellbound sort of not need to be eaten seen anything exciting today which is justify it goes quite frankly oh it's another flask up there we did check the recipes for how come he didn't win there is both poo I'm pretty sure we would have done except what I do as a habit now don't get ticks ah you little blasted scumbag we found an acid flask Oh God do not let enemy hang on hang on let me retrieve did any recipe have acid in that's quite rare to find let me just have a quick look no typical [ __ ] typical is they're literally acid was in everyone but not here mmm taken out a spider what a fool I would have taken out the shotgun boy but clearly not mine and go is ever worth it to mind the gold in the world for level two yes cause there's loads of it boon always worthwhile if you can get a chainsaw by level 2 Europe you win the money when are you gonna put Christmas things on your screen probably mid December I reckon Philip I'm a big Christmas fan I'm very much looking forward to doing that I don't want to do it too early I'll see what other streamers do but if it was up to me I would have I would already have it on when our work starts getting busy we have to go seven days a week it's when Christmas starts cuz it's all the Christmas orders so where to me it's already the festive period so a probably December I think will have a light smidgen of Christmas paraphernalia and maybe I could rerecord some new BRB screens for something fun Christmas themed oh that's very generous that's three six nine twelve twenty something black holes got a black hole one did absolutely ages oh you know what that means and don't know yeah the kids nice that means we could probably go left and grab the the health up and elf restore half health right because we found that that kind of changes everything for the minute hold on how can you not okay someone's don't have enough mana to cast watts on them which is kind of annoying that's fine I'll keep looking that's a deport wonders well you're just my god you don't know how close to death he was there what was that only that was acid wasn't it because of leftover gas this guy man nice reaction just about well I have to put it out the bag sometimes folks Jesus someone make it clear for that quick for the minute passes blimey careful now [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh wow no right I could have probably regret this but don't want to take any more damage and I need two folks he's getting ticks slowly but surely don't [ __ ] off scumbag I set on fire bastard there we go he's dead all right I'm gonna need air some more water I probably could refill there but I don't want to because it looks a bit mucky that's electric for God's sake don't go anywhere near that let me just find a water pool real quick hold on I never liked being about water oh [ __ ] oh yeah baby oh [ __ ] that is invisible yym that's gonna oh no oh I've got no water no water that's why I don't like having water okay so things are looking a bit dicey now aren't they look it's the run describe what those big acid boys mum get the camera mate right there's things going on in my mind now we can't use the black hole we've only found one health up and I do have a teleport one so that might mean getting the to health ups from above ground so we might have to go topside just a fire far fortify our position to be honest if his teleporting up is very incredibly dangerous but I feel it's okay we've cleared most stuff here to be honest should be relatively fine so we're going to go topside if I haven't been topside today it's always nice to go on a little tour of duty so to speak very much like to find more [ __ ] health apps are written in the wild as well to fortify our bloody position okay this is gonna help make life so much bloody easier getting around overworld are do I I've still got bombs that's fine it's just teleport isn't it so get that loan oh that's unfortunate but that's fine ooh getting that little niche they're not even on niche there we go that's rest easy is that gonna feel I'm gonna hit pixels oh I don't feel comfortable with this [ __ ] bomb one of the times there we go there we are happy days all right then excellent right let's go to the pyramid so just always unbreakable yes indeed yeah you can have you can damage it a little but it doesn't talk nothing happens so to speak the only hazard we have to worry about now no no don't go up is if there are any he see boys coming out of the sand caverns that has happened we have had company here before actually I think yeah and also is it a little way of getting through the level quicker he's doing it along the floor manner permitting of course on your wand alright and record time getting to the old pyramid he or did that take a minute jetpack juice please there we go we have got max 175 again that's pretty much been the average number of hit points today isn't it careful now obviously manner permitting doing it along the floor like that scraping it and on the floor I have filled the skull with liquid by the way I know what that does and I'm not good to be doing it now so I don't want to die it spawns a secret boss okay off we go so thanks is teleport one this excursion I think he nobody thinks about it feels like back in ten minutes but it probably isn't maybe seven minutes tops I don't know it's quite a long walk about a teleport wand we've done in record dying it doesn't anymore does it not bog so no they moved that boss to the pyramid so I don't know what it does now if anything it doesn't spawn anymore oh really ah I suppose that makes sense because they did move the boss didn't I a more suitable lair I think I remember that in the patch notes moved secret boss two more permitting layer or something like that layers in the Tigers layer not layer as in layer cake not the difference really matters to be honest we have a final look around for a health up of sorts and yes you do get a good one from the boss if you do manage to kill it so I'm gonna be easy but the reward is sometimes worth it okay we ideally I mean why is this one it's just not that great and it's shuffle as well I would very much like to find perhaps a more useful one of useful spells on months or god ticks by damage there I think I may just go we've got four hundred dollars for rerolls and spells just just go I don't want to waste my hey HP ups and the stuff that I've done here well we'll say something new and if he comes across the skull some other time he can see I want his death this skull still do something haven't done it for a while right it's a one shop I can afford everything please be our chains to a wand man just rubbish none shuffle it's fair to ten mana once again meager offerings that's the club we're gonna have to do a bit reroll in oh come on come on are in Jesus there we go okay oh we can't be row with her glory man hello mandible how are ya I mean lottery so we got critical plus there oh right then so we've got critical chance now which is good we've got this black hole one bit doesn't have any [ __ ] manner I had a drain what a TIA sign that case then how about this then I don't be some gambling I don't need all of these are only ever need one go do them so we're gonna have free 6 9 12 15 18 18 black holes very good that's a single cast yes it is - read dig spread so that's gonna land true might as well keep the teleport on for emergency purposes is it quick enough fair yet very fair and we're kind of stuck with a [ __ ] basic wand unless we can retrofit something cool with this let's face it [ __ ] selection more black holes that mean more I'm thinking none bleed this wand it's a trigger spark on there no point in me ordering the baby fish at Oh pink baby bottle it's pretty much the same thing for the honor mm-hmm do we just go the old route of using this as our DPS I'm praying that we can find a good wand lightsaber [ __ ] alright say I don't think I can retrofit the lightsaber to be any good with the ones I've got at the moment but then again that's a good collection of spells so by default I think I'm gonna grab that so take that off bye-bye - you did not take both sparks off oh no it's on there isn't it the second one so I'm just catching up with your messages here yeah it's a nun shuffler so what does that look like it's so many heavy on one number two a bomb one sorry keep that by I guess it's gonna be very expensive isn't it many Y's bound on the end a Saddam bomb wand oh let's have a look could be some emergency stuff there could be yeah true boats scatter avoid took about or does the lightsaber do cast delay oh it does recharge time right that's who to the bolt scatter fix trigger bolt or 2x bolts and lightsaber hmm don't think it's doing much just chew it into the manner isn't it the idea is to hit the true bolt oh right yeah that's a an old classic yeah we have we've got that work before I think it's the best option okay yeah we'll go with that and if that doesn't work we got this for backup so yeah I think thank you for that by the way I know what you mean by the trigger triggers into the enemy we've had great success of that in the past and we do have crit always on by the way so good stuff okay like you see my oh gotta go plain red did too then leave the stream Oh enjoy what they do pass II have fun pal oh it hits them with the saber ah all right really nice I didn't know that hello chaos key how are the whiskey run was fun to watch on YouTube find it cool if I found anything cool so far no we've had a pre run today to be honest solve lots of death and nothing too great to be honest have sort of been starved for something magnificent but maybe I'll again on biome - fingers crossed you never know got a little tiddler wand here I've got loads of black holes I'm thinking of going left straightaway oh we had we had a health up my fault nothing's hit me yet if I just go left and grab the ones with full health test out this one see if it's gonna do nice damage good sign one hitting the wasps here yeah good sign with a critical plus as well just gotta be careful I want to get ticked by horrible slam horrible tox horrible everything quite frankly Wow nice shot Wow and that's doing some damage to that Uzi boy there did you see there we go 56 crit interesting ah here we go right and get ticked by the tox Wow firing position now while being damaged toxic rock I was already dead as unfortunate I didn't see that there Cassie you game always trying to do this in nice you would not survive that [ __ ] off get it kicked in get diluting over the coal and up we go a little funny table thing that can be kicked like so for proving itself today yeah I'm always after lightsaber approval because we had it on a god on a god bond after the tower we was pretty much it's like a Microsoft Paint drawings or we're just carving through the level but we have a god wand of course so I'm always looking for ways practical ways to use it especially early game I'm still not completely sold on it as fun as that was or doing the job rather nice isn't it sort of one hitting there was something flying around wasn't there careful now oh [ __ ] we're here already so in that case then because we've got so [ __ ] many oh whoa sorry wrong wand what is our black hole one put that around number three big spell it's all taking in favor of the teleport wand I think the only anything in the game is kick a ball and I love that it is indeed still hurts of Taksim unity very annoying yes it's a very annoying bit of something to be honest pheromone and gunpowder flask don't really need any of that guff at the number two should from this detritus I believe oh well that's handy that's cut right through there which is perfect okay that's totally Bowl totally unintentional all right let me take her that acid boy hopefully should be clear to proceed as a dead octopus fellow we're here for whoa that's gonna explode isn't it right take that knob it out I don't know what those these things do Oh a bit of an impasse here are we sort of who can get - who - two - careful now okay that's good that's really good Wow crits working aplenty here okay nice toxic sludge we don't need that dewy just oh [ __ ] almost got tell you Dawei they're [ __ ] yikes a perhaps I should just black hole to these ones keep it safe a it's only a little gold tip the one there those cast delay it's only free cap it could be a possible death cross one couldn't it mmm then I would you feel free capacity ever done the floating bond thing I I've seen it I've seen mrs. sim I do it I've personally not done it replace the teleport fry away the bomb ones I'm keeping the bomb one for any sort of chainsaws to be honest oh wow look at the laser thing cutting through there would you reckon folks should I keep the bomb wand of this gaff on or replace I'm reminded stats for the teleport wand anyway I've not even looked I think it's a shuffler it's it's an it's not that good to be honest telly over acid on Wanda's trash with the early game stuff but okay that spell is poo and we're gonna be replacing stuff anyway hopefully here in new fangled caverns hopefully if we can get some good down [ __ ] he's done it he's blinded me I think this lasts a little too long and it's a little bit unfair okay then yeah dangerous fellows or fish wand oh what's that who needs accuracy anyway let's cast a lion that's too damaged sir mm-hmm shame about the recharge time on that turn your screen back on the times I don't know if no that must be a spellbound spare I've never used it before oh [ __ ] oh nice little gold one might make an okay light saber digging wand go to be a good machine gun and man-otaur charges too slow out a little tiddler wand back here it did have some good stats with free cap especially if we get chainsaws perhaps Johnny good job Sivir spellbound adds new spells basically modifier spells just a bit more fun in in the mix of the game to be honest so should I get rid of them if I'm gonna take this as a good memory charges now I'm thinking number 4 although this I don't want to hold him to a teleport one long run because they are dangerous to use I'm careful sorry I didn't realize that careful now ah done it again you [ __ ] I thought we killed him scumbag man make sure nothing comes along oh good Jesus no GTA cop bloody yet tele [ __ ] Kinesis there so we want to see what this does as well do we number four probably not the best spell to demonstrate because it's [ __ ] rocks who needs accuracy anyway don't know I don't know how II could be who knows we won't be able to find out at least for now right ones ones ones 145 help we're in a reasonable position or we've got some chaotic Polly down there for God's sake Oh oh no this is how we lost a run last time to that ghost worm get the [ __ ] away from him get the [ __ ] away from him yesterday God's sake that could have been us exactly the same thing happened ghost worm spawned in we died we couldn't escape him live amen so watch out for that chaotic potty he'll do this in come on ones where I er oh it's just working out nice this thing nice slow done oh [ __ ] the boulders killed it did day I didn't see pay for this [ __ ] to clear I'll take a couple of seconds hold on right are we all good to proceed as a little oh wow nice good damage polymorph careful for God's sake don't hit that that will cause a mess everywhere old [ __ ] good damage considering it's only Sparks and a couple of triggers so good cool on that composition there it could be on for a bit Darris a bit of offense first time in forever steady on now nope he's trying to climb through that it was scumbag isn't he I see yeah hateful manner nice well done right what do we got always casts [ __ ] energy or that means free manner if I can get some chainsaws that becomes a machine gun yes I have to take that yes 1 million zillion percent yes over the number four great I'm going now that I've I've got to go with this wand if I lose this I will yeah nothing good will come of it if I lose so I am beelining [ __ ] out of here for God's sake please don't be any polymorph guys or anything nasty I've had enough surprises for one [ __ ] day no funny business game lover one tears whoever look before we go whoo-hoo I should we just bounce lazy bounce away no what are you doing here you should find them in this zone come on come on come on come on I just want to leave now I had enough of the effing Gavin's in this level time to go unusual come on temple yes yes yes no no no yes yes yes Amen right get those spells off immediately take that take that will pillage plunder and burn drop a drop modifier is fun as we keep magic missle modifier for now but for the moment I'm gonna take wow look at this ridiculous wand capacity wise that's basically infinite bloody large fire bolts and yes-mo clock arrears well folks so a good run forming here potentially so this is basically infinite because always cast stuff doesn't drain mana so that's good good for digging and good for general offense but also aid in [Music] finally Thank You game finally finally finally I've got a nice little [ __ ] one here it's in a while in the Philip Manor infinite mana digging of a lightsaber and believe I've got any other crazy modifiers here I say Bruce Opie could have hit like that if I wanted to but I'm probably not triple cars I'm listening to the sound I don't think that's how it works good thank you [ __ ] sake finally I know it's a second always cast warp I found so I'm just looking at so what would happen then hang on I expect this to be any good but let's have a look keep it how it was so in in that case then I'm not gonna need anything else to be honest oh it's a shame to not have these oh we haven't even looked at anything yet hold on let's have a look so let's get refreshed the money like [ __ ] this we're going back up I need need need need need need need need need this I'm gonna anger to gods we're gonna go back up to above grab some more money [ __ ] need that in my life where else we got oh [ __ ] look at that can i I can't afford that anyway I do believe that's a giant bounce ball which I'm very eager to see right what we got no rubbish man poorni morph out and get back I could do bit means going into the snow zone first I think we should go up to the second level yeah that's that [ __ ] that is genuinely [ __ ] don't try and spoil my potential God run here you can pull yourself yeah I know that not hugs okay so we're gonna go back up to biome to because I need chainsaws in my life I do not have teleport you know but we've got this and this should be fine for taking out of God's in all honesty I hope so right okay then so here we go sorry gods but needs must financial needs must just a little squeeze there alright then let's get gold mining there's a barrel there that's what we call carving up the corpse eh oh god it kills could have a decent one finally got that rubbish day yesterday rubbish Dave for the most part today orangy wise and there we've been blessed of this so I always pays to go to the fungal cabins happy days infinite casting [ __ ] war for the most part are you gonna mine we're gonna mine hard get those big gold veins careful now you notice I'm not letting up on the trigger here either because I don't need to always car suppose them infinite caste oh man I love this game when it works sorry when it's generous with its [ __ ] RNG who didn't need that face due to shotgun boy here we are for that get it done get it done get it done I'm stuck in pixels you reckon mate bonus shop here obviously the Rangers are also so factor to make up for that for pure pure firepower oh it's a heavy shot hmm heavy shot me berserk you've now it's indeed heavy shots very good isn't it but that will add obviously mana it's a very good spell the Nexus Lord why wouldn't I just had a rocket launcher to my anus biome shop Goldust yes if you see Goldust around you can pick it up for the most part it's just a matter of seeing it especially after this explosive their style of mining strip mining you could say go for the darker stuff cause it's easier to mine bam bam bam $400 see this gold is being absolutely spread everywhere by this method go good stuff right don't go back there God's sake that's not gonna wind well if only we had a bit of a zerg team this would be even more destructive what was one of those ant boys here Alien Ant Farm hice well done I see yeah try it now must try harder wolf just got the gold there I think they might say we might be cutting up some of your gold you reckon what do far back rather than close up perhaps just sawing holding no prisoners at a minute just shooting at it willy-nilly I think chunk there $700 in the coffers Gold is indestructible though because we had this discussion earlier on when I first started mining when we discovered the chainsaw in biome to his pre game breaking some people said that you can destroy the gold with a chainsaw and then later on it was discovered you don't I don't know it's still up in the air I think a little bit with regards to gold destruction on I know I hate to be honest if I find a quick method I don't really care as long as I can destroyed it terrain rather nicely get nice big gold beans it's so satisfying man did I want to go back for that heavy shot as well by the way that's a good-ass it means it's it's reasonable to have you might find another health after this right now it'd be very nice wouldn't it not that we could use it we've done the temple recharge already what do we got six casting black hole [ __ ] off well we've got enough black holes already but it is destroyed by lightsaber ah okay you'd get 200k and where is this gold room Leopard mate I don't think I've been to go over in the pyramid did you say I've been underneath the pyramid I didn't know there was a gold room in the pyramid news to me above the essence of Earth oh really you definitely sell not that actor from Hot Fuzz I'm Nick Frost yeah I get that a lot I look like Hitler and I sound like Nick Frost very nice I as a combination fantasy baby football there we go yes I always love a good contrast actor or evil dictator I'm looking well I'm just shopping for money in all fairness 1,400 is that that's in the is that below the pyramid directly cause we did Go Daddy other day did we grab the essence I can't remember it was after a huge run so we had this God want abusers carving through everything right up the welding up oh oh right of the pyramid okay right right well not too fast in going that way cuz that'll take me hours on end going back up especially right of what do you have to go through the impassable walls that's cold I know the essence is absolutely horrible because it makes you blow up doesn't it is it it's the light later bolt one the magic bowl one sorry carefully I've got to be careful of engagements here because this help is what I'm going to keep the snow zone just got to be careful so far so good about $1,500 that should be fine this wonders gonna do me pretty much the rest of the game pending future spells and combinations we've come back up is there's a chainsaw spell available for trains for one demon we're very much okay do not take any damage okay yeah nice work pal 1,600 1,700 a little bit more they're available let's go down to funky town is your company that's fine let's get the [ __ ] out of Dodge not know if the F for though it takes so long to get there knowing me I would do all that and I'd get killed by something or fall into mass into so cool though yes the angry god man yes indeed that's before we do that but now whoever doesn't that one and for God's sake put those chainsaws on and that's why we go back for chainsaws folks GG one run happy days mm-hmm it's real look at the manor as well I am the king of Deuter show back before me mm-hmm whose same scared of the one who's scared of the bloody this bastard now know me right before we L oh [ __ ] off [ __ ] allows because he's got a shield on it's obviously being a bit of a dick now unfortunately damage sustained there really like this next time I'm just gonna brush inside him that is one satisfying sound speed up from damage field next right should we save him quick before we lose this finally finally finally finally we've got a decent wand don't you takin us a day and a half right before I get stuck into this I'm going to relaunch I fancy a drink actually I want to have I don't know why I told you that I fancy a coffee actually but I don't want to make one hang on is this game not oh [ __ ] I've just had an update for nighter say that game we've got an update here what fix is not 20 yesterday summon drd4 has been renamed to summon dear boy hello chase how I about thank you for a rate just notice said the betta branch has been updated here has been renamed to something you know dad ear spell oh you got his came just in time because we've just been working on this one just a little tease of what we're about to get into here um and it's only been biome too not too bad eh not too bad then yes hello everyone important update of course do I want to go back up for the heavy damage because that does slow things down associates a good spell to have for three hundred and five dollars or should I continue on let me know I'm gonna I am going to take that BRB sorry yeah Raiders but I was just about to take a lettuce get to it let's get to us get to it even know I don't know I feel like I should go grab that heavy damage spell I'm okay this is gonna be really gory does indeed I feel like I can safely navigate these waters of my own to know I can do you one better folks in actual fact we're gonna go on a little detour here we're going on an adventure where's that biome shop [ __ ] me that's gonna be a matter of find me again isn't it welcome to the automatic all brown there is that biome shot man faizon Phoenix incubator follow there it is Wow oh my wave of destruction okay right we're gonna keep going back up using recoil as a mode of transport water concept day we are we are the 1% on this run finally I've been waiting for a good god one brain [Music] I should just destroy the world actually and grab all this gold because there is going to be a lot of it all of this mad destruction there will be God God fond where's the influence man come on now there it is there she blows we are going to to dark cavern folks because there's a help restore there I'm gonna need not only a help up going into the snow zone I just don't want to lessen my position did I miss some helpful good eye good eye on whereabouts folks ah ah great I folks thank you so much oh that fortifies our position think you think you think you all right let's go up we are heading to Wild Ones little place hang on we've got loads of black holes to spare what is heavy shot do two black holes yeah yeah don't worry about it all right are you ready number one whoa why is that not number one cleared away this should be a one that I get at the end of the game after the boss not bloody level two we found this in the fungal caverns man hello hello everyone hello max a Maya do you like what we've got here we're having a much better day than yesterday and we're heading to the dark cavern for the health and health risk as I feel I've got enough destructive power to do such a thing mmm check please I can love it don't blow myself up there are no surprises from Opie frogs or fire mages yeah just any surprises quite frankly let me make sure that's not that's an egg as well have a bit of a drainage going on here Joakim would be great right now it really would God Lottery and critical damage as well actually I should probably I need to shoot downwards carvanha drain rip and tear careful now listen to that sound I said mg42 isn't it welcome to my empty for me too is very great big old drain slow drain probably gonna have to stop [Music] draining with my bottle an eye Saving Private Ryan wants to say hello you get the pyramid help up before the cave help restore I think we already did didn't weeks we had the teleport wand I think we did was that less a monks we think we did to be honest I can't remember it's already been a while I want to say I did once today we did did we are perfect right so that will eventually drain so we're just gonna have to wait a moment yeah I know watch Oh to get a little bit of water out come on get feeling get drinking right click drink o to watch the old routine here hits worth the time investment I'd say drinkin Phil drinkin feel like click drink and Phil OH - there with me this will probably take about two or three minutes but by Jove it will be bloody worth it sorry excuse me yes if a beard put your feet up for a couple of minutes folks because this will be good we're gonna have full health - what's - for five plus twenty-five 200 and something or the other two sixty terrible a mess okay she can't guess but that's gonna be good for going into the snow zone with this rather epic one quite frankly left lane training no more oh yeah destroyed the one pedestal with the lightsaber oh yeah that's fine I think it's pretty much gone already drain wise I mean no sorry I need to have that highlighted don't I Billy Philly Phil Phil Phil Mitchell there we go drink drink because there's a secret tunnel in here playing with my life II is how I like it click Phil watch over to think right click thank you for joining me folks can you quickly showing me the stats of the op1 yes I can there'll be an honor so it's an always cast or one there are the stats we found a chainsaw wand and that's why this is so [ __ ] mental so really good at 250,000 and poke lottery would be a combo good combo old you mean taking on the the pyramid boss you think that's worth going and try that out as well no no you've got such a powerful bond impossible possibly full health worm to the gold biome to the Gold Room what from the pyramid place here is it is it achievable with this wand Brennan wonder don't have great distance and then unless there's a hell first or another one it's gonna lessen my position going forward so if you think it's worth doing I never been to the Gold Room near the pyramid so it'd be a new adventure possibly do let me know folks all right I how many black holes have I've got left I will let you know momentarily hold on I think I've got quite a few I have got 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 is that doable still folks think this [ __ ] con I wanna join in this like a scrub just realised force right hang on get that [ __ ] draining opening up the world here does that work I know I need the help up first online that's cool hold on whoa easy there Skippy and I can go down and around but I know I can also go I flew to the right like this hopefully not destroying too much of the world Oh God oh so I get it I think they must have been an enemy in there it will be easy there is no combat you have black holes for it so I think it will be easy with the health is still all without bearing in mind myself at the moment the help restore now I suppose getting it is kind of important isn't it no honesty is that is that just one cave of health yes there's always a health up top is like a little horseshoe and then there's a health restore no health needed well I'll grab it anyway just in case you never know so the health up all the Alpha stories here gotta go up and right there it is excellent right yeah there you go about 270 max excellent work so we're going to go go place in the pyramid I've never seen before why how just Wyatt attempted to save the game again actually just wasteful man I should have filled my water up bollocks foolish of me I can do one better than this safety hold on let's get the [ __ ] out of here shall we thank you for joining me by the way on this rather interesting run once again we've got game breaking want the fungal caverns bio to in a lucky combination of chainsaws here laughing soon godly I think even got into the slow zone yeah nano recharge is good it's so beautiful go right to the pyramid till you reach question mark question mark yes where the essence is in there for a while we're gonna be off whoa there boy recharge jetpack juice bit up here can we yeah we bombed it yeah yeah all right in a free trial [Music] it welcome to Samoa Airways your flight will be hardly audible but a whole flight the bitchin take is too long to reach the edge of the biome to excuse this noise and it's for a good cause [Music] that's a horrible sound [Music] I really hope this doesn't crush my [ __ ] game there's the pyramid look there re is rest for a moment [Music] as young goddess I'm gonna save the game I can just detect a game crash or something I know it does ham but you never know we've got something good here let's just restart what two seconds everyone and so thank you for joining me for this run finally finally got a good run going here british men learns to play Quidditch only heck do you get crazy ones this early I know it's it's just a whose is only because this one has got always car stem energy old one as kind of all is over tonight's not that gray it's got chainsaws on as well good old chainsaws [Music] Nicholas it's kind of up isn't it as well two question marks I guess it pays me to stay kind of up not it matters either way right so where am I going folks anywhere on the right in the middle up and down we've gone here record timers whatever me oh man cold hands man perch perch on the ceiling then go diagonal up and left go to the roof and West wait what Oh from here up and left halfway up that wall oh damn right why are you saying left and you're going right what I need to get a confirmation on this sorry so what I'm going left until this impassable ceiling is open yet left up half oh okay okay all right I'm gonna go this way me it's very hard to control when boy [Music] all right hang on this halfway no halfway is halfway that is the question [Music] quite a big old wall that about riot I'll halfway to the ceiling it's very specific is it how BIG's his [ __ ] wall okay right so about how can i [ __ ] this up if I don't choose the right position maybe here there's fine sure the room is quite big oh okay well right in here we go shoe bar stay all right straight right yeah lower a little all right I'm gonna go love it in straight right I've more oh this is gonna be enough I'm not seeing anything the Berrian free more two more last one I can yes thank you yes oh yes yes yes yes yes mm-hmm here just just I would have been sick as a big if I run out of a black hole there I would have used sheet GUI and muddy detecting Oh drowning in gold this is an acceptable deaf-owned drowning gold folks I had lazy jewelry but I did indeed hello Logie gold anyone yes I've never been here before I've been do this a similar place um near hell we did a load of traveling around come to me papa oh [ __ ] I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I'm stuck I mean the gold I mean the gold I won't die from this just gonna have to start destroying it I play with my heartstrings like that it's all liquid man I won't die no you can drown okay maybe I'll just stop picking off the edges I think you should farm up some enemies after this make sure you've got enough cold yeah I think so too well what can I say we've basically financially secure now which is always nice to know in life isn't it yeah watch me I'll jet back I don't know where to stand to be honest I mean guess here because we would always be collecting it very hard to drown because you pick up gold yeah uh-huh yeah I know it's just me worrying I'm always a worrier me come for me you don't need all of it that sounds like loser talk to me we've got 60 mm I fink mate [ __ ] lovely don't know if it picks up quicker if you inside it it's a golden shell yes indeed mmm this is good man like the whole 250 K faster inside is it okay this is beautiful it's really beautiful the gold in this game mesmerizes me because it's so gold that sounds ridiculous but it's the sound it's watching Scrooge McDuck as a kid I mean that big room of gold it's like ah it's something to behold and there's 250,000 here is there God some beautiful thing isn't it really is yeah it did a good job of making the gold very gold no mess you've jumped into a run where I'm only on biome - but I've obtained a God wand early on as so I was directed to the this gold room here which is above the essence on the right of the world and past the pyramid and we was lucky enough to be able to fly I'll show you the Wonder after falling off death income in my I'm gonna lose my ship I died it saw something stupid yeah it's really good for re-rolling perks as well so we've probably got the best financial back in here oh that's do like what we got here yeah oh it's a we was quite lucky I'd hate to be your character I can't even touch the ghosts it vanishes what good is your hold if you have it all we have is a died vacuum yes you rule in for a nice little treat here for this run golden shower indeed that's because of this wand isnt modded in or anything it's a genuine wand we found in the wood you called it fungal caverns on biome - I always cast over me pet a chainsaw a wand and that's how we've done here little bit stuck there we go Jesus yeah the latest hotfix said they've changed it they've changed the name of the deer spell to something else now so obviously very important changes here holy blue fart of destruction absolutely dear koi that's it yeah that's the 140 mm here that one should be a war crime it feels so good heavenly wrote three rows with 250,000 do for us God sorry 250,000 dad what's the max re-roll it's 800 isn't it it may have post a link of a screenshot of it what is that skip sorry mate how much more expensive does it get each time I think it does cap out it's a 3,800 or maybe 6000 I don't know we was in the temple of the art a couple of days ago and we had a load of money but not enough to keep doing it Oh dad Iroquois screenshot y'all need release notes this summon deer decoy has been renamed to summon deer koi a very important 6004 possibly rerolls are Exponential's and not a lot much more we got to go no no I'm complaining of financial goodness here how does it go along I'm gonna take Oaks on the [ __ ] greedy bastard and it's free gold so sorry guys I do like a bit of gold in this game and you post somewhere the ones you got during runs on discord me personally I don't but I know a lot of the guys in discord do like to share in the noise or subsection so feel free top in if you so desire let me stand in a safe position we can all say hi to buddy but it's naughty boy yeah you've been asleep types meaner thank you for the follow we're just waiting you know you're in a good position we can walk away from nighter and just not worrying be paid as well for the effort oh yeah here now so it's gonna be about two hundred and fifty thousand sorry that boobs every time you hear he gets like fuii rear o's or so full of money's out I think 400k was after ten rows 10k also it's so the the re-roll price does keep going up then it doesn't cap out goes a lot quicker when you're in it more okay let's do this last little chunk there's no risk of drowning now as we should grab it all it does double wheat reroute arcade in confirmed folks all right then well hundred fifty thousand at all just to be picky every little ounce I'm not leaving anything here and forty nine good going thank you for letting me know about this place I didn't know it's always good to find a new little zone I thought when people mentioned a gold remit they was mentioning the one I've beneath held is one around hell alright let's get out of here and you're gonna have to enjoy the lovely zone at the lovely sound of this [ __ ] wand so bear with me as we fly back to where we should be coming Scrooge McSteamy this is your favorite zone yeah I reckon it is to be honest now it is hey man do excuse the horrid noise now get ready for one-hit-kill Sen Bush I know I think this is the most money I've ever had put it that way at least on the legitimate run [Music] I've got sake then crush my game this is the sound of death by the way pause for a moment [ __ ] sound should be able to get back down here isn't it was it passed alike [Music] it's so one-sided fly might miss you a bit more a bit more a bit more [Music] I love the sound change underwater man [Music] it's down here isn't it get back into my own one Mandy sir should know by now shouldn't I really probably just would've been quicker to go where standard why you know honesty lava lake can come in is it a bird is it an airplane no it's just simply Simo flying fruit God's sake don't dial fall in lava there we go gonna be I want bye-bye shotgun boy oh right then let's get out of here again for the second time Oh No goats like do not fall in the [ __ ] the Hoffa get out of here man we can go down to the third level partly of course so apologetic for this sound there's another in the bottom of the volcano I'm not even gonna risk it um right save and quit once more two seconds folks mistakes incoming now now but make me sweat restarting the game saving and quit in I've heard worse right nighter IIIi folks mental imagine being a dude living in that world in here in a distant thundering sound and suddenly Simo within by a thousand miles one backwards the transportation purposes yes it would be quite wonderful wouldn't it sorry des was you saying something about a wond comp here thing about chainsaws I'm sure we could make this even more crazier but we will work on that no it's legit just sappy what it is we found this wand on biome 2 in the fungal caverns got a light Savin free chainsaws and it always costs time of war that's why does this happen in as legitimate as the German can be yeah thankfully I believe so I don't think Oh always cost is in the base game now isn't it yeah of course is always cast projectile spells LCAP is ridiculous we've had a look at that already it's honestly it's unobtainable the usual ridiculous [ __ ] pots [ __ ] cement and urine it's been like that all afternoon to be honest just absolutely have been small combinations well I mean to be honest is it just the matter of getting to the bottom of the levels now freezing [ __ ] but I don't need go don't know you need a wand quite honestly damage-wise I'm not gonna beat this gods are active by it away so I'm not gonna get the hell [ __ ] straight away I'm gonna shank him inside of his shield as this thing is still not very good in of itself right are we about to be made warm and fuzzy check please it's got to be as it are in Jesus I thank you for this day can yes thank you as well oh man what a run OD enemies are gonna be killed folks so des des des des des des des des what happens on a rear Oh after poke lottery it does reroll the perks the ones that aren't picked yeah if it does it most certainly does the two chainsaws [Music] that doing it more I think it is I think it is let's do it even more okay get rid of the lightsaber you reckon that's what's giving us our thing isn't it the charge today you chainsaws with two chainsaws with laser without two chainsaws does it make a blind bit of difference to be honest hello Val a fun Caverns it's an always cast or thing with chainsaws on the laser needed to mana right of course of course of course of course [Music] that's nice I was just admiring that put on triple cast it's gonna do man it Manor isn't it or is it no think that's gonna affect it since I'd there's only one spell on there is an air [Music] ridiculous had one some time ago like this but of magic bolts oh my god the laser was able to dig into hard surfaces just catching up on your messages I mean it's an orb somewhere and I've accented make I think we couldn't go but triple Carson a bit of the two chainsaws and it should be one cast for all we see the difference here it looks more spreaded isn't it how are you Edgington by the way I don't I have to say isn't it I don't honestly don't think that it's doing anything this goes against the mana conservation of the law magnetics you can add a drop bolt modifier in front of the chainsaw it's limited though to drop bot modifier and very wearing tonight of a rough day yesterday but I'm feeling much better today it made better by you guys and these epic runs and noises so yes thank you for coming behind me I'm always a pleasure never a chore I want to see if it affects the way it costs orbs so to drop a bolt modifier which is a payload modifier from the spellbound mod yeah okay that does stuff we'll leave that be possible riffing come in here get help restore I don't need anything this always cast on this is a this is the one run the run one of what I've got currently why is that [ __ ] all stuck somewhere you know I should restart the game I think we've got like an audio loop hang on folks interesting yeah it's only spellbound have to be honest have you seen much of spellbound new spells or anything today enemy has a one that you're hearing is exactly why we do what we do glad you better don't have any questions and yeah just a tired rough day just feeling poo few miles better today I think we're all good go through the floor with black holes what so we don't break the temple yeah can do I the hell not whoa oh it's home in a force yeah sweet o homing Ward wand basically means the rest of this game is not important you know honestly unless I by myself are all I wished for a god wand and I've got a god one so here we are basically nothing can survive its homing we've got the homing poke we are absolutely blessed here and this freezing vapor gets to us like it's gonna touch us the only trouble is with this wand is the distance which can be negated by the speed up obviously that will use manner so it's not that good you know for most enemies it's fine well we've got an enemy of a wand and it ones any mode would be you you spells out - you have all the code in new one looks like a donkey d i've crazy ID for this one sorry chats moving fast here full in cast hang on folks a crazy idea includes a hex cast and a bunch of chainsaws the time orb hits the target the hex casts six chainsaws where it lands says des that sounds fun your face man is a streamer luck mainstreamer luck I've earned this bloody God run excited and dreadful day yesterday and there orange EU eyes and a pretty crappy day annoys her again today so I think we have started to earn some goodness here right okay din I don't have to stay here at all I've got money I've got ones yeah we go wreck up the he C bar I just need immunities now then we've fortified this run forever the YEC bar oh and then helps of course actually I should stay for help ups that's why I should do cuz the EC base has good health one essentially has a good health care plan for those turrets thank you for joining me on this rather wonder wonderful run right we've got fully encased or been tossed [ __ ] rocks men don't if I can get in there I've got no acid oh no got black - of course sitting me why do I forget why I have all the time death will help say water boy get home in scumbags scumbags man steady on I got a go to these cuz this that's gonna be the end of me isn't it you just know it I'm gonna wait for that to clean good have a beverage Oh one-handed war is a turret [ __ ] my views my own theis don't home on the only trouble with home in have a wall of death okay her wonderful run go test the speed up I didn't pick up the gold hello made the evil waffle it's going alright we've got a rather tasty wand here hold on folks hold on let me just dispatcher these bastards [ __ ] don't home the wrong way for God's sake you need to get in there get in there man shout out a jetpack juice right yes welcome to this beautiful run tasty rain you have a chance of energy orbs homing speeds them up to homing does speed them up the only trouble with that speed ups bill is it uses mana so at the end of the world we could go back and have a look to be honest um I mean I rush for it in all honesty I'd rather look for help ups for the moment yeah I need that [ __ ] man espera you know did the energy orb that does well basically infinite mana right I can die to those canisters I'm not invulnerable yeah as much as I think I am I've still got to take lots of care God's sakes man to get damaged by isn't it yep keep it up mate keep the medics oh sorry you got killed by the crate didn't he sake pull him off death incoming possibly I'm not careful don't home man I need you to dig more talks [ __ ] tox is a nightmare isn't it really is go get it bottled up for it goes I've gotta make sure there's no freezing canisters in here which has happened in the past as well buyer beware [Music] only we had recoil dampener as well that would be make life so much nicer as well oh it's a tiny pig so come on that's mental fools to you man we've actually lost a bit of help due to toxin I might even go and consult a medic if I can why is there so much tox everywhere this is Pete hold on little dribble there come on back in you go come on get it detoxed speed up and heavy shot will make this build mana should be no issue as long as you stay below 50 oh really just recycle this water oh Cape right so you want to go and have a look cause we're here hold on let's go and have a look at this speed up shall we juice not to be needed we can fly oh no [ __ ] why [ __ ] on that way ice to end it ones in the alright it's all cursed it's all cast it's all cold place was cursed sorry I thought you're just a destroyed area chick by the gods that was my bad lessons were known that's the important thing Emily hours of her played over 200 that's fine we can find a medic for an easy base all is well when life gives you lemons or when you win like when you find your own lemons rather than get given the lemons you still got to make lemonade so that's fine this is fine just gotta find a friendly neighborhood medic and we'll be good just got to keep our nose clean whoa look as godly as I would like right now I might have to bounce I rather get to the end and perhaps find a help up oh god we got easyboys incoming and a sniper don't get talk'st hmm we're all good some up someone's in in there 111 health there is a medic and everyone there by fire and ice oh man do not lose this run to an arbitrary death it's myself I have the watch I know I think someone's gonna go for that wonderful not careful it was a medic in there like this movie desperately desperately desperately need him in my life he's surrounded by a big boy I can draw them out [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] me just kill him is that laser as well don't know what the lasers do but I know they're not good news I don't know what this guy does don't want to I need to lure the medic over come come come come next temple is near I know all right awful it's crap all right let's go too risky 88 Hill too close for comfort God is here by the way b15 it's very respectable that's so cool look bigger there which can be modified to be a healing spell it's not done as well as I would like I got shank him again hold on God get in his shield there we go excellent Ryan Taksim UHN happy days Alex Taksim you is great and we're being ticked by that ticked off a sly miss circle of vigor oh hello mattress Murdoch thank you [Music] I would like the test slimmest and always cast or bond no one with healing spell drop it to an enemy and that's not the healing projectile that is the eating circle FYI thank you so much Metris Murdock for a year subscription there oh wow some distance there what about one all of these chainsaws my god got an emu so keep the tubes that gives us manner sustain is that a help or a hindrance I don't know [Music] I mean we are getting some distance admittedly yeah so - so you want damage up I don't have damage up do I do it's heavy shot not damaged up damaged up if it works or maybe chainsaws in front to speed up heavy heavy shots trigger from the orb right why do I want slime sorry the sub Sam doesn't do some hype hell yeah it does I don't have any explosions do I - what do you mean put on this one I don't have slime enemy thing and it's chewing in manner Oh heavy shot makes it tick does it oh right i sorry I didn't realize it dad I'll suppose it does add damage isn't in here what was that combo tin sorry des damage up so I missed change those trains was on the end very different slow missed woof obviously tuned for the mana dive isn't it [Music] Plus speed up God careful the manner folks it's it's infant isn't it why is the slime not lingering no this isn't sly missus spell bounds payload modifiers which is basically making our orbs into a sly mist plus home in as well just speed up just speed up might be too quick for home in no regular slime worst would actually be better yet since actually modifying so it might not be as good as we're expecting perhaps I don't know and really choosing to the manor being able to shoot further is better without slime or heavy shot with one chainsaw - Oh always gotta be on the end folks why not to speed up heavy speed up heavy in chainsaw speed up heavy because it choose from in a manner like no man's business that's firing anyone who's not homing on as well no he can so speed speed up a fix or orbs big one comes going on here if you put triple cars with two chainsaws and speed up you can speed up all but manna might be gone yes I probably think so past two dollars and speed up on folks hold on it's also making my recall very very strong heavy shot speed up we shot speed up slime mist mod triple-triple scatter Jesus free chainsaws free chainsaws you say Jesus whatever God want a new reckoning thing caught in a mist is gonna get ticked ticked off Jesus does have infinite sustain when it's out of mana as well let's not forget I've gotta call here so that should be destroyed it's going from its sustained hem so we do worried I'm gonna go with that does that looks like a load of fun I like this setup yeah let's give it a go it's only the jungle the jungles are pushover to be honest is that monstrosity dig through the temple yes indeed it is a always cast all pond I found in the fungal caverns a biome - and yes it is a monstrosity any questions Jesus Oh medic I've got a project for you mr. medic thank you thank you thank you that's pretty good isn't it a world end in wand would it blend that is the question take on the dragon um we're not gonna find a better one than this in all honesty and I don't know very munity I don't really want to whisk it whisk it for a stupid thing we don't need money won't buy everything in I don't want to I mean I should be able to kill the dragon in all fairness I don't know I just would hate to lose this the mist would proc all right okay let's go destroy the dragon in and that's a pretty that's got the turrets pen on the top of the bullet from the turret monster it's just a matter of who hits first I mean you can one-shot each other absolutely no chance it lives he does give a help up he does all right all right let's go let's go and find out on my head beer if I get instantly killed which is a possibility because it's happened before let's say you've got good health ear am I still going for the gold it's such a natural instinct I don't really need to always it helped up here as well okay let's go for it just don't miss when it spawns not guaranteed you can dodge him with your wand yes I let's get through this guff here it's a nice bit of Transportation isn't it interesting up there Wow watch out for the boys and boys nice it's pretty powerful isn't it it's really quite nice yes I am still going for the gold I can't help it I'm a gold addict that's the electric God's little spell they're pretty destructive not saying I really want to trifle with in all honesty well mr. cloud disposition is to protect our hits it doesn't stay around for long I've taken a thousand damage from Dragon in one flyby so be careful have I tried to alchemy yes I have loam I have indeed well-versed in the joys of alchemy we try and do it every time if the seed lends us the yes or miss with we've pretty much done most things in the game to be honest now we're quite well versed in the ways igniter well it's taking out those spiders and hello by the way welcome welcome everyone hope you enjoying this rather epic god run it's by tantalising we're going we're going for the dragon my opinion we don't really need to but at the same time I'm intrigued to see how good this is damage-wise hope you'll do it in a couple of hits cuz I'll be very sad if it doesn't put it that way Oh ice froa that's a nice little wand as well isn't it thank you might as well it will be sights damage so he ignores armor I really hope it does just burn through by power alone it does ignore bubbles if that's what you're thinking it's when we take on the gods we have to jump inside the God and kill him that way I've met a dragon twice in the end boss once but does the dragon have more health minion boss ever done any alternative endings yes I have I've done one involving the moon and I won't say much else I'm just gonna restart in case we have some tomfoolery here hold on I don't actually need to top up my water focus I'm running low and it's all lukewarm and I need to go for a quick bio so a couple of minutes well minute-and-a-half have a little intermission here again IRL water flask needs filling up it's low it's lukewarm and it's horrible so bear with me to say it is time for the dragon I really hope we can do this we technically should do I'm even going to put my tactical gloves on for this right here we go wish me luck oh if I die by this I'm gonna be sick as a pig right get the trigger point which is going to be about here thank you for the follow come on you [ __ ] yes good stuff good stuff well you guys were correct it was very good bro brunette Bruno think of it a follow we've got drone portable strike drone Lance nothing too good on there but it's too castor her good stats wise all the place in Miami good deal man the spiral des is the you know the ghosts in the temple of the art where they shoot the spiral and it goes in a circle pretty cool highest non tower one I've ever seen very nice so I think we it should be a matter of urgency we should just go now I am to be honest not gonna find much else here [Music] because we've kind of got a game winning set here I could look for a help up but we might be a rule day there's a chest up there that could very well be a help up hold the phone don't put it that way we've got plenty yeah I'm gonna bounce so what's happening with this wand folks it's we found us in the fungal caverns in biome to always cast orb and really what's gotten areas chainsaw you could also look for a wonderful manner reduce you could do I just don't want to risk out don't again sideswiped by something I hold on hold on hold on edit ones only where focus and Max help as well could we get perk lottery working for us pleased or in Jesus smashed in the face come on perk lottery yes [ __ ] yes and re-roll me wrong ooh that's tax turn it yes 75% poke a lottery buff and there's another speed up on there speed ups taxed isn't it on another circle of vigor thing we haven't set up a circle of vigor every way but circle of vigor isn't going to work because it's going to home to the enemy it's not going to work for me mining [ __ ] here don't need any more digging capability this is so going on you to miss it is hello YouTube um I really need anything at this stage in the game not to be overly confident here I made it man so as I could of this I'm not struggling for [ __ ] money am I put it that way I guess I could take out a fourteen cars chainsaw my god look he's chainsaws this isnt modded in this is all what i found on this run oh that's not actually that good recharge must be pooh two-second quadruple caster is nice to have i guess okay then so let's buy that up number four big green ones are worm one tablet don't let me forget it speed up before going tough still carrying TNT around yeah and my bombs are man there's another chainsaw there why not so I grab the green one back so much wasted money and Oh kitten hello everyone thank you for joining me on this rather than mazing run speed on the black hole wand could do couldn't i bob have to give up free then again i would technically use less and it is shuffle yeah it's fun edit ones anywhere folks we can now that we've got that we could take up all of the black holes and just have black hole and to speed up yeah we can edit in and you do one thing what is that decimate what can i do for you man put the lance instead of the chainsaw on wand one did I take the Lance off I think I did I always do I like Lance instead of surprise cough surprise mechanics Lance can be wool there's a bit of DPS Boyer Jesus one for Lance to wand one too much man across the air to shame I like Lance good old spell alright then let's continue on we've got load of health perk lottery I just got get for it we've no need to oh yeah thank you for that I always almost forget here now the only danger to me really is myself being too aggressive so I'm gonna take it relatively easy it with Taksim in so it's just fire and freezing vapor and acid now just got to get from it putting out the fire with so much firepower here or being tox by something something it's ticking me and I don't know what I don't vote my volt yikes okay let's go look at that just cleaning it up sponges in it I think no I'd ever gets destroying it gum on the floor how is it the slime cleaning it so to speak I don't think so I'm linking things up in my mind gotta get through this so it's a good old song black hole my way to victory no that works don't even think about it now Isis so denied one month I already like I said that's what I've got over lookout for here and I'm not melee immune so there's a lot of little a DD melee based enemies in this zone so just making my eyes out those little green [ __ ] those guys they're a nightmare I'm tox immune so don't worry so much firepower good feels man freezing vapor oh did we just make it disappear go back to the temple and remove speed up from one one if it was on there I've got it it ones anyway fan I can take it off well you don't think it's working for a speed-up you sure I've got off of them oh are you thinking it's not ticking enough too many costly more clouds is sort of instead for damaged ticks Rajaraja nice it was enough for one bear careful now and yes I am still going for the gold I've got to go for the gold man lot of numbers there yikes humming gives range anyway it does indeed whoa that's lava careful now watch out for that freezing vapor thing for God's sake that is how we're gonna die if we're gonna die I don't plan on dying but you never know look at plaque holders wiping up like me don't get frozen for God's sake something's still down there hold on what do we got faster larvae to blood or an idiot ones anyway run that's quite tantalizing isn't it hold on let's take that have any troopers oh I don't think sure we can retrofit something oh hello there bye there hi mark well someone's gotta let it's one of those electric boys I don't like those fellows nasty customers man see ya pretty sure I can meet my end with those boys we can have larvae or there is some dripping isn't there all right is it clear no it's not there I can't get range on him hang on joy of edit ones anywhere right there we go prick that's why no it's always there um 400 health do I look for health apps I've got loads of health difficulties one see what's on um might be something godly Oh careful with those boys I'm not that a immune out nor my fire immune steady on we've got company and plenty of larvae to boot PEC juice what we got timer sparks for lovers of blood timer sparks no let me take one maybe a couple just for the hell of it get rid of that replace them before I pause the game and chat with you guys the miss makes you gooey which puts out fire now of course do you do you want to get to new biome and new Endon if you can get through that new biome yeah would you mean skip mate sorry you can actually put laughed pod on your second one for emergencies dude but yeah I suppose I could do I'm we're at the temple now I think I'm gonna go I just want to like I said I just want to get through this I wanna get Didion man let's get topped up on water lava to blood you can kill the end boss and go for new ending stayin fired a Guardian lava triplet doesn't laugh at the blood doesn't need trigger magic oh no burn mine we're not male aim immune in the mo careful yes didn't even take a hit for immune should I roll on extra life don't foresee myself going extra life oh no as a proper misters there ooh hold on let's do perks that's what we do spells we have a little bit of a real role and a material is bone dust what am i after many immunity it comes one of these boys hold on let's look good but not really required God 100 [ __ ] god that's chewing a fruit of money isn't it well this is the last Jesus I didn't realize it was going up so quick this is pretty much my last re-roll folks so do I take the extra heart up or do I do the final rear Oh got one roll for JT roll know if is always good I do find a lot of health up some temple of the art folks FYI we do have one more health and Mo restore if I roll this and get [ __ ] spider legs and plague rats I'm gonna [ __ ] myself road and bones all right then here we go drum roll please for the final row of the orb God run is I'm going to cover my screen and it better be saying really [ __ ] gooks I'm going to be pissed off of aim well yeah I guess that's fine no come in devil edit ones then I know we do a lot of swimming in the double ones I can edit more ones anyway man [ __ ] me well good thing we had that money I write so sly mist folks mists everyone where was that's the proper sly mist oh it does hey this also does the timer thing it's this better damn it's a two caster this could be another god bond its shuffled oh [ __ ] - cast delay oh it's 77 Reed child's out need more things witness shuffle is this a replacement mine is better doesn't always necessarily matter because it will be always Carsten especially with a chainsaw it does have their mana that's the recharge time be a bit troublesome those practically double yeah I don't know it's kind of the same thing don't haven't really been to rest for mana halfway I mean a [ __ ] it go for it so I got plenty of chains was Evan I guess number two can go grab as many chains as I can god they're running low on guff here aren't I Jesus well how about it sorry do this instead put it on the dragon wand old man hold the phone a replace fact with whoever this still a chainsaw on there hold on don't waste that go do the circle of Viggers cuz they home they'll be useless to us compare mana recharge rate and recharge yep 96 on our base wand and 200 here all right no no let's give it a go so we've got more sustain and number two let's try that combo out this toy box crystal shot that is this sniper isn't it always constant news man yes indeed and thank you for the follow sama sorry just in the middle of a wand compare let us get rid of all of this guff a timer the enemy yeah get rid of a trigger over a timer so called Frode tena who will keep a technical timer they're always fun a little to be dropping heels down although I'd rather had that over drop a bolt you can blast we don't need Rock hex someone said something about fun hex combo will get will keep that expel bubble spell warp spelled F cross I think we're past deaf crossing although we'll take that over at that buy it buy it sorry holy bomb and I want to try this number two which is the sniper yes very cool the sniper spell then why it's pink those that are in effect very cool a get orange mist from wand one in shop good even hello Ritchie how I about welcome to bonus nighter day the orange orange mist old a whiskey miss do I want another whiskey what was I gonna do the ticking stuffer after death so number two can go can't it proper miss will stay after hitting okay right so let's have a look at that so heavy shot odd cast chainsaw free and missed very slow and [ __ ] that is honey that is a spellbound payload modified spoiler that spellbound is a mod pack can it adds new synergies basically to the game and some new spells to play with it will home yes it will home that is true will it home to that guy I've got it ones anywhere had speed up in front of quad cast alright and this does tick damage yeah too much mana cost yes indeed and what was the the good one that we bought we've always cast thing on its this one isn't it so that can [Music] so many [ __ ] spells here that one I want to have back and replace all of that only decide sniper spell so this is the new replacement there might be a little bit better I might be a bit too random that miss should tick like mad obviously it's a shuffle wand there's got home from school nice to see you or a no beam how aya other ku enemies if it doesn't reach them yeah this is true yeah what what is making the missed it because we don't have electric mr. scottson doesn't it or is it a heavy shot taking it well how about this then should we need it I'm going to put exactly what we had on previously that's that yes don't think the courts doing anything is it and I think we can get rid of a chainsaw can't we uh get rid of deaf cross I rather have or chainsaws dummy of course hopefully that will work tick we've got to speed up 720 hold on chainsaw and it's chainsaw it up man apparently this will tick Simo hello did you do time a spark heavy shot and missed I'm a spark even with shuffle we're getting a bit heavy here on me I think is its shuffle ain't gonna work I want an on shuffle wand oh you want to have the okay good idea timer spark may be shot and missed and then have our mental one on this one yet oh yeah yes look at that [Music] mental victime mental amiss should be super deadly and can be sped up with chainsaws if you so desire alright then have a look I think it's just yet to cast delays in it more than anything on those a vortex burst and make sure other projectiles orbit here excuse me a charm target becomes friendly to caster I miss you oh not like this always the combo dead not working a Drupal cast odd on so quad cast timer have you shocked missed reacts chainsaws there we go back up with our secondary wand [Music] it is spellbound this is folks this is why we have these red little crosses some new spells in the gaff here that was triple cast was it oh yes it was sorry God [Music] well regardless we've got fire power here and homey and critical brass and loads of health are we good to go with that apparently this will tick let's change less chainsaws were more missed yeah yeah I guess that's good good enough to go yeah okay if we find a car minute we've been reroll in quite a lot cuz well reasons thank you for a dictaphone for a finder every every [ __ ] stepping away okay sorry I forgot about we don't have mini immunity [ __ ] sake right there's the thing there why is this gonna tick I think I see ticks it's ticking all right another homing bloody whiskey one here nice I think that's appearing to work just gotta be careful of this fireman [Music] nice so I'm not fire immune it's the only trouble oh yeah that's working lovely well done there that's I am for immune aren't I sorry all right so it's just explosions I was a fakie - once again you one comp in the spelling in the rumors that you're not very good at this there we go oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god careful now nicely done we've got another killer app here killer one D but not a killer app we got in the mobile market it's not yet fresh bang wallop there is a video I could get one more DPS out of this one biome horrible hmm I don't know suppose I do need gold again now 43,000 from my 200,000 I had I get to get homing in boys what a rather dramatic madness has been little even after a good god run the game today guess I could just black hole to victory to be honest Atul got plenty of help for the boss yikes man your home in mist is just ridiculous oh it's another one what we got in a temple of the art and you're giving me that [ __ ] really dude whoops really come on new killer ethics called Evelyn Partridge absolutely big-time fan whatever they are okay let's get through this Oh Polly guy there careful we had a fine to a poly guy today no no we are not we're just getting straight to the boss with smack in his ass enjoy hello Deb the raid thank you I know how I about welcome to this rather beautiful run here we are smashing up things good and proper and a bit of a hell [ __ ] why the hell not how are you buddy thank you so much for the little man and welcome Raiders so I'm just having a forked I guess I could just black hole to victory to be honest careful of that [ __ ] I died to that before mmm I think we're in a temple already actually yes we are let's just go for it man let's go let's show this boss how it's done a personal gravity field but but but nope thank you ah you still got me you slime bag good bro stream for nearly 11 hours and so close to a filly oh very nice I'm congratulations mate you get in then I remember waiting for a bloody last couple of people you want balance do ya balance is good but it does affect the office isn't it I know it making some stick around longer more knock back over concentrated spells yeah it's a bit of it [ __ ] it just go for it I trust in DES all right we're gonna go blow this face off very nice I just got to keep up bow you can do it Jesus there we go pretty good affair good speed good speed like you're not gonna need to dig any more this is true oh well that's good [ __ ] folks that bounce did it bounce did nothing or did do its job and we're gonna do the tower I am I am gonna do the tower but not right now folks as well I need my dinner and I'm my eyes are getting tired for those of regulars here I start my 2 p.m. stream after my day of work like straight after I'm done at 2 p.m. so my eyes are absolutely hot right now so I need to have some dinner I need to walk the dog I need to have a little bit of rest Wednesday's a bonus there shouldn't even be streaming today but good thing I did or sorry I shouldn't even be extremely noisy today and Wednesday is normally my variety day so I'm going to save an exit here and we can continue this on tomorrow hello again here we are part two splice together here as we've continued so we've just killed the bus and we continuing on with this rather epic I forgot how epic this one is it's always cast Albourne so we're gotta stay alive we do have I believe in love too let's spell yes we do so let's do that you've got it ones anywhere that's fine I think we had a misting on here you're gonna have to give me a couple of minutes to get my bearings we did have lava flowing we're gonna do exploration I'm just another fiying this lava at the moment get all of that drained and fixed and happy and will continue on thank you all for joining me we're not going through Paul we are going up there's no active lava on that it's a little bit disconcerting isn't it we're gonna do the tower and we're gonna go mental quite honestly and hello shoot [Music] is it Christmas yet it's not quite not quite we've got bloody noise are coming out of our ears haven't we okay lava to blood has been neutralized so yeah we had this mr. SAP if you wait for the mana regen here so what this is doing I think we had some sort of trigger didn't we trigger miss so the mist was propping the enemies I think I can probably take that off now I don't I can't remember how destructive this was so let us continue up I might have to have a little tweak and stuff before I get too into as we are literally about to head to the tower we just make sure all of this is safe although I'm not gonna fooled in any nasty surprises here so rather than rather got run here fresh on a Thursday yes we've changed a You Tube as I take that off I'll keep the misting on sort of minute no in actual fact remember that layout folks I'm gonna take all of that off for digging yeah take the mist off and take the triggers hopefully they will act the same oh no we want a heavy shot as well don't be so remember heavy shot shouldn't be on there we're gonna be digging up into top left here and we could be going oh no that's hurting me ow why is it in me that's highly irregular let me close cheap GUI is where my help I don't know why that's hurting disk insane good now actually I own oh is this my Digimon sorry you'll have to bear with the recoil here it's a little bit crazy to take this with me because some people joining us here right out the gate on our double no it's a Thursday hello ting day I've got good news great news and the question good news I got hunting showdown the other day and it's great fun great news I completed the remnant from the shadows yesterday it was fantastic and great fun strongly recommend it if I play dubs over yet no I have not in day no it's still on the list hello Ignace hello kif hello Dean hello Chris again hello ok yes folks that we've well yeah we were all in the gun run we've done the boss we're heading to the tower and wondering know why am I even bothering of this I've got black holes so top left and up in actual facts hold the phones sister on there we've got speed up we go oh it's shuffle shhh don't waste them probably gonna need them so free don't really think we need black holes in all honesty it's just this tough rock that's a bit of a pain and the same for the temple of the art as well so what I will do I'm gonna get rid of it would do I want to get rid of hex number 1 [Music] get rid of hex for now so make sure we're not wasting these black holes keep the miss cause we're using them I don't want to get rid of my triggers I want to go into my timers because I'm use I'm literally using everything here so for now I'm gonna put all of the black holes back on just so I don't mistakenly use them speed up and go back on there didn't we have a spare black hole I do believe we did so we've got our DPS and speed up on this one it's a 2 caster and yeah we're going a bit crazy here poke lottery twice yes indeed black holes do get a lot of range with speed up as well so we're gonna head straight to that Big Bopper you scumbag you absolute scumbag right so that's why we had to one sorry I forgot about a second one that was the combination again I believe it was damaged up chainsaw did we have a timer in here as well and then missed is that all I think that was right doesn't run one no that's not right [ __ ] triple spell ah right do we have triple first if we know I think we had quad did we we could have to rebuild that one [ __ ] I should have left it hello I enjoy hello everyone yes sorry we did did have a that's not correct did I have a speed-up in there I don't think I did bucket chainsaw was last was it I might have to do for now I can't stairs I thought my bed time far too long already i watch all videos on you jus I never kept your stream since it's an absurdly yeah or of the morning for me well hello Ellie thank you for coming by thank you for watching any of my videos to be honest or but welcome welcome everyone respected did at our we've got a looming god run all of the immunities of see and I to always cost energy up ones here rather amazingly and the missed here is proc in the enemies so we are rather good here for the moment we we don't have any more health restores and thank you so much folks welcome welcome to this and how I know why that's not deep the orbs on digging the boundless perk on of course yes we picked up boundless burning at before before we took on the boss good music that is the bounce bouncing orbs stay around forever and that mr. procane please there we go necessary taking damage here why my even collecting gold I no longer need gold lackadaisical him I'm not used to hopping into epic runs I normally do them all in one here so you're gonna have to bear with me here mm that could be a help up could be a wand do I do a thing oh no chaos Upali there what's in there but God's sake don't die too chaotic Polly let us not waste this run yeah I'm gonna have to wait for our resident expert desk to come back fix this missed one I think it's fine because what's happening is the mist is proc units to intake damage I'm gonna have to pay attention here not waste hellooo goody you know one six feet already for no real reason other than being careless so we've got a head riot I've got homing homing missed doing rather tasty damage there's one there necessarily need ones at a minute that might as well have a little look if I can be so bold bear with me oh this is a chainsaw believe it or not they'll cut through the powder and go and have a look it was good man well stay away pal where's recoil dampener when we need a name delightful wow that's a let's say yeah pretty tantalizing ones don't really need of quake to be honest hmm I got the power I have something to show you my friend do your iron what have you got I mean this good man also practically insta-kill to Dragon without many immunity yeah I was surprised because my streamers I so just threw it away luminous drill is basically overpowered similar ones are some of the most highly entertaining think you folks for the kind words yes we are heading we are heading left for the most part I don't know if I should go down and around to be honest I don't think I need bloody earthquake as fun as it is Homer's The Simpsons kind that's doing fine we've got one of those boys which can be killed careful now see he does yeah I need to find his little purple crystal you little scumbag getting right in the way there it is it's down there we'll take that out there he goes that has had left what for acid and we want to get the tower unscathed ideally if we can be so Bob now it's one thing having oh [ __ ] we've got a ghost worm we don't have melee immunity do we know me down so he clobbers me I'm gonna be in a smaller bother I'm gonna wait for full mana recharge here whatever poly not again not again not again not again not again so ways the poly well at least part two will be easy to cut down for YouTube my god what a waste of a run well in actual fact it's kind of a blessing in disguise as much as I love restarting runs I like to be reinvested in a fresh run for a new days so and of just as well but still devastating [ __ ] ridiculous well that's a run that's all your votes in YouTube really enjoyed your play for Israel she is from Indiana hello from India thank you for the beads so generous of you well what can I say folks we're going to start another one here on Twitch because I've just started my stream before YouTube that's a great run hope you enjoyed we've dyed to Puli again and we'll be back for more but for us on Twitch
Views: 11,502
Rating: 4.8723402 out of 5
Keywords: simosimo, simosimo twitch, noita gameplay, noita secrets, noita streamer, noita playthrough, noita commentary, best noita wand, noita tips, noita boss, roguelike streamer, noita god run, noita secret ending, noita alchemy, noita deaths, noita gold room, noita gold biome, always cast wand noita, noita money, wand tips noita, secret levels noita, best streamer 2019, noita full playthrough, noita polymorphine
Id: XN0klj89odg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 9sec (9729 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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